The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 27, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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page ielkv
f 4
murdock items
V .
II. Reeve was in Omaha Saturday.
Emil Kiic-hn went to Uurehanl.
Nebraska Monday. '
C. r.auer was in Omaha Wednes
day and Thursday.
John Anigwert was a passenger to
Omaha Saturday noon.
Miss Viola Everett was shopping
in Omaha last Tuesday.
Miss Mary Taylor returned Sun
day evening to her home in Alvo.
Miss Kathryn CJoehry. of Omaha,
visited relatives here over Sunday.
Miss Ella Fonken. of Manning-.
Iowa, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jo
hansen. A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Keuter on Wednesday of
last week.
Florence and Lester Thimphu are
in Elm wood this week, visit irg with
Mrs. Ed Thimsan went to Friend.
Nebraska, on Friday evening to vi. it
relat ives.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McDonald went
to Omaha Sunday noon, returning on
Monday evening.
Miss Emma Rough and children,
of Nehawka. are visiting relatives
here this week.
II. Gakemeier and son. John, went
to Omaha Friday to attend the big
wrestling match.
Mrs. Ed Brunkow and O-car Brun
kow were Saturday visitors at the
('. F. like home.
Mrs. Jerry Mellugh and children.
Mary. Catherine and Ed win. were
passengers to Lincoln Monday.
Misses Martha and Magdaler.a
Gakemeier ami Mrs. Harry Davis
wt-rn pas;-eng-rs to Lincoln Friday
O.-car Brunkow came in last week
from Ipswich, S. I)., and will work
for his uncle. Ed Brunkow. during
the summer.
Miss Belle Hulfish. who teaches in
South Bend, came up Saturday even
ing to visit relatives. She returned
Sunday noon.
Miss Edna Miller and Mi-ses Hul
da and -Martha Leutchens returned
lo Omaha Monday alter spending
a few days at home.
Mr. ami Mrs. 0C3r Rickli return
ed to their home in Drurumond. Okla
hc,u:a Sunday evening, after spend
iug a week here with relatives.
Ir. Mr. .McDermctt and their
(,nr;i'"r. 1 orith'. retirr-d to tl.e'r
home at Omaha Sunday noon, aftei
a short visit with relatives here.
Mrs. Ki.iil Kiirhn and children
Evelyn and Gerald, spent a few days
last week in the country with her
sister. Mrs. I'aul Schewe and family.
Albert Rickli returned to his home
at Drummond. Oklahoma, on Friday.
Also Dr. Rickli returned to his home
at Naperville, Illinois, the strne day
after being here with their father,
who has been very sick.
Ed Juniper has resigned his posi
tion with the Murdock Mercantile
company and is preparing to move
his family to a farm near Weeping
Water. Bennie Bunnell is now em
ployed with the Mercantile company
Mrs. Bertha Kelly and Miss Thel-
Eu Kelly came in last week from St
Jo Mo., and are visiting at the J.
Goehry home. Miss Tbelma will re
main during the summer, but after
a few weeks, Mrs. Kelly will go to
Nashville. Tenn.. to make her hotm
I.adlral Artji rrfci. ior
fclLM-ter 1 IMm4 ItimfidXVX
Ft I la la Hr4 nl OoiJ mwi .ic,r
seaift with Miue Rihocn. f
Tate otK t. Bt f ft,r J
tr m1m. As k for Cli W IIIIM-Tt H
The undersigned will offer for
?ale at Public Auction at his home
south of PlatL-'mouth, near the old
brick yard, on
The following described property.
to-wit :
One horse and buggy, with set of
single harness.
Three and a half dozen Plymouth
Rock chickens.
A couple of iron kettle.
Twenty-five oak fence posts.
Twenty 18-foot alfalfa stack
hoards with chains.
4A couple of pitch forks and some
eld harness.
Numerous other articles around
the barn.
Some lumber, Llock wod and coal.
One load of cobs.
Household and kitchen furniture.
Including new beating stove,
cook stove, two good rugs and beds
and bedding.
Col, r.nvnrrence flt 1 :00 P. M.
-ri, t torms will aDDly to this
O IC. PARMRT.K. Anetinneer.
i;. F. tatterson, Clerk.
j Kittle Miss Marv-l Atnguert f n-i
:c:m; .rixt
:;turuay lroin 4 to .,:?,(). The guests
icame in costume and a jollj- good
time was had by all. The decora
tions were hatchets and eheeries,
and the luncheon place cards were
in the form of hatchets also.
riom Mor Jay's "Dally.
W. E. Newkirk, of Greenwood,
was in the city this morning, com
ing down on the early train to visit
the l'lattsmouth Ice and Cold Stor
age plant and investigate the mat
ter of its conduct with a view to in
stalling a plant in Greenwood ade
quate to take care of the business
there. Greenwood, like many other
towns over this part of the country,
was not able to secure a supply of
natural ice for refrigeration during
the coming summer, and as a result
will be forced to resort to artificial
ice. as with the usual ice season in
Nebraska now hopelessly pa?t there
is little possibility of sufficient cold
weather to insure a crop.
After looking over the plant here,
Mr. Newkirk departed for Omaha,
where h ewill look over some plrrnts.
and where he will place an order fcr
the installation of a lant in Green
wood, but as the Baker Manufactur
ing company, of Omaha. which "s
the principal firm doing that kind of
contracting, now has orders on its
books for the installation of 17. ice
and cold storage plants, it does not
look very favorable for Greenwood
being able to get a plant before the
summer season is well advanced.
F'lf.m Mor 'lay"? n.-iily.
J. J. Allen, son of Mr. Charles Al-K-n.
who resides at the Masonic home
in this city, was in l'lattsmouth on
Saturday for a short visit with hi J
father, and departed for Omaha Sat
urday afternoon, where he went to
look after some business matters for
the day. ?.Ir. Allen has been in the
navy for a number of years and has
just been discharged from the service
and has engaged in the insurance
business, having a state agency with
headquarters in Omaha.
From llf.r..!ay's I.ii!v.
The Woman's Belief Corps met in
regular session on Saturday. At
c f-f th t; et i n the Presi
dent Mrs. Burkel with the help of
Miss Eila Kennedy surprised the
members with a basket of, good
things to tat" and a pot of ho
coffee, in honor of Washington's
birthday. It was so much appre
ciated that the ladies talked of mak
ing it" a regular feature of the
meet ing.
You Know, bat Sometimes Forget
Everybody "knows an Imitation Js
never as good as the genuine article.
Foley's Honey and Tar stands at the
top of the list of family remedies for
colds, croups, whooping cough, bron
chial and grippe couths. AV. L. Ang
lin, Antioch. La., writes: "I have
used Foley's Honey and Tar for 15
years. It is the best." Sold every
where. NOTICE.
There will be a meeting of milk
and cream producers at the Court
House in Plattsmouth at 2:00 P. M.
Saturday March 1st. Outside speak
ers will be present and a large at
tendance of farmers is desired.
I have for sale or trade, one five-
year old jack, sure foal getter, and
one Percheron nine-year old. 1,700
pound stallion. Sound in every par
tieular. See Minchaii Sacks. East
Sid garage, Eagle, Nebr. fG-Sw
Cat Thi3 Out It Is Worth Money
PON.'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co..
S3j ShetReld Ave., Chicago. 111..
writing your name and address clear-
lv. You will receive in return a trial
package containing Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
and croup, Foley Kidney Pills and
Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold every
I have an abundance of good
white seed corn, Walford Xord,
Plattsmouth. Neb. 8-tfd&.w
Dilious? Feel heavy after din-
ner? imterv taste: C omplexion
sallow? Liver perhaps needs wak-
inc up. uoan s Eepuiets ror bilious
attacks. SOc at all stores.
Flags at the Joarx-al Ofi:e. '.
: news from alvo
.y .y ,y. y y .y. y
Miss Atirel Foreman
J week-end in Lincoln.
Mrs. A. J. Brobst returned home!
'from Osceola Friday.
Mrs. E. ,M. Srone went to Lincoln
Sunday to spend a few days.
Johnnv Skinner left Monday
attend the funeral of an auni at
F. Ellis came down from I'niver
sity 1'lr.ce Friday on business, re
turning home Saturday evening.
Mrs. Fay Parsell, of Lincoln, re
turned to her home Sunday even
ing after visiting the home folks
Jake Kiin.m shipped throe car
loads of stock to the Omaha market
last week, lie was in Omaha Mon
day on business.
Mi-'s Emma Jordan went to the
Everett Sanitarium last week to tak '
treatment for rheumatism. She w.ssiany oi the a ivaiigem- tits that, ha 1
d hv her f:'.t!.er.
Mrs. George' P. Foreman and son.
Clarence, visited in Lim-ohi from
Thursday until Sunday. Her duugh-j
ter. Mrs. George Whitman, returned!
with them.
Mrs. A. J. Foreman, of Raymond
was operated upon last Wednesday
.... .... , - , :
at the St. Elizabeth ho pital in Lin-
. . . ,,
coin. She n getting along as well
as could be expected.
George r. horeman recevte.
a e;ir
of hay last Monday, which is The
nineteenth car shipped to him th'.sj
winter and that is more hay than;
has ever been s-hipped in si::ee the
railroad went through here.
School closed on Wednesday nieht
of la. t week on account oi a iresuj;
outbreak of the Vai in this town and;
vieniity. Over one hundred cases
have developed in the past ten day.
Three teachers in the school ;.r- si.'.;
with it. No serious cases pre re
ported as yet and many are improv-
ing. Some families liave a- ninny (
as eight cases at one time. . J
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer and her ou-in.;
Bemi Weaver, were called to South j
B-nd Friday on account of the ter-j
ious illness of the iatter's motto p.
who passed away Saturday i:irl.: a:
fv. minutes af'er ten o'clock. Sh j
h; d suffered w ith Bright'.: elis-as-,
for a long tiire and though quite i:! ;
and weak was about the hou.-e v.-.i- ,
til Friday noon, whou the took to;
h: r l ed tind gradev.Uy sai k lo .
and lower ur.tii the tr.d carve. '
From M--P day's' Thiltv.
Last Saturday morning. Clifford
Cecil arrned hice from the Gr.-it
Lakes, where he betn but
very short time. &z he had been sent ,
f.-om the Electri'-al s-fhor ! ut II;.::: p- j
ton where he had been for dj
long time, to the Great Lakes trail; -
ine station to receive his discharge,
He will remain here for the present
and rest up a bit before embarking !
in anv civil life activity. The elec- j
trical'eourse in the naval .chord at
, ,., .. '
lliillipiUii IVUi-u-i a- tx uiiti i.iui inirn
one and the hoys who were lucky
enous-h to receive it have been bene
fitted a hundred per ctnt.
i-"rori Monday's Daily
Last Saturday evening. Frank Du
iray. who has been in the service of
the I'nifed States navy, returned af
ter an absence of many months, dur-in.-j
which time he saw France, re
turning to the United States on the
25th of Jiinuary and receiving his
discharge at the Great Lakes train
ing station last Thursday. He will
remain here for the present and rest
tip a bit. but before long will engac.e
in employment here.
b -em Aionday's l;il!v
A petition was f.lej in the Coun
ty Court this morning by John A.
Hennings. petitioner, for the appoint
ment of an admini -t ratfr of the es
tate of John E. Hennings, deceased.
There was an administrator ap
pointed by the Court for the estate
of the late Dean Kamm. whom it
will be remembered took his own life
several weeks ago. The person ap
pointed was S. II. Grove, who lives
near Alvo.
I have about 200 bushels the
celebrated Marquis beardless spring
wheat, and about 50 bushels of the
bearded spring wheat similar to the
blue stem variety, for sale on my
farm near Mynard. Excellent quality
and' clean of foreign seeds. Call
Sherman Cole, phone 4014. daw
I '
ie name unau a inspires con- ...
fidence Doan's Kidney Pills for
Kiuuey ins. uoaiis uinrmeni icr
skin itching;. Doan's Regulets for
a mild laxative. Sold at all drug
Message Telling- of the Death
of Krs. 0. D. Cook.
From "Monday's PntTy.
This morning W. P
to' cit v received
message frrun his
niece. Miss Ethel Cook, telling of the
death of her aunt. .Mrs. Orlando D.
Cook, who is a sister-in-law of Mr.
Cook of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Conk have
made their home near Om'coIu. Iowa,
for some time, where t hy have In-en
engaged in farming, and it was at
their home Mr;;. Cook passed away
last evening. She leaves besides her
husband, f;ve children three sons
and two daughters-- to mourn her
depart ure.
Mr. Cook was no: advised ns to
the time of Ik 'ding the funeral er
bee't made for it.
Orlando P. Cook, l'u-bnnd of the
de-eased lady, is the youngest brol h-
Mr. Cook of thi-; city.
We-1 ,.):, y' ; ;
I John Marasek . w no lived in this
ci'v seme thirteen years ago. hut
who departed from here and ma;e
, . . i i ,
ii? lir.nie in Oklahoma. f.:r th" t-.r-p
; since until the begi'mi-ig of th
innd was discharged j-otii.? time since.
eturning to his ho::v in the south.
i is visit i:ig at the home t-.r h:s broth
j r rs Joseph and w ho 'mai.t
:tlif ir home near Miirrav. John w.iy.
:n th"cirv touii'- i(.r a si. or' time.
n: (Up'irf'Hl for On -ihn. wli'-re lie
j will visit for a short time be-fore r;
I iurning to h.i home in the south.
B.ot ar.d the world boois with you.
Knock and you're on tlie shelf:
For the booster gets sick of the man
who kick--.
And wishes he'd kirk him?elf.
Boost wherr the sun k; shining.
Boost when it start to rain,
7f you happen to fall, don't lie thre
and bawl.
But ret up r.r.d hc-.t again.
-t f"-r th" town': advanepinent.
Bo-' f ir the t !'t-s stib'ime;
.''or th" ch.:ip t!a''s found on the
topmost rour.d
Is tlie booster, every time.
- -PF.P.
em WYdne.-v's Iai:y.
K. S. Setz who has been a citii
r f this place f-r a number of years
-n who has a large circle of
friends here, is today loading a- car
w household good, and will
art to Casper. Wyoming where
his home in the f,
and where he is employed '.villi the
Burlington a fireman.
i.i:o.t. notici:
In the r-r.. m'v c,,i,rt f the County
Cass. Nchraska.
State of N- hiask.'. Cass .---
To Charlotte White. (Jeore V
iVa'.l-rv. Ha M. 1 1 i u Vinson. art-arct
i I.i n--rston. t'larles A. Vnliev.
tCat'-eritie F. Minor. Amelia, j. streifrlit.
'.otiis M. 'allef'-. MathiM:i 4 Vallere.
"'.in F. A'al'erv. '"'aire Iirtimmoml
rininh'.nd. hrii:if? T'rinmrind Ilnrkv. Ttrnninorid Tanks, .melia f.
T trtminiontl. Ann'.- I'olk -ind all ofh--orsns
intertsted in tl.e e.ttate of
'acoh Vallery, Jr. deceased:
n rejidinir the ..-titiott of Francis
t:. AVhite. ui vivin executor, vrnvin'r a
tnrl settlement and allowance of Ids
-ccotint filed in this court en the li'th
'iav of Fchrnarv. 1V1'.. and for bis dis
charge and release, and on rend rtiir
the tutititin f Amelia .1. Ptreifrlit filed
'ertin en F.-hrttarv in, I'M'., prayins
, for the apnointment ef Charles . al
.'tv as administrator c. t. a., to suc
ceed the snid Frencis K. AVliite:
It is heret.y or.lercd tliat you and al!
r-ei sons interested in Paid matters ni
i ea r at the Comity Court to he held in
and for said emintv on tl.e "r.l d.iv or
V;i ri-li, 1 :!!. at lit a. m.. to slio.v
.itise. if nnv there he. whv the nrav--t-:
of said r.M'ectie lift i t i onrts Slion'd
not be Kitinteil and that notice of the
'endery of snid ietitioti and the
lefirin-r thereof he civen to liil per
sons interested in s-.k'd ni.tttor, h-- jntli
t: shine- .-i copy of tis order in the
l'lattsmouth a semi-wek!y
tewppaper printed in snid muntv, for
rhree purcepsivfr wr. ks prior to said
dav of liearinir. '
In witness v.-herenf. T have bf.i-i.n
""t niv hand ami the spa", of said Court,
this 10th da.' of Th-unrv. 1 0 IS.
':ill fl(i--'.v Countv Jtidue.
Make a specialty of good por
traits. Do enlarging, copy hnd cclored
Kodak finishing, etc.
We guarantee all work.
Sunday sittings by appointment.
We are always here.
TtT PtC ' ri Ttt.
t iCltUlIUIlC VU3.1C3 XStUb&.
Plattsraouth. Nebraska.
WWi ."
Cast cf Tliiey Hotel.
Coates Elock.
Second Flcor.
f .
k 4
In the Pistri.t
nut fr iii.'
y. Plain! i.T
( ..nfity
ss. N-hr.-i.-k.-i.
P) A. I '.it I li.y. h
Xlinoin! I)Oi!se. l-:veuit.,r 'f the li,"t
v. ili ,'tiiit t - r :i meii i .f
I't.i ...-.--, .1. t.,. -I. . i :i I.
ef. ri'l;i r.t :.
Tti lie lef'-ima ti s. Almnml Itinlf-'e,
tSei 'U'u- i.i' ti e l;is-t will nii.l It-Un-lu.-r.t
of . '!. drills. J.-et-a.-' 'I : Sev
liHMir mi,!l;i-; Pi, ', Jlndre : 1 1 . - liii-
I Known li-irs. !fv:se s. lt-tr.t ti-i-s. ivr
sdiuiI iij i .-.;; ii t i -s :imi dt!:r
( tOK. of t hiS I ons inter. steil iit tli estate ..f
ir:;inl;t Fui't'cs. Oeeeped: IVm. J. Out
ler: the unknown heirs, devisees. Irtia per-niial representative; ari.l all
Ot.h'-r int-r ested in tlie estate
of V.'rn. .1. 'titter. i! o-:sol: .Malsaret
I". .''vu.-r; ti e lo.knowti heirs, ilevisees.
l-siat-es. son-. I re. reset. t a l i ves ael
all oili.r .-i-ii's interested in t tie es
tate of Maiii.ivet i:. (.'nil. r, de.-. se.l ;
Win. H. l-'meriek. Jr: Mrs. Win. il.
;:'.i:eri.-k. dr.. first real name unknown:
Ike fnktiown l.iis. de ise.-s. legatees,
1 'tm.i.mI rej.res nl.'ikvrs and all othnr
i i:-'.:is iiii. iestt d in the estate .if Win.
11. Ilaieil, !;. Jr., d-e.-aseil : the unknown
heirs, deyisc-os. h tr: t.- s. persona! rep
resentatives and ail other persons in
ti ;. st. d i.i H e .- late of J.iis. Wrn. H.
l aa. l ic 1:. .1 r., fir.-; real name unknown.
r .1 : i". . Kiior. first real name
ii ;ik;io n : l!:e iinkn-ovn heji-s. le
i.ejatee.. re. risen ta t i '. -s ui:l
a.l otl .-r i . interested in the es-latt-
of i ". Kl-iir. f. rst real rame n;i
!;..'.' ii. .1. ; se.1 . liniii-it ICitiit : t !ie
iinkeov. n l .-ii s. 1e-. i: "e-, letratees, r" r
k.nal retires, rtlat ives at'.i a'.! other
t ersonw interested in the c-t.nte ' f
ilaiii-tt K h:sr. deceased : the- rtikuriwn
hi its. devisee -, l.'tTaties, .t rsotial rej
r sen '. ;. 1 1 i': arid all ?!, r jiei-sons in
!. t"d in ihe i'ati. of Anna Sv lml
.'ii.' -. deceits d: and the cidinown o. t
ers fT:d il e iirikni'V, n elaimants of lots
t :trM! i :I and eighteen l , in Section
seven 1 7 i. Tnnsi!,ji twelve tlj. North
'ni:-.c r..Mitni-!i 1 I . east of th :t'i t '.
