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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1919)
PAGE FOUR. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. XZhc plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEBXY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kntered at I'ostoffice, Plattsmoutb. Neb., as second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE New county oflicials today. Business at the capital now. :o: Success to the new legislature. :o: May the new county oflicials be successful. :o: The senate and house both organ ized Tuesday, and are ready for business. :o: When people discover that a man wants but little here below they give it to him. :o: General Wood loses one of his best friends in the death of Colonel Iioosevelt, if not his very best friend. :o: While other lines of endeavor are having their spells of depression, the foot-pad business seems to be holding up. :o: An American sculptor has "done" Marshal Foch in clay. By a singu lar coincidence, it was Foch who "did" Von Hindenburg in the mud. i :o: "Mexico is quiet," says the Car- ranza Consul-General. You can get any kind of "news" you like from Mexico, according to the source of supply. :o: The war is over and life seems to Iiavo settled down again to a strug gle for the purpose of getting more mileage out of motor tires, brooms and safety razor blades. :o: Texas is a stale with a great deal of natural pride. The Houston Post takes pains to point out that "it's our Mr. Uurleson they've been talk ing about in the Senate." :o: The end of the war didn't bring much relief to the newspapers. Last year they saved coal by feeding gov ernment bulletins into the furnaces, but ths year that item is cut down. :o: "One by one your good teeth go," says an advertisement. We thought that was only the old fashioned way, and that the modern way was to have 'em all pulled at once and buy plates. :or Simplicity marked the funeral services held Wednesday for Ex President Iioosevelt. They were simple but effective. An immense attendance notwithstanding the privacy of t lie services. :o: It is a delightful treat that Presi dent Wilson is listening to the call of the people instead of the call of the politicians. We are glad that he had the nerve to make the trip to France, in spite of the opposi t ion. :o: One thing must be said for the brewers they're game. Forced out of the brewing business, some of them are going into the packing business, where their previous train ing in .self-defense may come In very handy. -:o: bi One of the big reconstruction problems that has hitherto receiv ed little attention is what will be done with the demobilized knitting bags. Some of them can be made into sofa pillows, but what may be done with all the rest? Nobody wants a bouse full of sofa pillows. :o: An, awful predicament exists at the state houso in Liucoln if the following is the truth: An cx-Gov-crnor while visiting at the capital a few days since asked for a Bible to verify a quotation. He searched every olfico and department with out success. Finally he was referr ed to the state library, but would not go there to ask. This was be fore the republicans went in office. Business has improved somewhat since the holidays. :o: The new Register of Deeds is a lady, and we want the elegant lady to know that the Journal's best wishes are with her. :o: Looking back we remember the good old times when a man could buy a nickel's worth of cheese and crackers and get some of both. :o: AIU10115I1 the Bible said two thousand years ago that nations would grow wiser there are still fel lows who think it a joke to slip a snowball down your back. :o For references concerning the most efficient League of Nations yet devised, apply to Germany. Ger many ought to know whether the Entente League can promote peace or not. :o: J. Ham Lewis, who still has time for a couple more partisan explo sions before March 4, will become a private citizen at mat time, nut a plain private citizen J. Ham can never be. :o: A pianist may be elected Presi dent of Poland, and right here is a good time to recall that no ukulele virtuoso ever was elected president of anything bigger than a high school senior class. :o: As soon as the ironclad rules of baseball begin keeping the players from fighting among themselves and assaulting the umpire, we will be lieve, a League of Nations will en force peace over all the world. :o: The Hopkins (Mo.) Journal says there are sonic men so rushed in this world that if they were to die tonight, they would want to come down town in the morning to work until the hour set for the funeral. :o: The new county clerk goes in well fitted for the position and George Sayles, with the assistance of Hilly Adams, will see that the affairs of the office are well taken care of. Success to both of these gentlemen. :o: The death of Hon. David II. Merc er, of Omaha, removes another very noted personage from public life in Nebraska. His death was very sud den, and entirely unexpected. Dave Mercer was a good man and his friends were legion. :o: GETTING IN LINE FOR 1919. Those longer skirts promised since last year are beginning to arrive, but while they are not so short, they're much tighter which amounts to about the same thing in Plattsmouth, which is built on a scries of steep hills. :o: When you see a man puzzling over a document these days he isn't likely studying up on the League of Nations; he is figuring out many things the principal one being whether he come out even last year or how much he made. :o: Or, if those German food agents don't choose to go to hell, as Mr. Hoover suggested, they might go back, to Berlin and commandeer the 'refrigerators in those cabarets where celebrations have been re ported as taking place with increas ing hilarity ever since the armistice was signed. :o: 'Way over in the middle of the Metropolitan daily under a modest headline, yesterday was found an article to the effect that, the late Czar of Russia and his entire fam ily had been slain. Should not a rumor of that kind be investigated by somebody and treated with tome prominence? The following correct forecasts were made by the Man from Arkan sas, who prophecies by means of the breastbone of a goose, the thick enss of the fur on a coon and the moss on the north side of forest trees. He happened to be on Broad way at the time, so he predicted by means of the green paint on the north side of the lamp posts, t he fur on the soubrette's wrists and ankles, and the turkey breasts in the delicatessen windows. He says this will be a bard wint er for the poor. Next summer will be a bad summer for the poor. In fact, there is so little prospect for the poor that he advises them to change their occupation and become rich. Prediction: There will be no more world wars in 1919. The question of whether cr not democ racy totes a wallop will be settled by a newspaper decision in favor of Kid Columbia. The latter, how ever, will not defend U12 champion ship again in the coming year, but will stall around a couple of year? and enjoy the prosperity that ac crues to a champ. Prediction: The kaiser, who lost his throne in 1918, has the throne tattooed on his trousers, but he will be kicked from one neutral country to another until the darn thing is obliterated. Prediction: Robinson Crusoe Island, off the coast, of Chile, will be destroyed by an earthquake. This hasn't happened for quite a. while. but the annual custom will be re vived now that the war news is out of the way. Prediction: Now that the sur render of the U-boats has made the seas safe for women and children. there will be a demand that they be made safe for the men. too, by seining out Annette Kelleriuann. t he mermaid vamp. Prediction: The men who learn d to cook in the army ami scrub the kitchen floor will return to find their wives have learned the boiler maker's trade, and the poor heroes will have to admit that a yeoman's place is in the home. Prediction: Some scientists will discover that hippopotamus steak is as good as turkey, and a lot of poor goops will begin to feel well fed until they happen to remember that hippos are just as hard to catch as j ham hocks are. Prediction: The world will be come absorbed with the question of why a sailor on a street corner al ways looks as if he were freezing to death. Prediction: The man who used to say that the German butchers were so clever that they could use every part of the pig but the squeal will be interviewed in 19 lft. and will admit that when the food short age was at its worst the Huns final ly made use of the squeal. Prediction: This war to end war was so popular that it is forecast that all future wars will also be wars to end war. Prediction: Regarding the end of the world, many prophets at var ious times have predicted it. They have always fallen down smd fail ed to deliver the goods on the date set. Consequently, end-of-t he-world predictions are regarded as the hoo doo of the profession. However, if the signs indicated the world's end in 1919, I would take a chance and predict it, but I am led to believe t hat the end of the world will not occur in 1919. So that is my prophecy, and it will stand unless countermanded by telephone. ' :o: A REAL AMERICAN. Theodore Roosevelt is dead! He has stepped from the midst, of controversy and taken his place among the immortals, against whom no man can speak. For the moment the conflict ceas es, friend and foe stand with bared heads to do homage to a great and valiant soul. There is a sudden aud loyal si lence throughout all the hosts, for no man has ever been more a part of every man in the United States than Theodore Roosevelt. His friends will rush no more quickly to speak his praise than his enemies, for he was a man's man and it was a joy to fight him, as well as to agree with him. His spirit was a fierce and beauti ful flame. His opinions were simple and al ways avowed with the wholeness, and self abandon of a true believer. He would have made a wonderful knight in the days of Charlemagne, a fair and worthy companion to Roland. He conceived of life, of duty and even of love in terms of conflict. His makeup was militant, but his conceptions always were sincere. His chief characteristic was cour age. Whatever may have been charged against him in the extravagances of dispute, his bitterest foe must con fess that he was to the last a war rior, unafraid. And that quality of fearlessness, that indomitable bravery when Judg ed in this weak humanity, is always a thing of beauty, a little spark of God. We love it. We respect ir 1nst for itself. It Is the great worthwhile thing in an immortal j soul. So he was a friend, conceived of as a friend in a passionate and per sonal way, as no other statesman of American history except Lincoln. He was very near to the Ameri can heart i'nd even the stormy days of those vast issues that have swept beyond him, the tribute of respect that this people pays to him will be honest and profound. He had a public mind and gave himself to the service of the people with a singleness of purpose that will be an inspiration to American yout h. He was thorouuhly human. He was frank, over frank somet lines. but we love the man whose heart outruns him. Kings may pa-ss and be lolloweit to their graves with "the boast ot heraldry, the pomp of power." Presidents and premiers may die and t heir statues be set up in halls of fame, but none will go from the midst of the living and leave a sense of deeper personal loss than this splendid man. this impetuom companion, who lias neen snaicucu by death from the intimate affect iui of a great people. The Bull Moose lias made his last charge. The Rough Rider 'fias led his last assault. Hwana Tumbo. Mie mighty hunt -.t, is back from this perilous expedi tion we call life and is gone homo Friends and opponents, with equal earnestness, cry out, "God rest his soul." Upon his tomb there can be in scribed an epitaph than which there can be no nobler, prouder, no truer tribute: "Here Lies a Real American." DON'T NEGLECT TO ATTEND THE oDaimdllhiDinisi 13 Era SOW OF DAVIS & ANDERSON, acific Junction m V) Held in Heated Garage, 2 Blocks North of Depot Rain or Shine HEAD -50 i Ten Tried Sows! Five Fall Yearlings! -:o:- IN Till-: DIO'IHK T ( l KT T Till: I T Ol' AS. M'.HIt. In the mutter of tin- rttiarUimi.-Iiip if Heniv Kikeiiliarv, menially iiic.mi !. t-nl. not i cr: k s.M.i-:. Notice Is lierel.y t-ivcn that In lm uaiiee of ati (inli-r of .lames T. Hcg !. .Iiitltic of tl: liistiht ('omt ol ' Cminlv, Ne'.nnsUu. ina'le oi the Hlh ilav of' I leeeni h.T 1 0 1 s. fur the siilf of the real estate hero: nailer le--(tib-il I hero will he sol, I al the S.,nlh front (1 - of the Court House In I'lat Ismonl h, Cass County. N' hrasUa. on tin- Hist 'hie oT .laininry l!i!'. at oi Vlock I'- -M- "r sanl lay at joihlii- vendue to the htj.'.J"'St MiMi-r for cash the following dos.-rihed real vlale. to wit: Lot lour Cl In tl-e Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter: al--o Lot Iiv :. in the Southwest ('nailer of the Southwest Quarter, all in Section nineteen f 1 1 Town ship twelve (!-' Ilane fourteen (lis ( 'ass Ciuntv. NehiasUa. Said sale to remain ope-n one hour. Hated this lhth ,,;IV He.-emhe! l!is ALICK JOHNSON. (Juardi.-in oT the estate of Henry Kikenhary, mentally iironn'cteiil. 10-1 mo.w FOR SALE. Perkins Wind Mill, age. Fred I'ever Flags at the Journal Office. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, aa they cannot reach the seat fl the discaw;. Catarrh is a loral 'Jisease. greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, ana in order to cure it you must tiike an Internal remedy Hall s Catarrh iletli cine is taken internal::.' and acts thru the blood fr. the iniiceus c:irfa:cr. of the system. Hall's Catarrh MtJ.eine was prescribed by one of tiio beat inVsicians in this country for years. It i3 com prised of some of the best wi..cs known, combined with some of the br3t blool purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients In Iiall'o e.'atarrh Medi cine is vhat prodiic-'H such onderiu: results in cat;j"rhal conditions, Sun-1 for testimonials. 're. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Prrpa.. Tolcic. O All Druggists. rt' Hall's family liils for ooi's'-IuaUoa- Thirty-Five Spring Gilts! Bred to the great 1000 pound Giant Nelson, Pawnee Joe and Goldcngato Superior. Our tryed and herd sows are by such sires as Big Ursus, Big Joe 2nd, Blue Valley Wonder, A. A. Wonder, Dane's Choice and Lone Jack. Nothing better in the Corn Belt. Come and buy a sow and raise your own boars with some gilts thrown in. Everything vaccinated. Baniembsr ilia Date January 22, 1 9 1 9 W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer Li TEXAS PHYSICIAN TREATS 1400 FLU CASES IN MONTH rr. J. V. Sand! in Has Found Tan lac to be Great Remedy for His Patients. Tlie following letter from Dr. J. V. Sundlin. one- tf the most promi nent physicians of Southern Texas, h;is lie-en received at the Tanlac of-fU-o and trives indisputable evidence a.; to the value of Tanlac as a re constructive tonic for persons who pre recuperating from the after-effects of Spanish Influenza. His let ter follows: Humble, Texas, Nov. 5, 101S. Hear Sir: Just a few lines in reference to Tanlac. I have found your prepa ration to be a wonderful construc tive tonic, and in my opinion it has no equal in its line'. I have found it to be the best tonic to be had to build up my patients who have had Spanish Influenza. I have treated within the past month about 1,400 cases, and have never been able to 'ft sullicie.'it Tanlac to supply our people. Yours very truly, (Signed) 1)1!. J. V. SAXIH.IX. Dr. Sundliirnot only enjoys a vcry l::rse. practice a.s a physician, but be is also a man of wide influence and r;mks as a lending citizen of the en terprising little city of Humble, Texas. As a practicing physician of six teen years' experience. Dr. Sandlin v as quick to recognize the superior tonic properties of Tanlac over other remedies and unhesitatingly and vol untarily gave Tanlac his unqualified indorsement. Although the Influenza epidemic greatly subsided 'for a short time, it i; today breaking out anew in its very worst form from practically one end of the country to the other and continues to claim its victims by the thousands. According to late reports, over ,"."0,000 people have already died from the disease. Persons who have had Influenza are oitenunies leic in a very we-ainjii- . i -. - i i . . . en, ruiwtown conuition mm iimo:- t he greatest care is taken, both as to habits and diet, serious complica tions are apt to follow. If you are in this condition nothing on earth will build you up and strengthen included with every bottle of Tan lac. Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth bv you like Tanlac, as is clearly proven F. G. Fricke & Co., in AIvo by AIvo Drug Co., in Aroca by O. E. Copes, in South Bend by E. Sturzenegger, in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co., in Elm wood by L. A. Tyson, in Mur dock by H. V. McDonald, in Louis ville by Blakes Pharmacy, in Eagle by F. W. Bloomenkamp, and in Un ion by E. W. Keedy. by the experience of Dr. Sandlin and e!her well known physicians who are using it so successfully in their daily practice. As a reconstructive tonic and body builder, Tanlac is without an equal and contains the very elements needed by the system to restore you to your normal strength and weight and to fortify your system against attack. In connection with the Tanlac treatment it is necessary to keep the bowels open by taking Tanlac Laxa tive Tablets, samples of which are For Sale One high-grade Poland China boar. W. II. Coffelt, Phone 31-J. Bead the Journal Ads It Payi. She joined wiirK she will HAVE IF YOU HAVEN'T JOINED OUR CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB, COME IN AND DO SO TODAY. wnu MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS ALL SHOULD JOIN AND WC URGE YOU TO JOIN FOR YOUR OWN GOOD- "U THERE ARE CLUBS TO FIT EVERY PURSE-1 CENT 9 CENTS, 5 CENTS, 10 CENTS, WHERE YOU INCREASE YoilR DEPOSITS EACH WEEK WITH THE AMOUNT YOU STARTED WE ALSO HAVE 50 CENT, $1 00 AND $5.00 CLUBS WHFBf YOU PAY IN THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK ntRE BUT JOINJOIN TODAY YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 PER CENT INTEREST Farmers State Bank PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA