The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 13, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    I .- 1
KOlilJAY. JAiTTJAPY. 13. 1919.
FA 31: ITCkit
The ccnii:cl- E'sctric i-iiii a ad
Power Plix.i
Economical in operation. Huns
Oi. k'i-os-nf, jrasolineor ras.
r S ! r- ,
Tel. D. 50f3 Omaha, Nth.
g-'2.-ja.iJ-ill. iil .iw
flr 4
Mrs. G. Y. Yant. of Keokuk, la.,
left for her home Tuesday, after a
ten days' visft in Louisville, with her
son. R. O. Tant. and family.
Clyde Knatson arrived from Camp
Ouster. Rattle Creek. Michigan, on
Monday, called here by the death of
his father. Oscar Knutson.
State Fish Commissioner W. J.
O'Prien was down from the State
Fish hatcheries on Monday evening
looking after business matters.
C. A. Richey. of Omaha, was in
town the tirst of the week in the
interest of the Kahler Pottery com
pany, in which he is a large stock
holder. William Core, who has been at
Camp Hancock. Georgia, lias been
mustered out of the service and tx
pects to return home this week. He
is now at Camp Dodge, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wegener, of
r.ear Dunning, Nebraska, are rejoic
ing over the arrival of a sweet lit
tle daughter at their ranch home
some time the latter part of De
cember. Mr. and Mrs. Wegener have
been married several years and this
is their first visit from the stork.
Their many friends in this vicinity
extend heartiest congratulations.
Mrs. C. M. P-ybirt went to Lin
coln on Tu-siiay to accompany her
daughter. Miss Iva, home from the
hospital, where she has been und'-r-
Her brother. Fred, and her sister,
Mrs. "William went to Omaha
Tuesday morning to accompany her
and forth to school but Mr. F.etts
thought he could drive bark an I
fortli lo the farm better than tli-y
could. Mid in extremely bad weath
er he would l'ot have to go to the
farm as his man could ma nape. The
plan will mak it much more pleas
ant lor the children and give them
a better opportunity to attend school
everv da v.
Horn. January (j, to Mr. and Mrs.
Virgil Suddith, a girl; also on Sun
day, January ", to Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Newhame a girl.
r. Wallace, from Minnesota, who
has received his discharge from the
army, is Dr. Turk's assistant in his
eteinary work.
Miss Dorothy Dunn returned to
Lincoln Friday evening to take, up
her musk? st tidies again after being
home for a time wih a badly sprain
ed ankle.
Miss Catherine Thomas, of Dear
born. Mo., arrived Friday evening to
tuk' up the work of stenographer at
the office of County Agent L. K.
! Snipes. Miss Thomas is a sitter of
Mrs. L. R. Snipes and will make her
;home with her sister and family.
I Mrs. John L. Swindle and little
i . . , . ,
itlauftiter. .Margaret, wno nae oeen i
visiting relatives here since before
the holidays left for their home at
Sheridan. Wyoming, this Thursday;
morning. They were accompanied as
far as Lincoln by her sister, Mrs. S.
Roy Smith.
Miss Grace Pritchard went to Lin-
mother at the hospital. She was ac-j
companied by her uncle. John Cro-
jzier. They report Mrs. Pritchard as1
getting along fairly well, as they are j
trying to Iniild up her strength so'
. . . . . , . . . .
J- -X" V -
l.ydia Goodwin was
'.. ! : -JO. :;r LafaVi Me,
and de-
d children.
A. Wall in-'
4 v
Mrs. Herman Kio hii
of Milford, are visiting a
parents. Mr. and Mr- A.
Miss Haiti" Rover, who now liv--c
at Lf-xinsi.ieti. writes us to send tin
paper to Cedar Rapids, low;-, where
;rted this life D-e. HI, 191 S. age 1 j
s !i monlhs and t !av I
She vv.ts married to Wesiey Pitt
: ;i at PJe.i ;i 1 1 1 il'e, Iowa, Jan.
