The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 10, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    KOffDAY JifAEGH 1313.
liLii l-'i'' ri i i ri ' -i U rrr I
To Holders of Liberty
Loan Bonds!
. Column Urvott In
!. I l- nrmliiK I !
?j We shall be glad to cash your interest coupons free
of charge any time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
your Liberty Bonds.
Income Tax Blanks will soon be here. We will give
any information and fill out statements
free of charge.
The Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Dank.
From Thursday'. I.-i..
Day before yesierdjy Fred New
man, who has b.on in tin? army ser
vice for the past year ami a half,
returned home i'.rr.i Camp Pike,
which is near Little Kock. Ark., ami
where he was mustered out of the
service a few days since, after serv
ing there fr.r more than a year.
Corporal Fred Nev.-man n? sent to
Camp Fun:on on the !!l!h of Sep
tember 1917, where he remained for
a number cf months, and was trans
fered from there to Camp. Tike,
where he remained -until hi.? dis
charge just now.
. Mr. X. C. aines, a noted cha-
tauqua lecturer, will speak in the
District Court Uoom, I'lattsinouth.
Thursday night, April 3rd at 8:00
o'clock. Men, women and children
are 11 rev d to attend. Farmers es
pecially are utkihI to attend.
Very truly yours,
County AtfrL Agent
Investigation Will Only Strengthen
the Proof V7e Give in
make your Hone a
Ilorne it pays.
C ;b mu w
VST 07
Happy Children
H?.ppy Mothers
FOOT KKST stockings are
the reason. Uoul'Ii and tum
ble play all day Ion;? down
on knees, through bru-h and
grp.?? Tin t no holes c ' niyht
for mother to darn.
New FOOT IiKST riuiiliTs
are here. Come, and see th ni
on display in our east window
The -FOOT REST" Store
. How can doubt exist In the face
of such evidence? Head here the
end orc-mc :it of a re presentatt ve
citien f I'lattt mouth.
Louis Krovhler. prop. hardware
store, 21 Main St.. says: "About a
yr-ar aro. I h:id a pain in my hack
and ! so lame I couldn't stoop.
My kidneys were wenk and I had a
tired. languid feeling nearly all the
time. Headaches were common. I
loui;l!t Hum's Kidneys Pills from
Klward Ilynott a. Co.'.s Drug Store
and they soon relieved me." (State
ment privon April 1", 1912).
On February 2 2. 191 '1 Mr. Kroeh
ler Hi: id: "I still hold the s;:re;-:i
of Po.n:- Ki'hit y tolls a. when
I first eadors d them. It has bco-..
revcrr.l y i.s tr.?.n I have h a 1 to
i '.!;e a kidney medicine."
Price C"r. a' rll dei!cj. Dr.n't
:mply ask fir a kidney remedy
'-u-t Dean's Kidney Pills. the same
that Mr. Kroehler had. Fosfer-Mil-l.v.rn
Co.. Mfzrs.. Buffalo, N. Y.
tea:i strayed.
Team of dirk gray mrire. wei z t
phour 22'". herh with fonl. and l.vth
l'T-?nd -d rhove flank C. D. One had
1 a halter on when U'si seer.. il
fov.nd r!ea-e notify Y. H. Ilesen
flow. Ceilar Crek. Nebraska, phore
1 1 2 r. . 10-1 wkd&w
5-ihs."ri' for th Jnmal
A Change for the Belter!
Some remarkably low prices on
daily necessities:
Macaroni, 3 packages for $ .25
Prunes, 8 lb. box for 1.00
Soup, Califo brand, per can 10
Snider's Tomato soup, per tall can .15
Caroline milk, per can 15
Sauer Kraut, per can
Mr. Wells, the Extension Poultry
man will hold Poultry Demonstra
tions on the following farms: Mar.
14th at 9:30 o'clock. L. F. Fitch.
Union; March 14th at 2:30 o'clock,
John Stones. Mynard; March lath
at 9:30 o'clock. C. T. Edwards. Elm
wood; March l".th at 2:30 at
Martin Uornemeiers. M unlock. Ev
eryone, is urged to he present at
these Demonstrations.
Disinfectants Defeat Potato Scabs.
Seed potatoes are treated with
disinfectants for common scab, pin
head scab and blackleg, which in
jure the quality of the potato pro
duced and reduce the stand in the
field by attacking the young plants.
Formalheyde and corrosive sublim
ate are usually ued. preference be
ing given the latter because it is
effective against all the diseases ac
cording to University of Nebraska
Extension workers. Corrosive sub
limate is used at the rate of four
ounces dissolved in hot water and
diluted to thirty . gallons. 'The
standard length of time for treating
potatoes is 1 hours. If there is
little disease. 45 minutes to one
hour may be enough. If there in
considerable disease, the time should
be close to two hours. As the solu
tion weakens with use, it is neces
sary to icrease then length of treat
ment about ten minutes for each
additional time the solution is used.
The seed should be spread out to drv
after treating. V.'hn potatoes have
been left in the solution a long time,
it will be well to rinse them with
clear water to remove the solution
that collects in the eyes and which
is liable to injure them. The treat
ing should be done while the pota
toes are dromar.t. It may be done
anytime in the winter provid'ng th
potatoes are stored in clean ackr
in a clean place. If they have start
ed to sprout the germir.atfno will
he injured seriously, if they,are left
in the solution more than thirty
minu'es. Very had diseased tuber
should always be thrown out. Cor
rosive sublimate? is a deadly poison
if taken internally, and care should
he taken to keep it. away from stock
'and children. It corrodes metal
J and must be used in, wooden, glass.
granite, stone or concrete vessels.
Seed Corn Test Advisable.
While it is believed most of the
Nebraska seed corn is of normal
o.uality this year, this fact may be
definitely established by a general
germination test. Seed corn select
ed early last fall may especially need
testin? in order to ascertain wheth
er or not it has cured properly.
fijs.imples of seed tested at random"
P-l! which show 95 or even 90 ner cent
germination will bo accepted by
i most farmers as prcof of good seed.
Little difficulty over seed corn, is
expected in Nebraska tills year.
d&w County Agri. Agent.
yesterday she had recuperated suf
ficiently to permit of her returning
home. Accordingly, Mr. Shoemait
departed this lnornins for Omaha to
accompany his wife home, being
much pleased that she could again
return to her home.
El . From Snturrtav's Pali v.
tiwi it. oil, in 1 1 ci -7 urvii in
H.this city for the past month, comtng
pgent for tho
Missouri Pacific,
i. it- . i . . ... .,
u: "line ne was in me wesi witn me
h! family spending a month at Los
g! Angeles, and other places, ort the re-
15 85jturn of Mr- Thomas. Taylor return-
, , r ' El 1,13 limine: en uwuistiiit;. 11 I .
Sauer Kraut, per gallon can 55 gUViic0n will in a short time depart
mm. r AIM M r
Hominy, I cans lor ZO B for the south, where he will also
i-armer cli-
to Florida
to relieve Harry Thomas.
Corn Flakes, per package 10
Large bar bath soap, 3 for 25
Naptha soap, 6 bars for . . .25
Gooch flour, Puritan flour or Heisel flour, sack. . 3.00
Potatoes, per bushel 1.50
Sun Kist oranges, per dozen .50
Pink beans, 3 lbs. for 25
Navy beans, two grades, per lb. 10c and 15
Black Eye peas, per lb 10
Be sure and see our display of new Chinaware. We have
received a wonderfully attractive lina of new patterns in
Helmet Baby Lima beans, No. 2 can for 15 IjUpend some time in the w
Mission brand sardines, per can 10 Hjraate- Mr- Wilson will go
for a month.
Frr.m Saturday's Pally.
Mrs. Ershall. sister of Mrs. P. T
Walton, who has been visiting in
this city for some time, a guest at
the home of her sister was a pas
senger to Omaha this morning,
where she is visiting at the Ford
Hospital, where Mr. Walton is a
patient and Mrs. Walton is looking
after his care.
Reports from the bedside of Mr
Walton ik that he is getting 'along
in fine shape, and is satisfied with
the results of the recent operation.
From Saturday'? rally.
Yesterday I.oujs Rothman was a
passenger to Omaha, where he has
been visiting since. This afternoon
his brother Will departed for Oma
ha and will join his brother, where
they will visit for this evening and
tomorrow, after which they will de
part for Dennison Iowa, where they
will visit with an uncle for a short
time before returning. when Mr.
Louis Rothman will enter the Ilur
lington shops as a workman there.
IJoston, March 7. Reginald Pry
in Owen, aged six, en route to the
home of his grandparents, former
Secretary of State and Mrs. William
Jennings Bryan, in Baltimore, and
one of the most valuable parcels
post packages ver handled here,
spent a lively and thoroughly en
joyable day in this city. He left
this afternoon for New York. He
arrived late Inst night. His bag
gage did not. however, which dis
turbed the maid who has him in
charge. Mile Marguerite Passot,
greatly. Lack of a nightie and comb
didn't bother Reggie, however. He
put up at a hotel.
Reggie is very English. He-is ten
days out of London and three months
out cf Egypt and landed at Portland.
Maine, from the liner Megantic yes
terday. His father Major Owen, is
coming to this country by another
route, chosen because of his health.
tie is ill from hardships of the
Dardanelles campaign.
Bryan's grandson talks French
very attractively. Though officially
i parcels post package, he isn't tag
ged or covered with stamps.
"No, I wasn't in the war." he ex
claimed, showing his French legion
of honor medal. A French officer
who admired the !ad gave the medal
to him. Reggie tried to buy a news
paper photographer's camera. When
toltl it was worth $150 he said. "Oh.
hat ain't so much." The nurse
ook Reggie' on a sightseeing trip
about the city, which he er.;:
Means and Methods are the Only
Problems That Remain to be
Solved at Present.
From Saturday's Dally.
Just one month ago today. Mrs.
Henry Shoeman departed for the
hospital at Omaha, where, after her
arrival, she underwent a very se
vere and delicate operation, which
has kept her in the hospital since.
The best of nursing and treatment
has been given her, and though she
was in a very- dangerous condition
for some time, she has gained stead
ily in health, until it was declared
For Infants and Children
!n Uso For Over 30 Years
Berne, Switzerland, March 7.
Only four men in Germany have the
confidence of the allied powers, the
Berne Zeitung declares: The men
are Professor Forester, Dr. Much-
Ion. Dr. Grelling- and Dr. Schleiben.
Dr. William Muchlou is perhaps
the best known of the four men
mentioned by the Berne newspaper.
He is a former director of the
Krupp works. In April, 1918. Dr.'
Muehlon published an article in
which he charged that the German
imperial government purposely
started the war. He has . reiterated
his charge a number of times since.
Professor Forester of. the Univer
sity of Munich, during he war waj
dismissed from his seatfor criticism
cf the German government. lie was
a member of the provisional govern
ment formed by Bavarian liberal?
in Munich on February 24."
The Dr. Grelling and Dr. Schlei
ben referred to probably are Dr.
Richard Grelling and Dr. Fritr
Schleiben, former members of the
reichstag. Both men had been
leaders of Rberal thought in Ger
Basle, March 7. The constitu
tional committee " of the Austrian
national assembly, according to a
report from Vienna, haa adopted a
proposition submitted by the govern
ment proclaiming German-Austria &
democratic republic and an integral
part of the German republic. The
motion, it is said, was carried unanimously.
Miss Genevieve Goodman depart-
ed lart evening for Havelock, where
ishe is spending the week end with
hr brother Robert Goodman, who
Paris. March 7. Notice of the
intreruption of t lie negotiations at
Spa with respect to the surrender of
the Overman merchant fleet was re
ceived by the supreme council at its
meeting today.
A telegram received from Spa
this afternoon reported that the
German delegation had returned to
Weimar, whence it sent a message
stating it expected soon to have new
instructions from its government
enabling it to resume the negotia
tions. Consideration of the situation here
has given rise to the belief that, the
allied commission will be in a po
sition to resume negotiations and
effect an adjustment early next
It is stated that there is no dis
position anions fhe allies not to
provision Germany, but that the
means and methods are the o::!y
problems. '
Liscuss Military Terms
Premier Lloyd George addressed
the council with regard to the mili
tary terms of the preliminary peace
with Germany. The discussion of
revictualing the states formerly in
cluded in Austria-Hungary was com
Travelers from Austria and Hun
gary declare that X he population uf
these countries really are ttarving
and need immediate help. Thesr re
ports are confirmed by British and
American commissions in these
Fear Sailors Would Mutiny
Washington. March 7. Chairman
Hurley, of the shipping board, said
toninht that the refusal of the Ger
man delegates to agree to the de
mands of the allies for the uncondi
tional surrender of German mer
chant ships probably was caused by
fear of the mutinous sailors at Bre
men and Hamburg.
Mr. Hurley said the sailors had
objected strenuously to t lie proposal
because they would not be allowed
to man the ships under allied con
trol. Knowing this. the Gem:?, ii
delegates, he said, probably refused
to take anv definite iiction and
made the condition that the allies;
first would have to agree to furnish j
Germany with adequate food rup-l
plies until the next harvest. j
Remember that when you bring
your Ford car to us for mechanical
attention, you get the genuine Ford
service materials, experienced work
men and Ford factory prices. Your
Ford is too useful, too valuable to take
chances with poor mechanics, with
equally poor quality materials. Bring
it to us and save both time and money.
We are authorized Ford dealers, trust
ed by the Ford Motor Company to
lock after the wants of Ford owners
that's the assurance we offer. We are
getting a few Ford cars and first come
first to receive delivery.
Open Day and Night
Pollock Garage,
Phone No. 1 in
mill 4(i.-- on !:ilin for
( It-IIM I.I lit Vtlllt
I'l tin- i'u,;r,l v t'i.iii t t 'a.s coun
ty. N.-l.r.-t-kit.
Stjile ol .N'f l.ra k a , Cass cuiiiit v, ss:
all .ciiMis i at t-i . st ! in the s-
trif.. ..f 111-...-. i ...1
n ft-mUni. r!i .-iiti. ii i'. i;iizai.' t'i of the league of nations."
Si-liwn !, A ilin In i:-1 ia t ri . !ra io-"- a ri I
.- 1 1 it -ti-:. t ititl allowance .f !i-r :t - , mm--
''.!. nt iih-il in t! is it j-t on tli- 7lli
lay of .m.':k !;. !'., and for shM l.-in.t.t
t If v Una! account ar:l lor her ii- Prt"1ririn
chary., as. Administratrix of sai'l .-s-: L i 1 1 I 1 V. i f,
"Please extend my cordial con
gratulations to Mr. Wilson (J. P.
j Wilson, democrat). Just elected in
' Pennsylvania, and express iuy grati
fication that he won upon the issue
II J S R af J
It is l,cr-.-!iv ordered that yon an-1
a:i jici.-oas 1 !'. t r-st l 1:1 saM ttia 1 1-r f , . rr
may. .-aid .!... am-.-ar at ii,.- i owest i need and iiest l rac-
Cot.trt To I..- hc!i! hi and for said
U,:::Vio k,;:s,;::,; j::ior for the Average Farmer.
if a ti tin-rc I.e. why t!.c prayer of
the l tiiioni- s'auil l !c t he planted.!
and that notice of tie pendancy ofi
said petition arcl tlo- hearine; thereof
said matter l.v jvi .. isl.iny a copy ' j Uprntll'p nil Ford50n T"raC
this older in the I'lattsmo::!.! .I. urnai. lileralUe n lUfUSUIl Mfl.
a semi-week! y newspaper pvinted in
sai ! conn!v, lor one u. k prior to said
day of hearing.
In witness whereof. Ihavo hereunto
set my i a..d and the -.-eal of snid
Court, this Tiii da'.' of .March, A. 1 '.
AI.U:.V .?. HKKSO.V.
(Seal) Co;.nt .l.ld.e.
On Board Steamship George
Washington, March 7. President
Wilson today expressed himself as
greatly pleased at the outcome of
the election in the Twenty-second
i'i nii.-ylvania congressional district,
particularly as the league of nations
was made an issue. The President
sent a wireless message to Joseph
P. Tumulty, his secretary, as follows:
Write to us or telephone us
at our expense for descriptive
tors and Farm Implements
also for a demonstration on
your own farm of their merits.
f!M I l-"ir! TiiriiK
I!tl 1'iiril TimrliiiT
i::H! Kuril 1 uiiiiImm)!
HUT l'orl I'liisrlnar . .
ISMK 1 ril UinmlxHit
FrI tinf-'l'ou Truok
Stop at Our New Fire
Froof Garage
. STJ-.O
. ::'
. -PKI
. -I'm
. .Mm
. Mill
Authorized Ford Dealer
r-. tit-m . jjj a m m. worn' . tttt.-j gjr-yggssfaj
The Ralph Ilaynie quarter 6 miks
northwest of Plattsmouth. 2s mile;
southwest of Oreapolis, with fi-room
dwelling, with hath, toilet and fur
nace. Two good wells, water piped
to barns and feed lots. Big barn.
attle sheds, machiuery shed, 200-
ton concrete silo, a 4-room tenant
house. Improvement in fine condi
tion. SO acres fenced with 4-foot
"tog tight wire and cross fenced in-
o four fields, all hog tight. All good
farm land with no waste. School
in this quarter. This is a very de--irable
farm and will bear close in
spection. It should sell quickly at
he price, so if you are interested
ee me at once. Price $40,000.00.
Terms to suit- purchaser.
hone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr.
The E. 11. Todd Homestead SO
icra improved farm. 3 miles west
of Plattsmouth. now owned by
Russel Todd. Price. $250.00 per
acre. T. II." Pollock. Plattsmouth.
jl. Fire. Lighti'lng, Tornado.
a. Live Stock and Grain insur- .J.
J. ance at reasonable rates for .J.
f. one. three or five years.
We have several of the best J
4 Old Line Fire Insurance Com- .J.
4- panies and will be pleased to J.
i. write your Farm Insurance.
4. Jas. K. Pollock & T. H. Pollock. -I-A.
Tel. No. 1 Plattsmouth.
IS 00
101 '
We have just installed a complete new
Battery Charging and Repair Equipment and
Stock of Willard Storage Batteries. We are
the Official Willard Representatives for this
If you have not already had your bat
tery tuned up for the season, better see us
right away.
We have a rental battery for you if
yours needs repairs.
While you're here, ask about the Still
Better Willard with Threaded Rubber Insu
lation. T. H. Pollock Parage,
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Phone No. 1
Iwax s jivis:: I
is employed with the Burlington.
TELEPHONE 53 and 54
Always bear)
Sit nam' cf
Jonrnsl Want-Ads fay I