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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1919)
PAGE FIVE. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEEXY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1919. "iviniMi:iu.iii: ti- Tilt: imti:d statics (iVEniL.r FAR;,! mm BOMDS ISSUED UNDER THE FEDERAL FARM LOAN ACT Dated November 1, 1918 DUE November 1, 1938 Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter est date after five years frcm date of issue. Coupon bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi i:ation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually. May 1 ?t and November 1 st. Principal and interest pa'able at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed c ral Farm Loan Board of the United States government. Exempt from AH Federal, State, Municipal and Local Taxation! 1 his exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and income frcm these bonds need not be included in returns PRICE ON APPLICATION Ohas. G. Parrnele, Bank of Cass County Plattsmouth Nebraske s s 8 a : r 2 s s s c: s : e: "s: a B M m B R a 5 E D S p MALI J : B .,B :;: B .. BOB 2 ..H :. IT5S ell Paoer TIME 2 mm EMIL BARRY OF ALVO IN HEROIC ARMYBiViSION CITED DI GZNEIiAL ORDERS FOR BRAVERY AND DAR ING AGAINST KUNS. FORCED CROSSING DF MEUSE Alvo Eoy Overseas. Doing Kis Bit for Liberty, Helped to Accom plish Difficult Task. Citizens of Alvo and Cass county in peneral may well be promt of our fellow Cuss county citizen. Emile Itarry, who is on duty with the Fifth Division, which was commended for its bravery and in effecting a crossing; of the River Meuse art! de stroying machine gun nests ;uul en emy positions some nine kilometers in the enemy lines. In "General Orders No. 7:1" issued from Headquarters. Fifth Division, Major General Ely, commanding:, pays high tribute to the men cf his command for their tenacity cf pur pose, which he says has gained the attention of ottcers higher up. A copy of "Genera! Orders No. 711" was given to each man serving in the command, and 'we are gL,J to pro duce the same in full below: Hi:. I .j I ", I ;t K f . if ii ;i n K Km:...-. X.. VI K! FT1I i.t i Ms.try I ! ViSH X P.. !-.. ' 1 . Noel Foreman passed away at his home Tue-uay afternoon after a week's illness. He was the son of leaves a wife and son. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jordan read the go-jd news last week that their -o:i, Sam, had arrived safely from overseas service and is now at Camp Merritt, N. J. Ilarlen Volte shipped his car of goods to Denton, Nebraska. Tuesday, and they will live on a farm near that place which he owns. We ex tend best wishes for their future. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stroemer and family moved Monday into the Maur ice Cashner property, which was re cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shau er. they having resided there since September , 1903. Fred Weaver, of South l!end. and Mr. and Mrs. George I'. Foreman and son, Judd Weaver, of the l. S. Navy and daughter, Mrs. Eula Lackey and sons, of Minatare, Nebraska, autoed up from South P.end Thursday to at tend the funeral of J. H. Stroemer. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer and cotuin. Bonn Weaver, were guests Sm-'iav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Join: Campbell, at South Bend, where a dinner was given in honor of Judd Weaver, who was home ou a fur lough from New York, where he is in the V. S. Navy. lie left Monday to n-port for duty, although he is epeting to be relieved in the near future. Designs are numerous in the large assortment of new and unique patterns we are now showing. We h ave so many beautiful color effects as to render the selection of Wall Papers here a very pleas ant bit cf shopping. FRANK GOSELMAN. jj I X'i . 7:; 1. il is wit'. 'j jtiid j.. aiii- tintl'the !':viM'!i I !)iMiirr a i ! - tin- ;it- T'-T-tiOil !' isiol: t i. . X" II. "iii i'i-i ;..s. ft X-' em Ik -r ft!. l'-'Iv .-i !i if- O mi nia:.. it-!- .-it; ' !!;- Fifth Iivis:ni t'.-r r Vi ri ., is jgf ! airai'ist The n.-ni- in jx'itti-n. a t-rn?---- inir t ' I 1 1 tlive:- .M'-usi- ni-a'' I'liii u'.in B nea r I ri-ti ! Is. tuindiriir lridr's sunt ff w:mti:nsr th" riv-r in t h tat .f m.i-Blj.hit:.- pill! aTui airiil.-iv ti:- ;inl in iui- van. 1:11; u;i- nin- I; i 1 !Ti-1 iu i.h BJ !!. -v-'.-j 1,-1 tit .t to tin- virintty "f ' ! :ra t ! i ', : TMs actinri iHt -t;lv im- 1 .-.v.--,-.! t!,- -fit :'.u,k tl.f XVll i Obituary of J. H. Stroemer J. Herman Stroemer was born at Neb-.tha City. Otoe county. Nebras ka, en June 2 0". IS 6 0 and passed avav :--t his home in Alvo. Nebraska, oil March 11, 1 0 1 J . at the age of 5S year . S months and 1 " days. A' the age of If. he united with Lutheran church. Alter com plete g his education in the year of i:-7!) he moved with his parents to; " .Springs. Gage county. Nebras ka, '.-here they took up claims. In lsS!- he was united in marriage to Mis? Gesine Rogg. To this union were born two children. Ir. lS!r, thev located on a farm ir.ear Waterville. Kansas, residing i! r n r-:-h "':: anl na !!.. I tt-ar cnriw ! to i;.. .-. i.i:t :,;'k.- t-,.- ! : ru- t --itheri nine rears and then locr.tin,: i ' T,; --. -f ; i-ii:.ti arrtiv. ar-l i-v I " ' - : . r t Vi w n frp hp on i " North Sixth Street R '.ft ' Si C . 5.:2 B E b e s a tt Plattsmouth, Nebr. 2 - S . 3 ,; 3' : a " 5' . . ' S": 3. .. K :;'H. LITTLE fiiAE MOORE SUGCUMBS THKEE YEAP. OLD DAUGHTER OP VlR. AND SIRS. A. T. MOORE LIES THIS MORKIKG. that grim monster death, to w bom we must all bow our heads in sub misfion sk)'ut or la'er. Ei.t evening her condition was such that it seemel the end would soon come, so violent had bec-n the struggle throughout the day. And o. alter midnight, it was m,i r-nr-prising that the strength beg:n to fail rapidiy and the labored l-ruth- i'ie si;h"iilfd .ii't with tbo rm irf i t - w ; 1 1 -ri-'i t li a n.i t came the apprer.ent.ion of the :' ...u -:t inns mi t!. i !.;!!;!; i at t ' t;.,.;"':s'r..:,:!,;:,"'v , wv ' I in the lumber and grain busi es! i :!. li'.m ttr- .iii.-i st af, 1st Army, ness ;:nl in 1910 became manager ot ' -. I-:. ti tl.- 't:imaii.Ii:isr !-'ii-rul, i . , i: t.i ..!!. a. I-:. 1".. u i .-ifi-i i; siatf-:the Ivo I company. v. . .'.n,i, ..miiiaii.i.-r l as ti..ti--. .i M.-. Stroemer was a member of the i i j : . .i 'i ; - a r: i in1!"'' liuinii , t!.f -.-iiit,i wmk .f your -ii in Brotherhood ..s: ,r.iz t!.- Mfiii- Civt-r ;:m.I t!i-iiri:i4 1 !- :o;u!'- t.. t! ast f t if ..f ' anc I : n -n t -M. us--. I!- ai-pr.-i-ia t .-s fully t .iifiil-ilit-fS !!! ! Vt'll in t .'. iM jr..l- ; t !. :("-Tf-i'r;:i-s that th.