The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1910. TWO - - - ' ' c ; r. . Set Contents 1 1 1 m . I--- It iGHMiiSXl 2 2'or Infants nnJ Children. PafSSi 1otl!srs &uw That ' similntinSlhcfood e L y .i-: ! ! sUx'ir'-,, l it? 10 53 2l o f - f.Uf ft M i 15 V 81 r--: i u f- . r? v S Il.-.-c' --r V:a-er. .... . .. . 1 ;. I i i I A ' kj Li. L; t i p ! I i ;l t : : .i;. y i l.i !' i c:;ry T i .-1 ; ; r i-:tiio ij ilii-j'-".T,;i! . ".-".ir Ciit'k el! liis 1 !m!. K.'.v.. t I . a.j I. !.;:. wa a vivitor ii: I.: ':j-vKi" i';.r I.'i - ' .!:!! -V :nal (.: ::ch- rt uiaii.; hunn.- t!ii" i:..-.r::i:iir. ; :-.y. C I. M. i-i.i,cr ( J :. .ir ''-!ar ' :. . .i" ;rl:-r ir. thi: ciiy ::i i' v. .:o-;-o i. v the- (:-.; i .i.;-' .; i .-.;!; i. : M" r i ; re- P. i'i : : ' i:- v 'vi r h ; ' f:: i - ' ; : i '!.. l.'t-' -V :i. i: . H , k ..-.!. . M : :r. : ; i: . i : ( : ' :i t Z s - i . : ;; : i ! r: .i'i - : :i :!' t;-. 1. : :::-::.; !; ! !.;-. v. . ;. I Yny r; ;u..i w ill iv::::i;n ovt-r S;;n- A. i". Fir-i;;t:' a;;tl (jojiu.' Forn cn (.i l';iii(;:n. '.vero vi.-;turs in 1 i . I - ii) ;n li this Hiornir. u. cor.'.in to '! tln-" i--.iurdiiy's -!if ijijiinc. and l;'.Ui!ijr ;ifiT ctiuT matter.--- of lui tie-.'. Jchr. L'jj.l r i) Nfhi'-.wka. a.(:ir. -I... n;- i 5 y .h'iui ilintou who i-i vii::i'.- i'i I hut iifi;in burin, ud i'rciii lii-i iiciiif :.i',ir Uoittrico wore in t!ie city t!iis morn i. it; l-jokin.s: ai'tr fui'.ii' biiii:oss for t;u day. Mr. and .Mrs. .luhn I'arktuinv frt ui th.t-ir k-n:t tu-ar Ctdar Creek. i :u- :.; t!ii? r.;; ruii'.K to look after s..iiie trading-, u.r are visiting: at tl.c 'u.'iut1 of .'.!r. Park?: Iim's i:::r ents M. ili'ni and wife of t !i is city. t"!;.rnce Te-Tt of Wct-piiiu '.'a'tr and Hanker Thoiu:s Murt'-y i wt-r' in t!i.- ri-v tliii ji:r,riii'n?r from ""It!,::! ;jla:e. (i;mi!iis to sc" about iii 1 1-? ::: t'-:e fity, and also : '.r. ir;v !. r .it iho eo:rt ' :.': : t: ! nf' r. ; '". .a. .McICI i:i i :ni a.: ' h r Vi. I r . ! ' a ; v.',:o have lieen at i j (it . M'-.vt e:.!J"i th.-e acro-tiit ; f ! ;;!. r" '", . ;. J. IC;hre;'e ; y).'. . i: ;r ..r Mm-. .'i-Ki wuin. ; 1 v. ' : ; i;;rio.; ye-t erday. re- :.;!:..; !''. lr.rt t -. n in sr. r on i vf? of near eriins for Cullom. v.-liere she ia visit ing at the home of Mrs. Harper. Henry Speeht of LaPlatte was Uover this morninc: for u few hours. coming to attend to some business for the day. Lemon Dates of near Kock. iSluffs was a visitor in l'lattsmout 1. thi.s morning called here to look after some business for u few hours. John Smith of Kock Bluffs was a visitor in this city today, brinj-'ini; in some wood, and looking niter seme other business for the day. Phillip Fornoif of near" Cedar Creel: was a visitor in the city thU morning, comintr down on the train to look after some business for a few hours. J. V. Hale and two sons depart ed this mornin.i; for Culloiu. where they are joining- the wife and moth er, and will visit with friends for a short time. John A. Lot i.t? of LuPlatte was a vioiior in this city this afternoon, he and Henry Speeht. of that plaee. coiuitii; over to iooh after seme tra.l ini; with the Plattsmouth me diants. Couiity Commissioner Henry J. Miller, of Al. ),.i has be. n in l!.-' jritv for a lew days attending the nieetin:: ef tiie board of county oi.'.-missionert-. departed for his ho-. last evening. Luke Wiles. u:n is at (!: hospital at Kirksvi !'