The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 03, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ITOKpAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1919.
Ccrje E. Bucil and George E. Van-
d sr. burg- Arrived in Omaha on
January 23rd. 1S69.
At .he ii- n," of Mr. and Mrt. Geo.
I". bodl. r.fir M unlock, in (.'ass coun
t;. Nobra.-i.a. on Home Rest Farm,
.ianmry ".'rd occurred the celebra
ii :i of .':.- arrival i!'. Nebraska fifty
yuo of (.'orj-.e E. Iluvtll and
i i:r ;e 1'. Va:':il-nbi:rs:.
Mr.-. !';;!: served a delicious foi.r
a ,'r-e : ; : : 1 1 r to the fc'.lovinsi relu-
t : : .: r. in
1 Mrs. r.. E. Van-It n-
b.'.ty. aid s,m. Kdd; .Mr. and Mrs. S.
Co; Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Ibid! and
-:.. Not.!.-; Mr. and Mr.-. A. llosen-
1 tt-r ami tK-.uuli't r Vera ; Mr. and
Mr.-. L. I:, ('.riloy and daughter.
I-oothy. and -ons Charlie -.ul Fred
Ft!'. 11.
(n .I;it:i.:ii 11. 1 S t. ! 'h.-- then
nvts. Horace Creele.W i
b'it era New York, where'
i i; u :
; t . ' c.
: ; -v a, re b.
together, for the un-
kiiov. WeT.
TIk-v made ;i -horr
s; . t'pei! i ii 1 ' ;
-tay in Ohio;
where they
i-'i-bl have I" i:! ; land for ?
;a: . bin t!o d d mr have the '
rio-y arrive. 1
arv 1
(i::aha on Janu-j
ir ti-' work w;
at F.elb-vu
I t.e:r b
Neora.-ua. sawms; .ni
rd. Here ihey met;
i-i..,.! tri-nd. V.". Orion
now 't';
'. j r. who had eoine lrotu. r.e:ehbori.ood a short time .
1't lore.
Tt i:e'fed urve and make ties'
t,,r t (t'i::,',::t s',.i:tli Western rail-'
u-i k I, o now the Ii-.-r li r. irt on . '
T'o a also -awed wood lor the firs; '
ce'-;i,.- over that road in Nebraska. .
After thts thev came on to Cass conn-!
iv. . here tlvy .o tiled on adjoininc 1
farn s in 1 vt,:t. Part of their land i
w - pre; mpte-l and part was deeded !
h I'res. (Irani. The eighty acres on
w hic'n the celebration was held was
ha-i.?.-ieade-l ly Mr. Vmll and he has
live-! upon it ever -inee.
Tr- ir pai ei.t s and irra'tdparents
had lived on ailjoininp farms in easr-
t rn
t v.- 's i tk since l :.
i. ;ie.j ;.a ve hrd throuti the
hip-: , p if, uver ilays ar.-t have
Ii-1 to Nebraska develop
i!.e o:n- ro(r.i shanty and the
I r
oi ho-a- to the moderti home with
I! of f' s o, ... f -ti ieiu i-s also from the
tt;,iii v. l,;?!i they dr tve excbisive-
: ,. the ' r'i four v ears to the
if on i-bib- a:, i aeroplane.
S-.-::. ; the !-'n ip- of the early
v en- t i; ' eras;-hopper times and
;i;t.t i' the early seveiit ies.
i, :) i!!tiiar,s and th" buf-
si.irce in this part of the
u' time, so also were th"
' ' i
I1 . - . '-'- ' j
Z'i-v ;-i--,c.'--i'4H,
C. E. Wescotf s
trees and inhabitants. othiuK imichiltfi: OH J MO Rfl I
hut rollins prairie. IS?:LO'Ut 0 fULI"
The j- sold corn and hauled it with! -,,- ?: ft" r"rti "I 'y
oxen to Ashland for twelve cents a Q J-JJ OtGUlr
bushel, in trade and burned many
bushels of corn lor fuel.
They also sold and hauled vhe;il
for cents a bushel and boss for '
$2.00 h hundred to Plattsinouth, a'
distance of 27 cents. j
Although lieiehhors It veil far anart !
in thoe days, their sociability can
not be surpassed by that of the pres-
ent time. So the early days were
not all hardships; there was suii-
. ii
iniue as wfu as fcuauuws.
It has been the custom on Home j
Itest Farm on the 4th of July to bans !
01,1 r:i,,rv- ..,,-1 tiu..,t ,n ..1,1 :
flint lock pun that was made and)
i'rrwil V.- not. of W r ttit&ll'c Jltice
tors in the Revolutionary war. !t !
was made in Colchester. Conn., in ,
.. . , , - i
li.C. This pun also spoke on
vember 11. 1H1S and January 2u,
l J -t. J.
In Xebrt'ska the period of the pio- j
neer is past and yet we have sumt
pioneers with us still. Yes. the pio
neer days are past, but their wit-
reuses are in our midst. I is. well
to recount their deeds while they,
are still anions us. !
Miss Anna daughter fo ir.
and Mrs. Fretlinand L,au. of near
Murdock. was piven a surprise
Wednesday evening Jan. "Jl'tli.
"When a larn number of her rela
tives and frit, nils came to help cele
brate her birtlulay. The evenitis
was spent away with various -rallies
atid mu-c ami at a late hour a
bountiful supper was served which
the jolly crowd had prepared. Those
i.r-'smit were Misss Amelia K"it;ke.
j Hulda Scl lietert. Mapdaline T:ei'-ke
i !.yt!ia Neuin.nn. K;:na Sch'.i-l'ert.
Selnia Neumann.
l.aura Neuinann.
Anietoia Ptroy.
Cora Ilir' :na:in.
Ada Uu. Ali da
j 1; t Neumann.
! Clara Kismann.
Amies Kiinanr..
Lau yAlh ,)an , As,iami. Mrs.
A F N(.n arn of South Vend and
is; Haas of Omaha. M"-sr-..
lb rbert Schliefert. Elmer Fehlie
fcrt. Conrad Keinl.e. Wehr
r.iar.n. Iamie Wehrmanr r.lur
Stri'j'. Carl Kupke. Fa'tl supk-.-. v' .
II. ban. Iconic I.r.'.i. William
!.,..,.,,, Ii.l.n Vnlllli'Kli T.Oit N'lli-
ma nn. John .Neumasii.
of (imaha j
mann and Martin Haas
and Mr.
;nd Mr--. Ferdinand Ka i
md dauirhter Anna, Ella Salah.
Manda. Alma and Sehnt.
son W. F. Lau.
ban and
Home i.lrnv ii recl"aaed lover
bu. Timothy !?r..7.". nine Crass
?::.7.". Alsvke ?1."0. V.hili
Clover ?17."0. Alsyke and Ti'iiotb.y j
Mixid $;.r.. Marii iis Sprint
Wheat $;:.0". Karley ?l.:.o. S.:t pb '
niaib-d. Genuine K-d Hiver Early
Ohios or Cobblers $1.00 Fu. John-
son I5ros. Nebr. City. Ii j
Old Trusty and Sure l!a:ch. all
sizes, in stock now. Cut this oo
and we will allow $1.00 below fac
tory price, ddivered your town
Johnson I'.ros. Nebr. City.
Now is the time to join tlie Wai
Stamp Limit Geo. e Chas C
jPamele for particulars
VC ; - V' -A
- A. M J r ' -v v V"
Wa.-hinmon. Jan. 1 . lia-roti.-
i11 -oevd 111 solatt'
toda bv i.Tiblican loaders to the
plan f- -r dealing with en pi u red
; man colonies and oacupi'd tt-rritor-
.patches from France yesterday
-'- I-sent,,! to the
peace cohtorenco bv 1'resnUT.t V. n-
democratic spokesmen said 1 1.' y
. . ... ........
! could rot tifM'.'V report i net a-
president had proposed permanent
internatioiiulization if the territor
ies and ure.ed support of the Aivcr-
. i lean peace dOieta es. Some n n m-
lican senators pnitm-J out th..t !!:'
luiicial communication i.-su.-d by
the c in terence s:sWl a 11 for d:-
. position had been provision..:!:'
I.,,! ,,,
Criticire Cc:ii'ererec.
The debate cent i : i:ed 'o" I '
hours, and di:rit;ir it.- coni- npri
liean loaders renewed their critici-m
of the plan for a leami,- of na. i. ::-'.
the dday in con aio . oa peace with
C.ermanj. .-.! r.- io'i iiiaee-- a::-:
other euesli:!ts coi: n-e' ed v. ; ! Ih
peace eonffr-nce.
Maacl.i!-i-. t!
er. declared Tha
patches from i
'orrespord-Mi's a
Fnited S.r.te' w
St nator I.o.:":l'
e repll
. n
a .'i
pec'ii J
aid 1
i : ii; ci--
vW .-t).t pt-T
that t !-
ci J'ttireti
help maim :' i a i
erri ' i r ies i
r in tlo
1 -.t '. ' t ! e 1 "
.... -
Sena i or K vo :'
serte1 that Ti,.
plan proposed "a
r:-.. i : ii.'.ai
t it''!; r i-1
prep--.-tenuis und- rt-ti.
S.-r.T.tor .To'Mi.-.-n '' ' " '
dared l.e would !...:
ri.;.i '
r a
j treat'- re--ii,r;n:
j ! M-I'.t t . A-ia.
!'; n ir.-e; ,
r ic.t . S- a a i '
i .a,;::
null of Missi -s5p:. tl-r.-ocrar
:ua.--ted Call ti e -eiui'e would re
ject saah a 'T-'-aty.
Doubts Psr:s E-reiis.
In reiily o the r:-pi;' 1 iv o n a:
tacks. Sena'.r Lev. i- of Ii! ii'.'
detooeratic whil. said he dnub'ea
au'l:-T.iiai-v of tb." Paris rcpi.r
a.'id li'-t iar. o tha' di-'io--it ion f :h
(i ;n.iai: i 1. nie- a.s S'lu.i -ed w ;riU'
v ioi.i'e 1 he i'-ai-dar.'"!.' at !,ri! :p':e el
s"!:'-de!er:r.-;2ir.tioii of p"-!.-. lb
ti-d u-v"(l : he a.-''aw a - ro -
i". :n merely v: - tor
minis! ra ! ioti el' 1 1, C r rr"a
t, i !iru- -f nati'.n. i
te ::::! i1"!'' -' 1 i- -a oi be
S- nator '.Yah- h : X -i : -.
eta, -a - I ( coe'd i.-.;
Aineric:- a emm i.- sioi.'-r :
baale '!,. 'fa '. a S-a:-: .,
, a . .