- r- aitaitii ! i.-tlf. t Kfi-iil !! 1 1 on ' .. i ''t;..-- ari il. iii.ns iiiinlf'l 1 ! r i it. t)f American Yeomen he Knights of Fythia- and was alwi:;s greatly interested in any enterprise which mcar.'.- priT-tress for the ' tniiiiunity in which he lived. K : -' parents, three sisters and a like .lumber if brothers preceded him ':i death. T! ore are left to mourn his loss Was Taken With Pneumonia and Passed Avay After I-Iakin A Valiant Fight HAD BEEN SICK BUT A WEEK Itarr-ly a wt-ek ao. little Una M-i". the thre old daughter of Mr. and Mrs A. T. Moore. was ta"kn sick, but h-r condition did not seem scriou-. and although she was given the b'st of car" and ni'-dicai a'u '.? lion !in thouuh was death could p. be in store for her. until S nni;iy morning when she grew sudd'ily rtirsH and pneumonia de veloped. All that medicine and expert nurs ing could do t retain the tpark of life wp.s dom- but to no avail. The laborious struggles of the little one to hold onto the strand of life and the hard fiort required to get its breath were tokens of the grin of ap proaching 'nd. At one thirty the became" easier ard pulse, which had ben hard and throbbing, became softer and the little one nestled in the loving arms of the mother, as she held her dar ling child seemingly to shield it from the inevitable. For a half hour this subdued breathing preceded the call of the Angels who came to carry the spirit to its maker, where sor row and suffering are no more. The hearts of the parents are wrtini; bv the loss of their loved one. and. in their sorrow they have the sympathy of their many friends. The funeral will be held at the home at 2 o'clock tomorrow (Thurs day afternoon, being conducted by Rev. A. V. Hunter, pastor of th" Methodist church. and interment will be in Oak Hill cemetery west of the city. 1. Tlir .".t!i I i i ..' i i . ti ai.,n fur.-. .1 11 i nissiiiL' aiii t-t a t.i t'- hr,,ij.,. I ii.-a.!. It wa-- a 1 1. rv.;: , .l J , . i 1 1 . -. 1 aj ! .i.i . I., a i. i:iti. !:t i,f tlit- ::j'i.i I i '. : i 1 1 ' i r"t .1" 1 V it ,s :i T i, 1 n i ' , : ; ! t ; .iivi--i..r: I, .-i.i a font -f twtr.n i'wo 'hihireit, Alfred and Marie; two !;'.:. .-s iiKii'ast tti !! mv on :t i a:i ! ' .1 ii liat:k.. .N,-t t nt,;-), ti-'s. w. :,t iit -.f it.- s.-.-toi- ri ton. Xebraska and Mrs. Anna Hell K t !) tlV. II ct .M.'M- !:--.! an, I f.i'ii.-.! it ...r t.. t I :.'it!i I'i-im ' :.. t ti.- .out Ii. it w.-at out ot its .v.-. (.-! aioi took ' i :. rnal.iieu: the!""'' in th i, i !vii..n u ,ts liui.t Nel- '.ska and many friends wiio ex- i iv-r. . rs. Lena Khlers, of Harns- ' 'r. . of Wymore. Nebrr'.ska; a broth V.d Stroemer, residing at Alvo. DISTRESS WARRANTS. For Personal Taxes will be issued on and after March 24. 191S. BE S B B 1 s.. a ..a. a ..a . n e:. q :,.e: :s a:: .b:b :.b : :h ; :: m ..;n ::-:n ... p in a m D B W s These Suits Put fin Extra "V" Value, But Leave It Off the Price $25 to $50 The fashions show their Knick erbocker up-bringing in every spruce and line. They are the salt of Kuppenheimer's work shop, well set with the big town jazz. The fabrics are upright, downright, out right wool all sheepshorn no cotton boll-sheviki. i' thrf cv rytiiii'g goes in love, war, hash and clothing claim., but wo are in cool earnest when we say that these suits are the KIGGK.ST HASH' VALFCS for the purchase price that we know, r.nd we're always instituting comparisons. "Io as I DO. ard you'll IK) as I SAY!"'3 o a a .a s-ai .a.,a.s.c a..B' a..;, a : a i:B..'