The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 20, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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n two
Comforting relief from pain
makc9 Sloan's the
World's Liniment
This famous reliever of rheumatic, ecrrncss, stiffness, painful
sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that humanity
F'iSers from, enjoys its great eclca
becauss it practically never failJ to
trir,g speedy, comforting relief.
Always ready for use, it takes little
to penctralewithoulrubbin and produce
results. Clean, refreshing. At all drug
stores. A large bottle rrteans economy.
From Mnd.iy'j- laily.
Janies Alloway of below I'nion.
wax looking after some business
matters at the court house this
Jaiius Pitman of near I'nion was
a visitor in this city for the day
-u;ni:iS to look alter i-ome matters
at tin' court hu. -.
Ceortze Klioden of near .Murray
was a viitor in I'latteniouth thi.-.
morning, coming to look after some
buiiu-j5s for the day.
M'-ivin Sell 1 Itf tri of Louisville
v.;ts a visitor in this city this fore
noun, fuming to --ee about some
bu.-ines at the court house.
James Hatched of .Murray was a
hu-iness visitor in thi. city this
Kiorniii v. ;jer' he is looking after
-.'ine h.isihtss for the day.
A. 15. IViruulT of mar ("ullom was
called to this city this morning on
.iccutini of sci'se business which he
had to look alter for tlu lay.
A Jam i:iiip"r was a vi.-it-.r in
this i'y from his h-itm. i'e::r Cedar
Creek coming 'iov.n dm !, morning
frein to look alter b'.liiue-is.
I'rrd Schieifert of Louisville war
a i.-i;ir in th i; city for the day to
day, and was looking after tome
ht'.dtu at the eourl hoti-e and in
the city.
C. I!. Sieele was linking after
f-ome biine.'-s for the day. ciming
down on the early train thin morn
ing and ' re liming to his home al
Louisville this evening.
Mrs Phillip Alb.-rt. if near Cedar
'reek. v. ho has been visiting in thi::
city in1-: Smiih'.y. :it th- bom- of her
iri'.t-. Keriry S-iii'lrrs aed wife, de
parted this ii'.oriiin;; for lu-r home.
Mi.s.ui Mary Ito:- i.cratis and Klv.t
Hartford, who are ii'tciidini: school
at l";!!vue. were visitor:; at th-dr
homes in this ei'y over Sunday, re
turiiitig t n ..iinii' their -Midie:; this
T.'iorni;;'. .
Jacob W. Trit:-(h and wife from
'.'.est of .Myn.trd were hi the city for
a 'liort time thi:, allcrmvin. on their
v.;iv to Norfolk, where. they are
looking after some bi:ine--; fr:r a
shor' time.
J. !. P.ramh-I? from le-ar I'nio.i,
was a business visitor in ,1'lalt.s-nn-uili
coming to care lor .-onic matter.-,
which he had at the cetirt
hn.i -c and also t i se- about jiinic
Imsine-s in the city.
Kay f hri-v,i-:er and family from
tludr heme near Nchawka. wen in
this city t.r the day. coming to
Lorne in and C
rand fay
Youl work hand for your money
paixk H;j ii will then work for you:
Farmers State Sank
look after some business and to
visit with friends as well, being
guests at the home of Mrs. Martha
Chris wisser.
Pather IHgffins. of Mauley, was a
visitor in this city over Sunday, be
ing a guest while here of Father II.
. Shine. He departed this morning
lor Omaha, where he will look after
same business matters for the day,
returning to his home at Manley this
H. II. Bartling of Nebraska City
was in the city last Saturday, com
ing to meet with the delegates who
were supposed to have been here
for tlit purpose of organizing a
Dairy Association for Cass County.
Not finding any one here for the
purpose he returned to his home in
the afternoon.
Harry Mice, who has been in Glen
wood. Iowa, for some time past con
ducting an eating house for his
brother-in-law. J.W. Edwards, return
ed home last Saturday evening. Mr.
Kice was there while Mr. Edwards
was at Excelsior Springs. Mo., wher?
he had taken Mrs. Kdwards. who H
a sister of Mr. Itice. for treatment.
