THURSDAY, JT-BftU JtY.- 0. 1 5 t PAGE SIX. , PUitTSHOtiTH . SEMI-WEE!."! JOUBNAL mm razmmswrwtmM mm fmrrnvrnmsmmmmmmmmmmmam. m m a n ANNOUNCING Advance Showing of Ladies' Spring M 13 ff ra Fashionable Garmants Inviting Your Inspection! A second shipment of those Popular Capes on the way and expected to arrive within a few days. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS! U B m m a a it The Ladies' Toggery FRED P. BUSCH, Manager toTBiTBnw-ja:: wn r.a.tmaw? : mzwr. oitiiKii r iikmi; ml Nolle- n lrltlin for Scl llrmrn' -t r-otiut In the County i'ourl of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss: Ti all prisons intf-rf t-ii in the es tate of William A. I'.rown. I - ensel : r I f ai'.inif tl.e n"-ttion of Kuialine Ilrown. KN-i-ut ri . . ray inn a filial set tlement ;inl aliowanc" of her account tileil in this 'niirl on the Utli lay of I . cetuher. lls. nti'l for as.-ijrnnient of saiil estate u.! the ilischa re of the xecutrix : It is li-r-liy ordere.l that you ami all persons interested in s;iil matter mav. anl lo. appear at tl.e County Court to ..- hel.l iti an.l for saul county, on t'f I'-ith lav of Kehr.iai y. . I . 1 f 1 i. at ! orldrk a. in., to show cause, if any It. ere he. why tin- prayer of the peti tioner shouh! not he tirante.l. ami that notice of the ciiilrtiry of sahl petition ::ml tiie hearing tliereof l.e xiven toall persons interested in saiil uuitter hy pu hi ishinjr if copy of this onier in the 1'iattsinoutii Journal. a semi-weekly i.-wspuper piiiitcl in sahl cnunty, for one week prior to sail ilay of hearintr. In itr-.-s whereof. I have hereunto set my haml ami t!i- real or saul ourt this ir,tli diiv of Kel.n:ary. A. I . 1119. allkx .i. i:i:i:sn. Seal) County JulKe. A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspepsia and constipation weak ens the whole system. Doan's Reg ulets (30c per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug Mores. Weekly Specials! 10 lb. can Karo syrup "c ."" lb. can a Kro syrup 45c 1 lb. can Karo syrup 15c 4 lbs. 'Pancake flour 40c Shredded Wheat IHscuit. Puffed Hice. Puffed Wheat. Grape Nuts, per pkg 15c Peanut Butter, per lb 25c 3 lbs. Quail Oats, per pkg 30c 5 boxes n: a tones for 29c Naval Oranges, per doz 50c Lemons, per doz 35c 10 bars Uob White soap 60c Lava soap, per bar 10c 2 pkgs. Lux wash powder 25c 2 bars Ivory soap 15c 2 pkgs. Gold Dust 15c 2 pkgs. Sea foam 1 15c Evaporated Apples, per lb 25c Cal. Prunes, per lb'. 12ic 3 cans Kraut 39c 3 cans Pumpkin 39c No. 2 can Tomatoes 20c No. 1 can Tomatoes 15c 2 .cans Campbell soups 25c No. 2 Sweet Potatoes 25c 2 lbs. Japan Rice 2 5 c 3 cans god corn 1 50c 8 lbs. pure Buckwheat flour 95c 4 lbs. pure Buckwheat flour 50c Washington Crisp, per pkg 10c Pink Safmon, . per can 25c Red Salmon, per can 30c E. P. LUTZ D 0 mi a,:, mm: r mrKznzumai mzmtvmjm WAS MARRIED LAST SATURDAY. From Tuesday's Dally. We had missed Thomas Hender son, the genial and very obliging brakeman on numbers 14 and 15 of the Burlington, the latter passing through here in the early morning and the former returning late at night, and we 'wondered where he was. Our query was answered last evening when we saw Mr. Hender son step off the train in citizen's clothes, instead of his regular rail road uniform, and dressed like a dandy at that, and when we had gotten down to where he was wait ing while the train was standing. we saw by the happy smile some thing had happened. Tom just out and said. Yes, we were married last Saturday in Oma ha and are on our way to Afton, Iowa, where we will spend our honeymoon, at the home of my uncle Martin Henderson. The bride's name waa formerly Miss Hilda M. Smith of Atchison, Kansas. The newly married couple will make their home at Lincoln, where a nice home is already prepared for their use. ?.Ir. Henderson does not ex pect to remain permanently on the passenger run, but will take ' a freight run out of Lincoln. The Journal join his many friends here in wishing