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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1919)
rAQfl TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THUIiSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. Specials for this Week! 2 cans Hominy for 25c 4 25c cans Tomatoes for 85c Puffed Wheat or Rice 18c Dried Peaches, per lb " 20c Prunes, per lb 15 and 20c Apples, per peck 85c Sweet Cider, per gallon 70c Aerolene Milk, per can 15c 2 lbs. Rice for 25c Best navy beans, per lb 15c I quart jar Mustard for 35c 1 can Cleveland Pork and Beans 10c TELEPHONE NO. 4 OR 5 ..HATT LOCAL NEWS From Wednesday's Ini!y. Henry Sanders was a visitor If! Oiiar ("reck for today, having no ne ther lat evening on the late even ing train. Leonard Horn from near Cullom, was a visitor in this city this morn ing, where he is looking after anno business. Henry Specht from Lal'latte wa a visitor in this city this afternoon, and was called to look after some Cilrn Bcede'ier of Murray was a visitor in this city yesterday after rr n eonii'ig " look after .some busi-r.e;-? fr the day. Mrs. K. . Hill and Catherine de parted la. t evening For their new home at I'een er, wlief they will begin fanning. .loli." ("na't'ant of near I'nion was a. visitor iu Piattsnumth this morn- iiK and was leaking after Fumo matters in th county court. Mrs. Ceo. Wall of Lal'latte wan a vi-:tt r-;;i this city for a few hours, coming ovir on the IJurlington and p 'turning home on the Missouri Pa cific. Mr-- W'm. fhinb-y of Lal'latte a; a visitor in this city for a short time afternoon, and was a visitor at 'he linn.".' of ktr father 1). M. Crave of this city. Mrs. M. Tritseh w ho has been vis-itins at the home of her father Joint A. Mannings near Cedar Creek, fur a slurt time pu-t returned home i hi morning. John :'iid Wii! Smith from near Ilefk Bluffs departed this afternoon for Omaha and Council Bluffs where they ar- look'.ug alter sou." matters for the afternoon. Attorn y C. L. Grave.- of t'nioii. was in i h city this morning t om inz i.n the tally train this morning, and was looking after -some leg? I n:?.t!ers in the district court. CASTOR I A ror Infants and Children 5n Uco i'or Over 30 Years Always l-r tie Come in and oper ct 9v ii 0 : jnd Jay Yoik work haret for yaur money .flsyikib it will then work for you; ASK AMY WEALlHr MAN HOW HEGOT HIS START AND HE WILL TELL YUU IT BEGAN V1TH A SMALL BANK ACCOUNT THAT HE BUILT HIS FORTUNE BY WORKING HARD AND BANK; ING EVERY CENT HE COULD "RAKE AND SCRAPE." YOU CAN DO THE SAME! WHY NOT BEGIN NOW, TODAY? THAT MONEY YOU HAVE IN YOUR POCKET WILL START YOU. COME IN AND START. YOU WILL RECEIVE H PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME CER TIFICATES. Farmers State Bank " ' PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA & SON- Mrs. John Marquette. who has with her son Raymond, been visit ing at the home of her parents at Rock Bluffs, departed this afternoon I uicii iiuutr ci i tupwi i. Krel Warner .of Murray was a visitor in this city for a few linn re this morning and this afternoon Wi-nt to Omaha, where he is looking after some business for the day. Mrs. W. II. Seybert departed last evenirfg for Cedar Creek, where she will visit at the home of her moth er Mrs. K. K. Sayles and sister Mrs. Andrew Thompson, for some time. Miss Grace I'exton who has been at Murray, relieving some of the force of telephone operators at that place, who has been on the sick list for some time, returned home yes terday. George Meyers of Louisville was a visitor in this city for the day, coming down on the early train this morning, and looking after some business matters at the coun ty scat. Harry Todd of near Murray was a visitor in I'lattmnuth this morn ing, coming to look after some busi ness at the court house and also hav ing some matters to look after at the city! J. S.- Hall the representative of the House Heating corporation of I 'es Moines, was a passenger to Louisville this morning, where he is looking after some business for the day. George W. Ieach of Union was a visitor in I'lattsmouth this morn ing coming to look after some busi ness matters in the city, si ml also having some business at the court hou.