The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 16, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    7HUESDAY, JANUARY 16. 1019.
days since at his home in the west, i
For SaSeE
The following pieces of Platts
mouth property are for sale at a
price that will sell them quickly:
1. 5-room cottage, city water, 2
H-ft. lots, one block from paved
st reel. In good repair. Price $1,500.
2. 6-roin house, 2 lots, close to
paved street. lyice $1,200.00.
3. 5-room hxmsc, 2 62-ft. level
lots, on paved street, close in. Price
j .--6-room brick house, clote to
shops. City wafer. 1 lot. Price $1,000.
Z. 6-room house on one floor, 2
good lots. City water. Price $1,500.
6. 5 acres dote to town, all tin
tier cultivation. Lays smooth. New
cottage and other outbuildings. The
price U $2,500.00.
7. ti-rcom house, all modern, lo
cated on North Sixth street and in
good repair. Price $2,700.00.
S. 6-room house, all modern ex
cept heat. 4 C2-ft. lots, good loca
tion ajid in good repair. Price $3. S00.
. s-room brick house, 2 good
.VI.--. best of location. House in ex
cellent repair. Price $;5.50D.OO.
They left this morning for theii
home at Deer Lodge, following the j
' funeraj services yesterday afternoon.
I .Tnlin Alhprt. Hcnrv Sanders and
j Id. Freidrich departed this morning j
for Cedar Creek, where they went to
attend a meeting of the Cedar Creek
Farmer's Elevator company, which ;
holds its annual meeting today.
Bli the city for a short time looking at- Once you've, tried it on t!-at stin
Hjter some business, and was also a j joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheii-
visitor with Harvey Shipley lor a --. 1 -
, . . ' , . a warm, ecothtng relief you never
(short time, and returned to ln J thougSit a inixncs could produce.
"u'"c --. ....... j won rta;n tnc Elan, leaves r.o muss.
You don't have to rub It in
to get quick, comfort
ing relief
j raids, in patrols, in the heat of hand
j to hand combat and in the long Cull
I licur-, of trench routine so triU
to a soldier's spirit, you bore your
selves in a manner worthy of Ike
t tradition? cf our country.
Vmi were withdrawn froni Lvr
ii.i'u ;'.:(! moved immediately to the
Champagne front where during the
i critical days from July l-tth to July
jlStk. you ha;' the hon-jr cf heir.;;
the c:ily ' American division to fn
a 1
Howard Cannon w)u is cmnloye'.i tvcsccs r.o time 1.1 appiymj, surs to
with the Jlonarch Engineering Co.. "- -:"--- -.. . twin.
" ,. .. I means economy. our cv.n or any j
and who has been .spending -' j ether crurc-st has it. Get it todav to
I - '-H-"' T f-y-J "-nf Mi IHWitolil Till
Sunday at home, departe dthis after- ! it
r- -it 1 1 - .... 1- : . 1 . : 5?
I10021 lOr .UUIUUli'., UV!C
inir foj'jo bridge work for tb
Marilu A. Ilouclc of Oi.
rived in this city today on the uoou
train of the lurlingou and ia vi.-ir-iaii
with l.i-J many friends here. Mr.
Houck was for many years a citi
zen of and was cm
ployed as a :-witchman in the local
liurlington yards, before moving to
Ileal Ectate and
Fro;u Weiliii''s l;ily.
tllcu Poedaker was a business
vi. iior in Plattsuiouth from -Murray
l.i- t everMiig coiring up to look after
seme business for a short time.
rirs. John Parkening if ii'v.r
Cedar t reek was a visitor in ti'i
city 1I1U morning coming down to
viit at Hie home of her parents, ilr.
and .Mrs. M. Hild of this city.
Ceorgc Lloyd from near Ntliawkr-W:r-
a visitor in this c.iiy this morn
ing coming to looking after some
bii iiuss in the city and to attend
to -oiiio matters at the county seat.
James Jordan of near Ceo.r Creek
.v,;.; :i visi'or in th'- city this r.-orn-ii!t.
(Lining do'vu on the train to
lc k after : o;iie business for the
..Jr-. Vi-. !.i !,cn.? of sv-.tith Pend
vim l:c.n viitin'i in this city
for lii'- T.a -t 1" v. days a guest at the
mi:!," of her brother O. M. Strcighi
r::n! v.iif. d-.'part c-'l h-.t evening for
l'Or liO!!!0.
("n iri-.s 1). i-.p:;?;gler w!io las beer.
i.siiing n Lincoln for '' tinc
r-act 1 ot lirnnl home last evening, ar
riving "nere n the late II'irlinTtMi
trn?n and departing for hon.e
11 Murray.
Q. 1. Hogue was a vi!tor in
Vljtt ''i;Tiib this morning from hi.'
'ictiic neir I.: viib-. ccming down
to iock after vciar
c i;
' his friend C. A. Kawls . hilo here.
Mr. Schleifert has not been feeling
very well, but is again able to be
V. C. llaflkc who lias neuralgia
in one of bis eyes, which is causing
'aim much trouble and being very
painful, was a passenger to Omaha
this morning where he is looking
after ir-me treatment for the off end
ing optic, and consulting a special
ist regarding its condition.
Mrs. George Wilcox of Omaha, ar
rived in the city this morning, com
ing to visit at the home of her sister
Mrs. T. M. Patterson for a short
time. She conies to visit with her
sister who has not been enjoying
the best of health, but is reported as
feeling some better just recently.
Fred C. Stewart will depart this
evening for Kirksville, Mo., where
he goes to be with his mother Mrs.
F. K. Pexton, who is to undergo an
operation on tomorrow for the re
moval of gall stones. Mr. Stewart
will remain with his mother until
she shall have gotten over the op
eration and on road to recovery.
i!'i:;e. f nd to 'it'i i;il to r-iae.
?.-n!it?s in the city.
M-M :5ig-.-r jr. and wife, wyre
n $ " : - : cr'tr.y a'x sip.:iiied
!" i;.:'- i:j.:. e.iiiiiiij; to visit
."ir. ') i;;ii -'s f.i'iie" Ja.'oi;
"' '.t;;,,r. !ia.. Iid'i: the ;dck
;:.;; ':: :iif C. F.
From Monday's Daily.
Peter Schroeder, wife and little
;,rv. vcre passengers to Cedar Creek,
where they are visiting for the day.
Mur, Patty Motzgar. of Cedar Creek
was a visitor in this city over Sun
day, spending tre time with friends
Lee Cole and family v. ere in the
city Saturday from their home near
Louisville, looking after some busi
ness They returned home in the
(leorge A. Meisinger from vv't of
Mynard accompanied by ilrs. Mtivi
iuger were in tfie city this after
noon and were lookiug after some
r rwr 1 "iii: n. hy !id been ! ' r' l-'Chardson. postmaster at
b.. ;d cf county c niiuis- j ,,ar,u an-1 "augiuer. jhss r.niina
'J W. !;.;;iiond; of Mur- ' ichardion. were passengers to Oma-
II... . I.. 4" . ..1 ..!..!.
if - 1 lor T '11 in l.i J;:i'iu.iy i.jr ix inri ISll, KO-
i-y vent t b .:; -fter fhuic busi-:i:,s T'P on JJie Hurlington.
k s f ir a few days. j Connie Thrasher and wife arrived
' of Louisville v.-as in this city yesterday from their
vi. itor in I Is city this ni'irning. 1 home at Deer Lodge. ' Montana, ac-
'(:i:i!ig down to " hbout .snmc coiMpanying the remains of Col. J.
bu.'lni-'--s 'natter:. at: bited v. ith i L Th rat her. who passed a way a few
;'v..J.L.y jjif -
attsmouth Garage
J. E. MASON, Proprietor
Rco Service fteo Cars and Trucks
The Nev fico 4-Pa&$eiser Coupe
For tlic man wlio uses Iiis car every day in the year;
who must cover much ground an.d be in many places
every day, regardless of weather conditions, this Reo
. is especially made. We cordially invite inspection of it.
