The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 27, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmouth journal
Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth. Net, a second-clasa mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Jim Heed should go.
Politics is
ruining the
'Twixt the draw and the chip
there is many a slip.
Above the tumult of the
table the silence of Colonel
can be heard.
There's one thing that legislation
cannot do that's to raise a suit
case above suspicion.
All people would support war
measures if there were not a repub
lican and democratic party.
No. William Hohenzollern is not
attending the peace conference be
cause or circumstances over wmcii
he has no control.
Unfortunately for Victor Berger
and his brood, persons convicted un
der the Espionage Act do not ex
actly come within Secretary Baker's
There is one thing that- IMatts
niouth can do furnish more danc
ers than any other town of its size
in the state, and the most of them
are good dancers, too.
"Meters do not run faster when
pressure i low." says the gas com
pany, supported by a government
export. So it must have been the
meter reader, last winter.
At this distance it looks like
coining summer will be an opou sea
son for improvements of all kinds in
Plait smoutlf, and the season can't
come any too early, either.
The snow came in very boldly,
but almost immediately discovered
that spring had already come, and
so it faded away in a very embar
rassed manner. It is seldom one
sees pure snow so Justly confused.
As long as M. C'lemcnceau is able
to lie there and make fun of his ad
versaries poor marksmanship, hope
for his recovery is high. In spite of
that disquieting statement of his
doctors that "his condition is satis
factory." :o:-
top of the fact that he has
ih ver shown any outstanding presi
dential qualifications, and the fact
that he has never taken any inter
est in politics or statesmanship,
comes, the announcement that Gen
eral Pershing has no desire to run
for President. This is sure to spur
his ill advisers to greater activities,
and makes his candidacy practically
Even if it is foolish and extrava
gant, it seems good once in a while
for an old married man to break
loose and take the wife to a show,
and buy seats down in the orchestra
alongside the young folks just like
he used to do when he made $60 a
month and bought his shoes on the
installment plan. It brushes-'him
up so, and puts him in touch again
with world events. For instance,
a trip to a theater this year In
forms him that the old Falstaff slips
he used to find in the theater pro
grams have been replaced by slips
advertising banks and coal com
panies this year.
There- i more. Catarrh In this nectlon
of the country than al. other diseases
put tcjether, and for years it was rup
poaed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease,
greatly infiuerced by constitutional con
ditions and therefore requ.res constitu
tional treatr.j?nt. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co.. Toledo, OMo. Is a constitutional
remedy, is taken Internally and ats
thru the Blood u the. Mucous Turf aces
of tr-e System. One Hundred Dollars re
ward is offered for any case that Hall's
Catarrh Medl-in fall to cure. Send for
circulars and testlriKOials.
F J. CHENEY & C'.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, .-e.
- Hall's Family Pls Vr constipation.
are glad of your
Honesty, is a bad policy if you
play it to make money.
Plattsmouth is more than hold
ing its own in all kinds of business.
The man who doesn t love pump
kin pie don't love his wife. Them's
our sentiments, first, last and all the
President Ebert's quarter million
dollar salary doubtless will be cheer
ing news to the homeless, father
less children of Belgium and France.
One Plattsmouth man stated th-.
other day that he was glad to note
that Undo Sam Is going in strong
for government ownership of H e
water wagon.
Gifford Pinchot says Boies Pen
rose has already been responsible
for two Democratic administrations.
Now, will the Eastern Democrats
quit abusing Penrose?
Writers from overseas declare
that Germany is but a land oi
graves. And yet unfortunately, they
cannot go to a cemetery to hum
the ex-kaiser and his six sons.
There is one time when a wompn
wui remain pertectly silent and in
tently listen to what is said, ar.J
when she wakes up in the
and finds him talking in his
She said to her husband
iug to town tomorrow to see
new hats." "But," the husband
plied: "Why, tomorrow is Sunday."
"That's why I'm going tomorrow;
I'm going to church."
Moving time will soon be here.
March 1st is usually the time set
for changes to be made and why
this date nobody can tell. The
roads are usually in a horrible con
dition at this time of year and the
man who moves has a very bad job
of it.
"We have about come to the con
clusion that the man who keeps his
nose out of other people's affairs
and attends strictly to his own busi
ness gets more cursings than the
fellow who is constinually poking
his nose in where he should not
have it.
"If the war had lasted
a few
months longer, Germany
pared to surprise the world.
etc.," says a correspondent. Do :-xu-
remember how the world use to
tremble at those stories? And now
the Germans, like the wild ele
phants, eat peanuts out of our hand.
The legislature is becoming quite
radical in some of its measures. The
people or Nebraska have been quite
conservative all along in most mat
ters and some measures before the
legislature now will stir some of the
state to a fight-pitch if they becanie
:o:- -
However, the company would like
to make it clear that because th;:
railways are now making money at
six cents with seventy cars short in
the rush hour, it is no sign they
could make money on lull service
with a five cent fare.
Circus men generally expect a
good season this year. But they
should not talk about it too much,
or Mr. Burleson may decido to take
over all the circuses as a means of
winning tlio war. and by the end of
the season, the men. will have a
Docketful of guaranteed dividends
and several trainloads of circus
JunE, '
All Americans
safe return.
General Traub made a patriotic
speech before the House committee
yesterday. He paid a magnificent
tribute to the gallantry of the men
of the 35th Division a tribute
that all Americans know they de
serve. And lie entereu a uemai oi
the charges made by Governor Al
len. But, of course, his denial was a
mere generality. Specific state
ments have been made that at this
and that point there was no artil
lery support. The general simply
said there was always artillery sup
port except one day. That general
statement is no answer. !
Now, nobody desires to discredit
anyone connected witn tne uattie.
If there is no blame attaching to its
management the people of Missouri
and Kansas from which the division
came, win ne overjoyed, .ah inai is
desired Is to get the facts. Was
everything done for the protection
of the men that was humanly pos
sible? Was the scarcity of horses
unavoidable, or was it due to lack
of foresight? Were the arrange
ments for care of the wounded com
petently made?
Such Questions as these the coun-
trv is askinc. On these subjects it
must have detailed facts, not gen
eral statements that evcryhing was
all right. K. C. Star.
Uncle Sam has served notice
he is going to keep right on
trail f the shameful conditions
which caused so much loss of man
power m ins army wnen it was ie
ing formed and so little after it
had been formed.
The war on veneral disease is go
ing on. The press, the pulpit, the
school, the medical profession are
called on to do their share. We be
lieve they will.
Conditions now are better for ac
tive work against this plague than
ever before. About four million
men are returning from army
camps. They know more about the
subject than ever before. They
have listened to simple, clear.
straight - from - the - shoulder talks
from men who know.
These four million men know.
And knowledge is the most import
ant weapon in fight injr veneral dis
ease. Ignorance and prudery have
been the great twin shields protect
ing prostitution and its attendant
Education of the civilian popula
tion is the next and greater sten.
Omaha News.
At a time when congress and the
people generally are gravely stirred
by revelations of the workinsr of an
atrocious" court-martial system.
made by the act ins Judge Advocate
General of the United States armv.
there is prudence, as well as jus
tice, in the announcement made by
Secretary of War Haker to the pris
oners at Fort Leavenworth that ev
ery case will be individually review
ed. There was a short lived "strike"
in this military prison after a con
siderable number of "conscientious
objectors" had been discharged with
$400 each of back pay. Boys convict
ed of technical offenses, who had tint
shirked facing the enemy, thought
of the conscientious obiectors unlv
cowards, and the rewarding of
cowards stirred resentment.
The secretary explains that court-
martial records have already been
reviewed and sustained, but adds:
This fact, however, does not
touch the question whether the
punishment may not reasonably be
said to have been undulv .severe in
the first instance; or, in any event,
whether in view of the changed sit
uation, it ought now to be reduced.
I fully appreciate that the cessa
tion of hostilities and the return of
conditions approximating those of
peace, render it just and proper that
clemeacy should now be exercised
toward the prisoners convicted by
general court-martial for' offenses
Almost any man will tell you
that Sloan's Liniment
means relief
For practically every maa ha3 UJrcd
It who has suffered fro.w rheumatic
aches, soreness of muscles, stiftness of
joints, the results of weather exposure.
Women, too, by the hundreds of
thousands, use it for relieving neuritis,
lame backs, ncuralgla.sick Tieadaclie.
Clean, refreshing soothing, economics.!,
quickly effective. Ssy "Sloan's Lini
ment" to your druggist. Get it today.
committed since the beginning of
fhe present war."
This is right, with
tion. No clemency
one qualifiea
for offenders
clemency for
against civilians.
no clemency for thieves.
for soldiers whose acts
were crimes or misdemeanors un
der peace laws need be considered.
Liberal clemency for civilians draft
ed into a military force or enlisting
to fight for their country who broke
only military laws or rules is wise.
It is the work of heartless martinets
that needs to be undone, and the
sooner the task is accomplished the
better will the whole country be
satisfied. Brooklyn Eagle.
With the black clouds of unem
ployment gathering over the indus
tiral horizon the need for "Spirit of
Service" becomes quite obvious. Its
development is vital to the success
of our efforts. Our work, dealing
with people, not. things, make the
need of a proper spirit and attitude
absolute necessity.
The Spirit of the Service" must
founded on intelligent 'devotion
the cause in which the service
engaged. Devotion. since no
monetary ret uru can pay for the ef
fort involved in our task. Intelli
gent, since our field is a progres
sive one, dealing with conditions
and relations that are fluid. not
constant. The functions of the
Employment Service are service to
the workers and to the employers.
To make good we must understand
their problems and must, without
bias, attempt to meet their needs.
From a third to a half of a man's
matured life is spent with his job.
To find a job and a man to coincide
means an intelligent analysis of
both, and too great care cannot be
exercised in the choice of either.
This intelligent devotion to the
cause will of itself create: First, a
moral enthusiasm; second, a sense
of good fellowship toward those
others engaged with us in the com
mon cause. The good fellowship is
the outward manifestation of our
service spirit. We must work to
gether, and to do so successfully we
must regard one another not as sub
ordinates or superiors, nor competi
tors for credit or position, but as
good friends deserving of all that
friendship implies.
If we as a service can develop an ,
intelligent devotion to the cause, a
moral enthusiasm toward a good
fellowship among ourselves, we can
render efficient service to our com
munities, and therefore will succeed.
The E. It. Todd
Homestead 80
C miles west
aero improved farm,
of Plattsmouth, now
Itussel Todd. price
acre. T. II. Pollock.
owned by
$250.00 per
Journal Want-Ads Pay!
Coutcs Block.
Res. 313 PHONE Office 067 -
T "'lirVLLl
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Albert Timmus. Plaintiff
Mrs. James O'Neill, first real name,
unKnown. c-i :w, ueiciitiarits.
To the defendants, Mrs. .Tames O'Neill,
first real name unknown, the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other pei-snns In
terested in the estate of Thomas IS.
linrdon, deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons Interested
ill the estate of Mrs. Thomas 15. Cordon,
first real name unknown, defeased, the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of John
W. Clark, deceased; Mrs. John A. lole
nian. first real name unknown; the. un
known heirs, devisees, b-i;utees. per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons Interested in the estate of John
A. )oleman. deceased; the unknown
heirs.- devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. John A.