.. Mo., where she has l-'-en rectivir-i: t ri'.itnu !,t. since she uinierwoi'.t an ojieration some time since is rei-orled as gef tir. in the bes' vay. ai'.d hop. s to be able to ret urn homo in the course of a few woeks. Mrs. M:;rt!ia Ch ri: n is., er d.n;r--t-il this :ior'.:ii:;v n ati early t ra ' :i for On aha. win re she w ut t vi-'t with a srandsoii. Joi'ii Christ eir-ser. of Neh.iwka. son of Ki:-!urd Cli.'-:.-- 1 1 cca vi -i t in: ifl: . if-;-"is iu r.nd the vit:ni:v outh ' 1- - t- ..nil t Ii n 1 i V :ii:fll Ku-! V. i le 'hic'i happened "- f!:'-.-s -;n--. accompanio'l by ii- v ' :. i:ir'-! last cv.-uins; for l.i- h-.rrie. . , . , ' I t i r " I''"!- 'f I.infM.Tn. with h.i" I , .. . , .., ,, .. ,. . ,. .... . ' ;- ' t .-r Mi s Miir.uaret.. who have .., ., , ., ., ," , ? ee ire ir this citv f.r several w i oa.-t. thn uc.-ts at the home K--ri '. 'I .-r ..r , ; , I .Ml o. r. 1.. IJU1 l.l. I'-LtII''-' " . v .i 1 1! ! or !.:; , 1 1 1 1". n :-i t- ::;a;,.i. r - j , i,.,ric.s j.',.i-;;.r for a short time be- . ior.- to la ir l,onis in L:n- : ' ' : 'r .-.-rtv'! ,.,n Villi, la ' - !'; i :- . f ; s!- will vi-'t f. r - r a: ' rr,.r!1 fr;.bv-, i,:,iiy. the ho:, i- ..f her fr M i Ann.i j Mrs. .1. W. IPile departed last ev- ::i.v ti .-i-iiii tU'iir-J i. hi .'-li: ii' a !o A at t ' v.eisser, who place. wh-.r- h.1 underwent an oper.i tion for appeneieitis. .Mrs. Harrison iith'on has j : I -1 received a letter from her brother Leland O. Hen net t. who is located in Manilla Hay. at Camp Mills. P. I., and v.iiiih says th-.'.t he expects to sail for the states some time this sprintr. and that he will prohaiy be discharged some time within a few months. Louis !iai!a. h was in t he colkt' at Helh'vite. at the time v. Iieti youny t::e:i were a;ked to take military trainin.;-. atid who was must end cut at the time of the si.anin-: -f Hie armistice, had ac cepted a position with the Jam's Manzy !)n:u' company, and is now at work there. Louis is an excel lent youn;r man. and one who rend ers pocd and e.'r.cient service in atiy position in which is p'aced. Clifford C. Hiirbrid-e .leparti '. tl.i for Lincoln, 'where lie v out to cet some b-hm'rinir to hi.. s. df. and winch he had loaned for use in Hie hard at the state farm duri:'.!-; t!ie ; itte the troop were driiiii:;;- ont there la.-i fall. When the Plat's moath hoys wettt e st it; (): t ol.'r they 1 ! th.e In t.:s iti c'lat-.--' of S-';'1-Klmer v.'ebl-. w ho h,er store ! tlutn in one of the university ii".il(.' ine-: . lu n he was mustered out of the ser vice i:i December. h Ti V- v Wednesday Ibvemiig, This meaiiG a good lame in store for those who Sove to dance. GOOD MUSIC! USUAL ' ADMISSiOK C:nm T! ur.-Uji v'y I'.itiv. .Miss Mary Lo-enrrans .hpartel this morn::ii; far Helh-Mie, where i.he is attending school. C .M. Cauer. of near Louisvili .', wa a visitor in this city yesterday afternoon. coir.iiiA look after sotue b'aaiiiess matters, for a s-hort tin: -Mrs. Harvey Harder, of near ( 'ul lom. wis a visi'or in this eity for wtjile v :-i t nh'.y. coming to visi' with, friends, and returning home l;i s t i.v- eill !!!,". Hetiry Ahi. of Loiiisvil!-. was :. vi 'i'or iti the city vesterday. return ins home last evening, afier h ivi i. completed the bu. iness which called him here. Leo Hatuo::. of Weeping Water. 'v lio Iras ju.-t In en dis !mi Ked from It he service, and had been viiti:-: her'. departed for Lincoln, where he wiH work. John Skipler. i., -m err.n! jye-- of !!!. National Sion' (in-.rrb i.. a r Ionisville. wn.