.8.:.B. i:a.:..a.':B. c a ic r B e K H it ES Ii K U h B B P C E ii a .a IT.I.-S till- ::. In tl,- thirty oars pt-.-i . i! ; cr ti arTMi-t i e. t'.is ! i v i i ri u:t; cr.iz.i ltciI ii!,l.-r siifil. ml,' ami nia i.-uii tin- t v. n t . ti ilavs. In t!:e ,;i! two Wei ks. no .lav !assf.l tiiat M'liif Inn ii, v. 1 or ! i.l l-as lu-t 1 1 W--'t,'il tlolll t,,.. , r.'-!!lV. ltl Slil'l f.-- tli- i'ol low; ii tr witc i-a ft : r.-.t : liois it-s Kaj.ji. .-. . i !i f 1 1 ;-. l;..i in llal.if niovt, i'i,i ry It- ;iatni. I'iary li I V t it. I '.in-u I 'ioiii.-o:i. I iiiTi-Mir-M'-uf , l.iriv. ratiii- ol" hills fast ( tin- JI.-'im-!flllii!i- ti,f ll l.!i;.-if aii. ' i I . ! i s, :. 1 !..;i. .i'i;au. l"o n t a . nc s, '! ,a t a p I ; ,;i i 'in is. Mi,i:s:iv, :ra nii-v o I.-. Koi.-t ill- Wo.vrf. Jamil.. K-in. -i ; : i-. anil ! ! iiy. A !! -.i ; i' i ot t f tit -o;o- k i I. iiio-t.'is it, to ti.f frtfinv s ia- was iiii'li-. w tinir 1 1 out him !! !m;,Ii,-! ;i n i tiiii'ty si.uaif k i loin.t is of ni t"!. atol on a a i. oi. ii, tin, ii t of tL. ar ir,isti,f. t,.f division I. a. I a trout of ti irtf.-ti kiioitif f is. I.ririir tivt- kilo-iiilf-s in iolvaiiic of troops oti its li ft aini two k : loan-1 1-1 s !"n.l Irooji.- in us ri-lu. I.- TI. : it v -.s.. v.;i -aniio;i. fmir ln:ti-lir.-il ami sii-..!if tuai-hiiif otitis, atnl ovi-r mil.- I'untl i -! lirisiiiiii s Wfi- aii-t'lTi-i!. !!i,ivcvir, what thf I i v is i on 'omnia:,. lf- wi.-ius most to toni; :a t u -la t- ti..- .1: vision iipoTi is its enilrinir. ii m'-' i ti ; n- t. nai-it y of jiurpos,. m it- oi,st,,i:t olivine: at tin- .-m-mr in st.itc of fatiiri'f ami slioriaut- of ra tion i. Ix-in Wft from s immitm th ri-ir :in! .-anal, or Aviolinir thf swamp of Forest ilf Wo. vif. Tills- is a Lr:l lia'i txaiiitil.- of what tl.f Aiik i iian so!,!ir an ilo in an in. rt- m-y when In- must i;o on to the utmost tetit of his iiih cr. TI,.- 1'ivisioii is promt of tl.f work of tin division: .'o liisioa coiili) luif ae. -,m id i-i ,i d iiii.ii-. atnl ev. rv im inh.-r of the oom-i-ian l .slo.iii. I lie to li.dong to a divr-io'i wi.i. l: has so l.iiiiiaatlv etided its record i;j thi- ;;ifatesl war the world has known. li. I'.. KLV. !ajor (Jeneral i 'oinma mi itig. tend their sincerest sympathy to the l.erci'ved family. T! e funeral was held on Thur? da afternoon. March in. at 2: "u o'c lock a,t tiie home, being con ducted hy Itev. K. Connell. pastor of the M. K. church. The pallbearers wer members of the Knights of Pytras lodge, which held service's at th" rrave. paying their last sad tril,-t;es to their departed member. IiM-rnient was male in the Alvo cemetery. Card of Thanks V e wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kind-ne-s and sympathy, also for the n.any flowers sent during the be reavement of our Ik loved husband, fatlr-r and brother. Mrs. J. H. Stroemer: Miss .Marie Stroemer fred Stroemer; Ed Stroemer. Al- Yews frqV alvo IS MOVING TO CSOFTON. I'rniii Wednesday"' laily. Edward Kohrell and wife with their little son, were visiting in the city for over night, coming from their former home near Nebraska City, and departed on the early train fcr Crofton, where they will