He reports Mrs. Kdwards as getting
along better and showing consider
able signs of improvement.
From Tuesday's Imily.
Mrs. Harold Koop. of Louisville,
was a visitor in IMattsmnuth today.
being a guest of her sister. Mrs. Will i
K reck low.
Lloyd Gapen. of near Siiirray. was
a visitor in this city this morning.
l- 11. ..l 1 . .. ... I .... 1 . . . ; ... .
neiii liiiieu lieie 10 mun aiivi mhi.c- .
business matters.
Ash lev Anlt. the merchant l
Cedar Creek, was called to this ityj
this morning to look after seme busi-j
ne.-s matters.
John True, the soft drink and
restaurant man of Cedar Creek, was
cal'ed to Plattsniouth this morning
to look after some business.
lienry Horn, from near Cedar
Creek, was a vi.-itor in Plat vinout n
thi.-; morning, coming to look after
Hii"0 l.n.-ines.- for the day.
ir. J. F. lir ndel. of Murray, was
a visitor in
Pladsmouth this after-
ikidU being called here to look after
sou:e !)t.--iness for a short time.
Eilwi-rd Wagencr from near Cedar
Creek, was ;i visitor in Plat tsmout !i
this inorr.Ing. coming to b,ok after
;cpie busiiiesb at the court house.
Henry Mack and CarK'-. Sutton
of Lal'lattt were in the city this
morning for a few hours, coming to
look after some business for a short
j time.
Mrs. John Habel departed lasi
evening for Manley. where she "ill
spend a few days visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and .'rs.
Joseph Maceny.
Last evening E. H. SchuhloiT de-par-d
tor Louisville where he was
lookinu alter some business regard
ing a juvenile band which he is giv
ing instruction.
Judge J. W. Probst, police magis
trate of Louisville, was a visitor in
Plat f smout h today' coming down
thi. morning to look after some legal
ivatters at the court house.
A marriau" license was is-'.ied
I yesterday to Albert J. Frihlich. aged
I'o years and Miss Nina Trunken
blotz. aged IS. both "f Eagle. The
wedding will occur in a few days.
Attcrney C. E. Tefft. of Weeping
Water, arrived in the city last even
ing and was looking after some
business for n few hours ami de
parted on k late train for his home.
Mrs. W. M. Peters of Weeping
Water has been visiting in this city
for the pan few days, a guest at
the home of her sister Mrs. Wni.
Hunter and family, and returned
home last evening.
Yesterday in the county court
was heard the final settlement of
the case of the matter of the estate
of George Oldham deceased and Miss
Pauline Oldham. Administratrix,
was discharged.
Kllery Vroman landed a few days
ago in New York on the cruiser,
Charleston, and' will be discharged
in a short time, whereupon he will
return to this city to again take tip
his work as a civilian.
George Stoehr and wife arrived in
the city this morning from theii
home near Cedar Creek, and were
looking after some business in the
City and also some matters claiming
their attention at the court house.
G. H. Tains, the superintendent of
the county farm, was a passenger
to Omaha this afternoon, where he
will visit at the home of his (laugh
ter Mrs. Fred Keasner. and will al
so look after some business which
he has there this afternoon.
William Aichinson of Elm wood,
was in the city this morning, com
ing to secure a marriage licence,
the lady being Miss Gladys P. Iknv-
t ler f Weeping Water. These are
both of Cass county's excellent
vouitsr oeoide. The young people
. k , . h(im Mar ,.,,.
Ice Dierl of Mynard is moving to
; Grant. Nthr.. and ts loading a car
( ( j V
Mr. Hierl will depart with
(the car, w
Friday of
hile the family will no on
this week. Mr. Ilierl
while in the city dropped into thb
oHitc and renewed his subscription
ty the fci mi-weekly, as he .-ays, there
ir4 no ue talkinir. we just can't keep
house without it.
Albert. Henry and Louis Gab-d
of near Louisville were In I he city
this morning driving down to lcok
after some business at the court
house, and while here Mr. Louis
Gnebel obtained from the county
judge's office a mirriaue litcn.-e
1 ,s s,:;m " um," '"" "
riage with Miss Maine i,. w '-Mini
they both being from near Louis-
! ville.