-. a isitor in this ci:y yesterday, lookint; after some for a short, time. County Ccmimissioiier C. F. Har ris of near I'nion iparti-d this morn in - for his home after the closely OI- t he business for the board at this session. H. J. Sehrocder of near Cedbf Creek was a visitor in this city this morning, coming U look after tome business, and to consult one oMhe physicians rerardiiiK an cffecta'acii on one of his cheeks. Henry .Miller of Alvo. county coninii.-siotier the third dis trict who h?U been in the eity atT temlintr the meeting of the h-jard o'f county commissioners, for th.e past few days ufter the closing of their work, departed today for his homo tat Alvo. been selected the administrator for J" i it L cuaic ui LlltJ 1 tl I L I- 1 1 o'.aiiuri ph A us ust Thiman of :H Eil3 . ..... .. : : P- w no w as iormeri u iv.-i ot Louisville was approved. Mr. btanuer is .tnerehy accepted as ice adiniuitrator for the said e which is of his mother. i i.,,-a n ..t ...... tn-... ii-i.c v.i IIKII Vi JUIL Jl 111 IILtli .MU. iJ f I .- a visitor in Omaha for the clay driv ing tip this mornint? in liis car to make the train. Mr. (lapen will depart tomorrow .for Hitchcock county, in the southwestern por tia ncf the state, with his car to lok after some business in that section. He expects to move there in the early spring to make his home. Mr. and !.!r Omaha dent of this citv come here first some lifty-tive years a so. and i after havinir lived here for a llllin"" nor ot years, moved irom nere auu:psr has been livttn; in Omaha lor some , time past, was in this city M-ut tow-i i-icitiii" :it the home f f.f L. 11. Heil. and this afternoon re mi lieu io meir pome. ' PTv A. W. Snii'h wlio 1ms just pas-ed j ; his r.4th b'rtioiay is embarking in the occupatioti of sellinK the story of the. World's War. having the eu-t:m- territory of south-eastern Ne braska, and will make a thorough canvass of the territory. Heins a srvat historian himself, and having ail t!ie treat movements en t tie war at his lingers ends, he is particular ly well equipped to int elligent ly talk the book. I'. K. Ita-nstead. the only remain in:': soldier member of Hie local ex emption board of Cass county, and who has been detailed to stay and cb-." up the h'isinss. is Jiavius a di'V'cu't time jes now keenintr busy. at- there is very little work to do. IP-wev.r. what there K is trafsmit le.' in huPe-ins from staie head-;ua;-: .rs at rather infrequent interval-, so it is ' m cessa ry that he stay hcr" to ::iv it his attention when needed. Mr. Harnstead is desirious :.f petting out of the service and re turning t civil life activities. ii 1 r 0 HUH B B Bra VERY LATEST fABSGND AiBEROLA! 3 KOOELS S41 - SS8 - $100 Use tl:e New Blue Arr.berol Records (4-MIMUTE) These I.ave been played 3,000 Times without Showing Wear Mr. &Jison lia rc-rntly ejeviserd a special fitting for all the older types of 2-minute Ediscjns, which will adapt the new Diamond Stylus Reproducer and permit the playing ot lh Blue Arnberol Record, and we will fit it, adjust and guarantee your instrument. All this refutes the slander that some talking ma chine dealers have been spreading about FZdison discontinuing the c'linder line. The Edison Cyii.ider Phonograph is Better than Ever Before and Record Production will Soon be Greater than Ever Before n u fa hi p S3 BEING TRANSFERRED TO THE EAST Fn'-i Friday's Dally. Last Wednesday Dean Patton. ?rn of K. H. J'atton. wlio has been in 'the Navy Training Station at Se. n Francisco, for the past six months, started to the Great Lakes training station near Chicago, hav ing been transferred from the coast to that point, a . is supposed to pass through Omaha this evening. This afternoon K. IT. Patton and wife departed for Omaha. where they will endeavor to t-ee their son as he shall pass through there for the east. He is with many others t x pectins to be released from the ! .ivy in a short time, as he has not completed his education. MOVES FROM FARM NEAR IIYNARD From is.