The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 09, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
THURSDAY. JA35TTARY 9, 1919. PiATTS3I0rTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOUPoAL. PAGE THRTfc I..JU.I U.U..-1 WHEN NEURALGIA IS NERVES Cloan's Liniment scatter; the congestion and relieves pain K little, applied uithoui ruhhirtz. fHT penetrate immediately E.nd rest and eoothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment 13 very effective !a allaying external pains, strains, bruircr, aches, still joir.ts, sore muscles, lumba go, neuritis, cciatica, rheumatic twinges Keep a. big bottle always on hand for family use. Druggists everywhere. 9fr 3 3fi MURDOGK ITEMS Grammar room. Is with us again. Her sister, Miss Anna, has taken fcer place since January 1st. Mr. a:nl Mrs. Elmer Caseman and parents, Mr. nnl Airs. Charles Rose now. Dr. Leonard Muir left Saturday evening for Mil ford to visit with his 1 daughter. Verna, returned on Sunday ' brother, Dr. J. G. Muir, who recent- ' I ly returned home from overseas per- fcl vice in the Medical department with the Areo division, bavins been sta- noon after a week's visit at Lincoln ami Valparaiso. Nebraska. Mr. and .Mrs. John Krueger re turned to their home at West Point, tioned in England for several months Nebraska, on Monday, after being past. Dr. Muir received his dis- here for two weeks with relatives. 'charge papers n t Camp Funston and quarantined -vw ill resume his practice at Mil- at his home with the influenza the , ford. His daughter, Mrs. L. G. has just recovered from past week. McDonald. it. Paul Schewe is just able to he up; in ,a Salle county. Illinois, again after an attack of influenza, passed to her eternal reward Mrs. Schewe is down with it now. 1 nour aftc-r the advent Mrs. R. T. Tool, is with Obituary Lois T,. Curyea, daughter of Alvah and Olive Warren Smith, was born and one t New oE the Her mother them. Carl Schneider left Sunday even ing to resume his school duties at. Concordia, Missouri, Year of lflf) had been ushered i On April r.. 1SG0. she was united in holy wedlock with W. M. Curyea, at fj t ililMMIIh. JlllllUl.t. 1 1M H , F n after spending a farni for some years afterward, f M James Mills was in Omaha Sat urday. Mr. Wilkens, of Elmwood, was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marshall, of Elmwood, were callers at the Albert Thiel home on Monday. A Hne big ten pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tool on New Year's day. Mrs. L. N. Amgwert returned last Friday from a two weeks stay with relatives at Council Bluffs. Mrs. Jerry E. Mcllugh returned on Sunday evening from Omaha, where she had been for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thimgan en tertained Mr. and Mrs. John Krueger of West Point, Nebraska, last Fri day evening. Miss Olive Bourke, teacher of the bis holiday vacation with home moving to Ottawa. Illinois, where she folks. (and her husband united with the M. Henry Schwab and sisters. Misses K church, which relation she bore Lola and Ethel, were passengers to ,,ntil the summons or the Master Omaha Sunday noon, going up to can,i her home. On account of the see their mother, who i so seriously f(,(.ble health of s-he and hn- bus ill at a hospital there, 'band, they had been spending the Gus Gakemeier returned on last winter in Lincoln, where a few days Friday evening from a visit with i)f.fore her death she was taken with relatives in Chicago and. since then r,,;Himoiij;i an(i soon passed away, has been seriously ill with influenza ,;.;;.is jH.r husband she leaves to at the home of his parents north of ino,irn her departure one brother, town. Janu s Smith, of Saunemin. 