The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 24, 1919, Image 1
Nebraska State Histori cal Society omnia! VOL. XXXVL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 24; 1919. No. 73. 3 THE TEACHERS HELD A COS TUME PARTY EVERY-OTHEE-WEEK SOCIAL AF FAIR PARTAKES OF THE OLDEN LAYS. DANCED THE VIRGINIA REEL And Wore Colonial Garb in Observ ance of Birthday of The Fath er of His Country. From Tliurs.lay's Dally. The teachers of the Plattsmouth city schools held their social meet ing at the gymnasium of the Platts inouth High School last evening:. This delichtful social event of the mid-winter season was in the na ture of a costume party. It being near the anniversary Af the birth day of George Washington, the father of our country, the commit tee cf teachers in charge of the evening's entertainment. had re quested all to dress in Colonial cos tume or in costumes worn in Wash ington's time. Many handsome colonial costumes were worn and the early hours of the evening were devoted to the admiration of the costumes and guessing whom they might be", as the committee had re quested that each wear a mask. When the masks were removed. Progressive Rook wa introduced and several very exciting games were participated in by the merry company. Just about this time a delicious luncheon, consist;:.;: of tr.dv icfcea. salad, olives and coffee, was served and to which all did ample justice. There still being a few moments of the evening left, the teachers in dulged in dancing the Virgina Keel, one of the dances of Washington's time. This provoked much merri ment and laughter and afforded all much pleasure. The teachers of the city schools have been holding these social af fairs in the gymnasium every other Wednesday and in this way have the opportunity of getting together and becoming better acquainted. Thesp occasions ar looked forward to by them with the greatest of pleasure. E ASTERN STAR HAVE A VERY GOOD MEETING Masons and Their V7ives and Friends j Invited to be Present at Social Keetirg Fiom Thi:rF(lay Da!ly. Last veiling at the Masonic Tem ple, the Order of Eastern Star held a very delightful social meeting, at vrich there was a very entertaining program cf nuieal numbers, sing ing and readings presented. Masons an dtheir wives and friends had been invited to attend and a goodly num ber were present. O. A. Moore gave a brief resume of the entertainment which it is proposed be given at the Parmele in the near future for the iionoflt rf thp order. . . :v,. ,-oo n,0'From Friday's Dally. jm me meeLUB i frst time the new superintendent o the Masonic home. Samuel Scott and. wife, were able to meet with the or- der. A delightful lunch w,.s served J by the ladies to the some sixty-five j or seventy persons present. Such social meetings are a of promoting an even greater spir.t j of co-operation among the members. . "" i WILL GIVE ANOTHER DANCE From Friday's Daily. The Woodman Circle ladies will . Jn tfae dischargring of overseas give another of their popular dances ; troops ag thev haVe arrived on this at the M. W. A. hall next Tuesday t fide evening. Good music has been pro-) ' cured and an excellent time is as- CHARGED FROM SERVICE. pured. Those who have attended j dances given by the ladies in theFrom prlday"s Dally, past know that a good time is al- Giles Lair, "better known as 'Red ways in store at these affair's. The .Lair, son of D. J. Lair and wife of proceeds all go into the lodge treas-tbjs city, and who visited here but ury fund for entertainment purposes :a few months since, has just receiv and no one receives any money for Jed his discharge from the navy, and their work in connection with giving, is at this time working for a firm in the dances. Members and friends of Boston, where he is driving a truck, the order are glad to patronize the Giles made an excellent sailor, and dances, knowing that the money thus realized is used to good advantage. Bead the Journal Ada It ays ARRIVED IN U. S. YESTERDAY. From Friday's Daily. " The news dispatches teH of the arrival at Newport News, on the transport Pocahontas, anions some eighty othfr Nebraskans of Corpor al Lester Chriswisser, of Havelock, and a son of A. I. C'hriswisser of that place, and a grandson of Mrs Martha hriswisi-er or this city. Corporal Chriswisser, formerly liv ed in this city and with his parents went to Havelock a number of years a?o, and enlisted early in the war. and has been oversea for some lime. When discharged he will re ttirn to his home ai Havelock. GIVE A VALENTINE AND WASHINGTON PARTY LAST NIGHT THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE METHODIST CHURCH HAVE A VERY PLEASANT EVENING.- From Friday's Dally. Last evening at the Methodist chuirh parlors. the Epworth League which is a young people's society cf that church, held a val entine party at which a large num ber of the young people of the so ciety were in attendance. The meeting in the beginning dealt with the business matters coming before the society, and the meetings denominated as the business and social meeting of the society. Fol lowing the business was the social parts, and was of a valentine and Washington birthday character. Mrs. Frank R. Gobelman and Miss Kafenbergcr being mistresses of the ceremonies." A very enjoyable time was had. and the decoration which were of red hearts, betoken ed the Valentine season, and with tb-e delightful refreshments which followed, the brick ice cream was distinctive in the face that a red heart passed through each brick. In all the members of the league had a very delightful time. PLATTSMOUTH MAN ELECTED TREASURER From Fridays Dally. -At the conclusion of the conven tion of the County Treasurers State Convention which has been in ses sion at Lincoln for the past week, announced the election of the offi cers of the association for the com ing year which contained as its treasurer, Michael Tritsch of this citv. Mr. Tritsch has just complet- Ld the servine of a term in this position and witn the effective work has been asked accept the position for another year. Mr. Tritsch is well qualified for the position to which the association lias called him. and haa also proven an excel leut officer as county treasurer for this. Cass county. The list of offi cers as elected are as follows: President M. L. Endres. Omaha. V. President Miss Myrtle Lan caster. Sidney. Secretary It. O. Allen. Blair. Treasurer Mike Tritsch. Platts mouth. LIEUT. HARRY F. STONE ARRIVES HOME 0n the noon train Lieut Harry Jp g know him && Floyd arrJved from he hay. & since dscharg. &t Camp nix N L,emeaant Stone enlisted in ..Dandv sixth on June 23, J9l-t and "after a short time was f (o Camp od) ,n New Mexico, hp remajned for a nunil)er of months, and was afterwards sent to Camp Dix, where he has been for ' some time. Lieut. Stone has been assistinc for the past three months. with the expiration of his term of j enlistment, was pleased to get back into civil life, where the opportuni ties are promising, of advancement. PLATTSMOUTH CAN BOAST GOOD SINGERS THIS FACT CLEARLY DEMON STRATED AT COMMUNITY SING LAST NIGHT. HAVE FLENTY OF TALENT HERE This Has been a Singing Week in the Old Tow Even the Kids Held Their Song-Fest. From Friday's Daily. This has been a Week of Sous throughout our grand land. It has been observed in every city, town and village of our nation. The old er residents of this city will be pleased to learn that one of the orig inators of the "Community Sing" is a former Plattsmouth lady. Mrs. Iavid Campbell. These Community Sings are promoted by the Commis sioner of Education and a commit tee of the best musicians of the na tion. In our little city Community Sing has been observed in various ways. Last Sunday the. churches of our city observed it by the singing of an additional number of songs at their morning antl evening service. The members of Eastern Star order, at their regular lodge meeting on Wednesday evening, sang a number of the old and familiar songs. Dur ing the intermission between the first and second shows at the Tar- mele and Gem Theatres cn Wednes day evening, they sang. A number of the lingers of he city wer- in attendance and led the audience in singing some of the familiar songs. Even the children held their "Community Sing". The children of the First to the Sixth grades, in clusive, gathered in the High School gymnasium yesterday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock to sing. A very pleas ing program of songs by the little folks, interspersed with the united singing of some of the familiar songs, was rendered. At the same time the pupils of the higher grades, including the High School, assemb led in the Hisxh School auditorium and participated in a program of song. Last evening at 7:30 the City Community Sing was" held in the auditorium of the public library. Here too, a program of vocal and instrumental music was given. Mrs. E. H. Wescott took charge of this Sing and led the audience in a num ber of rousing songs. She was ably assisted in the singing1 by the High Sfhool Glee club, while Mr. E. II. Wescott presided at the piano. The special selections were unusually well rendered. They, included a number of selections by the High School Glee Club, a violin solo by Mr. Miles Altman. vocal selection, "Home Again, by Mr. D. C. York, and a vocal selection by a male quar tet composed of Messrs. F. A. Cloidt, II. G. McCluskey, Dr. R. I. West over and L. G Minor. In the future, it is -lioped the members of the High School Glee Club will promulgate these Com munity Sings. In all probability they will be held in the High School auditorium and may be a source of pleasure and profit to the Commun ity. ALL ARE PRETTY WELL SATISFIED From Friday's Dally. Another young American in the vicinity of Cedar Creek, a few days since and more than one family is happy. The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meis inger and left a young American with them, whom they are well sat isfied to call Meisinger, but the first name is a little difficult, to get settled, as both of the grandparents would like the honor of having the. young man named for them. That don't matter except to them but the young man and mother is doing finely, and the father, well, he is getting along all right, but Grand father Adam Meisinger, Je is feel , ing about the best on account of be ' ing a "Foxy Grandpa" and no ' wonder for the little fellow is one of the finest in the land. CELEBRATES &6IH BIRTHDAY. Ben Elson and Wife Entertain in Hcucr of Henry Boeck And Wife. From Thursday's D.iiiy Eiizaboth lleeson writes home, of attending (he Sfith birthday anni versary dinner for Mr. Henry Boeck now in L-s Ansel', given by Mr. and Mrs. lien Elson. A lovely ." course dinner was served in honor of Mr. Uoock who is in the best of health, enjoying hi : ;Ui winter, in Sunny California, ('overs were laid for fcur'een. Th:-c present were: Mr. and Mrs. Boeck. Mrs. Sue Mor risy and Mr?. Emma Van ( have and Mr. and Mrs Jacob Wolf and son Julius, Mr. and Mrs. M. Way bright. Elizabeth Bev.-on and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Elsoi.. A WELL AP POINTED EAT ING. HOUSE LOUIS RUSSELL MAKES SOKE IM PORTANT IMPROVEMENTS IN HIS RESTAURANT. A VERY POPULAR INSTITUTION Doing A Good, And Pre- paied to Care .tor All Busi ness That Comes. From Friday's Dally. We stepped into the "remodelled and nicely appointed eating house of Louis Russell, ai d were pleaded at the new, . arrangement, which provides for more set vice and better service as well. The lunch count er which is in the rear, which is constructed in the shape of a horse shoe, allowing the ones v. ho serve working on the inner -side of the circle, while thoe who are served occupy, the out.-i'Je. Inside is a pyramid, like built recepticals for goods, which makes the mat'er of set ins: at the tilings which is de sired to serve, and which faciliate? the serving. The kitchen which is in the rear cn the south allows of the preparing of the meals and short orders in the mot approved style. The dining room is situated on the west side in front, which makes it very handy for both the public and the one who serves. This institu tion is enjoying a good business not alone for the good location, but for the excellent meals which is served by Mr. Russell, and the very courteous treatment cf the patrons by those who are employed by the eating house. ELK GANGES ARE GROWING IN FAVOR As Evidenced by Increasing Atten dance Another One Next Thursday Night. From Friday's Daily. That there is a growing interest among the members cT the Elks in dancing is evidenced by the increas ing attendances at the dances given at their club rooms. Last night there was present one of the largest crowd of merrimakers to attend any of the dances this seasoji and everyone enjoyed-themselves immensely. As a result of this interest another dance has been announced for next Thurs day 'evening, commencing promptly at 8: SO o'clock. There is some com plaint on the part of the committee as to the lateness of the hour many of the members come and it is de sired to start the dancing promptly at the hour named and quit a little earlier than they have been wont to do. The floor at the Elks home is one of the best in the city for danc ing and "good music is furnished by the Kroehler orchestra. The members mi- fmeiv nt these a ffai rs. v h ich is ! responsible for the good times had by those who attend. FARH FOR SALE. The E. R. Todd Homestead SO acre improved farm, 3 miles west cf Plattsmouth, now owned by Russel Todd. Price $250.00 per acre. T. IL- Pollock, Plattsmouth.' HE TELLS OF ARMY LIFE IN PHILIPPIN s PRIVATE CHARLES WITTSTRUCK, WRITES SISTER IN WASH INGTON FROM P. I. IN THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT And Hopes to be Released in Couple of Uonths Says First Winter Not to Shovel Snow. From Thursday's Daily. Jut how it seems to be basking in the sunshine a nil warmth of thellT Philippine Islands, while his friends at home are being viiited with snow and cold weather, is graphically de scribed in the .following letter from Private Charles Wittstruck. to his -i.-ter. Mrs. John F. IJuik. who live in Washington: Po't Hospital. Fort Mills. Manilla Ray. P. I. Dec. 2S. i)e;:r Sister. Rrother and Niece: I thought I would drop you a few lines thi-: afternoon to let you know I am veil and hope you folks are till Ihe same. I have started you a letter several times, but could not think of ar.y news to write, so gave it t:p as a bad job. I haven't written to anyone lately. I got a letter from mother Christmas which I answered and thought I would answer yours, as well. I received the candy you sent me some time ago, and it sure was grand. I appreciate it very much. I wrote and told mother I was go- iwx i,o see yo'i folks before'. I pome home. That is if they pay us off in Frisco. Hut if they just give me a ticket to the place where I enlisted 1 will have to go home frst. But,; ls I understand it they will pay us I off in Frisco. How is Adeline getting along now. I sure would love to see her. I only draw 21 resos now as my Liberty bonds take SO pesos out of my pay rnd insurance takes 12. SO. so 1 don t nave very raucii coming , each month you see. But I will try and send you a penant pay day. I look to get out in a couple of months. It sure was a beautiful sunset last night anu uie cncKeis were calling just like summer back home. I have lots to tell you wnenjthe execution of Harry Hill, an event I get back. Oh say, "Tom." this is . (. rriminal historv of t'ass coun- the first winter I ever passed without setting hit in the back with a snow all. This is one of the two places where you don't have to shovel snow. When I get back ask me about the trip to Niac, over in the Carite province. It sure was some inter esting trip, but it would take two Hours for me to write it. Had my picture taken again the other day. and will send you one if I can get them out in time. Well, I will have to c'os as its nearly time to go to work. Am still getting tue Plattsmouth Journal and sure do en joy it. I will send you a ciose-up view of a Philippine shack. Well, ood-bye, from your loving brother. Chuck. PVT. CHAS. WITTSTRUCK. Med. Dept.. Fort Mills, Manila Bay. P: I. MAKING APPLICATION FOR SUPERINTENDENCY HERE ,om Thursday's Daily. -Professor M. A. Sams, who is mak ing his home at Elair at present, and who was a candidate for coun ty superintendent of Douglas coun ty at the recent election, was in the city" today interviewing the Board of Education as to the possibility of securing the position of superinten dent of the city schools for the com ing year. Mr. Sams has been en gaged in the school business for the greater portion of his life, much of the time as a superintendent, and is ably qualified for the position to which he aspires, according to the line of references which he carries. FOR SALE 2 HERFORD BULLS I have for sale, two roung high bred registered Herford bulls, four teen and fifteen months of age re-s-pectiveiy. Inquire of Fred T. Ramge. Phones 102 and 532, Plattsmouth, Xeb. 5-tfw WAS 23 YESTERDAY. From Friday's Daitr. Yesterday was the twenty-third j birthday of Lisle Mullis, who has just returned from the service a few days-since, and is at this time con sidering the proposition of engag ing in the Florist business again. Mr. Mullis was conducting a good business before departing for the war, and has returned and found the business all going to Omaha. He knows the business, and is able to conduct a place in the best manner, and will decided within a short time what course he will pursue. Q. Z, SOCIETY