The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 09, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    TTTTTKSnAY. JANUARY 9. 1910.
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T3be plattsmoutb journal
Entered at rostoffice, l'lattemouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
The Epoca's comparison of the
President to Napoleon is a little
The Kaiser hasn't been decorat
ing his friend Herr Gott von Him
mel lately.
But won't those women waiters
learn to demand "equal tips for
equal waiting?"
Christabel raukkurst, M. P..
promises to electrify all Knglaud
if she doesn't electrocute it.
Veek end trips from London to
Calcutta by airplane promise to be
come a favorite outdoor sport.
Wherevcr can that person have
been raised who writes: "1 suppjs
td pie was rather low in food
N'o author can really he consider
td Great until his grand-nephews
quarrel about the publication of his
love letters.
The Germans doggedly declare
that they will hold their own. In
the beginning they wanted to hold
everybody else's own.
If George Moore could only have
found siir one besides George
Moore to writ- about, what a writ
er he would have been!
Thse Baden villages need not ex
p ct to escape their part of the
penalty by sneaking into the back
door of Switzerland. We see them.
Of course a nation gulity of Ger
many's hideous crimes must endure
the penalty, but isn't it just h bit
harsh to subject them to the tor
ment of the bagpipe?
Now it is said that Mr. Burleson
does not favor permanent Govern
ment ownership of the cables. If so.
why grab them? Is it a spirit of dis
sembled affection?
We are told that the Government
has stopped the sale of gold to
dentists. Is that pood news or oth
erwise to the mau who feels that he
really ought to have that old tooth
It is unfortunate that Victor
P.erger is busy defending himself in
federal court, at this time. He is
thus prevented from joining Mr.
Hearst iu New York on the recep
tion committee for the returning
It doesn't hurt a boy's feelings
particularly for the teacher to tell
him the problems he worked are all
wrong, but it does sort of jar his
faith in all his established beliefs
when the teacher tells him all the
problems his dad worked for him
arc wrong.
F.x-president Roosevelt possessed
many admirable qualities, and liis
friends are numbered by the mil
lions. Of course he had his faults
but where is there a man that has
served the people as long as the
mourned statesman that has none.
A great man, and the best of all a
true American, and a patriot. His
memory will live long in every
American heart.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the s'at of ilie disoasij.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatiy in
fluenced by constitutional conditions. &n-l
in ordfr to cure it you must tale an
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is taken internally and act3 thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of ths
system. Iiall's Catarrh Medifins wis
jircscribed by one of the btst physicians
in this country for jvars. It U com
posed of of tha tit.!?s known,
combined with sonic of t!.e bept blood
purifiers. Th perfect combination of
the fiiftredW-nta in llj-ll'u Citarrli Medi
cine is wHat prod-n cs fii-h von.'.oi-f u:
results In cat. trlial ci:i:dit1o:i:. d'.-iid to
testimonials. re.
y. J. OHF.NIIi- & 0.. It Ti !do. C
All Lrrjrxif.,n.
Uali'tf Vainilv VoJ.i nrs'fD.ttion
Theodore Roosevelt is dead.
Another great man gone.
Peace to the noble man's ashes.
God help the Crown. Prince if he
ever falls into the hands of the
There were other German things
that called more insistently for
spurious Vcrseukuiig than did the
Air P.omb Just Missed Kaiser
Hissed by the Natives. Headline.
Any reputable air bomb should hiss
as it passed the Kaiser.
A Man of Letters is a person who
takes degrees and spends his life
writing introductions to complete
editions of Wordsworth's Pocnis.
Life is what you make it, says
one faction. You are what life
makes you, says another. We dun
no . light it out. you and life,
It's all very well for the assorted
Government boards to tell the men
to halt the shipping strike, but
what are they going to do about it
if the strike goes on just the same?
"If Postmaster liurleson had few
er schemes to regulate the news
papers." guesses the Jewell Repub
lican, "he might have more time
to get the soldier boys mail to
A report comes from Holland
that the Dutch Premier says that
Wilhelni has a right of sanctuar
hi Holland. A right of sanctuary?
Sanctuary for Wilhelm? Sanct
uary for Ahasuerus?
French hotel men have voted to
refuse to receive any Roche as a
guest for ten years. It was prob
ably necessary, as the animal might
have the effrontery to try to visit
France as soon as he could.
A recent Socialist trial iu Chica
go brought out the name of Miss
Oxenhaudler, stenographer. Perhaps
you have read some of her manu
scripts, or at least some evidently
written by members of her family.
That tense expression on the
girls faces doesn't mean they are
holding their breath for leap year.
They aren't even thinking about
leap year, most of them having fig
ured out that the boys will all be
home before that time.
An irate diner complained that
whereas he got all the butter he
wanted at a 75 cent red ink table
dotty he was refused a second help
ing at a $5 a plate banquet. Rut
did what he got at the cheaper feast
ever have any relationship to a
Several writers in the new pro
hibition states are asking what they
can swear off from next New Year's.
They'll know a lot of things to
swear off next New Year's. One
of them will be the practice of tak
ing expensive trips into wet terri
tory. There will be a lot of rail
road fare in between wet territories
by next New Year's.
Everybody is telling what he
doesn't know about General Persh
ing's politics, and the contest .seems
to be free for all. Well, out in these
parts, they say he did receive his
West Point appointment during the
office tenure of a Republican con
gressman. So, while that was a
long time ago and may not have
meant anything anyhow, we might
as well throw it in along with the
other guesses concerning the gen
eral's political preferences now.
There will be universal approval
of Secretary Lansing's recommenda
tion that the American Legation at
Lima be made an embassy. Our
friendly relations with Peru de
mand that we reciprocate without
delay her courtesy in designating
an Ambassador for Washington
Since our representative to Chile al
ready enjoys the rank of Ambassa
dor a failure to show an equal re
gard for Peru at the moment when
relations between these two na
tions are so dangerously strained
might be interpreted at Lima as an
indication of unfriendliness.
Peru has a right to our esteem
and cratitude. During the world
war she aligned herself definitely
with the Allied Powers. She con
tributed not a littie to the success
of the common cause by giving over
to this country under charter the
German vessels that had taken
refuge iu her ports. To send her a
representative of the highest rank
is due her not only because of her
diplomatic importance but as an
evidence of our friendship.
"If with pleasure you are viewing
any work a man is doing.
If you like him. if you love him.
tell him now;
Don't withhold your approbation till
the parson makes oration.
And he lies with snowy lilies o'er
his brow;
For no matter how you shout it. ho
won't really care about it :
He won't know how many tear
drops you have shed;
If you think some praise is due him.
now's the time to tell it to him.
For he cannot read IiIk tombstone
when he's dead.
More than fame and more tha:i
money, is the comment kind
and sunny.
And t he hearty warm approval of
a friend;.
For it gives to life a savor, and it
makes you stronger, braver.
And it gives you heart and spirit
to the end.
If he earns your praise, bestow it;
if you like him, let him know
Let the words of true encourage
ment be .said;
Do not wait till life is over, and lie's
underneath the clover.
For he cannot read his tombstone
when he's dead."
Christian Kndeavor World.
In tiie I i .-. t r i t Court of the County
of Cjiss, Nebraska.
Charles C. Parmclo, Plaintiff
- vs-
.lae.b P. Kalter; Mary Kalter: .
P. (tlson, tirst real name unknown:
Mrs. O. P. Olson, tirst real narii'
unknown, wife of . P. Olson; .1.
N. Kinp, tirst real name unknown;
.Mrs. .1. N. Klnp. hrst rem name
unknown, wife of J. N. Kins; W.
V. YVinslow. first real nuiiw un
known: Clarence A. Atkinson; l-.r-nest
Shellenbarner; Texas Kio
riinle Company, a Corporation,
and Fred Wagner.
ntlce f Suit
To tlio defendants. . P. Olson, first
real name unknown; Mrs. O. P. Olson,
tirst real namo unknown, wife of O.
P. Olson: .1 N. Kin?, hrst real name
unknown: Mrs. J. N. Kin?, tirst real
name unknown, wife of .1. N. Kin?:
Texas Itio Grande Company, a Corpo
ra t ion :
You iind esich of you are hereby noti
fied that the plaintiff has tiled bis
amended petition in the above entitled
lion in the lustrlet court or ass
county. Nebraska, to foreclose a mort-
?a?e Klvtn bv Jacob P. l alter ami
wile. Matv Falter, to Charles F. Davis.
:ssi?nd bv said Charles F. Davis to
Leonard W. Scheibel and assigned by
said Leonard W. Scbeitiel to the plain
tiff, which said mortcane is dated
August 'JK. 191". and was recorded in
the office of the Ilenister of Deeds of
Cass count v. Nebraska, on August 2!'.
1913. at 10:01 a. in., in book a 9 of
mort urates, at paire 5 17 thereof, con
veying lots 11 and i'J. in block "V in
tb! City of Plattsmoutb, Cass county.
Nebraska, to secure one promissory
note for the sum of $15.fMl.O0 dated
August -j, 191". and becomin? due
September 1, 191$. with interest at
per cent per annum from September 1.
1913. annually as evidenced by live in
terest notes therewith of even date
and which principal note draws inter
est at 10 ner cent per annum after duo
until paid and that the interest note
of Jtf(M).ie) thereon, due September 1.
litis, with interest at 10 per cent after
maturity has not been paid, and that
said principal note and said interest
note are long past due and by th4
terms of said mortgage. the whole
amount is due and payable: that the
taxes for the year t ! 1 7 in the sum of
$908.7." became delinquent on Die 1st
uav of Mav. 1 9 1 and remain unpaid
and that the plaintiff asks judgment
on said principal note and interest
note and said mortgage and to fore
close the equity of redemption against
all the parties therein.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before Mon-
dav, the loth day of February. 1919. or i
- . . . i. . . e I
will be duly entered therein.
Dated this day of December,
W. A. Uobertson.
His Attoine. d:;0-4tw
Flags at the Journal Ofice.
I am ofl'erinjr the rjlace where I
have been breeding Duroc Jersey
Swine and Rhode Island Hed chick
ens, for sale.
This is a place of r acres land,
including house 2tix30, barn 1G.:5S,
cement floored brooding coops, ce
ment floored grain bins, etc. Fenc
ed with a 5-foot chicken hogs and
cattle tight fence, joins stock yards
in Mynard and would make fine
breeding pens for sheep or cattle.
Land is very rich, having been
manured several times. Central
point for buying grain for feed.
acres in wheat. Easy terms.
3-tf Mynard, Nebr.
i ud Notice on I'd il ion for Settle-iin-nt
-t Account.
In the County Court of Cass county,
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss:
To the Heirs and all persons inter
ested in the estate of lMwin Met'alf,
leceased :
n reading the petition o!' N. M
Meeker praviug a linal settlement arid
i ! low;: nee of his account tiled in this
Court o:i the .".Oth day of ecemher.
ll'ls. and for finding of heirship and
il st ii lui t ion of estate;
It is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matter may.
and do. appear at the County Court to
be held in and for said Conntv on the da-, of January. A.' D. 1919. at ten
o'clock n. 1:1.. to show cause, if a n v
there be. why (he prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted, and that
notice ui' the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter !
p'lbli-hing a copy of this order in the
I "!a 1 1 .- mon t h Journal, a sem i-week 1
newspaper printed in said county, for
osi" weil: prior to said dav of hearing.
In witness wh'To.r. I have hereunto
-i t my hand and the Seal of sail! in;r
his :pth dav of December. A 1 1 '.1 1 J. i:ki:s i.v.
'Seal County Judge.
Dyspepsia is America's curse. To
restore digestion. normal weight.
g'HMl health and purify the binod.
u-h Iiurdock's Hlood P.itters. Sold a'
all drug stores. Price, $1.2.".
As I am going to IVrl.ins County.
.'e!., next spring, 1 will sell a'
!.:Mie Auction at what is known ;i.'
ri:e Ceo. M. 1 1 i 1:1 farm, seven i. '.ne
west at'd threo miles sc-i'li i
!'l:it!s!:io'ith. and a half mile nonl-
and one mile west of Kight Mile
Grove cemelery, beginning at 10:0n
o'clock A. M., on
The following described property:
12 Head of Horses.
One black mare, i years old. wt
loVO, with foal.
One bay mare, S years old, wt
1000, with foal.
One bay geiding. .". jvars old, wt.
One bay gelding, 7 years old, wt
One black gelding, smooth mouth.
weight 1400.
One bay mare, t years old, wt.
One bay gelding. 1 year old.
One suckling colt.
One team bay geldings, 11 and
12. wt. U200.
One dapple gray mare, j years
old. wt. l."00.
One black gelding, :J years old
wt. 1C00.
12 Head Of Cattle.
Three milk cows, two fresh, one
fresh soon.
Three heifers, one and two year.'
One Shorthorn bull, thirteen
months old.
One Red Polled bull.
Four bull calves, four and five
months old.
17 Head Of Hogs.
Sixteen head of Duroc-Jersey
brood sows.
One pedigreed Duroc-Jersey Ioar
Farm Machinery.
One Newton wagon. .
One Mitchell wagon.
One spring wagon.
One hay rack.
One Mct'ormick mower.
One press drill.
One John Deere seeder.
One C-section harrow.
One center cut disc.
One stalk cutter'.
One King cream separator.
One tank heater.
Five dozen chickens.
One Acme hay rake, nearly new.
One Sat t ley gang plow, almost
One new Moiine riding lister.
One Moiine combined walking
Two New Departure cultivators.
One GO-gal. kerosene tank with
Many other articles too iniuitroo
to mention.
Lunch Will Ee Served by W. A. Scott
TKItMS OF. SALL' All sums i.n
der $10. cash in hand. On sums ovir
$10 a credit of six months will be
given on bankable note bearing
eight per cent interest from date.
Xo property to be removed from the
premises until settled for.
W. It. YOUNG. Auctioneer.
14TH AND 15TH. I
Story Adapted from Mabel Wagnall's
Novel. "A Rose Bush of a
Thousand Years."
I'anf it'iin vil !e
The I'rii.r
I "m-los
I'ia utjwti in-
I 'iel l e
. . . . N'AZIMi Y A
. i ' i i 1 I li; I v ;i nt.
. . I-'r.i tik Currier
. . Sy n I e 'del"
I fii ii .Ma it in
. Km-. ,e l:,. .1.1,
M o I ,i i l'i', ll, c I ii ti keeper . . I 'h i 1 Sa nl f " nl
Count lie I ; in- liii-inw Coier
""I Mon.-ist irv C.atekeener.Trii.; .I:itne
toitnan Officer Iave Turner
l'atiii I're.l
Fochar.l . C lla.lle.-
Mai'cieine I :rc . . ,i t . . . . 1 1 a .. ! 'n- h I m 1 u
Tin: stii:v
"In ti e . i rt ya vl !' a laoii.'is
tarv vcai1.-- .il.-.-. a -io:is nn,ii
l-'anteil a roseliiili. In stete of
l'i tender ea re it never ljy.:tt-
cl. Tin- el.ti.. prie-t
over it. ci i n-- i.'.-i ; i in- ; ,;-
le'i-e of iliviin- 1 ; ;;.a - in e one
l.l'. so t tie rois, la- ot'
I'eri il tip a i.i a ver at ti e .-.i.le of
Mo- Inisli inaf it mit;l:t I. loom.
Iri tire mi. it of l is supplication,
a ntie oi e i.,ole I'.e at
p'-.i. .-.' ami looUinv up In- a v
C.e II..: - .-1tl.,.r vtai.lin I., tore anil In, a mini. -If the io;-c-
1'iisli 1'ail ::irst iu', Mum."
Toline. "a daughter of joy." dress
ed as- a Haeehante. jierforms a danee
of revelry in a cabaret in the Latin
Quarter of Paris. Paul Granville, a
poor American artist, draws sketches
f her as she dances. Moved by his
poverty. Joiiue oilers to pose for him
without, pay. Kuelos. lier Apache
lover, leaves in a jealous rage.
Inspired by his model. Paul ach
ieves success at the salon with paint
ings entitled La P.aechante, Salome.