Holeman. first real name unknown, de
ceased; Mrs. Krancis A. West, first real
name unknown: the unknown 'heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and Jill other persons interested
In the estate if Francis A. West, de
ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. Francis A. West, rtrst real
name unknown, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons In
terested In the estate of James Min
i hell, deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and -all other persons interested
in the estate of James I . Miri' hell. dec-eased;
the unknown heirs. devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Anna J. Minchell, deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Mary
C. Cooper, deceased: the ui known heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of C. I.. Cooper, first real
name unknown, deceased: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives :;nd all other per
sons Interested in the estate of Sarah
I-:. Iliiiman, deceased: tin- unknown
heirs devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives all other persons in
terested in the estate of If. T. llinman.
first real name unknown, deceased: the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons Interested in the estate of Maria
M. r.eehc, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons Interested
in the estate of lavid Heebe, deceased:
Simon I". Iienndoln: Mrs. Simon 1 '.
lU-nadoin. tirst real name unknown:
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Simon 1 . licnaooin. ueccascM. me
known heirs, devisees. legatees. pel -
. -1 .-II .1...,. ..
sonal iioo n nun i i"
oris interested in the estate or .mis.
Simon 1. Cenaiioin, first real name un
known deceased: Jacob ream: Mrs.
Jacob rieam. first real name unknown:
ti.e unknown heirs, devisees, legatees.
.e, u.iii:il reoresentat i ves and all other
..ergons interested In the estate of
Jacob Ileum, deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resent ;i l i ves and all other persons hi
lei-.sled in the estate ;f Mrs. Jacob
lb-am. first real nam.' unknown, de
ceased: Hans J'. Sundell; Martha Sun
dell; John Kroiiirh: Mrs. John Krounli.
tirst real name unknown: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, persona) rep
resentatives and all other in
terested in the estate of John Kroiifrl',
deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. John Kronfrh. first real
name unknown, deceased: the unknown
heirs devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Thomas ;.
rainier, deceased; the unknown heirs,
devisee, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. Thomas 5. Pal
mer, tirst real nam1 unknown, deceased-
W" S (IrafT, first real name un
known: Mrs. W. S. Craft". first real
name unknown: the unknown lieirs.
devisees, leuatees. personal representa
tives and aU oilier persons interested
in the estate of W. S. CratT. first real
name unknown, deceased: the unknown
heirs devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. W. S.
.-.-off first real name unknown, deceas
ed- M W. C.reen. first real nanit
n- Mrs M W. Green, first
real unknown: the unknown lieir
devisees, legatees, personal represen
...i.e..- s,.l ll other persons interest
ed In 'the estate of M. W. C.reen. first
,.,i ...ttio unknown, deceased: the un-
knnwn heirs, devisees, legatees, per
.,,,.,1 represent a t Ives and all other per-
1, interested in the estate of Mr
At v- c:re.-n first real name unknown.
Accused : Joseph McCreary: Mrs. Jo
senh McCrearv. first real name un
known: the unkjiown l.elrs. devisees
i ...... t.ersnnal representatives ami
,r'.k.'. ..xr-,tnu Interested in the
..r Insi-Pb McCreary. deceased;
..l bcirs. devisees, legatees
. ,i ei.i-esentat I ves and all other interested in fhe estate
of Mrs.
i.-Ue,!, M.-Ciearv. first real name
"known, deceased: Mrs. Samuel
-..... ,t name unknown: Mrs.
Sa muel
ii " i.-ii.ot-t tirst real name
unknown :
the unknown heirs, devisees ami
nil other
e sons Interested in the estate of Sa ni
ne 1 1 KUert. deceased; the unknown
heirs devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons m-,-.sted
in the estate of Mrs. Samuel
II Klbert. first real name unknown,
"ceased; the unknown heirs- devisees
le-atces personal representatives ami
,1? other persons interested in the es
tate of K.mick. deceased the
unknown heirs. devisees. legatees,
pirsunal representatives and all other
persons Interested in the estate of
Flora Imo-cnc Kemiek. deceased, the
unknown heirs, devisees, lesra ees per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Spencer S. nillins. also known as s.
