The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 10, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTIF SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY. MARCH 10. 1010. f 7 r ome in and open MCLTtlL Recounts I -for your Boy and SI. 3y jr. were in from Cedar Creek this afternoon getting some household goods for Mr. Groom, who is groin;? to housekeeping near Cullom, where he' is working:. Uncle Joseph Shrader from near Nehawka was a visitor in this city this afternoon where he was look ing after some business for the day, and while here made a very pleas ant call on the Journal. Jacob llcnger from .southwest of Mynard was a visitor in the city last evening, ami while here remem bered to leave some money with the printer for the paper which makes regular visits at his home. Mrs. Simon Clarke who has been visiting at Cedar Creek for several days past, returned home this morn ing, and was accompanied by .Mrs. Robert Stivers and children who will isit here for the present. "Oil, IF I COED BREAK MS COLD! 99 'Almost a3 soon as sa?tl Trith Dr. Kind's New Discovery Get a bottle today! ivm, TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN TO BANK THEIR MONEY IS A MIGHTY IMPORTANT PART OF THEIR EDUCATION. AS THIS HABIT GROWS ON THEM IT DEVELOPS SELF-RESTRAINT, AND A3 THEIR BALANCE IN THE BANK GROWS, THEIR CHARACTER AND SELF-RELIANCE ALSO GROWS. WE WILL WELCOME THE SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OF CHIL DREN. START YOURS. YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 1-2 PER CENT INTEREST. YOU WILL RECEIVE K PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME CERTIFICATES. Farixiers State Hank PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA LOCAL NEWS l'rom Kriiity's I'ai'v'. M. L. Furlong was a vi.-itor in this city from his bona- near Rock HI nfl's for a few hours this after noon. Mrs. Frank W. Kllicit departed yesterday afternoon for Peru, whore she will visit with 'relatives I r n few days. F. A. Cook, of near Cullom. was a vi-itor in the city this ... looking a f er on e business hen for tl.. -lay. Lee ; I -1 : i . ef South I'.. 'ml. w a;; in tli- oiiy yc-UTiiay. loot-in:; alter si.i! : br.--ims matters and re: iirr.ii;? lo his hen,.' last evening. Mrs. Carl PaUkr depart eu tbis ti'.r!ii:ig i'-r .Mynan!. w here she is ;ae of her parents tin I' : v;-itHig .ii v.". A. FiKht and family. li.ary Likewise from mar Cedar Creek vis looking af'er some bu-i-iis- for a short time in this city, a: d ri'MTia-t! h' this afternoon. ;-rf"" L?'d. of n-ar Murrav pi t i it y ir.g. .'ivtMi;;-; IK'-- ft" the hi; ear. i:T: "..i l: if": !'r." the i ;;.-!.!; .; C r (!. I'll.-- i t L i r .j. iiM-- iv; r; y. '.: ; ; v eo:. I l t' ne-'s fiat tcrs f.t.r v-;- v "b. was ; :-!ii.r time th'".; morn ' ) lix.iv alter some bi:-;-day. He drove up in .i :':e i'ov. fi n : - -.iiorr -camp near Cullom. and 'r :nn;i bl'Vliiess hero :' a!.:i si-i.mdini; tin i! i r. ;f near M i'r i:i th" city today. i' ok a I t f r :'(iui- bo- i rt th" court hotife and !nv.;:. Sol Ilaldwii;. froui near I'tii'in was looking after roti.o busim-s; CHICHESTER S FILLS X, M -. -"-i won W ;e ftii.:,. j V-.-l '' i - .h -r. llnT f ronr V 2 V.:- '"r A v "-i-:nY.Ttt J ;.-.a'in i':nM,uii V.o-. 5010 BY KIG0S3TS T-ERVWrpF DR. H. C. LEOPOLD OSTEOFATHiC PJ 1TICIAN FyrtTnl AMeo'loo . - l-i t n'on,,, ACUTEJ UiSISAKJS Tr.KATKD K:e-s Test til riJ j ;ni b';ttei IJight Calls Answerei AftTT Kuan and Sundays by Appointment. 8.30 . rr f ii:0 1:73 w. r.i. to 3:3 Plattsmoutli. Neb DR. 17. P. VVESTOVER PHYSICIAN & SURGEOIJ, Cotites Block. Res. 313 PHONE Oface o37 matters in IMattsmout h yesterday Having some interests needing at tention at the court house. Dr. J. . Hrendel. ut Avoca. and his Or. IJ. F. l'.rendil. of .Mur ray, were both in his city yesterday looking after some business in th?ir line. i ney ueparteU last evening for Murray. J. 1). Dickson, of Louisville, ar.d his wife, were in the citv vesterdav, coining io iook alter some tuisiness for the day, and having i-ome mat ters at the court house also claiming ii; .i;ie:ition. Tl:ey returned to ;i:eir hoi. e la.