The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1919, Image 1

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    Nebraska c-4ote Histori
cal Society
No. 78.
From Thursday's Daity.
Representative R. R. Windham, of
the Cass-Otoe 'county district, and
George A. Hurt, of Saline count-,
have introduced a bill Jtnown as
House Roll 519. which asks an ap
propriation of $200,000.00 for the
erection of a building for the joint
ucc of the State Historical society
and the State 1'niversity library,
which bill lias now passed the sec
ond reading and been referred to
the Finance committee.
Th follnwnig is the text of the
bill as originally drawn and ready
for the report of the committee:
'T.e it enacted by the People of
the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. I'pon conveyance by
the Hoard of Directors of the Nebras
ka Historical Society to the State of'
Nebraska of the west half of block
124. in the city of Lincoln, .lying di
rectly east of the State House
grounds, by warranty deed approved
by the attorney-general cf the state,
the provisions of this act hereinafter
set forth shall take effect.
"Section 2. There is hereby ap
propriated the turn of two hundred
thousand dollars ($200,000) from
the State General fund to the State
Historical Society, which shall be
expended for a site and for plans,
specifications, and the erection of a
wing, or for part of the cost of the
erection of a State Historical and
University Library Building, for the:
joint use of the Nebraska State His
torical Society, the State University
Library, and other organization that
may be ag"red upon by the Board of
IMrectors of the Nebraska State His
torical society and the Board of Re
gents of the University of Nebraska.
"Section ?,. It shall be lawful for
the Board of Directors of the. Ne
braska State-Historical Society and
the Beard of Resrents of the Univer
sity of Nebraska to enter into an
agreement and contract for the erec
tion of a joint building upon the
campus of the University cf Nebras
ka, in the city of Lincoln and for
the joint occupancy of said building
as a library and historical museum
by the State Historical Society and
for library purposes by the Univer
sity of Nebraska and for its fur
ther use by such other organizations
as the Board of Directors of the State
Historical Society and Board of Re
gents of the University of Nebraska
may agree upon.
"Section 4. The auditor of the
slate is directed to draw warrants
for an amount not exceeding the to
tal of this appropriation upon pre
sentation of vouchers properly cer
tified and approved by the Board of
Directors of the State Historical
From Ftiday'a Daily
This morning Mrs. W. R. Clem
ents who has been visiting for some
time in Chicago, the sruest with her
daughter Miss Harriett Clements
and also with other friends, return
ed to her home. ,
Mrs. Clements was somewhat sur
prised on her return to find that
their heme had been burned during
lier absence. Mr. Clement had not
tcld his wife anything about the
fire, and he had thought it was no
use to spoil the wife's visit by giv
ing the knowledge of the fire until
she should arrive home. That was
very considerate in Billie, aid did
not spoil the visit of the wife which
would have been the case had she
have heard of the fire before her
A. E. Todd has sold his farm. and
now wishes to dispose of all his per- j
sonai property at ruaiic Auction anu
quit farming. A genuine closlr.g-
out sale will be given at his late,1
home on Monday, March 24th. You
will find a complete list of the offer
ing in another column of this issue
of the Journal. Look it over, you
may find something that you need,
and it can be bought at your own
A line of stationery at the Jour
nal office that can't be excelled and
is hard to equal.
From Thursday's Dally.
It was an enthusiastic and inter
ested bunch of devotees of basket
ball, comprising all ages of citizens,
who were trying last night to learn
what success our boys had had in
the opening game of the tournament
at Lincoln yesterday. And as the
hours passed and no word came from
iany of the team the fear came into
existence that the inevitable had
happened they had met with de
feat. And sad as it is true, this
proved to be the case. Intuition led
some to believe that "No news is
bad news" and they surmised the re
sult long was definitely an
nounced. Probably the most inter
ested seekers after knowledge of the
result were the girls of the High
school, who have always been loyal
boosters for the team.
Mrs. William Ballance Departed for
Jackson. Michigan. Last Even
ing, to Attend Bedside.