-e as well. Geo. Rhoden was a visitor ii: riiittsmout h this afternoon from hij homo northwest of Murray, coming t look after seme burine?-" in the city, and while in the city made this office a very pleasant call. Uoy Howard was a passenger to Omaha this morning from Mynard. where be was looking after mmuc business and this afternoon stopped on his way home in this city to look after vome business matters. Mrs. Geo. W. Rhoden of near .Murray, who has Ix-eii on ihc sick list for some time is reported as be ing feeling much belter, and that brr .scnoral health is improving. for which not she alone but her many friends rejoice. Mr. Reuben Stine, of Union was! a visitor in Flattsmouth this morn ing for a few hours coming up on the early train to look after some matters in the city and also having some business to attend to at the cour house. Victor Olson of Louisville was a visitor in this city this morning. where he was looking after some business for the day. and after hav ing concluded his business here de parted on the early afternoon train for Omaha, where he had some mat ters to look after as well. Yestertlav David Mulleuax. who has lived on the farm of Fred Pat terson near Rock Bluffs, who has had the misfortune to lose both wife and son with the pneumonia, is moving away from there and has rented a farm east of Council Bluffs, near a little place called Gilead. John Ahl of Omaha. who has been down with the lnfluenk.a and pneumonia for some time past, and has just recovered sufficiently, to be able to get around was in the city yesterday visiting and in the after noon departed for Louisville where he will visit until he shall have re cuperated. Thomas Henderson and Mrs. Henderson, who have been visiting at the home of friends near Rock Bluffs, for the past few days. !e ii'neil 1'or their home al Lincoln i I l-,ii v.-1 r tliev will no to 1.1. L 1 I Ulll. ' ' ' - ' - ' ' . ----- . housekeeping and from which place Mr. Henderson will again enter the work of the Burlington a.s a brake man. Fi Tuesday's l;iilv. L. I'. Fuls of Murray was a iitor in this city this afternoon- after having been visiting in Omaha this morning. J. M. Jordan was a visitor in this city this morning from hi home near Cullom. and was looking after some business. W. H. Tritsch from near Cullom was a business vi.-dtor in the city this morning, coming down on the early train this morning. Mrs. J. M. Patterson of I'ninn. wa. a vifitor in this city yesterday evening, having stopped while on her way from Omaha to her home. Phillip Meisinger Troni near Cul lom v as a vi itor in this c ity for the day, being t illed here to look after some bi:.:iiK"-K. for the morn ing. Llovd Ganeit oi near Murray was a visitor in Plat tsiuout h last even ing, coming to transact some busi ness with the Plat tsmouth nier chants, anil reports the roads cs be ing very bud. Christopher Miller of near Cedar Creek was a visitor both in Omaha and here today, being in the former place during the morning and com ing here to look after some busine.s this afternoon. .lonn I'arKeumg ami wile were visiting in this city this morning coining to attend the golden wed ding anniversary of the marriage of Adam Hi!d and wif which the art- cebbrating today. A card from llickelton. Washing ton, tells of the stork having made a visit at the Ik. me of John Fezell. who was formerly Miss Bertha Hall, and who b;s been located in the wt'i for a number of years. P. M. Meis-inger is ingaging in f. Tilling again, and is moving fodiy to a farm near Cedar Creek, where he will get ready for the planting of the crip; by the time they are ready to go into the ground. Miss Patty Met.gar of Cedar was a visitor in Plat tsmouth this afternoon, arriving froii Oma ha, where she has been visiting and alter visiting for the afternoon here departed for her home at Cedar Creek. Chri. Caucr wa iu the city yes terday from bis home near Green wood, anil while waiting at tiic Hurlingion vfatlon I'or hi train to return home. wjs speaking ai;:nt the winter when he came here frem the east, and bad to say that if had been an open winter, until about the first of March, when i! turned cold and there was an opportunity for the harvesting of plenty of ice. The ice man would like that thi year, and his houses are all empty. From Monday's Daily. August Kt il, of .near Cedar Creek, was a business visitor in I'lat tsmouth this morning. John Thlerolf was a passenger to Cullom this morning, where he is doing some work. . Joseph Wagner from near Itock Bluffs was looking after some busi ness in the city this morning. gCT&ir.'.T-TCT-wSE ur CSS G. I). Shanholtz. of near Cedar Creek, was a visitor iu this city over Sunday, returning to his home this morning. Mrs. J. J. Waddick who has been visiting at Louisville for the past few days returned home this morning. C. D. Gan. of Alvo, was a visitor in this city today, coming down this morning to look after some legal busi ness. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping V:i?er wms -a visitor ill this city for the day. having some business to look after here. J. J. Ilennings and son Win. Uen nings from near Cedar Creek were Iroking aHer some business in the city this morning. John liusche of near Cullom. was a visitor in riattsnumi u on i in day, coming to look after some busi ness for the morning. Et-k Cook, who is now living near Cullom. was a visitor in I'lattsmouin over Sunday, returning to his home and work this morning. Henry Theirolf of Cedar Creek was a visitor in tins city ior a u- down on the 15'irliimton this morning. I. c Vi.iifi of iiw other side of .Murray was a visitor in Omaha this morning v here he is ioohjuk . i. ; .. rt .... tome business for a short time. Hsirrv. Havt.T. of Murray. Wiio IS working for the Pollock Auto oar age, was a visitor at nome u ...- day. returning this morning to take ip his work. .In'.ti Cl'j.ll-jrl i f near L'ulOll, WHS a vuitor in this citv tins morning oniing to look after some pii&mh-o about town. nd while here mane this oll't" a pleasant call. Peter Shroader. who moved from Cedar Creek to this city a s-hort time since, has accepted a position with I WOlk 111 the blacksmith shop this morning. T-.liss Clara Young, one of the IJur lington shop clerks, who was a visi tor over the week-end at her home in Murray, returned this morning on the early Missouri Pacific traiu to at c up her work. Chris Metzger. f South Omaha, as a visitor iu this city last Satur day for a few hours, departing in the evening for Cedar Creek, where he went to visit with his mother, Mrs. Farmers Please Note any" On SV3ogul and Nearly f?ve thousand of our boys in kluki and blue are coming back to work. We shall, of course, make a place in our organization for every one of them, but we wish to do it without throw ing out of employment the men who took their places and have worked faithfully for us ever since. This is not going to be so easy for us as for some others, because the Government desig nated ours as an essential industry during the war, and we actually increased the efficiency of our organization after our boys left to joiu the i a iiks. Early-Delivery Discount If you will take delivery of a Mogul or Titan tractor now, we will reward your co-operation as follows: To those who will accept de livery of a Mogul or Titan 10-20 on or before March 8th we will give an Early Delivery Discount of 5 per cent from the price of the tractor. (This amounts to $61.25 in the case of the Titan 10-20 and $56.25 on the Mogul 10-20.) After March 8th the following discounts will be given: For delivery during week cf March 10 to March 15, inclusive 4 per cent For delivery during week of March 17 to March 22, inclusive 3 per cent For delivery during week of March 24 to March 29, inclusive 2 per cent Fcr delivery during week of March 31 to April 5, inclusive 1 per cent This discount will go a long ways toward paying the fuel bills of your tractor during this season. By taking advantage of this Early-Delivery Discount, you will not only be helping yourself, but will enable us more easily to put back to work our army of returning boys without break ing up cur present organization. You will t""nd that you need a few weeks to get acquainted, with your new tractor. The man who has his tractor early can become familiar international Harvester Company of America Chicago Incorporated) USA Iii this county these tractors are sold by John F. Gorder Plattsmouth, Nebr. H- F. Kropp Nehawka, Nebr. Farmers Co-op Assn. Eagle, Nebr. C. Metzger, Sr.. for a short time, be fore returning to his home in South Omaha. Mus Mary Egenberger was a visi tor in the city last Friday, coming for a few hours' visit at honi eand to do some trading. She returned to her school near Cedar Creek on last Saturday evening. Mrs. John Campbell and Mrs. Chas. Carroll, of near Murray, wore pas sengers to Omaha this morning on the early Missouri Pacific train, at which place they are visiting with friends aud doing some shopping to day. iltto Sehaelfer, who has just re cently closed out many of his effects in the line of stock and farming ma chinery, was a business visitor in the city from his home some six miles south of Cedar Creek last Saturday, and returned home in the evening. John Long of LaPlatte, was a GAUNTLET Horsehide All Leather $1.50 to $5.00 Horsehide Palm, Leathertex Back$1.00, $1.25 JJuleskin Palm, Drill Back 90c "Union Special" Cotton Flannel, Leather Palm 50c 31ack Drill.. "Wear-as-Leather" 125c 'Extra Good" Weight, Cotton Flannel 35c Good" Weight ' Cotton Flannel 25c Light Weight Cotton Flannel 3 for 50c A FULL 3 pair Men's Black or Tan Sox, (regular 25c value) 50c Black Split leather work mittens, lined 50c 20 Discount on C. E. esry Titan Tractors We can, however, give steady work both to our present help and to the returning soldier's and sailors, IF WE CAN BRING ABOUT AN' IMME DIATE INCREASE IN TRACTOR PRODUCTION. In order to do this we must move forward to the farm some thousands of tractors that are ordered for delivery at various dates up to May 1st, and we shall also have to ship a large number of trac tors that farmers intended to order later this sea son, but could Just as well take now. To those farm ers who are so situated as to be able to take ad vantage of it we make the following proposition: with it, so that when the first day of good plow ing weather dawns, he will be able to get in the field without a moment's lost time. That in it self is a very good .reason for taking early delivery. Go to your dealer and tell him that you will accept immediate delivery of your Mogul or Titan 10-20 horsepower tractor, so he can make up his carload shipments without delay. visitor iu this city yesterday and while here made this oflice a pleas ant call. Mr. Ixing is farming near that place, and is well satisfied with his location as is also the landlord with him, John Ling was in La Platte a short time since to rent a farm but could not find one, and Mr. Long says if Mr. Ling wants a farm or any one else he can find one for them. Says It Is the Best in the World Are you looking for a sate, relia ble remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whoopng cough? A. H. McDan- iel. Box 51, Lindside, W. Va.,' writes. I am glad to tell you that Foley's Honey and Tar is the best medciine in this world. I had a severe cough. Someone recommended it and before I used half a bottle I was better." Sold everywhere. Bead the Journal Ads It Payi LEATHER COTTON FLANNEL a 4 i & tt ki'v'- LINE OF DRESS AND AUTO GLOVES PAY DAY SPECIALS! PRICE8 HOLD THIS WEEK Calf Palm, duxback, lined work mitten 85c Standard Work Shirt, full cut, fast color $1.00 any Winter Suit or Overcoat Wescott's 'EVERYBODY'S STORE" Discount Plan A Woman's Recommendation Mrs. D. T. Tryor, It. K. D. No. 1, Franklin Ave., Otsego, O., writes: "I realized so great a benefit from the use of one box that I feel safe in recommending Foley Kidney Pills to any kidney sufferers." They relieve backache, sore muscles, stiff Joints, rheumatic pains and bladder ail ments. Sold everywhere. DR. H. C. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PRrSICIAN Sre;l Attention .i)lrin of YVontea ACUTE DiSKASFS TREATED Eyes Tested ml Glasses fitted Wight Calls Answered Aft::- Eoarj and Sundays by Appointment. S.30 a. re. to 12:00 1:33 v. m. to 5:31 Coute Illock Dl. .1 rvT 1 v zow laiiaiuuuiu, lied WRIST CUT Horsehide, Full Stock $1.65 to $2.50 Pigskin, Full Stock $2.50 Horsehide Palm, Split Back $1.35 Split Palm, Drill Back 65c Extra Heavy Cotton Flannel 25c Heavy Nap Out, 2 Thumb C. F 3 for 50c Gray or Brown Jersey 25c Light Weight Cotton Flannel 2 for 25c 4 If: buy it NOW! Sons - .' .. - -..." .1 J 1 - IK 1