The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 06, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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UlUBSuA-Y. Ju" AP.Cn e li10.
Hawkeye Tires
and Tubes
The Plattsmoutli Garage
J. E. MASON, Proprietor
4 phone ::r
We repair all makes of cars; do all kinds of welding
and charge batteries. Bring in your cars now and have
them in shape for spring. We have two of the best
mechanics in town, Mr. Howard Ralya and John Frady.
Also Do Livery Work to All Parts cf the
City and Country.
(Jordon Iilock was in Oinalia last
- ' ....... ... . .
lar-t Tuesday evening.
Miss Kthel Towt-r. of Plat t.-niout h
.s A "ral"' uv:v-
Mrs. William Weddell lic ,- !
pinu in Ashland Monday momitm. :
Miss Margaret Ampvcrt "-as :
Sundav s:ue-t of the Misses Sorifk
Miss Maude Trout visited hof.'..
fedks in Lincoln Saturday and San
day. Mr. and M. Jhm- ' Ia.:n'!.-;!:n
were in Omaha Satirla v aad S;;.-
Louis HornV-ck ha
acc-;..f! a P-'--
... .... .. ,. ......
Mlioil in ii. k. .o i-. mi:i;: ... - li.-i.i.-store.
V. O. Ciibside was in Otnalia en .
Wednesday and Th'tr1ay i
K.l Joiner and fu-rily Tnev-i rojt(
Monday. I
Miss P.e!!e Hulfi.-ti, of S-mth In 1.
was in town a few hours Saturday '
morn in. sr. '
Mr. Weatherfod. of Ft. Worth. :
I txss is iMiil:ii . 1 1 ll i-iiiiiu i ...
this place.
Mr. and Mr?. Etui! Kuehn ana
son. (ierald. went to Lincoln
riv c vtn'r,?.
Mrs. H. Uaken-eier and daughter, j
Mapdalena. returned Mom! ay ev--n-
in? from Omaha.
Robert O'-Wil. of Council Pin U s. .
was vi.-itinc relatives and friei.d-!
here over Sunday. j
Frank G'.ambitz and Miss Mable ( i;urc hard. Nebraska, where he will j,, af,r FVf.r..i , ,ys spent at' hi
Steele were married in Omaha Moi'-.iians paper and do some vrrr.ishit-.z : VfJ n so;-;-. P-t'.d -n rcemip.; of
day. Conpratulations! : in the farm home c f Emil Kuehn. ' ,,;e sicku -s .and det-.t'.. of l.js r.e:;,-
i)r. and Mrs. Hornbeck came home He expects to be p.'iie about twoj
Wednesday from a two weeks- visit weeks. .-rf. , ,,rj.. .-or ;;.,n D .n.
with relatives in Texas. llnry Tc ol recently fo!.I his farm j ( Il No ns Tio sd -.v for a vi-'t
Mrs. Ceortre Walter nd little Fre.Pjo Jienry Deickuian. who lives south ..j.., ,,.r rhinL'kter.-. Mrs. i;r y Cob
Walter, of Arlington, are vis'.ting at ,,f ,lvo. Mr. Tool will have I. i ,,,,, . i;, . f, r near Myni.rd.
the II. Gakemeier hr.n-e. 'sale on March 11 and will n.ove hii-j, , j.-u- Mr. Ke f:r is at Litch. 1
John Gakemeier returned Tt- family, to town and occupy the M. ,.,-.:,.., .,.-t,.r i.; f-.r.,, intercs' -.
clay from Grunt. Nebraska, where he j
had been for a few days.
Miss Hazel Hermance. oj Lincoln.
ppent Saturday with her sister. Mrs OI1 Thursday" afternoon. Abou'
Elmer Caseman and family. J sevente en ladi:s w ere pre set. r. i d
Mr. and Mrs. John fi-ikeni'irr alid'al! a fine tinu'. A deiiri'Mis
Mr. and Mrs. Pan I'anska were in lunch was served.