-t evening. t'l TI. ;; i yuay s I).iiiy. .x. I. ! ornoff frcui near t'tilleni v. as transacting business in tbis citv thi- afternoon. John Lloyd of Xehawka wa visitor in thiu city this morning, and he is looking after some business. M-s. O. C. Lyle and children de pnrteu tin; morning for Crecnwood. v. liere tliey are visiting for a short tiiiK' with friends. .Mr:;. .1. W. Jenkins and son Earl of Kosclie arrived from their home this afternoon, and are i.-itinu with ii iend- at Murray. il'ih. ri Jordan who lias been look ing after some business fur the past lay or so at Cedar Creek returned hnie I his morning. .;o ejei Mwnrer oi 1 .o:: i vi lie was a i--i:nr in this city this morning c. ming d-.,r:i to lmik alter some buiii" s for t'.o' d;iy. Henry Stander from Louisville was a visitor in this city this morn ing coming to laok after some busi ness at (he court house. Deiiry Ltl.ev.ise (if near Cedar C;r',; was a visitor in (his city for a sherl time ioday. being called here to bk after koine business. A. II. F. 'heiiey. of Cedar Creek, was a vi.-itor in this city this inorn-in;-'. where he is looking after some From Saturday's Daily. Phillip Keil of near .Murray was a vi.itor in I'laltsinout li lor the itay coming to look after some luisine'-'s here. 111. Diers or louisville was a visitor in this ye-ierUiy. com ing lo look alter some business ior the day. I'hillip Meisinger from near Cul lom wa;- a vi.-itor in this city this afternoon, called here to look after some t.M:smess. Frank I'arkening from near Cn!- lein was a visitor in this ci'y I his m. ruing coming to do some trading with the merchants. l itillip lleil. of near Cedar Creek. was a visitor in the ciiv this morn ing, coming to look alter some ou:-i- liess matters tor toe duv. J. li. Hm to.i oi Xi array was a vritur mi tins city tin- marning, ami while in to'.xn made p very pleasant call on tile Journal tiiT'ce. '. K. Jenkins and llreeii Figgott. of Jittrrav were in the citv t it is af;- ernon coming o look alter si.n.c business at the court house. Alex Campbell was a visitor it: Plattsmout h this morning from near Murray and was transacting some business with the merchants. H. F. Wiles returned tins morn ing lrom. Weeping Water wuere he was called yesterday by the death of his brother Thomas L. Wiles. A. J. Schaefer from south of Ced ar Creek was a visitor in 1'Iatt ;- mouth for the day, coming to look after some business for t he day. John Frish fn in south of Cedar Creek was a business visitor in that count v seat toaay and was !okiiig alter some hminess in the city a.s Wvll. Mrs. Ralph Muliis. oi Louisville. came in this morning on account of the death of a little n-ire Mi-.-: Violet M.irv Luschiii.-kv, at Ralston yesterday. C. I!. Warn.-r and wife and Joseph I'. Wiles wh.o have be'ii at Weeping Water on account of the death of Thomas L. Wiles returned home to- dav at noon. Ren I'.ecki.i.iii, of near Murray. was a. visitor in this citv lor a shot. time lodav. coming lo look affer some business and visit with oht- time lriellds. Ldward Kelly departed yeseri'ay furnoon for Murdoek, wheic he will cond-ict a soft drink parlor for Os car t. Dot ald diirtng the eomii g f-pring and ; uinmer. .:ike :;s was a passe nger to (tn- tiha t' i-, irorr.Ing, where he is look ing after scr.ic busmen; for the dav regarding the purchase u tuppli- for his black.-mii h shop at MvnanL The rapidity vith whicli tliis Gfty-year-old family remedy relieves cough?, colJs and milj bronchial attacks is what has kept its popularity on the Increase year by year. This standard reliever of cold3 an ! coughing spells never loses friends. It docs quickly and pleasantly what it is recommended to do. One trial puts it i.i your medicine cabinet as absolutely i i 'ispcnsable. Sold by all druggists. Bowels Usually Clogged? Regulate then with safe, sure, com-fortab!-3 Hr. Kirk's Ner I ife Pills. Correct :'iat biliousness, Headache, tour stomach, tongue coat.'by e-'n'p ating the bowxi-tlosiccss. and are iut citizens become such, their (enure of residence must be -; limited, for (here Is no room in this : country for any one not an Ameri can at heart. To the end that this element rnavi soon C( ie before us as voluntary candidates lo receive American citi zenship steps are being taken over the country to teach this class thru the medium of night schools rogard grii (heir duties and obligation;. In Plattsmoutli a similar step wa ; tak- Children Cry for Fistcl Ai Li t i-i -r. i TO ESTABLISH NIGHT CITIZEN SKIP SCHOOL STEPS TAKEN LAST NIGHT FOR THE OPEKIKG OP SUCH A SCHOOL HF.IIE SOON. COMMITTEES WERE APFOIHTED Much Interest V'f.s Eisplayed ty the Citizcrs ?.-id Success of the Enter;' rice issuved matters at the court house. Ira Pat"s from near Cedar Cre.k v.-as a vi-itor in I'lat t -ri nit h this morning, heie he is leaking -aft er i'-me bu-iness at t!;e county seat. f'liiilip Melsiner vas a visitor in this city (his morning, cf.iain, from his home ai Cedar Creek, and is looking after some b.iM:.f-s in the fit v. !'US!,e called John i. (ord r. (he implement and automobile mer chant, to Cedar Creek this mornim,-. where he is looking after some sal"; prospects. 'George l.ohnes of near Cedar Creek was a visitor in I'lat tsmout h for the looming coming flown on (he train to look after some busi ness in the city. Milton Groom and Henry Handera S iujlulpy - . ,k I w mm mm a V 7: mm '1 . jT ST) Jr.. SINCE 1869 Air. ami Mrs. .lost ph .Schell of Mmtli liend were in the citv ester- day looking after some business matters at Hie otirt bou-e and r.i the city, and relnrned to their lion last eveninsr. (). ". Zaar of South iiend who has been visitiiiK in this citv for tlie. dav b-fd:i::g after some business, depart ed tl.i; afternoon for Omaha, where he will io;,!; alter some business be fore returning to his home. Mrs. Robert .Slivers and children wh-) haev be'ii visiting' in this city for the p:tst few days, guests at the hem.- of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Simon CJaik returned to her home at Ceilar Creek last evening. ileniian Smitli of mar Nehawka was a visitor in this city hut even ing for a short time looking after icme bm-iness havirg driven up in (he afternoon with his car and re turned to his heme in the evening. Miss Clara Haudon of Louisville, who is work; ai; jn this city, and Miss Llsie Teokotter of this city dp parted luft evening lor Louisville, where they will f-petol the week end with friends ami return on Monday morning. U. V. Wiles d"par(cd yesterday afternoon for Weeping Water, where he is visit in- at the home of his biot her Tin Wil-s. who fs re ported as being vert sick at this lime, and cirldered as in a danger ous condition by both the physician and nurte. Ilea- iiip Journal Ads It Pays r"i.ii t'ltiirxla 's I'iii.y. '."itli i he to (hi:; city o Xat ural .? t ion Agent !. 1. Mote ho v. v..s in !;..' riiv ye-tt-rdav t look after the naturalization of some lalf doi.-n ca.ilidait-s for citizen-h; in tins land ot ireeiloin. c!evveuui an opp rt un; t v ;1 starting the ball rolling towari tf.e establishment o night citizenship tchoo! here in or ler that the alien within our mid:. ii.iv le- eive'i an opport u a it v to tin lertnnd t!ie full and true ineanin if .mericaii i;ieal And for that matter, there :i f o some native bo citizens who arin I vi rv well mtorm 1 reaardi'ig the great liberty-loving tntidis oi whirl' (hev are a part. A nt.mb'-r oi i-irrrested titiens the communit v were at the conn inu.-'e -last nilit in repoiie to call oi ine .Nat ira i i:-:ai em agent, am a general discussion o the matter a;'s par! tc ip-.ited in and ste)s tai-:Mi to assiwe the i-s' ablihmenl of night school of this kind in Platf? mout h. Mr. Mote adinssed the assemblv ot lnteresteo citizens, pointing out the necessity of opening such schools to prepare candidates for citizenship in suih manner that they will uu dcrsiand A'nerii,::n principles and b; ri'lly and truly at h:art Amrican To the .suiDi i . ni' some of (host- pres ent .Mr. Alote declared mat there art in rial t smout h at tin; present ttnti approxiiua-tcly two hundred aliens, and thai it is the duly of this cit to educate th'-se people tti the iioint wher-. t!'