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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1919)
T-IONDAT. MAKCH 17. 1919. i LATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PACE riVE. PRQGEEDINGS OF OOFnMSSSlQNERS OF CASS COUNTY Nebr. Culvert lli'g. Co., one Armco culvert for road district No. It; Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co.. one Anneo culvert for road district No. 11 :;;:.02 oftiee chairs C. I Yallery, road work in road district No. 1 DRAGGING FFNH Wm. V. Stege. for dragging in road dictrict No. IS $ J. I". Fischer, lor dragging jH. M. Soennichseii. nide. to 1 Hart. Collins and "Vorden J3.92 , D. C. Morgan, stamps to the ! county clerk Win. Hastier, repairs to two j Jess F. Warga. repairs and D.rt). matl. to court house C. I), tj uint mi . boarding pris oners. January. 191ft in road district No. 15 Rice ! ' Commissioners of Peter llenrickben. dragging . . ,., .. .i x- i "m roail district No. It". ( a s countv. 1 lattsmouth, Nenraska. T . . , . . , tJohn Arre?. d racking: in road M.rch 4. II-ID. distric tNo. G Foard mtt pursuant to adjourn-, A. A. Wallinger. dragging v. i-.t. Prt?iif. Julius A. I'it7, C. F. ; in road district No. 1" Harris and H. J. .Miller, County Com-'r,. F. Plymale. dragging in missioners. and George i. Sajles,' road district No. 14 C"u:ity Clerk. . tI. T. Rover, dragging in road Minutes of the last regular ses-( district No. It; si'-n-i read and approved, when the 'Win. F. Stege. dragging in ;'' ''i'winc luisii e-s was transacted in: road district No. 15 regular form: ' K. H. Schoemaker. drawing Motion by Harris that the uni-! in road district No. 12 I ' ir'us formerly u.-ed by the Home A. J. Hoover. dragging in c,- ards of 'a.s county, be given toi roail district No. 3 the individual members; secojidetl l.vj A. A. Wetenkamp. dragging Mi'br an 1 motion carried unani-j in road district No. 1 incusly. ('has. C. Rarnard. dragging ''!; notim Henry Creamer was ap-j in road district No. 1 Pointed road overseer for road dis-jF. W. Nolt'ng. dragging in tr : t No. 1 to fill vacancy. j road district No. 1 Kesignut ion of A. F. Keeker, Jus- Earl V. Cole. drawing in of Peace of Louisville precinct.' road district No. 1 :.rptf,!. (John P. Moi.-inger. dragging Of.'-cial b.-i.l of li. P. Mitchell, as! jn road district No. 1 ;.;-d ovt-rs.-er f road district No. 14. i C. F. Vallory. dragging in . - ! 1 1 - H. Marqtiardt. auto to Omaha. Julia Christian j.-. Piatt;. Water Co. vater to ' ' J court liniise and jail. Janu- S.2.", aj; T'vi-1 by F.ard. I road district No. 1 la. 27 14.25 6.00 o . I . I . I CO.? 4 12.7." si.r.o 41.25 7.o ::.(Hi 12.00 12.75 ttricial bo--! of Peter VanFleet as! GENERAL FUND .lu-'ioo of the Peace approved by the:i. Sexton, mdse. to pauper$ lu.ou Ito-rd. orTk-iul bond Ir. R. P. Westt-ver K-P. Printing Co.. supplies to Co. Judge. Co. Treas. and i; i y phy.siciat. in the 1st district, i iii.t. Clerk 115.5 approved by Hoard. : John P.auer. nulse. and re- jMtrdtory Kond f First National pairs to county jail T'.jnk. .f Weeping Water, as a c!e-(i,. p. Ttrryberry, jitney to p--iiory for county funds approved: xhe sheriff bv the Hoard. I Morgensen & Hart. mdse. to Order of County "Judge Beeson re-I jir. Allen " t w inu Mothers' Pension of Mrs. ! Unttherd lihode. for shovel TV' ny Till. f "Weeprns: Water for a' iUir snow P riod of six month? from March l.'pr. J. P.. Martin, salary for 1 :::. to S pien. Per 1. 1910, approv-; 4th quarter. IMS. as Coun- . i by fur an allowance of ty physicia:i ' 5 per month. ! Opal Fitzserald. salary for Orde- of County Judce I?.-esm re-! l.ruary. 1019 r-vi:i: Miners.' IVtision of Mrs. Matts. Water Co.. water to P.ivi.-. -f l.o,iis ille. for a per- court house and -county jail of rix uiohths at $25 per month.! ;or February. 1 ! 1 ! i: : Mi rch i. 1 1 ' to September 1. , (). K. Oarape, storage of 1 '.'':. :!t.'i., v-d Viy the Hoard. i j,,,,,;..- rde" i f County Judge Heeson for : ( f ; Fricke. coal to Mrs. y.!.-r:-' Pvr.fluii to Mrs. Mattie Worden P-ee-iT!-; f."-r a j. tried of six months t. Hyers. wood to vouu- at?15 p r month from March l. ty farm IM!' to S. p!mher 1, ini!. approved j Geo. L,. Farley, salaray for b- the TViard. February, 1010 Applications of I ho following nan1.-! Hans Sievers. salary, court 4.15 .50 10.0" 1.5(- fiO.OO 1 1.0 5 "0.0O 1 i) . I ol.SS 5 ).(' 1 banks i'.r Hepositiry of County Funds wer- approed y the Board: house, heating Co. jail and laundry. February 113.00 Merchants Hank. Alvo jp.wa Frvt Co.. carbon-paper Farmer.-- State Rank. Avoca t?on.- Snt' Hatik. Looisville Kh.iwiKi.! r-va-c Hank. Klniwooa 1'armers State Rank. Plattsniouth Mar. Ic-y S'ato 1'aT.k. Mauley Murray S'att- P.aiik. Murray American Hk.. Klniwofid Hank of Mtrrdoe'i. Murdock P.ank of EaiMe. Eagle IMaf Tsniou'.h s'a'e Bank, Piatts mi .x:t h Farno-rs State Bank, V.a!)ash P.ank of Commerce. Ijouisville 1 ark of Avo'-a. Avoca Hank of "a-- County. Flam mouth Nebraska State P.ank. V.'eepina Wat- r. Fartucrs S'ate Hank, ('.recti wood. Art:-! .v:t of To-l. Naunan A- Murty ti.. t C' ;rty Warrant No. 2f;7 was lo;-' Jti th- ti'ail and request ii. a issue i i .!-:T,",iea;-' warrar.t. appned and t ! : i: i::--'r"c t-d to i-sue duplicate. i-;; fMa:m D'-d. County 01 Cass, b'. I'ni'M'- ' 'vum'.i is-sioners. to L. C.;: vd '1 'he n.c.s Voung. cor.vey-ir:- tl:- E 2 feet of Lot in Block 4t'.. Flstt.-mouih. approved liy Hoard ?:d siune.i. him! Clrk instructed to ilr .': :; payiuer.t of pun.-hasc price of i 5i. Ciairr.3 Allov.x-d Ti e i.dlowitia- claims wen exani--i iit.! aio.ovc-d : R(AI KlN! F M Rnbv. road work in road .'.i.-'rict No. 0 -'fi !.-, -r 1 1 r.ricks'. s;. road wk. iv. ro.o' ui..ti1'Ct -no. 1 ,. i- s-iher. road work it; re? t r!i-:rict No. 15 P. F. Flyiiiale. rotol work in road district No. 14 I. T. Koyer. road work in ro-id district No. 1 " Jft -t'moi Hardware Co.. road r.i.,v . road di-:rri'-i No. 13 35. 00 13. M 7. SO to county treasurer a.oo John McKay, team to the Co. commissioners 4.5o A. G. Ctde. salary for month of February. 1 m 1 ! loojo.. Alpha C. Peterson, salary and expense. February. 1010 147.02 John W. Ttillt-vn, auditing and checking records of the c unty omcials 275. im Cniversity I'ub. Co.. mdse. to county superintendent 7.ol F. II. Nichols, mdse. to Mrs. Matzlte. Jan. and Feb.. lOiO 15. on Croiior Itros.. mdse. to Clas srn. Nov. and H'-c, 1 0 1 S ami January, 1010 3i.0' !"iirn:i:;'.s Adding Machine Co.. riblon and repair.-; to adding machine 2.' Joi;ji Kopia. m!-e. tt Mrs. Burian. Febr.. 1010 a.oe Will F. Evers. labor and ma terial to Dist. clerks S.00 .T-ss F. Warua. labor and material to court house 7.51 C. E. Hartford, coal to court ionise I00.ti5 pestor A- Svatek. grass seed to janitor 1 H 1 C. Ct. Fricke. coal to jail 135.75 A. C. P.ach. mdse. to Mrs. Collins 10.00 Bancroft Whit my Co.. mdse. lo cunty judge 20.25 John P. Saltier, repairing of fice chairs for janitor O.Oi) Jess 1". Warga, labor atid mall, or court house 3.05 Jess F. Warga, labor and matl. to court house 7.75 C'. I. Quinton. jailor fees for February. 1010 .0 0 C. D. Quinton. for boarding prisoners. Febr.. 1019 2.0 0 W. A. Tnlene. digging grave, Julia Christian 11 f DID you ever note the dif fererce between a Stetson and "A Hat" There must be some; we know the cost more than the or dinary hat, and from the way people come here 3 ear after year for their Stetsons, the extra cost must mean service. At your service $4, $5, $5.50 r ! L rrii ,i;;S-i V r:tr I t- , When once you have worn a Heidcao voull see that the above also applies to THEM. Snappy new patterns for your inspecti Top notchers in Capdom. $1.25 to.$2.50 on. StN AXSTHES 1 $TIKV I 7 i ary. 1910 Jes F. Warga. electric bulbs to janitor Lincoln Tel. Teleg. Co.. for March rent and long dis tance cliIs Engle Beacon, printing for Comm iotion.'r Milter . I. Morse Co.. me case Springfield Oval, for court house use 'I. O. McHonabl. nuine. to Mrs. Mu.kl. Febr.. 1010 Mike Tritsch. carfare advanc ed to Bert Eiedgo, to Kear ney. Nebraska Mike Tritsch. stamps and re pairs to adding machine ' '. I. Quinton, salary far February, 1010 Mrs. A. L. Marshall, care of Mux ?'.-rper for first quar ter, 1010 "red Patterson, office, work on records. February. 1M0 40.0a i-sther tlenrucr. tuothers pe:i siuti for March. 1010 lora lejison. tnothers pen s:t:i:. i.irib. 1010 Edith Duckworth. mothers le.usi.ui. March. 10 10 Ida Sch'ieske, mothers pen sion. March. 1010 Lucy R. L K mothers pen sion. March. 1010 Lorette Price, inotlurs pen sion. Tdareh. l!lit Mary Thompson. tmckirs pension. March. 1010 Chlora Allen, mothers pen sion. March. 1010 Lillian Raker, mothers peu sm n. M':rch. 1010 (.'ora B. Tower, mothers pen sion. Mar-b. 1010 .Jusie. I'rwi:;. mothers pen- I Douglas County Hospital, 23.00i tare Cas- countv patients. 314.28 j DRAGGING FUND S. 00. Fat Campbell, dragging in j raaii district No. 27 $ 7.50 2.25,'J. li. Craves. dragging in ! road district No. 27 2.25 4.75 C';.a:!es eieesee. dragging in I :eiu '!itrict No. 27 3.37 12.00j E. P. iiutcheson. dragging in I road dist lict No. 27 5.25 lt5. 00 ROAD Fl'N I ) Cttv Plat t:-;n:mth, prcpor tiiMt 'f County Road fund. 0.05, road district No. 17 1400.00 j BRIDGE Fl'N I) 2.00 J. A iants, lumber, sand, ce i i t t'tid io-t, road dis- ; trier No. 1 $ 32.05 0.1 1 , ;.I:uiarcli Eng. Co., mail, and ! labor, bridge No. 44. Center S.OO ; : cinct $ 31. 6S ;?:;. arch' Eng. Co.. matl. and ; a bridge No. 17. Ne- 13.00 20.o 2O.0O 101. OS 212.3 3 3.S I o . .0.. 7.00 h;.v. ka City 1 4!4.21 Moi:: rch Etig. Co.. matl. .and 10.00; tepairs bridge No. 4;t, two ' miles west of Nvhavvka 41.7 i :.;onare!i Eng. Co.. matl. and 7.50 reiais bridge No. 14. Sees. 2 0 and 3 2. Nehawka 7.tS . ''.di E::g. Co.. mail, and r--:airs bridge No. 11. Sets. 115. S3 25 'and 30. Liberty ' ?::!! arch ling. Co.. repairs to 1 tride No. 15. so'itb side. See. 22. lenttr precinct '; e;-,iwa Co.. mat;, and r irs bridg" No. 0. Sec. 20. tenter precinct : ;;-.r-:!i lit:.". Co.. ninth and : eti.iirs. bridge No. 1 5. Sees. : 7 aliu 3 4. Avoca . Ion -irch ling. Co., matl. and 25 0-) 1 1 p., irs bridge No. 30. Sec. 2'.'. Center precinct 2o.oo 1 ! 0.00 2 0 . 0 0 s.oo ; f 1 tl.V" ', 15.O0 ' 15.00 ' 334.14 Oil motion Roarl adjourned to -t on the 11th day of March. : 10. Attest : CEO. R. S.WLES. Countv Clerk. 'lara Mat;.ke. motf.ers pen sion, March. 1010 ii. C. Hyde, i;:o;hers pension for Mareio 1010 .Martha Franke. iiH'lors pen sion. Marc:;. 1010 iihel Boetcl. mothers pen sion. March .1010 Mat ; i.a IPm'kIou. mothers pvt::-:f. March. 1010 Ellen Davis. mothers pen sion. March. 1010 Fannv Dill, mothers peti.-iou for ".March. 1010 J. H. Tarns, salary for Feb ! -l'-t'-. ! ;t ! 0 T. 1'. Tarn.-. expense for i-'ebru-iry. 10 10 ii. j. ."oilier, salary atid nul-i-a;, for Ii:o-)ry. 10 10 Pest 1-7 tJc Sv.-;ttt-i'i. md--e. to f.-ir:;: F. "a;-ga, tnd.--. to county farm ('. i". Ih.rris. salary and. r.ii'e v ce tor February. 1 i ! 0 :i.n J. R i.;ti. st.'': p- and , :-.f !.-r;t pension orders '.V. W. R-'j'iiidican. supplies to t'iu:ty Snpei'iute'.ideui J::li,;s A. !':',', ry and :r. .!:. ge for February. 10 1!" P,Rlib.H: Fl'N I IV: ; i ) - -1 tiardwiire Co., nails s-nd ir-.-. ro;.l !!'. . ' $ M."-: i.:"7.. worl; on Ci ::nty 1-ri.b-es 1 Dffice of County Commissioners of i iVimiv. Phi'sniotith, Nebraska. "March. 11, 1010. Foard met as per adjournment of March 4. 101!'. Pre- t:t. Julius A. ; P:tz. C. F. Harris and H. J. Miller. la.0 , (l,r , v ("(.iinissioners and George ": Styles. County Clerk. -t'-'- Minutes of last regular sessions '';(.d atid approved when the follow 1 c business was transacted in reg ; 1 iar form. -'0.00 ptamlard specifications for ' ;rhv.-ay bridge construction and 0 . t'r'enosal. Contract and Bond forms 20.00 were adopted by the Board. Copies ( " same as adopted ordered kept on ; ; ie in the office of the Clerk. " 00 j Advertising for Bids Authorized i-u0i .On motion Hie County Clerk was j i ntruded to advert i.-e for bids for loo no ' '''' '"'i'-ling of wood, steel and wood i j. mi! st (d bridces. concrete arch an.! v . ' :. culverts. and oilier eor.crete ' ';v..rk sucdi as wings and a but men ts ..,,..!' r the year 1010. -s provided by 0 ' : and according to the Standard - I idanr and specifications on hie m 1 he otlice of the Clerk. -! St;. irate bids to i.e tiled for t-ach c'as.-: of bridge work and for con- rete arch, and box culvert work. ' , Separate bids to be tiled for bridce Ool i; ir ami oui. in on lo s and for re 1 cedar pilir.- i.4i lo.oi) 4 . 2 ti I i.u i i ea r lo:; d lot s. Co" O-; e. ,r leet 1 V. All bids to tie l".bd ill the of're ol e ('entity ('! rk on or before N). Monday, the 14th day of April. i '1 M0. s., ! .Ml biiis to be opened at ten (10 1 " j o'clock a. in., on Tuesday, April 15. ' 01O. The Count- Hoard reserves the ! , t-t to r. ii.rt anv :ilid all bids. The Countv Hoard of Com inNsior.-- ic-s reserves the right to build all j ' and culverts costing ?500.oo ; h ss. A cert i lied cite k tor $500 must I : eempa ny each bid filed. ttiiv'e of Count v Cointnissioners of j ,.,,1-nt". Piat'tsmoiiih. N oraska. No f-.rthr business apparing. t h i r4.-, - vie, j i: i:ird on motion artjourr.ed to no-, t ""p.oaVi'm.'t '.:" per adjournment of, oa Tuesday the frst day of April. -un': v. I'r-M-nt. Julius A. Pitz.I ' lO. ' F. l!::r-t. .'.mi H. J. Miller. County AtD-st: ('e f, :.ti.l tteor'-e It St.ivles. KjtlAt. iv. Wli.i..-, Countv t'lerk. 4.4'i Board adjourned to dm-sdav. Marci. i.. 10! Attest ; CEO. R. SAVI.ES. Countv Clerk. Countv Clerk. 'Ine following business v.; t ran.-- j acted in regular form: Statenient of Countv Treasurer Mii-e Trit-c!'.. f bowing r-ceipis and! disbursements frotn the tir.U day id July, iOiS. to the eighth day of February. 1010. inclusive, lile, with the Board. Judje Appointed A t'p' icat ion of County Jit Ige Allen .1. 1U e-r.v. reouest i ng thai some com- ing Coi.nty Ju.lue in the hearings ".welling, wun o.o.i.. ;:nd M-lti' n.ent of the estate of Jamen j : : ce. Two good wells, water piped V. Pittman. for the r-an that Al-J ,f, i,ari,;; and f; . lots. Rig barn. .n .1. i.eoson 1-: oiseuaiitic-:! lrom MOT i raOkryaTrr klPnTi ists 5feC?iC CERTAIN jobbing salesmen are circulating reports to the effect that Armour and Company control certain retail grocery stores cr are plan ning to enter into the retail grocery business. These reports arc utterly end absolutely false. Ve de sire to brand them as such once and for all. Armour and Com pany do not control any retail grocery stores wholly or in pert. Neither have we any affili ation cr connection in any way whatsoever with any owners cf any retail grocery stores. Armour and Company have no inten tion of engaging in the retail grocery business. Armour and Company distri bute and sell a ver3 limited num ber of food lines not directly pro duced from livestock. This is enly the result of natural evolution. Our system of distribution and marketing must be maintained with the greatest 'possible effi ciency. It is necessary, fcr reasons of economy, that it handle as great a volume at all seasons as possible. This same distributive system enables us to carry staple foods to the people of this country with greater efficiency and at a cost that is low commensurate with the service. If cur facilities are such that we have been able to serve the publ:c more economi cally and efficiently than our com petitors, then it is the retailer and consumer who benefit. Armour and Company are more than packers. They are food pur veyors. But, cur participation in grocery lines represents cnty4.6 per cent of our total business. Yet, wholesale grocery houses whose representatives cpread these false reports are, themselves, engaged in numerous side-lines far removed from edible products. A recent bill of goods which we purchased from a wholesale gro cer, contained more than forty items, not crc cf ivhich could be used for food except by an ostrich. Reports cf our engin, or in tending to engage, in the retail grocery business arc, without ex ception, untrue. In the wcrds of lir. J. Ogden Armour, "We have no intention cf adding the woes of retailing to the burdens cf manu facturing and distributing." Armour and Company will con tinuetoregardallretailers as our co workers. By means of cur refrig erator cars and our branch houses it will be our effort to continue to provide them with the finest foods of c-li kinds that we can eelect and prepare- uvlt r the quality mark of the OVAL. LABEL. M OUE?a!p COF PAN V CHICAGO FOR STUBBORN j PO B'LIO AUCTION!!: mmm akd mm d Xe.ioVi Dr. Hint's Nc7 Discover? a City vcr.r record t 1 4 1!;! vin. 'id v.y l.-iid a'i-i epcet :o c:.:t. t.'.rtrun!;. ! .. .1 o:. l, :.,;:, !- .-:.;. ; :;i::c ::! erst v..'. pr.-j'- ny. iivery" 1: in v OK f'Al.R: ! Ail Minis 01 ? 1 0 and up b-r. .. '. ; in h ;n 1. (0: an Jin j i. red't ' f t 1 , 1 six to eiuht n ,'. i..- i will be :: ; v -11. v.-i! !: 'r . , i b; hi Ijiap-T be;'.'-j'n:r ei.'Iii per e, : t inlet- iz r C:z t';rc-t irritti... c. ....,.. , : ,, 1 1 . i ,ie t-t ,1. Sale vii! i-e heii. f.t the ' i'r-i,i of !-ale. All prep--fiy T-- X" r-y 1 ?n '.v-i: tw cll-Lnov.':i rc-c-J--; -ij T . t r- ; . 1 - ..l. X.J c:.:. i ; 4w -l:.-gg;-t its t'-li-J rz'-i'.i . iV.r. li-.i a cr.ti;-- ci cJ.'l zr.i c !e:i- v. I ; Id by drur: -t- c vcr'v,d 1 . 2oT7t:!3 C-rz c? KiTtcr? That's nature ca!!ir- for rS. 25::t : . it in :n ,-, - t : in Cz -j-s-zl r.r-e, but a. mild, crJctivc, cjrrc-.tivr, L:iti."o that tcavs it.o Lc- -L i:.'.3 :..iiw tid chases "uluci." LIAKES rUECKASE OF A NEW DODGE AUT0M0DILE 150-JICnE FARM FOR SALE! The Ralph liayuio quarter ' miles :.orihwe:d if IMattsmouth, Vj miles : n west of ()re;.peiis. with tl-room bearing said matter, tiled with the Hoard. The Io;ird tie -re''ore ord'-red thiit ". A. Ut!'. Is. Attorney ut Iaw. ol I '!ai r rnoi.'t i: . in Cacs '-(jinity, be- ap p'iit:'ed to j)C in said estate matter ot J-jnv.s '. rituuan. I ect.;t.-ed. now Ii-'ioliiig in the County Court ol Cass eoiiii'y, N'ebra.-ka. and that he give bond as required by law. Si reed : .11" LI IS A. I'lTZ, C. F. KAIIUIS, 11. J. MIM..KU. Count y C u'.n:;ssii;ei ... ' !beial" bond of C. A. Raw Is, Act ing Count Jnde in the matter of the hearing and settlement of the estate of James; W. I'ittman. Deceas ed, fiied and approved by the Coun ty Hoard. Application of t lie -Film wood Slate Hank for Itenository of County funds filed with the I.ord ami approved. Claims Allowed The following ehiiois were exam ined and approved: GENliltAh 1T'XI D. C. Morgan, stamps to the county roiperirt'-ndeiit $ O orge It. Kr.yle--.. salary. fe s, stnmps and frfieiit ior Feii- fe3 Jl inary. I'JV r;;tie s h ed .. turn iiitiery shed, 200- rt for ore to silo, a 4-room tenant hows:. Improvement, in fine conditio-;, acres '-tired with 4-foo' l-o; tight wire and cross fenced in to f.ur field ;, all hog tight. All good : ;rn: hu:d with no waste. Sehool 00 this quarter. This is a very de : it-aide farm ana iil bear close in-.'p.-ctlor.. It rd:''':ld sell quickly at :-e price. if you arc int 'Tested : f toe at once. Trice $40,000.00. Terms to fruit purchaser. T. H. POLLOCK. T'none No. 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr. TARN. TOE SALE. The K. K. Todd Homestead 5s 0 acre improved farm, Z miles west of Plattsmouth, now owned by Rassel Todd. I'rire $2r.0.00 per acre. T. II. Pollock, Piatt.-mouth. A Timely Suggestion. next time you have a cough 1. 1 W lminarv 1 fl t ? j2i.eor. Vjas i.i:-t. v o.. i;as 0u : diei t- :ecieiv ' o ii. unue. flj omntv fartu and county jail i i .T tn Ff-hrnr.rv "1. i ft 1 9 Ot-Ml' ro,('' try Chamberlain:? Cough I Remedy. It is pleasant to take and and. von are sure to be pleased with! ithe relief which it affords. ThisjW. OI?en. commercial truck; Lincoln remedy has a wide reputation for ! Telephone Co., runabout ; fussed .'rem Thursday's r'nily. John F. Slander has jus; purchas ed a new lodge I?ros. car from the local sales station operated by John F. Gorder of this city. Mr. Si a ml ..t has made an excellent select ion. and sets ;i car which is dependable in every rep"ct, and capable of giving the kind of service demanded by the progressive farmer, to which cla-s I'.f bdoi:e, :. JIUERAY PEOPLE DOING WELL. "r'lm Friday Iialty. Itrrorts from Council Liu, 7 s, where Alex Rhodr. Mr'-. Th-:-ma-t Tilson. and Cl.irlrs Wolf. all of whom are receiving- trea'ment at the bo'spitjil at that place, tell of all making .the be.-t i improvement possible in their individual cases. This is god news for their many friends, and all hope they will soon be able to return Lome entirely well. ALL GOT CARS LATELY The T. H. Pollock Auto company are now receivintr a few Ford cars ;.nil have filled the following or ders within the pHot few das: Parr Young. Murray, runabout: Drs. c Rrembl, Murray, a coupe and n touring car; J;:s.. Miller. Xelju k.i. ton true!;; .left' P.r-nd"'. Murray, runabout; Albert Comer. Frank Peteroel. Eddie Slept. at and Phil T. Iteeker, touring cars; George . ii. T-t r.-rif. " "f i'i:-t'",::t.-u!!:. en KOIJDAY. KALCH 2i Co:nrnercii:g' at 1 :00 0 "Clock Sharp At which lime I v,ii! ottVr tin fol- iowir.u de.-(rii ;d property for s;:b-: Oo.e ilark bay ht-rse, five year.-, old. weight 1 ; ot:o iiari. bay iiiare. nino e:r:. old. weight F410; ma bay bay mare, two year.-- old. Two Jersey cows. o;o ing two years dd. one vo.trlirg Mtifer. one heifer calf, 'one t horong !) bred Ciiierr.s-y ')-.;i! eon. ing nei years ii, on? Jersey ye-.trling heifer, otto .;.r:.i y calf. A lew good brood so-.w. ritie olin. wtigon. go:d. One 4 -in. tire Wigon and hay rack. ()!ie hog rack. One I '.rati It y matiitre j-prcadt-r. good as new. One Case corn planter, SO rods wire, new. One New Century riding cultivat or, new. Oiu John Ik-ere riding cultivat- or. Two Avery walking cultivator.-. One llapgocd 12-in. gang plow, good shape. One three-!-ect ion harrow, good a.; to-w. Twf Oeeraig i:iowf-rs. One MoConni'K 10-ft. bay r .Ve. One St. Joe 14-i;i. walking plow. One- St. Joe cornbimrd ridinv list er. One dik, toarly n n: 11: t b t !-! t(.f 1 l I', ire bein .; o- j n-.ved fr-'" the pr.";. '- --. A. E. TOIiD. Ov.'acr. co:.. w YOi'NOi. Aitction-er. viii'). ). onvKY. Cl -rk "TIETURK3 FS(!; T7'E LA'JT. Fi"!ii S.-' t ii i-la 's t'-i'!;.'. Mrs. ( (;. r Oap-Mi. 'A ho l.a- , at S uth Haven. Michigan, for oi-o' iter c-i m- i , .-.., , ... x,-i-.r. t-.. . ,i. lceount of the serious illue- o'i h-r gra oi b (-. ::rs. A. C O ::. vle is r.o'-v eighty-nine' -t.-s f eg . .Mid who is so i'.l that her ro-eviv is i--.-j: ired of. lois errivi I lee e e.i r remaining at the b'-d-He oi' gran-'.nioiher as long l,, r service tour! be spared from home. She bit her grandmother in ahor.t tlo- same condition she has; been for soi" ' inio p-.i.-t. Mrs. (b.pen report - her t'athtr. Roscoe Team. wl:, fer:erlv lived in litis city, as enjoying very good health a! t!ii.; lime. One f, h. '.trine, goo- Cailoway portable "he Eest Laxative. 32 03 cures of coughs and colds. iStauder, ton truck. fne Challenge feed grimier. One j-In'erpri-e ensilage tntter. One fanning mill. io:e f.ea.rpifs cream .sr-pan-ior. )n-r hob s! -d. One r,n-galloti bincherir.g keMo. One J .j-if ii,!in ,- er cane mill !-i'i ev;.p-rator and furnace front gr:0 and smoke stack. One two-hole self feed corn sh'dl er. Oti" corn shredder. One I et ring binder. One furote n-tooth garden har-! row. One f: e-' hovel plow. One shov 1 plow. Ore Hit'er three-hore w: gon douhburees. One cypress tock tafl". One cement mixsr. One Kcraper. "My "fie;, i a r h::bi-. ha-: '., -i.:'at'-(J (he ir of an ;.::;:: iona lax;.-tiv-. I -:ave tried t ian;. bu found nothing be'er tii'-.ti .'i.amb-. i;, j n'; Tab'-v.ri'i George I". Dit.i'l . Ilariiv.r. Yt. .dr. tt.inb-K j. pro orie'er of the J rd v. i :!: I:.;:. :. of the mod' 1 hoi ; I. of New I-ingh. t.d. A. :. w:ll s-:!l all I.:-. ! : - -,ot. a! pnuvrfy at i'ub'.ic Au:::o'i :' hi- farm h;n e on Monday. Marco J4th. I'e will quit farmitig a:.d n "r!ii'.g must be sold. Wall I'a per. Paint. , Giass, pitturo Framing. Frank Gobe'ntan. 5 .. , . .. v p 1 e v e.oe ii 0 ;, t lie o- vm n v. ,, f j mao.. DJco siaiU i-t for i.i.tou.o-' biks. . '-' ' Y ' ' - . ' t ISY ROSENTHAL. I . .".!t i CuaHha. Iie'. 'Ti f " 'uflw- --Ti v ' -' " -J-1