Elm wool Monday afternoon. J Monday evening th- 7th grade
' ll V .!cI)onald went to Newton, basket ball team and the Grand
Iowa, on No. 6 Monday to attend the! Prairie team played a game in the!, of Lo, Ant:.i. cti!i!'or: in. that
funeral of Mrs. C. D. Jones. W. W. A. hall. This was the first i ,j? Mrs J)(hn Murtey. of .lvo.
Mrs. Kate McIIugh. of Falls City.jgame for our boy.s and they 'nnj.y.p enjoying the l.altny sunshkv ami
Nebraska, is here visiting her son. a score of 14 to 10. i booming serf of Long Peach, Calif..
Perry E. McHugh and family. j Th- Springfield basket hall U .-aai , a,. d y .-. ho.yUiSr that sunshine will
ii:ti.itii or
Dzted November 1, 1918
DUE November 1, 4938
Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter
est date after five years from date of issue. Coupon
bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi
nation. $1 ,000. Interest pa3-able semi-annually, May
1st and November 1st! Principal and interest payable
at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed
eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government.
Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal
and Local Taxation!
This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and
income from these bonds need not be included in returns
Chas. C. ParmeSe,
Bank of Cass County"
Plattsinouth - Nebraska
-1 if -tin I rr - . - -
Vesta Batteries and
Dry Batteries
1,. M. An
:v.-er, r Ttfle-l en'..-v. t.-ivt;
Vfir..M!a fro!!: Council l:k:n-
v ::-re : .:e :: , i
ril.iiive.i 1t
t..or.- than a w-ek.
Aft- ' T . 1 T I ' .'..i rr, . T . , r- .-. ..- r C
-.has!i and Mr. and Mrs. I.acey Mi-
nonant. w re hen lav dinner ta ;:: I
at the C. Mo.ii.;iv home. '
K.'.v.ard Ke!lv returned to Piatt. - -
ir.T.IIT i t t , ' -t - -.Tfi. : fn,' -i t.
I f-h. ,u i.oiiif oi ins -:.-!-.t.
v. -ks at ti:- hon.e of his s:.-t-
O. L. McDot.ald and familv.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cakeit.i- r ar.-i .
, r iroihy. Mr-. k
.j..,...,,,, .rl. ' su-idav n, r:,oo:'
v,i;i r(;,llV,., in th. count. -v. I
M lU-r.rv Tool ;,:.,! Mr . II.
M-!. :.a!d
-it. Nebr..
i la--t 'i':.-"'-d.) . i j i - i ; ! i; eai!-l tht.--y
teri( i,ln rs r.f t heir n.oth-
t r.
... . .... ..
-,:,r i- :rcl.-.r,' '.ir !r !
j Kucha a;.d children will i -Mow in n ,
. i
-i.rt tin.1. I,
lh,.s-t u,rUr.- tht. U-,IZV):;.T ( f ;
Lt(., :(. c0;;r., jr-i, :-c l;..a-j
,(. . ,,T t.v,r yu,,-n ri.. rrr
Mrs. Paul (l-i.-iirv and lit tie Lr- i
hrt Ul..,; to Alv,, ,:. a . .
fhl wjjj visit for a si;o-r
iroirir to their r.-v. hen; :
c;:;.r j . xbra k i.
..... I
T. ......j. p
,ter ;e-l thf- ph-.y "So: -. . . i: - re
pr. , . .., j.jv,. ... y; ..,,rv ;
. j y, (,. (;:r .-:.:; t
Kn- hz- C.
.: - 1
i,.r ,.; Monday t a Mr. W"!-
Pams of 'oun-'i! j'-lr.v'-. -.. i o w:ll
move !.: family here an: take po-.-
s. - sioii next v.-:-!:. -
jour. An;wirt left Tuesday f-r
y parsonage.
Mrs. Lacey McPonald wr- h'--:-
to the Iioyal Neighbor, kensii:?-
i Mien stti (.inn:tii'Ar
ame over Saturday evening 10 play. '
ml the scores wore all in our favor.!
'he boys t tii 111 1 rimmo.! up the vim-
lors in to '. :in.i the i-irls !. i'.-a I d
; lln-tr opponents 47 to 1 -.
