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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1919)
i 1I017DAY, JANUARY 3 2. PIATT5M0UTH SEMt-VTEEELT JGUfcifAl tAiV SIT. "The mortgage that never comes due" 3Kou pay no commission. Capital $250,000.00 THE Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank Of LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Organized and operated under the provisions of the Federal Farm Loan -vet. For Farm Loans See CHAS. C. PARMELE, Representative Plattsmouth, Nebraska LOCALNEWS Fioni Thursdays Daily. Charles Mutz of southwest of My nard was a business visitor in this city this morning. W. H. Puis of near Murra was a visitor in this city yesterday with his family coming to do some trad Ins with the merchants. I. G. Todd of near Union, was a visitor in 1'lattsmouth last evening coming to look after some business for the d?y at the court house. Attorney C. L. Graves of I'nion. was a visitor in this city this morn ing, coming to look after some busi ness for the day at the court house. George ". Wall of La Platte was a visitor in the city between trains today coming to look after ome business. Lawrence Jenkins departed this afternoon from his home at Murray, for Koselie, where he will make his home for the present. Fred Heil of near Murray was a visiter in this city this morning, coming to transact some business for the morning with the mer chants. Mrs. Mary Jacobson and Mrs. Martin Sjogren, both of Louisville. were visiting in this city for the day and also were looking after some business. Fred Kcheifert was a visitor in this city today from his home- nt IxMiisviMe. and was looking after ome matters in the city as well as at the court house Henry J. Miller of Alvo was a visitor in Plattsmouth this morn ing coming over in his car. and was sworn in as a member of the board of county commissioners. X. H. Meeker was a visitor in Plattsmouth this morning from his home at Greenwood, coming down on the early train to traiiMict some business at the court house. John Ossenkopp and nephew Aug ust Ossenkopp. both of Ixuisville. weie in the city this morning after some business for the day, at the court house and in the city. Mrs. Glenne Vallery and Miss Eu na Iohnes of northwest of Murray were visitors in Omaha for the day. where Mrs. Vallery is consulting a specialist regarding her eyes. Dr. F. Krunes of Weeping Wat er was a visitor in this city this morning and appeared before the new board of county commissioners as the newly appointed county phy sician for that portion of the coun ty. Carl Itenner departed this morn ing for Bellevue. where he goes to engage with the Burlington as a fireman. Mr. Kenner has a little ic Sale! Pub 50 Head Big Type Poland-China Berd Sows at Pacific Junction, la., WEDNESDAY, January 22, 1919 Send address for catalogue. Davis & Anderson Watch for descriptive ad. 7. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer experience as fireman and should make an excellent man for the posi tion. Joseph Everett of near I'nion was a business visitor in this city this morning, coming up on the early train of the Missouri Pacific, and having some business matters to look after at the court hou.-e and also in the city. J. H. Irwin of Lincoln was a visit or in this city for a short time this morning, ccming to look over some land near Kock IJIuiTs, and was met at the Burlington station by S. K. Wixon. who took him to the country to view the land in ques tion. Peter Lenhart of South Hend was a visitor in this city this morning looking after some business for the day in the city and at the court house and while here dropped into the Journal office for a few mo ments, and renewed his subscrip tion for the paper. From Friday's Pally. John Parkening. of Cedar C.eek was a visitor in the city this morn ing, coming to look after some busi ness for the day. Lloyd Gapen from Murray was a visitor in this city last evening, coming to look after some business for a short time. Will Hutchinson, of near Murray, was a visitor in this city this morn ing, coming to look after some busi ness ft.r the day. G. M. (Jauer, of near Louisville, was a visitor in Plattsmouth this morning, coining to look after some business matters in the city. Ola Kyan was a visitor in the city this morning, from his home at Greenwood, and was looking after some business at the court house. Her.ry Johnson and w?fe. of My nard. were visiting with friends in the city and also looking after some business for a few hours today. John Beekman of near Manley was a visitor in the county seat this morning being called here to look after some business for a few hours. Henry J. Miller who has been in the city meeting as one of the new members of the board of county com missioners, departed last evening for his home at Alvo. ('rede I Harris the new mem ber of the board of county commis sioners after their initial meeting yerterday departed last evening for his home near Union. E. G. Stath of Auburn, arrived in this city this morning and departed for LaPlatte, where he goes to visit with his friend Henry Specht and family for a few days. Fred Ossenkopp of Louisville, who was a business visitor in this city yesterday, after having transacted the business which brought him to this city, returned home last even ing. Ferdinand Hennings from near Cedar Creek was a business visitor in Plattsmouth this morning, com ing to look after some matters at the county seat as well as in the city. W. A. Oliver. who has been at Louisville for several days, visiting at the home of his son. Will Oliver, Jr., and daughter, Mrs. Harry ,11. Ilinton and family, returned home this morning. A letter from June Marshall who departed for the U. S. Naval Station at San Francisco, some time since, stated he was at Ogden at the time of writing and expected to reach San Francisco last evening. George Lohnes was a visitor in this city from his home near Cedar Creek this morning, having some ur-; pent matters of business to look af-j ter during the day about the city and at the court house as well. I 1 Mrs. M. E. Buttery departed this j afternoon for Oreapolis, where she goes to visit with her friend, Mrs. J. L. Thompson, who has been very ill for some time past. Mrs. Ruttery was accompanied by her little son, Joseph. Ex-county commissioner C. -E. Ileebner who was in the city for the closing of the year's work for the old board, departed last even ing for his home to resume his citi zen's clothes, and see what is in the "back to the farm" proposition. Walter J. P.lack, departed this, morning for Yutan. where he will visit with his son Edward Black, who has a short time since been transferred from Elmwood to that place, where he is employed by the Lincola Telegraph and Telephone Company. Henry Snoke will return to his farm in the western portion of the county where he will lay aside the soft clothes of the county commis sioner to go and slip into the over alls, and go after the matter of bet ter farming, with a determination to win. which will add value to his farm, and much increase to the crops. From Saturday's Da I! v. Harrison McCord departed this afternoon for Bellevue, where he will spend the Sunday with friends. Peter Schroeder and wife were visiting at Cedar Creel: over night last evening and returned home this morning. This morning Superintendent G. E. DeWolf departed for North Hend where he will spend Sunday with friends. John Johnson of Louisville was a visitor in this city yesterday com ing to look after some business for the day. Harry Long, of South Bend, was a visitor in the city this morning, coming down to look after some bus iness for the day. Fred Oldenhausen, from near Ce dar Creek was a visitor in this city this morning, coming down to look after some business. Henry Heehner was a visitor in tins citv tor a snort time wnue on his way home to Murray from his work at Cedar Creek. . J. Jankonin of Iuisville was a visitor in this city this afternoon coming down to look after ' some business for the day. George Burnett from across the river, was a visitor in Bellevue this afternoon, and will spend a few- days visiting there. Y. M. Pankonin, of Louisville, was a visitor in rlattsmouth Jhis morn ing, where he is looking after some business for the dav. Ira Bates of Cedar Creek was a visitor in Plattsmouth for the af ternoon and was looking after some business for the day. Mrs. Sam Godwin of Weeping Water was a visitor in this city for the past few days, a guest at the home of R. L. Propst. J. M. Jordan, of near Cullom. was visitor in the city this morning. coming to look after the week's trad ing with Plattsmouth merchants. James Deles Denier, from near Nehawka, was a visitor in this city this morning, looking after some business. He drove up in his car. Walter Beyers was a visitor in the city this morning from his home near Rock Bluffs, and was transact ing business with the city merchants. D. G. Shanholtz and Eck Cook. who are employed in chopping wood near Cedar Creek, came down this morning, and are spending Sunday here. Walter E. Pailey, cashier of the Farmers Bank, at Greenwood, was called to this city this morning to look after some business at the court house. Henry Utterbach was a visitor in Plattsmouth from his home near Ce dar Creek, and was looking after some business matters at the court house. Robert Crawford and S. B. Leese. both from the vicinity of Murdock, were in the city this morning, com ing down to look after some business at the court house. Wm. Delles Denier, of Elmwood, was a visitor In this city this morn- ing for a few hours, coming to look , after some business at the court house and returning home this af ternoon. William Diers, of Louisville, was looking after some business matters at the court house this morning, be ing a passenger to this place on the early Burlington train. Mr. Diers is engaged in the mercantile business at Louisville. I j W. F. Gillespie, of Mynard. was a visitor in this city for a short time last evening, stopping off on his way home from Omaha, where he spent yesterday looking after some matters of business. He departed for his home at Mynard later. Stationery at the Journal offices LETTERS FROM BOYS ACROSS THE WATER THREE NATIVE SONS OF PLATTS MOUTH WHO HELPED TO WHIP THE HUNS HOPE TO RETURN HOME SOON Their Letters Tell of Some of the Late Battles Fought and of the Thrilling Experience Had The following letters have lately been received from their writers who are now in France, where they took part in the world war and contrib uted their bit to the defeat of the Hun hoardes bent upon overrunning the world, and tell of their various experiences during the last weeks of the fight, as well as express the hope that they may be permitted to re turn home soon: Nov. 29, 1918 Dear Mother: Well we are now settled down in a little village in Luxenburg, where we spent Thanksgiving day and ate Thanksgiving dinner. We were not lucky enough to get any turkey, so our battery went out and bought nice pig and had it roasted and with what other things they bought, we had a fine meal. I don't think we will stay here long, but will move on towards the Rhine. I certainly have seen some real battles during the four months 6pent at the front. I was in the battle of Champigne July 14, the battle of the Marne July 18. the PUBLIC SALE! I will offer for sale at Public Auction, at my farm, three miles southeast of Cedar Creek, six miles east and one mile north of Louis ville, and 9 miles west of Platts mouth. on WEDNESDAY. JAN. 15TH, 1919. The following described property to-wif. One gray mare, 8 years old, wt. 1500. One bay horse, C years old. weight 1350. One driving team. 9 and 1" years old. wt. 2200. One bay mare colt coming 3 year old. One bay mare colt coming 2 year old. One suckling colt. Three milk cows one fresh. One 2-year-pJd heifer, coming fresh in Aprih One yearling calf. One white faced bull. IS months old. Two Duroc brood sows. Fourteen head of stock hogs. One Newton wagon. One spring wagon. One hay rack with truck. One McCormick binder, seven foot cut. One Standard mower. One hay rake. One Osborn disc. One John Deere two row. One John Deere riding lister, good as new. One John Deere corn planter, 80 rods of wire. One Avery cultivator. One Janesville cultivator. One Badger riding cultivator. One walking plow, 14-inch. One Grandeteur gang plow. One Sterling stalk cutter. One corn drill. One 3-section harrow. One bob-sled. One hand corn sheller. One feed grinder. One Winzelmann corn elevator. One hog oiler. One horse clipper. One galvanized tank with heater One Great Western cream separa tor. One Old Trusty incubator and brooder. Three set of work harness. One set of buggy