M.. in t.'.e county of Cass, Xehraska:
V.-u ai" 1 ereh-.- noticed t'.a.t oil the
t'-t day of l' hrnary. A. 1 . 101 it. j.l.iin-t-'T
til. d l.N suit in the iM.-tric Court
. f ti e Count v t.f Cass. N'ehraska. to
: t piaint i'Y's title to the j ol low i n
ihstrihed land, to-wit: I.o's three t :: I
'ird eiiit.'-n (1st. in Sect h'ei seven (T.
ri T.v.-i nit t vt 1 e 412 . North Kati'-re
r.irte,.., ( ill. east of t o Kth . M in
the rnt:-- of Ctss. Nehraska.. he.ause
f Ids advene j nysssinn lv !.ir.i.-e!f
and his u:a:.tor-- for nvre thfm ten
tars j.vj.n- to tti -o;r.tneiii-eiiient of
aid sjt and tt f-iijoin cm-h and all
f von having or ilaii'iin-: anv
!::. t. t;Me. !in or interest, either lei..)
or eo'iital'.e in or to .'aid lnn.1 er ;iiiv
art t'eieof. and alU-itiL; t! tt none of
en nr.- in tie vtilitcrv or n. ser
ve is'' the I'aitt.1 States of America:
' reouire ...l to set forth e;r riht.
ti'le. f'.-:i, lic! or liit.'t-st ;l.ere'r. if
ir-'. eitl.-r ietr.ll or eon it . hie. and to
i.e.. t' .. sa.-rie ad.itida'ed inferior to the
till.. ...f tdair.tPT .ml for tren. r: i-n'i-'.!ii
reli.-;. 'I'i is t.oti.-e is mad; pjr
sirnt J the on1. ;- of this Court.
Vim are reenired to r sr id pe
tition ..ii or hefore Mnndav. M;uh 17.
. I i. 1 or vein- def.ielt will he du'.v
eMe:-' d '' -. i-i.
1-laint i:T.
W. V P.ohertson.
Allirr.i'V for lM-'Intiff.
mum !: or sm.i:
In the Te'tri.t Court nf the Countv
f ' 'ass N.hi
I .- t i e
f !. ar
! .-f the
I .: kt h ha ry, m
dnnr.l ianship
it a ily i net ui-
t i
.1 y irr.-.-n that :n pur
. f ai
Uar -.
e-- i -e,
er of .'allies T. 1:. !
f 1 :s ri' t .u rt ef
-ra s;.:r . tt,-i h- on tl.e
he-. 1 1 S. f..r th.- sale
! . -.!' he r--i ! i.; ft . r' lo-Sc! ill- : i - v.-,: :. t the oti t h
of the ......I I ia IHatts-
s.-: t-ir-f., Nvi'.-sl.-a. on the
. f F- hrii. r -. 1' lit. at "one
h t :
a h.
t. d:
'.!..: k ;.. tu. of sa;d d.t v at t-uhi..- v-.-n-
:r.- to t',. i. . .-st 1:,-.,'. for- er.-h the,
l! I . 1 ! - .i. sr. ii'l .1 real estate. I o - V.' ! t : i
Lot f u"- itt irj the Nortliwest j
'i after of the S.nili.Vei i;aart i: j
also Pet five t ."' I 'n the So ; H I , v f-S t
all in Se-t :"!! r'i?:ete.n 'Vi. Town- !
sit ip hi'i'lv ilt. t.'ar.trc f..iirien,
i'.l. Cass c.u:f. Nchraska.
Said s-a'e to '. -aain up. n one- hour, i
Iateii ii is :;M d.iv of J i a a.i r-.-. A. 1
. l!i:'. i
nardia'i of tl
vvi cnla-
l-;tal.' of 11,-ni v F.ik- t e j i.iiisiiioui n a u mi-
nivril.ilh' in.- m'tetent. weekly newspaper printed in said conn
it v. lor tnrce successive We. ks prior to
isaid day of hearing-.
State of Nebraska. County of Cass
In the Counrv Court.