1'.T. Nioe liiihireii were born
I: he is visiting" for a IV w weeks.
ited l id win
citizen ate'.
I linds who h:.e v
to tii ;.
i Miss
Ii'i.e !
u:. ;.!:. (i ci' v horn are still
.':(; are pre-ent today exc-p:
Josephiiif PitBhian whose
, at ;.'i-(-pii.g. Water, llattie
Jeary. I i!:u wood's i'urtuei
liiisiness man, at Lincohi
Three cliildrcn of Mr. and Mrs. 'is laved :.p somewhat w
Charles Garrison are sick with the iism.
flu at this writing. j I'iek Cajrwfll has rec
Clifton C:r.r'.:. Hubert l.aRu" anl charge froi.i the ;.rmy
Otnulia vtMting l. is iroiiier.
-:ir(ier. lortlaiid, Oregon, ('has.
say t hat !
il!l rhep.'i;
Mi-s P.essie Laitue v re
pass'-ng-'-rs Saturday.
Mrs. Mary IMmisten and Mrs.
Frances Dr,ks returned o!i .Monday
from Hiawatha. Kansas, where they
visited several days.
Theodore Puck, of Riverton. Wyo.,
jis here vhiting his d:ui liter. Tdrs.
V.. Carroll and other relatives. Mr.
I Puck was formerly a resident oi"
this county, residing north of l'nio;i.
.Irs. James Plake, who was taken
, to higher altitude in Colorado a- few
woel s :.rn for her health. we
'glad to report is slowly gaining in
.strength, although at present she is
still in bed.
Owing to so much time lost this
! hi
i.-ter, Mrs
ret nrning to hi
The remains
'1 Ue
s home ii
of Mrs.
yed his di
lii'l is now
.;.: !. ai d
C ,rh 1 . before
: '.!d:;,:i:i:i.
'.':u. Lowers
C(.lo . James (!r l'n
i esidinc-. unknown,
e GiiHoway who is
enrinr f"r her par-
i r i : i Li i ie.-:. .sue was
r:'.sk:; haviaii ero.
I ' v r r.:i Ma y 1' v .
:;:;!. Tiny sc-ttb-d
v. hele i lived
'! I:
I a rc
were be.ried in the KIrnv
on Sin:.
i vviiiter on account oi tne i.u epiue;..
(e. the Ncliawka board has ordered
( Tint school will be he'd on Satur
days, 'he same as (iM.'-r we'd; days
hereaft er.
F.'igene Roddy receir :1 his di -charg"
from the N'uvv u: rKr"- 1
home last Thursday. Ei? "ue liked
... ik'vv fine and almost repr-.u
v as mo
they can operate in a few days.
Murville France Specht arrived on
. - - n . r. . . i : . . l,; ..
January ;. iau, unu is maMns le'ivins c-n p aP'oncii
home with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. i'' ';.'t'back hon. av
A. O. Specht. Murville is standard j Th Ftr,rk .vas , n
weight 8 pounds and no doubt w iil ft ( f t; yf o,, j.,,:utiry
soon be assistant at the dental . 'f.' riri .,, tl,,. hf,::...
with his dad. who is wearing one cf . '.',; "j y jt Mr-Cartliy. 1
those smiles that won't wear off. All i J' " ""( J ' b,,.n :u.nif, -
L!.e:u. He also lef: a ::irl baby
id cemetery
lav. Her heme was near Ash
land. The Powers f.-inH.- live I u'-i-.r
Klmwood some years ;. go and were
known to many.
A girl baby was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Simon l;ro:d:har'' of near M u :-dor.-k
last week. P.oth mother and
baby are doing vu they have
re l!:e C'OT- II ' 1 1 t a t o I . s e. i.i.n
Miss T .m pi: i n--. print i;.
school-:. who was eaie
Roel: cn account of the
br(e!:er. and who re!:::.i::
fu r- ! : - " i -s - . rctur;
v c ' lattt r port of
Mr. and Mrs. Dan S"
a l:: sa -e ! ro:.i !. j
- at ashing ton f ta:ing ': -I
Leo M. St eeie. had ! '-n 1
1 ii; ;,m o i 1 i.e v. - :
1 I'ra.uce on O.ti'inr !. i...
( : son and is ;::de ': ..