harness. One single harness. One saddle good as new. One grind stone. Many other articles too numerous to mention. SALE WILL COMMENCE AT 10:00 Lunch will be served bv W. A. Scott, TERMS OF SALE! All sums of $10.00 and under caSQ; a sums over $1Q 0Q a credU of ,2 months wU1 be given pur. chas!er giyiTlg good banvable note, bearing g per cent from date. All property must be settled for before being removed from the premises. GEORGE LOHNES. COL. W. R. YOUNG. Auctioneer. A. O. AULT, Clerk. battle of St. Michel September 12th and the battle of Verdun November 1st. So you see the Rainbow divis ion has been in some. real battles. I see by the papers they are send- ing the boys home as rapidly as pos sible, but don't know when this Di vision will get to go. Hope we are! mere 10 spenu Christmas lor that will be some Christmas to remem her, indeed. Hoping this finds every one at home feeling fine, I am, with love, ROBERT B. WILL. B. F. 14 9. F. A. Dagonville, France. Nov. 28. Dear Folks: As this is Thanksgiving, and it be ing a holiday, I have nothing par ticular to do, so thought I would im prove the time by writing you a few lines. I don't know whether to thin every one has forgotten me or if have just had my letters "ditched,' as I have not heard irom anv one since the last of September, so you will kind of have to excuse me if don't write as often as I used to Anyway there is not much to write about these old French towns. As far as our work now is concerned it is simply waiting. I don't know what for, though either we go in to Germanv or back to America. No one ever knows where he is goin until he gets there. Well, I guess I will tell you that I was on the western front from Oc tober 14th to November 10th, or the day before the Armistice was signed Will say that the Dutch gave me a couple of good scares in one night Four of us were laying outside when the Fritzies started shelling and in a snort time the timber was lull or flying shrapnell. The gas came over in waves and I happened to get a little of the (smell) gas, which made me pretty sick for several days and a large number were sent to the hos pitals. They have not come back as yet so I do not know how bad they were. I hear thev are sending them all home from the hospitals. I wish :ould have gone now but anyhow hope it will be soon. One day this week I saw a guy that was trans ferred to this company and he said le was in Camp Cody with the boys from Plattsmouth and came over with them. He said that Art Sanip- ion was in this division and that he llso helped to bury Matt Jirousek at ea. I could scarcely believe it, as this is the first I have heard of any Plattsmouth boy paying the price, but I guess it might happen to any of us, no one knows. Well. I guess I will close for this ime. Wishing I could be with you all. Best regards to everyone. P. S. Say. Frances, tell mother uhat it is no use for me to try to 'end a picture as you wouldn't know ue. and as far as church. I have been to several French churches and if a man was at the front very long he never would forget his prayers. I might be a little early, but you :an't tell how long this will be on he way, so I wish you all a Merry 'hristmas. Give my best regards to all my friends. PVT. JAMES LEPERT. 13Sth Inf. Hdq. Co., 35th Div., A. E. F. Boullionville. France, Dec. 11. Dear Sister Edythe: Received your and mother's let- er the other day and as it is rain ing and no place to go will try and drop you a few lines. We are now ready to take a vaca tion. We have started twice and they canceled it. so we are still liv ing in hopes of going. There are 28 of us out of our company schedul ed to go at one time. Well, Sis. I sure would have liked to been in the state and saw the ex citement, but in another way would not take anything in the world for the experience that I have had and the things I have seen. But so far as we boys celebrating when the ar mistice was signed, why there was nothing to it. The only difference was in the noise from the guns, as everything was quiet and the boys could walk up and down the road without keeping close to cover. But I suppose that away from the front they had a big time. But as you know when a bunch of men lay In the trenches all the way rrom thirty to sixty days it does not make much difference. We had been in the trenches 37 days and when the armistice was signed we were in the woods near Fay-an-Hay. But we were all around between Fay-an-Hay, Pon-a-Mousson and also the St. Ma rie farm. We are now in billet that the Germans built along the side of hill so we are living like humans Instead of living in dugouts 45 feet under the grounti. But I thinK i heard as many G. I. cans or big six shells as any of the rest. We head ed the third army into Metz. Well. Sis. I suppose that it will be some time before I will get to come hack again, as we have been drawn i f., . .M.r,,..,r '". jf;-? v I , -a- I . ili - r j 1 v :.rwtf.:-r- The Above is a Picture of An Alexander Home Ganner! Can your meat while fresh and sweet, then it will al ways be ready for the table. You will loose it if you de pend on the old ways of curing it. By canning you save both time and labor. You won't fail if you use an Alex ander Home Canner. Call or phone 251. Plattsmouth, "amy' in the armv that will nroeeed to Germany, so I presume that the next letter you receive from me after I return from my furlough will be mailed inside of German soil. Well, will close, as they are call ing us out again to proceed on our furlough. With love, from your brother. ERNEST F. WALLENG REN. VERSATILITY OF STAR IS SHOWN IN DANCES i Nazimova. the great star of the "",u "ulu,,Cotta2e Cliec! Demonstration will be presented at the Parmele theatre on next Tuesday and Wed nesday, January 14th and 15th, shows her ability as an artistic in- terpreter of classic dancing in this photodrama. Dressed as a bacchante, a priestess of Bacchus, god of wine and revelry, with leaves in her hair, a garland of grapes across her shoulders, with a goblet in one hand, and a cluster of grapes in the other, she performs 'La Danse Bacchanal," typifying the exhuberant spirit of revelry of a arisian cafe. The great Nazimovva executed this dance with true artistry and poetry of motion in graceful movements which were ideal for registration by the motion picture camera. It is said that the entire picture is one of - the most perfectly filmed spectacles . seen in Plattsmouth in many a dav, md its appearance here should be heralded with capacity houses. Quick Cure for Croup. Watch for the first symptom. hoarseness and give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at once. It is prompt and effec'ual. Journal Want-Ad Vavt ' ii E UNIVERSAL CAP T. M. Pollock Garage OPEN AIL THE TIME STICAM IIKATKII AMI l'llli: I'HOOl- STORAGE by the month or day. REPAIRS ! We have Competent Mechanics and do a General Repair Business. STORAGE BATTERIES Recharged and Repaired. TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES. WINTER TOPS For Fords and Other Car3. JUST RECEIVED Two car loads of new Fords. Telephone or call and leave your order before they are all sold. p FORDSON TRACTORS Now in stock. Call and let us tell you about them. us ltM1 FORD ONE TON TRUCKS Every farmer should BARGAINS IN USED FORDS 1IM4 HoiMlHfrr 27r. mi f Toiirinic 1!15 ICondMtrr ;w llil 'I ourl 1II1K l..i.tfr 1IMI im,, TonrliiK 1JIIS H.n.llor r.lMI T,irlnK All Ovrrhfuled on.) o.U.. f;,.nrn nfee.l T. H. Pollock Auto Co. Phone No. 1 ; : . Alexander & Go., Nebraska -iJI5Jl! I ! J ! CASS CO. FARM A Column !. -1 to l.ooiil 1'nrmiiiK lulerrMt BUREAU NOTES County Agent's Report From April First to November 23. 1918. Wheat Smut Demonstration ". Wheat Shocking Demonstration-.:! Poultry Culling Demonstration ; j Poultry Oaponizing Demonstration.': Uog Cholera vac. Demonst rat ion L,( I (Hogs Vac. lSOO) i Blackleg vac. demonstration 2 (Cattle vac. 50.) MfllMn, . fwnnivp itpMum it Uv. s. S. Meetings in -Tractor Demonstration 1 r Attendance lr00 1 j goils Tests for Aciditv ; i laborers placed by Agent and su!)-I!ureaus it Total value Exchange, through Oflice ?2r04O Amount prcbably saved $2540 C. C. of Serum used and sent out by Agent 45000 Amount saved farmers by this$50O Farm visits :;( j Calls at Oflice on Agent i:?.T, Meetings held bv Agent 0 Attendance at. Meetings r0 CO 185 I L. R. SNIPES. County Agri. Agent. Let ters Mailed W. A. R0EERTS0N, Lawyer. Est of Rliey Hotel. Coates Clock, Second Fl.-.or. own one. am ;o H Plattsmouth, Neb.