In the matter of the F.state of Caro
line 1 Filed. 1 km ased:
To i!ari;.t E. Moorman. Ida L. Kol
e!t'. Khoda Kite. Charles C. Keed, ami
ii en. di'eis. :-eiis atid other i'.ersor:s
interested in the Kstate of Caroline L.
! :- d. I "eeeaset! :
X'tui are hci f-hv r.oti'i'ed that on tie
-mo tta- of J'chirrity. 1M1. Lutli.r .1.
Hall tiltd his- pttiMm in tie Cocntv
Court of Cass- tiuinty, Nel.raska, aJ!e-;r..-r
tlat t'-iio-ine L. Keed died intes
tate in said county in the year 1M51.
having an undivid-d one-half interest
'ti tl.e "'est h: If of trie southwest quar
ter iW... SWht) of Section twenty
Tii'ie ii'ln, In Township ten (10i. Knne
toc.i-teen (It t. in Cass county. Nehras
!;a. and that r.o proceed inc have t-pen
l atl or coiiiiii. ii'-i-il in said countv for
pro ha ti'
settlement of said estate.
ami that lies petitioner 1ms an interest
in said nmtttr hv reason of lieinir rur-ha.s-T
of the said real estate. Petition
er f;rthcr al'.eires that Caroline I.,
li'teti's sole and only liei rs-a t - la ' are
.'.irriet K. Moorman. 1 la 1. Koherts.
Piuda Klce ;:nd Claries C. Keed; that
interest the said ' Caroline L. Ieed
had in said real estate was and is
vhollv exempt from, attachment, exe
. -etit ii r oth- r m-sne process ami not
iia.hlc for pnvrr.ei.t of any dents of
said deceased ami, that all claims
against tie said estate are haired hy
Go Ah
Building Restrictions Have Been Removed On
I Now is the time to
inviiii iii:rti.nii r tiif. imii'D srtir laiVKHVMRVr
Dated November 1, 1918
DUE November 1, 1938
Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter
est date alter five years from date of issue. Coupon
bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi
nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually, May
1st and November 1st. Principal and interest payable
at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed
eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government.
Exempt from AH Federal, State, Municipal
and Local Taxation!
This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and
income from these bonds need not be included in returns
has. C
Bank of
law You are 'urther notified Hint on
tin- 1.1th" day of March, l:u:, hetwc-eii
the hunts of M oVloek a. in. and
o'clock p. ni., the 7etitioner will take
tit-position of Khoda lliee, helote
i:. U 1'icriehs. a Notary I'uhlie. at his
?ii- in Stei iiiiir. Johnson county. Ne
1 raska. to he u.-c.l us evidence at the
hiatinir :ti said natter.
The pi-aver of said petition is that
the Court make ar.d enter a decree
li-itlinvr and deterniinint, who are the
sole ef said, .le, -eased, and declar
ing al! claims auatrut said eft ate Kir
red hv law.
A hearing upon the allegations find
praver of said petition will he hail Victor.'-
the County .ludire at ids office in
the Conn House in 1 !at tsnioutlt. Cuss
countv, N.-h!.i.-ka. .11 ten Urn 'clock
a. in., or the -Jnd day of Martli. ll'.t.
and all injections to said petition nii'.st
i-e tiled in said Ceurt on or hefoi e said
dav :nd hour of heat inf. or the prayer
of said p titi -ri v. ili he mauled and de
cree entered ac. oi dinsiy.
Hv the Court.
Countv Judie.
i:v rr.i ii:i:nh wiiitk.
S.-al i cierk.
ct I AS. I.. tinAVKS.
Atfornev for i v-t ii inner. (fjj-3w
i it i ii :it or
h r:mvc
ii ml
otice nf
ut Will
In the County Court of Cass county,
Ne l.ra.- Ua.
State of Nebraska, Co-inty cf Cass.
To all p rsori" Interested in the es
;ate or Mitfrdah na Vellery, tleccased:
'ii ruditisT tlie petition of Charles A.
Vaiiery ptaylni; that tie instrument'
tiled in const on ti:e 7t!i day of
. I'eer' , 1:'.!. and pttrportiti lo 1--Mie
iast wi': and te.-taiiient of tie sr. id
. deceased, tniiv he i.ioveu r.iid d,
and recorded as the last will and tts
! ttiiet.t of ?.!;,,. diile'ia ';'l!eiy. d.-cc:.. -'.:
that sid iti.-tiun-f-nt-te tidrnit'.ed
to pro'.'te, and the ad m i n is t ra t h .. n of
said est Me 1 e frranttd to Matlili.'.e
-.- it i . dr i lei -1 1 t ri c. t. a.;
! It is '.-let., ordered that ou. anl
jil! persons iiiterc-te.l in said mattei,
t ii. ay. and do. appear al the County
I Court to he i: 'd in and for said i-imn-jty
ori the "rd day of itarih A. I). 101'.l
; a t In lock a. m., to i:w cause. If
jany there he, why tl.e prater of the
i i li'iniii-r siiouM not he Ki'Tnted. and notice of the pendency of said pe
tition and tin- hearing Jhef-ot he iiveti
to al! persons interested in said mat
ter hy jiul lisliinfr u copy of this order
Witness- tnv hand, nd --er. 1 of said
con 1 1 this Sth day .f FVhruarv, A. U.
tSealt flO-.lw. County Judpe.
iM)i:it or m:iiMi
on IVlitlon for ptwitmrut
c-f tliiiitt rmrix.
Tl-e Stale of Neeiaska. Cass Coun
ty, ss:
ln the fiintv Court
Iti the matter of the Estate of Anton
Kaiil;n, I le t asetl. .
( n r-'adinrr and the petitiort of
Tar'oline Kanka, pravinu that .iimin
istration of said Estate nay he plant
ed to Anna I'it'man, as A dm : n I - i ra t rix :
irtlered. That March i: t ! i A. It. 1 H 1 i.
at f. ti'cini-k . in., is assigned for hear
inrr said petition when all persons in
terested in said matter msv appear at
a County Court to he held in and for county and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not he
granted: and that notice of the pen
dency Vf said petition and the hearinfj
thereof he jrivcti to all j ersons inter
ested in said matter hy puhlishinsT a
coi'V of tiiis order in the l'lattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper,
printed in said county for three suc
cessive weeks, prior to sa'd day of
lated Fehtuarv is, 191S.
( Seal -rj4-"w. County Judge.
ith Your Plans:
This is the advice of the War Industries Board.
Maybe you have hoped that another year would see your plans of a new
home realized.
Those hopes can be a reality.
All farm and ranch buildings.
All schools, churches, hospitals and public buildings costing not more than
All new homes costing not more than $10,000.00.
plan. Let us help
Cass County
tici: to rnF.niTons
The State of Nebraska, CahS county,
In the County Court.
In the matter of tlie Estate of L'av
id Stotler, I iec-as-d.
To the creditors of paid Eh tat e:
You are i erchy notified. That I will
sit at ti.e County Couit room in Piatt.' -mouth,
in said countv, on the 4 1 ti diy
of March. IMS nd fith day of June.
191!4, at 10 o'clock a. rn. on each of
said' days to receive and examine oil
claims airain.-t said estate, with a View
to their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against sul-J Estate is thief
months from tiie 4th day of March. A.
I. 1 1 y, and tlie time limited for pay
ment of detts id one year from said
ll'.itti dnv of January. If lih
Witness hv hnrnl unJ the seal of said
Countv Court this SUth day of Jan-i-arv,
lyl'.t. , ,
!Stal-f2-4tvv. County JuJg.
Dyspepsia is America's curse. To
restore digestion, normal weight,
good health and purify the blood
use Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold at
all drug stores. Price, $1.2.i.
You size 35 and CG men who need
an honest suit are not strong on
style but a helluva good wearing
suit is what you need, step in and
fee a few 0 and 0 bargains at
These are heavy weight, all wool
clothes in grey and brown and run
large in sizes.
"0" $12.50 "0"
Also have a few 0 and 0 shirts
left in sizes 14 to 17y2. at
$125 to $2.00
Get 'era now if you don't need 'em,
or pay more when you do.
&!ulip Zhiwcit
you do it.
L -