The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 20, 1919, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Histori
cal Society
. lib
No. 79.
Reports Were Heard and Officers
Elected E -Laws Changed
in Expense Matter
From Tuesday's Dally.
Last evening at the stockholders
rooms in Xh" Farmers State Dank, of
this city was held the annual meet
ir.g of Ui stockholders of the Platts
n.outh Loan and Building associa
At the meeting were read various
rerrr? Ktinvvi'if the cmiflition of
the association as being iriost pros
perous. The amount of stock is now
124 S. 2." 9.00. there being some twen
ty thousand dollars cash on hand at
present. This is accounted for by
the f.ict that during the war. with
building operation'? restricted, there
was less business to be done. Since
the war people have been holding off
building hoping for price concessions
on material, and for this reason the
money has not been loaned out to
be u.-ed for construction purposes.
Then too numerous loans have been
paid off before they became due, on
account of the plentifuiness of money
'jur-t now. There were seven loans
acteil upon favorably last evening,
aggregating $9.C0O.Oi).
Arrange to Charge By-Laws
There was considerable discus
sion relative to the changing of the
I'y-Laws of the association, lo make
t-he expense of examining the abst
the expense of examination of the
abtrart aid drawing of the neces
sary papers to consummate a loan
payable by the association instead of
by the borrower, as has been the
practice heretofore. After consider
ing the matter to some extent, the
motion prevailed and the Board :t
Directors was authorized to make the
The fact that the expense inciden
tal to the securing of a loan has had
to be bourne by the borrower in the
past has deterred tome from taking
a loan and considerable business has
been lost to the association in favor
of money loaning associations that
would stand this expense themselves,
as a result of the practice.
The business of the association has
been prosperous, but a little more
money has accumulated than should
be retained on hand, as its earning
power comes from the interest col
lected through its being loaned. So
it has been decided to do avay with
the practice .which tended to re
strict the buriness and in the future
the incidental expenses of negotiat
ing a loan will be bourne by the as
sociation instead of the borrower.
The term of office of three direc
tors of the association expired on this
date thev being Fred T. Ratnge, Hen
ry F. Goos and C. A. Johnson, all of
whom were re-elected by acclimation,
they -having provt-d their worth to
the association and hence it was con
clude:"! they should be retained as
members of the directorate body.
The maturing of 23 shares of
stock, amounting in all to $4,600.00,
was announced, and it will be taken
uj and paid.
The business of this association
has been prosperous, and it
is expected that there will be a con
tinuation cf good business during
the coming year, with hopes for even
Besides he amount of common
rtock. there is tome 126.700.00 paid
up stock held by the company.
From Mondays DUv.
Last evening Chief of " Police tM. E.
Manspeaker and Sheriff C. D. Quin
ton who have been looking for some
contraband, found a trunk with the
lock forced, at the Burlington bag-
page room, which they confiscated
and found that it contained twelve
hot water bottles containing about
three quarts of intoxicants. They
'had been looking for the goods and
the man with them. The suspect
is not in the city Jufit now, but the
goods have been captured.
From Tucsilay's Pally.
This mortiing Guy D. McMaken
find family arrived in this city from
their home near Kimball, Neb., and
are visit i: at the home of Mrs. Mc
Maken's parents L. II. Petersen and
family. Mr. McMaken and family
have been making their home in the
west for some time past, where they
are engagde in farming. They will
visit here for a short time with their
friends and relatives.
Successful St. Patrick's Dance Last
Evening Class of Nearly 30
to be Taken In To"night.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The past few weeks have been
busy times for the members of Platts
mouth Lodge No. 709. II. P. O. E..
who have divided their time between
writing applications for membership
in the order and enjoying the var
ious dances and other social affairs
that have been given.
The latest social affair was the
St. Patrick's dance given last night
and attended by a largev crowd. The
lodge room had been decorated in
colors of green and everyone present
wore at least a bit of green. Dancing
began promptly at S:30 and even
then there was a demand to continue
until the small hour of the morning.
