The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 06, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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To Holders of Liberty
Loan Bonds!
We shall be glad lo cash your interest coupons free
of charge any time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
ycur Liberty Boids.
Income Tax Blanks will soon be here. We will give
any information and fill out statements
free of charge.
The Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80yQQ0
Your Personal Bank,
J Y. .I:;. s I.:ihv.
Tl;i- m. ri; i n-- Crank -'. Titn . a
p.- mber ( f the I'nif-tl S at-.-. Navy,
. -i ; v ! r ,, , J..-, si ba..k in the slates
i -u: l'r. : cr near l'!iri.-ii".as.
: r:v.ii i.i t !.! c'.tv this ni:rning. J
; 1 I- at the home i hi i
t:: clc Frank Schlater. Mr. Tighe
v to i.- the .-i:i of Joseph Tighe and j
; !" Hav. 1 r!.. hut v.lm-c heme ;
a- i:: ;r-M. Vd-rauo. a' the
f.i- of his w'itn!ont. was in
T'runce i"-.r m me time, aiiil was one
the cr v.-. v.lii htniled fi: . M t he
lz' naw! '.'in:- which played .-uct. ;
;:: important pari in the later bat -
H.s of '!:' western front. The
! i-t:l ".uns it will ! r -
(.(: !. w ere mounted on cars and i
n.-...i to : ; i: t-T'-i.t portions of the)
tmn.try a- 'l.e Him- of battle chang- j
(!. fi:-' cms which wcro of 11 '.
:;.(': calibre, were capable of throw-
iih ir a !!nt more Tnari a uaai
t ;.. i'7" pound.--, a distance of 42
ni : I v i.i'? the maimi:m range of
iru:.- vih a !:"avv -1 i 1 1 vc:?h
Iv.z 147". is miles. These puns
( r v-ry -f:-ciiv in wintiir.::
t. .'.; of it.-- hatb--. Mr. Tiuhe
v. i i i vi.- .i here where- he ni.nw? a
r.n-.' numb, r of pl- f r a short
m aCir which lie will go to
tlavelock for a vi.-it of some time
1 ! .r-.. i . poes t i to Cretley. Colo..
!.'.: home.
Fcr Iafans and Children
in Uso "or Over 30 Years
A'.wavs Mars Ss '
:;. acre, in Holt county. .Nebraska. consiM inu
oi t.t 0 a -res under cultivation; SO acres of alfalfa
a-:d i ay land and pasture. This land lay.-,
i- 1 and is :l11 pood hard land. Xo sand. It pro
duce, a- w(U as eastern Nebraska land; corn last
vear made 4 bti-hrls per acre. Four sets of im
pr.en.etiiK. (insisting of houses, barns, corn criVs
. i ... l ..- o 1 1 . 1 1 i 1,' .
a r:M
prat:ari . iiou nouses
v. .11-. and windmills.
i r: L-s.
s fenced; four hog
hog tUht. i:utM!i::p water in pasture; wells are
fct dee;, and furnhh an abundance of good
water. I am offerinp this tract at J;r..0 per acre
at d will take in an eastern Nebraska farm a pari
vment. As there are
3 ttl'.S can
:: 0 acres lying IT. mile.-;
Dakota. Ai.o:;L out-half of
The bahM:c- hay land. Ail can ne cuitMa.. i
ired. Thi,-. is pood deep black soil and th"
t H'li.
if (b
i..-t kind of wheat land. Two and one-halt miles
iron, town, no improvements. Will consider a
.all tract ;i eastern Nebraska as part payment
? :,(). 0 per acre.
j en ru res four miles from Vng I'n.e. .Nei.rasKa.
is a veiy cnoice
p-o.ei, -un is'i:.g T a -od nx rootn t.ome. ne
,,.; house, chicken home, two wells, fenced
.l ero.s fenced, is aces of alfalfa, perfect fctand.
1Tb e Sth o: P'-T aw. Will consider a small tract
i., e- stern Nebraska as part payment. Good terms
can l- given on all the above described lauds to
suit purchaser.
For further information regarding any of these
proposition tee J. P. Falter, Plattsmouth. Nebras-
ka. Phone No. 28.
I'lom V.'-.,.ri'-s'!;i s liaily.
Yesterday afternoon Walter ilr -an
who has been making hi home
in this ciry fir some months work in ihe Iturlinton shpjis. anil
who has si:i;o lands near Holy.'ke.