.ey can an 4 will want to be come citizens. At the present time the laws of the land, which have been rather lax with respect to alien;--, are being rap idly more rigid aild right now no alien can vote, hold ollicc or even teach it: the public schools before he shall lir:-t beer, me a citizen of (he i'nited States through the naliirali ;;ation process. It will soon be Ilia! the privileges of citizenship cannot he longer enjoyed unless the obliga tions are assumed a.s well, and the sooner some of our people are made to understand this tin sooner win hare be a general desire on the par! of I he aliens to with the land i smiled upon ti:i:i so admirably. Mr. Mote de clared linoHicially I hat t is generally understood in immi--Ta(ion circles there is lo be some drastic immigration laws enacted at the coming tu ssions of congress in fact this is mereiv ! line with the recommendations that have been ot fered by well versed immigration ex p?rts of the nation. I" this event. tt is very probable the coming oi ior- oigners to our shores will he great ly restricted or perhaps stopped en tire l v. At the present time- there are within the confines . ot the I nited St p. es some l,mio people w ho are not citizens ot (he country aim it on heart and hand which success has jen last evening for (he organization. of a night school in which aliens. in our midst may be taught free of charge the requisite fundament ale of ( true citizenship. At the present tinie. among other things, it is required the appli cant for citizeiu hip must know .oire thing of American history. of o-ir democratic form of government, its purposes and intent a; well as (he manner of eoiol net I ng elections. They nnt't al-o know what our Mag stands for and must respect it as well. After the discussion bad reached a point where all present might know Us intent, and feel the importance of organizing such a school, committees to tiiat end were appointed, as fol lows: Committee to obtain the Public Li brary as a place in which to hold the school :e-sion- James M. Rob ertson, i. A. Schneider anil J. S. Livingston. Kducational committee, whose dut- es are to provide teachers, whether tl y may offer their services free or t be found necessary to employ them. With Superintendent of (he City School G. I-:. lie Wolf, chairman :.:.d A. G. Cole, secretary, the per--oniiell of this committee is made up '.s follows: G. i:. He Wolf. Misses lpha Petersen.. Marie K. Kaufman, Amelia Martins. Judge J. T. I.egley. A. G. Cole. Geo. L. Farley and Revs. 11. (I. McCluskev. M. A. Shine. A. V. Hunter. W. S. Leete and W. L. Scott. The committee appointed to inter est those not citizens in the matter of the night school and get them prepared to b?come naturalized citi zens has as its chaining W. A. Rob ertson, who is vested with power (o1 teacher and call the committee t CThe Eind You H?.v Always Bright, and vi?? In use or over thirty years, has born? the ii 7 . and has beea rnae v. '.tare cf his rcr- sonal supervision fincj ii'j, infancy. Allow no one to deceive vcu in .hi-. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-rjooi " arc br.t Experiments that trifle witb and endanger tlx health of Infants and Children Experience aedr-s lixerimert. r What is CASTCR1A Castoria 13 a harmless substitute for Castor 0:1, Paregoric, Dropr. and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It c:.i;ta:m Tieither Opium, Morphine nor other .narcotic suVtcsncs. Its age is its For more than thirtv years it has tee!i in constant us for the relief cf Constlpainn, Ilatulenc "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fc-vcrishness arising thercfrcm, and by regulating the Stomach and 2r;we's, aids the assimilation of 5ood; giving healthy and aacaral Bleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Slothti's P'riend. ttmmz CASTORIA always Bears the Signature of rmDK2bt if r 4? ?s &- iVr&j. Io Uss For Over 30 Years The Kir.eS Ycu Have Always Bought irw YOTK city rur. C r NT AI FT COMPAN which Mrs. A. M. Sanders is the teacher. .The evening was snent in a verv pleasant manner, with a program of i games and music, followed by a de-1 lightful luncheon which was one of I the big features of the meeting. j Alter the other business of thej evening was concluded there was a j Springfield new class of boys and young men or-i this afternoon Cold, the less the danger of contl.o t Ing one of (h. -e diseases. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has a great reputaUon as a cure for colds and can be depended upon. It is pleas ant to take. :o: .Mr. and Mrs. Kverett Roiok.-r of 111., arrived ia this cirv ind will visit ;,t the t and direct its work Those appointed to gaiiized with A. M. Sanders as the John F. Sanders a as- niei .inn 10 sociaie reactier. 1 ne list ol o as he is as follows: Clair Hudson, presi-meill-'dent: Yern Hutchison. viee-uresiMeet and Charles Tulene, secretary-treasurer. In the selection of a name tor the newly 'organized class, the boys con cluded they would adopt a waif, the name of "Loval Sons." which the men of the church had thrown into the gutter in their attempt to annex (lie membership of the former Lojal Sons class, which had existed for so .rcani.e ees fit. bership on this committee are W. A. Robertson. K. J. Richey. A. J. Janda, Carl Kunsman. Frank J. Libershal, John Schuhlolf. Geo. R. Sayles. J. M. Robertson. T. H. Rollock, C. A. Mar shall. Richard Avard. Win. Holly, ignac Straka. K1 Donat. Frank K. Srli later. 1-;. II. Wescott. 1 1. C. Mor gan. K. A. Chdclt. Geo. I.uschinsky, '.'. C. Parmele. Rea Patterson. 1.. G. Larson. .1. C. Hrittain, Gunner John- long. .on, Wm. Raird. Harry Goiichenour, The young men start on twitli ex Krank Sahatka. R. W. Clement. Ir. cellent prospocts of making a sue- I home of Mr-. Reicker's and Mrs. Andrew Ra'bb, aers I time, i pan-ntv Mr. for a shorf Fancy box aper at tliis cfiice. Weekly L. Cumniins, Will T. A. V Samlin. F. Adams. A. O. Moore, A. L. Tidd W. Cloidt and J. C. Petersen, Jr. The publicitv cointnittee is made up ol K. A. Hates, cliairinan. i oi. m. . Rales and M. S. I'.riggs. we are in hopes they' will j a small CLASS HOLDS AN IN TERESTING MEETING cess and for we see no reason why they should not. They are young men filled with devotion to (he cause of (he niasler and are workers as well, which should insure their success I wo-fold. 1 Lads of the Christian Sunday School Met at Home of B. F. Crook and Enjoyed Themselves ' 'rem Thursday's Iaily. Last evening, at the home of 15. Crook, there met a large num ber of the young people of (he Christ ian church Sunday school, in the apacity of (he Red Pepper class, of j Why Colds Are Dangerous. You are often told to "beware of a cold," but why? We will tell you: Kvery cold weakens the lungs, low ers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases. Peo ple who contract pneumonia first take cold. The longer a cold hangs on, the greater the danger, especial ly from the germ diseases, as a cold prepares the system for (he re ception and development of (he germs of consumption, diphtheria, scarlet fever and whooping couch. The quicker you get rid of your 7 cans of good sweet cor;i. ii cans large tomatoes "i c:M'': hominy 10-11). can white syrup for ;5 pkgs. Ivory flakes :i tall cans Carnation cream S cans Heebe milk cans Heche milk Good potatoes, per bushel Large pkg. Star X.iptha Wash ing Powder for pkgs. each, or assorted. .Maca roni. Xoodles or ti 2'J-oz pure fruit jam. per jar 24 o.. pure apple butter Large can apricot butter Washington Crisps, per pkg Rex lye. per can 10 bars each, or assorted. P.eb White or Fleet ric Spark laun dry soaj for 10 bars P and G naptha soap Oranges, per doz Prices Good as Long as Stock Lasts. i .0.1 1 .' I ..o 4o lo . to . - Jo .10 I'O E- P. LUTZ $10.00 value for S 6.95 S1G.00 value for 12.95 $9.00 value for 5.9o is our duty to educate this element )f sn.'h startling proportions to the duties and privileges of citizenship. riu- alien population therefore com prises nearly one-sixtli ol ine loiai population of (he country and if it is permitted to remain in our midst it should he 1 Mt per cent nainrallize'l , American. , ! Unless the people who reside here ,: V'-A . 4' 'Ik nfi, : i I vA '-; -v U?i $7.50 value for $6.00 value for $4.50 value for $3.00 value for .-$6.3r 4.05 3 . CI 2.35 f fri i" . r - Heavy Cotton shawl collar $1.35, $1.05 S10.00 value for $6.95 $9.00 value for 5.95 1111 1 1 n n r. I, iJ V0KK SHIKT 51.15. THREE chances to do yourself a good turn for the balance of the winter and money on next winter's needs. Standard Cut Bib Overalls $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 C.E.Wescott's Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE" &ave ioiiie AXCTHH! S7M?