the most of prosperity and happiness to this new house hold. Don't Fool Yourself. A man suffering from backache, rheumatic pains, stiff joints or sore muscles may laugh and say these symptoms of kidney trouble "don't amount to anything." It is follj to ignore Nature's warnings. Foley Kid ney Pills give quick relief in kidney or bladder troubles and "it is better to be safe than sorry." Sold every where. CHRIST & GHRIST. Photographers. Make a specialty of good por traits. Do enlarging, copy fend ccored work. , Kodak finishing, etc. We narartee all work. . Sunday sittings by appointment. We are alwavs here. Telephone 645. Coates Block Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Cheapest accident insuran?e Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For .burns, scalds, cuts and emergencies. AH druggists sell it. 30e and 60c. Stationery at tho Journal nflt SHIRTS! SHIRTS! SHIRTS! NUP. Spring line of Shirts is in. Before we -place these Shirts in stock we are going to reduce our present stock. While this is not a general mark down' sale, several lines and sizes will show the O and O ticket (odds and ends and over stock) at liberal reductions. This includes the famous Man hattan, Ide and Furgusan McKinney makes. Our cheapest Shirt for spring will be S2, with an excellent'grade . of Madras or Percale at $2.50 and 3.00. So you will find some real values in Shirts we have in stock $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Work shirts, dress shirts,' every day shirts, some night shirts, Sunday shirts, silk shirts, undershirts and pajamas. HELD FREAK PARTY LAST EVENING CONGREGATION OF THE METHO DIST CHURCH HAVE FUN AND SAY GOODBYE TO THE FAMILY OF A MEMBER Men Served the Refreshments while Everyone Seemed to Vie in the Strange Apparel Worn From WednesOay's Dally Last evening at the Methodist church parlors there was a most unique ' Freak" party indulged in by the members of that church, the oc casion being a farewell reception to one of their fellow members, E. C. Hill and family, who have been very material workers in the church dur ing their residence in Plattsmouth. The "Freak" party was truly what the name implies. As Mr. and Mrs. Hill are removing to a farm the various auxiliaries of the church of which any of the family were mem bers, and that includes nearly every branch of activity within the church, presented them with some sort of farm tool in miniature. The Loyal Workers, also presented them with some cut glass candlesticks, which were very beautiful and will come in handy on the farm, where they will probably not have the conveniences of electric lights. There was a musical program along with other stunts arranged to pass away the -evening hours and this was indeed one thing after an other. The whole assemblage enjoy ed the various features of the even ing, each of which seemed more com ical than its predecessor. To the some two hundred members who were present the men of the church, furnished the feed and did the serving. V. T. Arn. the clever meat salesman at the S. S. Chase market, acted as the chief Chef and made an excellent man for the posi tion. Then too, they do say that John W. Crabill was one of the most beautifully attired waiters ar.d did excellent service In that capacity as well. In all the affair was one which brought forth much merriment, at the same time demonstrating to Mr. Hill and his family the appreciation of the different organizations with in the church for the services they have rendered to the various activi ties of church work' during their stay in the city. The best wishes of a host of close friends of this family, both within and without the church will accom pany them to their rural home. WILL OPEN THE FERRY SOON. From Tuesday" Dally. This afternoon John Richardson went to Omaha, where he will make some purchases of supplies for his ferry which is located just below the Burlington bridge. Mr. Richardson is making arrangements to get his ferry boat into the water as soon as the weather will permit. His son, Claude and nephew, Eugene, went to Omaha with him today and will as sist in getting the necessary ropes and other material needed. GOOD WHITE SEED CORN. I have an abundance of good white seed corn, Walford Nord, Plattsmouth. Neb. 8-tfd&w Henry Specht of LaPlatte "was a visitor in this city for a short time this afternoon looking after some business. RECEIVE WORD THEIR DAUGHTER VERY SICK Dr., and Mrs. C. A. Marshall Depart for East Yesterday in Response ' to Telegram Received. From Wednesday's Haily: Last evening, . in response to a telegram apprising them of the ser ious illness of their daughter. Mrs. Floyd Bull, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Mar shall departed for the east on Bur lington train two, bound for Cali fornia, Pennsylvania, wh.ere their daughter, formerly .Miss Gladys Mar shall, has been making her home for some time. The parents hasten ed east in response to the message stating their daughter has a very ser ious case of pneumonia, in order to arrive at her bedside and be of what assistance they may in administer ing to her care. They are hopeful that upon their arrival they will find her much improved. The many friends of Mrs. Bull in Plattsmouth will be pleased to hear encouraging news from her bedside soon. W. C. T. U. From Tuesday's Daily. A very pleasant afternoon spent by the ladies of the W. was C. T. V., at the home of Mrs. E. H. Wes cott yesterday afternoon. As this was the day observed by the W. C. T. IT. aS Memorial Day in honor of Miss Francis Willard, a special program was rendered which was greatly enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Geo. Kaffenberger having charge of the program. The following program was giv en: Song "America." Scripture Lesson Mrs Hunter. Address, Americanizing A. V. our Na- tion Mrs. Fred Mann. Song Helen and Edgar Wescott. A biography of the life of Francis Willard Bernice Newell. Instrumenal Solo Genevieve Whalen. Address, The Blessedness of Re ceiving Mrs. R. B. Hares. Solo Misa Larson, accompanied by Miss Estelle Baird. Duet Gladys and Golda Kaffen berger, Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. A social hour was then spent after which the ladies departed for their homes feeling the afternoon had been well spent. ALBERT NELSON ARRIVES BACK IN NEW YORK CITY From Tuesday's Daily. v A telegram yesterday to friends in Louisville told of the arrival of Al bert Nelson, who has been overseas for many months. He is in a hospital in the eastern city and will not be able to come home for some time yet as a result of wounds received in ac tion several months ago. He w'ill be treated there until such time as he shall be able to be discharged from the service and return to Louisville to greet his many friends. WOULD HAVE COURT ENFORCE CONTRACT From Tuesday's Dally. A petition was filed in the court yesterday. wherein Edward H. Spangler brings suit to enforce the execution of a contract for the sale of a farm to him by Ransom M. Cole. Some time since, through his agent Wm. Jean. RaTisom Cole, so the petition alleges, sold by con tract certain lots of land, located near Mynard, on which he paid $2, 000.00 and the remainder to be paid in tKe first day of March 1919. The sale it is claimed was confirmed by letters and messages, and later, to obtain a compliance with the speci fication of the contract. Mr. Spang ler enters court, and seeks an exact fulfilment of the contract, . and de posits with the court the remainder of the purchase price, of $29,100.00, which with the $1,000.00 already paid would make the entire amount $32,100.00. In case the contract is not specifically fulfilled, a damage of $4,000.00 is asked. How to Keep Well "Keep the bowe'is open" Is one rule of heulth recommended by all schols of medicine. Foley Cathartic Tablets cleanse the bowels, sweaten the stomach and benefit the liver. For indigestion, biliousness, a bad breath, bloating, gas or constipation no remedy is more highly recommend ed. Fine for stout persons. Sold ev erywhere. FOR SALE. , Improved 80 acres, three miles west of Plattsmouth, two hundred and fl:ty dollars per acre. For par ticulars inquire of T. H. Pollock.. 3-d&w. , Feel languid, weak, run down? Headache? Stomach "off?" A good remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters. Ask your druggist. Price, $1.25. ASKING JUDGMENT FOR COMMISSION ON A LAND DEAL CHARLES C. PARMELE AND WILL S. JEAN BRING SUIT FOR SUM ALLEGED DUE. This the Second Suit to be Filed in Case of the Sale of Edward H. Spangler Farm. From Velielay's Daily. Folowing very closely the suit entered by Edward H. Spangler, to compel the fulfillment of the terms of sale of a farm by Hanson M. Cole to himself, as recited in the Journal of recent date, comes the filing last' evening of a suit by Charles C. I'ur- mele and Will S. Jean, asking for a ; judgment in the sum of $S02.50, as commission for the sale of the farm, which was consummated, as is al- i Ieged, at the rate of $:',00 per acre, and the petition states, the farm was to cost $:;0.100, of which sum1 $2,000 was paid by the purchaser at the time of making the contract, and stating also that the contract was made through the medium of letters and telegrams between them and Mr. Cole, who is iu the west. 1 Whatever the outcome of the cases filed against Mr. Cole, it is a fact that Cass county land is selling at a high price, as compared with that of many other "localit ies over the state. and from the readv sale which land finds in this community wo arc lead to believe this farm worth the mon ey contracted to be paid for it. i MEMBERS OF B. P. 0. E. HEARD EXCELLENT TALK District Deputy Exaulted Ruler T. A. Moon Present at Meeting and Made Address. From "Wednesday's Dally. 1 Last evening at the regular meet ing or t'lattsmoutn L.ouge -no. R. P. O. K. there was present the Dis trict Deputy Exaulted Ruler, Frank A. Moon, wjio had much to say in commendation of the order of Elks, which he declares is in the most ex cellent condition it has ever been. T I.C. . -1 . . 1 I . - 4 ii . i i i". i ii Imltrn '1 111 1 : , , lv. Hu will receive m return a trial to the assistance of Uncle Sam on. ... i . .package containing Foley s Honey every one of the calls of our gov- .... , ... and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds ernment and besides furnishing a , and croup. Foley Kidnev Pills and large number of its men to the ser- ' . , i Folev Cathartic Tablets. Sold every- vice kept filled the cofffrs of dona- tion and Liberty Rond sales, all the, while with the good of the nation at j heart. Mr. Moon, whose onlv son is ! For any itchiness of the skin, for in the service, and who is soon to be discharged from the hospital at Camp Dodge, spoke in a very patriotic strain, declaring that the order is ( an ail-American one and expressing great satisfaction that it had re sponded so nobly to the needs of the nation at war. Mr. Moon had with him an interrj esting memorial, in the nature of an : Iron Cross, given him by his son. who took it from the uniform of a dead German officer on the battle field in France. The Deputy went to Nebraska City today where he will meet with Lodge No. 1049 of that place this evening. , VISITING WITH COUSIN HERE. From 'Wednesday's Dally. Daie C. Mead cf Strattoh, Colo., a cousin of C. D. Quinton. who has Just been released from the army, where he was performing duty on the Mexican border, is visiting at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Quinton of this city. Mr. Mead, was former ly located at Avoca. and some years since remembered as having played here with Avoca ball. team, during a county tournament. He looks ifine and since the time when he was here has grown to be much larger. Says It Is the Best in the World. Are you looking for a sate, relia ble remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whoopng cough? A. II. McDan- iel, Box 51, Lindside, V. Va.t writes,! "I am glad to tell-you that Foley's j Honey and Tar is the best medciine in this world. I had a severe cough. Someone recommended it and before I u,sedhalf a bottle I was better. Sold everywhere. George Lohnes and wife were in the' city this morning from their home near Cedar Creek, and were trnasacting some business with the merchants while here. CASTOR I A For Lnfans and Children !n Use for Over 30 Years. Always beam the Signature 9 Mi that is a simple example in subtraction, and represents your saving in time, labor in laundry and repairs, when you wear Hatch One Button Union Suits one button is all that is necessary. comfortable, convenient, "classy." does the work of the "regular nine buttons." you'll like the idea. Heavy weight, part wool, $2.75 Medium " " " 2.25 f Still have a few of those medium weight cotton fleece ribbed union suits at $1.50 C. E. Wescott's Sons 'EVERYBODY'S STORE' IN THE DISTRICT COURT. From Tuesday's Dallj. t In the district court this morn ing was filed a case entitled Ray Christ weisser vs. Frank W. Schlich temeir, for the balance of the pur chase price of 1059 bushels of corn, which Mr, Christ weisser alleges he sold and delivered to the defendant and for which lie avers there is still (Iuh after an initial payment of $30.00, the sum of $1,410. as the price was $1..1C a per bushel. HAVE REGULAR MINISTER NOW. From Wednesday's Daily. The Mission church in South Park has secured Rev. Paul Worcester, of Tabor. Iowa.. for their minister, and services jvill be conducted regularly in the future. They have a small building in South Park, which they are using as a church building. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., j28..". Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., ii r i ' ill your name and address clear- ". pwup.-, r.u. i., Doan's Ointment. 60c at all drug stores. Henry Stander of Louisville was a visitor in this city for a short time this morning and returned to his home at Louisville after having looked after some business here. TESSSSBSSSa THE UNIVERSAL CAP SPARK PLUGS AT REDUCED PRICES 4 12-inch Champ;on X. f or Fords J $ .75 ig-inch Champion X Porcelains .40 "'s-inch Buick and Chevrolet .75 -inch A. C. Titan, for Buick, Reo, Dodge, Overland, Oak land, Mitchell, Hudson and Liberty 1.00 ALCOHOL per Gallon 1.10 RAEIAT0R COVERS for Fords 1.50 We have several new 1919 Ford cars in' stock at the following prices: jj Runabout r $500 Touring Car 5r5 Coupelet 650 Sedan 7J5 One-ton Truck Chassis 5J0 THESE PRICES F. O. B. DETROIT Better call now and get one of these cars or if you are not ready for a Ford now sign an order for future .delivery and get a car when you want it. BARGAINS IN USED FORDS Fordson Tractors in Stock- Call and Look Them Over Storage and Repairs OPEN DAY AND NIGHT T. H. Pollock Garage Phone No. 1 PUtUmouth, Nebr. SEED SPRING WHEAT FOR SALE. I have abouf 200 bushels the. celebrated Marquis beardless spring wheat, and about 50 bushels of the bearded spring wheat similar to the blue stem variety, for sale on my farm near Mynard. Excellent quality and clean of foreign seeds. Call Sherman Cole, phone 4014. daw FOR SALE JACK AND STALLION I have for sale or trade, one five year old jack, sure foal getter, and one Percheron nine-year old, 1,700 pound stallion. Sound in every par ticular. See MInchau & Sacks, Ea.ct Side garage, Eagle, Nebr. f6-8w K"K"K"I-I"I- -I"I"I'-:--I"IK W. A. R0EERT30N, Lawyer. 4 East of Riley Hotel. Coates Elock, Second Floor. Subscribe for the Journal. OR. R. P. VVEST0VER . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Coates Block. Res. 313 PHONE Office 667 DR. H. C. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PJUSICIAN 5pe?ftl Attention t W'oaara ACUTE DiSEARF TREATED Eyes Tested nJ Glasses totted Night Calls Answered Aftir Eojn and Sundays by Appointment. 8.30 a. m. to 12:00 1:39 D. m. to 5.M f k a m zfiw taiisiiiuu'.ii, ncu