S Ilillinus. deceased; the unknown
heirs devisees, legatees, personal rep
' . ..-....:. ....,1 nil other persons in-
in .he estate of I.ncinda Hil-
inX le. -eased: Kliv:abeth Irene
...7 ',.1,1, .w the unknown heirs.
d vi-
'.'..' persona! representative
and 'all other persons interested 1n
". ..i .r ibez Clinton Killincs.
'I". i. CM. ' V:irla HillillKS Spell'-T
nu., i' soencer: Gracie Harlimr 1
.,.. s!and: Ceorce Copcland
t he
unknown heirs, devisees batees per
sonal representatives ami all. other per-
.,,s Interested in the Vld'iT
i-Miiines. deceased: Addie Hit
ler Millings, widow: Samml !
i. ...... l-illi,i!T- l.eiillS I.lIlinSTS
:i T 1 i n c
: ';rnd-
lev Billinns; Fern I'lillinKs: Flora 1 -s I
UnJ: !l:'ek Hillings: W. .Merrl-in.
Ifrst real name unknown: '"
riam: the unknown heirs, devl.sees.
legatees, personal representatives and
all persons inteiested in the cs
'. , , nv l. Merriam. first real name
unknown, deceased: the ""know,, heirs.
devisees, legatees. k-isomi
.i ....i nil oilier nelsons in" -
... ii.e' estate of Ktith C- Mi-rriam,
ceased: J.vdia Merriam.
unknown Jieirs. devisees.
widow, the
legatees, per
sonal represent:!! in cs
persons interested in
s,.,ln, V Merriam. also
il ml all other
the estate of
known as S. N.
ATt-rriam. deceased ;
I'l ii line l.ushlnsky
William l.iivhinskv:
Martini Uoesner.
willow :
i::n-rett. first real name
lefa t -es.
all other
the unknown heirs, devisees
personal represen to I Ives anil
persons Interested in the es
' Uarrctt. first real name
.1. .,..., teil lil iiWN, first
fate of
tin k nown
ti:ime unknown
the ..nknowu
personal rcp-
heirs, devisees, legatees
res-enfatlves and all
other persons In-
l rested in the
estate of . row n.
first real naiiu nown. ue easen .
liarrett fc
posed of
Drown, a part iicrsuip nun-
Harretf. tirst real name
J1M1 . Hrowii. first real
un k no wn
....ten: A Sill lima II. U I Si om
,,,.-n fhe unknown I
devisees, legatees. peis'ui;n 1 .
tives find all other persons interested
in the estate of A. Shlpman. first real
li u Tier inint-"- , ..
name uoKnowu. uasmcui - .
T u7 U
:liyKyt f!nnttn. ISFluid lyachrcj n
AVeSelablcPrcpar wlffAS
.-:.i..; the food b Itrf
Thereby IYomotinS Diction
Cheerfulness ana
Oni h m. Morphine nw
Mineral. NotXahcotic
AnchAU Saltt
f Warm Jn
Canfird Suar
fimHW fltrnr
a hntnfi-lRcmedyfor
f Constipation and Diarrhoea.
M and Fcvcnsmu-
FacSinilc Signature of
Exau Co-y of Wra-irxr.
liswn; the unknown heirs, devisees,
b-alees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Annie J Kllison, deceased; Kr
ncst 12. Kllison: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Krnest K. Kllison. de
ceased: l'Mdie K. Kllison; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Kddie J:. Kl
lison, deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the estate of II. K. Kllison, tirst
real name unknown, deceased; the un
known owners and the unknown claim
ants "f lots one 1), two f2, three C),
four (41. five (.",. six 6), seven 7),
eiu-ht Ki. nine 0t. ten (T0, eleven
fill, twelve (12), thirteen i:jl. four
teen i1l. fifteen fir.). sixteen flOl,
seventeen (17). eighteen (11. nineteen
il!!. twenty (U0), twenty-one (21,
twenty-two (2'J), TTrentv-three ( 2.'. )
ami twenty-four C2i . in block nine
i :i i, in j iiom pson s .xuoition to the j
City of T'lattsmouth. Nebraska and lot i
one hundred tive (10.".). beinjc a sub-I
division of the northeast quarter (XK
'i) of the northeast quarter NR'; of
Section nineteen (li, and lot num
bered twenty-two (22). a sub-division
of Government lot numbered ten (10).
of Section eighteen (isi, all in Town
ship twelve 12). north Ranee four
teen 114), east of the 6th P. M., in the
County of Cass. Nebraska:
You are hereby notified that on the
1st day of February, 1919, plaintiff filed
his suit In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska. . to quiet
plaintiff's title to the above described
land, tolwit: I,ots one (1). two (2).i
three CD, four (4), tive (n I, six (Hi,
seven (7. eijrht (Si, nine (91, ten (10),
Clear Your Land!
Parties wanting land cleared of stumps, trees,
hedges or boulders, should know what I can
do in that line with the aid of dynamite. I also
bust up alkali spots so it can be farmed like
other land. Knock the bottom out of Lagoons
, ro Wet Land so it will drain itself. Cellar and
Wall excavating, Deep Tilage, Ditching, Post
Hole making, Tree Bed preparation (for
planting trees), Killing gophers.
For . results in Land Clearing, etc., see
I can accomplish with dynamite.
Alfalfa-Molasses Feeds!
The best and most economical feed for live stock.
Write us for description and prices.
Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co.,
Omaha, Nebraska
DRS. r.lACII & T.lACIi,
The largest and best equipped dental offices in' Omaha. Experts"
in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES.
Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized
after using.
rn n Ficnl-i Dav Whorn..j
' nil yssv srz?m -
e m M u-" y'
g r - I , "
fortrcaUniit.ndnnineo-Ttn)FnHldanilciirpd. WHtcfor h-ok o'aKrtn I ? hII!UT.KC"ept,'d
nd tcstiiooDiul.i of more UiaalOUO prominent people ho bve been permanently urirf narnp
Dk. E. R. TARRY Z40 Be Building
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Ca ;toria
V IX v to
Bearg Jie
For Over
Thirty Years
eleven (11). twelve (Il'i. thirteen l?.,
fourteen (14i. fifteen (la), tlx teen 1 .
seventeen '17i, eighteen (1M. nine
teen 19i, twenty fO'i. twenty-one (2l,
twenty-two (22). twenty-three i2'.i)
and twenty-four (24) in block nine (:.
in Thompson's Addition to the City of
I'lattsmnulli, Nebraska, and lot one
hundred five 10l), bcintr a subdivision
of the northeast quarter (NK'i of
the northeast ouarter (Nl"'t I of Sec
tion nineteen (Ui, and lot numbi-red
twenty-two (2i, a suhdivisiou of Gov
ernment lot ten (10i, of Section eigh
teen (TK). all in Township twelve ll.'i,
North UaiiKe fourteen (14). east of the
fith R M.. in the county of Cass. Ne
braska, because of the adverse posses
sion by himself and his grantors for
more than ten years prior to the com
mcneeinent of said suit and to enjoin
each and all of you from having or
claiming any right, title, lien or in
terest, either legal or equitable. In or
to said lands or any part thereof; in
require you to set forth your right,
title, claim, lien or interest therein, if
any, either legal or equitable, and to
have the same adjudged inferior to the
title of plaintiff and for general equi
table relief. This notice is made pur
suant to the order of the court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition n or before Mondav. March 17.
1919. or default will he duly entered
AV. A. Uohertson,
His Attorney.
Farmers, mechanics, railroaders,
laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas's Eclec
tic Oil. l ine for cuts, hums.
es. Should be kept in every
30c and 60c.
"j iicii ijuihii
A 7 A'
ii ft 1,1
. mini jninii v. irmiiurni inai curM JWm V:.. i
olh.f Rert, IDiscurs In ahnrt Ui5SMthSM ,tMl n'1
Sic 1 operation. No Chloroform. Eihnm&lavr-.
"loroform. Ether or other VZVZi