The Mins'iinc ami wan.i wea'iu.
of the pa.-t couple of days has ale u'
i leaned no the miow that fell la If
'ast week. Seems ns though tlx
snow w e do g-t this winter doesv't
stav with us long. Put it was later
than this --on February L'."th. to l,t
exact - that we got our big snow,
and about the only one. of the year,
tome eight or nine years ago.
From Wednesday's I 'ally.
Oscar Huffman, of Weeping W;'
ir. who a short time since was ik's
charged from the service is visit in"
hi tii is city.
A c. Carey, of near .Mynard. v. -a
visitor in this city this morning
coming to look after some business
for the day.
George Shoemau dcpirted thi
aitciiioiii tor Louisville where .u
will vi-i: for some time at the home
cf relatives.
J. M. Jardmi of near Cellar Creel;
was a visitor in this city this morn
ing coming to look after some busi
ness for the day.
Watson Long from v'e-.t of My
na.rd was a visitor in I his cilv for
the afternoon, coming to see about
some business matters.
F. A. Marler and son. Earl. wre
in tre- city last evening from near
Xehawka, vi iting with friends and
looking after some business.
J. J . Lohnes Irom (Ud Eight Mile
"a-. visitor i!i die city yes
terday afternoon, and was looking
after som business for a few hours.
Herman Funke of Louisville was
a visitor in this oily f;)r the .lay.
having come to see about some busi-ee-s
matters here. :fr. Funke is
engaged in the Lumber and Coal
business in Louisville.
W. H. Hcil of Louisville wa a
visitor in this city tiaiay, coming
down on the early train and was
transacting :omo husine s in the
city anil ah-o locking after some
matters at the court house.
i:ti i: OF SUT Tl H nn.tu
l:i Hie I i! l li t '.iiil -,t the CiHHitV
I C.iss, Ni t.ska.
Albert Tinoiias. 1 'la i n t i f
vs-. -
Mis. .laiue.v ONciM, (ir.-l name
llllklK'WII. ft Hi, I ef e lulu ri I
To Hie Ot feiKjaii!.-. Mi. Jauie- ji'
lii-t leu! name uti k nov. n, the in,knovii
heliw. levises. legatees, pei'snnHl lep
I'FKeiilat ives ami all older pt-rsmis jn
leiested hi the eslale of TIkimi.-ik I:
f loriiori. ih-reaxeil: the unkiiiiun !,,.!'
leviseev. Ives. (. I .-i.ria I repri-Menta-tives
a lei Jill other ixt.-otis iulii
hi tin- estate of Mis. Thomas I! Crtnloo
I'll st l eal name hiikimu'ti, Uei eased, the
unknown heir, devisees. Irgat .s, "per
sonal rereseiilalives- ami all other ier
siiis interest eil in tie estate of John
W. Clark, "le.-ease.l : Mrs. John A. I'oie
man, lirst leal name iinkiinwn: the na
kfiown lielrs, ill viscep, P-Katees, per
sepal lerresentHllves ami all otle'r per
sons interested in the estate of .John
A. Iloleman, deceased: (he liiiknown
le-irs. ileviste.-. legatees, personal rep
' es.-ntul ives i.ii'l 11 otii.-r persons .in
terested in tin- estate -of Mr, .lolm A.
PoIeman. first real name unknown. 1.-'
iease.1: Mrs. Francis A. West, first real
name unknown: the unknown heirs-, i
devisees, levattes, x.-r-oral representa
tive uihI all ether pt tMina lnter sited
Hi liie C.-taie Of t-iallcIS A. . W est. tie-
estate or Francis A. . r
c eased: the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Mrs. Francis A. West, t'ust real
name unknown, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
t rested in tin? estate of James Min
chell. deceased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tive. ami all other persons interested
in the estate .,f James 1 . Minchell. de
e k sed : the unknown heirs. devisees,
legatees, personal representatives ;.nd
ill other persons interested in the es
tate of Anna .1. MincheU. deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, p r
o!i:il reiH'esentat ives ami all other person.-'
iiiUMi sled in the estate of ?,!arv
I. Cooper, dee, ased: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives ami all otlwr j-ersotrs int. rested
in the estate of C". I.. Cooper, first real
name unknown. deceased: the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Saru h
Illnmap, i,-.-. a sed : the unknown
heirs. dvise s. legatees, iiersonnl rei-eseitat:v-si
a : I all other persons in-re.-ted
i-i the , -state of !. I. Hinnian,
Mrst real name unknown, d.'icased; the
inlipown hetrs. tievisees. legatees, per
ona! repres"it a t i ves r.tid all other per
l,s interesteil In the estate of Maria
f. I". !.. dee. :. ,-d ; the unknown h-'rs,
Jevi-ees. leyfal.-.s. per.-onni represents
ives ami al! tlier persons ipterest"!
n the estate ..! Iiavid i:.-ehe, deceased;
Simon 1". I'.'-m .loi n : Mrs. Simon I",
'lena.loin. tir-t real name unknown:
he iipknown 1 c ii. devise".--, legatees,
lersonal 1 epi es.-p t a t i ves and a"l other
ersons i nt ( i . .-1 eil in tin- estate of
sjmon I'. H-nadoin, deceased; the nn
;nowii heirs, devisees, legatees, liei
o:,:il repi e.-ept a t i ves and a 1 1 other per
sons interested In the . state of Mrs.
-imoii I'. l:ena ! in. ttrst real name nn
'(tiow:'. deeea- 1; Juroli P.erm: Mrs
laeol. fu.-t real nam" unknown:
he unknown 1 .-irs. devisees,,
l.-rsonal representatives and all other
i.-isoiis int'T.-ted in the estate of
'a.-oh liiT.m, .! .-eased : tt unknown
u Irs. de is , letratei-s, personal rep
resentatives a;:d all other persons n
'icstod iti the .-state of Mrs. Jacob
team, first real name unknown, de-
ase.l: Hans I'. Sund.-ll: Martha Sun
.toim Ki" ii;h: Mrs. John Kniusli.
irst real naum unknown: the unknown
leirs. devisees, legatees, personal rep-..-s.-iitat
iv s ai.d all other in-:.-iesteil
in tin estate of John Krouirh.
lef.-asei!; tie iinkimw.i heirs, devisees,
'eirfitees. representatives ami
ill other pets-'as interested in the es
ate of Mrs. John I rough, fu st real
lame uiiknowii deceased; the unknown
h'-irs. devisees, legatees, pf-rsonal rep-'-..-s.-n
ta t i ves and all other persons in-'erc-tol
in the estate of Thomas !.
I'aliner. de .-a.-.-d : the unknown heirs,
devisees, leirat-.s. personal representa
tives and a'l other persons interested
in the estate ..f Mrs. Thomas 5. 1'al-"i.-r,
fust real name unknown, deceas
ed; W. S. C.r.i:1', fust real name un
known: Mrs. W. S. ;ra(T. first real
name unknown: the unknown heirs,
devisee:-., letiat-.--. personal representa
tives and all other person interested
in the estate . f W. S. Graft", first real
nemo unknowt , deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. V. S.
lira If. first rea i name unknown, deceas
ed; M. W. ".r..-n. first real name un
known: Mis. M. W. (ire'-n. first real
..-!me unknown. the unknown heirs.
N-visees. personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the estate of M. W. "Ireen. first
nal name unknown, deceased: the uti
tiown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
;opal representatives and all other pef-or--
interested in the estate of M is
'. W. e;reen. first real name nnknov. a
e.-.-ased: .T..-.-1'li Mn'ri-nrv; Mrs. Jo--p'i
ii're-ir first re." I jiam nn-ii.iv.-i;
t l.e ' .known heir.-", d.-visei
e' peis-.i'.-il renr- sent a t i s atn'
til ol h i i'!.- is inteir-stfd in tli- es- of Jo-. h M-l r, ;. -v, dee.. -is..,!:
he unkmivvii leirs. devisees, l.-tratees.
ersonal repie entatives ami all other
er.-ons i nl -i e- .-d in the i state of JI rs
'oseph M.Cie.-iiv. first real mime tni
'aown. .h-ee.isi ': Mrs. Samuel Manna
"r-t ica! nano- p- known: Mrs. Samuel
I. Kih.-it. first i .-a I name unknown:
he unknown ';--. devi.-cef. Ii-:;itf('.
ers mai f r -sent -it ives and .ill other
.rsoii.- ieteresied i:i the ( state of Sam
el If -;;t.ert. ! ...-'! : th.e unknown
' !rs. devisees. legatees, personal rep- '
t a t ives and nil other persons :n-.-re.-t.-d
in too estate of Mrs. Samur i
'I. r.lhert. first real t:ame uiiknowii.
.!- il ; the iiphn-ovii heirs, devisees, j
tees. .!.-oi.ll 1 e p l e se n t a t i Ves all'!
11 oth.-r I. er.-ons inlet.ste.l in Hie es
at.- oi Kmm.i l;-t:iiek. dceased; th
tnknvii hens. devisees. lesaWc
arsona! i eprcse n ' a t ives and all oih--
.. i.-oi-s iiiterr-sti .1 in the estate of
"tola Imoi-'. ne K.-miek. deas.-d;. the
,t known heirs, devisees, l'-catees, per
a. mil represent.-! i ves and all othe
- i-rsons interested in the estate i
-i-. iie. s. I'.-llim:.--. also known ns
miliums, deceased: the unknown
irs ili-vi-.-es. 1. Jat- e's. personal rep
esentatives and all other persons tn
et. -t.d in tie estate of l.ucitida I'll
inwt. deceased: 1 1 ; i -.a I e t i i Irene Mill
hv. widow: tlie unUliown heirs, .levi
. le -nte. s it. is. .mil representative
ind all other tiersotts inlerested in the
Male of J. ibex Clinton Hillings, .if
ea.-.d: i:i!a Maria Hillincs Silencer
Ml,.i. f sutneer: Craeie I'arlinvr 1U1
Ines Coo eland: l teo Copeland; the
i.tikn.ovn heirs, devisees, legatees, per
..rial representatives and all other per
ops interested in the estate of Fieoriic
..en. er I'.itl iriLrs deceased: A.l'lie Hut
'r I'.illiPirs'. vvi.h.w: Samui I t!iMin;;s
t'iinton I'illinirs: Louis liilliiiKs: Mr-ad
h-v Itil'mus: F-rr. Hillings: Flora lhl-
"..-s: Jack Idllinus: w. I). Meiriam
irst real name l-.iiknown: Kllth C. M
iiim: the unknown heirs, devisees
legatees, personal representatives a n!
-ill oiher persons iiiteicsttd in tne
ate of v. ! . Merriam. first real name
mknovvo. deceased: the unknown heir
'ev isees. legatees, personal reiresentxi-
le.. -,,,.1 -,n ...l tiersons interesteil
in the estate ul' Kulli C Merriam. le-
ease.l- f .-.)i:. M, ll'hllll. WidOW the
unknown heirs devisees, legatees, pcf-
eipal reioesetilatives and all other
.rsoiis ir.iei-ested In the estate of
:..M..i v M. . . i .,,1 also known as S. N
Merriam. William latshinsky
'inline l.ushiiiskv : Martha Koesner
vidovv: it.nictt. first n-al name
inknown: the unknown heirs, devisees
'eua tees, personal representatives ami
ill other t.-t-K..t.s interested ill the es
tate of L Marrett. first real name
inknown. deceased: Urown, lirst
eal name unknown: the ..nknovvil
heirs, d.-visees. p uatees, pi rsnal rep
i'i"S''i;tat ives and all other persons in
terest, d in the estate of I'rovv 11.
irst i'.,l pam- nUtiovvn.. deceased;
i::ii ii.ii x- !:,..,., a oa it nershl i com-
t.iee.l ..r K:rietf. first reHl nam
unknown, and Crown, first real
.nime imkiown- Shimnan. first real
:.nme . unknown : the unknown heir
devise. i.-..r.i..u eersonal represent.i
tives and all oth.-r t.ersons Jnterefrtol
in it-.,- estate of . Shiiunan. fust real
iame unknown. h-eearl: Annie 1. r,i-
lisor.: i I , ,. ,, i. n n heirs, devisees
i taii "s. !,. j s,.i,-. I reorc senlalives ami
all other persons; interested in the es
tate ot .Vrinlo i -:ilison. rleeenseii; ic
iest I-:. J-;iii.s-on: t lie unknown heirs,
iiev isciv, legatees, tiei sonal represenia-
tiv'.s and all other pelf-ops interested
in the. estate of Krnest i:. I'lllson, do-
ceased: l.ddie 1; Kliis'in. me niiKnown
heirs, legatei'S, personal lip-
rc-seniatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate 'f ncidie 11. I'A
lisop, deceased: the unknown heirs.
devisees, legatees personal represen
tatives and all oiler persons interest-
el in the estate of M- K- Klii-"n, first
real nante tin known, deceased: the un
known owners und the unknown eluim-
n's or lots one .. two i-i, tliree .
four Mi. five ir.i. six (6. seven .
eight pine till, ten (I'M, eleven
( 1 t . twelve il-). thirteen 13. fottr-M-en
(14), fifteen l.r). sixteen
s.-v eft .-. tr 17). eigliteen Mm. nineteen
'J"), tvventv i;ip, twenty-one (ill,
' o I t -1 v o (iii. r-.ciif v-thl ee t2-l
and Inciih -fi.iir i J 1 ). In block nine
!). in Thompson's Ail'tiMon to the
City of I'latt.smouili. Nebraska aui lot
one hundred five l""i. beiti'J a sub
division pf tlie -pirthenst quarter INK
4 ) of the northeast ounrter t N I" , ) of
'Section nineteen I 1 0 . and lot num
bered twentv-two ( '1 1Y. u sitl.-tii vision
of, I,.. nml.uro,l ten (till
r.r s-uetir.., Dt,.t.. isi ii in 'r,..A-ti '
hip twelve (l;), north Pause four-
Mi iifii m i Ilk lLii
Ml ': '! I a M 'Ul l I II . Iii-'rfj'jf f 'piia
a n i..i:n-..ujiLiLiiin , i u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i n i if'terusj
Copy. :ri e: tir
i:. .T. l.-vn.
teen fit), east of the fith P. M.. in the
County of Cass, Nebraska:
Yon are herehv notified that on the
1st day of February, l'tl!), plaintiff filed
i.i. suit iti the listriet Court of the
i.'!." of fuss, Nebraska, to ipiiet
p'aiiiliff's title to tlie above described
land, to-wit: Lots one (1). two (2).
three (:'.. four (II, fivfl "), six Mi).
s-veii (7). eight (S). nine (!'', ten (10),
iev.-n Ml), twelve Ml'), thirteen- (l:5,
fourteen 11, fifteen Mil, sixteen Mti),
seventeen M7. eighteen (IS). nine
teen M?'t. fwetity -j()i. twenty-one til),
twenty-two (L'.'l. twenty-three 1
i'nd twenty-four ( L' ! in Mode nine IM.
in Thompson's Addition to the "ity of
I Mat t smou t ii. Nebraska, ami b't one
hundred five Mil'. ), being a subdivision
f the northeast rpiarter (NK'il of
the northeast niarter (XK1, ) of Sec
tion nineteen My i. and lot numbered
twenty-two ;.'). a subdivision of llov-j-rpnient
lot ten ilni. of Section eigh
teen MS), all in Township twelve M-.
North Kange fourteen (IJ). east of the
t;th P. M.. in the county of Cass. Ne
braska, because of the adverse posses
sion bv himself ami, his grantors for
more than ten years prior to the com
mencement of said suit and to enjoin
each and all of v.'i from lufving or
claiming any right, title, lien or in
terest, either legal or o'luitablo. in or
to said lands or any part thereof: to
reituirw you to n t forth your right,
title, claim, lien or interest therein, if
any. either legal or eouitable. and to
have the same adjudc-ed inferior to the
title of plaintiff a::! for general equi
table relief. This notice is made pur
suant to the order of the court.
You are required to answer said pc
tit ion on or before Monday. March 17.
191!. or default will be duly entered
Y. A. I loberlson,
I I is . A I lorney.
mi ni K (ic ti.i:
lit the Mistrict Court of the County
of Cass. NebiHska.
In the matter of the Cam diauship
of ifenry Kikeiibary, mentally inceiii
m'tent :
Notice is hereby f-iven that in pur
suance of ;m order of .lames T. fJe-;-ley.
Jii.lue of the Mistrict Court of
'ass countv. Nebraska, made on the
'Jtli day of Mcccinbcr. 1!IS. for tin; salt
of the real estate hereinafter describ
ed, there will be sold at the South
front door of the court house in Platts
niouth. Cass county, Nebrrska, on the
jr.tli day of February. ISM!', at otic
o'clock p. in. of said day at public ven
dtire to the hichest bidder for cash the
following described real estate, to-wit:
I.ot four til in the Northwest
quaiter of the Sauthvvcst qutirtrr:
also I.ot live (.1) in the Houthwfst
inarter of the Son t h west, qua rt er;
all In Section nineteen fl'.li. Town
ship twelve M;, Pane fourteen,
(11), Cass county. Nebraska.
Said sale to remain open one hour.
Mated this ::i.-t day of January, A
M. P'PJ.
(Piardian of the p.state of Henry 10ik-
f:;-.",w) etibary. mentally incompetent
u i m i: m-' ?iit Ttt ti ii:t 'ii i i.k,
In the Mistrict Court tif the County
of ('ass, NchrasKa.
Willium A. Oallowa)', PlaintKl'
Almond I io. I'-fc. Ixeciilor of the last
will and le.-tament of Amanda
Forbes, deceased, et al.
I lei endiitits.
To the defendant s. Almond I'o.luc
executor of the last will and testa
ment of Amanita Forbes, deceased; Sey
mour llo.lKe; I'liene .Moore; (lie un
known heirs, devisees, lcitnlrcs, per
sonal representatives and all other
net-sons interested in the estate of
Amanda Forbes, deceased; Wm. J. Cut
ter: the unknown belts, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and all
other persons Interested in the estate
of Win. .1. utter. dccpHKCii; Mararei
il. Cutler; the unknown hens, devisees.
h-Katces, personal represental ives and
ill other per.sons Interesteil in the cm-
to of MaiKarel IO. Cutter, deceased;
Wm. II. limerick. ,lr; Mrs. Win. II.
"merick. Jr., first real name unknown;
he unknown heirs, devisees. h-Katces,
eisonal representlitiv es and all other
net-sons interesteil in the estate of Win.
Ii. Kin.-rivk. J r.. deceased : the unknown
heirs, devisees. Ietees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested i.i the ertate of Nils. Win. It.
h'tneric k. Jr., first reul mmo unknovvti,
deceased: C. W. KPiK. first real iiiime
unknown; tlie unknown heirs, devisees,
terra tees, personul representHtlves and
a." i ber persons in'ere.sted ill the es
tate ot C. W. Kliifcr. tirst real name un
known, deceased: Harriett Ivlnji; the I
..niamu - n belrs. devh-a-es lei; liters, per
eonal representative!- and all other
Z&y& Mi 2iit MKf.ilitilliV
m m hmm m mm '
'lil! i ll1 i I I i I 1 S
puff you'll wish you had been born
twins! For, Prince Albert puts over a turn
new to every man fond of a pipe smoke. It
wins your glad hand completely. That's
because it has the quality
And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra-
crt-ar-ii-c i"q Trtn.T. Alhort'c-
jj.MI.WV.- - .
which is cut out by our
We tell you to cut loose to beat the cards and
smoke your fill at any clip without a comeback 1
Tappy red Lass, tidy red tins, handsome pound and
half pound tin humidors and that clever, practical
pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener
top that keep the tobacco in such perfect condition.
R J Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C.
persons interested in tlie estate
Harriett Kinp. deceased; the rtnknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Anna Schul
diee, deceased: and tlie unknown own
ers and tlie unknown claimants of lots
three :! t and eighteen , in Section
seven (7). Township twelve Ml'), North
liatiKC fourteen (Hi, east of the fith P.
M.. in the county of Cass, Nebraska:
You are hereby notified that on the
1st day of Pehriiary, A. I). J!l!. plain
tiff tiled his suit in the Mistrict Court
of the Comity of Cass, Nebraska, In
quiet plaintiff's title to the following
described land, to-wit: I,os three ( 3 1
and eijrhtoen MS), in Section seven (7).
in Township twelve Mi). North llanw
fourteen iH). east of the Ctli P. M .in
the county of Cass, Nebraska, because
of his adver.'e possession by himself
and his grantors for more than ten
IMlTlill -SALE
30 Bulls, Covs, Heifers and Calves 30
Twelfth Street Pavilion Sale Barn
Nebraska City, Nebraska
onday, February 24th
Commencing at 10 O'CIock
Headed By
The Great Roan Leader of tlie Herd
The "Wild" Herd of Shorthorn Cattle established at
"The Oaks" in 1908. the comtutiiiit y will remember, embraced oiiio
of the finest individuals oT both beef and milk M rains Pure Scotch
Vf-,,11 Waterloos- Victljrias Gauntlet, etc., and the Nellie P.urdick
Milk Strain.
Neither money nor pains were spared in procuring the best
for the toundation herd. I have distributed antl now -have -.
wonderfully Kood individuals. Some were Kent to YVahinKtot,. some
to California and some to the South. Where there was ever at.v
question as to individuality in the herd, these 1 sent to the Omaha
Having purchased inleresls in the South I am now RivinK the
public the opportunity of chooains from this herd. IU his r,r
im:5Slon. I wontd invito t !: t., . . -i . .. I" ' "
AUvor f V,l,; Mo ' , .
con vt -
herd the best bulls nnd ctni, i,
, "-
13 Head of Horses 13
Work Horses. Iliood Marcs'
'I . ...1.. VI I...,.,
ioois. -mm, one -Mil u Low, used on i)e far
1 krms of Sam-: All sum, of $IO aiIll UIld.r u ()u
oyer J,o a credit of 8 months' time will t,e Kiven.
K.v.,iK hankahle poles with interest a, X per cent. Sculemen,
lo l;e made hefore any M-opcrtv is removed.
C Jksi-eksox. Manager . H. I. UKKZ()(If rK.rFid(l Man
Wm. H-N;. Auclioneer I' ki Hkpp.ku. fU-.k
T AY your smokctastn
Jj , flush up against a
listening post and you'll
get the Prince Albert call, all right
You'll hunt a jimmy pipe so quick and
get so much tobacco joy out of every
frfrr!rTn fmrrt rittr rinrf trnrr-H
- . . -W t W '
exclusive patented process.
wars prior to the commeneetn-i.t :'
said slit and to epioiu ea.h and ail
of you from having or claimiiii-' an'
tiilht. title, lien or interest, itb r !. ;al
or eotiiti. bb- in or to said land or an
part tl-eieof, ami alleuiim that none
full arc in the y or rnal s.
vice of the l'uilod Slate--' of A'lleln.l
to require op to vet fort! your riuh.
title, .It -tit. lien or i ii t e r s t . h . i n, it
tinv, either letial r ...jti it a h'e. an 1 t
have the same adjud'-Ted inf. re.,' lo tie
title of jhiintilT and for eoai
tahle ri'lief. 'l'liis notice is mail.- pur
suant to the order "f this ('.out.
Yon ale requited t" .'ip-w, r sajd pe
tition op or before Mondav. Mar. I )'.'.
. 1'. P'lf. or your default wi'.l be d q ' v
er.tercd (herein.
W. A. pobertson.
Attornev for plaintiff.
" a?K Alr UTt Kvd
li - Kiiow ti cattle lmver fi-oo. .i,,
i - . 1,:tr "O'" what
otis iiiroun the count rv
ml C.ltc
"Hie I lo-s ami
m. part 1 Ji .Istcin.
I r,
,---.-v -
f ' ' '