The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    i- I
1ICFDAY. jTEEILAP.7 10. 191&.
! t I
To Holders of Liberty
Loan Bonds!
We shall be glad to cash your interest coupons free
of charge any time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
your Liberty Boids.
Income Tax Blanks will scon be here. We will give
any information and fill out statements
free of charge.
The Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth,- Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Bank.
Cat herine Mcyprs for a period of Fix
months. at ?ln.oi per month, approv
i ed.
Bands Approved
d Official bond of R. D Mc.Mirlin as
j ed. .
4 0'hcial bond of Reynard Ketelhut,
road oversft-r of road district .No. 12.
I approved.
rtj Orhcial bond of A. A. Wallinger,
aq'road overseer in road district No. 15:
S! approved.
j Official bond of G. "NY. Cheney, as-
b st'SHir of Liberty precinct, approved.
I 1 !-!- . t -.1 . ....
timciai imnu oi joint .wrrvaj, io
lice judge of NYeeping Water, ap-;
proved. I
Official bond of C. It. Jordan, road
Put a stop to them with oIJ
reliable Dr. Kind's New
From Saturday's ni!y.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Stoehr,
from near Mvnard, were in the cit;
tor a few hours today, and while
here Mr. Stoehr called at the Jour
nal office ami added his name to the
large list of Daily Journal readers.
For Sal
Stat- of Nehru-l'
.! ,.,.. ,...r ,,f ,..,! iliutriet Vn C !ili-!
t I I O I I Ou 1 . V I ..... ..
Official bond of Prank Rouse, road '
That raw, hoarse threat must be
toothed. That phi em-loaded chest
must be loosened. That couh muat
Le checked so you ran sleep.
Dr. land's New Discovery has been
relieving colJs, ind coughs for li If a
century without the lcact tlisareebl
Your drufist hS it because it 13 I aliei-y pray tin
UwU .V . 1 I A-A '.J V-.
iitm:it i' m:itiri
! No i ice uf I'rulmlt' iA
' "ill ; tj
In the foiinty fotitt of fass -"ii lit y, S
Coll 11 fv if C:---v.
Next Saturday evening, February
15. a program and a pie supier will
be given nt the '"Fairview" School
house. District 9. seven miles west
of Mynard. All ladies are requested
To bring pies and the irent lenae:! to
come " pie hungry."
m a 1 1
H-J:vltd Teacher.
Public Auction
I'iattsmouth. Neb.. Feb. 4. 11U9.
Board met pur.iant to adjourn
nient. I'resent Julius A. l'itz. ('. F.
Harris and H. J. Miller. County Coin-
mi.-riioners and George. K. Saylos.
IcmiiHy (Vrk. Minuter of last rep
Jular fcsiuii read and approvt-d. w hen
ithf follow b-.iFjnc-s was transait
i ed in regular form :
I Application (;!" Iiert F.ledi." f tr ad
Irai sion to Hospital for Tuberculosis
m K-arnry. Neh-raska. received :.nd
epproved by tl.c Hoard.
AT'idavit furnished by K. A. AVor
tiiaii. ft Avoca. that he had los' cunn
tv .arra::t Nil ZV?. on the I.'oad
Allhe Murray Stock Yards';
Commencing at 1 0 'Clock P. II.
Saturday, Feb. 22
Consisting of the Following
Well Broke Horses i
One sfan of bay gidin?s. years I
c 'd. wt-U Liulf. v.-tiKhT one j
1. amount $ .;'. a-reeitij; no: to
eah same if lound bur to return
same f' Count v Cierk for caiic-ella-
ion. The i:.i;'ril approved th' att.-
,,uv!t anu ore r i.'ie issuance -i u
new v arrant by 'he County Clerk,
i t T:tion of C. K. Tei't and 1.". other
j sii:n'rs to Lppoii.t John Mel-Cay as
jJu.-tice of the Ft ace in Weepinc
l.ater City to vacat;;.. approved
!?.:! the appointment made bv the
! I!..ard.
j rder of County Judpe Feeson for
ithe renewal of Mothers Pensi!i of
I Lessie Hopkins for a term of six
months at fl. "..e( per month, approv
Order ef 'fi:r?y J-!-?'
overseer of road district No.
.Official bond of F. A. Hild. assessor
of Mt. Pleasant precinct approved.
Ottlcial bond of A. 1). .aar. road
overseer "of road district Xo. 4 ap
Olheial bond of Walter P. livers
road overseer of road district Xo. 7.