The members and their friends have
most enjoyable times at these social
Tonight the club home of the
lodge will be a scene of even greater
activity than last night, there being
a class of almost thirty members to
be initiated into the order. Every
thing is being gotten in readiness!
and the initiation committee is work
ing overtime to devise ways of hand
ling so large a number of candidates
and seeing that they are all prop
erly instructed in the serious and
comical of the work. A large
attendance of the membership is ex
pected and a general good time will
be indulged in.
Cablegram Tell3 of Sailing of Pol
lock Pannele From France,
Fi.m Tuesday's Daily.
In the shape of a cablegram, the
good news came this morning, tell
ing of the sailing on St. Patrick's
day. yesterday, of Pollock Parmele.
who has been in France for some
time. Mr. C. C. Tarmele was great
ly surprised on the receipt of the
message. Pollock has been at the
front for many months, and has
done his part and done it well, and
many times he has been for days
without an opportunity to rest, or
sleep, having the same clothes on
for weeks, and under fire all the
time. He has been fortunate as far
as is known, in that he had escaped
injury by wounding or otherwise,
but the rigors of the service has
been his, and the portion which he
has been called upon to play in the
Ft niggle has been real warfare. He
with the ending of the war like all
others is to return to civil life, and
he will be pleased as well as his
host of friends here when he shall
be able to greet old Plattsmouth
Frem Vr"1ay' Daily.
Upon the petition of Theodore A.
Walton, son of the late Pearson T.
Walton, and James Walton, brother
of the former, they were appointed
as administrators of the estate of the
deceased, which estate is valued at
about $i. 000.
A petition was filed today for the
final hearing in the matter of the
estate of Margaret Wolfe, deceased.
A petition was filed in the coun
ty court this morning for the ap
pointment of Gesine Stroemer as the
administrator of the estate of the
late J. Herman Stroemer, of Alvo,
Dale Doyles appearing for the estate.
For tasty printing you can't go
wrong in having the Journal office
turn out your job.
An Excellent Program Will be Pre
sented at Time of Dedication
Next Tuesday Evening.
Fmm Tuesday's Daily.
Under the direction of the Board
of Education, there has been in pro
cess of preparationfor some time a
program suitable for the dedication
or formal opening of the new High
school building and its presentation
to the taxpayers, whose property it
is, scheduled to take place on next
Tuesday evening, March 25th.
Such exercises would have been
held some time ago, except for the
fact that there were numerous lit
tle details remaining uncompleted,
and the Board was determined fo
have everything finished before the
formal dedication should take place.
" Now, with the completion of the
building.even to the minutest detail,
after a rigid inspection by the Board
and .faculty to determine if all the
specifications called for in the con
tract have been fulfilled, it was de
termined that the building is now
ready to turn over to the taxpayers
of the city, whose property it is.
An Excellent Program
An excellent program is being pro
vided for the evening next Tues
day. March 25th and it will be pub
lished in its entirety in a few days.
An invitation is extendde to the pub
lic to come to the opening ceremonies
and inspect our new spacious High
school building.
Suffice to say for the program, for
mer Superintendents W. G. Brooks,
superintendent of- the city schools at
Nebraska City; N. C. Abbott. Super
intendent of the Institute for the
Blind, a state school at Nebraska
Citv and Dean E. L. Rouse of the
Peru Normal school, have all signi
fied their intention of being present
and participating in the exercises.
Former Superintendent of the city
schools. John W. Gamble, now presi- j
dent of the Omaha Chamber of
Commerce, has been asked to be in
attendance and has consented pro- J
vided he can arrange his affairs so J
as to permit being on hand that ev
ening. Mr. Gamble is a very busy
man and it is difficult for him to
get away.
Will Convene in Gymnasium
With this excellent talent on the
dedicatory program and other as de
sirable features, there is sure to be
a large attendance at the ceremonies.
