The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 13, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
I - It- PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. TMURSL'AY. MARCH 13. 1910. t H 9 i ! t ; i if 'i ; J plo wing UTO THE SEED OF YOUR FORTUNE IS THE MONEY YOU MAKE TODAY. IF YOU PLANT IT WISELY IN OUR BANK, LET IT STAY THERE, AND ADD TO IT REGULARLY, YOUR FUTURE IS AS SURED. THAT MONEY YOU WORK FOR NOW, IF PUT INTO OUR BANK WILL SOME DAY WORK FOR YOU. IT WILL KEEP YOUR FAMILY FPOM POVERTY AND MISERY. COME INTO OUR BANK AND OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY. YOU WILL RECEIVE H PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME CERTIFICATES. Farmers State Bank PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA LOCAL NEWS Khmii Titrr!;i y"s Pally. W. A. Wetcticanip of west of My uard was a visitor in this city t h is. iiiorniir-r ami was looking after sonic b US ill CSS. frank Itaum of South Iieiid was u visitor in Pl.ittsmout li this after lion, coming to look after some busi ness for a short time. K. S. Tin t of Murray was a visit er ;i' Pin t'-nioiitli last evening for a f-w hours am! was h oklng after f nif b'.isir.f ?s fr tlie time. Mrs. ii Tiieirolf and children departed last evening for Cedar CreVk. where thry will visit for a short time with friends. Phillip lb.m from mar I'edar Creel: a a viitor in the city this morning crming to lok alter .seine businc-s matters for a few hours. Paul Kelly of Green wood was en Fed to this city today to look aft er some business matters both at the co.;rt housp and in the city. Phillip Foiimff nf near Cedar Creek r. as a visitor in the city this niernin. wprre he is looking after fi')" b::--!:is:. mutters for the day. Otto Sprccker of near Louisville, v is a i; itor in Plat tsmoiit li for a vhih- ;. e: erday. looking after some Iiu iiu -s matter; here for the after noon. Jcl'ii .. iie.-i was a passenger to '.!- Cr-i; this moriiiim where he is looking alter some business, for the day en me or hit farms in that vicfnily. W. T. i:ichinlso:i ( f Mynard was a besiness visitor in this city this Morning. ccming in with his car, and transacting M-me huin-s f.jr few hours and returning again. Mr.-. Wt'i. Shipl: y of I.aPlatte was a visitor in this city this morning coming to look afi-r some business matters, and to visit with her fath er 1). M. (1 raves 1'cr a short time. Charles Lautcrbach who has been making his home with hi brother in this city for several months past, departed this morning for Kcd Oak. Iowa, where he will work on a farm 62 FOR SALE OR Seven acres. Improved, Just dut ide the city limits, within walking distance of the shops. Improvements consist of a five room house -with furnace, in good repair, bam, chick en bouse, large care, two wells, cis tern. Fenced. Will take a residence In town or sell it on easy terms. Can give pusesbion J. Phone Sc. 28. tifie ground for the coining summer. .Mr. I,auter back is to receive $73.00 per month and board where he is working. James IF. Key nolds. of near I'r.ion. was a visitor in Plattsmouth last evening, coming to look after some business matters at the court house and alto with different the business b;:rines: firms of the city. 1-ePoy Winseott who lias been visiting at the home of his parents here. Gccrge Winscolt and wife, de parted last evening for Louisville, where he is working for the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company. Howard Cannon and Clyde Funk. vM.o are employed with the Moii aich Kngii.eering company, in the construction of bridges near Fnion, came in this morning and are look ing after some business in the city for the day. Doctors IJ. I- I'rendel and son J. F. Prendcl, both of Murray were in th city yesterday afternoon called here en account of tjie insane case bearing, which was being held at the court house and Mr. J. F. Ureivlcl being a member of t lie board. from M relay's Daily. John Fgand. of Louisville, was a visitor in this city yesterday and to day. Win. Carey and wife are visiting in the city this morning from their !:i'inc of Mynard. Chris Miller, of Cedar Creek, who bus been viitlng over Sunday in this city, departed this morning for his home. S. L. 1!. Lease of M unlock w.s a visitor in this city this morning, corning to look after some business for the day. Mi-s. Anna Sanders, who has been vi..iting for the past few days with friends near Cedar Creek, returned home this morning. Jacob Peach ler of Cedar Creek, wa: n visitor in this city today, coming down to look after some business for the day. (Just M Hiiler, of near Murray, and son. Irving, departed last Saturday evening for Ued Oak. Iowa, whore they will visit, for a few days. Will T. Uichardson. postmaster at EXCHANGE this spring. P. FALTKK. Mynard was ar visitor in this city this morning, coming to transact some business at the county seat. C. D. Ganz of Alvo, was a visitor in this city this morning, coming over to look after some busiuess at the ollice of the county attorney. Mrs. August Gorder. and daugh ter, were visiting with friends at Cedar Creek over Sunday, returning to their home here this morning. J. D. Hramlet. of near I'nion, was a visitor in Plattsmouth this morn ing, 'coming up to look after some matters of business at the court house. 