make their home, accepting a position for the summer on the farm of James leiarrirnan, who is a brother-in-law, f-r whom he will work this year. Mr. Kohrell if he can secure a farm for the coming year will then en gage in farming. Guard the Children's Health. .Mi.s.s M:;rie Prouty. of Linc'dn. spent the week-end with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prouty. Alva Skinner spent the latti-r part of the week in Lincoln. Jake Kalim went to Omaha on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Probst ar" mov ing into their new In, me in east Alvo. which they recently purchased of Perry Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Prel Clark are moving hi Lincoln thi week after a few years' residence in Alvo. where A. E. Todd will sell all his per- Mr. Clark has successfully operated sonal property at Public Auction at Mrs. Efaw. Box 26, Bennett, Wis., writes: "We have always used Foley's Honey and Tar for colds and find it great. The children all run fcr it. when they see the bottle and ask fcr more." Contains no opiates, safe, and harmless, but gives prompt relief to cough?, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold everywhere. a meat market and grocery. Their many friends wish them f-uccess in their new location. his farm home on Monday, March 2 4th. He will quit farming and ev erything must be sold. i ...,!f mm III' hi r I1! m $ li fr:i "?tV'.H I V J! if ii u p iin.-ft ii mm J n m I' B si i tr- l W i W J SMm ftrs? Z ft J Mmimmmmm the nan . a ! 1 ''Ui' !.-i:i!."lei I 'I 'I - : ''.: Lwii i':'. : ,!f !i ill i il ' IV. II f $te4J -S.X'- ,.;: : ,-. .::;:;.- - ..-V I jll' ! il . i' li -- id 1- ' .: v. .v.. : -'v- . . . ':, ::-;m ,ii.;.il,.; 11. lit.! 'it-.''-. ' -St- - :-:-.-:-:-:-:-:-:-x;:-:-:-vT":' " '"-iiiiiiV- . :it;.i" 'it". .-. m 5 nr ? II II I JfffllBI 'ii:l!i the national joy sm oka ,fl ftii'n.; i H iii.l ilk.l 1 I ' i ii ii H-'i H ; ii- I! It ! m' ill ! ,!!,,!,'!:! ii ! ill! li! i -i Ki';!! I !-1 I litLliM'l III r 'J ill iiW Il! l! I! Ji!:W m.A mm wr i n ii ' r i 1 1 M i ' ; i i 1 , 11 i "r ti ¬ lt. . :;i ii ;.ii . '' c;.': v. ! .-x-- iiil' !i i,!i.!:ii !: B ''II' Cnpyrurtit 19! Tobacco Co. t. - v", ; t" 'v ! ; -; " J.i. , 1 1 . NEVER was such right-handed-two- ':: fisted smokejoy as you puff out cf a jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert ! That's because P. A., has the quality I iou can i iooi your taste a.upa.iiiiui ciiiy liiuit: uih.ii yuu rz." 'V-lHiT ran crpt firf irpi nut rrf a familv! So. when von hit xTwsf:"-" iif Prince Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour ''trzzyX&tfA l! . ill H:i'i Mini-' r i , 'i 'M il "J it iii itj i in i i " 1, ,! jjji !!!!f?I( -.-:.-.-; :-:-:- .-.- : it n MiiM' n ti If ,it . iiii ; 1 1 earlier just to start stoking your pipe, you know you've got the big prize on the end of your line! Prince Albert's quality alone puts it in a class of its own, but when j'ou figure that P. A. is made b' cur exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch vsc-12 you feel like getting a flock cf dictionaries to find enough wcrds to express your hqppy days sentiments ! Toppy red bai, tidy red tins, handsome pound and hri'r-prtzir.d tin humidors- and that classy, practical pound cry:tr I gicss humidcvjith sponge moUtencr top that keeps the tobacco Li sach perfect R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Coir.pany, Winston-Salem, N. C 0 WRITES HOME FROM HQ ATTENTION, AVOID IT! Pay your personal tax at once aiid rtiiMMuii rnuinr oUHriT rnAiiiit have exp 11 e fo your elf ALBERT EEAHNES VHITES HIS MOTHER FROM FRANCE, TELL ING OF ARMY LIFE WITH HTM Euville, France, Feb. IS. Dear Mother: 1 will write asaiu. I am well and hop; this linds you the same. We arr bavins lots of rain here now. I g.i' three letters? from home since I have been over here. When was the last time you heard from Grand mother. When you write to her, tcl'. tlieni all hello for me. - We had a ! .ii? parade the otlter day and we were in the rain all day wiih our pack without, taking them off. I surpose there are lots of snow over there now. Have Bud and Maud sot t heir car yet? Tell father not to work too hard and that 1 hope-1 will he home soon. Have you heard from Uncle Floyd? Did Bud Kernes get over here, the last time I saw him was in Cody. I don't know whether he got over or not. I got a Utter from Martha the other day. Tluy were all well. Tell the child ren all hello for me. Tell them all to write to me. Well I guess I will close for this time, so good-bye. PVT. ALBERT CAKXES. Address Co. F, 139 Inf., Am. E. F. For any pain, burn, j-cald or bruise. aiily Ir. Thomas' Eclectic Oil -the l.ou-.hold remedy. Two sizes ortc and f. tic at al! drug Mores. MRS. ELIZA KAUFMANN HAS PNEUMONIA As reported elsewhere in this is sue. Mrs. Eliza Kaufmann is reported as having been sick at her home in this city for some days past with the asthma, and which since the writing and placing in type, has de veloped as pneumonia. Mrs. Kauf mann is very sick, and is receiving the best of medical care and tender nursing. It is hoped she may soon be much improved. ,r 1 Ht in kURING the war of course all building patriotically was re stricted to essential construc tion. Today it is patriotic to build as ex tensively as you will. There is no reason for delay at this time. To consolidate the prosperity of Peace BUILD. Spring Cleaning Time Is Here. If a house needs spring cleaning, how about the human body after a winter of indoor life and heavy food? Don't suffer from indigestion, biliousness, bad breath, bloating, gas or constipation, when relief can be so easily had. Foley Cathartic Tablets clean stomach and bowels and tone up the liver. Sold everywhere. DO YOU OWE PERSONAL TAX. We will begin issuing distress warrants for Personal Tax March 24. 1919. MIKE TRITSCH. County Treasurer. CHICHESTER S PILLS mm hl-cLB-tT I1IU hi Krd lr u-rl-L AkforCirirri!-..'l TB 2e iuiivi iiBAMt rn.LN.tru . 0 33 yc-ri known 5 Bt. Safest, Always kclii! ,? . cf ii n rv rid ir.r.i":T: pvpdvii urDt lllltnmil lirandy V n.i -nLi n.rtiliicVV with Blue Kirbun. I SPING HATS HAVE ARRIVED! CiTo the many who have inquired, we want to say that our Spring Mil linery is here. CJIn our stock you will find the latest, snappiest season's styles. All the new creations artistically dis played. Come in and see them. fJWe advise early buying in order to avoid a broken assortment a little later in the season. CjjOur prices are. most fascinating. Give them a fair comparison with those asked by others and you'll buy here. We can save you money! 1 Em NTROU PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA