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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1919)
PLATTSMOUTH SEm-WTEEXY JOUPJIAX PGE SIS. make your Home a GOT REST IIor.:e it r ipOOT E5I I . - ELKS LODGE N U0 LUUUL 1 PLATTSMOOTH IS GROWING ATTENDS FUNERAL OF COUSIN WILL HAVE CLASS OF NEARLY A SCORE AND HALF NEW 3IEMBERS SOON. OFFICERS ELECTED LAST NIGHT i it H I ?! 7 Children v.-.:-tx Financial Condition 2est in Years A Spirit of Co-Gperaticn No ticeable on Ererr Hind. r:.r ' ' ) THE LADIES TOGGERY The -foot rest otorc - r.f P. " ,r-:il!.-' .It ' .' - !af ' L. 'U!i! O! .-; r--r'ular n:-'-t- Liye No. a-. ?ru'sit't'l an hi!-" ).- for Frreyi V.'e.l r.e'a :,'.- f':i!j. ( iia Pat itrwrn f.f Rock Pluffs, was 3 visitor in Omaha fur I ho pa-'t few days, f.-i I there by the l-nt It of hi cousin Ihn Sp-nr-cr. of that place who died a fi'v days since. aii'I who.e wife and children art- ai a hospital all sick. Mr. Spencer is the -on of Mr. anT Mrs. Edward Spencer who madf their home in P.oek P.I tiffs for manv years 'and a ho ut liviitcen or twenty years ago. departed for On. aha to make their home, and as well as their ion have het n living o:i the south side. Mrs. Spencer was a shter ofthe fir-' wife of Fred Patterson and therefore tj:e young man a cousin .f Chase Patterson, wiio l.a.s been at tending tli" burial. i.e '. f ' I T. l - - e:ij -1 and :: f . I - -I f V. - :i;.C-r on 1. 1 e n :p i a fi.e n;i-rh'. 'I'!.'- iT.t: he;-;; !:!i have r ,ir fear. i r-- e-;; ?h- ea! !!; i-; iaa' an uii a Gal t-row tii. !!.i'rs for r v. f-r v 't 'I ' van fr'- ;.! nt I. v v-(! a very pop- .cial iil" of WORKING IN UNION TO J AY. J. K. rr. n !r- !.i - ri'arh j: r'l the i;r- ., ! "r. ;r i The T . i r, en! n i-tir: '1 io !... f ;T 'tax from III The r- p. . r fiur i! . .i-i-!-o hav- ! r-d (iiT' e-iit t hi. . th ::!! I : v I i 1 h e.h 1 eXj. i:-'- a: ! a-.-- r ' t;.: c.nip! a 'id roi.'.l h-iv-I ;i It: '-' h. en - '. d'-p ir'ed thh :ri I f-o'iri I'atif." f';r ' v. ill work for ! if. ;:i t .' :r ki.-.t:.. j.o.t: iu'.i Mtider ;'-''- ' fo'ir d-' y : 1 1 r ih-d f-r r via the p r. ! V i . c ' , of r.d. Tf.e -ork h-ir M --.. t. A Friend EccoT.r.entd Thn. j. ::. T' :n. K ii'i-vill--. fnd. v. r v -ek I ! '! r d i pains in th- fin ' '. T'potl ref ' hll i- Ti if tried Fu'.fv Midn'-y i'ilh-i t' per r'r:ef ;.!"'..- TImv .'op h,-f -V ;'(. , p:i n--. T --i' -s : ..d "iT: f. v-r v. -here. iT'lv SIX ? frl -a i. ! and i- :t. m ::M:.-te!y." rl.'-iT'i 1 1 e- . So!'l SEED SPBIITG WHEAT FOR SALE Tie i:.d i- ' h-r of t h'--e j e '.j- Th'in .liy ever::, r A? the rr.-etitV4 h orif 1 i n of tii c.r.'K i.tre ;;;.! lf.' !!o iJiil" . :.'i:.i:.e fri-:;ds is r-'h-d i! f f t;ii- wr-'-k. evefiiriL'. after hi!!:'!iu' on l'.--ir.e-.s com- YESTERDAY AT . COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING THERE WAS NOT AN OVERLY LARGE CROWD PRESENT BUT MUCH ENTHUSIASM MANIFESTED. A NOON TIME BLAZE TODAY WAS COSTLY A MID-DAY ELAZE AT HOME OF W. R. CLEMENTS CAUSED CONSIDERABLE LOSS. our i n.-. i.s i.' ! he riniti il..-, rj LOSS BY FIRE WAS ENTIRE There Being No Insurance On Prop erty. Same Having Lapsed Short Time Since. rn jrvrr" DtrwTV nr cviiur AND COLD WEATHER !P Ji Fiom'-. Pally. fr Whiie the h.ilniy hiett'-j are now !J i r rr 'lit, I t l..,' r.iil .1111- !!.. -l.