iLATTSMOLTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE FIVE. r JENSEN IS ORDERED TO BE Murray Department If ny of the readers of the Journal knor- of any social evenl or item of imprest in this vicinity, and will mail saie to this office, it will ap pear under this heiubntr. We want all news items Euitob JL 'repared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers NTERNED THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 1919. ff Frotectiom I V You not only protect your savings, but you get paid for doing so when you have a savings account at this bank. M oney that'sidle means money wasted. Put vour saving to work and watch the interest grow We watch both the prin- cipai ana interest ior you and relieve you of all the banking worries. Safety Honesty Courtesy Service r-5 14 Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BAK All busineta transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. For Sale: A gond work lior.-c. Old ham Stock. Farm. K. ri. Ti'tt 1. .M. Itavis wtn- Plat '.Miioui h visitors. Monday evn ir .:. Tii" i.;;I- daughter of Mr. and ?!; .-. Warn, n U'jU y lias bcn on t lit" sick li-t T'r the past few days. Helen Todd came up from I ru t attend the party given in li' of Mr. and Mrs. Vance T:dd. A. L. I'.ahcr va- in Omaha .Mon day "vni:!U vi-iting with li is old time friend, Mrk Set ben, of Laurel, Xc r.r. 7?rs. TiiPi Tilsou t ivi.-.'C. to :t:e;i IlluT1' M(n Jay eci i g. '.viuro she is receiving; treatment. Hf, - stk nditrg Sunday with lie me f- ii s. W. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR KO PAY! REVERSE ALL CAIXS Telephone 1511 MErray Exo'iangr China poosu eggs, $i.'U per set ting. Oldham Stock- Farm. Wir. Puis and family entertain d Alf. Oansemer and family last Sun day. Mi.-.-. Ogla Minfurd was a I'latts mou! It visitor and Wednes day. Frunk Khod.-n. of CouneM ;:'u' '. va visiting with .Murray friends hot ween trains Mondays of this v eel;. Mr. and Mr.-. IJ. A. Hoot relum ed home from York. Xeb.. Monday, where they have been visiting for the past ten days with Mr. .Knot's son. The cT'tertainnM'iU Riven i;t the hail by J. Walter Wilson and wife was well attended and much enjoy ed. The last number of the Lycum Course will be Riven on M:iroh "1st. .'.bx Khodtn and ('has. Wo fe ? nrned to Council Bluffs ..lond iy rvji. ug, after spending und'-iv v 1 !:i".ie tolks. Ti.ey are bo b rei d. Ins medical tree fluent in that . ty Mrs. W. II. Puis is in receipt of a letter from her brother, Louie Kan nick, in which he states that he foil from an aeroplane a few days ago. a distance of S0 feet, and was prttty badly hurt. lie does not slate just how serious his injuries are. LADIES5 HAND MADE Why pay $7 lo $10, when you can buy at these prices. Genuine Imported Hemp. Trimmings consist of Silk Ribbons, Imported Flowers, Wreaths, -Silk Wheat, Genuine Ostrich Feathers, Circe Ribbons.Vel vet Ribbons, Etc. Colors black, white and burnt. You couldn't buy the untrimmed hats for the price we of fer them. For Ladies and Misses $1.59, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.75, $3, $3.50 For Children 85c, $1.00 and $1.25 Don't buy until you see this line. 7 J Tu ,4 MURRAY, NEBRASKA Fred Hild was an Omaha visitor last Friday. Frank Davis and Jim Hill ship ped two cars of cattle Monday. W". l. Puis was Uiokiiisr after some business matters in Omaha Thurs day. Kobert Good and wife were visi tors in Plattsjuouth last Saturday afternoon. Miss Dee Garrison was visiting wiih Murray friends last Saturday and Sunday. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mrasek have be.'-n sick for the past few days. Supper at the Library Saturday evciiir.. Good time and rooJ eats so come. Miss Clara Youtr. of P!rf t -niout li was an over Sunday visitor with home folks. For Sale or Kent. My seven room cottage residence in Murray. Mrs. J. W. Berper. Harry Creamer and family ' were callh'R on Ihe I'lattsmout h iijerc!; ants last Saturday. The Fourth number id' the Lyceum Coins" will be tie Stai.dard Male Quartet, on March :',X. The liitie son 'f ?.!r. and Mrs. Herman Peck ha bee;; on the sick list for the past few (lavs. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Queen, of Deep v;:tiT, Mo., arrived i:i Murniy this we.k for a isit with relative-:. Miss Ktta- Nickels was looking ifter business in Plat Imi.oim li for a few lioitrs last Saturday afternoon. The many Iri'Mun- of Mrs. Walter ?ar.s will be plad to learn thaf she is able to be out a Rain after u siee if sici;nes.-. Mrs. Ona Lawion has accvp'td a position a.' nurse ;.! the Grand I-lawl liospita!. M'! depaitid f.r the place last wcei;. Mrs. S"irle l.ivis depart-d hisl iTday eveniiiR ti.r Dattoii. O'.iio. , 1 .ri- she will viit with her par r: ts ivr a few weeks. Mrs. Herman p.ech returiifd liome from Plat tsr.iout h and Omaha Wed nesday morning". where she has been visit inR for the pa-; lew days. L wis Crunk v as a passenger for Omaha last Saturday, v. here he will -perd a few day:, visiting with his '.'it tie sot, who is in the ho.-piral in that city. Walt Yallery i iti lenijt of a letter lroiu !!er: in-! Petty, who is tow located in Frnnt". in whicli he .-tales that he s.on expect;, to 1 for home. AS Pitt"! 'it deputed la t Wedties lu e' tniuR for Cri .n. Xi bra.-k:i. a wh'ich place h.e will sper.f' the siir.' n;er assist ii.R Frank Yallery with. hi--, farm work. Mrs. Sans . .rt a i :-i Mrs. Gil m.Mie. Mrs. Walker and Mis Marjrie at dinner la. t Sunday. The lumiy friends of Mrs. Walker were indeed Rlad to see that she wa-" able to be out arain after I:tr r-cent illness. The work of tci!ii:u the new rootn ready for the Meyer Drug Co.. is gelt 11. IX ah til: nicely. Then. Pcmten is now placing the shelves nnd counters. every; hi tig" will s,)on l c ready for moving in'. It will be a fine store room. Mrs. Margaret Prendle and Mrs. K. F. Krendle. Mrs. Jeiin Furrls. Mrs. Wm. Sybolt. Mrs. Louie Puis and Miss Cora Prun-!on furnished the ests at the Library last Saturday evening, and the usual large crowd was there. The amount taken in was $20.:;:;. The Lewiston War Savings society will hold a business i'i('"liii at t'.'e Lewi-ton school hou.-e on Friday ev ening. March L'lst. at eight p. m. All menibers j.r reqiji-sted to he iti attendanee al this meeting. This re tie: t is made by the govei nmei.t. Frritik Lillie. president ; Ltta M. XicKils, secretary. Misses Og! a Minford. Clara Young Lydia Todd atid 1es;.r.s. Dwyer and Glen Todd entcrtainod .tbout twen-ty-nve cf.'ples at the Puis Hall last Saturday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Todd, who left Mon day ior their home in Canada. Games and dancing was the Jj-io of enter tainment with delicious? refresh refreshments. The event was a most enjoyable one in every way. Pauline and Fay Oldham were Omaha visitors Tuesday. Miss Margie Walker was a Platts mouth visitor last Friday. Pauline and Fay Oldham were in Xehratka City last Friday. Frances Cook has been sick this week, suffering from an abcess of her face. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Todd depart ed Monday for their home in Can ada, after a pleasant visit with home folks. Kobert Shrauer was a Plattsmouth visitor last Thursday, where he was spending a few hours with his num erous county seat friends, the Jour nal office being included in his rounds. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shrader. from v. es-t of Murray, w ere looking after : me matters of bi.siness in Platts mouth last Thursday. Mr. Shrader was a pleasant caller at the Journal otlice, where he is always a mighty welcome visitor. AY .A. Scott is driving a new Ford roadster this week, purchased of , the T. II. Pollock Auto company, of Plattsmouth, through their sales man. H. H. Kaxter. This was only . part of Harry's business last week, 'tit demonstrates that he is handling his line. IvTINEEN FARMER SLATED FOR FORT DOUGLAS, WYOMING. DAY OF RECKONING HOT PAST ANITA STEWART RE TURNS TO MOVIES After Absence of Several Months, as ; Star in Ovcen Johnson's Fam- i ous Story of New York. Miss Anita Stewart will make her euirn to local motion picture screens : fter an absence of several months. l "Virtuous Wives." an adapt at '-:i f the :tory of the same nam" by f i wen Johnson. The photoplay vt r :iou, an exact pict uriat ion of th" I'Ctiou in the book, centers about ihe problems of married life in Xew York society circles. " Yirt nous j Wives" will be shown at the Par-j uele theatre on Tuesday and Wed-, esdav. March ISth and lath. ! We print law briefs, sale bills ' ;"tler heads, envelopes, statements.! hecks, invoices and in fact every-; t 'hi:ig but money, postage stamps and Luiter. Let us have your next job., Federal Government Classes Veteran Agriculturist as Dangerous Enemy Alien. . Lincoln. March 12. Orders have been received from the department of justice at Washington by Federal District Attorney Allen and United States Marshal Flynn to intern Anders Jensen at Fort Douglas, Vyo as a dangerous German enemy alien. Jensen was placed under ar rest a month ago by Deputy United States Marshal Carroll and taken to the Lancaster county jail where he now is confined. The federal au thorities say that he is one of the worst offenders that the department has had to deal with in Xebraska. In a short time Jensen will be es corted to Fort Douglas by a United States officer, possibly the deputy marshal. Anders Jensen is a bachelor farm er fifty-eight, years old. lie owns a fine farm near Minden, Kearney .county, and has other property. It is estimated that he is worth about Slii.OOO. He has lived in the Unit ed States for thirty-five years, most of this time in Xebraska. A list of his property has already been for warded to the custodian of alien property at Washington and it will he taken over by the federal gcv i rumen t. Even w hen facing cer tain punishment and the loss of hi farm and other holdings which he accumulated afier many years of hard work, Je:ic:i continued his de fiant attitude, according to the authorities. "President Wilson oimht to be killed. I would like to see the kais er in the white house. I wish I was in Germany" are statements attri buted to him. At another time he is alleged to have expressed a wisdi that a cyclone would appear, and wipe the town of Minden from the face of the earth. Government offi cials are said to favor sending all dat.'irerous enemy aliens like Jensen back to Germany. He was born in one of the provinces which Germany took from Denmark when it sub dued the small kingdom durinir the sixties. The money yiii spend in a cot:-, istent newspaper advertising cam-! faign will come back to you trippledi in a vcrv short t ime. FIGHTS m TiNUES I! it P uls FURY IN BERLIN Murray, Neb, For Sale. 200 rods of ?,.- rear old hedge hi the tree. Inquire of It. A. Yoimiz; Murray, Xch. 13-4tv Bring in Your Batteries We are now prepared to charge your batteries, having installed new machinery for this line of work, and are in a position to give you the very best service. Our prices are reasonable and work fully guaran teed. L. H. PULS GARAGK. Murray, Xebraska. and reliable goods, coupled with the De Laval record of errico and darabili??, ha made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader is thi: community. C03T That's what you put ir.o a cream separator. VALUE That's vhas you take out of your cream separator. Value in a crcio separator tfc pencs upon the amount and the quality of service you get out of it. Because it last? firt?n to twenty years the De Laval i the luosl ecenornic?.l cream separator ty buy. If you con sider its cleaner skimming, razicr running, greater capacity and L53 coot for repairs, the pi ice 0? tho "cheapest " machine on the ciarkct h exorbitant iu com parcon. ' With present high bulter-iat prices and l'ie scarcity cf labor this is truer than ever. SPARTACAKS AND GOVERNMENT TROOPS. ACT LIKE WILD BEASTS. ACCORDING TO EYE-WITNESSES. WW fr tf Well sell you a De Leval oa och easy term that it will pay for itseif out of its own savings. We want Co see you the uext lime you're in town. SOONER OS LATE S YOU WILL EUT a 1 A"itCV M London, .March 11. Fighting is still going on in Ilerlin with great fury, according" to undated reports received in Copenhagen from the German capital and forwarded by the Exchange Telegraph company. Witnesses cf the fighting in the last few days say that lx;th the Spartacans and the government soldiers acted like wild beasts. Hos tilities continue in the northern and northeastern sections of Herlin and the government troops are killing all prisoners who fall into their hands. Women, the reports fuhl, participate in the cruelties with as much desperation as the men. Pillage Enormous. The reports estimate the loss in Perlin from pillage alone at aO.dOO, OfWi marks. Frankfurterstrasse, a well known Jewish business sec tion', suffered heavily. A Perlin dispatch received today through Copenhagen and apparent ly somewhat, belated, says the Ger man government .sent more than 20. (K0 troops into Berlin the end of last week, but that the work of driv ing the Spartacaus from their strongholds was proving a severe, task. It was believed, added the message, that the fighting would continue for several days. Many Murdered in Streets. Perlin, March 11. Government troop.s were busy today in driving Spartacan bauds from various sec tions of Berlin, end in preparing for a determined effort against (ho FpHrtac2.11 stronghold of Lichtenberg a suburb to the east of the city. The Fpartacans are reported to 'have' large depots of weapons and am munitions in Lichtenberg. Govern ment troops sent, to Lichtenberg Sunday to protect the postofSce and HOW ABOUT THAT fJElV Heating Stove THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PUTTING OFF TO BUY? YOU NEED IT RIGHT WOW and we want to tell you that we have a com plete line to select from. Come in and see them! Let us tell you how we can save you some money on all kinds of household futniture. it,. r-i ifvt&.af W 17 5 Murray, Nebraska police st at ieai ere annihilated by the Fpartacans. All the soldiers and police offi cials who were net killed during the fighting for the and p. dice station or who did not eM'ajie from the buildings were murdered by the Fpartacans. Many were tortured and killed in the streets. At least one woman was among the victims of the Fpartacans. The police arc hives in Lichtenberg were burned and Ho.OiMi marks were stub n from the post olfice. Many Atrocities. Xo uttempt yet has ."fji n a'e to ascertain the number of 1 rsm killed in the pro-ch vprl-ing. but the number is b'-Meyed t exceed ISO. The nit.rcl.ant who doesn't adver tise only when business is good will eventually ii;it it entirely. If you are tut a subscriber to ih ' i ... ..1 ..... , ..... .. ..... ) n 11 jin. i 11.1: hi 11 i ir i 1 will li.iui' on our subseription list. ( 'on.-ist cut ad ert iing is the kind tht't reaches the public every day in ithe ear. The off again. on-a::ain. Fin"igan hind usually doi n't g t 1 very fa r. j Eox i?-pcr from 25c to $5.00 tlic Journal office. at A line of stationery at t' ' ,ioi;r l:al olTice that fi. n't be e?.c. lied ;.nd Is herd to e ua!. Xeat priv.tin-; is ;fsureil i o" have it don ;.t th" .L r.i'ua' o-ii e. 7W.Ti ,fi a an Is I Farm Light Jtsk you ing fcr. It is the perfected plant a single unit that runs vith OUt vi bration or noise and requires no special ft) undo" tier.. The p erf ectly balan c c J electric unit. T TKRK is theiarm ::R:Li;;if JL Jk. . -. ysl i lid 1. 1 have been wait- ViXl's ! flli XIcsdo nvtr1c t'nlt ntnrlrtir under loa4 r All the Light All Ihe Power You Need Come and see it. Ccrr.r.cre it, in every way, with all others. Make us prove to yea where it ia better, end more complete in fact, the plant you want. 1 R 5 MURRAY, NEBRASKA, $2 Ffirl Spr .A mg if : I r ci : .. .:n ii juu txitz in utcu 11 jii'jcs il w;i: uu iu uiiic in and look over our stock, as we have the largest stock of Shoes we ever carried to select from and at prices that will interest you. We are also receiving our Spring Ginghams, Percales and Calicos, which will soon be ready for your inspection. ALFRED GAPJSEMER, fwlurray, llcb.