Official bond of J. H. Tains, super
intendent of county farm, approved ptz,.r Phoe Co., milse. t; the
by the board. ',.(unty farm 1-
Claims Allowed I John Bauer, repair valve at
The following claims were examin- , -,-i;iTv j ii!
ed and approved: i i.essie Hopkin. care of ' (ie-
G KNKiJAh FFN1) j penden; c.ib'.ren, Feb
Jas. Kebal. one doz. brooms$ 7. 7.". .as Dora Hei.son.' care of 4
hr. B. F. Brendel. insane case ,i ..,.!.; chiiiiren. Ft b.
s-frt:Mrs. Martha Franke. care of
j-t'O J 4 detendt. chi'dn-n, Feb
".7.". Joan blo;ea. merchandise to
4t.4 S j c v:r.t v farm
L. V. Xicholas Oil to., for
: ... I
'I 1. is.nis mieresteil in tlu es- I
late l lasrtii ietut eiiei-y. (ktviiswi . m
ti l-ejui'Ilir t!e !ietiljon 'f l;;(l ies -.
t!,;it the i nst rwjlten I
1 e n t 1 .- 7 1 1 1 i:i . !'
' 1 irv.ii r . in i .i i i n c i" t-
I I !:st will iiiel t't :ii:m-j:I of 1 1 i'l
!..-. iiiitv pr-iven :i:i1 ; ! lowed,
and ! ei-Mi-.U ;is t( lii1 will aii-l O-s-
l; -I ' .V... ie;.a i
Try this for Constipation
Keep the bowels on schedule tirr.3 ti,.n. saiti imm-i.t :..:iiied K
vrhli Dr. Kind's New Life Fills, the ! i.t.-. and u- a.i.riii.i-trati...: ..f I
system freeJ om porous wastes ViT'l. t."n.: 'P
. untaiutt-" M2J yCt poillivc ia act: j,
the complexion clear, the stomach u (.v .,nt..r..,i ttll.t ...t. anM
's. 1 cweet, the tont'ue uncoated, te tr-ath p. !,.., ini.-i.--t -d u said ihutt-r.
I ( iiiil 1 le t. i
' 1 y 11 1 ::
1 i.t 10
iiiiiv l:
1. ii
Ii! 70 i"-' 1 t!"!itT S!n...lvi T I r r I..-
1 1 r.mi'-e .'!' n pei,tet,
lit l!:- "111,1
hi in :. e1 i"i c-nuii-d.i
"f II n l ei. ,.. 1 '. 1 :i !
u. ni., tu slmw ra use, if
vliv Hi.-- lr:i --'-I- ! tl
("has. P. Oirden
M. Arclier. do
James Robertson, do
c. I). Qainton, do
K. F. Brunkow. do
Mrs. K. 1'. Brr.nkow. do
Auc Baii'-rs. io
Geo. 1.. Farley, salary ar.d
expense. January, . 1 !
11. G. Iotey & Son. radse. to
u.iuiiy tar!:i
A. 1.. Tidd. insurance prem
ium on court house
ilenry for salary and
II. I'. McNi iiab!, nierchandise
lt il r-', Mudd
C. 11. Lewis, for hauling rub
bish Vestal Cnemital Co.. five gal
lons of Cr-sol
11. ievers. salary as janitor,
a -id Tir la.ihdry
Mrs. i;. Met calf, merchandise
to Alice Allen
J. A. Gardner. repr.-rt of
births and dt aths
B. 1. Clements, do
V.'. K. Hand. d..
:r. J. V,'. l;rendel. do
A. II. StatsibT. (b
Jessie Mel in., do
11 T. Kropp. d,,
H. M. .-"'( !; nicl.seri. (i'l
L. II. rptoti. do
K. .. Hunter.
K. siirz. i,i -aer. rfo
K!!t :,v nil . ii )
Dr. A. J. Mansfelde. do
:n. Ha-sl-T. repair whtk
r'rd PiCterson. c .u::ty s-ir-
eyor. work on r corns
state Journal Printing t o..