111., and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gillespie, Mis- four siti rs, Mrs. Mary Poole, Tlard- ses Fiddaline Iturdick and Everett, in:r. 111.. Mrs. Sarah Jones. Wood- a PUBLICS ALE ! I will offer for sale at Public Auction, at my farm, three miles southeast of Cedar Creek, six miles east and cne mile nortii of Louis ville, and i) miles west of Platts mouth, on WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15TH, 1919. The following described property to-wit: One gray mare. S years old, wf. 1500. One bay horse, G years old, weight 1230. One driving team, 9 and 10 '-cars old. wt. 2200. One bay mare colt coming ti year old. One bay colt coming 2 year old. One suckling colt. Three milk cows one fresh. One 2-year-old heifer, coming fresh in April. One yearling calf. One white faced bull. IS months Old. Two Duroc brood sows. Fourteen head of slock hogs. One Newton wagon. One spring wagon. One hay rack with truck. One MeCormick binder, seven foot cut. One Standard mower. One hay rake. One Osborn disc. One John Deere two row. One John Deere riding lister, good as new. One John Deere corn planter, SO rods of wire. One Avery cultivator. One Janesville cultivator. One Badger riding cultivator. One walking plow, 14-inch One Grandeteur gang plow. One Sterling stalk cutter. One corn drill. One 3-section harrow. One bob-sled. One" hand corn sheller. One feed grinder. One Winzelmann corn elevator. One hog oiler. One horse clipper. One galvanized tank with heater. On Great Western cream separa tor. One Old Trusty incubator and brooder. Three set of work harness. One set cf buggy harness. One single harness. One saddle good as new.. One grind stone. Many other articles too numerous to mention. are ail entertaining the flu at the present time, as are also John Bor nemeier and family. Will Kueman, Fred Iirunkow ami son. Vernon. Wc are grieved to write that Mrs. A. II. Schwab is very low at this time. She was taken to an Omaha iiospital a week ago, an operation was performed on Saturday and since then the doctors have hdd m hopes for her. Mr. ami Mrs. 0is Miller enter tained at a New Year's dinner at. their country home north of town, when those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Backemeyer and child ren. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miller and :;on. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thim gan and son, Victor, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Long. G. V. Pick well received word last. Friday of the death of his son-in-law. Charles Shelton, of Lincoln, who died of influenza. The funeral was to have been held Sunday in the Wabash cemetery south of here, but was postponed on account of the ill ness of Mrs. Shelton, who is also sick with the' same disease. There are two sons in the family. inur. III.. Mrs. Sarah Jones. stock. Iowa; Mrs. Olive Curyea. Alvo and Mr.;. Oscena Hall, of m ar H.ird ing. Illinois. Sister Curyea was a woman l" 110-bh- character, taking great i:t'rc.t in the welfare of th Master'.-, king dom, many times doing beyond ). r strength to assist in the work of til.' church. She was a patient suf ferer, being afflicted in her liinl.-. which made it difficult to get abou. She will be mi.-sed by many loving friends. Funeral services were held from tl. k. church at Alvo. Ne braska. Friday afternoon, January "-I. conditc:ed by her pa. ior, Kt v. '('. E. Connell and the remains were laid to re:t in the beautiful Alvi cemet" ry. The bereft husband a:i 1 other relatives ir- to ex pre.-.-; ih'.ir sincere thanks to their friends who i-ssisted th'iii in their hour of sor row, and for the beautiful flora! of ferings. Those from out of town in a' ten dance at the funeral were Jack Cur yea. Omaha; Kile Thompson and Mrs. Brown. Lincoln: Mrs. Manima Curyea, Ben Landis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooh-y and Ralj.'i Daft, of Waverly. -1 it 1 NEWS FROffl ALVO ji 3f Ct fr P 9 . i : VJ ill ion. z ral j R. W. Stewart went to Omaha on business Tuesday. Mrs. C. M. Jordan returned on No. 3S Tuesday from Lincoln. Jake Kahn was in Omaha a couple of days last week on business. W. O. Boyles, of Lincoln, came in Tuesday on No. :1S to visit relatives. Fred Dei k ma 11 n went to Lincoln Saturday, returning home Monday on No. hS. Uncle George Skiles came up from Murdock Tuesday