Colorado. d( parted for that platv.
wiore he poes to lorh the br.i our,
ami see what he shall do with, eith
er rent it or eneape its cultivation
himself. lie will remain there for
a few das at this time.
rr. in V.-.!!icsi!avs Pai'v.
llefere the board of ci unty i.-:n-Tnissionc
rr. a tlieir ; essioii of yes
terday was beit:p considered the
matter of whether t'ie county a.e?-t
was doir.s: sucii work the
county would be justified in contin
uinp his service; or not. A larpc
i.umher of fii'i.icrs w ho w ere it;
lh" city and who had co;nu to :-'-e
a'nou! the i-Taiv auto raui!. which, -s
to bo e.-'ab:i.-.i,i'(; by pverr.nv.r.t
and county awi. were present, and
they were cjuett iotieil recrardinp the
cSiciency of the county apent. and
a factor for the benoft of the fr.rm
inp conimunity. Yhile there were
opinions that were conflionnp. it
was the decision of the b-i.rd of
county commissioners that the
county apent would be continued
for another year.
Frm W.'lii'-'I.i Vs I'ai.y
This morning Mis.-, Tei-sa K'od
lar. of Uuffalo, N. Y.. who is a uiec
of Mrs. Cieoree V.'apein-r. wo lives
ea.-t of Murray, arrived from the
cast and will make her home with,
her aunt for some time. Mis Knel-1
lar some time since had (he influ
enza, which v as followed by the
pii-"!vn, ia. and when over has b-f.
her health rot tli" best, and was ad
vised by the physicians to come
vest for a chJ'iipe of climate, in
the hopes that she would receive
Improvement in her health.
m:i ono-i
The land is tenceii ann
pastures in alfalfa, fenced
oui ...iiio.
"ai'ui. in ......
north of Aberdeen,
this is under cultiva-
If You D.)u't Eiijoy Seeing Charlie
Camouflaged as a Tree llien
There's Something vv rong
With tli? war safely over, every
body today is interested in trench
life, whether they know anything
about it or not. and the fun register
ed by Charlie Chaplin in "Shoulder
Arms" iiis second million dollar com
edy, which is coming to the Parme
!e on mxt Tuesday and Wednesday.
February 11th and FJth. is so irresis
tab'.e that it will win an house, at d
et i' i!'V"r to the point ot
ridiculing the servic e.
If anybody wants evidence of the
advisability of lakii; time to make
;ood feature product ion;-, this latest
r.-buse by Chaplm should be thor-m-I,H-
-?' is fvH" To those who
know the technical ditlicult ie
makina a liobitu comedy that car.
run through several reels and keep
"oing. i( is ilearly (it motistrated here
that time, thought and care are es
.t.;:T':a! to the making or real special
p, O'iiic' s
The ..pening i.;' a v hah'. Witlsout,
a ti:l'. tlie iirst two thousand feet.j
shoiirj CluTl-.e tr;:;g to k.-. p pan
with !!" wkw-;:rd 'lual. is enough ;
to send any ai:ik-nc' into an up-:
roar. The action th":i swings quick-.
!y into life in the m nones and Char-,
lie get real fun out of this, with an!
jecasiona! littb- toncii of pathos that j
i.:.'.-s t Is e h'.Uith.- :hat nuvh better, i
The bit v here he it: es a nutmeg grat- ;
?r t " i . : ii his l ad; bee; ttse o1'
he cooties, the expressions when
bursting slulls come rear, the inci ;
icnt of the Hooded d'J-'OUt, with the
atid'.e sailing vxvr 1j a comrade's
'oot. and tht hokum business with, j
'i'h.arlie in a camouflaged suit to make (
liim bk like a dead tree, were mar- '
velous bits l" fun-making. j
In about the third r. el. Miss l'ur- ;
vtdance fbsated in as the sl.C'ro. and
'l.aili.'. in trying to save her from.'
Tie Germans. found himself locked
a a cejihoard of a room that the Kai- .
-er vi.-itei. and by some tunny ad-
.itures. he ntatiaged to get in the
io-itio:i of chaui'leur in the Kaiser's
ir. w in. t he result ; hat he drove,
hi.- satauic majesty at full speed in-,
'o the Allies' lines. Then Charli:''
woke up. He had b"en dreaming ai-;
ter his strenuous drill with the awk
ward squad. .
To those u iii are not familiar with :
the technical d i liicul t ies of making
rapid tire comedv that really regis
ters, it may seem that the turning
i:' of a production like (his should,
no particular eft'rt. l'.ut anyone1
who has ever tried to male good,
coined ie-. will r.a'i.e the fact tha! j
setting all the laughs tha; are reg- ,
istered-in this is a very serious job. J
The result, however, more than justi
fies the expenditure of expensive j
:ime. The ide-i of having Charlie!
wander into the German lines cam
ouflaged in a -uit that made him look
hke a dead tree was surely an in
st.iratio'i. They get an awful lot of
fun out of this and the scene where
Charlie was cha.-cd bv a In t Cern-jn
-oidier through a wood, where he
m r.iil.l ,.i ll.- ...i.ii.. 1...
-"" '
German stabbed the various t rees
. . . . , .
".oK iu on. i iim: was great Stutt.j
because the audience has an a f i;l
!in:e www taen new iiasli trvil;g to
locate the comedian. Whoever doped
out the suit worn r-y Charlie and
picked the location for this particu
lar bit, pulled a new stunt for sure
No comedy ever shown in Platts
mouih can i n 1 "Shoulder Arms" in
ooint or being genuinely funny. It
s in n cl.tss by it.sclf, which accounts
for the :;re;.f mi'itss it lias hud ev
erywhere it has been shown. Even
people, who normally don't care for
Chaplin pi. Mire were greatly im
rvresse ! with the acting and vein of
comedy that permeates this one from
he opening scene to the close. The
two days it is to be shown in Platts
mouth promise to see record-brt a k
;nc crowds at the Parmele and the
tfaiiagenient advises that its patron:--ome
early in order to assure getting
a seat.
For Sale; House. outbuildings,
fruit and three acres of land. Cheap
and easy terms if taken this week.
E. W. Frans. 4-d&w
Wanted Experienced bookkeep
ers. Returned army men preferred.
Iilorton-Gregson Co..
Nebraska City, Neb.
From Wednesday s Daily.
Last evening at the parsonage of
the Christian church. liev. and Mrs.
Levi Y. Scott, pastor and wife, ent
ertained the official board of the
church at their repular nieetinp of
the month. The board transacted
much business, and after the busi
ness had been disposed of, Mrs.
Scott served a delightful lunch,
which was enjoyed by all present.
The matter of a revival meeting
in the near future was considered
at length, but the time at which it
should be held was not definitely
determined upon.
Vvuin Wednesday's Paily.
Last Friday Morris Slander and
Mirs Grace Owens quietly departed
for Omaha, and then wended their
way to Council Bluffs, where they
procured a license, and were united
in marriage. As a lark they went
there and had the ceremony per
form and returned to the surprise
;f their friends here and received
i heir blessine. They are visiting
f i at this time with friends nere, but
' will go to housekeeping in a short
j time. The young folks are both
well known in this city and sur-
rounding country, and have a host
j of friends, who will with the Jour
I nal join in wishing them an abund
ance of happiness and prosperity.
"We with the others of their
friends will have to acknowledge
' that the young couple were pretty
: smooth when they have gotten past
: with the wedding for this length of
' ; ime.
W tare not all alike. Some peo
b' are bles.-ed with vigorous con-
titutions atol can withstand habi'-
ni'allibly ruinous to others, liut such
'xeepti(,ns only prove the rule, and
:or man's own well being, it is ai
ways better to live temperately ii
all things and to cling to the obi
,-ecipe: Keep your intestines clean
The stomach is the main-stay oi
iiet'lth and as soon as it is. restored.
all troubles disappear. The followini
letter is worth reading: "Shiner
Texas. Dec. el. 1'JIS. My wife wa-
ill for 4 ears past. She tried many
.ne'icines without result until she
b. gan to take Triner's American
ihixir of Bitter Wine. Today she is
in best health and Triner's American
Kli:ir of Hitter Wine is .the favorite
remedy in our home. Frank Dornak."
Take this remedy for your health, all
druggists sell it. Price $1.10. Ami
buy alM Triner's Liniment today
.omorrow you may need it! It is un
surpassed for rheumatism, neuralgia.
Mimbago. sprains, swellings. chil
hiatus, etc. At drug stores :.f. an;
(iec: by mail 45 and 75c. Josepl
Triner Company, 1 ?.;,.:?-lo4:'. S. Ash
land Ave., Chicago. III.
ok TTin
of Plattsmouth. Nebr.