-l v 'hoy Tiiake think oi i of yprlnj: and cherry MosMii-.ts Joint Snee-!, v. ho run-; an fiiniiif irmn I'n lific Jui'Ction to Sii:i I'ity. jumpi-il o'T the train from tvr t!;e rlvir In i!:1'-. Jin.l'ip : h :icV v vnue 1 1 1 4 1 ii' :i 'N trip he liad v.fiile biickin to O'Neill and of pet tins; Miu'k in a ri'iiv dril'r. uhifii reqnirt'd iliirtein K hours to pet hitn o'ir. 1!.' siiid thai A an emigrant ear on that hranrli I snowed Cf;riipl"fely in, urnl trenches 1 il had to he iln-j; to the car in nri'er 'A that th Ftoek mitrhf he unloaded 1 ji and taken to a n-'ar-!y iV.rni hou-.eiFj to he .vuferd. I V, mm for me Better j. r.j iine Mini oi a last Friday evening t A ius from Siouv rily.f So in i remarkably low prices on daily necessities: i Jvrl- Marajoni, Souu, (ItA'tin Lr.iu'l, 't 'J Caiolil.rT llllilk, C.til... S.'iitr Kraut, jt-i run. . . , Saucr Kraut, pr aiioii ; I Toininv, I f ans for tall (an $ .25 1.00 .10 .15 .15 .15 .55 .25 .' I'.r rhe ai. :..:.! e c t - j!' in-.,- ir: t !.. !' j:. a. ::-t. r r. i.-iT'-r; k.ui.t; i J"v- K. .'t- .!' t ru - ' r" . The dar-"--n.onTh of Mar. i'. V,.r-j. Fred 1'. ih; Hnrris. Tio- Inlt i.i'i'in f-o-iii. i'ti t '. Frank M. - tor. held i . .-..t!ori. v. (.. o'Tic r.-. r- r;!. r: J. .. '-. fri Frank -I;e . '.'. r: i. -. t ! , ! hrei ;i r y ; a . ; : .f. I'.-:-.-t"r. ;.--i!h-. lo t! leetrin r :.!. 1 ''ii e er r rra. Smith, lead:."'-' k:;:rh! ; k nia hi : Tritsch. I'rom W'e.lneMlay's Iai!y. At the County Sunday Svhool convention .Vh:rh ua-i in n-A-imi at jil'r.ion. Neh.. e-rerlay. and is con jtinul:: to-tay. there wa treat in- tere. nian;feted and the program whi'-h had been prepared, in'.-t of The speakers beintc t.u t!;c program preei,t. and a very eiiJoynliN as well as i';tere.-tin and instruct! v ses sion w;ts held. There were five fr.jai tliis ciry in atfendan'-e, and the selection of the officers were one of 'he fea'ures r.f the convention. c,:r.niitee for tiir- i CO!,!piS-d ')f Je : e :.-h and K. C. lARY'S GUILD DE LIGHTFULLY ENTER TAINED YESTERDAY a. !!. rich. -ih' i Jhu.v V.':rl, J. V 1 1 .le nd !f f ; l ; Trm-"1 e F. V.'ar- :. J. V.'ey- efn'pri- :! aii 1 'iuy h I have nh"nt 20f bu hel' .,Z the C"!f!ir:.'ed tnrouis be:irdlevs siiriii' wheat, ni:-! al. i I b'l-hel Of th'' bearded spring wlseat : i: ,il;ir to t'i" Mue stem vi-ricty, fr,r op my farm near Mynard. h-:'"!!cnt fju-ilit and clean '.f foreign seel . C;A pilot'..- J''l 1 daw Sherman tjob GOOD WHITE SEED CO TJ'! I have an abundance of rood white peed corn. Waif rd Nor l, riritt.snu.uth. Neh. S-lM&w POBDSON TRACTOR Lowest Priced zr.d Eest Trac tor for the Average Farmer. Write to us or telephone us at our cxpe:i3C for descriptive literature on ForrJson Trar tors and Farm Implements also for a demonstration on jrour own farm of their merits. Ill 'he rn-c-;' -i tirre a fiie twen-h'-,i i rh" n:v- : ii 'I-' '. h' ti the ibs-r.- ,1 USED CAR EARGAIN3 '...:t. On i rT i 1 r i : ' ' r y c'as '; er e . 1 -' : I'hr ;i I! '1 i 'e " ho 1 up :. I p-a'dy i.-.or . will t. : . -r -I i f ,.rj.. ,, t ;.. i.r'! -r. ! n ir f f'-ir na'ion ft- l r ,, i:r. , loyalty to th cent r i i 1 1 f ' I f .o-r war fund drive i hti pros'-f ut lor' f t h .-very F.Ik who w fi-ht th-r ha't!': all d'H"- dnriii' reu.itted by the lo'h'f of v.hi'h lie s i: . a riM-tiifier. The order f,ol he-' hind the S;.lv.ition army and first f.r.ppli' d the orr-inir:'t ion villi Hie ifecsv.'iry h'.'kintr; to f!.,-'h! their l'lVi-l lacsies to fin into the battle field of France with thrir douch-tn-fs f'-r t-e 'oM-jhh'iy.-.. at'd afterward.- !h per pie f f A :u erica repoi'.(' ed to the furfacr app'-ils f;f thi:!. or-.-li.izaf ion to the -rid ft it the v trk could lie c:iTied on. iJatln" frf i" its vitv ii'cepi if i;i 'lie hi - tory i f FI'k-. d"ia is !hat r.f a p'Toly A inf-rla n. ; '.:d -., !,.':lv p:.tri"je c-.-r r: i't io-i. The rd r t-ar )jes primarily pa-j riotir:i to Jla-? and foi r.try and in-' culcatea Io' alty tr, j , o nrrii'-iph-r; f.f 't rative land f r i' i : per cent ti;:.e, ;-;-.-ed in '.?: . ,i it ; '. r-r-i-T-.t an- :;er.-ii.-:iy t j every r.-r.vld -'id in th" Kii'. In additran :it fortli io help of liis tou'''ry had lis tin:" of service rvTT. Weill .ta v's Daliv. St. Mary's Guild of St. Luke's rih at the home of Mrs. G-'-orrre Thomas y.-ferduy afternoon. Th i- as their regular i-ieetin and o'-'rir;'-' the early horrs ff 'he after-!i'.'-:.. the I;.lies hepf a very ir.ter '.rli! bu-iue.;.s ses.-ion. Various li.i 'i'i' -; iTK'Hir.-- were t rar.sactf- l and tc-iny plan-; were iua le for the fu- Aft r 'h'- huii;-s, se-' ion. the lirr. i- t i tiieir fznry work leVf'eil a f-w of the f'.eeting n's in plyifi' tlie hu-v needle very indu.-t ;-iou.-5 rannrr as i r rflc-ed j:i s-ockil conver.-a-At an appointed time the ifs- t -s -erve'l a Iidieloi.n: I'lifhcot; .;iih Wui like .vise thoroughly en ;' d. After an lu.ur or so '.t-.y.i in ; little more sf-wint', the ladies ex-t'-i.i'-fl tloir warntest thanks- to tlie host for the delightful a fternfon'.s entertainment and wended their way 1 ouieward. ';re la. ii they t i- n. POST'I ASTER AT HAVELOCK RESIGNS HIS POSITION !l I l:ii; It: If! le I .nl I ..rt l-'finl fr.l 'I ouri i XI . . Iatuitl.'i:l . Ttiurliof . . ICmiwIiitiif . vl'tinl if-'!'- Tri'i-k. . :::o tiei . .".ell . -: Stop at Our New Fire Proof Garage T, II. POLLOCK AUTO GO. Authorized Ford Dealer PHONE NO. 1 PLATTSMOUTH GoodAutoRoads -FROM- P.lattsmouth to msha i rob- i:; the r. :?. A.t Th'- Journal is jdea'ed to no'e the suhslr-nt i;il growth bejn? eni v- ! trv 1'iiin; nioni ti i.'::;e ro. , :::. which coi.pare, we believe. v ry favorably v.i'h 1 1: : p.rowih or lodt'es in towns if similar si. anywhere over the s'ale of Nebraska. Such increases s-pe;k w-11 for the order and Its ohlcr;:. :"i r.m ''i .t-i.-.iav's Paily. Satn Ilinl. le, postmaster at Have Iofk..l,as resigned. It i.j said that Mr. Hinkle has been working about sixteen hours a day for a year to keep the work up and that h has re"are"el the f. alary of $1,700 a year as inadequate. 'Too much work and too little pay is the reason Riven for his resignation. Mis commiKruon would have expired in April. 1020. I'o-fmaster at llavclock is a civil rr-rvice job. 'to be filled by examina tion reirardless of political affiliation. Mr. Hinkle. was private secretary to Co-venior Morehead and is a dem ocrat . He l.a't been a resident of Ilavflfick for manv vears. WILL HAVE TO RETURN TO THE HOSPITAL IS LOADING FOR THE WEST. Lloyd Gapen is loading cars here today for his new home at Grant, Nebr., where he purchased a home some time since. Mr. Gapeu in de parting from the neighborhood ' Murray, Is leaving many friendn who while they desire to see him and family do the best, still dislike to fee them leave the old home, and i from Wf ilaex'lny'H Paily. i Verterday Mrs. Fnink Sahatka, was a visitor at Omaha, poinfr t consult with a specialist regarding the condition of her health, and re- turned home last evening after hav ! iiu; Interviewed the physician, and reports Unit the specialist has decid ed that there will be no way but for her to return to the ho.pital with a prospect t Hat another operation will have to be resorted to in order to secure the return to health which ia so desirable. i-hip bound them to the community where they have lived so long. teen and fifteen months of age re rpectlvely. Inquire of Fred T. Ramge. Phones 102 and 532. Best road is to turn uest at La PIctte School House and north along West Side of Fort Crook. T. H. POLLOCK BRIDGE COMPANY Suffered For Eight Years. Rheumatic pains, lame back, sore muscles and stiff Joints often are due to overworked, weak or disordered ! kidneys. Daisy Hell, K. F. I). 3. Pox 234. Savannah. Ga., writes: "I suffered years with pain in the back and could not do any of my . work, but since.taklng Foley Kidney Fills, I can do all of my work." Sold everywhere. l'lattsmouth. Neh. At noon W. K. Clement if'.illiet v. fnt home and the wife being J.vay vi. -itinu with a daughter In Chicago, be ran preparing his mid-day iiii-fl, and had started a fire in the kitchen stove, and wa.-: busily at work cook ing a steak Just to the turn, sshen some one rapped on his door, and not immediately responding as he thought it was the milk man. leav ing the milk, another and a rather pre-empfory knock sounded. when Mr. Clement responded, to have the visitor tell hint that his house was ahre. He ran into the yard, and was astonh-hed to pee th- roof ablaze. The alarm was turned in, and the neighbors began carrying the furni ture out of the house, and succeed ed in removing the moM of it. The which apparently had originat ed f nr m a .spark v.hieh had fallen on the roof, burned down through the rof. and into t! house, eating in to the rafters and joints. The fire department when it arrived nrade short work of th" fire, but as v. as a natural consequence. did some -!amag by wetting. They were very cc.reful and while extinguishing the fire as rapidly a possible saved as much of the house from injury with water was possible considering the work thev ha'! to do. The unfortunate feature of thr--ituation is that the insura:;ee which Mr. Clement had been carry ing on the place, had lapsed about ?. month since, and while intending to have the .' renewed. !;r-.! i;oi lecied ft) do so and finds him "nav i:ig to slain the entire lo:- which lie fire caused. The loss was about 'ix or Keven hundred dollar, and many of the household effects which 'ere removed in ri hurry, were in necessity, damaged, and the damage done fin the home, will make the loss considerable.' CELEBRATE THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING Helmrt Balv Lima bans, No. 2 can for 15 Mit: ion brand sardines, pcrr c, kaL'e . . . Com Flakes, per pa Lavpe bar Lath joap, Naptha soap, 6 bars for, 3 f or , A"" A li N V r R S fi H J Gooch flour, Puritan (lour or 1 bisel flour, sack " " ' - n 1 2 i 2 i-v ill 1 otatocs, per bushel Sun Kist oranges, per dozen Pink beans, 3 lbs. for Navy beans, two grades, per lb. 10c and Clack Eye peas, per lb .' Be sure and see cur display ox new Chinaware. We have received a wonderfully t attractive line cf new patterns in JOHNSON BROS. AND MEAKIN WARE AT HOME OF THEIR SON WIFE AT LOUISVILLE LAST WEEK. Jlr. and Mrs. Jane; Stiver, Foil; Cass County Peojj'.e. Have Been Married Half Century. IS .10 .10 .25 .25 M 1.50 w 59 B .Z5 y .15 1 .10 Ft -10 rrorn Sat urda v'-s h.ii!'.. Mr. and Mrs. Jani" Stiver. o Madrid, former Cass county rei (ients. arrived last week for a visit j with their son. Claude S.dvvr and ! wife. As the following Monday.' February 24th. was th.-ir fiftieth aniver-ary, a number ff their Louis ville fri nds went in that evening to celebrate the occasion and to tx- 5 M f; ftftir&BrtSBftii mi (Km T j f. i T TZMTXia and 54 tend congrat iilat io'i.- and best '"i-!ie. Among the guests, were Mr. and Mrs. John Group, whose :jth v.-edding anniversary fell on (ti:e vi me date, which gave to the aiYuir rcV.ed enthusiasm. A dainty lunch wa1; servel and ?fr. and Mrs. Stiver received several i';ld pieces as a token of esteem and tO t il' r e- One cf g 1 ! frs was Cut Tliis Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cu' out this -lip, enclose with Sc to Foley &. Co., CS3.- Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. 111., vvjuting your name and address clearly. You will receive in return n trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kid ney Fills and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. Sold everevvvhere. lonrnal Want-Ads Pay! t twenty dollar gold pp?ce from .Mr-, i C. V.'. Holdrege, of Omaha, an ( hi ' time friend cf The family. Another ' gift was a ten dollar gold piece from (heir son, II'!.'.;, cf L'l It' na, i Oklx. who ca'rre in Sunday for a s'nort visit wirh hii parents. but. v.'ho was unable, becfrse of pre--busine:-s engagements, to be xirr--:it i't the evening festivities. Other lifts were received, r.nior.g th. m a -)ld thimble for. Mr--. S.-iver. Mr:. John Group was also much surpris ed to receive a beaut ii'ul silver thimble from the assembled guests, i Mr. Stiver is a matchless enter tainer with an exhaust less fund cf clever stories full of wit. and hi; ruecdotes, darky dialects and South ern song-, proved fo entertaining that "the guests could hardly tear themselves away at a late hour. At the ege of seventy, Mr. Seiver looks : bout fifty and he was undoubtedly the youngest person present, if a man is as young as he looks, feels and acts. Mrs. Seiver, who is foil years younger, is al ;o at her best and while more quiet, is perfectly :bi Mr ". Server 's i b :i :ii s Martha Elizabeth ? were vr.r.rri'-d at , N ?vv V-... Fehri:',.rv 24. 1 8-Jf. in! ere.'iT ing v.-as ti'.e -e l!:o; cgrap :i rt rhe rim a ar-od time as Well as iiiime wa5 ayder. They Hampden. One of the features of the evening si n; arour.d of a large oil t'.ie bride and prr-cn of their marriaze frfty n.otht r Smith v. as rejoiced to gre-t the little cue. and it is difficult for Grpndfathcr W. T. Smith to stay at home. Corn: in and select y-jur new Piaster ben net at tlie Jardon Milli nery, where lrii'Iiru-ry is dependable and prices are right? v;.;rs ; "(. Tliev cara? to ..cbra -;a i. tie ye;r issi. Tiiey "nave f-i-ht irvir.g ciiii-'.r".i. t v-.- d;-ugl.Te;s, their f Ie-et, having ji3sed en. Mr. Seiver stated that they are hiving their first real vucatior.. from here they will vi-if relative :n Iowa and o' points near a. id will then rrake the trip to Oklahoma for rn extetided visit. They have a hoist of friends whose good v.i-i e ro with them f - continued health r,t:d h ippin'--- at: d rt.any lprre year f-f life together. Lonisville Coiiritr. G0E3 TO VISIT A ITEW GRAND DAUGHTER FARM INSURANCE. 9 Fire, Li.'litnirig. Tornpdo. .J. Live Stock and Grain inur ance at rea.--or.ahl" ra'cs for . one, three or fiv- years. .'. We have several cf the h.--r . Old Line Fire Insurance Com- . pai.ivs an 1 will be plfi-serl to write your Farm la -uranre. . Jas. K. Pollcck & T. H. Pollock, Ted. No. 1- Platt-m juth. Prom Sat nr. lay's- l'niiv. Last evening Mrs. W. T. Smith departed far Eicle, where she was called on account f.f the arrival a 'few dav since of n litl'.a Hue. eyed 1 -ssie. who had just arrived vi-i th.e j tork route. and i making her j l.eme w"i I h .1. C. Smith and wife f '; near Eagle. The folks are all get ting along nicely, ai-d the little Mi-s is becoming a preat favorite. C.rand Fancy box paper at this office. CASTOR I A Vor Iifns end Children Hn Uaofov Over 30 Years t. the "y FOR SALE 2 HERF0RD BULLS I have for sale, two roung high break the ties which have in friend-i bred registered Herford bulls, four- V I 0 - Spring Styles! The Event So Many Plattsmouth Ladies Have Waited for! Our Openin FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. March 7 and 8 . tt - n After weeks of careful preparation we will offer for j'our approval the Largest Se lection of Stylish Hats ever shown, to our knowledge, in this city more than 600 hats for you to choose from. Some very good styles at $5 to $7. - WHAT WE WILL SHOW n n ACTrj u I m . l 111 V tA bSV r " c ' mm Authentic Hat Styles that are Charmingly Distinctive - Absolutely Correct- and most pleasingly priced. fez f Nh a : f II . -tfw 4-1 W. A. R0EERT30N, Lawyer. a Ear.t of luiey Hot;;!. Coates Clock, Second Floor. I- THriSE STYLES ARE GOOD! NEW mi MITZI SAILORS LA PELL TAMS FLOWER-TRIMMED DRESS HATS BONNET EFFECTS PAN DEI HATS CLOSE FITTING HATS New Orf-t he-Face Hats AND HAND-MADE M ALINE HATS SMART, QUAINT STREET HATS In all the new colors, including Jay Blue, Henna, Dust, Navy, Cherry Red, Etc. Wreaths and Fiowersr Fruit Clusters, Ostrich Novelties, Buds and Foliage, Maline and Ribbon. 4 Tri mmed in Parisian Models $7.50 and Up Gage Patterns $10 to $14.50 EiliiJ4 FoiSErIa h ( n i