! ord:s to couhly
Ainhi C. PftcrsMV.. salary.
liiib-ai'e. and expenses. Jan-
uar . il 1 :
ti M- F'itnichf r. ni ls-, to
Fait. Wordeu, Co'liiii and
:nted. and
111 Said pe.
'iti-.ti and tne lii'dfiiif ti't-reuf I..- y!v rtl
1,1 il t i a'l persons !m :. te.l in .-a hi ma: -!-T
hy . I ! i ii i Ii XX a in!'.'-' ef II. i: m!i
; hi 1 he I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .I'lUtnai. :. s-mi-
1 : v.i'i'kli' n-w-p. i V'-i' ! 1 1 1 1 in sahi r-nuii-
I r v. or t:.r. . siK-e-ss-i ve we.-k.- prior to
ill no ! sahl lav uf hearing.
' I Willi .- Ii.v fian.!. ami sea! of said
leoiiii ti.j. lit da.- of Ke hi v. ary, A. 1 .
ALi.i'.N" J. i:i:i:s- N. I
i s r. I : - l ! w i i 1 1 : ii T V .1 n i f LTt-
;.;:ii sv.c-pin.-; c-onipound to the
C-'" eoiirt . n ' -,e
.Ii.'ius A. Pi'z. s-alarv an t
n.ileaae lo l eh. 1 . IV Hi
The Ha-le Beacor.. print ine;
envelopes and letter heads.
i.r county cbrk
Ceo. li-;.;el. indse. am! rind-
in"'. co'intv farm
C P'iB. c. Marqu'.rdt, tm;---. to
L' , r. J- ricke. coal to cuntv
i jai!
V.'i-ep;!tr W'iter llepuiilican,
I priiitinii. Shannon & Harris
l-",.(0 ( ROAD Fl'XD-
I Coalman Hardware Co. r.ails
!0::.(itj ;or ro; d !:s. t; aiid 1 1". .
.'iihT-on A: l:nji.
1 v'-: Co.. wire and nails, dU-
I Trict Xo. i::
1.'" i Win. Brothwe!;, repair- to rd.
4.2". j drau. road ':::-'rir-t X- !:
j Henry J. Wulf. rond work in
4.7". j road (iis'rict Xo. 1 1".
'jr. I a. do. i i-t. )
i .' ! M. c. K l'y. do. Disc r.
a", Frbatr P. knuse. do. IN-t.
lii.r.ii- :;; ;.er Kunz, i:u, Hist. 1
.7" ,'. I.' Barret, do. Disr. )
:.-: i ). Jol.annsen. do. Dist 7
, -"! '!. r?- J. H"r.:an. cK. !isT. 14
J V::. Gt iiris. tne plow and
. -r i share, road di"-.r:ct Xo. 7
1 j Aii. L- Krrk:, road w;k in
! otr. d dis;ri.-t Xo. S
xtml lte n f'elitioii fur
M-tlirinriX r eeiiiil
1 7.0'.t
- 1 4 V 'J 1
span of brow ii aeldin
old. well broke. r.JbO: si::
bay pebiinps, four years old. uil hic
i a ft v. fries, weisiht 13io ea'h;
cne pan f brown mar:-., seven year?
old. well broke, in foal by 2;0i lb.
Shire horse, weight HSOO: one bay
mare, seven years old. in foal by
same horse, weight 1400: one span
of black peldinps yt-ars old. well
lroke. weight "',i: one span tf bay
mares, seven and eight years old.
well broke, weight oOOO; one span of
roan mares, five years old. well brok.
six years 'the renewal t.i X
:hers Pension of
I T , . t . T . . , , . . -
in forJl,:!U """icr. iniriuj Jniia
Mr-. Dora Dns'-n for a term of six
nj'Miths at ?iC.e p" moiith ap;rov
ed. Communication from Frank J. Da
vis. Secretary of the Cass county
Tarn: l:i:rau. recjuestins the County
Hoard to make an appropriation of
i !.'. 0 f0 for the maintenance of the
same and compensation for the Coun
ty Farm Demonstrator for the per
iod of one year from March 1st, l'jlfj
to March 1st. 190. read and motion
of Harris that the amount of Slf.ovii.
V' be appropriated for ihis purpose,
after havinsr been seconded by Mil
lr. was duly carried.
Arplication of Dr. X. D. Talcott
weight 4H; one span of pray cebl- for admission of AN". A. Stewart to
ins?. ix years old. well broke, wt. j tl.e University Hospital, at Omaha.
enra.-ha. receive'! anu cou ni tr:i?ii-
:".0u; one span well matched sorrels.
ed by Chairman l'itz.
five years old. driven a few times, j Contract made with J. H. Tarns tc
weitrht 2700; one pood all-around be Superintendent of the Countv
saddle horse, weight 1100. If""" tor one year from March 1st.
Ilfilf to March 1st. 1120. at a salary
This is a true description of these jcr f 1.400.00 per year,
horses, all sound and in good con-i Order of county judgre Beeson for
rMicvvr. of Mothers I'eiision uf ?i!rs
Ida Schlieske for a period of six
months, at $20.00 per month, ap
proved. Ordr of County Beeson frr
renewal of Mothers Pen?ion of Mrs.
! Farl G. Hyde for a p-riod of six
j months at ?2.".0o per month, ap
Order of County Judee Beeson for
renewal of Mothers Pension of Mrs.
W. R. YOUNG. Auctioneer
W. G. B0EDEKXE, Clerk.
111 mi:t i.n ii m Tin: imti:i .tti:. ;om:hmi:m
5 FARf imi BONOS
Dated November 1, 1918
DUE November 1, 1938
Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any inter
est date after five years frbm date of issue. Coupon
bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomi
nation, $1,000. Interest payable semi-annually, May
1st and November 1st. Principal and interest payable
at the bank of issue in exchange Approved by the Fed
eral Farm Loan Board of the United States government.
Exempt from All Federal, State, Municipal
and Local Taxation!
This exemption includes the Federal Income Tax and
income from these bonds need not be included in returns
Chas. C. Parmeie,
Bank cf Cass County
27. 0s
llobt. Burr. do. Dist. 27
':. i '. P'ym-i! do. !!s 14.
Maro-iardt. r : - un r of
Village of Avoca. toad fund
oi r.;' c;s:ri-t Xo. ;: 4fe.e,i)
'. NY. Merri:i::i. tr-asurer of
I.-i'iisviib-. road fund of road
'!' " 1 No. 1 S .4 f'i .'
In the i " :, : . '.,;iit of -ass op'.mty, i
::! ( I .W i.' ash.i.
I 'i'o a!' --soii- i til i-l-es e.l ill Hi- es
! T t o: ..Tnii ii.son. deit-a.'il :
35.0fi :: rea.'.mj: t.,.- p.-u; i..n r W. .1 !
S'i-:!t. a i n i.- a hnal set t letn-r t
.,- j.ttnl aiiowan !' 1 ,s io-.oiir-l I:h-d in
1 ' - Iti.i i i ..n m- vili h of K-i.riiarv.
!!!. arid for ! i-- di. -I..1L-- arid for di.--
1 f). fill Hii'l.tiuli of esl.l t- :
M n-!-i. ord-red that o". and all
- - ., f'-fons ir.t-1 ---t-d in .'i.i.l n.ait.r ma .
ai d a;i;i-ar at the Cotintv "iiiit to
' I h-ld i-i and !'.r said i-uimtj, on t'
la..'") "Tlh dav of K.-!.rii;irv. A. 1 . ! ! 1 :. at
;u o a. in., to show rails-, if an;
II;!- h.-. ul.v tie- tda.-er of the ( t i -t
loner snoul.l not I uratit-O. ani t hat
l.'1.44 a.d.. - ..i t h.- o.-nii-ii. 1. f said p-titimi
and ; hearing th-r-of t. -ix-n to
a!.- ii-r.-o:: 1 n t -1 -st-i .11 s.iid matt-r lv
n-.r 1 .1 .n ii u' a I..-.V- of this rter in t he
2... 1 t !: Jimi'ii.;!. a s.-t . j-v. .k!y '
i.. -.'. -!'..! - .ii!.-e i i:, eoiinty, :m
(; a- o ;.. ... k ; 1 i'-r 10 -aid oaj of io-at -
'- t
11, v- it-.e.-s le.. f. 1 have hereunto
0. Gjr t'tv r::i!;d !'id t 1 Mill ..; said
4 in ''H '.t.i- -tu .iay of Fehriiarv. A. 1 .
.'. .1 ,i:!'-
. ". , (1 AI.I.i:X .T. BKBSi i.V.
-.,;, .M-out, .l,..l-e.
v - -
1 v 1 i:; 1. t ri 1:
i . 0 J l!i ih- -..i-Titv Court nl the fount v
.11 of ii-s. N-i.i.i-ka.
j Suit- of Xe'.t a-ka. '"ass fountv. -s:
T-. 'ha! j-:. Wile. J-oiir- V.
1 v'a'i-rv. I. hi M . ) Cirm-on. Mais-'aret
i". !.; viiu.-toi,. f aaries A. "a!i-rv,
.' 1 Ki-.t! or::.,. K. .".! meii.i .1 St'-iiih't,
le v.'j M- Vali-rv. f. 'a;i-i-.
'" " I". "'ahi. :i(:ie 1 n-uinnioiid
2 '' '..'uimand. i.,,ih-.- ! i nn.r.iond tJuik v.
2S.hii Tii ' to! iiiutiii! i Hanks, Amelia C
! ari.TTiomi. J'oik ami ail I'tn. r
900 acre.3 in Holt county. Nebraska, consisting
of COO acres .inder cultivation; 80 acres of alfalfa
and balance hay land and pasture. This land lays
level and is ail ood hard land. No sand. It pro
ducer as well as eastern Nebraska land; corn last
year made 40 bushels per acre. Four sets of im
provements, consisting of houses, barns, corn cribs
and granaries, ho? houses and other small build
ings, w.'lls and windmills. The land is fenced and
cross fenced; four ho pastures in alfalfa, fenced
ho? tiht. Runnir.g water in pasfure; wells are
20 feet deep and furnish an abundance of pood
water. 1 am offering: this tract at $G."i.oS per acre
and wiil tak in an eastern Nebraska farm as part
payment. As there are four complete nets of irn
provetnents 'his can be dhided to suit purchaser.
."20 acres lying 1.". miles north of Aberdeen. So.
Dakota. About one-half of this is under cultiva
tion. The i .ilaiue hay land. All can be cultivated
if desired. This is good deep black soil and the
best kind cf wheat land. Two ami one-half miles
from town, no improvements. Will consider a
rmall trae in eastern .Nebraska as part payment.
Price $."0.f0 per acre.
KiO acres four miles from .ong Pine. Nebraska.
This is a very choice quarter of land; well im
prod. consisting of a good six room house, new
barn, hog house, chicken house, two wells, fenced
and cross fenced. IS actes of alfalfa, perfect stand.
Price Sha.O.i pe: acre. NVill consider a small tract
in eastern Xebr..ska as part payment. Good terms
tan be gien on all the above described lands to
suit purchaser.
For further information regarding any of these
propositions see J. P. Falter, Plattsmouth. Nebras
ka. Phone No. 28.
Xo one in Plattsmonth who suf
fers backache, headaches, or dis
tressing urinary ills can afford to
ignore this Plattsmouth man's
twice-told story. It is confirmed
testimony that no Plattsmouth resi
dent can doubt.
. Jonathan Hatt, general store
keeper. 414 Main St.. says: "I pro
cured Doan's Kidney Pills from Ed
ward Kynott & Co.'s Drug Store and
I Consider them a most effective
medicine for backache and other
kidney ailments. Doan's have prov
en their value to mo for such
The above statement was given
April 10. 1912 and on February 2".
.r- IV
4 .'!
1 II. tin
1 It. Ill)
Alien J. Bee-on. for fe -s and
Frank Forman. mdse. to Rob
ert Wells
C. NY. frubtlee, md.-e. to T.
II. Adorns
Mrs. l.ortta Pri'-e. care (,f
4 dependent children. Febr.
Mrd. Lillian il. Baker, care of
3 dependent children. Febr.
Mr?. Clara Matzke. care of
4 dependent children. Febr.
Mrs. Hllen Davis, care of ',
d pendent child rem Febr
Mrs. Mary Thompson, care of
1 dependent child. Febr
Mr;;. Fthel Bnctcl. care of tj
dependent children. Febr
Mrs. Cora B. Tower, care f
dependent children. Febr.
Mrs. Mollie E. Ilnnson. care
of 1 dependent child, IVbr.
Mrs. Fanny Dill, care of :;
dependent children. Febr
Mrs. Edith Duckworth, care
4 dependent children. Febr.
Mrs. Liify It. Byle. rare of depend-tit
children for F-br.
('. E. I 'art for r fn-1 to n,..
ccurt hem.- 1M2.7-
Mrs. Esther Henetier. care of
4 depdt. children. Feb
John Kopia. mdse. to Mrs.
Opal Fitzgerald, salary and
e:;tra work for Conn rs
NYaterman Lumber & Coal
Co.. lumber to court house
Frank Kaiacek. work on the
court house lawn -t,
NYaterman Lumber - Coal
Co.. coal to county farm and
poor lO.Vfir,
J. H. Tarns, butchering help
at county larm
Allen J. Beeson. fees. Mothers
Pensions. Denson Hopkins.
Lincoln Tel. A: Tel. Co.. phone
rent. February, and toils to
January 2. llilO
NYm. Hassler. material and
work tf countv farm
NV. G. P.oedeker. hall rent.
general election Xov ',
.Mrs. Chlora Allen, care of 2
dependent children, Febr
C. D. Qninton. jailor fees for
January, 1013
O. H. Manners, assisting the
iheriff 21 days I
A. G. Cole, salarv and ex
pense, January, 1919 10S.45
C. D. Qninton. salarv for Jan
uary. l.lf 143. S3
Philip Thierolf. merchandise
irui-fi. tlufi. warrant
.-t. in? n;.;i.-,
2 4.0 11
drawn t' u- Warrant X
w ich wa:vlo;T
i'Ac';TNi3 Fl'.VIl
1 "'! :. 1 -rrv. ru
road .rk in r;;i
rt'i; 1 routy. r:giina: in
road (: Xo. ti. l : 1 7-1 S
! V.. .1. Hayes, dra rgiusr. roa
2.'.mi i .!; -'rir t ,. ;
J "'. P. Ev-;and. do. Dist.
1 "..Mi j t'U'n. r.foonoy. do. i'i- f. 1 "
I ! F. piyr.-jle. do. Di- r. 14
-0.00 Harry Marshall. dragging
i and culvert, road district
2U.00 :. Xo. J r,
! M. C. Kelly, dragging iu rcjad
S. no I district Xo. T,
j J. NY. Baker, do. ro:-d district
2.". 00 ' Xo. 1 r.
'. E. Barr-.-t. do. la ;
1. ".. 00 ( o:i'...r Chamber. I!-t. If.
! T. Johnnen. do. Dist. 7
S.oO H. A. Meising?r. do. Dist. 2
i ''" Krecklow, do. Dist. S
1 n.Ce ; NYiil M. Hor.ver, do. Inst.
i ". M. I.J. do. I h- . 27
2. ". 00 i p.urr, do. Di 27
! J. IT. Craves, do. I'ist. 27.
lft'"ll;('"',i- Itcync Ids. do. Dist. 27
: rank t.rauf. do. Th-t. 27
lifdir. Fiirailer. io. l-ist. 27
"'rt. Bi:-n. do. Dist. 10
II. P.. Le"U-r, io. Dists. 9
and 13 7.r.f
Boy Bennett, bridge work in
road diitrict Xo. 10 Jiortoo
Aug Krecklow. do. Dist. S IS. 40
-.. J. Kicr.ey. lunilur. in road
district No. 27l 32.40
E. J. ilicliey. do. Dist. 10 17.1".
P.efr.-.od and Held Up
The foiowing claims were refused
and held up for O K by the road
over-eer. as indicated:
Mrs. Olive Ilaniilton. mdse.
an t mothers pension $
H. .Nichols, mdse. to Mrs.
C Matzke T.r,o
' Georpe K. Sayles and W. T.
! Adams, salary and fees. Dep.
Tt.T,Z Co. Cierk 61 S "
6 ,M A. A. NYetenkamp. dragging.
road district No. 1 $ .11.50
ney Pills are surely all right and
what I said in my former endorse
ment bedds good. When my kidneys
cause me any trouble. Doan'.s soon
put me right."
Price f0c, at all dealers. Don"!
2 0." 0
."..0 0
2.4 0
'. 0.0
22. 10
4 . a (I
4 ." 0
1 . r. 0
1 Cod
a- interest-' in the estate of
Vai'--v. Jr.. .1 s-d :
': reading hie petition of Francis-
V.. Wait.-, s tl 1 i VI 11 C e.ect;o!. praying a
::'.a! .-etli-ni-nt iin.l a! !o'.vf. ,,(
aceonnt JiieU it: tl is emirt on the Jnth
i.iv of f". hrnary. 3 1 :. and far his iii.-- and y-.-aye. ar-d on reading
the .,-t itioit d" Attn tia .1. Str-icht nie. 1
her-it: on F t-rnary Id. IMH, j.iavi:,
for i' a ;i'i men t of 1 !!, x '-.,.
' ry ji adnn:! -t-atoi - t. a to su. - ; simply ask for a kidney remedy
e .1 i! ,. ;,,,! 1 i-a.nci- I.. l ite:
Jt .s leieh. oi,it:.,l that vim a ml a'.i
! ! sot;.- iateiesteil in said niatrei s ap- that Mr. Hatt had.
" 'i" oi.ptv ( ,1'jit to he held in
ar.d for said eountv on the ;i:d Tiav 1.;
-Mar. la t-i:.. at in a. in., to show
valise, if any there he. why tie nrav-
is of said respective petitioners should
i.oi ne uratilei: and that notice of
!.e:i.ieni-y 01 saa! t.etiuons and th
i fiii'iiii. c.-reof I -riven to ail pe-- i next few weeks with his aunt and
rt'shi.'alpy cfot":; ;t i frrandmother. Mrs. G,rtie Beckner
fh.rt.-riiouth .ti.tir.,,,!. a sem,"-week!y and Mrs. L. Rusterholt.
newspaper ininted in said count v. f.
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mr. Hatt had. Foster
Co.. Mfgrs.. Buffalo. X. Y.
Gerald Fleming, son of Mr. and
- I Mrs. M. P. Fleming is spending the
1 1
.- n cess i .
f iie-iriiT
In v. itn-"s v
prior ti
-reof. t l ave h-r-;mt .
set inv hand v"l the seal of said fouit
:1.1s lt'ta tiav of l'ehr,!;, fV up
A hl.KX .1. JlKKS' iV.
Se! 1 flt.-.-Av foniitx Ju.Ue.
The complete Electric Light eod
Power Plant
Solve the ''Retired Farmer"
problem, by modernizing the farm
Tel. D. 50!3 Omaha, Neb.
1 -1
There will be a meeting of milk
and cream producers at the Court
House in Plattsmouth at 2:00 P. 1.
Saturday Feb. 13. Outside speak
ers will be present and a large at
tendance of farmers is desired.
Mrs. Gertie Beckner has been
numbered with the sick for the paft
I have a few pure bred . Duroc
sows to let out for Bhare of pigs. I.
L. Adams. Bethany, Nebr. 10-2wksw
Subscribe far the Journal
-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scheeman j
irom Louisvi.le spent the week end
with heme folks.
On motion Board adjourned to
meet February f, 1919.
County Clerk.
Albert Egonberger who is em
ployed in Omaha, rani" down this
afternoon for a short visit with his
folks and friends here.
Mrs. Cora Boaling of Macedonia, !
Iowa, arrived in the city this after- I
noon and is visaing" at the home of
her daughter Mrs. J. H. Carter of j
this place.
Wednesday, February 19th
As I must reduce my farming operations on account
of other business, I am going to consign 30 head of
High-Grade Guernsey Cows and Heifers to a public
sale, held at the Adam Kas farm, V2 mile south of
Fort Crook, on above date.
JOHN FRAZEUR, La Platte, Neb.
to wraut-n 5.00 I
E. A. NN'url. mdse. to Monroe One 2-horse wafer cooled pas-
lVCo 32-V';.. 2 l-U". one 3-inch.
Physician. Dist. No. 2. for ! 2-inch. 2 pulleys, one 4-inch.
4th Quarter. 191S ' 12.42 one r,"incn punip jack and all com-
J. H. Tarns, salary Simt. Co. plete. used verv little. Al SO Ktill
farm January 1919 100.00 have about 3 dozen pure bred single
Geo. R. Sayles. salary, stamps. , . T , , T, . .
1 freight, express from Jan 9 comb Rhode Island Red hens, (now
to 31. 1919. inclusive' IOC. 70 la'inS) ppU fpr Jst a little
Plattsmouth Steam Laundry. more than market price. Phone
lauilU.J 1 "24 IVltts J fl 1 Vt Tt Pnrt TTJ
O. K. Garage, for livery and
storage booze cars. Dec 2S.F.0
Allen J. Beeson. order Moth
ers Pension. Cath. Meyers 3.00
Journal Want-Ad Pay I
Go Ahead With Your Plans:
This is the advice of the Wat Industries Board.
Maybe you have hoped that another year would see your plans of a new
heme realized.
Those hopes can be a reality.
Building Restrictions Have Been Removed On
All farm and ranch buildings.
All schools, churches, hospitals and public buildings costing not more than
All new homes costing not more than $10,000.00.
Now is the time to plan.
Let us help you do it.