The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 06, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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irrfornod deneral Per.-hing that
;nral lVr.-V.v.g that ' t r J jj-j RET" ft!
iM he harry ana proud f M &
.- bodies .of the A uieri - WMlirffeS-fi -Jc-Wi
'France we'll
retain tli
from umm b
F. "g fsT3 r3 n r a "1
J.k;iLi.Ii Vw-'-ltDtii CiiAc. tOiiiW k . ii-i
patriots who have fallen upon j
soil." A hill is now before ,
- Vngress fur tin vsi a'dislm-.ent of,
SIO"-J L' J--3 til" j " ll! 4 abroad, which.
Lt tut fl w C a u ts Z.
puncli ll:ct relieve c
will insure luture care uy me i no-;
d States Government
.Vat io'ial
; ( ,. .( . ri s jiro id'v m r-a f r. 1 Jor- t i
I J ;jV.
:il ir.v- hc'ii i;i;i'l' 1. t' (:'or ? i;i 'J
ii;3 v.-rt.:-.v.r.-, ccr.
tccttcrJr.T clrcu!ct:o.--Ll u'.u.
of th.- alii-a nation'; or iL-iiiiir. rr.ui.ijuu xu.v j. vv.i;.i
:'! .r n- ar th ' !';( t ! :-l;oia in lml set ,
::!;'. "T for thi-; i)!irp)?c as a ccnu-jt-Tv
ami rIi-Tinu srvici-s in :'(- j
the ccliis epet cr.d trir.-arulc. rcl!:.',
r-rdy, c!ar.!y. A vender f-.:I f
Sudden Dccliiio in Tcmperluro Ccuscg Doir.Ritcifcr Ihccs Wcrni Cents at Great Reductions
: s
' i
t .
TT.. ---3 vv-w --- - ---( l'A.
r Kp it ? --.Jy fcr ti v'-:!:
farr.y. Ir.e L:; Lr.ttiC is crc-c:
1- c.iiir.i'i !k' stati-d now j i -t
:'rt i ;, '. --rk :' ?! 1 1 an f' r (
lw.di.-s ii tl:i cnuntry v il! h.'- t:. p;.vij- Schools Here in 1900-10.
(U r. rr'd until tii-- j Goir.'" to Oir.alia r.s Si Cickh old
er in Chemical Co:rvany.
Wj KjlO li H fe A Ht.. inch:,-,,, th::t -f .ran,-!
fCfl"iv 'v'l ' notice , iv-n .hrouuh;
r.' r' ;i: -t -
li : .i r .
? Hie 23
-r,;.h::. !vh. -1 . John W. Cainhl".
t .ri-.i!ji'i!i i" th' :a::hml 'ln-niii-al
M.: i. ". ! j t u ri n;r (.;;;::'; ny. of (Jin.iiia.
I, ;-t.-i! vico-rrcsi.h tii air!
! ( i.
.f. ( r ii ; ' r,i':' ja n y !"!:
r;:::":' of 1 . 1 -: I : : i- n !
as i . !! :v i: y.
.!. ('. ASHl.i'iiV,
.iij:ita:; v.'Ta'
I'H-a ;i(
r r -i-.iTi
to : : i t ) i ":i r' 1 (' ' ;. s h, ;
,:.;:;.'. t .!;. ,,f t he toanl of ('irt-ciors
th.- firs' .National hani; of ):r,a
i'f ix-ins a-.i' 1 - i t " in his
o i ! t !.'s jy.ttrnir --X.
V.'hi!" not sevt vir.j: his ennnret ion
. i !i ti.f S'an.h'.nl ("hcniiia! c.-tv.-..::y.
Mr. (. in'Mr v, ill ii-he in--i'r
i'.i 'ii" h.;i in his m .v oSic-io!
:: r: ciiy.
i ( iiiai.a hnov.s iv. fiait:tit' also a".
; r .- s ' - .! if th- Chanihcr of I'oni-tn-
:-c- tii'l a !.:-:;'iu-r of tlif Athlt'tic
ft CflMH WWW Vr.;.,., ,:.. r.,a...
::i.)iir I.a.kf ciuh ami Sah-s Mana
s' a- -nciat ion. lie has nnuh' his
!ii ;:. in th" rity f ir th" pa-T -iuh'
:vs ar.a is j.rut:;: v."::? in Inisimss
May Bury Soldiers In Trance. And
May E-ing Ti cr.i IIc::.e
To America.
Pr-.n t - s : ...',-.
Kilward ('. I'.ii'i'i" i 'i v. r:,':: to
th- (!i-r::;!t;. a" Wa '. :-. -tranlinp
t-.t il:sp sit ioj! :' '.'. - -i;iai::-
.f his s..::. v. ho iu.-t ' i- IhV
in hatfl' :;i !'r;i!i'
' " f-
)i' - ;-i - s !!! t!;.' Cl ni III !'C I a I Wl.Tia 111
'!!: w y :rs folh'ikinr his i rai'ua-
!m: :'!-?.i . h- I'tiiviTj-ity of .chra
l.a. 1 1" is :tfi .- rs ohl.
v,;-s assistant 'ii)Orinti'niltnt n: ,
a Iar:.:o i-';ari itM-nt store i:i iVaf tl-'
co:ts .it Fort Mills. Ccrrc-i- .
r. r, r?. ,-r f
U J-y iy-Jii j- tP'ii ii u "w' ' vj
- - A T ' " 5 'rr ?
. yr-i a
1 ' &
Ycjr choice of our slo:!: ; bout 50 Coals in Cloth, Velvet
and Persian Lamb. cc?d at $25 and $32.50, fcr
rV-JVZ,'S"t ,vJJ 5-.'-.,:V
Lai. f.
v. .
, X. ? - - -
fv' -v.-v . :
; t i - j
The Coats represented in this sale are values that wili p'sase j.
" the iTiCEt discrlmlnatin-. Piuses, Kerseys, V'eJou.-s ami
Novelties in every favored color. The mos't e-caj Llena1. values you have over seen. Every coat must ??o and
the price quoted promises to bring cut the c: cT . ds eve r ia attendance at a sale in our store. A dras
tic clearance of our entire stock of coats. Viv.try Fchi :ary blasts are upon uc. Values have Lecn iVrored.
Co3ts have been forgotten. Every Ccat muit and s;o.
is the rt'ja.v which n c iv .; : - ;
uar-lin-r it. ai.r' ;. i-. oh: !i::f .1.:: 1
1 i th' nittr:
V.'a-hin-'to:'.. !".-'. !. !
Mr. fMwnn! C. i::p'-:-. i
I latt--!.. !'.!:. Xt-hra-'.;.!.
I)-ar Hir:
K'-f-Tr:.: : to y ,;;r 1- "t-r .-:' '
nary r'lat jvs- !n ih- r ,:r :
i f the hoiJy of ;-nr si n 11 1 ...'.': 1
I'ippie. late private '"lan:' ;.y 1. j
lfiSth I. S. Infantry. I l i-r to in- i
vi.e vour attention to th" i i.c lo-.-ci !
It is llfsirn! t') rxpr- s In yen th.
sympathy of ft. ! i.-i. rt m-n t on
count of the loss of your .-.on anti t-
connnnil you fur th" sacri.'irv. ; -;ii
f on.t rihution to ia.t.-f i r v.hir':
ho pave liis life.
Very truly yov.ry.
J. c. Asunrify.
A 1 j i t a a t ( ' r : h
The War Department desires to
ascertain the wishes of the' families
of officers. enli?teri n!i ami civilian
employes, restar'Mnir tiie permattcnt
t'.i-pnpition of t:;e ho('.i-s .f tho--"
"vhi have iieil iiverteas. At a later
date the representative? of the de
ceased will he called upon for an
expression of their desires ri'itan!
inr; the final disjiosition of th holl
ies. Its original plan was to de
liver the body in every case r.t Ihe
home address of the deceased to the
person legally entitled to dispose of
the remains. A desire has hen ex
pressed, however, in numerous in
stances, to have the body rem. -i in
abroad and General rershing is:
likely foon ot enter into negotia
tions with the French and other
Allied Governments, with the view
of establishing permanent cemeter
ies for members of the American
Expeditionary Forces. Marshal
Potain in most courteous letter, has
l.-l. .A-l.-.-.i-- .-11... . '
; - .!:,. s I '::;.-:
l . .
to af i s.i!cs:)i:i!!;i'4'T for i:
"ih Merchandise 1 ci-re. In
-!' h-'' "..IS f Uteri!:f eti.ietl- '!
;"!liow iru was ro::jri'.:i"d by 1 ?:tihM.' H'h'vi'.s at i i a t ?:;i(.;:t h . and
-r.iomh b .y v.i.o i- rvini; if ;. :; jui.e i. 1 ! 1 u. 1. cann- to ()::.: i,:
iH ni;.'- as a M::h-r ' tf'"kl:o!d.T in th" Stan-lard
'V ! 1
.; : ::. : : a i con; par.y.
CharKs Wif-j
."lills corn ui-
Garments that sold frorn $35 00 to G72.50 :n Fiurh, Ereadclcth, Wool Velourr, Burella Crvstr.I Cloth and
? t - -.- v- ' cv vr ry - r o " f
Never Before Have Yea Been Able to Buy Coats in Plattsraoulh at
head of 'v mm
k. ronr;i;'.
'. I . ii! :M".-! - -
i . ; . i;.;iN; i t-:
orr- '.'i'ii.r I'm : ta: '.one-.l :
'i th- 2'Vrt 'hat pr.,r.hs th" I: -.yl U
' -r;;-;l"i i " i-' ! PHEMEENT OF LOCAL ASSOCIA-!
, r a i(1.Ts r.t.rr.t.i.. ii. j HON TO HEAD CAMPAIGN FOR
'.VI ,-n I'm n::t at work. I'm drilling FUNDS WHICH WILL
.! ". " no i line to :;!! xr.y --Vorhing
hard for 1'ncle Samin-h
1-V.r a . i.y 'f ron; frien-.!-? and h-nii".
I'i'T I'm coniinu. I- ar. I'm ending.
NOW is the time to buy your Winter Coat' THE LADIES'
GOER Vis the Place!
h-i'i.i the f;;r-oiV ipii :;(-- ;
Wi'li lay nock', t" ftsi! of ilmh-k,
And r.iy ry.-tern full of beans.
When I 'eft' old Frisco hrrbor;
Left you weeping on th.e i!;ek
I was jfoing to h' ;i
On this (lod-forsdken ; o.-k ;
I was goi:g after p. lory
Sink the Sjianiards in the h:v;
With my trusty Sprivpfu M ri:'".
I am buy every '.ay.
Yes. I'm comitig., coming
From the far-off Philippines;
With my pockets full of lackers
And my system full of beans.
Ye.-:, I'm busy, very busy
Now I put away my gun;
With my trusty pick and shovel,
I am working in the sun
Digging ditches, build;;:..; !-i;L-., alkr.
Cutting grass and mounting guns.
Lots of time for good, hard labor;
Not a bit of time for fun.
Hut I'm coining, Dearest, coming
From the sunny Philippines;
With my pockets full of pesos.
And my system full of beans.
M fci
1 Royal Voichfs?r nd
H I I'on-Tcn Corsets 5
im a mm n u h t ? ? c$ weai
4. K
The Meat Perfect Fitting
Ccrsct in tno '.VorlJ!
0 Ovida Brassierec! piafsmouib
5 t '
r l WJP wi.iit'ffil.i'..wy mum
. '-.i....'fc..- - . -V , ' .- . -V. - - .
Pii"". Tnes.t.-iv's I-nily.
C. W. X )he. prcid'-nt of the Y.
, M. ('. A. is th vh e i I.aii nnii! ri
jthe I ) lib!" Triangle canipaignjr
which s tarts today at Omaha in i
connect fin with the Y. W. C. A
land which will last to February .". i
It will be to raise funds for the res- 'DSJl'm Tfa "AT!!
! -Mr work ,' the two associations. I SUftfltU 10 t)lLk 2 U
i .Mr. Noh'.e has devoted much, of his j
jtime to th.e y. m. C. A. for many!
I years. lie has been a member of I
Jthe V. M. ('. A. ever since he came i
to Omaha, and lias been on the I
j board of directors for the past 19 j
! yc at's- Mr- Xoh:'? f 1 every- j ELEVEN YEAR 01 D E0Y DIES AS
; body owes to th" Hty some of hi-, RESUX.'r- 0F TJURNS RECEIV
i tune and gives his in connection j -p-rj WTT COOKING.
wnn tne 1. c. A. because he i
; ..; th:it nU a i Mother Had Died About a Year ASo
the commun-.ty. "In talking with, Lcavin? Ilin as TatUsr's Main
nuzons Mr. Noble recently, "there About thc 1Iouse.
practically no dissenting opinion .
that the local institution are ! From Monhiy's nmiy.
worthy of the fullest support." Fori From Manley, in this county comes
. mom ii .nr. .Nome nas given prac- th (lisf rossinc. strv Gf the death of
at urecfej-
I Reduction Than You
Nebraska I Have Ever Seen!
I R MM ' H B R in
Saturday, February
Everybody Cordially Invited and a Good
Time Assured!
Frank Janda Orchestra
Admission Gents 50c; Ladies Free
hrii ariived an.l saveJ th" biiriiin
In ::-" j. Two brotlu rr. of I i : t le Ji.h:.
v. : ' v. wi re v. it h ' i"n in the rooj.i
v. i'eii the i i !o- ion o. rnrreii. e-cap-i"!
biing burned. -Xehnwka Xc.s.
tically all rf liis time to the cam
paign, which will be launched pub
licly today.
Mr. Xoble was formerly a citi
zen of this place, and is well known
by a large number of Plattsmouth
people, who wish him success.
From Mmiilay's Da II v.
J. W. Lawther, who has been in
the east for the past two months,
where he has been visiting with
his former friends, In and about
Meigs and Johnson counties, and
also stopping at Columbus, return
ed home last Saturday. Mr. I,ovt ti
er, reports of having had an excel
lent time while away, and found
many people whom ho had known
in the past but during the more
than thirty j-ears since- he has
, made his home there he found the
country much changed.
Don't Fool Yourself.
A man suffering from backache,
rheumatic pains, stiff joints or sore
muscles may laugh and say these
symptoms of kidney trouble "don't
amount to anything." It is folly to
ignore Nature's warnings. Foley Kid
ney Tills give quick relief in kidney
or bladder troubles and "it is better
to be safe than sorry." Sold every-
J ! where.
a boy eleven yean; old, from an ex
plosion of oil. The little fellow was
the son of Philip Flemmig, a farmer
near Munley.
The boy, whose mother died about
a year ago. did practically all the
cooking for the family. At the time
of the accident, which occurred at
the supper hour last Friday, the boy
was performing the duty of prepar
ing the meal. While he was work
ing around the kitchen stove it ex
ploded and this laused a wall lamp
to fall and break, which set fire to
the floor on which was a large oil
can filled with kerosene. This can
immediately exploded, throwing the
flaming contents all over the lad. The
little fellow ran out of the house
towards the barn where his father
was doing the chores. Mr. Flemmig
heard the screaming of his little son
and two brothers and ran to meet
them. The father did everything be
could to extinguish the burning clo
thing. KfCorts to put the fire out
with a blanket failed, then he tried
mud, which met with no better suc
cess. Becoming frantic with grief
and fear the father finally carried
the poor little fellow to the water
trough and threw him in. He was
then carried in the house and med
ical attention given. But he had
been so severely burned that he lived
only until about midnight.
Soon after the explosion neigh-,
F r-!"! T:.e.::'V"js I Mir.