-ituriJa v's!y. Geo. A. Meisinger and wife, who recently purchased the Crabill prop erty in the second ward of the city, moved from their farm home this week to their new home in l'latts mout h. The Journal is sure pleas ed to see such valuable farmers as Mr. and Mrs. Mcisinger take up their permanent home in this city. t : 1 1 mum r si.i: ert !' the I'l.untv i iKt rj, r t!i;ilt.'i- of i!.e ; iia i .1 ia iisli i ; Filo-nliary. mentally ineeiii- TTTT TiCil DC Hadraba Plattsmouth, Nebraska VA U hi IBM T! ?H7t mtwo cMrk. whicii thi he meet i I; its 0:1 s alwas tiii ti'.'-, is doing. At each Sunday there of interest to the FROM CHARLES CHAPLIN. FAM OUS FILM COMMEIJIAN. TO APPEAR AT PARMELE Coming Next Tuesday e.r.d d?.) in Kis Litest Screen Suc cess. "Shoulder Anns." Charles Chaplin. the great and famous screen star, who is coming to the Paimele theatre Tuesday and Wednesday in his latest success, en titled "Shoulder Arms." a story of "life in the trenches" under date of today, writes the following letter to Plattsmouth movie fans: BIBLE CLASS TO BANQUET EIGHTH ANNUAL BANQUET OF THE YOUNG MEN'S EIBLE CLASS FEBRUARY 13TH. SQLOiEBS ARE ALSO INVITED i voung men, which goes to make up j the les.-ciis teachings. The banquet '''ill be furnisJie-1 with an excellent j program, which will deal with the prMMcms c,i uie young men, m whatever capaci'y he may be found. The hoy who is here and employed. 'the one who is returning from the service and who is not employed, and will return to us. as he is nov in increasing numbers, will he dis:-cus-pd. lie theie and niTt him, and hear what l.. has to say of the war and its let-sons. And the Boys Wearing the Uniform Of the Array And Navy Will Be There. From Saturday's Dailj-. The final arrangements are per fecting rapidly for the eighth an- j nual banquet of the Young Men's Hible Class of the Methodist Sun day School, which is to occur at the church parlors on the evening of February 13th next Thursday. This is the occasion of the year for this hustling class, and is one which marks the progress in the Getting Rid of Coughs The ..n-lest and quicket way to get rid of a cod is to take Clmmln r lain's Cough Hi medy. Tins re-pa ra tion has been in use for maay years and its value Is fully proven. NV mat ter what remedy you use, hourwr. care must he taken not to contract a second cold before you have recover ed from the lirst one. and there is serious danger of this. A mar of middle ace cr older should go to b d and stay in bed until fully recover ed. It is better to stay in hod three days at the start than three weeks later on. In th. i.r ii.i,- m-teni : i-tiee i: h'Teliv pn'n l!iat in imr si.aii'i' "f .wi oiiU-r et' .lanie T. l!-g-!'..-. .1 : . ! - r - of tl.e lilslii t I'l.iMt f I'.'..-- n-ii'il v, Ni ;.r;i K .'. made on tie ii'. .lav fi! I leieno,. i . 1 : 1 S. for tl:e sale of II" I -a I i'st;iif l.i-rei i.a f lei- .iisiil- -.I. !i will In.- ,..!.l at the South I'i ..til ilner of the house in J'latts-lii-Mili'. f.i.- eiiiiitv-, Nel'tz-ka, on I lie "t'l ..f K.-1m aa rv. It'lti, at one ii - loi 1: p. in of sji.J .la at lojhlje v ! o ! liinlii . l hiilit. r for e.isli th' f iU li.'v i i- -l.s rin.