From Friday's Daily.
Yesterday morning Mrs. William
Ballance received. a message telling
of the serious condition of her sis
ter, Mrs. L. B. Johnson, of Jackson.
Michigan, who is lying very low in
a hospital at that place, where she
has just undergone an operation
for relief from a cancer of the liver.
The message this morning did not
hold out any hope that the recovery
of the sister might be looked for.
but rather that she might not live
until the arrival of Mrs. Ballance.
however rapid her Journey to that
place might be. At the best she can
not arrive in Jackson before the miu
d!e of the afternoon today. I
Mrs. Johnson spent some time in
this city, living here with her sis
ter, Mrs. Ballance and attended
school here years ago in the base
ment of the Episcopal church, and
had as an instructor the late Cannon
Burgess. She was known by many
Plattsmouth people. who will be
distressed to know of her sad con
dition resulting from ill health.
From Thursday's Dally.
Col. V. R. Young who has just
returned from the northern portion
of the state, is looking fine, and
says that he just had an excellent
sale cf pure bred Duroc Jersey hog3,
which averaged $125.00 and that
the man which he had the sale forr
"Will Rasmussen. who lives near the
town of Brunswick, was well pleas
ed with the results.
Col. Young is a pure bred stock
salesman, with but few equals and
no superiors. If there is any way
possible of getting another dollar
out of an animal, he knows that
way and will get the dollar, you can
rest assured. Those needing some
one to conduct a sale of pure bred
hogs, or any other kind of stock, but
hogs especially will do well to call
Col. W. R. Young.
From Thursday's Daily.-
Little "Billie" Edwards, who has
Just arrived at his second ' birthday
yesterday, was honored by a birth
day party, in which his little and
big friends gathered to do him honor.
Little Billie was the proud posses
sor of a birthday cake, on which two
little candles burned, and the affair
was one of much delight to this
young American.
Now is the time of the year when
one should have their Live Stock
and Buildings protected against loss
by fire, lightning and tornado. '
I write for the Farmers Mutual
Insurance Co., of Lincoln, the old
est, strongest and most satisfactory
Farm Insurance Co., in Nebraska.
Do not neglect this. W. T. Richard
son, Mynard. Phone 2411.
1 black fur mitten some time ago
between Union and Murray. Finder
please leave at Hiatt & Tutt, Mur
ray, Neb. Jarris Lancaster. 17-2tw
From Friday's Dally.
The Jounnal editor is inreceipt of
the following letter from Ray H.
Schiappacasse, a Plattsmouth boy
who is with the army of occupation
on the Rhine river, in which he de
scribes some of the interesting scen
ery and picturesqueness of that sec
tion of Germany:
With the Colors. Febr. 21.
Friend Robert:
Find .enclosed a few views of the
Rhine river that I trust will prove
interesting to you. These views are
characteristic of the section held by
the A. E. F. im Germany. The river
here forms a vast source of travel
for the inland commerce. Tug-boats
towing long strings of heavily laden
barges are to be seen at all times,
and while the valley below here
forms an almost unbroken chain cf
manufacturing establishments, most
of which were engaged in the mak
ing of war material. So you see be
having possession of this section of
the country we are able to rob Ger
many of any continuous efforts to
ward resistance. Above here the
valley grows narrow and is wonder
ful in its scenery, as it is in its his
tory. Ruins and castles bedeck the
high cliffs of the narrow valley at
every hand, and the small towns
built to the water's edge are beyond
my limited vocabulary to uescrioe.
Some cf these castles are very old
built ages ago. and almost every
stone or claff forms the source of a
The people here, that is the native
population, are not very hostile in
their attitude to the Americans, and
amongst the poorer class of people,
the coming of the Americans was a
sort of .a relief. As most of us are
billeted with the private families.
we have a fine chance to find out
the views of the people, and one
cannot help but feel a sort of pity
for the way they have been exploit-j
ed. though when one thinks of the
ruthlessness with which they car
ried on the war. one is apt to feel
that he is being mislead, if he wasn't
in possession of the facts. The Ger
man people, to my mind, had too
great an opinion that their former
government and Kaiser were unable
to do wrong and with that spirit
they entered the war and were kept
there wih misleading stories.
I am with a radio company in the
Signal corps, and we have one set
whose duty it is to copy the Ger
man communications each day. Dur
ing the last days of the fighting.
when the Germans were being beat
en on every hand, the German offi
cial communication to the public
would be composed wholly of false
statements. However you will also
find that the people themselves have
fostered this idea of Imperialism.
For instance, in every village, town
or cky there is sure to be a Bis-
mark and Kaiser strassa (street)
and the leading hotel is the Kaiser-
hoff. There is almost always a
statute of th Kaiser or Bismrke
in the square. Notwithstanding all
this the people are very friendly' with
the soldiers, 69 much so, that orders
are constantly coming from head
quarters making it harder for the
soldiers to fraternalize with the
Of course the people have good
reason to be friendly for only today.
from way across the valley, the ar
tillery demolished an old stone house
on a hill, where the population could
see the full effect, and which no
doubt bad a bit to do with their
behavior. It would take only a few
moments to lay the beautiful towns.
castles and cities in ruin, as we are
lined up here Just as though we
Elsewhere in this issue of the
Journal you will find an advertise-
ment listing the property to be sold the mother and babe are getting
at the A. E. Todd Public Sale at hisjalonS nicely, and fhe father is feel
farm four miles west of Plattsmouth . ins "bully."
on Monday, March 24th. Read it, ;
you will find some offerings that will
interest you
were in battle, and the tinkle of a
telephone would start a whole train
of fireworts. or as the French say
"toot sweet."
Don't believe any rtories to the
contrary that the hoys are not anx
ious to get home. This is the big
topic of t lie day and forms a never
ending argument us to when we will
sail for our home in the states. We
are all very tired of this country
and are anxious to pet home and
back to where they Tiave honest -to-goodness
people again. We are very
comionaniy locaieu nere. Sleep in
real beds and have a fine place to
stay, so you can ree that we really
want to get back to the grod old U.
S. A. again, and our desire is not
prompted by any complaint that we
might have on the mode cf living.'
Will close with the hope that you
are still wearing That old smile of
yours, and trust that it will continue
in the fuuro as in The past. I remain.
Yours truly.
Sowed Oats in Oklahoma Mere Than
a Month Age Finds Snow
Drifts in Nebraska.
Fiom Thursday s Diily.
A. A. Schaefer, living near Enid,
Oklahoma, throe weeks before he
left for a visit in the north sowed
his oats crop for-the coming season,
and when he left they were growing
nicely. Mr. Schaefer was a guest of
relatives and frier ds here for a
short time, goinj from here to Plain-
view where he has been visiting for
a number of days, returning here last
evening for a br, ef stay before goinj;
hack to his honv in the south. Leav
ing Plainview'he left Iwhind Inn;
snow drifts piled high and which
will be there for a long time yet to
come, while such a short distance to
the south as could be traveled in lesr
than two days time grain is grow
ing and flowers will soon, if not al
ready, be blooming. Still the resi
dents of each cf these places would,
if asked, claim their climate is most
ideal. Now Plattsmouth and Cass
county are neither in the vicinity of
the fields of growing prain nor where
chilling winds are coming from off
the snow banks, and we are certain
neither climate mentioned above can
beat this.
Those of you who are not careful
followers of current events in to
day's history may be surprised to
learn that as late as the seventeen
th day of February the world was
again near the brink of war. Ger
many almost broke the armistice,
and it was only after much consul
tation that an agreement was final
ly reached and our boys were saved
from being 'recalled to the trenches
and to open warfare. Women of Ne
braska are true heroines in this
cause of freedom, for it is they who
have suffered much. It is the woman,
the mother, the wife, who paid the
price in the larger measure. Had
your boy been called again into ser
vice, what would have been your
feelings? Our government will soon
ask us to loan it money on short
term notes to pay for the equipment
which helped to stop the hun. and for
food for the starvingb people. What
will 'be your answer to the call? The
women of this state will rise as a
unit and subscribe from their own
funds, thus saying to the German
party leaders. "You shall not violate
your armistice a-d again plunge our
country into war." Woman's Vic
tory Loan Committee.
I From Thursday Daily
A" announcement just received
here tells of the arrival at the home
of Mr- and Mrs- William Bell, of
Davenport, Iowa, of a little son.
wnose name is wiiiiam ari
Also tire information reaches us that
Comirg, Miss Anita Stewart," in
j "Virtuous Wives." Parmele, 18-19th.
From Saturday"? Daily.
In the care of the death of Mrs
Rosina Gla.s. wife of Michael Glass
of this city last night, five children
are left to face the battles of life
without the guiding hand of a moth
er. Her loss from the home occasions
much radness and the family has
the heartfelt sympathy of the en
tire community in their hour of deep
Mrs. Glass, mother of six child
ren, ore of whom preceded her in
death, was stricken with influenza
a rhort time ago, as were also the
five children in the home. The case
developed rapidly into pneumonia.
which disease called her from life
unto death last evening, although
she made a most valliant fight to
live and be of service in rearing the
family she leaves behind.
The children did not have the dis-
easeiearly as severely as the moth
er and are now apparently all safe
ly on the road to recovery.
When her condition became rapid
ly worse and hopes were no longer
entertained for her recovery, the
husband was paralyzed with grief,
while the children with loving em
brace clung to the father as the
ueiMh anpel called to take from them
?h-.' guiding hand so essential to the
rearing of a family.
Mrs-. Glass was formerly Miss Ro--ina
Kisslirg. being a sister of Louis
Kissling. Sr. and of Mrs. Geo. Mittle
r.Kjer of Omaha. She was about
4 9 years old and was married in
this city several years ago. Later
they moved to Comstock, Nebraska.
where they were engaged in business
until fire devastated their home and
place of business when they return
ed to Plattsmouth last fall and Mr.
Glass sought work with the Burling
ton in the local shops.
The funeral will be held from the
home tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon
at 2:00 o'clock, the Rev. J. II. Steger
officiating: and burial will be in Oak
Hill cemetery wot of the city.
Gas and Electric Company Planing
to Furckh that Enterprising
Village with "Juice." .
From Saturdays Daily
Last evening Superintendent Ki
kendall of the Plattsmouth Gas and
Electric company attended a meet
ing, of the city council and commer
cial club of Union, where the mat
ter of supplying that enterprising
village with light service from here
was taken up and discussed to a
considerable extent, and it was plan
ned to take steps immediately to
the end of extending the service line
now running from here to Murray,
on south into Union, in order that
they may have the benefit of elec
tric service. The matter will be
taken up and definitely settled at
the next meeting of the council and
commercial club, at an early date.
If the matter goes through as it
is hoped it will, it will be the means
of furnishing employment to a num
ber of people in this city, as the
construction cf the line will entail
a good deal of labor and the expen
diture cf a handsome sum of money.
The children of Robert Wells, be
ing Robert, Jr. and Olive, who have
Been sick with some bronchial trou
ble. are reported as being slightly
improved, and hopes are entertained
that they will now continue to get
better and will son be well again.
Mrs. Otto Hamburg and little
daughter, Alice, who have been here
from their home in Gretna the past
week, visiting at the home of Mrs.
Hamburg's mother, Mrs. Wm. Budig,
departed for her home this morning.
While here Mrs. Hamburg called at
the Journal office and extended her
subscription to the paper.
From Thursday's Daily.
Through the influence of L. C.
Sharp of the Western Machine and
Foundry company, J. Q. Stephens, of
Chicago was induced to make a visit
to this city this afternoon, to look
the city over with a view of locat
ing a cone manufacturing" plant
here. Mr. Stephens is interested in
a number of plants, and during the
season, when the product of his fac
tory is mostly used, carries a stock
of a. high as twenty millions of
single cones in stock at the differ
ent places where they are made. Mr.
Stephens is taking the matter under
consideration, and will weight the
advantages and disadvantages care
fully as to arrive at a definite con
clusion as 40 what to do regarding
the location of the plant.
Disposed of by Mullis & Son when
Latter Entered the Service
Need for Greenhouse
From Thursday's Daily.
Virgil M. Mullis and son, Lyle M.
Mullis have agaiu come in posses
sion of the greenhouse here, having
purchased the same yesterday, and
they will begin work at once put
ting the same in condition for the
housing of the plants and flowers
they were noted for raising prior to
the time they disposed of the green
house. They expect to put in a
large variety of flowers, vines and
foliage plants.
Plattsmouth has been without au
institution of this kind since Lyle
Mullis disposed of the place, for. the
purpose of answering the call of his
country. In going Mr. Mullis was
forced to sacrifice a great deal cf
his investment and now on returning
he finds it necessary to begin at the
bottom again and build up the busi
ness. In this he should have the
support of Plattsmouth people and
the encouragement of everyone to
the end that the venture may be an
even greater success than before.
From Fridnv's Daily.
A letter from Henry Boeck to the
writer on the Journal, tells of his
having moved from Los Angeles to
Venice, Calif., and says that he and
wife like the place there better, as
it is near the seashore. He men
tions of having a visit from George
Wiles and wife and Ed Hesser and
wife from Weeping Water, and of
going down to the pier, where they
spent the afternoon, and recounted
the happenings of years ago here.
Mr. Beck concludes by extending
best wishes for the Journal and all
the citizens of Plattsmouth.
Saves Huch
77THEN you pay current bills by check
you always have the right change. You
can write a check for any amount in less
time than it takes to pay by cash and wait
for change and a receipt
You can write your checks at home and send them
to your creditors by mail. This conserves your time
and jour credit . Your check serves as a receipt which
we return to you at the end of the month.
If the checking system hadn't proved itself the ideal
way of handling" money 90 of this community's busi
ness wouldn't be handled in this manner.
Why do without .this great convenience when it
saves so much and cost you nothing".
First National Bank
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
But Our Boys Can Well Feel Proud
cf Enviable Record Made
During the Season.
From Thursday" Daily.
This is something which we are
not so overly anxious to say anything
about, and yet it must of needs be
recorded that the Plattsmouth team
received a drubbing at the hands of
the Fremont team yesterday in the
opening game of the state yiirna-
ment at I-aneoln and thus '"played
themselves out" of further partici
pation in the tournament. But there
is no dishonor in being defeated and
we know that the game was a good
one and that our boys put tip a val
lisfnt fight, whereas the Fremont se
gregation put up a better one. -and
we are offering congratulations to
the town of Ross Hammond.
The score of the game was 24 to
13, the Fremont boys holding the
lead throughout most of the game.
The Plattsmouth team, like many
others are out of the tournament' ami
can come home at any time they de
sire. Among others to be outclass
ed in the first day's playing, how
ever, was the fast team from South
We are well satisfied with the
record our team maintained during
the past season, and why should we
not be, when they won nine out of
twelve games. We know they were
up against a hard proposition, and
Lad hoped they would win out. but
as they did not (and someone had
to lose) we are taking the matter
good naturedry and hoping for the
better at some other time.
The boys Jiavc done their part in
most efficient manner and ue con
gratulate them upon the excellent
record they made during t he past
winter. Go to it boys, the world is
Prom Fridav' Datlr.
J. W. Black, who has staked a
claim on the Missouri river bottom
some time since and has been farm
ing the land, but having an
from Grover Ellege for the purchase
of the tract, has concluded after
careful consideration to allow the
parcel of ground to depart from him.
Cost nothing!