1. G. Shanholtz. who fs living near Cullom, returned to his work there this morning, after having vis ited with friends in this city over Sunday. Frank Goodwin. who has been working on a farm near Ilock Plul'i's for some time past, moved to town last .week and will live here for a short time. F. L. McConnell. ot near Nehaw ka, was a visitor in the city this morning. looking after some business at the court house and some matters about town as well. Peter Meisiuger of near ( Creek, arrived in the cit this morn ing, and is looking after some busi ness for the day, and also some mat ters at the court house. C. Metzger, of Omaha, was a visi tor in thk; city last Saturday for a short time. departing Sunday for Ccslar Creek where he remained over the day with his mother. Feb (ok was down' from Cedar Creek for over Sunday, and stayed for the day to look af'er some busi ness matters, returning to his work this afternoon on the Schuyler train. Floyd Stone, who has been at C rand Island for the past few div.i. visiting with friends, returned the last of the week, and is visiting at the home of his parents near Cedar Creek at . present. S. A. Wiles and wife and pon Howard were attending the funeral of .Mr. Wiles brother Thomas Wiles. who pass-ed away at his home last Friday at Weeping Water, return ing home last evening. Wat.srn Long of west of Mynard. was a visitor in this city this morn ing having driien in with his car, and found t he roads rather bad. lie was looking after some business in the city for the morning. Mis-s Verla Schneider of Ceiiar Creek arrived in this city this morn ing coming to stay at the home of her aunt Mrs. George K. Sayles, who is at this time not feeling well, and her niece will care for her and assist in the household. Mesdauies W. J. Philpot, W. K. Peters, Kdward Gansenier and F. J. llihl. of near Weeping Water were vi-itor:? in the city on last Saturday afternoon and evening, spending 'the time with friends and looking after some matter of business at the court house. C. M. Warner and wife, J. K. Wile-, ami H. F. Wiles were vi-dtors at Weeping Water yesterday, where they were in attendance at the fun eral rt the late Thomas Wiles, a resident of that pliee and a broth er of Mrs. Warner and Joseph and Frank Wiles. Fn'tii Wednesday's laily. Kay Chriswisser was in ih eity this morning looking alter some business coming from his home near Nehawka. Charles Gerlieh of near Mauley was a visitor in this citv this morn ing coming to look after Mmie mat ters at the county court. J. W. Male and family departed last evening for Cuilom. where they will visit for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Harger. I)ick' Chriswisser from near Mur ray was a visitor in Plattsmouth this morning where be is looking arter foine business in the city at t!e court house. J. M. Teegarden of Wfpii g Water was a visitor in the city this morning, coming over to loo after some legal matters at the ' court j house. George Keyiudu.-. was a vi iter in Plattsmouth this afternoon from his home near flock Hli't. and was looking after some business for the day. Mrs. Katherim- Frharl. of near Manley was looking after some busi ness at the court house this morn ing, having come over on the morn ing train. George Prowii of Weeping Water was a visitor in this city since yes terday, looking after some business for a .short time, and having some matters at the court house. Mrs. Anna Ault ami little son Kenneth of Cedar Creek who have been visiting in this city, the gueSi l the home of her sister Mrs. Geo. K. Sayles. departed this afternoon for their home. Mr. J. U. Kihiege of Greenv.oed was a vioitor in this city for a thort time this morning, coming down to visit at the home of U. A. MeFdwain and mother Mrs. 8. E. McElwain and also to lock after some business as well. Mrs. John A. Koukal who has been vititing in the western portion of the state, with relatives at Heaver City, for-the past two weeks, re turned home this morning, having had an excellent time while away. Her sister .Miss Mary Hetherington was with her and returned home a few days since. VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN TO FINISH THE WAR JOB CAMPAIGN TO OPEN APRIL 21, ALTHOUGH ALL EETAILS NOT WORKED OUT. Amount of Lo?.n. R3tc cf Interest and Kind of Bonds or Notes to be Announced Later. From Wed m s.t.i y's I;tily. Notwithstanding the fact that all of the details concerning th" Victory Liberty Loan have not yet been an nounced by Secretary Glass of the Fnited States Treasury, it is certain tlia' the campaign for subscription. to the bonds will open the latter part of April, or about the 21s't. The Loan is to raise enough mon ey to enable the Government to fin ih the big v;r job bv footing the bills, bringing home the boys from overseas and readjusting affairs to a peace basis as ouickly as possible. The Victory bill enacted by Con gress, authorizing the Liberty Loan, is s'o broad in its e.-seiit ial provis ions as to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to offer most attractive bonds or note.; for the American peo ple to invest their money in. Put the amount of the loan, the rale of interest anil the kind of bonds or notes to be offered are matters that are to be announced later. The important matter at hard at this time, however, is for the people of the Tenth Federal Keserve Dis trict, who have prospered during the war as never before, to get their finances in shape n invest in Vic tory Liberty P.nnds to the limit of their abiiity and thus help get the war job tini-heil and out of the way. ATTENTION PLEASE. Elue. Triangle Campaign of Y. W. C. A. 1919. It will be remembered that ibe Young Women's christian Ass.;ria tio married on a big drive during 10 IS to raise tumis to carry on War Work which it. like many oihe organizations, found brought into its path of labor by the war. That War Fund Itmbiet cannot be touch id for anything but war work and therefore it lias been found neces sary to hold a campaign to raise fund- for the regular work in our country during the year lt)lt. The ibid of that work has been enlarg ed for the V. W. C. A. as it has for the church, or for business, or for any worth while enterprise. It has become necessary to take in more territory and hence it must reach out in more territory for aid. So whole states have been organized and just now the North Central Field cemp;ed of North and South Dakota. Nebraska, Minnesota and Iowa are carrying on a campaign to raise $122.rrt.r.. Nebraska Is as sessed for $20,324 and is lined up the work and already some of her counties as Kichard.son have com plete working organizations and others are getting ready for such. Not so Cass County; so the Slate Chairman ha;; selected workers to raise the quota a.sked from this County. Those workers have made their plans and devided t ho county by precincts, jippoiuting a sub chair man in each and apportioning the amount euch precinct should hverythiiig will be in readiness to begin end complete this campaign in Cass County during the week, be ginning March ninth. When the collectors call nnoii vou. please be readv with vo:ir contribution. If you don't fully understand to what, you are giving, ask the chairman of your precinct: she will be able to explain in general, for the extent of V. W. C. A. work is ts great and results too f;ir reaching to be ex plained in detail in a short time. At the close of the campaign a report will bo made through the papers, the same as the announcement is be ing made and the workers will sin cerely thank you for so generously aiding Ihpni in this work. Associated Chairmen, MItS. HOUKKT 1IAVFS. Plattsmouth. MRS. KOV COLF. 3td2tw Mynard. Fancy box naper at this office. IS BECOMING A CITIZEN OF PLATTSMOUTH From Monday's Dally. John Kaffenberger and family, who have for the past thirty or forty years lived west of this city, ami when coming to this country and making his home there when t he f country was much newer, and has made his home there since, a large family has grown up around the father and mother, and have since went to seek homes of their own. Mr. Kaffenberger last fall purchased the home of J. W. Peters and now conies to this city to enjoy the fruit cf the years of labor. A week since the neighbors as a fitting expression of their respect for this couple who have been living in that community ra long, gather ed at their home and celebrated the occasion, with a farewell reception for this couple, and made the even ing a merry one, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Kaffenberger many years of happiness in their new home. RECEPTION AND DANCE LAST SATURDAY EVENING From M-.l:i 's Tally. Last Saturday evening at the heme of Haywood Kllege and wife were gathered a crowd of relatives and friends who has but a short time since been celebrating the birthday of Mrs. .1. I!. Higley and hid a merry time. They had gathered to visit with Mr. Kllege and wife and recount old times, and after having visited for a time, the tune of the old violin suggested a dance, and the furniture was adjusted and they kept time to the inline until the wee small hours. There were present on the occasion about forty people, and among them were the following: J. 15. Higley and wife. John Rich ardson and two sons, Floyd ar.d Claude, I lay Wood KHege anil family, Grover Ellege and family. Lee John son and family of Stella. Mrs. Gladys Harris and family of Schubert, as well a.s Miss Harris, a sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. flarl Matson of Oma ha, who were on their honeymoon. Jack Kllege and family of Council P.luiTs. George Harr and family of this city. Mrs. 1. J. Human of Omaha. RETURNS TO HIS SCHOOL WORK. From Monday's Daily. Captain Otto A. Wur! and wife, and their son. Otto, who have been visiting here the past week, depart ed this morning for their home at t)uincy. Illinois, where Captain Wurl will again take up his position as physical director in the schools of that place. Captain Wurl enlisted in the army at the beginning of the war, t-oon attaining the rank , ot Lieutenant and later being promoted to Captain following his return from the front in France. Mr. Wurl spent a considerable length of time in France, and was in the thickest of many fights. Dur ing his sojourn there he took sev eral special courses in the modern modes of warfare and later was sent back to the states and to Camp Fun st on as an instructor. He has since remained at lamp i unston and was finally discharged from the service there last week, whereupon he came with his family for a short visit heije before goiug on to Quincy to again take up his work. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. in i.n i juss iiur. cut OUl 1 11 is slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., 2H:5 Shetheld Ave., Chicago, 111. writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound; for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kid ncy Pills' and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. Sold everey where. GI1RIST & UHRIST, Photographers. Make a specialty of good traits. por- Do enlarging, cony &nd cdorcd work. Kodak finishing, etc. We guarantee all work. Sunday sittings by appointment. Wc are always here. Telephone 645. Coatcs Elock Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Stopped Cough After Influenza. "Foley's Honey and Tar is the best cough medicine I ever tried," writes K. It. McDowell.. It. F. I). 1, Itox 110, Arlington, Tenn. "My sou had influenza. He had the worst kind of a cough. I tried everything but nothing did any good. God sent me a friend with Foley's Honey and Tar, and in two days his cough was gone." Sold everywhere. Any skin itching is a temper test er. The more you scratch the worse it itches. Doans Ointment is for piles, eczema any skin itching. 60c at all drug stores. i r Is TAW ill X. - WJ i kVirtuoiismv&s h y.L li ParmeleV Theatre! -TWO DAYS- First Show 7:00 The picture that broke all ADMISSION Adults 35c PARMELE THEATRE TO SHOW VIRTUOUS WIVES NEXT WEEK FAMOUS TALE OF NEW YORK MARRIED LIFE FROM OWEN JOHNSON'S STORY. May be Seen on Local Screen Tues day and Wednesday, March the 18th and 19th. The Parmele theatre has contract ed to show Miss Anita Stewart's initial First National production. "Virtuous Wives." adapted from the two million edition book of the same title by Owen Johnson. This fam ous picture will be shown Tuesday and Wednesday nights. March 18th and 19th. "Virtuous Wives" is described as a truthful story of married life in New York society. According to the author, in the introduction to his story, a virtuous wife is becoming an extinct specie of femininity un der present-day conditions. The reasons for this, as described in his novel, have been included in the screen adaptation. Miss Stewart makes her return to the American screen alter an absence of several months in the role of Amy Forres ter, the "only member of a social set to whom pleasure is young." As the wile of Andrew Forrester, and ob sessed only with the idea of con stant and uninterrupted amusement. she appears in the role of the young society matron who finally is brought R " - To Holders of Liberty Loan Bonds! We shall be glad to cash your interest coupons free of charge any time it is convenient to you. Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping ot your LibertyBoids. Income Tax Blanks will soon be here. We will give any information and fill out statements free of charge. The Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth, Nebraska Capital and Surplus, $80,000 Your Personal Tir.nU n V V "'.; ' fay ; Second Show 8:45 records at the Rialto, Omaha PLUS WAR TAX Children 25c to a realisation that iinbridb'i pleasure is but tiie ash of happine.-.-. Supporting Miss Stewart in "Vir tuous Wives" are four star.-; of t. present New York theatrical :;s.;,,. Conway Tearle plays the p.irt :' A ml re w Ferrcsier. Money-maker: Li win Arden is seen in the loN . :' Rudolph Hehibarre; Mrs. I. Hopper plays the pnrt of his v. if", lima Delabarre. and William P..'. appears as Monte Pracketi, soe;.rt waster. A Friend Recommended Them. J. N. Tohill, clerk Lottie Ho'.', L'vansville, lnd., writes: "For .i weeks I suffered constantly with pains in the muscles of my t!n;h. Upon recommenda't ion of a fro-nd. I tried Fob-y Kidney Pills and b. San to j:et relief almost immedi;fe ly." They stop backache. rhu" .i tie pain, soreness and stiffness. Sold everywhere. TEAM STRAYED. Team of dark gray marcs, wiieht about 2200. both with foal, and both branded above flank C. 1 1. One had a halter on when last mmu. It found please notify W. II. lies : en flow. Cedar Creek, Nebraska, ph.m H2o. 10-lwkdAiw Guard the Children's Health. Mrs. Kfaw, P.ox 2. Pennett, Wis., writes: "Wo have always imed Foley's Honey and Tar for colds and find it great. The children all run for it when they see the bottle and ask for more." Contains no opiuw-s safe, and harmless, but gives prompt relief to coughs, colds, ftoup and whooping cough. Sold everywhere. -.1 J $ 5 t?i f I I