Honor J i .-. arrived en Tliu'v'.;y
from Ciinip 1'odye, lev ;., v. here
: w a il i- h:trp: .1 about two we-ks avoj
'. following his r"i ; ;.rriv;'l froa: j
, I "r; i : i -. whff he had 1 n sitn-o
h -t .Jul;.. After a time lo- Mrs.
s will Pve af Mankato. Kansas.
I Word has been rec-ived here y
relatives of the death oi Mr.-. C. P.
.bines, ,f Strat'on. Nebraska. on la-t
Friday. The body was takn to N.-vv-toti.
Iowa, for burial. Sie was the
mother of Mrs. Henry Tool ;.nd Mrs.
1 1 . V. McDonald, to whom the com
munity extends sxmpathy in their
hour of sorrow.
tf. if, if. if. Cf. sf.
u. v.
r. n V.' aver spent S
??) in S. h V.--. I.
f; I J i;ff ! i' . v.
Mot. d.c .
.Mr-'. ;;'(. j'
:ran has
si;-.: tit
!:, i-'i'-t v.t-A.
,r ; Mtiir r. iwrK the i!u ea
I; .r::. 10 Mr. t Mrs. Paul IT-af j
in:i l-vii-uarv it ::. a.;u:.ier.
-; v.. l -".. t, i
:,. ,. - . '
i H. ::- -!..:-.:. of l.i-.c :
.. .. vs ,vj, rh' :ve- :u t!"
r.-t Oi" t h- we k .
r lauric- !'ash":' r eat;!" down ir'-'
Lincoln to i -it o r h v
ir h r'i.t'H'is here.
''li--; L eta A: at: Ml 1
w t-r- .
!1 ;
. ;.-: .1.
; jiit t'.' i:-
i---eea! .v.
-. ' .
.-.:r. !::! .Mr
,J. A. N
U ::" ' to :.i t
... ",..iX' "
'' ..'r'i' ' ; V
. V','
! ib: vs v. ; !: r.-!i-. i
::- . . e . ...... , .
' to i:..v '.0(k on Nr. :'..T Tu--d-.
:--r P.arreit at: ! :':.:: l
:.n !
1 1 1 ; rday ! roni a
i v.
to I.Hl'-Oj
i '1 I.', r" f -' t: '
I. "e
! :a::i
i :
... a , i 1 1 . t"
! i : .-. v . . ' i i : . - - . .
: . . ,,.
la ' :i & r.r ::-. -. ' .
1 ?, fhj!,lr. ,, .. r... y . .
, t Vv.,vor r ti:r, .:
;.. T ,1.,. j-
, Y : i :::
The ' v
(',; ., Ph I'll-
k:s i '
: Wc-P::--
Lauren. Mickle was
town Sr. I
ttrday am! rej.orts that his famiiy
h. ve ;!! '.ad tl-c "a except h.itn. since
ln -vt'i'T to th-ir "ew h.on-.e f-ar the
villn-e of Kaveb-'k. Thiy ;:i- all
k.e't'-r now. whi'-'i th"ir i.-eiiy obi
l "' frien.ds h"-e wiil "li" clad to
"ord cenies f-om Morris M. Uan
follow them when they "return to
their home.
- Fr.."-. Tto-s-l:i Vs 1 :. ilv.
I This me. ruing I. M. Pradb'y v 1 o
.has been located in this city for
! . .tne time with the Lincoln Ttk'
' phono and Te'eufai h Company, de
parted for C resco. accompanied 1 y
the family, where they are moving,
and will make their home in the
' future.- They have shipped their
household goods t3 that place, and
have a house in which to reside cn
t heir arrival.
Mr. Pradiey who is a cc-lever
! ( lect rician. will still 1e in the em
ploy cf the company at Ccresco.
From T"eftns.tay'o Pallv.
This morning was consumated a
deal whereby Jarne1' W. Holmes be
ri;e? the owner of a quarter section
of land in Chase county, this state,
and within one and a half miles of
the town of Chase. The purchase .
price of the place was 4a.0i per
cfro, and amounting to ?7,20C0.
There is cn the place at this time
one? hundred acres of wheat, which
leeks fine at this time ar.d promi?'s j
an excellent crop. ,
fi f jf (
j f j tj
The Former of Weeping Water Rnd
the Latter of Esg-k Pass the
Test of Ameii:a:n.s:n.
from V-.l;i.-.ln v'.x ImIiv.
'I'll is I'lornin:-' at t ' portaL- of
thi' mstry. with :!! its benefirial
a t ; ribui is, were k nor-k . . "- f;.r adrni -
iou lo the brr.eCi .- ' f It i.'.'-n !:i n .
M r. i .n -o:i. ! '::.. ,-! a su!-1
j'-et of lit tiinark. !"ti r .-. a re i.U-ni
o.' W: ten.-' V.'r,t(-r. a-, , W;u. ilroth-i
-. el! w ho n:a ' " i) : - In
at i
. '!! at ; i: I
: of ti'tn..- t.-
: have r id. d in t '
it io'i s tin!' '-tent let.i
c'ai'ii ci;:7.en and p.f-T.
fd at ti:
i court ho-ijp wit!: that
oh;c--t ir
i As , na';-! ?!;r-)-.?
!. c.--rrido:
:' old ct.-.
;:: f 1 i k
t :?.! i :i i :.
f.f r.
f: n qur'li:
. : t ry.
-:::. 1 t;.'
i:)K all .
a--.- .t-:.-''-.
o." ti
::! learu-d
tit - ;' jr" o:
.11- rr-
r ( i :
( ::-
t!i( Mi:e
i-i j: : :'
c;' e
. : u.. . !.-;t
i ea'-t 1 -
r-'V. r-.
I one.
t:ij';:-,ii. to a-
:: -vert!:, less
:tiv-;- 1
; c
:a-ied th
rt i- : t , l- t t i v ;..:e
;! 'e.- -.and otir '':'
au'-i :-.: :.. w ;.tr- ! a- ; rri.a
vide; -.. of f.. Th-:-
u! i '- : r m f p. .---.: I tlo
::-: t and if tlo '--as v.. e,::'.;!
. vr:i'.'' i ! a-"-: ept ui a as cit i
i." this i-. r k-n !. k-'-e who r.i!-
j4,-,v;. .'one jus; that. pa;'
v.- y--.'.r- have l-:' us a I:-.-.-on a?
. !:ow c-ri-fo! ve skou'd he in
tardini The door way to this cour.
I et u.s 'ake he - '. and proft by
1 )': n Pat ton. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ik II. Patton. who .-f.listfd in the
.vv last vcar, an l was sent to s-an
Francisco. where lie has been in
training since that time until about
a month ago. when he was ordered
iransferred to the Great Lakes, was
discharged from the service there a
1'aw days ago on !::.- own re:juct . as
s-ft'T the close of th.-' war he thought
civil life the proper place for him.
'e offered hk-i sorvb."-'5 to the coun-
ry when needed ar I with the need
1 . moved he though' he could be of
t.:-'-e value to the tuition and him-:-!f
as well back in eiiliaii life as
is'.'ng in production. Dean visited
with friends in Chicago a short time
f'cr receiving his discharge, arriv
ing home yesterday morning and nf
a brief re: t and visit with his
-.r'.ry fri-.nds lo-re will soon again
:.;ke up civil life ac-ivities.
Ferman Smith f near Nehawka.
-nd family y.ere in the city this
morning, driving un from their
home, and as they were approaching
he cit- by some ouirk, the car turn--d
and vaulted frcua the north end
of the bridge just this-side of the
T. J. Johnson farm, with no serious
results, except a very severe snak
ing up. They were fortunate in
that they did not either receive an
injury or suffer a broken car.
From Monday's Ia:ty.
In District Court loday. was
tettlecl t lie matter which has been
;.. tiding, for some time, wherein the
settlement of the existing partner
fhip between Sam O. Smith and Guy
Smith, who have been in the state
of getting separated for several
months, was finally adjusted in
court this morning by Sam G. !