Sappho, the Sphinx, and Sin, al-
'.;iys with Joline as model. He Roche
t wealthy :;rtist plans to separate
!.er from Paul and commissions him
paint "The Madonna of the Rosc-
Io;.-h," fur a monastery whose monks
;:re praying for a recurrence of the
Miracle of the sacred rose-bush which
! ceased to bloom.
Paul feels that Joline cannot typi
fy the Virgin Mother. Joline, heart
broken, rudely thrusts all applicants
from the studio. Powerless to cope
with her. he and Joline start for the
monastery. As she is posing, Broth
er Augustine comes to the sacred
bush to pray. He sees Joline and
faints at her feet, believing that he
has beheld the Virgin. Later he tells
his brothers of the miracle and says,
"Once more our sacred bush will
l looni and Cod will spare me to see
the day!" The bush does bloom, and
Brother Augustine dies, happy in
the thought that lie has won divine
forgiveness. The story of his vision
spreads far and vide and Pilgrims
come to worship before the bush. Jo
line confesses to the Prior, lie is
shocked but still believes a miracle
has been performed that in some
mysterious way the spirit of the Ma
donna must have shown in her eyes.
"For see." he says, "the bush has
bloomed again." He gives Joline one
f its blossoms. A revelation has
'one into her soul. She prays for
irength to live without Paul. Deaf
to appeals to return with him to
I aris. and to all promises from He
Roche of love and luxury, she goes
to work among the peasants. In Par
is. Paul's picture, "The Madonna of
the Rose-Hush" creates a furore.
With the entry of the United
States into war, Paul enlists. Later,
lie and Duclos, Joline's former lover,
lie wounded on the same battlefield.
Hunting for the wounded, Joline
Puds them both. Duclos dies in her
arms after obtaining her forgiveness
but Paul is saved. In front of the
sacred rosebush where she found her
-oul. the Prior makes Joline and
Paul man and wife.
This guaranteed-to-please-you picture-
will be shown at the Parmele
theatre on next Tuesday and Wed
nesday. January 14th and 15th and
if the reception it has met at places
where it has already beeu shown is
a sale criterion, it may be predicted
the film will be shown to pacRed
louses at each performance. Excep
tionally line acting is said to charac
terize every scene in the entire seven
Worth $50.00 a Bottle.
Wm. Barnes, San Antonio, Texas,
writes: "Foley's Honey atui 1'ar has
i '-en worth $."0.o0 a hot lie to me. I
bad "he flu,' followed by pneumonia
which left me weak, wit ha persis
tent cough. The cough hung on.
Some one advised Foley's Honey and
Tar. I have completely recovered
and do not cough at all." Sold
For any pain, burn scald or
bruise, a pply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic
Oil the household remedy. Two
tizes 30c and 60c at all drug stores.
1 gKoftfltfitii -.thmmini-nii- " " i fa
I C-ri . VoW 'i
-The Parmele-
an absolutely guaranteed attraction. We want every movie fan to
sec- this wonderful photoplay. Any one not eotirely satined a Iter
seeing the picture we want them to call at the box oflice wheie then
money will be cheerfully refunded.
f.r-.t show T..n nniini 8ECOND 8HOW
: nTOiaSffarTrarWETttiftV m
Tuesday and Wednesday,
it r ' .. . - r t .......
T" - AO:' - -IS A i - ..! V"i(-y
4 j" '
-v ir'vrt-
j'..-; y.'- . . . . ..:-..r .: 4
,'', . ' ,
r.QMr t V-,'-" , t,-ur iif win ! h Ii'" - i,.,- r - i '
N A Z I M 0 V A
I Revel
I' Children 25c
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money.
DON'T MISS TI1I3. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c. to Foley & Co.,
1835 Shellield Ave., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address
The best and most economical feed for live stock.
Write us for description and prices.
Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co.,
Omaha, Nebraska
'The mortgage that never comes due
You pay no commission.
Capital $250,000.00.
Lincoln Joint StockLandBank
Organized and operated under the provisions of
the Federal Farm Loan -ct.
For Farm Loans
See CHAS. C. PARMELE, Representative
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
WW TOtdi 8:45
14 and 15
Adults 35c
clearly. You will receive in let urn a
trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
Kidney Pills and Foley's Cathartic
Tablets. Sold everywhere.
s ' . If
classes Feeds!
i .