Finm T!fsl.iy"s T it I i
. Kck Cook departed this morning
for CuHom. where he is at work
chopping wood.
Miss Patti" Mct.gar. who lias
J)ct n visiting at this city for oorie
day:: ;:att. departed la-t evening 1: r
lier home at Cedar Creek.
A. (I. Cole was a visitor in Plain
view for the past few days where
lie was looking after some busine-:a
and returned home last evening.
Jiiw Alpha Peiersei t-ounty sup
erintendent was a passenger ;s
morning f.r O111 iha. wliere she is
looking after some brtlnes; for t o
Mrs. . IL P.lack of Mindcn who
ha been visiting in t.iis rity at tle
home cf her parents Dr. and .Mrs.
II .C. I.eT';):d. departed for hor
home this afternoon.
Carl Eikenhcrry who has beoii
visiting in t'.ii-' ciLy and the vicin
ity for some days past, a guest at
the home ot many relatives, return
ed last evening to his home at
Gecrge Heil of neir Cedar Cre.-k
was a visitor i.i the city for a iov
hours today, coming to look after
some business for the day and vh;!e
in the city made this otlice a plea :
ant call.
II. (J. Todd from south of Murr.-.y
was a visitor in this city for a short
time, and departed for O-i'aha on
the early afternoon train, whore he
is looking after some business mat
ters for a short time.
Mrs. Fiank Koewn who has hen
making "ber home in this c i.y
some time, departed this morning
for Pleasantou, Iowa, where th
formerly lied, and where ihey v. ill
make their Lome in the fr.ture.
Abnr'.o McCoy of Whiting, Iowa,
arrived in the city a few days ri:::"e.
and is visiting at the h-ome of
sister Mr;-. J. I). Lair of this city, for
a few days and will go to Hamburg.
Iowa, to visit for a while b.i'oro re
turning to Iiis home.
A. L. Adam.; of Watson Mo., v. k-
has hem visiting in this city for ti;e
past few days, a guest of bis son
Frank Adams and family departs.! t
f L; Ir: morning for (Jlenwoed. Iowa,
where be has lived befor.. and
where he will visit for a thert time
before returning to his home near
Watson, Ma.
C. C. U'lrbridgo"d a few
evenings since for Oanbury, where
lie went to accompany his father
and mother to this place, where they
wjll visit for ome ti:n- and be ac
cesfible to Omaha, at which place
the father Mr. W. X PurbrHg3 : iK
re;eive treatment for his; eye whi':'i
is giving him considerable trouble
of lite.
MOW 0Slfl-
Up To August 13th. 1313. Which In
cluded Much of the Hani
Fightirg There.
!,-ri'i.. Tm-siliiyV l.jjlj.
Win. Lciiman. one ot ii;o njem
hers of the eiglit young men v. ho
went from this city, to join the ci 111
iiany at Glenwocd, Iowa, and wliich
later were known as "The Uainbcv
Division." has just returned from
Prance, and has allowed the Journal
the privilege of reproducing the
following bulletin cf ccmmemluti
f ir the w rk which this fighting
unit had at that time accomplished
and by the wry they have ever kept
nn their excellent record. Those
who went from this place were
Edward C. Kipple iV.d Hugh Kearnc
both of whom gave their lives in
payment of thrir devotion to eouu
try, and loyalty to the patriotic
spirit which impelled them to fight
for the sacred principles of liberty
and freedom for the world.
Kalph Allen. Win. Hoffman, Te:
Yi!un. Karl Murray, Kalph Lair
and George Kennies, all who gave
their lives, in as much as they plac
ed them in jeopardy for the causes
which necessitated this nation cut
erinx into the struggle. All cf
whom have puttered wounds ana
undergone untold sacrifices that this
nation micht remain free. To those
hovs. members of the famous Rain
bow Division, with the others. i
creditable, the achievements of that
famous fighting unit. Tljeso boy
w2 should all be proud of, and glad
that such is the element of citizen
shio i'i this city. Thre is no 1 rue
American, who cm say ousht but
go'vl for these vouug men and their
rallant e;T.ris and the man who
shnll not have done his best in tlte
matter of loyalty and support to the
utmost of bis power, in influence
work or moncv is not worthy the
name of an American. Pe true to
these men and the high ideas for
which they fought. ! not allow
any one to speak disparagingly of
them or use the tongue of the Hun,
ti'e enemy of mankind.
in General Gou rami's Army which
J ro gloriously obeyed hia order. "We
; will rta'.ul or die," and by it1- irt?n
defence r:rr:-iicd the German assault
: and made po-siidc the offensive cf
; July ISth to the west of Iieims.
Frrm Champagne you were called
take part in exploiting the suc-
i cei-s north cf the Marne. Freh
frcui the battle front before Chalons
you were thrown agein?t the picket!
! troops of Germany. For eight con-
t'er.v.tive days, you attecked skill
fully prepared positions. You cap
tured great stores of arms and muni
tions. You forced the crossings of
the Ourcq. You took Hill 212,
Sergy, Meurey Ferine and Seringes
by assault. You drove the enemy,
inc'iiding an Imperial Guard Divi-L-icn.
before you for a depth of fif
teen k'iometerj. When your infan
try was relieved, it was in full pur
suit of the retreating Germans, and
your artillery continued to progress
and support another American di
vision in the advance to the Vesle.
For your services in Lorraine,
your division was formally com
mended in General Orders by the
French Army Corps under which
you rerved. For your services in
Champagne, your assembled officers
received the personal thanks and
! mmendation cf General Gouraud
himself. For your service on the
Ourcq. your division Was officially
complimented in a letter from the
O lnmending Geueral. 1st Army
Corps, of July 2Sth. 101S.
To vour success, all ranks and all
services have contributed, and I de
sire to express to every man in the
eemmand .;- appreciation of his de
vote! and courageous effort.
However, our position places o
burden of responsibility upon us
which we mu?t strive to bear stead-
ilv forward without faltering. To
cur comrades who have tallen, we
owe t he saercd obligation of main
taining the reputation which they
r'ie.l to establish. The influence of
our performance on our allies and
our enemies cannot be over-estimat
ed for we were one of the first divi
sions sent from our country to
France to show the world that
Americans can fight.
Hard battles and long campaigns
lie before us. Only by ceaseless
vigilance and tireless preparation
can we fit ourselves for them. I
urge you, therefore, to approach
the fulur.f with confidence but above
all with firm determination that so
far as it is in your power you will
spare no effort whether in training
or in combat to maintain the rec
cord of our division and the honor
of our country.
Major General, U. S. Army
"f hope all the Xew Year will
bring you goodly wealth, not ju.d in
f.ohl. liot wealth untold in ha pri::
airi health." Many Nev Year's ard
are worded like Ibis, and there, is no
doubt that happiness and health are
the real wealth.. Now read tb" let
ter which Mrs. Vanek. Eager
PI.. Baltimore. Mi, sent ns on De
cember 20. 10 18: "I have suffered
for n long t:m. from ill humor and
whs mit able to rejoice at anything
until Triner's American Elixir of , li'-- as a. division in tjie trenches
P.ittcr Wiim; put me again into g.o,l:'or a bmror lf:u than any other
humor, and I feel now like reborn." ! American division. Although you
Pad temper, headaches, nervousness, : or,torGI ,:'e '"or wiinoyt exper
etc, are regularly caused by str;m-j :',pcc in c:! 'varfare, you so con-
ach disturbances, and in sorli rns1 UJt'1' yo ii.,cives a,? 10 win me re-
Triuer's American Eiixir gives a
sure relief. At drug storos. HT.i').
l .-adfiuart ers. 42nd Division,
AUKUid l-".'b. 1918.
To the O Hirers and Men of the 12nd
D;vi:;im: ,
A year has elapsed since the for
ma' i-iTi -.f your org;t !:izat ion. It i.
therefore, fitting to consider what
you have accrmp!i?;;c;l as a comoai
divi: ion and what you should pre
pare to accom in the future.
Your Trtt element's entered the
fronchcT in .Lorrain-' on February
21rt. You served 011 that front for
li( days. Yo 1 'Acre the firi;t Amor
icr.'i 'ivi'on to hold a divisional
factor ?Md wh"n yon left the rector
Jane 2isl. you h;.d served coutiji-
I For chilblain', sprain-;, y 'veiM '.
1 rheumatic ai:d neuralgic pair.;-. I",:n
j bago. tic., tiler-- is m bv'tcr r uv.iy
'than Triner's Liniment. :5 ami i7,c
at drug ctores, by mail 43 and 7Ce.- -Joseph
Triner Company, 133:J-tS4';
S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III. "
spect and affection of tbe French
, veterans with whom you fought.
Under gas and . bombardment, in
From Monday's Daily
Last Saturday A. C. Rawls arriv
ed in this city from Des Moines, at
which place he was visiting at the
home of his children, Carl and Gret-
chen Rawls. for some two weeks, the
schools at Hollenbert, where he is
the professor, being closed on ac
count of the influenza. Mr. Rawls
visited here briefly at the home of
his brother. C. A. Rawls, departing
last night for his home in the south,
as the school will open again today.
following the enforced vacation on
account of the flu. '
From Tuesday's Daily.
A few evenings since
Robert Jones, who has been for
some time at tamp iiancocK. Cjm
arrived home having been uncharg
ed from tbe service. Sergeant Jcnci
has been givii?g instruction in mili
tary tactics, at Camp Hancock, for
some time, and with the men which
was left there, he came to Camp
Dodge, where he assisted in the
mustering out of tbo portion, which
he brought from there, and was al
so mustered out, coming home for
good this time. He will rest for a
short time before determining as to
vhat he will do in the future.
Stationery a$ the Journal office-
r-.n (V.-i J'i.'-r'-ni-f.-r Miii.10n.l ".'V3
.i. A I in iii j urn i,p,j r.icia.lic
To Ward Off Illness.
If vo'i ara bloated, langutd r
laz)-, b.avc "the blues," headaches,
palpitation, biliousness, bad breath.
gas, constipation or indigestion, you
will feci better in the morning if
you take a Foley Cathartic Tablet
tonight. This is a wholesome laxa
tive and clou tisfng physic that acts
wi:?:vit i!iei,r;vnnie;ic. gripiug or
miurea. Sold everywhere.'
-r.:r' f. a -t vrc o i jr::-'-rrrt
J-i ji ':-; i"u!) f-ii.r . f.-;.
ft r.- W ;t,.' i U '':. '
After a hearty meal take Doan'a
j Rcgulets and assist your stomach.
liver and bowels. Regulets are a
mild laxative. 30c at all stores.
Children Cry FScfc
.1 1 - .
. . : ; it
llhs Hiii-. You'JJ--5- Always lijugbt, and v.-ficl. has ?ees
v'i ua iv cy?r jrnirty years,; borrx t!;j "jr.turs cf
,, and nas ieeii uncter r.u rti-
'- scnal supervision cir.c-2 its i"J.c.i
'-ur f s(C .Allow no one to deceive veil iU ll:S.
All Gv-n'LcrCeits, Imitations and " Jact-as-cossl " ara iut
he -.1th cf
that trill? with and endanger t!.c
,.ii' Children Experience qzliv st ExpcrLneat.
iihat is CASTOR 8 A
C-.-'.orii h ci harmless substitute for Cactor Oi!, Parcgcnc,
t ::; t-J Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
ijiwier Opir.a, Morphine zrer other narcotic substance. Its
v.z. & ivS For more than thirty years it Las
. n constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness ariirtng
tlirrefrcn, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and rxatural sleep.
Tbo Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
(Bears the Signature of
la Use For Over 30 Years
The Sind Ycu Have A2ways Bought
Mint i: ti si.i: i M)i:n
t II Vl'VlA. noun;
l.'ll-: DI'I'lt M 'T 'Ol It T OI'
TIIK )!. Ti ()!' .1S. .M:illt.
Niti i' is In roliy tiivt'ii Unit I'V ir
l in- )" a cliattol iiiH'tj;.iiro. Tlateil Aiav
JO, l!ls. ami duly liioil in tlie office of
tin' comity lTk of Cass county. '
')i a.- ka : 1 I N. anil ext-cuti.'il
l'V Daviil A. Mulleiiax ami Katie I!.
aiuilenax (ins viie to A. is. Met oru M'asi County, .'ichiaska, iriail..- ti
to secure t!n. payment of $X.)ii.oi) with! lit h day ft 1 cccm lur 19is. f.r
In til.; mutter of tlie ; ;ia id ia n.-l. ip
of Henry Kikcnlary, liieutaily incijiii
petent. XOTiri'. SAI.K.
Notice is Jiere'iy (itven that In !ir
suance of an or.ior f .l;im's T. H'-i;-
l'-y, of tlie IMstrlct Courl, of
t lie
'n'ciost tliereon. anil upon wli'cli there ale of the rcul e.'-tate lierei na 1 1 r !
is now One the sum of $S4j.(ii, saiil scril-cd there will he soM at the
mort ira iree feeling insecure in hi sp- I S.juth fifnl loor of tin? Court il nise
t'u rity. fleets to ileciare p.&lii inilehteo- j in I'lattsmoulh, Cass County, Ne
ness now due, and no suit or other j lrasUa. on t J i Jlst il.iv of Jiitmary
proceed in a: at law having licen 1nsli- j If at one (''clock I. M. or sail .lav
ted o recover said ieht or anv iiarti!,t- T J 1 J i vendue to the highest hi hlci"
thereof, therefore I will sell t he" ju op- j for as!i the followini? dcsciihcd r. ; I
ertv therein descrihed. viz: two brown i ' -state, to wit:
in ..s. one brown mare. one bro. n : . l'"ir l) In the N.ii thu .-. t
.,ii'in. in il...
colt, four red covsf live red heifers.
two red steers: two wagons, one spriiuc
In the
e Southwest l4ti!:i:;iT; al-
" i n the Smi t !in i . t
outhwest tju.-i rtei-
u Hfrnn ..lie Tiinwin' to;i -(i i ne two r-t I v- .it.
of double harness at public auction at' K.n. 7 f "p' nineti-eii f I D Town
the Fred 1'atterson farm in Kast Kock fl'1'' V-I v ,,'a,,1fro f'i-' l " CIl
Bluff precinct in Cass countv. on the , 1 , ', l'i:.sKa.
4th dav nf Vebru'i rv 1 ) 1 -tt M o'clock aid sale to remain open o,ie ln.iir.
; St I ty:, ,n, 1?18- .. AIJCK JOHNSON.
: " ' " "i. iii-ni
j Kilsonbary, mentally iKomyttvut.
I 16-lmo.w
i. 1 9 1
A. IS. lld'OIMi,
Itching, torturing skin eruptions
disfigure, annoy, and drive one wild.
Doan's Ointment is praised for its
good work. 60c at all drug stores.
I'crkins Wind Mill,
Fred IJever-
I jeiti-l ft
-v yf ' v .. -y if
V 71
...,t,R Tlr'lit t.
'lWsM.Hilll . t.lW
lis j $l?r2 tiii-i
i&y I-
ii' '- -
Ths Above Is a Picture of fin Alexander.
Homo Cannes'!
Can your meat while fresh and sweet, then it will al
ways be ready for the table. You will loose it if you de
pend on the old ways of curing it. By canning you save
both time and labor. You won't fail if you use an Alex
ander Home Canner. Call or phone 251.
. Alexander &
Fist ula-Pay WhenCnrart
V3& 6le 1 cpcraUon. No ChoSntv1 hL"' . -H'vers s.;r-
A ' ..wit-r
UK. L m9 - M Cr " """- " wf UtttC DAn rmyw n :
240Bo Cu!!dlnS
"i c. wiornuyturej.