Smith paying to Guy Smith the
amount of the judgment rendered
against him for ?!O0.iM and costs
of the fat it. j
f AT-. . t
11. I i 1 il i 1 r 1 J. III' r,- i m ' 'i l
A'nret Medl:iiT,v deceased was heard
: in the county court this morning,
!n which .-onto claims are allowed
ami further hearing's set.
Airs. Helena l:nn Weaver wat:
buri'-d' in the South Lend cemetery
o!) February 2.".!!:. T!ie fur.eral ser
s wer-.' held in the M. Ik church,
eotlm ted by i he ia: tf r, lit-v. Wr.n
II. Pornh-ird'.
Mrs. Wi-.iver was born in Illinois
I-Ybritary I'o. ls;a. She di"d at h-r
home i:i SotIi liend. Cass county,
Nebraska. P -bruary 22. bi-tweeii 10
iattd li o'clock t. m. Iler early life
was s:.o'. in Illinois. In 1SS7 sh-!
'catiie to Op;-:;. Hittidy county N'e-
hr'aska. S'-e- took a boniest -al and
,ro ! r. the elaiia. She was
n.nrri' 1 to Mr. Fred W.-aver .latvary
!. Iil, O.vh. Nebra-ka. Tbev
move-1 !v a-s county in .Pane. 1 S!T.
a; d hae Pi. ! in the vicinity' "f
.-o:'h P..-:m1 s-inr-e that time.
Sk leav- io i.'oc.rn her death
: da n't hter. Mrs. L. i!. Lackey, of
. ! '.i in-'t an-. Nebraska, atid three sous.
S. Wei! v r. now in the V . S.
Navy: T. F. nn W.-aver and F. Glenn
Weaver, of S-.-uth PMid; h-T husband
.'.'T i'r : W aver ar.d one broth t-r.
Willis P-eii!!. of Hock I.-land. IMi
.i .i-: f i:r n feoe;--. Mr-. J. A. Shaffer.
A'.vo. Nebraska: Mrs. A. Pier, of
: i-tiT.-s. bra-ia : Mis. W. .M.
Povi U. of Lincoln. Nebrasi.u and
'io'-tt :;:":. of i'ort ervilk. ;
;:!:;' ;:-;;.;. an-l 1 -a o iipib.ews
() : of l.rt rviiie, ( -.I'if.. a:
i.e-!r A. O't-'h. F. S. Army. Ca:-t;
.-. -. W. - hi;.- ton.
A 1 1 :.',: u h r j.e-e.l eiforts were i
: '-i.t
a or 1 to Judd,
' ' 1 :'"LirI T'- 1 h - " A
::" ' ,:f' ''" re:,c! e,i. A:
: l in
Card of Ti:ar.ks
'!'.' our toat y frif-mls wj.o so kind-
:::':: I aad jyn:pat!.ize.l iti the of our !:,i.' b r a ven.ent. t'.r
ath of our d"j.r wife and mother.
ii- wi.-h to e.t nd our "ne-Tt!
ti ank-. We are ak-.o nio
ihankfi:! !
e th-
beautiful floral of. rina -.
- sns-s an-l many other nn and t'-5:-' Trnm M,n,-,n,-s T)any
-:s of kindness skovn u by tioe ger-eant Lou: Tevan and wife ar
o.H,! peo; I..'. Fred 'w eaver, Mr?. r;VPd from Camp Funston ye.-ter-lo'e
H. Lackey. .Tuud S. Weaver. ,Ay Sc-rceant Tevan having been
P..:i. ": . Weawrami VP.u.r. F. V.'eav- ,iiSCharecl from the service and
I::d. Nebraska.
Mr.-. Win. Kak
ttliaw ay. from near Fnlc-n. v ere
i.e city for a f-. v !.:urs last
'i unkiy. ckrivii-g up from their home
'..r the tran acti'.-n of s; me busine.-r.
natters in the county seat.
Henry F. O.-t. trom near Memphis,
Neb., was in the city for a few hours
'a.u Monday, coining down to look
after tome mat ten of business, and
while her" was a pleasant caller at
;h? Journal cilice.