"1 in ! h pri -s a : -,,a ' c ! a -.
Wain? Mf.yo Difcip-iiu-u.
J Fnio'd snnpe ; for il.t Ala. rican
; ioo-:i.i.-i !,ers v a- i:ro tl l y Sen
! -1- K.rliy oi Avialaa-. eeii,or;t,
! refer; in-.: to Admiral May.,'- :-;i:e-
,( T! 1
rt a.
b ! are the l--r,.-,-thal
: to- ir.'i."!'' of
.pidly y I'M! a. -'ov. n
i "
t a t il 1 I'll!!:!
na ; ioi ; w a, "ra;
to- a sewii.-r cite
f '.r !:r!'y
Winter Weight
Suits ana
Ladies' Coats
i f: .1
L t- ; ! I'M i
I a- vr .', 3
if 'V-
i ii.-
4-i lr O
- it Styieoiui
.-aid if he were president, he would
n .bit e Adr.ira! Mayo in rank.
Would Stamp Out Bolshevism.
New York. Jan. 31. Averting
that the time had come 'f r a re
asertii v. of the America!: spirit and
the caninp. f n I ll "! doctrine
l : . . ' c . , t : 1 ....
OI raUenmo lOliail.-m, .-enaior Jint'b
Foiiolexter of Wasli'tipi'!! urged in
at: address here tonight at a dinner
of the Republican club that the
Fuited Plates extricate itself as
;t:k-L!y as possible from European
The government, he said, should
meet every obligation it owes the
allies in the fixing of the peace
terms and should co:ii-ribute its
-hare of such armed force as is
io-cessa.ry "in standi out, with tire
and sword, be ishevism in Europ ."
Thee laks coinpit!'. d. be de
dared, the nation should turn -ill its
neri as to the interests ,.f America,
wliith he haid. lay wholly in the
west ern hemisphere.
Asserting .that the Monroe doc
trine still is a vital ami essential
liey. & Poindc'.er declared
ha -violation by u-e of Europe's
..jn-re of influence urn-: nece.-.sarily
i' lliov ed by Europ' '- iolaliou cfj
a.r ; . here of influence."
"::ice Ccr.trc! by Fuel Administration
is Now n Thing: of the Past
Up to the Dealers.
Wr !-:n:.-M,!i. Jan. "
oatrol (erd-ed by tl
-:! ion over ar. 1
ou coal and coVe wil
-on- under a blanke! o
All prii
fuel a:lmi:
and bit ur-ai-'.
ease tomor
ier signed bv
'ud Administrator C.rtiokl and public tor.ii.-ht. Zoning regv.
a: ion and practically all rules for
h- d:t rihut ion of fu-1 as well as
m-t n uu'.t't !(.!- com-eri'Mig oil and
a.'rral uas promulgated under lb"
.ever ad as war me..-,, res. ab-o are
e.-cindeil. Virtually little w ork lor j
lie fuel administration will remain
. hen the ordr -oes into t ff ect . hm ' v
dhcials said it woul1 continue
pera' ion itii! H peac e was lormany
'.ec-'are.! and would Keep a CiO.-e
.vateh on t!o- l'm-1 situat ion ard if
e t-sity a.rir-e restore any am; s. t.
1 t he re:rulat tons v hich are rc.-did-d
at Ihi- tin.e. '
m:in:i: or m:iMM.
I'll.' "ii l,ftifiii fr -
1 l--lin"l-.l Aeefiiitil.
I tl lee Ulity ..!!- '!' l"as.- colOit .
i .Task a.
-:.-0- "I' .V- laa-ka. i!nss e,, a-'
i i n
.1. -
i- I-a'
o. a f.
a 1 1
i ; r
-a , i
f. A. I'
a., i o !.,,- ea i:.-'
lee 1'1,11,'T' ( , !' t ! . '
he e-a Tlte.l. a !!'
i. a,-. e' sato I.e
a el na :
a s.-mi
in t
1., sa a
-si. .1 j,,
; i: ;
.l-eo-t',- i.
orit -...t
k tan.;
. I li.av
I a w 1 1 1
, re 1 1 in
,' i-o,,:-
i . r.-r.i
., s A
.,f .!
A !.!.!'
.i f.'-i ! v.
i ,:i i t .1 in! a
k-: wiht!:.
The famous H m PiiwiK-r made a;
Shenandoah, ?!.' C't. delivered
you- town. Cuaranteed. Swifts
Tankage r,.7o d dlvered. Shorts
:'.ti,r,. Oil Meal ?4 L'.".. Oy.-ter Shell
;oic here. Johnson Bros. Nebr.
X 1'1 M
State ,.
! 4 IO:!)I I IH!"
h : -ka, I 'ass
.-I' N
O 1
: - - i
... . a -
i - I ;
1 t
To ;
r imv-
Ii- tat,-:
titie. i. r: at t wo:
t room in f'.atls-
, . ..I) the It ti ,1 IV
Ml; id' .lilt!.-
m. on i;n !i e '
ate! eMittone t-! '
t ate. wit ll li lew
alhovan,- -. Tie-tife--e-
t .1 1 ion oi
lataO- is three
.ia,- of Maf-k. A
limited tor wv-.-
,..,, fvniti said
t : '.
,,j t ... se. ' of v.. id
't'- of .lan'i-
n i
, . i ' i a o
r.-l.. " r
, k
da v
J, ;
! nst
sa ai
! ; :
t ; i.
i : ! 1 ' .
."ill:-- I t-oiti '1
a-, a ta
left e - ,., It.
ti oi .la;
Win- - ' :
' ill I, 1 V- ' 'Hi: I !
-: . t i a.
n v .lia
-:.;- Hv. .
i ra v r-
d loi for calves, com-
ln- yearliiis-'s. that the owner may
ireo by cailiir; at my farm one mile
vest of Mynard. identifying pror
erty, paying 1 tie d amazes and for ibis
n '.vert i-enient.
Kl JiliJlMEu
V."- v i.-h h trt the kind
friends t.nti i -U'.ibors lor th-ir
many kinune:.--ts and assistance li"
lore and after the death of our be
lovaii s u. brmher and nephew.
so the school children and bu.-:i:oss
meti of -Vanley a nd .others for he
beautiful floral offering;.-?.
swwtj;g?" -1 w e nave lone since
- j-
mind that Clearance Sales are costly to
the retailer and unfair to the consumer. From time to time you have noticed
we have harped on "VALUE GIVING" have made it our store motto, and
have at all times, even thru the past two trying years of close buying and
selling, endeavered to live up to this standard. We have given you, not our
best advice on clothes buying, but that of the higher ups those in direct
touch with the clothing situation. We are advised there is to be little or no
change in stvles of clothing for the coming season, why then cut prices?
Can you retain your regard for us, if you,
having paid a certain amount for a garment to-day, discover the mate to it on
a friend of'yours to-morrow, when informed that he purchased it at this store,
at a mark down of a given per cent? It's all right if you were in his boots,
but just how do you feel about it?
True, you will find articles here marked "O & O" ("Odds and Ends" and
"Overstocked") soiled or odd sizes, with a' liberal reduction, but no Clearance
Sales. We make a legitimate profit on everj thing we sell, it
Philip STd&'iciL
No thank you, this sticks, we will
. .
Mini i: o
.'IT TO n ii-:t
a 1 : : ! I Hil l et 1 lie
i :o loa.
lie ,
'. t Tout ,;t
,ll:t itl
.laia- .- 1 .'N,-ii : . first l ea : aa nie
'p.WT.. -i 1 let .-ii. 'a ti I
.. tl- ,i, f. -p.!a to. s. Mr.- J;ite-s '.v.i;;.
. !.-:; K.,IO' 1-I: klH'V. !i, t!:e lll,k;l"V :l
-. ise. v. !..ej,te(.o. eei-ieatl re-
o.ilix es ;:i,,i a I! ein. r persons :a-
.-l oi !' estate of Viotnas I'-.
, i . . I , . iho.omI; ti e niikiinw :i i.eii-.
-e,.-. ! ,s. fei -enal l ''! e-etlla -
- I a,.-l- O.-1-S..ll- ! Ti ! e!-e u ,1
' . , ,.. All-s T!-v:;i- la i;,M-."ti.
i ! e;, i nail!, llllkl,, I.. '. ea.-e.l. t:!v
... l,.-ir-. ll. VI-ee-. lei.ltei s. ;,! -
I o
i rir-
;. I re. resell '. a 1 i j, im
- i-ii t r e- t ei i in til.- .
-!ai k.'l : M v
,. a ! -1 a-ai name p ;: 1,
ail Mt he- i.a --tat.-
..: .I.e a
.leio, A. lM.le-
Mvii: t!i' "n-
, ,,, ii s. ,i. vise. -. !,-i;alees. i--i -
'.!ia! le! lesel. la t 1 e- ilt" an ',ei .
S,,M, int.. I e.-te.l Ml tie ..-tale !' '"'';
j .,'
I . !l. Iiee. a-e.l . 11. 1 , K ,, e . I
,!-. lievisees. l.-ealei-s. oeisena! rej
seti l :. 1 i . ii tei a! i "taei i,e;seis :a
. i, the e-late el .M I'.-. .i"i 1"
... ;..!. Mis i-.-an is A. es'. lost fat
t unknown: t!-e i;ikieovn I.
a. V .sees, le-at, es. t ,e V s . . t . . . 1 f I , :es e , , . ; -
t e- ;qnl all OI ,,.! O I
, ,, t 1 e-t . , ..i" i l a nei
O. , il l. - . ste.;
s A. West. Oe-
. eti - i :
a -i t . -e.
, llt.kl.oWll la-ns. .le.lse.-s. leie-. sent., liv.-s an,!
..-I j.. a--.. lis 1-itefi sle.l in ire e
...... m. l-.:ino A. West, tirsl re a
. : k n. .O-1-.-as.-.l
the unknown
reset! t
t ef. -Si
,1. IS
, t i ve!
,1 in
s leLrat.-.-s. i.erseiiai i.-e-ai'i.l
all oilier l'-ISHt O'-
t i
. .state m .lanes .i:n-
, i.ell. ,1,-ee. :
,ie isees. lei:;,tee
nn-. and ail "1
the unknown !;
Iei-eiial I -ei'i-e.-e r:l
. ; I .el S"l'- lilt '-res',
in tl
4.f O.nws 11 V.'tiehel!. t-
s ' a ;
s. 1"
r "
nt ktiow I, l.eirs. vi-ees
rvumi! rei'tes. I. ta t t a.. an-1
i seli- ilOe! r--te ! Ill I hi-
I a.
t a :
hlkl ! .Hi!
., ,.-s vis.-es. P-tiatees. l-r-tes.-ntatives-
am! al' ot h.-i-J '-
: . -tea in t he est a te of .'oa I
.(. , , aseil: ihe enknow ii hen -.
;.' :i tees, liersiinal ! o t res t ; I ;
i ; ..ihet J.etsol-.- i-,!--resO-,i
I 1 e
a ti
in lia
rati,. lO '-v n
!;l.' n: l . t .. (,,.., , ii,. -i . .. .
,'Mkii'avii, ie. ,1 : the ne-
ens. isees. 1 IT;, tees. 1,--I-
sen- I re-en t a 1 , VI - lit!'' a,
l a 1 i ol lier net -
-..e i i.t .rest e.l in the esia
t;. lliataat..
t Irs'. ie i-. e
-tl t a t i es !
tefesli il it! t a
litst tea! nam
i : i , !. n , e 1 1 h , i r
the ti nk t'.i'V.i,
ietra tees. J UTS 1 1 a I f-f-
tnl ail olh.-r ! tset.s in
e estati- of M. I. n.nman
unknown, defeased ; the
ili-visees. l.-sO.tees. IMT-
........ I r,..,.0:,l i es ntiil all ot her
-on- intet.sted in tin- estate id' Maria
V O.eehe. ! e.'e ! s d i I lie C 1 1 k tl 1 1 W tl heifS.
V i -
- l,.r.'lli-.-. peix.aal 1 ehresen ia -t:'d
a'l "th. r pet-sons inler.-sled
1 1 -.
it, -i .. I-Oillr ot hnVH! i;iM-l,e, oe.i-iise. , .
S-nien IV l-.ena,ioiii-. Mrs. Simon 1
!!ei:ad.,i'u lirst real name unknown
the iw,km,wn heirs, devisees. l.;;atos.
-,,er.-onai I, pre-, if.atives and all other
person- in. -rested in tl state oi
Simon ! '. Ihitadoin. iOi.ea.--d: tin- un
known heirs, devisees, legatees. jn r
.i,ii t , .7, resen t a 1 1 vi s und all oth-a
sons interested ia the estate of -Mrs
im, 11 .". I'.enadoin, tir.-t real name un
kn.ovn. dee.a si-il : .laeoh fa-am: Mrs.
la- o, 't tea tu. first l eal name n n kioovn ;
ttie ur known heirs, devisees, l.-calfi-s.
e.-r.-oiia! l-eot esentat i ves a,nd all other
!,.-viotis interested in. the estate of
.lai ei. la am. .h-i-oased: l!:e nnknow n
'heirs. iliAi-ees. letrat.-es, nersonal rep
resent a t i es ami ail other person in
terested in the estate of Mrs. .laeoh
t'.eaiii. first real name unknown, '
eetised: Hans 1 . Sniidel'.: Martha Snn
,h li: .,.l n K'l-ou-h: Mrs. .liditi ICronprh.
nr.-1 rial name unknown: the e n kie wan
heirs, devisees, leitatees. personal ri'P
rosentatives ami all other pi in
terested in the eslate of John Kimiah.
,!,., eased: the 111, know 1 heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives md
all ot t ,r ii. asotis i tit itest ed in the es
tate of Mrs. John Kronsh. first reaj
name 11 ti k nowti. decease, I: t lie tttiktiown
h. -irs, ,!in isees. legatees, persona I rep-res-elita
t i es and all other oersens in
teiesled itl the estate if Thomas I
1 'a ! mer. -, e:ise,l: the unknown heirs,
devisees. te"aitees. t.ets, na 1 representa
tives aid Hi) other persons interested
in the estate of Mrs. Thomas 5. l'al-t.i-.
f-.-st i'-mI nanii- unknown. il,-rcas-,i'-:
W. S. UlHf;. tir.-t real li;il'l.' iin
kaown: Mis. A'.'. S. CratT. first re a !
naroe ni. known: the unknown lo-iis.
il.visees. leiraf-.-s. fersonal 1 epres.-n ta -is
- aad all other persons interested
. r the t tate of W. S. i ".ill T. first real
tiatio- in, k in-vv a, deceased : the unknown
i. , .I'-vi-ees. leaiitiws. personal reft- ,
r. -.-enti.t i-.-es aid ail other pi i son- in
teti -teil in the estate of Mrs. V. S
iirn. fust ten! name unkn'-wn. deceas
ed: M. W. It-eeti, first i'-al name un
known: Mrs. M. 1'it-een. lirst leu I J
name 1; nk mova : tiie unknown heir-,
devisi -s. leaatec-. personal replesen-J
;at:ves and ail oth.Vr persons interest
ed in the esoite of -M. V.'. (been, first!
tea; nario- unknown, dec, -used; the i ti
knov. a hi irs. ui-visee-. lei; a t oes. per
sonal t e, ives an'l till other ter-son-
i tl t ere ted in (he estate of Mrs.
Tl. V. tlreet.. kr-t r"; I t.atne inknown.
,'h.cea-ed: .Tosept: Mei'rearv: Mrs. .10
sepii Maf "ri a r . fi'st teal name. n- ,
krowr,: th.- 1 -ilrnown l-eits. devisees,
..entees. j.i-rsoiia! reijresen I a 1 1 vis and
all oth.-r persons iiin-o-ptol in tin
tate :' .losenh Mc""reii: --. , i)ecea"sed;
the unknown heirs, devi.-e, s. legatees,
nersonal ? epresontut i ves arai all other
net-sons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Joseph Mc l'reary, lirst re:i I name nrt-k-t.owt,.
dei-easefi: Mrs. Spmttel Hanna.
first real nam' unknown: Mrs. Samuel
11 inUett. ri 1 t real name unknown:
the- unknown bens. ,i..visees-. leiraiee-
personal representatives piuI all "tn-'ii1M)M fault wili lie dulv entered
persons interested in the estate of Sam- j t (,,.;. Iu
lit ;
!.-. it
11. Klbert.'v!: the unknown ,
s devisees, lefatees, personal rep- I
.......i,Tiv.c nr.,1 all other Persons in-.W.
teretted in the estate of Mrs. Samuel,
follows that it is not necessary to charge you excess prices, to
cover the deficit made by the costly clearance sales. This ap
plies to gentlemen's wearables, that are not old if carried over
to next season.
have no clearance sales this
ill. Iiih. rt. first real riatne nnkiaovn:
1 lie, ea.- ed 1 tl;e lihklU'VOi hiil.-. ii-VI: ,i-i-M,iiiil ri-pi e.-i-nlii t i and
all other persons iiiO-re-trd in the es
tate et i'.mma loin.'k. deceased: t he
nkmovn heirs. isees. l.-uat.-es.
fiersonal retiri-se ti t a 1 : ves and a!: oth.-r
peisens ii.leresti-d m lie estate id
i'iora ImnSfli" Cettiiek. h-ci a si d . t he
at known hens, p eatee.-. er
.,i.iM rt prescit t at i ves and all other
,, imiiis inteiested in t!- estate of
.-.(lene.-r s. r.iilinirs. also known as S
S. l:il!it,i;s. deceased: the unknown
heir- ib-vi.-ees. leu;, i ;. rep-
re-.-htal , es and all other persons
in the i-iat.- of I . t i i t : i 1 : I'al
tinus. del-ease.!: l-:ii:.alii-:h iri-ne J!m
phv. widow: the unknown l.eirs. e.e i
soes. legatees, fiei'sotial t .-a; cse n i a I i vc:
ard all other 'ts,,tis i t. teres t ., ! in tie
e-t.lte of .lah.-Z I' tliiiines. de
ceased: K'ia Matia ItiKinu.- Sii-ii'-,-r:
il.-n i". t.i n-.' : irae.e 1 :. -l : n it !:! I'opehind: f- -: opela h1; t
'Itlkm.WII heirs, itevisees. b iratees. pef-
sotial tejiresen ! a t i-.-.-s and ail et '-
-...-- t,teri:e,l ,:. t! Mt.-te of iteorl:,.
Sootier ftiliittus. d.-e, j.e.1; Addie lO.t-l.-r
Itillin-.s. w-idiw : i,!iinel i-.illint.-s:
I'iin'.on f.:!,.iius. laoo-- lniiitiir.- : l"a. .id
le, ihl'iinus: Pert: HiMitis: Klorn .:'.
itius; .la.el; lyoisurs. V. 1 . M.-n itttti.
firs I real nam.- t: nk no w n : Kath '. o-i -i.:,.:
tli" "t.-knowr h.its. devisees,
legatees. -iininl r.-presc n 1 a t i ,-s am:
ai! other tn-i.-i.iis nil, ii-.-l,-,l in the es
tate i.,f V. 1 . Merriem. first rial na"ie
unknown, deceased ; the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, jiersonal r, preset, i a -fives
and ail other persons interest ai
in the .state of Ktnh ". Merritini, de
cease'!: t.v dia M. rriani. w idow: ti e
unknown hens, e.-visees. l.-eai.-es. fier
sona ! repres.-t, t a t i i-s and ail other
'i.-r-otis interested in the estale of
Seidon . Merii.itn. also known as s. X.
Merr-am. deceased. William l.iohj,.skc;
OaelO!.- I.iishin-k- : Mallha lloesner.
whiow: - V.arr'-tl. lir-t rial name
I'tikiiown; the l.tiknowti heirs, devisees,
l.ual-es. pe'-setiai fi'l'si'tili: t ives and
all other person- interested in the es
tate of I '.arret t, firs i rial name
mkltOV. tl. ,ieCe;i: e.: ProV. Tl. t'l st
nal name u n k t,o vv n : the unknown
heirs, devisees, l.-ratois. personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of itiown.