Mrs. Wni. Fisher v '
- - i; ,: wi h appendix i i:. ia
p h- v. v ry si.' k. I:
in all proabiliiv ; :
v. ii; he :ifc'.- .-ury. -':
,a! of r--r
3 to Gaid
death c,f a
! for !!"
; to ::.
.: weei,.
r '(( iv. d
:rt G-!i r-il
t their so: .
.i!!e ! v. hi".-
: ro:. ; i :
s w;.s 1 1 :r
of Ft
irn. Fdw;.?'.;.
and Mi-. j;
hving at h-..-i
e:.;s iu thejr
pi. .J.eeJ- r.-r .' ."
-d ti;''- .M:-;oori
i si".1, at i ; i!
at Mt. I'Nasar.t
u:'.'i! the fo;:o
t1 - l:i ' "t- d ''-br:',sk;i. City, where
they resided for !i years, ilien nmv
ed onto the farm .)''!" thiy "nave
lived for vcr fifty years. Si'e was
a member of the Presbyterian
('!':-' h at Fnion and w as al vays
P-val. but ':n recount of her afflict-
not a re-'uktr att'.-tnl-s
a rr;;d wife, a loving
and ::: : a hap:,y di.-pori-l.i'
h r.:..d" her le Lived by al!
i- Tl" her. and r-:.e vii! he sad--c
d in the home and Cum
v.i:eT' . ie h:1.- lived s-o b!.
I idv 1 r irmnedi:'.!"
two hro'L-ers. ? -Iev-n gr'it'd
t o-
:t. She
V&yvy '-i-hi ivsr.j M W
fv :
I - .
LOQ& for the
sealed package, Dut
have sn evs out
l!so for thz name
That name is your pro
tection ci.-.ct in?c.r!or
t.TsitElloni, just zs the
cesici p-ckc iz pro
tcctlci: zzznst irr.?urity.
p ra n .
.1 .1 .
, i.
or Mile. wl ;;
the fir.-t c-f
,h?.-or.. phnn"
1 w
are getting along nicely.
R. Lauritzen, the city
who lias been home nursing the sec-or.-l
case of flu. was ah'.e to come
down town Wednesday. Put he did
not look like a well man by a Ion;
sho. lie said the family were ail
het'er but if anyone had a f.u card ;
tacked on their house the drayman
coinu treatment furseveral months.
Miss Iva-s many friends will be glad -uld go to the other street, as he
to know she has entirely recovered didn't want to see any more fu or
from her attack of nervous prostra- t'Vtn a flu placard.
drayman, i t!lf. ,,,, ,,f ;r.
Prop t on t !-e ; :!
"i( tor ( or.b y, w ho
Navy, a1 o-ard one of
v . ! ips. came ''.':.."
!,!'. vi-it ;:fter tiie !.
f: f.gain the Ia;t. r j
we.-'.:. Victor says ;h;
da u ahter o
Lr.T Tht
i -. : 1 1.---
t-'-r S'.'el:'!'.
. i t.iMinu.
i i v
id :
Ts liV
rs by
0- t
;m it a';
M rs
John (P
' r- a k o:
,g on ti.
. i ; - . ..
i. ;o
: r; s
w ii!
i 1-:
-r t
F. S. has the best navy in the wo
to stav
a v. hi:
tion and will be very pleased to se
her at home again.
Mrs. Howard Evans and two child
ren, of Loveland. Colorado, are here
for an extended visit with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burns. Mrs.
Evans has rented her home in Love
land ami will remain in Louisville
Mrs. William Tatridge received a
message Wednesday morning stating
that her father. George Mark, was
in a critical condition at his home
in Grant, Xebr. Mr. Partridge left on
ithe Wednesday morning train for
Grant, to give his assistance in car
ing for Mr. Mark. Mrs. Partridge had
until her husband gets located per- expected to go several days ago nut
manently. At present he has a posi- "word came that her father was bet
tion at Rawlins. Wyoming, having ter and that on account of the sI!0w.
resigned his position with the rail-! no trains were running. Iiecause of
road at Loveland. 1 1 Le doubtful train service, she did
Miss Henrietta Gaebel was able to j not go at this time. Mr. Mark has
return from the Methodist hospital j lt-u t ick since about Christmas time
in Omaha last Tuesday. Miss Gaebel; when he was seized with the flu and
underwent an operation for appen- has not recovered from the effects
dicitis about four weeks ago, after ,of it.
which she suffered an attack of in- i V. H. Letts has moved in from
fluenza that developed into pneu-,the farm southeast of town -that his
monia and she has been very ill and; children may have the school auvan
her many friends will be pleased to ' tages here. They are living in the
know she is able to make the trip I Walker basement house just south
home, where she will soon regain hrjof the William Coatman residence,
former good health and strength, j The children have been driving back
if. y. t-;. x
V.c. c.r.
SfL 3
Mrs. Edna Cra'o r i
Saturday from Sioux Ci
which place she ha- be,.;
the past two months.
Mi.-s Freda Reitter. who has b
teaching in Wy,mi:i'j and keep:
house for her brother at Glenco. :
lor s
we el,
i -; t it wa.
Omaha on
r c
s s-i ,
His C:
i a
.ry t-
t !;e
n i
n v
en, n ay
as suf U
him C
he w:-
C"o'nit y,
sell at
::own as
n :.".ih
!e north
: t -iih:
iu al 10
!ijyv The Greatest Name
-- - ir J t . - -jn-p.,, v-TLv- 54f
v V r : v--i'.,-:'.-.y'?i-H -'ririv7--w
n r-r.'rrr
.- f;:i(
d i:
x. x.
;i:rrc-d I
y, Iowa.
i--i :. i tiU;
t real .'::ent i r
ho.-: ital and
veral v
1 -iM T!; -ir.-d:-v Otto
; 1 GeV-rlin- ;
i. wort h t'Ti;
if was found han.-irtg i
w iii ren'a : n
" , . e ,
JAirjASY 14X11. 1919.
I v. ir.g (it'-i . ribr-d jiroperty:
12 Head cf Horses.
h-.vk mare, -! vcurs old, wt.
;rt y 1
:ii f.
v n.
(; -Ci,
t r,
att -irpted to ret thr .i-'-h the f .
but was iti
1m! ! fa-t. w
ii'L-. It wa-;
ars o
T.r? c-i-.l. w:
Ii m.?u;!
Fi' ti Satnrilay'p In:!j-.'
S-ince Webster Russell,
i:rz Wa!
of Wcep-
We wish, to express our sincere
thanks and sympathy for the kind
ness shown us by our friends and
a I :
- way can:;:,
it died from
I- s-.e, im.-n
rivd in Eagle last SaturJa
vit-it with home 'folks.
ti... !-.. i i .....,.i. . i. . a
1 ii" lit'll toss ia.-i eer r 1. 1 j.' - i j
(ut .s iiairs oi socks ami 1 1 sweat- ta
. t . !
ers. The memhrfship camp:.;-n re-;
suited in receiving SlaO.r.U. We did. l'-ivmond To-.b!. who has !
, ......
not learn the exact number of mem-j-h, ),,, at Omaha f.-r son." tim
hers. i being tak'i t h ere on ccoi,!',! f tl
Tl ft
:r,g. 1
( .
11 and
C veurs
vears o.J,
The follow-inj pieces of Platts
mouth property are for sale at a
price that will sell them quickly:
1. "-room cottage, city water, 2
4 4-ft. lots, one block from paved
street. In good repair. Price $1,500.
2. C-roni bouse. 2 lots, close to
paved street. Price $1,200.00.
?,. .'-room house. 2 2-ft. level
lots, on paved street, close in. Price
4. G-room brick house, close to
shops. City water. 1 lot. Price $1,000.
T. G-roo:n house on one floor. 2
good lots. City water. Price $l,r,on.
C. f, acres close to town, all un
der cultivation. Lays rmooth. New
cottage and other outbuildings. The
price is $2,500.00.
7. G-room houe. all modern, lo
cated on North Sixth street and in
good repair. Price $2,700.00.
5. fi-room house, all modern ex
cept heat. 4 C2-ff. lots, pood loca
tion and in good repair. Price $n,Sft0.
9. S-rooni brick house. 2 good
lots, best of location. House in ex
cellent repair. Price $ 5,500.00.
John Hartsoek shipped a car c-f
tock to Nebraska City Tuesday, and
went along with it .to see how the
market was. It seems the Omaha
market hr.s been closed temporarily.
C. V,. Orab'ree. wt: o has been
laid up for the past two weeks w it h i morrow, but h
flu is again able to be down t own. ho: ;.;:;ai aain.
Uei.a h
sc :
i n
en.- ii! !::s le'-'.s. wt:i:: reeui: vti
t p ation. is rt ported to be making
good improvement at this tinit- and
wili be allowed to take dinner with
hi? sister at her home in Omaha -
to return to toe
ill under
although he looks like he had been
run through a series of flesh-rede,
ing exercises.
Frank West has bought a farm in
eastern Colorado, and expects to move
to it this Spring. He will have a
public sale at. his present residence
on the Hart?.:ll place on the ".2nd of
the present month.
Trvin Wetenkamp of Chicago ami
Delis Wetenkamp of Men. phis. Tenn..
who were called to Lincoln cn ac
eo'int of the serious illness of their
mother. vMtrd thtir brother, Henry
Wet en!.anir. r. Fa'le Wednesday on
their way home. The mother is im
proving. C. S. Trumble and son. Elmer, and
daughters Nellie and Olive, and Mh-s
Florence Caddy went to Lincoln on
Tuesday night to see Will Trumble,
who is quiet ill with blood poisoning
in his hand, and who underwent an
operation at the hospital the first of
the week.
Win. Trumble, who is in the hos
pital at Lincoln, being treated for
i the care
! st i" u; ion
of the physi-.-iam
it th
Wed dir. g Solemnized At One 0'CIock
With rouble Cr.rernc:iy, for Trip.
t he
Mr. Tu-
blood poisoning, it is said 'may lose!
Fi-.tti Patiireay's li.-iilv.
At the Presbyterian Manse,
afternoon at one o'clock. in
presence of but a few friends
.Trim f.irheler and M i ;s Ed'; a
h i e. both of just v,e-i of thi; ci!y
were united in holy matrimony, by
the Rev. H. G. McCluskey, the
double ring ceremc ny being u?".!.
Fred Kehne jr. and Miss Ida Tscher
rin acting as the best man and
brhbvr.iaid. After the c r-".:!'ny
i t : r nev. lv married r.mnie departed
j for a trip through tl;c w"st, and
! wi"I be gone for sou:e time. They
wv-tild not d'vulge the points whi-d:
they would touch, on account of not
i cb irinc their friends to know i:n-
til they returned.
bay i
: arc i.':
1 earn
One t:ai pi" gray mare,
d . w ; . 1 .". o i .
One black.
t. i::oo.
12 Head Cf Cattle.
Three miik cows, two frt-sli, cue
e h Sivui.
Ti.ree heifers, one and two years
One Shorthorn bull, thirteen
nths old.
One Red Polled bull.
Four bull calves, four and Ave
oaths old.
17 Head Of Hogs.
and I.hner Hallstrom, of 1 neighbors durine the tim. we wer
thi city, both members of the local laying our wife and mother to rest.
were "x-rmitted to oroceeil to VL-no-.;n.. .i,. i i. .i
yesterday for the purpose came to the house to helm thnso
: m-,-?tre-,i o::' .f the army, y.dio cent rihnted flowers and the
Yeaaeu nas asi:-o nc-rmission m,,,;.
r- receive his discharge and been j
granted authority to go to his home !
at Weeping Water and await until,
i; .' is recalled to receive his discharge!
pai-'-'s. This leaves A. II. Parnstad j
m so'.e charge of the affairs of the
Io : 1 board.
ixTcon head
d sows.
(me pedisrreca' Duroc-Jarrey ln)3r
rarrn Ilr.cliinery.
One Newton wagiti.
One Mitchell wag- n.
One spring wagon.
One hay rack.
One McCcrmiok mower.
One drill.
One John Deere seeder.
One "-section harrow.
One center cut disc.
Otic stall, exit ter.
One K'r.g cream separator.
One tank heater.
Five chickens.
f inale con-bed Rhode Island Red,
'. oi ut six that will sell for $2.50
each. C. R. 'iodd. Plattsmouth, Ne-b:a-ka.
I have some good young horses,
also some good cows and two Im
ported stallions. All this stock is
s"und and for sale at the right
priae. A. G. Mast, owner. !i-2wks
Perhaps the Crown Prince might
escape from his island, but where
could he iro?
Fancy, stationery at this office.
Make a specialty of good por
traits. Do enlarging, copy and colored
Kodak finishing, etc.
We guarantee all work.
Sunday sittings by appointment.
We are always here.
Telephone 645. Coates Block.
Plattsmoath, Nebraska.
You tell 'em we keep all kirds of
stationery at the Journal.
For Lnfans and Children
Sn Use orOver30 Years
Always bears
his band. It seems that some time
ago he cut his hand on a string in
the n:eat market, and not consider
ing it
ued his work, and later went to Ft.
Wm. Mi.-el nod mother who have
been making the ir home nt Lincoln.
I returned a few davs since to Phttts-
. e - . I
ii iiiticii importance, com in-, 1;:,lt h 3n,j v;n rnav this
Or e Acme 1
One Sattley
One new Moiin.
y rake, nearly new.
gang piow, almost
n g lis
:r j
One Moline comnined walking iJ
Two New- Departure cultivators,
One C('-g:i!. "kerosene tank with , fcj
pump. jpj
Many other articles too numerous R
to mention.
L-j-nch Will Be Served Ly W. A. Scott B
heme here in the future. Mr.
Real Estate and Insurance
Pj Logan to receive his diccharge from!;,.,;. or-ronted a portion in the lutn-
:the army. The sore failed to heal . t,rr Var l for th Pnrllurton. going
.and later became infected. He went . to v f,rl- t!:cre tomorrow. They rre ! rhN n on b::?:Vab!e i-c
,i iO hit- i'.ospnr.i last baturelav ami we ,w'-,-; . iim.Mi,-,.. .-oi-.o- .;,-i,t T,er r,-, n'n-rc -.
un'.iersiaiHi nas nau tnree minor op
this afternoon.
der J10. ca."ii in hand. Oil sums over
$10 a credit of six mon'hs will be
pir-g ! oisrht per cect interest frr m date,
i No property to oe removed from the
1 o Holders of Second
Liberty Loan Bonds
Your next coupons will be payable
November 15th. We shall be glad to
cash them for you free of charge any
time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
your Liberty Bonds,
era: ions and now lias three or four
drain tubes in his hand and arm.
Hi auu may possiniy nave to nave me
" hand amputated.
premises until settled for.
Light Brahma cockerels, at ?2."0 JOE BIERL, Owner,
each, if taken at once. Mrs. C. E. W. TL. YOUNG. Auctioneer.
The Bank of Cass County,
Piattsmouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Bank.
Heebner, Nehawka, Nebr.