-.l ii-al estate, io-wii: l.jt f.oi" li in the Northwest oilaller in' the S.lllll'.Vi'sl IUII't-l-: a! -o live ' ." i in the Southwest ea'tei- o the S.oUhwtst iuait-r; all in See! ion to not '"Mi 1!'. Town ship twelve M;'i, l-'anre fourteen, 'I'i. ': - eioiniv. Neliraska. S-ii.! sa!" t" lein.-iiii open ne h-oir. e,i,..l u, js "1st ihi- of .January. A. . CH!. .M.H I-: .IOMXSOX. i : .ia t-.I la r of tli ;t ile ef Henry Kik f :;-:;w eneary, iiieii'.ally i tieolil pet I'll t. Today. To My Friends: Please look for my signature on all posters advertising my new Million Dollar series of comedies, distribut ed through the First National Kx hibitors Circuit. Also look for it on the main titles of the Films themselves. You can tell my new pictures from old ones by looking for my signa ture. They are not genuine with out it. Yours sincerely, "S aws Bring or send in all your saws that need gumming. Wo have a power ssvv gummer and are equipped to put worn out saws, from 8-60 inches in diameter, into first-class condition. Sheldon lanufaefrag lempan NEHAWKA, NEBRASKA Dreadful Couh Cured A severe cold is often followed by a rough cough for which Chamber lain's Cough Remedy has proven es pecially vaiuable. Mrs. F. V.'. Olsen, Marysville, Mo., writes: "About two years ago my little boy, Jean, caught a severe cool and coughed dreadful ly for days. I tried a number of cough medicine;-, but nothing Aid him any good until I gnve him Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It relieved his cough right away and before be had link-.!;ed takinr one bottle be was cured. I think it is just fine for children." FOR SALE. Yesterday in county court bond of James Stander who Improved SO acres, three lii'.les west 'of Plattsmouth. two hundred 1 and fifty dollars per acre. For par the ticulars- inquire of T. II. Pollock, has S-d&w. RETURNED HOME THIS MORNING From Thursday's Daily. This morning Fred Yerhule. who has been in the armv for a number of months, and has been located at Ft. Urady, Michigan, returned home having been mustered out of the service a few days since. Fred who is an excellent youn man has made a good soldier, and has been very faithful to the re ouirenients demanded from him and while the war was on, he was very anxious to go and do his part, but since the ending of the struggle. has desired to get out and back to the duties of civil life. He is ready for anv occupation which offers an opportunity for the expression of his energy and where he can earn a competance and do the' work re-quired. That Terrible Headache. Do you have periodic attacks of headache accompanied by sickness of the stomach or vomiting, a sallow skin and dull eyes? If so, you can get quick relief by taking Chamber Iain's Tablets as directed for billious ness. and ye u may be able to avoid these attacks if you observe the di rections with each package. Stationery at thd Journal oiffce Gome in and ooea ch "v.s4 U -:-. V M. 9 r s -V: -5-i :.! . fiL iSwaapew IOTP a'sFtaSir.'yn-.-; --uWkS,Hca You work hard forvcur mcnev anKW'z sriyns men worn tor you; ASK ANY WEALTHY MAN HOW HEGOT HIS START AND up WILL TELL YUU IT BEGAN WITH A SMALL BANK ACCOUi T THAT HE BUILT HIS FORTUNE BY WORKING HARD AND CAN k" ING EVERY CENT HE COULD "RAKE AND SCRAPE " YOU CAN DO THE SAME1 WHY NOT BEGIN NOW TODAY? THAT MONEY YOU HAVE-IN YOUR POCKET WILL START Ynn COME IN AND START. "mi TOU- YOU WILL RECEIVE 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME CFR TIFICATF.S. CER- Farmers tate Bank PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA