The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 24, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    HONE AY. ITIiEUAP.Y 24 1919.
PI. k -ri-fi.MOL 1 H SEMI- W CLClA
Av3 TlDtr
iTiti iiiahi.itii r Tin: imti:i tti:s t;vi:nir.T-
Dated November 1, 1918
DUE November 1, 1928
Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter
est date after five years from date of issue. Coupon
bonds fully reenterable and interchangeable. Denomi
nation, $1,000. Interest paj-able semi-annually. May
1st and November 1st. Principal and interest payable
at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed
eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government.
Exempt from AI! Federal, State, Municipal
and Local Taxation!
This exemption includes the Federal- Income Tax and
income from these bonds need not be included in returns
Chas- C. Farmeie9
Bank cf Cars County
John "Wils. sr. Plattsmouth. Feb.
Mr?. L,. T. . Holland, Neb. Pity.
Feb. 24.
Fred Ho??. N'ehnwka; Feb. 2'ih.
Ym Gillispie. Mynard. Feb.
Ray Pollard, .Hampshire Sale.
F.b. 27' h.
far Schrader, Hampshire Sale
Avora, Feb. 2th.
March .1. Ed.-Kohrell. Nebraska
March 4. Todd Pros.. Nfhav.ka.
March f.-7. Will Rasmussen,
ISrutiswick. N'eb.. Iled Sow Sale.
March 11. Kitchen F'.li :itt or..
Prunswick. Nth.
The undersigned will oner for
sale at Public Auction at his farm
home, a quarter mile west of My
nardl commencing at 11 o'clock A.
M. sharp, on
The following described Biropen y.
to-wit: .
five Head Of Horses.
One span of bay gelding. 7 and S
years old. weight nj".
One sorrel peldins. ! year- old in
June, weight 14f.
One span of mares, nine year?
old. weight 2M0.
Three milk cows.
Two brood sows.
Sev-ral dozen chickens.
Farming Machinery. Etc.
One farm watron.
Two top bupsrie?.
One single harne-s.
Two sets of uouble harne-s.
One stirrins plow.
One 2 -section harrow.
One A vry cultivator.
One John Deere 2-row machine.
One disk.
One Sterlins stalk cutter.
One John IJere sans plow with
one to six horse hitch.
One Plover Ieaf manure spicaJer.
Numerous other articles.
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in hand. On sums ever $10 tisht
months time given on bankable note
bearins eisrht per cent interest from
date oT sale. All properly mist e
settled for before beins removed
from the premises.
W. II. YOl'NP., Auctioneer.
GEO. O. DOVEY. C lerk.
To Holders
We shall be glad to cash your interest couppns free
of charge any time it is convenient to you.
Ash us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
your Liberty Bonds.
Income Tax Blanks will scTon be hcre We will give
any information and fill out statements
free of charge.
The Bank of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Bank.
Take Advantage cf a Plattsmouth
Citizen's Experience.
When the baik bet ins to ache.
Ion't wait until backache be
comes chronic;
"Till kidney troubles develop;
'Till urinary troubles destr.y
ni slit's rest.
Profit by a Plattsmouth citizen's
e. j.eru-:!c
Pen Brooks. Main St., say?: "A
bad co J left nie with a severe at
tack of kidney complaint. I had
pain in my hue".; and hips and
times, it extended up into my should
e.- blades. I was laid up for two
weeks. My head aiked for hours
and I was subject to dizzy spells,
during which -my sight blurred.
Half a box of IVian's Kidney Pi'.ls
relieved these troubles at:d after us
ing two boxes, procured from Ed
ward Rynott Ac Po.'s Iruir S!ire. I
retained my health." (Statement
Si von April 3 0. 1912 J.
On February 22. 1 1 f. Mr. Pronks
said: "I couldn't speak ton h'.shly
of Ioan"s. for it this old. re
liable medicine that fixed me up in
fine shape when I was down villi
lunib?eo. I haven't had an attack
Price f.oc. at all dealers. Pou t
simply a.-k for a kidney remedy
ret Doau's 'Kidney Pi'.!.- the same
that jlr. Ilrouk
burn Co.. j.l!"trrs.
had. Foster-Mil-Puffaio.
N. Y.
I have about 200 bushel- the
celebrated Marquis beardless spring
wheat, and about f.o bushels of tin
bearded spring wheat similar to tii
blue stem variety. for sale on m
farm near Mynard. Excellent quality
nrid clean of. foreign seeds. Call
Sherman Pole, phone 4014. daw
Hake a specialty of good por
traits. Do enlarging1, copy and cc'orec"
Kodak finishing, etc.