Charter No. in: in the State nf No
l.rasku at the (lose of business
m .bit.uaiy I'S. K'lK
ji.' ;tni luseouiits
, e: ! a f ts
5iir. '-'":( 7:i
I tl'li'ls. K'C
judgment s.
j ,!, ete
i ' " '" asset :.ii.ttv Morels
! i-tniikir: house, furniture und
7.1 r. 1. 1'"
1 1, ..".). ''
u . s r. . ,
1.:.- i.-y.:
' ,' l,fr ,'ti'1 ,,sti,t'"-; .
iiireat exj.ense, tuxes ktki
. r. I est i.ani
- fVV.'m Nai i'..V,ai aYufsiAiA
'hooks and of eeh'
' ' i 1 i f'efiev
'odd i-o i n
Silver. nTrkels and tents..
1 O'itii"
1 .i(t:7.."at
. $7i.'.is.:;o
Capital sto' k paid in. $ .' "( 00
Surplus fund ;;i.0o0.0'(
indiviied pn.fts 7.1f.7."4
I ndi vidua 1 deposits. t-uh.iet t
to ehe k -'hS. I.".. 1
'fiiue eert ili.'H I "S nf .leposii. ::i'.".,7::r..i '.'
Cashier's i,".ks outstuuditiK ."j.tiM.til
hui' l( National and State
Pills pa aide
Iiepositor's s'.ai i n t fund.
:: i.:4s.:u;
i. I . 1 . 1 !'
State of N'fhra.-ka)
Coiintv of Cass ) ss:
I, P.. K. Patterson. Cashier of the
iihove named Lank ilti hereby swear
that the above statement is a eon eel
and true copy nf the report made to
the State Hanking- Hoard.
At I est: Cashier.
CHAS. C. I'.MIMKLK, TMrector.
THOMAS i:. PAKMELE, Director.
Sul.serihed and sworn to before me
this Itk dav of Keliruarv. PUn.
lS-a! Notary Public.
My commission expires Sept. "2, 1923.
Box paper from 25c to $5.00 at
the Journal office.
Cass County Boys and Girls Com-
2ete for Honors m Various
Classes of Industry.
Prize winners haw been announc
ed in the County Garden Project for
ll'IS. the County Chicken liaising
Club for If) IS and the Corn Raising
Club for 1!1S. as follows:
County Garden Project: 1st place.
gold "Honor" badge, to La on Frans.
of Union; ml place, gold "Achieve
ment" badge to Ina Miller. Elmwood
County Chicken liaising Club: 1st
place, gold "Honor" badge, to How
ard Rover. Klin wood; 2nd place, sil
ver "Achievement" badge, to Herbert
Steinkamp. Wabash.
Wilbur Steele. Wabash, won th"
gold honor medal in the Corn Rais
ing club for lidS.
List of Those Competing
Helow is a list, of boys and girls
completing Junior Club work during
the last year in the various projects
lisied. and who are entitled to school
credit therefor, subject to the coun
ty regulations:
Chicken Raising: lva Armstrong.
Golda IJird. Marie Rird. Archie Hen
nings. Helen Hottie. Jennie Oehler
kinp, Howard Rover, Elizabeth Sitz
mann. Margaret Sitzmann. Herbert
Steinkamp and Harold Schliefert.
Corn Raising: Wilbur Steele and
Harold Luetchins. of Wabash.
Canning: Ethel Marie and Lola
Rose Schwab, of Murdock.
Gardening" La Yon Frans, Fnior.:
Ina Miller, Elmwood and Beulah Ni
da v.
Sewing Course 1 :
Griugie Ash. Mauley;
Sewing Course '1:
Bee Ash and
Georgia Hull.
Georgia Hull.
Plattsmouth and Erna Schliefert, of
War Bread: Jrssie Bucknell. Alvo:
Irene Hobbs. Avoca; Ruth E. Ran
ney. Weeping Water and Mollie
Swanson, Waverly.
Pig Club: Ernest Pollard. Troy
Murdock. Harry Knabe. Everett Rut
lodge. Chester Stone and Paul Mur
dock. Nehawka; Orthoneil Hutchins.
Keithley Hutchins and Max Hutch
ins. Weeping Water and Raymond
Todd. Plattsmouth.
OTICI-: OK SI IT to ni ii-:t iitli;
In the liistriet Court of the Count v
of Cass. Nebraska.
Henrietta Halnies. PiuintilT
1 1 1 suiou tli Ker ry Company, a
C''';ioniliini. -t a I. lef-nda'nts.
in the defendants. Plattsmouth
ry con-.pany. a corpora tion ; the
known sm-.-essors. urantees ami assisrns
of the Pia t tsniou t !i Kerry eompanv, u
eori.orat ion : Tho.nas J." .torus: .Mrs.
Tluuuas .7. Jones, first real name un
known, wife er widow of Thomas .7.
.tones. the unknown heirs. devisees,
legatees, personal representatives ami
all other ,ersniis interested in the es
tate of Thomas .1. .tones, deceased: the
unknown heirs, devisees, lesratees. per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons ini rested in the estate of Mrs.
Thomas J. Jones, first real name iin
Known. deceased wife or widow of
Thomas .1. Jones: James O'Neill: Mrs.
James O'Neill, first real name un
known, wile or widow of James O'Neill :
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
James O'Neill, uecoased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, lciratees, personal rep
resentatives anil all other persons in
terested in the estate of Sirs. James
O'Neil!, first real name unknown, tie
ceased wife or widow of James
O'Neil! ; J. M. 1 (ew es, also known as
Go Ahead With Your Plans:
Building Restrictions Have Been Removed On
Now is the time to
Plattsmouth Garage
J. E. MASON, Proprietor
Reo Service Reo Cars and Trucks
The New Reo 4-Passenger Coupe
For the man who uses his car every day in the year;
whe must cover much ground and be in many places
every day, regardless of weather conditions, this Reo
i? especially made. Wc cordial invite inspection of it.
.1. M I tews, first t.i.l name t:i Known:
Mrs. .1. !. 1 icwi's, aim known us X!;s
.1. M I ic, first re.i! ii.-ime enknown:
the imkii'.wii I .eirs. 1- is.-cs, l. ;il. . s
jn-rsona! reprt s-nt ;i t ives and a ! ! otli.-r
persojis interesteit m the eslale el .1.
M. 1 ewes. also known as .1. M. l(. w.
Iirst ! ! lii'.me t;j'kn..wti. ie.--a eil :
the etikiiowri le its. o.-v is -s, l.'iilri's
persona! ' ;res-n t:i t i s iiii.l all othtr
i,r'"n i :it r.'si .'.I in th.' Mate of Mrs.
.1. M. I ewes. i.lsn known iis Mrs. .1. M
I (-ws. first real name unknown. ; c t iis
! wife or vi!..w f .1. M. I(ewes, also
known as .1 M. lews, tiist r.a! nnuie
tilikaowii: t:, S. 1; own, a widow, first
tea! name unknown and the unknown
owner and unknown . lainuir.ts of lots
to arel 11 in hlo.-l: i'. in the i'.'tv of
F 'h.MMUoat h. ("ass ri: at X. e'.'ka:
Von ann eaeh "i vm; are l.t-n l.y no
tified on the Mh dav of .laroiarv.
A. 1). 1 ! t '. lainifr t'led her mil in the
distiii't emirt of i"as ei nntv. N'. l.ras
k;i. t' quiet pla'iititfs title to the fol
lowing d'-sei i l"-d I n.', to-wit:
" "Lots ten i 1 c t and eleven )!. ir
l.'.(K k two "i in tie City o! Platts
mouth. Ne! iaska"
beranse of her adverse .os ses s ior
l.y herself and b r giaitors f..r in or.
ii'iai, i :i yeai prior to the i oi'inien
PK-nt el' said suit: to have ue:-t ee"
and estaldished that a eertain d.-e
!!(!.. the d.fendakt K S. Prov n. widow
first real natto- tokimwu. ii. 1 i . fd
June !, tlJ to No-! ..las 11;. lines, hie-
l.and of iMii.ntitt. ami ti.ioiu:!: wnoin
rda::ii:"' elaims ti',1.-. to have ! !i dn!-
executed, (lelivfl'ed iind to hl.Ve Oi'SS-
ed the title from the said TV S. V.rowr..
Widow. Ji re;;: "1'lie unV.Iiowil. to
the said NiHi.das liaiii'.s. and ' tt-
ioni eaeh and all '"' . ..u froin '..i : : -ir
elanoitis !Ui' tiult. tit!.-. !.. n or in
terest, f lt!-er leiiiii o! . : : i ; t ii ! -. ill o-
!o ss. il !"ts or an' tar: ti.r.o!': I"
ro-uir- vmi to s.t forth your right,
title. la-.m. ::: or M.ter-st therein, if
anv. h-ta 1 or i-nu i la lde. and
have Cue same iidiudged iuft-rior t"
tie title of plaint if!' arid for genera"
e(;u:tnh!e leh.f. T 1 i s- jiotiee is tu.ide
r.ursuarit to the r of the nmrt.
You are required to answer sa id pe
tition on of hefore Monday. 1-Vi.ruary
I'C or your default will he .inly
entered therein.
VA' ;:ol.erf -on. I'luintifi.
Attorney for Plaintiff. cjU-lw
Miiici: ri -111:111 phi
The Slat.
.f N. 1 k:i.
n t .
1 1 i ,.- 'oil a 1 'oi: t
in lie matter of t h-
t ;
of 1 ia v-
id Siol h.-r. 1 e eased.
To th.- nf said K..-'tate:
You ai" I notito-d. That 1 -wn.
sit at It Count'. Court room in Plait--mouth,
in said eountv. on the Ui:
.!' Mari'n. P P1 and Mb .hi - ol -luh'
ll'l:' at li' o'eloi k a. m. on i.nh ;
s-iid' das 10 ree.'.ve and 1 aimne a!'
e'iiiims a-am.-t said estate, with ii v i. w
to theM- ad iia-tm.'iit fuel allowam-.-. 1 I
time iimiied for the in.-se u t a t ion of
claims against said Pslat" is three
months from t !. !lh dav et Maren.
. p.l!'. and the lime Imi'ted lor p.i-m'-nt
"I' dehts is one ! 1 from said
:;nth day of Januarv. PP'.
W itness h hiiiui and the seal of said
Count v Court this ::oth day of .lanu-
AI.I.ICN J. p.i:i:s"-.
(Scal)-f::-1t w. County Jedc.
1 have about 200 bushels of Un
celebrated Marquis beardless spring
wheat, and about T0 bfishels of the
bearded spring wheat similar to the
blue stem variety, for sale on n y
farm near Mynard. Excellent quality
and clean of foreign Feeds. Call
Sherman Cole, phone 4014. daw-
It yoti -want to heir "ln the wut
bu a Liberty Bond and do It today.
This is the advice of the War Industries Board.
Maybe you have hoped that another year would sec your plans of a new
ome realized. w?:
Those hopes can be a reality. ;
All farm and ranch buildings. ' " ':r'::!fixsi
All schools, churches, hospitals and public buildings costing not more than
All new homes costing not-more than $10,000.00.
plan. Let us help
c? a.
Th'.' hoard of county couimh- lon
ers wie alnii-t ovei'Wheliiied yes
terday by people out in the i -unity,
vhi; rain; in-i-resied in 1 1." '.-cation
oi" tiie road, which is to roiii"
'ed'.'ral. :'. :h-t 'ttttnty ;u;port,
md which has M,.i b)ejtd a r;.i,
ting su-tth tl r-nigh thl ph.i' e and
-)as'-.::; south, jus! east "f 1'niou
".it of the ci', while the on-
vhith is to go ui -t and v.- --t . s lo-c-;;'-d
from a p-iint on lie jhove
named road, jiis east of Murray,
a j a:-. ; ng v.e.M. directly through
tl:c county, and :-triking Waverlv
ii: 1.: v.c;:-. t'-r (nuiiiv. The board
t h -u' -.!: th.ey no juri -diet imi i!i
I h" t.,:.t t,-r. at d. so cpre d Ihetn-
scl'.'i . .-. to those V. ho ::l.iC ;r l.inr
a')"!!? it. They agreed to :;o to
I.ipeoiu as a board ttulay. an t to
meet the legislative commi't.e on
roads, regarding the loc;'t;n-' "f ti e
road as it is. The board are not a
unit on the matter, and it i under
stood, that there are two f r the
ob'-erving of the locatlT'.g of th
state engineer. as above stated
whi'e the other is for the placing
cf it on "O" street road. which west from 1'nion. This wu'd
be giving Otoe County as mu-h set-,
vice on this road as this county
while wo would be btlpposed ti keep
it up. ufter location, it is claimed
by the people living in the north
ern portion of the coJhty.
Mhvs Ina Themp-on ' Omaha ift
visit' in this city the gtu st of
her numerous friends in this city.
Cpr-r'nl Atlrurton M Hwum -t vrrn
i;ye! Tested anJ tUnsse 'itted
ight Cills Answered Mt'.T Eouri
and Sundays by Appointment.
S.r.O a rr to 11:00 1:33 d. ra. to 5:.t
ViT. Plattsmoutli. Neb
Cortes Block.
Res. 313 PE0NE Office dG7
you do it.