This is a week which is attracting
many pepple from many cities to
Omaha, where they are looking aft
er trading, and also seeing the dis-
Lplays of gcodr; and fabrics which
are to be in evidence t '.lis year.
Today is style day and numbers of
the people of this city as well as
other? are seeing the new things in
aress. and the materials which are
: n display. The sights will be
gergciiH. and is worth while seeing,
and are attaching large crowds.
Go Ahead With Your Plans:
g Those hopes can be a reality. '
Building Restrictions Have Been Removed On
Nowisfthe time to
Where is Spring?
This weather keeps 'TWM
one guessing-, .but you'll find
Spring Suit here waiting for you,
just the same. .Don't let the other
gink get the one yen troulda' pick
ed," but come in and get fitted now
while the picking is good.
See the new grenadier back, the
long, low cut soft roll lapel, the
harness stitching around the waist
features cf the new Spring Clothes.
They are worth what you pay for
. $25 to $50
, Have you taken a slant into our East window? Try
it and see if you don't need a new shirt right away. New
showing of Spring shirts ready for you.
' Jt m
BIG PRICE FOR LAND WV.lnfS'lay'q Iairi"
Falls Citv Journal: Charles O. dc-
coal, of Salem, was in town Sat ur-
.I..,- .. ,t ' .i.,i-i) , li -i t K a I. 4 1 i.-ll
.m. Hull IT .f'fil., I.IUI ' I
, ' .
ineir seveni ucr" irat i io i-.
i W. Dswtll, wh.o owns an adjoining
! tract. This land is about one-half
::.i!e south of Salem on the Nemah'i
bottom and in times past has been
'subject to overflow. The purcha.-e
! i.ri-e was ?20.000. or at a rate of
j .i -r s P-r acre, which is considered
v,r- ,t','r" I' -roLi some" for the Nemalia over
! tiov. land. McCool bousht a 40-acre
t:act of .Mrs. C. C. Keldy some dis-
. rance further south .where Charles
' s:pes farmed last year. Si pes moved
, F-rwick. Kansas, and McCool
1U(,i5 in wi:en Si pes moves out.
will a?nin enter civil life. He thinks
he has done his portion as he has
given six rears of life to thei
service of his country. Mr. and Mrs.
" '. va-'. acc imprinted by her mother.
Mrs. W. E. Graven, departed this
! morning l"c r Omaha where they will
visit for the day. and where Serge
ant Tevan has some business mat
ters to look after.
From Wednesday's Paily.
Last evening the Eastern Star
were projectcrs of a play the "Trail
of Yesterday" at the Farmele
Theatre sponsoring the play, and
enjoying a percentage of the re
ceipts. There was a large crowd of
Eastern Star people - and their
j friends at the exhibition, and all
pronounced the evening spent
watching the play one of pure de
light. They realized a neat sum for
their share, which goes into the
treasury of the Order of Eastern
Geo. N. Fulmer of -Lincoln, was
was called here for the day, having j
some business matters to look after
at the court house. .
This is the advice of the War Industries Board.
Maybe you have hoped that another year would see your plans of a new
home realized-
All farm and ranch buildings.
All schools, churches, hospitals and public buildings costing not more than
$25,000.00. . .. .
All new homes costing not more than $10,000.00.
plan. Let us help
r '
wii '
ii ii in u
Frem Mdnciny'p Tiaily.
James ". Siever, and wife have
j been visiting in this city for the
past lew clays, at the? home of Mrs.
Geo. W. Kennie, having come in
from Louisville, where they were
spending .some time at the ho:m- of
their son Claude Kiever. and this
morning departed for Glenwood.
Iowa, where they will visit at the
home of their daughter Mrs. E. J.
Tuey and husband, for some tino
before they return to their home at
Madrid. Neb.
they are not pieces
r J il
rrom vjranamouici s
5j old silk crazv quilt.
(M they are the newest
thing in fancj' silk col
lars. jfl take a look in our
street case.
65c Each
you do it.