Xvc guarantee all -work.
Sunday sittings by appointment
We are always here.
Telephone 646. Coates Block
Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
Rmci t Jr.nrTis! Ad
-Tr pa vi
Cfcas C
Stpmri Tiriit Club.
.T-"iele for particulars
of Liberty
Cass County,
i.WJt ll 111 W' n
-r-. r: j: &4-
Charles Perk ha? I.een quite nick
for the ast few tiny.-:.
John Ol.-on is very .-iick at hi?, lion e
in this city. He has been in oor
health for .-mie time.
-Mrs. Jinn Steele returned on Mon
day evening from Omaha, where she
hal spent a wtk.or so. 11. -r ilttle
niece, who was quite sick is nimli
Joe Hf.Merness has been laid up
for several ww-'ks and has not been
able to pet down town. He hes 1- id
a to'fh of blood poisoning and has
iiad iiite a painful time of it.
Attorney 'Wr.i. I hdesDerr.ier h?'
all track of time ,0:1 Tuesday and
4.ame in a:-kir.g for a copy of tlii:
week's paper thinking it wa Thurs
day, l'.ill soon came bn"k to earth
and has thin
run n in-' on schedu!"
Wm. Solb r returned on Wednes
day from Lincoln, where he had been
confined in a, hospital r-rv-rir.!r
t'ri)in the effects- of an operation. He
is fetlitisr fin and expects to he back
or. the job at the Williams araue in
a few clays.
Harold 1 Kdsl ifrnier, who bus V-o;.
stationed at the Great Lakes Trj'ir.-
.1 is tr. "his w av !:onie
. but is vi: it -
ine for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Wni.
at th- honv of
iviiterman. at
''arroll. Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hall are the pm-j-i
parents of a fdrl baby lorn to them
on last Sunday Of course they :tre
mi.nhty happy because of t li e ev.T-.t
Mf-ther and babe dinsr nlcelv. .Mrs.
Hall is a daughter of ?lr. and Idrs. J
II. Sutherland.
Mrs. John Stark and "drs. W.- C.
Hart let t were called to Lvxinat'u;.
Xebrasla. on account of the death
f Mrs. Grutiden. They left Sunday
night for that j-lace. .Mrs. Oruiid"i:
was an aunt of these ladies and thev
ttended the fe.ner:-! which was he;.!
dt that place.
On Wednesday evening at
clock occurred th" marri;.;re of M'
H.'.dys C. !o-'. l.r f Mr. C.b n:i 1..
tchison at the Lome of the tiride's
art-!!fs. Mr. ani .Vr.;. Kmrr-on How-
tasl ei
in wood
e eerem'.ny
Tt.yh.r. cf
of relativf''
a as performed
'fnioii. in the
:r. i friends.
1 y P.ev.
Artm:r Mlin'. -'k-:. ; n o;
Mrs. 'V Schne: i'-r. who wa.; in thr
eivice Hi ',"!. !- S-rj-. hut bar rt t - iv
"I his hfU'-T"? ! dt' ch;ir::e -j,; d i
.viw 1) e t i -. I.r.s i ;:!';-,. t e 1 his
very much in t'dling of the am y
life. Arthur Ln-; caiiud much liy
'is experiences thut will jirovc t'tr
'i;l to hi in in the future.
George Kun?.. v,;. recentiy sole
his farm near
to Harve Ka-p.
has yurchaued the quarter known af:
'he Clapp (juarter, th" (inarter upor,
which Ralph Morris has been livintr
for several years. This is a pood
inarter and Mr. F.unz is fortunate in
being the owner. Ed (Justin put
hroi'i-'h this real estate deal. This
farm was the property of Willard
Clapp and the price paid by Mr.,
unz was ?ltiVon per acre.
Mr?. Charles Murphy,
'own. is reported to be
nor tli of
very ick
with erysipelas this week.
Webb and Merritt Russell were in
r.)maha the first of the week, finishing
he buying of the stock for their
ew drug store.
Howard Doyle left Monday even
ing for Farnam to visit his brother
Roy, who was to have a sale as P.e is
moving near Cozad. where ho i-:c
ought land near hi.; brother. Frank.
Cliff Countryman, of Ogallahi. vis
ted his pirouts, Mr. and Mr;. R. K.
'ountryman Monday, going to On'a-
oa .'j'uiuay i!i'-,ni TO
r .i . . , .
attend the Ke-
?nst ru ct ion con irrw..
Mrs. Hun'man. of Plattsmoutl:, who
had been spending a few days at the
home of her r.on, Arthur, returned
home Tuesday iimrning. She was ac-
ixmpar.ied heme by her son. Oscar.
Art and Perry Wright received
word Tuesday morning of the death
of their brother. Jesse's wife. The
family have lived at .Nebraska City
for some time, but formerly lived in
this communitv.
Roy Ossenkop w ho lias been spend
ing most of his time at the home of
lis mother. Mrs. R. G. Glover, since
letting his discharge from
Sam's service. left Tuesday morn
ing for Oconto,, to take uq,
farming, where he was when draft
ed last year.
Miss Mildred Haskins. of Republi
ran City, who .at present is keeping
her father company while he is at a
hospital in Lincoln with an injured
finter. camo down Friday night and
virited until Sunday evening at the
F. Ha
where ho
I from an Omaha hospital.
!had pper.f 4) "days. Frank was mi?h
Jty lad to pet buck home aain. And
while he doesn't look much like a
wood chopper, he is a Ions wr.ys
better than when he left hore, after a Ions siepe of the flu.
Jesse Prown -loaded his household
pnods and farm tools here Mondny
?.nd shipped them to Polorado, where
the f uyily will make their new home.
.Tes'-f and family, went to Nebraska
Pity Wedne.-day morninsr. where they
will visit relatives until the car.
which was- in chart-" of Mr. Davis,
re::'!.Ls its destination.
P. us i-;?ley rettir:;e. last Tkurs
l:;j from ', -..rietia. Te;as.
.vhere he was call-'d atiout tlirte
weeks ago by the S"vre illness of
father, who died. :i f..V days af-
r he reached his ilu? re
liiatned wih.c time :. ft er the funeral
u l is mother. He was accom
panied to Texas by hi-- sifter. of
.'ameis Cooper at.d Mrs. Kthylo
;Ci(di surprised their friends by s!ip' av ay to Nebraska City Satur
day morning and "ettins; married at
the oihee of the Cout.t y Judsre. Tl.ey
returned the san:e - .enins to thelr
Isome in the little br . 1. on st Main
street recently vac; 'el by O. E.
Powers, w here every: iiing was in
rKniiiK" s for house! ping, oven t-.
mvieg t Yit ir. gr: ceri-- bought.
r T"
C 3fi
Frnnk I'.ordner is very sick wit;
yj.hoid fevf-r a the home of his
e-. Mrs. Aur-on liiiroich.
Miss Eia Smith amended Ihe f;:n
:rai cd' her friend. ra GonleT-. r.
.Veep; tig Water Saturday.
G. W. bet rsoti ' as tra nsactin!
busint in Li'iicoli: last
iavi:.g rone up Sen '-;, after
LaUdi i.L-e. who . ;; rec-n
hnrved fror.? til" u'.av-visit
.i H
-uti.Iay here with fri'-nds).
We nidue an 'rr(;r in the date of
.'.7. Her. wan s sale in the last week's
issue cf tl.e l'.t-ncot.. The date b
"e'.rr..:ry 1'Stli instead of February
.nson Iiurdick w;. ca!b-M3 to
i;raska Ci;y W'edne-i'.., v by t h-e (b-::;l-of,
his little four-yc- r-obi gratr.i.on
vho was buried tl;:! ilay.
Mr. and Mr.s. GotrT who have beet:
islting her parcr's. Mr. and Mrs. d
'A'. I'etcr.on, for the past two week .
ft We-'nes-day !'-r .their home a?
o: t b!i ffs.
The remains cd' ti e f;;.e Dr. M"-
who di
ed eariv i::
r. baik i;: Pennsylvania, were brot
o I.i.'eoln lot Friday and buried at
Vavorly on Tuesday of tiiis week he
id" his wife.
Mrs. Ira Kidd and children, who
tave been visi.fintr at t!:e editor,
'loaie i'or the pa.-t two weeks, lf;
Monday for their home near Heart
well. Mrs. Gardner accompanied
hem as far as Lii coin.
George Trimble says that the loj
iu camp "pet one over" on him when
-hy sent that ie:er to the Deacon
d vert ism g hhn as a corn doctor
')Ut he promises to even up tie
core. This send:; g letters to a db
harged soldier's home papjr is a
regular diversion cf the boys in camp
:nd George rays that he pyed the
,'sme with them v. hon he was there,
'e says all the fellows are foot spec
ialists in his department of the army,
s thi't's a fiart of the day's work.
New 3
t fc
Tommy Mason telegraphed his par
ents Monday that he is again back
in the F. S. A. His fdiip docked at
in eastern port the latter part cf the
Mr;;. R. C. Pollard, who had been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Head, at Palmyra, Mo., the pas.t
rive weeks, returned home. Wednes
day afternoon.
Pvt., Frank McConnell. wdio has
?en stationed at Leon Springs, Tex
got an honorable discharge and
arrived home from Camp Dodge on
?liursday morning.
Charles Prince, of Huntington, W.
Va., a nephew of R. M. Prince, liv
ing south of Xehawka. came in last
Thursday and will work for his un
cle on the farm the coming reason.
Orren Pollard was a pasnenger for
Lincoln Saturday affernoou, where
he went to visit at the home of Mrs.
Pollard's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pol-
home of her uncle. Rev. "V
Frank Kusell returned
"Fnclevr-rd am! children returned home on
Tuesday morning.
Superintendent of Schools, II. E.
Huston, has announced to the pat
rons of the school an "opeu house"
by the teachers for Frida' evening
of "this week at eight o'c ock. Ti e
parents are requested to be prerer.t
and assemble, in the high school ar- j
sembly room.
Information received by 11 r. John.
Swartz from h ir, son, Walter, states!
he is again back in the States, his
ship having landed on the eastern
coast one day last week. Walt is
like many- other soldier boys, now
that the war is over, he would lik'
very much to return home.
Miss Mary Ash and Mr. Calvin
Rockwell were married at the Catho
lic c hurch in Mauley last Vednes
day morning. A dance was held at
the home of the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ash, Wednesday
evening. Although the night was
very stormy a number were present.
Congratulations and' best wishes o
the. bride and groom.
The roads that were beginning to
.-how some rem b lance of roads again
titer r, few days of sunshine have
again received a good soaking by
toe appearance of one of the wettest
nov that ver fell. The snow came
Wednesday nigh! :nd Thursday. It
was so col durnod wet that a snow
ball as large c.s a walnut, when
melti-d. would make a quart of wat
er. If yu don't believe it just
look at the roads.
ji 3fr Sf
Misses Adeline Dischoff and
othy Hall spen'-'th,e week end visit
ing at their respective homes in Ne
braska City.
Miss Gladys Whit ford was called
to Iter home in Arlington Monday af
ter receiving the r.cws -of the- death
;: her grandfather.
Mr. an1 Mrs. Robert Enfield, of
Slo- ii. Itiws:, returned home on lael after visiting since
lay at the 'home ol" W. M. Mark.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. S?:ofn;aker,
w ho have i. eu vi.-itintr for several
v eel s at the home of Clarence L'odds
in Omaha, returned home on Tuesday
Miss Gladys Whit ford went to
Arlington hist Friday for a short
visit with her parents and her grand
father, who has been seriously ill.
S-.rer.i.t s Gruber returned home
'at week from Camp Funston. w liere
he hr.d b-.-cti transferred from Camp
Sheridan. Ala., and lie rer-c:ed his
tischr.rL e.
Pvt. John Frans. who has been
'a'ionei at Washing! on. D. C, for
t-ve'-il moot Is as a' member of the
do; or Transport c"-ps. is now at
'amp Dodge, Iowa, awaiting his dis
harge. Lee Furri:; lo;-.t a vaurble horse due to ?ic'.:r.e-s. Th horse
became sick on Saturday afternoon
. hiu coming to town and
v. ;
w here-
:t once to the livery bar
medical a;i was summoned.
.R. A. S.m it'll and wife are leaving
;his week frr So ".th Dakota, where
1 in v w ili live on a ranch. Mr. Smith
w e i '.-known
'.ur.g farmer who has lived hero
r.:ary years. He and his wife will
e greatiy missed by the entire com
u unity.
Wednesday of this week, L. G.
fodd sold to Frank Martin the l0:vlrSs. Tonack hardly knew how she
;cre far mknown as the old home ; was going to manage w ith four sick
d.-.ce northwest cf Xeimwka, where ,vS to be taken care of, fed and
Todd lived a number of years,
This closes out
11 the land Mr. Tod !
iw ned n this vicinity. The sons,
L. G. and Harold, will go to Imperial
where their father has a large tract
of land for them to go to work on.
They have advertise! a public sale
"or March 4th.'
I have an alum da nee of good
white seed corn, Walford Xord.
Piattf mouth. Xeb.
W. F. Xewlaiid and wife with
their children departed last even
ing for Pacific Junction, where they
are visiting with friends.
o Aliead With Your Plans:
E Those hopes can be a reality. ,
Building Restrictions Have Been Removed On
Now is the
timq to
IL-J-Jii -zj'A
fas t i I
Plattsmoutli Garage
J. E. MASON, Proprietor
Roo Service Reo Cars and Trucks
The New Reo 4-Passenger Coupe
For the man who uses his car every day in the year;
who must cover much ground and be in many places
every da3v', regardless of weather conditions, this Reo
is especially made. Wt cordially invite inspection of it.
Mrs. William Wad" end daughter.
Miss Esther, of Two Harbors, Minn..
arrived last week for a visit with
relatives and old friends
Dr. Wort lima n reports the com-,. . i t i -r.n i t--i t .1 ' r. i ti 17 1 1 .
.xoo.o, .. ..
ona cases
.1 i)resei;i. wnii.ii is ei
Tgreea'nle news indeed.
Miss Esther Hart, of Lincoln, re
turned home Thursday after a week's
visit with her aunt, Mrs. W. F. Diers
and family. Miss Hart and Mrs.
Diers were Omaha visitors Monday.
Pearl Mtyfield has finished his
course as a radio operator at Har
vard university and has been assign
ed to duty a wireless operator on
a submarine. He writes from New
London, Conn., but has no permanent
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meisinger are
rejoicing over the arrival of a fine
12 pound baby that arrived at their
home in the country on Wednesday,
February 12, 1919. The Courier is
glad to join .Hie many friends in ex
tending heartiest congratulations.
J. O. Ward is happier than i
has been since he recovered from the
Flu. He is grandpa to a nine pour.u
Ml)V ,hat arrivrd nt the home of ?
2nd Mrs. Edward Ingrim, Jr., on
Tuesday, February 11. lH. Th
Courier congratulates the happy par-
nts on the rcvtr.orable event and
likewise Grandpa Ward on his new
Aire Cnrl TnmapV livin" -west of
Louisville.' has been having a very
busv time lately as her four sons
have been down with the flu and ;
under the care of a physician. They j
are all well again but for a few days'
j amused, with strict orders from her
r.iivsician to keen them ciuiet.
Miss Ruth Fitzgerald returned on
Wednesday of last week from a vis-
it at the T. J. Doyle home in Lin
coln. She reports a very pleasant
time and ha? accepted another in
vitation to visit in Lincoln and will
leave Friday. As that is her form
er home, ,Miss Fitzgerald has many
friends and her stays are alwajs too
shtrt to enable her to see them all.
Ed Ingrim says he has just moved
to town although his family have
been here for several months. Ed
had so much to look after out on the
farm before he could finally let loose
and turn it over to the boys, that he
This is the advice of the War Industries Board.
Maybe you have hoped that anolher year would see your plans of a new
home realized. ,
All farm and ranch buildings.
All schools, thurches, hospitals and public buildings costing not more than
All new homes costing not more than $10,000.00.
plan. Let us help
he had not really become
citizen until last week. He says
there comes a time in every man's
life when lie must surrender the
reins to younger hands, but like
most of the retired farmers who
come to town to live, he feels some
what out of place. It will be a long
time before he will be content to
remain in bed after sunrise, for he
(would much rather be up looking
I after the stock and working up an
appetite for breakfast.
Getting Rid of Coughs
The easiest and quickest way to
get rid of a cold is to take Chamber
la in's Cough Remedy. This prepara
tion has been in use or many years
and its value is fully proven. N'c mat
ter what remedy you use, however,
care must be taken not to contract a
second cold before you have recover
ed from the first one, and there it
serkms danrer of this. A mar of
middle age or older should go to bed
and stay in bed until fully recover
ed. It is better to stay in bed three
days at the start than three weeks
later on.
Journal Want-Ad Pay'
cOiaTeic Eacrtric Light and '
Fever riATi
Built, in a bijr, modern factory,
for lon, dependable, efficient
' Pi
Tel. D. 5003 Omaha, Neb.
Costrs Block.
Res. 313 PHONE Office b67
pr-r'Ml Alteon ." rl-r mt Vt
Eyes Tested nJ Glasses fitted
Night Calls Answerc5 Aftir Eoun
and Sundays by Appointment.
S.30 . n? to 12.00 1:33 V. m. to S:S
"'Ti Plattsmoutli. Neb
you do it.
it" rk