The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MOJiTiAY, FEBRUARY -10,. i0ie.
Plattsmouth Garage
J. E. MASON, Proprietor
Reo Service Reo Cars and Trucks
The New Reo 4-Passenger Coupe
Fo.- the man who uses his car every day in the year;
who must cover much ground and be in many places
every day, regardless of weather conditions, this Reo
is especially made. Wc cordially invite inspection of it.
But Would Not Do Away With the
Primary Election, But Would
Require Nomination.
From Friday s Dailr. I
The new bill which is bein;; con- j
.sidered by the state legislature, re
garding political conventions, would
change the manner of procedure
greatly from what it is at this time,
but would not destroy the nomina
tion, at primary election, rhit hedge
it about, in a way that will still
provide for the secret ballot in nom
ination, and allow the delegate con
vention as well. The bill is as fol
lows: Section 1. Amendment. That
Section 2207 cf the Revised Statut
es or Nebraska for 1913 be amend
ed to read as follows:
2207. Sec. 269. Beginning in
the year 1920 and every two years
thereatter. the various political
parties of the state shall hold a
delegate convention on the last
Tuesday in June except in a year
when a presidential election is to
be held, in which year said con
vention shall be held on the first
Tuesday in March of such year;
said state convention shall formu
late and promulgate a party plat
form, select a state central com
mittee and shall name two persons
affiliating with the party holding
such convention for each state of
fice for which a candidate is to be j
selected at the primary election;
within ten days after the adjourn
ment of said convention, the chair
man and secretary of said conven
tion shall file with the Secretary of
Mate a complete list of persons
named by said convention as candi
dates for the nomination for the
several state offices; said persons,
so named in said certificate shall be
the official candidates of the party
holding the convention, at the pri
mary election, and the Secretary of
State shall certify the names so fil
ed with him by the officers of said
convention to the- several county
clerks of the several counties of the
state, and said county clerks shall
place the names so certified to them
by the Secretary of State upon the
official primary ballot.
In the years when a United States
Senator is to be elected, said state
convention shall name two persons
affiliating with the party holding
said couvention for the nomination
of United States Senator at the Pri
mary Election; within ten days aft
er the adjournment of said conven
tion "the chairman and secretary of
said convention shall file with the
Secretary of State a complete list of
persons named by said conventon as
candidates for the nomination for
United States Senator; said persons
!-o named in said certificate shall be
the official candidates of the party
holding said convention, at the pri
mary election, and the Secretary of
State shall certify the names so fil
ed with him by the officers of said
convention to the several county
clerks of the several counties of the
state, and said county clerks shall
place the names so certified to them
by. the secretary of state upon the
official primary ballot.
The various political parties of
the state shall hold a delegate coun
ty convention in each county of
the state, prior to the time of hold-l
ing the state convention herein pro
vided for, at which convention
there shall be elected delegates to
to the congressional and district
conventions, select a county central
committee, and shall name two per
sons affiliating with the party hold
ing such convention, for each office
to be voted upon by the electors of
the county wherein such conven
tion shall be held, at the primary
election: within ten days after the
adjournment of said convention, the
chairman and secretary of said con
vention shall file with the County
Clerk of the county wherein said
convention shall have been held.'a
complete list of the persons named
ly said convention as candidates . the office for which he was named
for the nominations for the several at the general election to be held
offices to be voted upon by the peo- jthe following November
pie of such county: said persons so PROVIDED, delegates to such
nameu in said certificate shall be I state, county, congressional and dis
the official candidates of the party Jtrict conventions shall be apportion-
holding the convention, at the pri- ed by such committee to the several
rnary election, and said county counties or districts upon the vote
clerks shall place the names so cer- cast at the last general election for
tified to him by said chairman and electors for president and vice presi-
secretary of said convention, upon I dent in the respective counties, and
the official primary ballot. I provided further, each county or
The various political parties of I district shall be entitled to at least
the state shall hold a congressional I one delegate in such convention or
convention in each of the consres-I conventions
sional districts in this state, prior to I Sec. 2. That Section 2207 of the
the holding of the state convention I Revised Statutes of Nebraska for
herein provided for and subsequent 1 1913, being Section 2C9 of Chapter
to holding the county convention I 20 of said Statutes, be and the
herein provided for, which said con- I same hereby is repealed.
vention shall select a congressional I Sec. 3. That Section 2157 of the
committee and shall name two per- I Revised Statutes of Nebraska for
sons affiliating with the party hold-j 1913, being Section 219 of Chapter
Ing said convention for nominatino I 20 of. said Statutes, be and the same
for Representative in Congress f rom j is hereby repealed
said district at the Primary Elec- Sec. 4. That any aud all acts in
tion; within ten days after the ad-I conflict herewith be and the same
journment of said convention the I are hereby repealed.
chairman and secretary of said con
vention shall file with the Secretary
of State a complete list of persons
named by said convention as candi
dates for the nomination for Repre
sentative in Congress from said dis
trict; said persons so named in said
certificate-shall be the official candi
dates of the party holding said con
vention, at the Primary Election.
and the Secretary of State shall
certify tne names so iueu wun nim i From Saturday's Daily
bv the officers of said convention, I The funeral of Mrs. Jacob Val-
to the county clerks of the several I lery was held at her home at three
counties comprising such Congres-J o'clock Thursday afternoon. Rev
sional District, and said county j H. G. McClusky of the Presbyterian
clerks shall place the names so cer-J Church of which she was a member.
tinea to tnem oy tne secretary oi i conducted a brief and impressive
State upon the official primary bal-1 service. His text was taken from
I John 3, 2, "We know that when
The various political parties of He sha11. aPPer. we shall be like
the state shall hold a delegate sena- Him- for we ha see Him as ,e is "
torial convention in each senatorial A choir consisting of Mrs. Wescott.
district of the state, . where such
senatorial district comprises more
than one county, which convention
shall select a senatorial committee,
and shall name two persons affil
iating with the party holding such
convention as candidates for the
Mrs. Farley, Mr. Douglass and Mr
Schuff( sang impressively, two of
Mrs. Vallery's favorite hymns,
'Jesus lover of my soul," and
"Peace, perfect peace." The immed
iate friends of the family with those
of the family who were able to be
nomination of State Senator from Present comprised the assembly that
said district at the Primary Elec
tion; within ten days after the ad
journment of said convention, the
chairman and secretary of said con
vention shall file with the Secretary
of State a complete list of persons
named by said convention as candi
dates for the nomination of state
senator; and the persons so named
in said' certificate shall be the offi
cial candidates of the party holding
said convention, at the primary
efection, and the Secretary of State
shall certify the Aames so filed with
him- by the officers of paid conven
tion, to the county clerks of the
several counties comprising such
Senatorial District and said count
clerks shall place the names so cert-
fied to them by the Secretary of
State upon the official primary ballot.
:::::vni?SAL cap
We have several new 1919 Ford cars in stock at
the following prices:
Runabout $500
Touring Car 525
Coupelet 650
Sedan 775
, One-ton Truck Chassis 550
Better call now and get one of these cars or if you
are not ready for a Ford now sign an order for future
delivery and get a car when you want it.
Fordson Tractors in Stock Call and Look Them Over
Storage and Repairs
T. H. Poilock Garage
Phone No. 1
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
The various political parties of
the state shall hold a Representa
tive convention in each representa
tive district of the 6tate where
such representative district com
prises more than one county, which
convention shall select a represen
tative committee and shall name
two persons affiliating with the
party holding such convention, as
candidates for the nomination of I
Representative from said district at
the Primary Election; within ten
days aftr the adjournment of said
convention, the chairman and secre
tary of .said convention shall file
with the Secretary of State a com
plete list of the persons named by
said convention as candidates for
the nomination of representative
from said district; and the persons
so named in said certificate shall be
the official candidates of the party
holding said convention, at the pri
mary election, and the Secretary of
State shall certify the names so filed
with him by the officers of said con
vention, to the county clerks of the
several counties comprising such
representative district and said
county clerks shall place the names
so certified to them by the Secretary
of State upon the official primary
At the County Convention herein
provided for, the delegates from
each supervisors district in counties
under township organization, shall
meet and chose their nominees for
supervisor, naming two persons af
filiating with said party, and resid
ing in -their supervisors distr?ct, as
candidates for the nomination of
supervisor from said district and
said delegates shall certify their ac
tion to the chairman and secretary
of said convention, who shall in
turn, certify the names of the per
sons so chosen to the County Clerk,
who shall place the names so certi
fied to -him by said convention, on
the official primary ballot as candi
dates for the office of supervisor
from the district represented by
said delegates.
The person receiving a majority
of the votes cast by 'said political
party at the primary election shall
be. the nominee of said party for
thus gathered at the service in lov
and reverence for this sainted moth
er and friend who had been so Ion?
a true friend to all who knew her.
Flowers from many of her numer
ous friends were In abundance plac
ed about the casket, showing the
full esteem with which she was
held. Thus has passed from our
midst, bat not from our memory, one
of the last of Plattsmouth's much
admired residents. Mrs. Vallery's
inspiring personality will be greatly
missed by all who knew her and
Plattsmouth. has 'been greatly bless
ed by such citizenship as she gave
to it.
It singeth low in every heart.
We hear it each and all
A song of those who answer not
However we may call;
They throng the silence of the
We see them as of yore
The kind, the grave, the true, the
Who walk with us no more.
Tis hard to take the burden up
When these have laid it down;
They brighten all the joy of life.
They soften every frown;
But, oh. 'tis good to think of them
When we are troubled sore:
Thanks be to God that such have
Although they are no more.
More homelike seems the vast un
Since they are entered there;
To follow them were not so hard,
Wherever they may fare;
They cannot be where God is not,
On any sea or shore;
Whate'er betides. Thy love abides,
Our-God, forever more. "
From Saturday's la!1v.
Last evening at the home of l'latts-
mouth Lodge No. 7VJ, 15. P. O. E..
was gathered a largo number of the
members of the order, their wives, 'fl
families and friends to participate in;fj
the weekly social feature planned for i n
their entertainment. Many desired rj
to play cards while for those .who
didn't, other forms of entertainment j
were provided that proven interest
ing. Hot chocolate and wafers were
served before the hour of departure,
which , was some lift or Elks Huh
eleven o'clock.
The success of these entertain
ments is being demonstrated in the
constantly increasing attendance. A
change is being made in the enter
tainment night from Friday to
Thursday, commencing - next week.
Dances and card parties are featur
ed alternate weeks and enjoyed by a
arge number of the members of the
R. P. O. E.
Six Per Cent
All interest received on your money
invested in
is exempt from the Normal Federal
Income Tax (Ao.)
Assets Over $1,000,000.00
American Security Co., Fis. Agts.
Omaha, Nebraska
E. P. LUTZ, Agrent
From Saturday's Dailw
A letter from Max Vallery receiv
ed this morning by his father C. S.
Vallery tells of him being at this
time at Baltimore, where he i.s re
ceiving treatment of an eye which
was injured while in the service
and which the medical department
are endeavoring to cure as scundlv
strength and energy have corne back
to uie. I hadn't finished my first bot
tle until the pains, which 1 feared
were caused by appendicitis, had
disappeared. I can drink my coffee
now and eat just anything I vant
and never have the leats trouble
with my stomach. So you can se
why I'm so strong for Tanlac. It
has made life worth living for me
and I feel like I ought to pans the
good word along."
I Tanlac is sold in Plattemouth by
When I first began taking Tan- F c pripk g, Co . in Alvo bv Aivo
Drug Co., in Avoca by O. E. Copes,
in South Bend by E. Sturzenegger,
in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in
Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co.,
in Elmwood by L. A. Tyson, in Mur
dock by II. V. McDonald, in I.ouis-
lac, I only weighed ninety-seven
pounds and was just about down and
out," said O. D. Lawless, the well
known Omaha produce merchant, re
siding at G04 SoutTi 28th Street, re
cently, "hut I now weigh one hun
dred and thirty-seven and so far as
my health is concerned, I couldn't
ask to feel much better.
"I have not gotten all of my lost
weight bad: yet." he continued, "for
I had dropped down sixty-one pounds.
I!ut I am still taking Tanlac and ex-
ville by Hlakes Pharmacy, in r.agle
by I W. Bloomenkamp, and in Un
ion by E. W. Keedy.
as is possible under the circum
stances. Max does not at this time inject soon to tip the beam at one
expect to be able to get his dis
charge and get home as soon as he
had hoped when he first came over.
From Saturday's Daily.
Wm. Brown who has been in the
army, and who was mustered out of
he service a short time since at
'amp Funston, arrived here a few
days since, and is visit'ng at the
home of his sister Mrs. Carl Ptimp-
on. and will in a short time go to
work in the Burlington shops he
having been there before entering
the army. Mr. Brovn made a good
soldier and also will make a;.ain a
good workman.
hundred and fifty-eight, my weight
before my troubles began. I began
puffer ing from stomach trouble and
getting into a run-down condition
five years ago, when my appetite
went back on me. I lost all desire
for f.-od and everything I did eat
caused nausea. I had to give up ray
cofiee an 1 many other things I like
best, as I could not retain them and
the only thing that half way agreed
witfi me -was fruits. There were ter
rible pains in my right side, which
would almost cramp me double two
or three times a week. I became un
easy, fearing appendicitis, and no one
seemed to understand my case or do
me any good. I just kept suffering
and losing weight until I looked like
I would shrink up to nothing.
"Mv condition had become notice-
1 . . i i . i. : i
Take a few doses of Chamberlain's able to an wno Know me, aim uue
talkin;; over my case with a friend
one day he asked my why I didn't
try Tanlac. Well, this put me to
thinking there might be something
Charles Hula was a visitor in " Tanlac for me, and there certain
Omaha this morning where he has i ly ts. for I have already picked up
some business to look after. i forty pounds and my old time
Miss Esther Larson arrived home
thft afternoon and will visit for ov
er Sunday at the home of her par
ents L. G. Larson and wife.
For Infants and Children
in Usq i-'or 0vcr30 Years
Always bears
Tablets as directed for indigestion,
and you will soon forget about your
'tomach troubles. Trv it.
Src?nl Attention JUe
Eyes Tested anJ Glasses t'ltted
Night Calls Answered After Eojm
and Sundays by Appointment.
8.30 a. nr. to 11:00 1:3 o. tn. to S:S
.m? Plattsmouth. Neb
P a a
Coates Block.
Res. 3 1 3 PHONE Office o67
Prom Friday's Dallv.
Charles . Kopischka received a
message this morning from his
friends L. A. Austin, who" is just
now at Alliance, stating that he
would be here in a few days when
they . will depart for Boston where'
they will join the merchant marine.
Single combed Rhode Island Red,
about 40 that will sell for $2.50
each. C. R. Todd, Plattsmouth, Ne
braska. f6-4tw
Wanted Experienced bookkeep-
i ers. Returned army men preterrea.
Morton-Gregson Co..
Nebraska. City, Neb.
WANTED: A first class experienc
ed automobile salesman to sell to the
farmers our line of Fordson tractors
land power farm machinery; Ford
cars and Ford trucks. Permanent
employment to the right man. Ref
erences reoulred. T. II. Pollock
Auto Co., Plattsmouth. d3.w2
Journal Want-Ads Pay I
jFordsoo Tractor
5s !
, , --r - - i i iii- rl- - - fr utmJ
We can make immediate, delivery from our big
stock in Plattssmouth of the famous Fordson Tractor, mads by Henry Ford &
Son, and which has been sold by he thousands in the agricultural sections of the
United States during the past year, therefore needing no introduction to those
who are not or will soon be on the market for a reliable Farm Tractor.
The Fordson Tractor has a Pulley Attachment
and will operate all stationary machinery on the farm as well as all Tractor
drawn faim implements. v
We will accept and fill Fordson Tractor orders
from residents of Cass county, or adjacent counties aad will ship to any point in
this or other states. Telephone or write to us for descriptive literature on the
Fordson Tractor and full line of Farm Implements. . Call on us at our new Garage
at Plattsmouth and let us show you that the Fordson is the Tractor you should
buy. We have a full stock of Fordson Tractor Repairs and will be in a position
to give' "Ford Seivice" on Fordson Tractors as well as oiti Ford Cars.
To H. Pollock. Auto Co,
Phone Ho. 1.