for a visit with relatives and friends. A. I. Bird and children. Wesley and Marie, went to Lincoln Monday, returning home Tuesday. Henry Miller was a passenger for 0:1 1oj. IS. IMS. from Genoa. Junc Plattsmouth Monday, where he poes.tion. Wis: "I suffered so from on business and to vi5it relatives. rheumatism that 1 could r.t leave Mrs. Dale S. Boyles returned home ! n:y bed for a whole year. Now Tri -Thursday from York, where she at-j nur's Liniment set me 0:1 my legs, tended the funeral of her uncle, J. 1 an 1 I recommtnde it to anybody who V. Hyder. j suffers from rheumatism." At drug The Misses Iva and Ida Thomas, s,(,"i,s. ami c.-.c, by mail 4". and of Pickrell, came in Tuesday to vis- j "r'- J-eph Triner Company. 1 it their crandDarents. Mr. and Mrs.; 1:14:5 s- Ashland Ave.. Chicago. 111. Henry Thomas. IKE Gr-T IESRON There is a deeper sense in the words "to save." It means lo buv only flings which have most of t'n desired properties in thorn. That the grcpt le-son war has taught u '. and it applies especially to rem edies. In case of stomach disturb ances, constipation. indigestion headaches. nervousness, gene weakness, etc.. reieet nil cheat) and inefficient preparations and ' a-'j only i rim r s American Klixr ot ; Bitter Wine. Its ingredients are so conbinei as t clean the stomach. ; to help indigestion and strengthen' the entire svstem in a thoroughly . reliable way. At all drug store-. $1.10. Triner'-s Liniment is the beat remedy for rheumatism, neu ralgia, sprains, swellings, etc. This is a fact founded on what is happening- day by day in hundreds of cases. Mr. John Vratnik m ?drs. Hattie Kear and sister, Mrs. Jesse Hardnock, left on Thursday evening for Grant, to pack and ship Mrs. Kear's household goods. Mrs. Dr. Paul Thurreson and lit tle daughter. Maxine, of Chicago, ar rived Monday afternoon to make an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Foreman. There are more pupils in school this week and no new cases of sick ness and everyone feels greatly en couraged that school may continue uninterrupted through the remain- Tha Housewife Who Cares tc Save Carries Her Grot cries a::d Traaes At v. iii WEEKLY SPECIALS: .j 3 der of the term. ( Mr. and Mrs. Fr?d Clark returned 2 lare c;ins T:matoes Ivory soap, 4 bar.' "oc Bob White Soap, 1(1 bars ,a? Pearl White Soap. 10 bars f.r.c Palm Oil soap, 1. bars ;if,c 1 gallon can White Syrup $1.00 2 larrje cans peaches 4 0c 2 large cans Apricats 7,0c 4c jhorne Monday from a holiday vaca- 0 Pounus, cocoa ition snent with their daughters at rrem'um Coffee, per pound :'.."c SALE WILL COMMENCE AT 10:00 Republican City and Guide Rock. : 8 1,JS- 1ure Lnckwheat lloru$ 1.00 Lunch will be served by W. A. Scott. ;While gone they attended the fun- 4 1. Pancake flour 40c TERMS OF SALE! All sums of $10.00 and under leral of Mr. Clark nephew, James Daldwin rer peck. ,i c cash; all sums over $10.00 a credit of 12 months will be given, pur-1 Ford, of Hebron. Dinner guests at the Charles F. Rosenow home on Sunday were Mrs. Vicr Mrlnp p-nod bnnVnhle note. bearing 8 per cent from date. All Skinner. Mrs. Bertha Shelton propertv must be settled for before and daughter. Lela, Mr. and Mrs. Ray being removed from the premises. Clark and daughters, Rose. Beth and GEORGE L0KNES Emily Berdeane, and George Clark. COL. W. R. YOUNG. Auctioneer. ' The occasion was little Berdeane's A O. AULT, Clerk. firs- visit to the home of her grand- Scotts Bluff Potatoes, per peck3Sc ' And many other articles too nim erous to mention. Deliveries made hi or oyer. Call and see me. $3.00 orders Cats r i 0 1 Ki tj n "PA - i li w i S. f .4 S.1 fj!3 ft kA v.- i? l- 0M IT ? !.: - M Wvy . litl ;'. :.i MM; '' J .-" t "i- 41 Uli 1 IN : SWT s and Wearing Apparel! C Mny who Itave been eagerly avvaitinc? tliis January Clt.a.ance Sale, arc findinrr in it an event that more than firlij;'? i.hcir fontlest expectations. This is one event you miss if von xlsh to realize important savings 1 1 j f LOltltin t on i-M c!as.-e cf Grade Merchandise. We have thrown in, wi'hout regard to former prices, our large stock of Ladies Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Waists, in ad tlil'on to the Coats and Sweaters and offer thern all at the s-.T.e sharp reduction in price. Truly, you will find in offering exceptional values and because they arc 30 extraordinary you may be sure they will not last ion-. f r fly buvinct is the only wav to avoid possible 1 i s a p p o i n t m c n t . A Visit Will Prove the Merits of These Goods It it-. quite natural for everyone to want to leek their best, but 31 -it eo t .sy of accomplishment unless one has the advantage of 1"-::.;, -lo-Wer !isplas like these. The most authentic modes are vr ;:e:netl and all offer in 2-s are priced at the lowest possible figure. Select ion from or.r Sales Stock means satisfaction as long as you v.-car the Garment purchased. w v V 1 vo 11 J try ikese E a. W argains!. Virginia : : r.rcc It is seldom one his o;v,-, :):iu:ilty to p;irci:a:e uiesces ot ar.d v.-..l!.l;nov.-n pattern a 3 Dare" r.t ati'v 'ur? nvw redactions vc ar3 quoting, but the . 1 . , ' 1 1 , - ,. ? T - r ? l"t .1j ,j: ?-l'.r 11 . C i- i u -t-Clw ward ciles season and va are de ter mined to cloce them out now. Here yen will find dresses i:i which the r-".;rh as th? Jfalc rric o!" r.:.'.cs. - j il vi ! y y IiL-Ti.arixable barsai:1.? i:i silk to:-, v.-i'il Jersey, s;;ti'i-.. wot Preach .-ori?" -. a::d veiv-t drc: uii'.nv trirr.HH'I with friuv.". nr a:. i C Hi! out t:;;iojvI. -rT- ai:l-an.l ;V h U 'T-' e.ia j)c:c i. i, is e. , , ; ; . ; . : t!W w yJ M Car entire line of smartly tailored Suits in all the popular materials jd and shades. Beautiful models in vel- t vet, wool velours, gaberdines, broad- S oloihs, Silvtrtones and Duvatines, in K both tailored and fancy models. All b aie strictly this season's models and ,!. are genuine bargains. I WAIST REDUCTIONS 1 We have also reduced prices on (i our entire stock of Waists, 25 per cent. Your golden opportunity. Red "Sale Price" Tags IcN the Story $21.50 Children s ijresses I HJ fiq rJjP An elegant line of Ltl Uul. an.woci erg3 dres ser, in poonlar colors and styles; 1 ro 10. Tormer price of these sos v?.s $3.00 to $7.50. You can buy Uhm. here now at the low i rice of . : i : x ill I si; drc S3.75 $22.25 Sweaters Below Cost Price! We are heavily overstocked on SKIRTS y3 OFF: All skirts go at one-third off beautiful models and Maierials, all the latest styles and combinations. Velvets, velours, silks, series, plaids and stripes. We invite comparison. 9 I HT KfJ PVn Equallv attractive L-' ,VJ' ,"U all-wool serge dres f:?, 5-ics 12 to 1G. Winter warmth clpc.i;b on nothing quite so much as v.i.,:tc: rancents. S7.75 to $12.50 ill All-Wool Slip-Over and Coat Style Sweaters, and are determined to close them out even to the last one, re gardless of original cost price. Sweat ers in all desirable colors, formerly priced as high as $16, now offered at from $3.35 to $7. 75 CHILEREN'S" "SWEATERS An especial bargain in Children's All-Wool and Silk Sweaters, priced at $1.85 to $2.75 1W A., 1 ' , n "1 s- Z p H U CV V Afternoon Specials! l"ROtn 2 O'CLOCK AS LOF3CS AS THEY LAST! $2.25 and $2.50 Voii. Organdie and Wash Silk Waits at $5.00 and $10.00 Skirts -some very desirable ones Vi? v Vi to &3 79 3 This Sale is for - $ KB VT TWrrtlT TTTT Tl TTl'.! 1 il Tl 9 i ggery PIcv ttmovitli. Nebraskev. No Altera tions at These Prices! INFAITT EIE3 01 From Mim.lfiy's Daily. . Saturdaj' the little four day.; oi l j snn of Mr. end Mrs. Ii;i?sell Bland- i( i civc.i n T' v. t i!ti-r a-e. li (. iiid be rl.ill vliicii r-oon ia, fcr w'ricii with there was nothing: done for the; little in ih? way cf treatment. A er, died of pneumonia, the li'.tle iiliyrician was culled, but, there was nothing- which could be done, burial was had yesterday. The IIow is the time lo join the War Stamp Limit Club. See Cbaa. C Pannele for-paiticulaie. HOGS STRAYED. 1 red sow and three pigs and one that weighs about 75 pounds. Stray ed from my home. U. L. Barnard, d&w.