'ii-t rial nam.- -ti, known. deceased:
:-.arrett Rrowti. :i part tiers h i n com-
mseil of llarrett. titst real name
anki-own. and llrown. first real
aum,- unknown: A. Shipmati. real
name unknown: the unknown la irs.
!e ;eos. I.i: :i t -i .-. personal reprcson ta -'ivi-s
and u:l other t.'fsons interested
in the estate of A. s'hioman. first real
-,aaie unknown. ,!,-: ''foiMl : Annie I'. Kl
iison: the unknown loir-, devisees,
'-ih-cs. personal representatives and
ail other pet-jams interested in the es
tate of Annie i '. Klli-on. deceased: Kr-o-st
I ;. Kllison; the unknown Iteji-s,
-sees, lei: a I ee. pel s-, na l reit esen t a -lives
and all other persons interested
n tiie estate ' f H-nost Ii. l-:il:son. de
eased: Jaldi.' K. I'ilison: the unknown
' ,-irs. ih-v isees. legatees, personal rep-,-en
t a t i v ,-s and all other persons in
terested in the e.-late of Kddie I:. K'-'i-on.
de-.ea ed. the unknown heirs,
"levise.s. lectttti-i.--. fn-rsonal represen
tatives and all other persons itit erest -d
in tin- estate of 11. K. Kllison, first
enl nam,, unknown, den-ased: the un
known owners and the unknown ilai'a--,nts
of lots one in, two 12 1. three ".
four II. five (.". six Mil. seven 7.
-ifht .i. nine i!M. ten ('Iff, eleven
i 111. twelve ilji, tlorteen t1". foiir
leen I 111. fifteen i 1 .", I. sixteen iltii.
seventeen 1T, i-iuhteen (1i. nim'teen
,1!i, tweal i:'"i, twentv-otie (I'll,
twentv-two (L'.i. TT-.-etitv-t hree i a.:: i
a ml twenty-four 'I'll. in I, look nine
?. in Thompson' Addition to the
'itv of I 'la 1 1 siiiou t h. Nebraska ami lot
one hundred live HHii. Pi-int;- a sub
division of the tiortheast ,Uart-r (NT-:
of the northeast quart, r INK1, i of
Section nineteen ( 1 !f , and lot nuiu
'red twenty-two (L'i'i. a su b-'ii vision
of '.overnmetit lot ntimhered ten jlm.
of Section eighteen (I4-!. all in T'-wn--hip
twelve it'.'i. north Kantto four
teen (111. east of the Kth I'. M.. i t lie
1'i.iinty or I'ass. Xehraska:
You ale herehe notified that on Ho
ist (iay of February, 1!M!l. pbiintiff filed
his suit in the istrict Court of the
ountv of ( ass. Nebraska. to oniet
plaintifT's title to the u Inn i- described
land, hi-vv it: I,ls otic Mi. two cj i.
lin-i-e i::i. lout ill. five C". i. si ii.
seven (Tl. ei.uht (hi, t ite- ''). ten (Of,
eleven (ill. twelve ill,, thirteen (i;!i.
fourteen (111, fifteen i h". i, sjxieen iliii.
sevenleen 1 T . -:i;htef-n (1i. nine
teen (I'f. twenty i:li, twi.,lv-,,i,. ilMi.
twenty- wo ii. t w ent y-t hi (:a
anil twentv -fooi i '.' t i in block tii'ie Cf.
it! Thompson's Addition to the "ity ,,f
! 'la 1 1 s moii ; h, Ne i ,t a ska , and lot ore
hundted tiv- (in.', i, beina a subdivi-jou
of the nerthca-t o'litlcr Xi:'4i of
the northeast iiirl, i (Ni-"1) of So--tioi
niteteeti il'.f. and bit numbered
twenty-two ill'i. :i subdivision of Gov
ernment lot t"!i lli'l. of Section ei-iii-
teen'ilM. ail in Township twelve iIli.
v.. rt i, 1 fit jr.. fourtecri (111. east of the
1th I. M.. in the county or Cass, Ne
braska, heoacs,' i.f the adverse posses
sion bv himseif uiiil l.i's irtaruo-s for
more than ten vea-s prior to the oo"-,-nieTicemenf
of said suit ami to enjoin
each anil ail of vou f-om Paving or
etaiminar uny tiirlt. title. 1 i'-n ot- in
terest, either leual or equitable, in or
to said lands or any jiHit thereof: to
reonire vou to s-t forth vom riilt.
title, claim. lien or interest tlierf in. if
anv, either P'lihl or eouitable, and t
have the same ad.iuilsred inferior to the
title of tdaintifT ulul for treneral eitui
tabirt relief. This notice is made juir
suant to the order of tin- court.
Von Hie reuiiired to an-'wer shui pe-
before Mondnv. Manh 1
A. l.uherison.
His Attorney.
made ud our
In tie liistriet l
r (ii ii:t 'i l l i l :
art. of I he I iniiil .
ot Ci-s, N'ei.ta-ka.
William A. i.ullowav, l'lainti
Mrnond lio.iae. live, ulnr of the la-t
will end o-stamint of Anuuida
I 'i.t-bes. ib-e. a.-.-d. et al,
I i I i-nda nl
To the ,!!' nda li ts. Almond I i,i,i, ,
ixe.-iilor of the last wili and te-ta-ment
of Amaii'la I'"i b.-s. o.-ei as-,i . -lllolir
lio,e,.: l-inh. Moore: the i.h
known h. ii s. devisees, beatee-. j,.-, -
sona I re reseii t a t i vis and all oih.-r
person- i p t ! es ted in t. ,-i.m, . t
imanua I'm Ins. deceased: A.m. J. ful
ler: ti e unknown heirs, ii. v i-ees, I,
tees. i.ersotTiil -,' ir,-si't, t ii 1 iv,s and .al
other persons interested Tli the estate
of W'tu. .1. flitter, ueeeased: Miiiaat, t
':. futter: t!;e atiknovv ii heirs, uevtsi i .-.
lerratees. f.So.,al let ,teseu t :i t i I - a' 'I
ali other tiersotis ititere.-ted in the
fate of Maieatet ii ('uio r. ,bc. as. a:
Win. II. i:m,-tick. .It: Mr- Wm Ii.
Kmet m k. .tr.. first ten I nam,- unktiown;
the niiknown heirs, devi-ec-. b--rate.s,
persona' ren : -. -. i t a t i v es and al: oiler
tersons intei e-t.., in the c-tat- ot U in.
11. Km. -, irk. .7 1 ., ib-eea-ed : the unknown
ll-irs. devisees, let-a t eec. iil'-ot,ul iO ivi-s and all other por.-ons , .-
teres-ted i! tie .;!. it" of Mrs. Wm il
laio ticK. Jr., lirst reel ti.mie iipkt-.o.x n.
ue, i.-a.-ed: f. W. Kiuir. l.r-t reel i, ,m
inknowu: the unknow n heirs, dev ise- s.
'"ate...-, personal repre-en.t ;, t i ve- aid
all other tiers.. lis interested in the es
tate of f. W. Kin"., first real name un
known, deceased: Harriett Kin".: the
unknown heirs, devisees, te-rnt.-es. t- -sonal
repit-set' t a t i ves and all ot i i r
Persons interested in the estate of
Harriett Kin-;, deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal I -l
sen t a 1 i ves and till other persons .n
tiiested in the estate of Anna S' l ul
diei. deceased: and the unknown own
ers and I he -u nk aown claimants ol bus
three ft i and dirl'teen 1. in Seiton
seven 1T1. Township IVcive (l-i. North
l:an-:e fourteen (lit. east of the i.t! 1
M.. in th.- ountv of fass. Nebraska:
Vou are hefebv iiotitied that on Ihi
1st dav of l-'ehruai'. . . ! . I'.HH. p'iiin
lifT fib-il his suit in the !i.-triol fourt
of the ('.riintv of fuss. Nebraska. to
euiot plaintiff's title to the f'llloV.'liE
described land, to-wit: I.ots three i :: i
a Itil eitrhtei-n ilo. in Section seven I 7 I.
in Township twelve 'lji. North I Ja litre,
fourteen (14). east of the lit Ii I'. M in
the county of i'ass. Nebraska, because
of his adverse possession bv hitnseti"
and I. is "raptors for more than ten
years prior to the commencement of
said su t and to enjoin each and all
of you from bavin-' or claimint; aio-tii-1
t. title, lien or interest, either b tral
or einiitahlo in or to said land or aio
nart thereof, and aihttin"- that lion, of
von ali- in the militarv or naval ser
vice of the t'nited Stat - of n,ei:cn;
te require you to set for'h o,n linlt.
tit'c, cliiitn. lien or iiif'"st therein, if
oi v. either leiral or oitahii. ami to
have the same ;i,l.iiid"ed inf.-iior to 1 hi
title of plaititif! and for -renetui e.i,;
table t .-lief This not h c is made pur
suant to th(. older of this fourt
You are re, mired to answi r said pe
tit", ti on or before Motuhtv. March IT.
A. 1 . !M!i. or vour default will be duly
enterid therein.
I'lainl :!T.
"U. A. r.ob.-itson.
Attotnev for l'la itit i fl'.
From Saturday's luily.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Vibs departed
for Ktrksville. Mo., yesterday morn
inir where she entered the hospital
at thai point ."or an operation. Mrs.
"Viles has not. been enjoying tin
best of health fcr the past few
weeks, and it is hoped that this
operation will afford her relief and
she will enjoy her usual ood
From Saturday's Jiaily.
We resret to learn that our yr.un;
friend Geor-iie Thomas, the fitithful
Main Street carrier of the Journal,
is at home threatened with the ap
pendicitis, but is some better today.
Geortue is one of the best boys in
Plamniouth and we sincerely hope
he will -ret throuph with hits illness,
without any serious resultf. We
would be more than pdad to see our
young friend on the job attain, and
he has hosts of friends who joiti tLs
in the wish that he will soon re
cover. CASTO R I A
For Infants and Children
n Use vorOyerSO Years
Always beam nt
!if-TiijXC rf