In the construction of the building
the Board of Education had in mind
such occasions as the one to come,
and provided as large a meeting
place as possible. The seating capac
ity of the gymnasium is about 500,
and it is here the exercises will be
held. There will doubtless be more
who will wish to attend these ser
vices and those wishing to be ac
commodated for a seat will do 'well to
be at the building as early after the
doors are thrown open for occupan
cy at 7:30, as possible.
Public Inspection to Follow
Following the rendition of the ex
cellent program there will be(a pub
lic inspection of the building, with
guides to accompany people from
room to room and show them the
equipment and fixtures, provided the
youth of our city to make the means
of gaining an education easy.
This is an institution upon which
our citizens can look with a great
deal of satisfaction, realizing full
well that the money expended for
the building and its equipment will
be returned to the community in in
trinsic worth of the young men and
women who are trained here.
From Monday's Dally
Mrs. K. A. Enberg. of Sheridan,
Wyoming, but formerly of thiB city,
is visiting here for a short time, the
guests of her sisters Misses Gerda
andAlpha. Petersen, and will also
J visit with her many friends here.
From Moiitlay's Da 11 v.
Mrs. John Rotter departed this
morning for- Omaha, where she will
first consult with a specialist regarri-
garding some trouble with her throat
which she has been informed witl
require an operation ;nd treatment
at the hospital to cure. Mrs. Rotter
was accompanied to Omaha by her
daughters, Mrs. James Waiesham, of
Havelock and Mrs. John Kubica, of
Omaha, who ore visiting here at
present,' and who will remain with
their mother during the ordeal. It
is honed that Mrs. Rotter will be
able to recover her health without
an operation of any seriousness hav
ing to be performed.
Miss Edith Martin Lepaits For Red
Cross Service In France
This Afternoon.
From Monday's PaMv.
Plattsmouth is sending another
one of her young Indies to the
foreign work today, in the person of
Mirs Edith Martin, who departed on
the early afternoon train for Omaha,
from where she departed for the
east to sail for France, where she
will enter the Red Cross Canteen
work for six months service. Mis?
Edith Martin ;s especially well
equipped for the work which she
has chosen to contribute to the wel
fare of her country and its soldiers.
Miss Martin :s very patriotic, and
as a canteen worker with the Red
Cross will make an excellent ser
vant of the cause of Liberty and Hu
manity, for the cause the loves so
Miss Martin was to have gone
some time since but owing to the
fact ihat the cTAirs -yubl ot -be
arranged at that time, did ioi go
then, but was in readiness at any
time w:hen her services should be
called for.
Who was it built up this Army
That has set the Whole World
Who inducted them into the Ser
vice? It was Maxwell and V.'ilkinr. an:!
We sent them down to Camp Funs
ton. Where they drilled for Over Sea;
And we sent ther.i some Humdingers,
Did Maxwell and Wilkins and Me!
It is right to cheer. for The Fighters.
And blow all the whistles in glee;
But notone would have fired a Gun.
But lor Maxwell and Wilkins and
When the Country rewards its He
roes There's just one thing I would
like to see,
A triple monument builded high
For Maxwell and Wilkins and Me!
A campaign for the collection of
used clothing will be held the week
or March 17 to the 31st, this week.
The Cass County quota for gar
ments is 4 000 pounds. Plattsmouth
quota 6S0 pounds. People in gen
eral are only to glad to contribute
their discarded clothing if asked to
do so, and understand the need.
Thousands of men. women and
children in . European countries are
practically' destitute for clothing.
This clothing will be shipped di
rectly to the Baltic Terminal Dock.
Every kind of garment for all ages
is needed, men's shirts, shoes and
caps or soft hats. Women's skirts,
blouses, petticoats, shoes and stock
ings. Children's sweaters. shoes,
under garment and coats. Woolen
garments are especially needed.
Do not send straw hats, carpets or
Get your packages ready and tele
phone Mrs. Wiles 374, Mrs. Mann
52S. Mrs. Allison 384, Mrs. Baird
The boy scouts will call for your
packages Thursday after school. The
Red Cross room will be open Wed
nesday afternoon from 3 to 5 - to
give out yarn for socks. The sweat
er quota is not ready.
remocratic and Republican "Caucuses
Held to Name Candidates for
Coming City Election.
Frfim Monday's Daily.
Notwithstanding the rain and
threatening weather conditions Sat
urday i.isrht. both democrats and
republicans held their city conven
tions for the purposeof placing in
nomination candidates for the var
ious city offices to be filled by gen
eral city election Tuesday, April 1st.
Fairly large representations from
the different wards were present and
the deliberations of the conventions
should meet with general approval
on the part of the voters as good
men have bven picked on both sides
for each of the offices.
The democratic convention was
held at the city hall, and a complete
ticket with the exception cf a city
engineer was placed in the field. At
the same time the republicans con
vened at the office of County Judge
3eeso:i. where a like ticket with the
exception of a city engineer was
nominated to run.
The Democratic Ticket
The democratic convention was
first to conclude its deliberations
and announce the names of the- can
didates chosen. The men named are
all representative citizens and well
versed in the city's needs, both with
-expect to commercial and school in
terest. . The ticket as it stands at
this time is as follows:
For Mayor, J. P. Sattler.
For City Clerk, Frank J. Libershal.
For Treasurer, H. M. Soennichsen.
For Councilman. 1st Ward. Carl
For Councilman, 2d Ward, James
For Councilman, 3rd Ward. W. H.
For Councilman, 4th Ward. John
For Councilman, 5th Ward, C. F.
For Members Board of Education,
Phillip Thierolf and Jos. W. Peters.
The Republican Ticket
At the court house, the republi
cans were formed off in groups about
the corridors and in various corners
of the county judge's office, and it
was quite a while after the demo
crats had ' concluded their conven
tion before they were willing to
make an effort to start for there
seemed to be forebodings in the air
that some mistake might be made.
The matter was finally brought to
a focus by the meeting being called
to order by O. C. Hudson, when
George L. Farley read the call, and
J ,W. Burnie was selected as chair
man, while Farley continued as sec
retary. The result of their delibe
rations was the placing in nomina
tion of the following ticket:
For Mayor, H. A. Schneider.
For City Clerk, Bert A. McElwain.
For Treasurer, Nelson Jean.
For Councilman 1st Ward. John
For Councilman, 2nd Ward, Wil
liam Weber.
For Councilman, 3rd Ward, Thos.
W. Glenn.
For Councilman. 4th Ward, Geo.
For Councilman, 5th Ward, John
R. Beeson.
For Members Board of Education,
C. E. Whitaker and T. H. Pollock.
. Let. Everybody Vote
Those men named above will be
the opposing candidates for the re
spective offices listed and it will be
up to the voters of the city to make
their selection on April 1st. The
Journal would like to make this one
request, namely, that every qualified
voter within the city limits exercise
his right of franchise, for in this
manner, and this manner only, can
it really be determined who is the
choice of the majority of the citizens
for the offices.
From 'i iipsdny'a Daily.
Edward Creamer, whp has been in
the Aviation Corps and located at
Kelly Field near San Antonia, Tex.,
arrived home last evening, having
been discharged there a few days
since. Ed likes the south in many
ways, but was very glad to get
back home and see the folks, and
the friends here of which he has a
host. He brings the following bit
of verse home with him, and which
has been going the rounds of the
press of the south, and we copy the
same, by permission of Mr: Creamer,
but who to credit it to, we do not
know, but here it is: '
After the Battle of Ksjly Field.
We'll soon be back from this hor
rible war.
Covered with honors and medals
Back from chasing the terrible
Back from the roar and crash of
Back from doing our duties so well.
Regular heroes we are like Hell.
We'll soon be back on our jobs
Out of the trenches, the cold and
the rain.
Where we fought fierce battles
against the Huns.
Using our mouths instead of our
Back from doing our little stunt
Of marking time on the San An-
tone front.
Yes, we'll soon be back from doing
our bit.
Showing our courage and proving
our grit,
Playing our part in the awful jam
By eating more meals on Uncle Sam,
In fact, nothing could possibly mar
Our wonderful record in winning
the war.
We know what we;i face when
we're home once more.
How they'll kid and josh us about
the war.
And say we were soldiers of peace
ful wayE.
Oh, we'll hear it 'till the end of
our days.
And we'll only reply to the boys
- -that kid,
"By God. we tried that's more
than you did."
From Tuesdas-'s Dally.
' Last evening Joseph Thompson
and 'wife, who have been visiting
here for the past few days, departed
for their home at Wahoo. They
crme to Omaha last Sunday where
they went to the hospital and visit
ed Mrs. Thompson's brother Percy
Wart hen. and then came on to this
city to visit with Mrs. Thompson's
parents B. B. Warthen and family
before returning to their home. At
the hospital they report Percy im
proving. Flas at the Journal 0fT3"je
A Service message
NEARLY fifty years ago the business
men in a little Michigan town got to
gether and decided among themselves that
there tvould be no business failures in the
town if they could possible be prevented.
Every netr enterprise that came to the town was
scanned most carefully and if once favorably decided
on the whole energy of the city, banks included, got
behind it and stayed behind it co-operate &.
Today this town is known all over the world for its
furniture products. Through the policy of co-operation,
.the business of the town has been stablished to a
remarkable degree; business failures are practically
Is there not a lesson in jthis for this?
First NatioiaJ Bank
P la.ttsmouth, Nebraska
Spends Time in Southern France, He is Having a Good
Time and Seeing Much.
I n iiiun a "JH il li'liri lip
Will Avi.t'c -;,.. 1a,am
his mother, telling of the time h
is having while on a furlough in
southern France", and how he is en
joying the same. It is as follows:
With the Colors. Feb. 24.
My Dear Home J-Ydks: "
I will write you a few lines today
:o let you know I am well and hav
ing a good time. I am down at Uos-Les-Bains
now on my seven day
leave. You see we get a seven day
leave every four months over her-?,
io I just got mine now. We left the
home camp the 19th of February and
got here the 21st, so you see I have
juite a while yet. as we get seven
lays from the tinie we arrive at the
place of our destination. We were
on the road three nights and two
Jays so we have quite a while here
Weil. I am having quite a time.
It doesn't cost us anything only what
we want to spend ourselves. We get
our board and expenses paid by the
government and we are staying at a
nice hotel, where we have good
feather beds and good eats, po I tin
enjoying it very much. I am going
away up in the mountains this af
ternoon. We have a big Y. M. C. A.
here where we can go to a show in
the afternoon and at night, so you
see there is plenty of entertainment
and it doesn't cost you a cent.
Well, mother, how is everything
over there by thl3 time and how is
evervbodv? How are father and you
getting along and has the flu struck
you yet? Well, mother, it is getting
pretty late and I want to go out for
a walk in the mountains so I will
say good bye for now. Answer soon.
From your loving son.
6th Sanitary Train. Cth Div..
Field Hospital Co. 40, A. E. F.
From Monday's Daily.
Wm. Marks of near Union, was a
visitor in this city this morning
locking after some business, and has
just returned from a trip In the
western portion of the state, where
he was called to Imperial the home
of his brother George' Marks. wlto
has had the flu, and who was very
sick, the flu being followed by the
pneumonia, and for some time his
recovery was dispaired of. but he is
some better at this time.
On his return Mr. Wm. Marks
visited in Nuckels county and says
that he finds the crop conditions
looking very good, and that there is
plenty of moisture in the west this