Tiiir. morning .oh:i (Vrr.ey and
wife who i !.ee:t in K.'i :s..r 1 ir
none time. i.,.in called to liarp-r.
Kan-as senie time : i;:!c ac.-ru'it
of th" death cl" a si ?: of Mrs. ( k r
nt y. who di-'d with the pnei:':e-nki.
resulting from an at; of the i:;
fln en :-.:.. When arriving they IV in;!
the folks st ill sick an .1 romaitvd
whih they cetH r inh r any
si; rant e.
fjf:5 flM T?fpC'!nV M ?!U:i;o:' tlle li('roic -ls. of the
l4. i. ii'ii I LiLW?.'ii I i veterans of the war. and the sacri-
i live i:i any .ed work, or move
! ment f. r the h.'tterment of the con
;rhh:i oi" ihe ohl soldiers, who were
jthe herre:; of the civil war, and are
to bo c'ra.i ended for their keepim
Yesterday :-.ftorn-...ou th-' n:em-i-ers
of tlie Woman's Ilvliof Corps,
and trie 11 is n:et a! the horae o;' Mr.--.
hoes cf the ladie.; who so nobly at
that time, shared the burdens of
'he struuule which w.-.s for the sal
vation cf the union.
How to Keep Well
"Keep the bowels open" I one
rule of health recommended by all
i.. j . i c: - e;- and v.ere cnier-
taine.l by Me-'a:nes L. 1. Fgen-l-i
iper, Ik th Ku'-nhcrgiT vr. i L;i
' ir.da T-iri; !::!.:. the jifierr.oon was
:-;nnt in mu-i? :..n-i social conversa
tion, and arming the :n"-,t enjoy
able features was the lunch served
by the enterta:i:inc: host esse.-.
About seventy in number. were pres
ent at th.e meet in;: and all felt en-conrag.-d
in th" work of this n.oide
ami hem fh'ient siviefy. 'i'h" la
dies of this society are a'wavs nc- 1
From Meielny's l'artv.
There was an error in the notice
v. hi.' ii was t'ivrn thi : -.p'-r regard
ing the n e- t;:i': of ih" Wom:ti's 11'
lief Corps, wlii. h it was said would
be held today, wk vr -:""! it will lu to
morrow (To' -lay aflerno'm a' two
o'clock, at the home of Mrs. L. 15.
Krrenberf-.-i'. Do not allow th.e dif
ference in dates to ccnfiire or keep
you away from the meeting which
occur.- tomorrow.
of medicine. Foley Cdlhait
Tablets cl-an-e the low-Is, sweateu
h"'! and benefit the liver.
For in-ii; est ion, biliourness, a bad
breath, bloating, gas or constipation
no remedy ir m..;-e highly recommend
ed. Fine for slout persons. Sold everywhere.
Fonstipatlen causes backache, in
direction. (ii7.v'mess. tTrowsiness. -0r
a mild, opening medicine, use Doan's
Uegtilets. ;:oc a i,ox at all Kforo;.
A Woman's Reconiienclation
Mrs. I). T. Tryor, It. F. D. Xo. 1.
Franklin Ave., Otseso, O., writes: "I
realized so great a. benefit from th.e
use of one box that I foil safe in
recommending Foley Kidney Pill., to
any kidney sufferers." They relieve
brtckack. sore muscles. stiiT joints,
rheumatic pain and bladder ail
ments. Fold everywhere.
To feel strong, have good appetite
and digestion, sleep soundly and en
joy life, use Burdock Pdood Bittern,
the family system tonic. Price $1.2.".
It Can't Be Summer
Ft. 'livi.c f
Rea5 tlie Journal AdsIt layi
You'll be needing heavier underwear, flannel
shirts, wool socks, sweaters, etc., when cold
hits, and it'a sure going to h'.t.
Supply j our wants while ranges and sizes are
If you LOOK here first, chances are good you
will come back from the city and BUY.
IuUaJl 'I o and O
I 25c while they last.
i r