THURSDAY. MARCH 6. 1919. l f TSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE FIVE. r7 AT c I 1 Ul ray Department ' Interest of the 'eoj. of Murray and Surroucdin? Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers K iryof the rf-aders of tbe Journal t-.nor- of iny social event or ileal of un rest in this vicinity, and will mail lime to thi office, ii. will ap pear under this heading, fte want aJlnewsitoms Edttob n SLIPPED ONE OVER ON HOME FOLKS Edward .Lutz, Jr., and Miss Alice Gobleman United in Marriage , at Kavelock Last Week head MUST 8E PAID BY larcii 15th We are new ready to assist all our patrons in mak ing out their schedules. its i rra u State MURRAY, NEBRASKA If you are in need of Shoes it will pay you to come in and look over our stock, as we have ihe largest stock of Shoes we ever carried to select from and at prices that will interest you. We are also receiving our Spring Ginghams, Percales and Calicos, which will soon be ready for your inspection. i ALFRED GANSEMER, Murray, Neb. he Servsee S Wanted I 'as lure for throe f.f felts. Oldhar.i Slink Farm. t'Laa. Kauliii', c 1" !'ni"!i. was visit in;r with Murray lrumis last Sun day. For Sale or Kent. My seven room cottage re.-i.lcnre in Murray. Mrs. J. . Berc-r. Duyer Todd bought four lie;ul of at the sale in PluttMiicuth last Saturday. R. L. Prop!, of IMatu-'.nouth. w;u attci!uia?r to tcrve matters of bu.A n -sr. in M array o:i Monday of this week. Ja:ui-s TiLson departed for tin. Mate, of Virginia Saturday, where lie will xi-ix with his hoy heed friends and relatives- for a ff v weeks. Mr. YaTice Tod I and wife relurr ed Monday from Nebraska City, at which place they had been vuitiii;; with friends for the past week. Misr- Clara Young came down from i'iattsc.'uiit h Saturday evening spent Sunday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Voting. Charles Kenm-dv. who recently re turned from the army, departed for, Kocalie. Nebraska, where he will visit for some time with his friend, John Jenkins. Arthur Baker, the- enial clerk at the Gansemer siore. was in Omaha Monday and Tuesday, taking in the r.ood things ottered by the Wholesal ers' Mai k( t Week. Leonard Terryherry. the I'latts moiith auto man. was in Murray on Tuesday t-haking hands with his many friends and ai tending to some matters of business as well. Miss o!c;t Mi n ford went to I'latis niotitt Tuesday evening to visit her friend. Miss Clara Young, and tons the early morning train to Omaha on Wednesday, where she spent the dav. Mr. Anderson Iavis has been quite iuorly for the past few days. Mrs. T. F. Jameson visited at Dr. J. F. Brendel's Tuesday night. Dr. and Mrs. Will Brendel. of Avoea. visited in Murray on Sunday afternoon. i Ern Carroll and family are spend ing h feA- days at the Charles Car roll home in Murray. ! Carter Albin. of near Fnion. and o we'! known to Murray folks, is ieported to be very i'l at his home. : James tlv. rhart and wife were visi sory iii Plat tsinoiit h over Sunday at the hoVie of Mrs. Earliart's parents. Don't forget the roads and don't forget tiiat they nee smoothing up ;.s soon as tne weamer win permu. Mr. Klrod. the sueeessful horse trainer, who broke so many young animals here List year, again is in the field in the same capacity. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Root departed Tin re w ill be another sr. j, per serv ed at the library e:i :;et Saturday evening, and each Saturday evening for file next few wieks. Make ar-ran-euients to come and you will always find a pood meal. 11: il ip Lamlert. the painter and decorator, is busy the building fori the .Murray Hardware Co.. by paint una, .'uinrilnv for York. Nebraska, where they will spend a couple of weeks iiu;:g with Mr. Hoot's son. who is a physician in the town of York. Marshall Dawson, of Iiuliiver. Mo., accompanied by his friend. Ernest Wells, arrived in Murray Wednes day and will en .sage in farm work in this vicinity the coming season. Col. Rex Young departed Wednes day for Antelope county, Nebraska. vhere he will conduct two sales. As ?n auctioneer. Mr. Young has gain- d a state wide reputation. Dr. D. F. Urendel and Mrs. Win. .'eybolt will entertain the Ladies Aid society on Wednesday afternoon. larch 12th. at th ' home of the former. Every member should be in .tte::dance. Mrs. Ona Law ton lias accepted a ;osiiion as nurse in a hospital at llrand Island, and u parted far there on Monday, and will at once take tp her duties, which she is so well .iualiMtd to do. John Mrasek. w ho is. a successful farmer near I'rosselt. Oklahoma, has eeu visiting with Lis brothers. Joe :uid Frank for the vast two weeks Mr. Mrasek was recently discharged rmv and is still in the so'.- Fintn Tuesday's laily. During the tirst of last weVk. Ed ward Lutz. Jr.. and Miss Alice d b elman. of near Fnion. slipped away from the "Maddening Crowd" and went to Havelock. where they were united in marriage by !;c minister of the Christian church of thai place. 1 They were in no hurry to return bc:iie. but have been vi. itii'g with. frkiuis there and arrived home last, : Friday, when they casually made the; 'fact of their marriage known to their friends here. The young peo- pie are vi.uting just now in the civy. j being at the home of Mr. ; Lutz's parents. E. P. Lutz and w ife, j ; and will aisu visit at the home of j jMrs. Lutz's parents. Valentine Go-j belnian, of near Fnion. They will; i make their home on the farm just west of the city, where they expect to erect a new farm home in the spring. The Journal unites with the many friends of this young couple in for giving them for having slipped it over so smoothly, and extending to them best wishes of a happy and a prosperous life together. HOW ABOUT THAT NEW Heating Stove THAT YOU HAVE LFfi PUTTING OFF TO iT;UY? YOU MEED IT RIGHT KOW and v;c want to tell you that wc hsvc a com plete lino to r.elcat from. Come in and zoo them! Let uz tell yon hevy we can' save you some money on all kinds of household furniture. w. w 11 Murray, Nebraska VICTORY LOAII MEASURE IS SIGNED BY ?HES. WILSON the 1" Wiiite China Ganders. Oi'inam Stock Farm. For Sal-. : A good work horse. Old ham Stock Farm. Mr. am! Mrs. Dick Fit man Fb: 1 1 - ni.uit h vi-ilor; t i :;oen. .i ;-s . O. A. Davis ami Mrs Tutt were Plattsmouth Hi. -day afternoon. j:; veil inur.-uay een- w ere nldv aft- E. S. visitors Wed- ,iiiui,tarv to .Mr. a U a .ir , ii nee :u-. tomp Alber. Wheeler, who will soon move b: 1 to their farm east of town, was well attended. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler regret very much to bv-e them from town, and will be more than pleased that they are not far away. The Missionary Society meets with Mrs. Gilmcre. on Friday, March 14th. Election or officers, so do not fail to be present. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. ISrendel enter tained the different Preudei famil ies at dinner last Sunday. Dr. and j Mrs. Will Urendel, of Avoea. were also present. A number of the friends of Lloyd Gaptn hnuled thfir goods to Plaits mouth this week, where they were ljaded out for Hitchcock county, their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wiley enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen, and Miss Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creamer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Creamt'r and Mrs. Mira Mc Donald at dinner last Sunday. D ishes! Dishe s! Through a recent quantity purchase, we are going to offer a very special deal in plain white gold band decoration set. This set comprises six saucers, six cups, six dinner plates. PER They won't last long at these prices, so get yours now. TT MURRAY, tt I Utt NEBRASKA (ing and papering throughout naratoiv to the moving in of :iiew .Mim r Druu store, t i George McDauiel, of Piattsuiout'.i, "I was a Murray visitor Friday ot last v.!tk. ciTiiing down with a vi w t; purchasing the blacksmith shop of the present owner. However. no i de:1 Is have been signed rp as yi t . j Should Mr. McDauiel be able to lo jcate in Murray, he would als; place in stock a line of pump repairs and 'do this cl;:s of work as well. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rice moved to thtir new home in Pint tmuuth this week, where they purchased prop erly some time ago, and ep.-ct to make their future home. Mr. Rice has been farming in this commun ity for a great many years, and they have a large circle of friends who will regret very much to se1 them move from their midst, but at the same time glad to know that they are still residents of Cass county. Through some error the conceri given by Yelma and George Woods a the Puis hall Jast week was over looked by the Journal reporter. These talented voting people are de serving of high praise in "their abil ity as mu.-dcians. their rendition of the clastic numbers, which were gieii in artistic manner, showing them to be real students in Ihe pro- jfession which they have chosen. The i entertainment w as much added to j by the appearance of the reader. Mr. jFrauble. whose numbers both hu merous and dramatic, were excellent 'and showed this young man to pos isess unusual talent along this line. and l I putting in fchape i from the erly occupied by(dier uniform. He departed for hi home Monday. Earl Hathaway is home from the aw. having been in the service for ; the past year ami a half, and hav ing made four trips across sea. Al though he enjoyed the life he says he is very glad to once more turn ::is attention to the land and be at home with his folks and friends. Jake Meyer, of Weeping Water, came over by truck bringing alor.s a load of goods t- be placed in his drug store here ami just as soon :i3 he building which is now undergo ing some repairs, is ready for occu PEincy. he will opeiuip for business. Mr. Myers is much pleased with the reception our citizens are extending to him and we can see no reason why he should not be given every support which the five thousand dol lar stock he will put in warrants. For Sale. 200 rods of 2? year old hedge in the tree. Inquire of K. A. Young, Murray, Neb. 13-4tw OPPONENTS OF LEAGUE CRITICISED IN CAUSTIC PHRASES BY WILSON Washington. March :'.. Wilson tonight si-ned the Loan" bill, to issue authorizing ih $7.O0'.OUJ.Ot'O -President Victory treasury in short term notes ami providing .l,o" 'i.i. oea for the u.--e of the w;ir nance corporation in ;.t inmlat ii. the country's foreign commerce. Box ppptr from 25c the Journal office. to $5.00 at. for him a future we predict a hi ad liner. Mesdames Jas. IJrown. ('has. i Spangler, (.'. M. Minford, H. C. Long, J. A. Scott on and Pauline Oldham I furnished the eats at tiie library : last Saturday evening. AIT. mer furnished the coffee. Mr. Gan semer has always been very liberal in- furnish ing the coffee for all li brary purposes. Somewhere in the neighborhood of sixty-five ate at the library, and as the result the treas ury was helped to the amount of $17. int. Everyone seemed glad to get back to the old eating place, where lio one has been at home since ( before the war, and it will take Koine little time to get everything in good running order7 again. i M. W. A. NOTICE All members of the Murray Camp, ( M. V.". A. are requested to meet at 'the hall on Thursday evening. March jlMth. to vote on raisins the rates. the ouestiou of Bring in Your Batteries We are now prepared to charge your batteries, having installed new machinery for this line of work, and are in a position to give you the very best service. Our prices are reasonable and work fully guaran teed. L. II. PELS GAKAGK. Murray, Nebraska. PUSSY WANT'S A CORNER TODAY Prntn Tuesday's D.'iily. J. M. Jordan who has been living on the Dovey Section for the past few years, is just completing moving to the Metzgar farm near Mynard, while S. G. Stone, is moving to the place vacated by Mr. Jordan, and Sam O. Hackenberg, is moving to the place where Mr. Stone has been living, which allows someone else to occupy that place. A. H. Johnson w ho has been visit ing for the past week at Hebron, where he has been at the honip of relatives, returned home last even ing on the late Burlington train. No party has the right t: ap propriate this issue and no party will in the long run dare oppose it." "I am amazed that there should be in some quarters such a cempre h nsive ignorance of the state of tiie world." "The great tides of the world do n-t give notice that they are going to rie and run; they rise in their majesty and those who stand in the way are overwhelmed. Now the h rt cf the world is awake, and the heart of the world must be serv ed." "Critics of the league not only have hot. observed the temper of the world, but they have not even ob served the temper. of those splen did boys in khaki that they tent across the seas." "The thing that Washington long ed for was what we arc now about to supply: An arrangement which will disentangle all the alliances in the world." "Criticisms of the league do not make any impression on me, because the sentiment of the country is proof against such narrowness and such selfishness as that." "The day will come when men in America will look back with swell ing hearts and rising pride that they should have been privileged to make the sacrifice which it was necessary to make in order to com bine their might and their moral j ixwer with the cause of justice for men of every kind everywhere." ySSISgg - - ' saagaag j Farm Light .,., ii k tkih ictrptsrrn . -ilji iti-mi . il i'i lighting .ndffgalg rj;i'.S3 power plant ZMirVlU S3 yen have been wait- Jc ; S mrr ior Ii k the perfected plant a single unit that runs with OUt vi bration or noise and requiresno special The perfectly balan c e A e lectric unit. 1 J F V T'Vi'-- 1 - v - laU AUnra rifrtj1s runnlnc under I . All the Light All the Power You Need Ceme and s;e it. Ccmp;r: it, in every way, witb Ell ethers. Make us prove to yen v.-here it is better, and more curr.pktc in fact, the plant you want- MURRAY, NEBRASKA. 2E ct OUR LIST 1 1 n 1 fi SJtLEa CS3 M Sin. arch 1 0th to March 2 EIGHTEEN SALE DAYS! We have sold our store to the Farmers' Union and will give possession April 1st. Our stock of General Merchandise must be reduced. So down, down goes our prices - slashing right and left. These goods must go. I i(in? Women mi at unheard of prices these times. A chance to buy high-grade, high priced shoes at cheap prices. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Mittens, Shirts and Notions, all at a great reduction during these 18 sale days. W. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Alvtays Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! ALL CALLS Murray Exa'iange C NO DOUBT ABOUT IT prices will be advanced April 1st. NOW is your opportunity. Buy while we are slashing prices. We quit March 29th. Get busy. We have the goods today- tomorrow they may be gone. REVERSE Telephone 1511 3 wmm UNION, 4 t-31- V: x i : . ti. 36 Established 1887 NEBRASKA (D