The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    jIOirDAi. liUSCH 17. 1913-
ck's Dance
s of- 0. of H. Lodge
arcn Wta
Tlio Emosiial Jazz Orchestra
Admission GGc
Remember tht when you bring
your ford car to us for mechanical
attention. 30U get the genuine Ford
service materials, experienced work
men and Ford factory prices. Your
Fcrd is too useful, too valuable to take
chances with ' poor mechanics, with
equal!' poor qualitj' materials. Brine;
it to us and save both time and money.
We are authorized Ford dealers, trust
ed by the Ford Motor Company to
lock after the warts cf Ford owner?
that's the assurance we offer. We are
cutting a few Fcrd cars and first come
first to receive delivery.
Open Day cind Night
Fr-.ip Tl.ureday's Daily.
Ir." 11. F. Prendel. of Murray, was
a visitor hi the city for a short
time this afternoon, while on his way
to Omaha to attend the autr .show.
Mis'? I'attie Metzger. of war Cedar
Creek vas a visitor in this city to
day, coming down on the early Bur
lington train to be y guest of her
friends iii'-o.
C. I). Shanholtz of Cedar ( reek
was a vi.-itor in Platts-mout h yes
terday coming to look after some
hu-inoss for the day. and returned
to his home and work.
S. J. Srhncfer of south of Cedar
Creek wns a i-itor it; this city last
evening for a short time, looking
after some matters of business and
retiirm-d to his home in the ev n-in-r.
J. 71. F.c Men, f f near Murray,
and V':i!it P.arilett. the harher of
that progrt ve city, were visit i n t;
in Plattsmntith for a few hours thi"
morning, crrr-rng to look after some
bu.dr.ess matters for the d;;y.
i 5
T. H- Pollock arage
Phone No. 1
oojuT t n::i y to j;et t-.tttT aequaint-
k; with t l:.-se. mar'niu js. The school
From Friday's Dally.
S. C. Clifford, of Water,
v. as a vi-itor in Platt.-mout h thh
morning, coming to look aftr some
!.usine ir the day.
A. S. WiR was called to Omaha
this morninir. having some business
mutters to bok after at the live
Ftoek market at the south side.
Harry Todd, of near .Murray, wa -a
visitor in I'lattsmonth this meru
it, v. com ins no in his car to lot.k
i after some busiiie., f-r the day.
Mrs. Robert Stivtr.s and children
of Cedar Creek, arrived this morn
I'uiET red is visiting at the home oi
her parents Simon Clark and wiff
for the day.
I'a'nl Koherts after having visited
in this eiy for the day yesterday,
and looking alter some business for
(the after!'. jon, returnea iast evening;
i t'. lii.- home at cedar Creek,
j Attorney C. K. TeiTt of Wec-jdni:
i Water was a visiter in the cy for
j over niuht. ar.-.ine from Omaha.
!vhere he has heen, and h.ivini? some
husintss matters t" lok after
KrJph Lar:- ti w ho is locaic-1 at
T 'iisvi'.le. where he -3 rmrhved ii.
a h-..nk. was a h':-ine.-s visitor in
tliis ri'v vest-rday for a short t'.me
I and returned Ust cv-ni;is -o hi-i
liarry TcM of near Murray. ? !it
was in the city ti-(!ay. vas n t a'l:
t- pet the tu ire?s which he came
to f alioi't, tran aeied l:ere anI
made a trip to Omaha this aTier-
Mrs. II. J. Sihroed-r c-f n-ai
Cedar Creek wc- a visitor in :hi
Tractor School Will Ee Held Li This
City. Wednesday.' March 19th.
! v i!! ..-tart a! 5:.'0 a. in. a::d last all
i (iav.
Th.ere will he a free tractor school
held at John K. borders Implement
Ft ore. Wel:-day. March ir.ih.
Th.i? :-ch"d wil take up the care
and operatic r of tractors and eng
ine, and will ten: h t of practical
drmontrat ions with tractors and
tractor parts, together with lectures
from lartre charts that are clearly
Mr. Oorder's Imrdemerit Store will
he well heated and filled with chairs
to makf it comfortable for those
jrer-ent. Mr. Cmrdcr is fu-r.irhin
the tractors for the dem(.ns rrat ion
work ar.d the International tlarv -iter
Company of Ct.uneil t;hi!T.s. Iowa,
is fornihintr the charts. tractor
parts and instruct nr.?. The instruct
ors ar'- practical tractor an;! enrrine
men and will not only talk on the
theory .fx tractors and encino-; hut
can also pive you the bfnfT.t cf
their practical experience.
Ever;l dy i.- invited and all farm
ers .shru;d take advar.tape of thi-
Frc-m ?.:ti;ri'..iy's I.iily.
Technically rpeakins. Nebraska
or i t l-a.-t this part of it is not
dry. Ar.d ly this statement we do
not m "a ti that there is ny need f,r
;i Levy (f Chief livers' boor." hounds
to py a visit either, hut sir.ipiy
that dry Cass county is wet with a
L.-i-;;;i'o s-oj.kiiiK of aoaa pura. which
has been fa,liasr rnre or less se tit
le from the ckirs for the past couple
of d..ys. Naturally, there is a de
mand for rain c-ats. umbrellas and
, it 4
W. A. E02EI:T30;i,
East of nncy Ilota!.
Coatfcs Elock,
Secoad Flcr.
We Viow Have in Stock
Good Sprint:
city yi-terdiy. a .iciest
of her sister Mrs. A. V.
mother Mr.-. J. V. KH.
ed u in.nif la?: ev
Anton A. Fc-!oefer t;
at the hon
yhirt am!
and return-
I Oklahoma.
, mwm
who has lien v:.i:inir her" for som-1
time, depnrted last eveninp fa:
Cedar Creek, w here li . i visitine
with fri-n:1s f-,r !i short time before
he ;f.all return to his .-.ome in the
Miss Harel Barker of Vutan. ar
rived in city, this morniiiEr. en
route for Murray, where s-h goes tc
work in th Murray Telr.hi" Kx
ch.nre. whose brothrr Earl Parcel
i the man.iic'.-r. D.,C. Uhod'-n came
t.;p with his oar and took Mis
Iiarcr to Murray.
Mrs. Hi. rl laesley ar. A children
arrived in the city this afternoon
fr-'-m their p.t Eddyville. where
they have 1-een making their home
for some time, being enrratred in
farming, and .will visit here for a
shrt time, quests at the home of
Mrs. Leesley's mother Mrs. A. N.
Ion'g. v
There was the usiml large atten
dance a the Elks dance last nicht
A St. Patrick's da?'ce has been an-
i pounced to be iiel l at the Club or
next Monday night ar.d the com
mittee requests that the ju"mberf
; rd th.eir frigid ommemorate tlie
memory of "Auld Ireland" bf wear
ing plenty of green-colored clothing.
Mrs. V.. T. Milhurn and her moth
er Mrs. Mary R. Reynolds. whose
home is at Pr.ola. Kanras, but who
has been spending the winter at the
h:me of her daughttr, Mrs. Mil
burn, departed this morning for Pa
c!a, Kansas. Mrs. Reynolds return
ing to her home, and Mrs. Milhurn
accompanying her- mother to care
for her on the trip, and will also
remain io care for her mother, after
arriving as Mrs. Reynolds is well'
advanced in years, and somewhat
; enfeebled.
i From Saturday's Daily.
i . Phillip lleil was a visitor in the
city this morning, coming to - look
after some business for the day.
ing, coming fo look afirr riome trad
ing for the day.
A. R. Fornoff of near Cedar Creek
was a visitor in this city this after
noon where he was looking after
some trading for the day.
Ce:rge W. Snyder who has been
visiting in Omah-a and looking after
business there for the past few days
returned home this afternoon.
Fred Fornoff was a business visi
tor in Plattsmouth this morning,
coming lo do forii'' trading and to
look after s.ome o'ker raatn-rs for
Jacob Ilechler and wife from
Cedar Cieek were in th city yes
terday having driven with their
team, and returned home jn the
Fred Menchau, Edward Carr and
Robert Wenel. all from i.-ar Eu;-'h
were in the city this morning look
ing after some business for the day
nT the court house.
Marcus I.. Furlong of near Rock
muffs, was a visitor in litis city for
a short time toay, enroute for
Council Rlutl's, Iowa, where he is
looking after some business for the
Miss" GJenne Dixon departed Isat
evening for her home at Sidnev. j
Iowa, where she win Fp'mi the week
end, returning in tim- to take up
her school work th" first of the
John Spant-ler, of near Ixniis
vi'.le, was a visitor in I'lattsmouth
today, coming to look after s me
natters of business for a short time
ind while here t(iok advantage of
iT.irn:iiit- r f-;lll 'i tliti lmr-t
ii a I ofhee.
James Hlaha was a visitor in the
;ity this morning for a short tiine,
coming to look after s.-me business
for a few hours. He i.rrived over
the Missouri Pacific and departed
on the early afternoon train of the
Turlington for Omaha.
Mrs. Hcr.rv H. Tartsch arrived
iast evening from her home in Sioux
City, and is visiting a1 the home of
her father. Wm. Pallance. She wi;l
remain and keep house for her fath
er while her mother is away in the
i-ast. called there by the illness cf a
Kelley Rhoden and wife were vis
titig in the city last evening for a
ew hours, being truest r at tlie homo
if Mrs. lihodeii's mother, Mrs. E. C.
aunon. and also looking after some
business fora while. They ret urn -.-d
to their home iu-ir Murray in ihe
Edward Kelly was in the city for
i 'h'.u't t'me yesterday, having gme
to Omaha from h's home iii Mur
'lock. wher he was atte::?:iug th
auto show, and last evening, he was
'.in.alle to gt t a bed in Omaha, at: !
had to come t - Plattsnioutli t-j find
a place to ileep. He visited here
yesterday and last evening returned
to Murdock.
CSCTSSE3 eE23S222S3 C2SS2ST3 CTSD u.....,..:
A1I Farmers Are Envsted to
Tractor Scihoo
At John order's implement Store
WW 152 U k H ul ft-- -r ii ii a 8 tl
it Si
This school. vill be absolutely free to all who care to attend, whether they are
tractor owners jr not, and we urge all farmers to attend as they will get lots of valu
able information. Nothing will be offered for sale at these schools and there will be
no selling talks.
9 ii'.- r'-'.v. ; ; r ' '
I s
KE. 12851
Jake is a black jack with white
points. Was foaled May 2S. 11)12.
Is iri hands high. Sired by Rig
Jake, and his dam was Lady Elgin.
He is an excellent jack, and ha a
-rood reputation as a foal getter.
Weight 1100.
Teddy R. is a fine Peicheron
Stallion, black with white hind feet
and right front foot also whit-''. He
was foaled March CO. 191:', and
weighs 1S00 pounds. His sire v;As
Morton. G720:i; by Epateur. r, ;
(64349); by -Rolivar, 401U
( 464C2) ; bv Amilcar, (19979); by
Sultan. (473); by Bayard, '. -i !.". ;
by' Estraba, 1S7 (736); ly son of
Jean le Blanc," (739).
Teddy R and Jake will rapke the
season of 1319 at my home, i-ix ru'es
west of Murray and six ini'ts east
of Manley, every day in the week.
Terms for Tddy R.. $12.f0 to Insure
colt to stand up and suck Terms
for Jake, $15.00 tojnsure colt to
stand up and suck. Vhen p;riie-
Gare, Operation, Repair and Uses of Traders and Engines
TKe instructors are practical tractor and engine men and the course is laid out in
large charts, illustrated with clear diagrams and described in simple terms. It take
up the reason why an engine operates, what takes place within the cylinder of an en
gine, symptoms that indieate approaching trouble, how to look for trouble and not ov
erlook it; how to get the best possible service from a tractor and many other stibjects
of special interest to farmers in this locality. In short you can find out anything you
may want to know in regard to tractors at this school. You will be invited to ask
questions, and all questions will be answered. There will be practical demonstrations
School Will Start at 9:00 a. m. and Last All Ba
Everyone who attends will receive a ccp of a 160 page book entitled "INTER
NAL COMBUSTION. TRACTORS AND ENGINES." This book treats on every
known trouble of an engine or tractor.
This school is being put on solely for the purpose of educating engine and tractor
users in the care and operation of their machines so they can fix their own troubles
and accomplish more during the rush season.
International Harvester Company, I
Ajft' ifti7? fail iZ ' a 5Srfcj3 m2Z
Column I-f,t to
l.oeul -iriiiiim Imerewt
. ! chicks die as the result of overfeed
X j ing the first week or two than from
! anv other one cause. It is ad vis-
i able to feed five'times a day, alter
nating a mash or soft feed, such as
Why Colds Are Dangerous.
johnnycake. with a hard grain or
. scratch feed. Ventilation, fresh
f water, and charcoal and grit, are
JLx:XX--:-:-X-X-X:":-:--WI"I-5-J also essential to good baby chick
health. Kep them scratching for
If you wish a few pounds of Early
Orange cane seed to plant for sorg
hum write or call the Farm P.ureau
The 'postponed Farm Rureati an
nual meeting will be held at Weep
ing Water, March 27th at 2:00
o'ciock. Everyone come.
Plenty Of Beans For All.
Information has reached the Uni
versity of Nebraska that a large
part of the bean crop grown in thi .
and other states- for army purposes
is still to be marketed. The array
demands have been filled and the
warehouses are bulging as the re
sult of the response of bean grow
ers last year. On account of the
high prices in the last year or two.
beans ceased to be a staple and be
came a luxury. They lost much of
their popularity, and demand for
them fell much below Nebras
ka growers are now receiving about
." cents a pound for pintos and 7
cents for whites. Indications point
to even lower prices.
Borers Dislike Paint.
"Prac:cal Hints on Running a
pie-tree borers is a thick coat cf
paint from raw linseed oil and pure
white lead. Remove the earth f;r
a distance of " to 4 inches from the
base of the tree, scrape off the dirt
and loose bark scales, and after
worming, apply to the exposed trunk
a thick, uniform coating of paint to
a distance cf about a foot above the
ground. This is recommended by
the United States Department of
Heavy Feeding Kills Chicks.
Proper warmth and proper feed
ing are the two main essentials in
the early life of the baby chick. The
baby chick temperature should be
from 102 to 105 degrees. When
liiooded by hens the chicks remain
under their mothers for a day or
their feed.
Gas Engine Hints.
Practical Hints on Running a
Gas Engine" is a new bulletin of
the United States Department of Ag-
j riculture. It contains suggestions
en how to avoid or remedy the more
common forms of gas engine trouble;
directions for locating trouble in the
ignition system or the fuel system;
a discussion of various methods of
starting in cold weather; and a
"trouble chart" in which possible
sources of trouble are listed.
County Agent.
j You are often told to "beware of
j a cold," but why? We will tell you:
j Every cold weakens the lungs, low
i ers the vitality and paves the way
for the more serious diseases, peo
ple who contract pneumonia firt
take cold. The longer a cold hang
on, the greater the danger, especial
ly from the germ diseases, as a
cold prepares the system for the re
ception and development of the
germs of consumpt ion, diphtheria,
scarlet fever and whooping coiuh.
The quicker you get rid of your
cold, the less the danger of contract
ing one of these diseases. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy has a great
reputation as a cure for colds and
can be depended upon. It is pleas
ant to take.
T F. Gillespie the grain mer
chant of Mynard was a business
visitor in riattsmonth this morn
ing, coming to see about some busi
ness for tfce d?.y.
I have for sale, two roung high
bred registered Herford bulls, four
teen and fifteen months of age re
rpectively. Inquire of Fred T.
Rcmge. Phones 102 and r,C2.
I'lattsmouth. Neb.
dispose cf mares cr remove from, the J two. When a. brooder is used much
looalitv service fee becomes due and : care is required in order that the
1 Mrs. John Parkening was a visitor j raut he paid immediately. AM care ! chicks may have. an event proper
in the city today, being a guest of. -will be taken to prevents ac;(ieiits. temperature, like that the body of
her parents. M. Hild and wife. I nut owner will not be held i
Frank Parkening. of Cullom. sponsible should any occur,
was a visitor in the city this morn- A. J. SCHAFER.
mother hen will provide. Young
chicks should not be fed from 24 to"
SC . hours after batching. More
:; HOME RUILDEIJS' money is loaned only on
mortgage security on new properties in Oma
ha, erected by this Company.
4 HOME BUILDERS does not erect buildings on
its own account to sell or to rent for profit. It
builds only to order for reliable people for the
contractor's profit.
5 HOME BUILDERS' assets consist only of .
mortgages. Government bonds and cash and it
has not one dollar of mortgage or bonded debt.
Over three thousand people have received their dividends with
unfailing regularity on their money. Last ear those wishing to
convert their Shares into cash received over $125,000.00 through
the American Security Co.. Fiscal Agents.
Your money in HOME BUILDERS is tax-free in Nebraska and
available any time on short notice after one ear.
6 Per Cent is guaranteed and paid you January 1st and July
1st on any amount up to $5,000.00.
A part of your business is solicited by mail or in person for
its G per cent Shares until the present allotment is exhausted.
E. P. LUTZ, Agent, .
Plattsmouth, Nebratka
' i