EN TERTAINED AT MRS. NELS JEAN HOME BEING REGULAR BUSINESS SESSION. BUSINESS WAS FIRST IN ORDER. After Which a Delightful Social Time Was Had and a Luncheon tfras Served by the Hostess. From Thursday's Daily. The Q. Z. society of the Presby terian church were very pleasantly entertained yesterday afternoon at the cozy home of Mrs. Nelson Jean in the north part of the city. This was their regular meeting and the usual business session was held. During this business session var ious plans and arrangements were made for the future work of the so ciety. The work of this society was somewhat handicapped last fall on account of the Spanish Influenza epidemic, but it is to be hoped that their plans may be carried out dur ing the coming spring months. After the business session the members of the Q. Z. society In dulged in a delightful social time and various other amusements cal dilated to make this afternoon's entertainment, most enjoyable to all. The hostess served a dainty lunch eon at a convenient time which was very much appreciated by the large number, in attendance. ttaFPKNSTANCE OF THE DAYS GONE BY l From Thursday's Daily. While ( L. Graves was in the city this morning, he was showing the Journal raan a card of admission to ty which occurred on the 1st day of March. 18 95. or almost 24 years ago. Mr. Hill and his partners had gone to the home of a Mr. Akeson. near Weeping Water, and there murder ed the farmer in order to accomplish their end, namely, rob him of his money. The execution was held in an enclosure constructed near the old jail on Pearl street, the ticket of admission being issued by J. C. Eikenberry, who was then sheriff. To Liberty Bond Holders! IT has been reported that many holders of small denomination Liberty Bonds in need of ready money are selling these se curities at anywhere up to 25 'yo discount Perhaps these patriotic investors do not know that these bonds are bought and sold dally on the N. Y, Stock Exchange and they can always be sold at close their face value. Do not part with jour bonds unless you positively must. If money needs be raised use them as col lateral for a loan. If you are obliged to sell see that you get full market value for them sharpers ' are at work. First National Bank Pl&.nsmoath, Nebraska. A FAREWELL GATHERING OF RED -I- LADIES XESTERDAY AFTERNOON. WHEN REMAINING WORK WAS CLEANED UP. TO GIVE UP WORK ROOM SOON All Quotas Assigned to Plattsmouth Chapter Have Eeen Filled Promoted Friendship. From Thursday's Dally. ' As per announcement, a laro number of the Hed Cross Workers, both in the Surgical Dressings and Hospital Garment departments, gathered at the lied Cross work room yesterday afternoon for the purpose of spending the afternoon together in a social way. There were thirtv-five of the workers. who came to the work room during the hours of two and five. As they indulged in various di versions and other amusements, a number of the ladies plied the busy needle on some of the dressings and garments. In this way all the work has been completed, all the quotas have been filled. These quotas will be sent out during the early part of the coming week. The lied pross rooms will then be released, he war being at an end. there be ing .no further duties of quotas or continual demands to be filled Jy the local charter. So, the delightful occasion of yes terday afternoon vas in the nature o; a farewell an opportunity of be ing together once more. During the course of this afternoon's enter tainment, impromptu toast wer given. Mrs. William Baird. the chairman of the Plattsmouth chap ter, acting as Toast mi stress and call ed on a number of the workers for short talks. Some of those re sponding were Mesdames W. S. Leete, Fannie Dickson. J. S. Livintr ston. Mary Allison, M. Tritsch. F. R. Gobelman. John Swoboda. J. E. Wiles and others told of the enjoy ment anft pleasure derived from their work, of the many new friend ships they had formed, many f which would be lifelong friendship. The New Comfort Victrola fur nished many excellent selection which were highly enjoyed by those fortunate enough to be present. De licious ice cream and cake were erved, which materially assisted in the pleasures of the afternoon. As the hour of five drew near, the ladies dispersed, having spent a delightful afternoon. Wall Paper. Taints. Glass. Picture Framing. Frank Gobe'man. Journal Want-Ad Pay!