The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 09, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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i" .
t !
S9 are expecting to be discharged soon.
and are awaiting the time to come
To Holders of Second
Liberty Loan Bonds
Your next coupons will be payable
Novsmber 15th. We shall be glad to
cash them for you free of charge any
time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
your Liberty Boids.
The Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Bank.
j in order that they may be able to
'net back into active civil life.
W. E. Mathews, special agent for
the Burlington, of Omaha, was a
visitor in Plattsmouth last Satur
day, looking after some business for
the day for that company, and do-
! parted for Louisville where he has
some matters to look after.
Frank K. Gobelinan. has just com
pleted the finishing of the new
home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. 1 1 i Id.
west of Mynard. and when starting:'
business visitor in the city, and al
so was visiting with his many j
friends here, being a guest ct the j
home of his brother VY. B. Living- j
ston, south of the city. j
C. A. Richey of Weeping Water, j
was in the city a while yesterday J
looking" after scune business for the
day. and in the afternoon departed :
for Omaha, where he was also
transacting some business, will from
there return to his home.
Walter IJeyers was a business
visitor in the city this morning from j
his home near Hock Ulufi's. and was I
last evening from there, with the board of countv i
a snow drift, and had to leave I commissioners, looking after tin
I'ti'lil Molidav "s Ji.iil v
John Albert wa.. a p.o.scne;
Cedar Creek this morning wht-r;
i.; !".'k'l:r alter :ouio !!!: i!i"ss
the day.
I o
i i i i :
I'atte:-. ( it
v,-ii .r
:' near Kock
in t I ity t his
im:!:,-; .i ok v. ft er .une
ss fur a f e .v hour.
.iv H.-rn tri ::i n u Cedar
v a - .;
i ! .
.1:1 V.
a . ;
n. : s; i
i iv iv .
f..r tli
.! r: :i .'." : i n - : .Jr..
r:. d in the : y thi .'
t ' . .! i ' i is ii
the; iiy h
i n t':i' early
: o:r.-' businos
:n ! v.-;.- :;r
morni::;: :ru i
in. r -; : i ; r i on
ri'ing to lock
ii t
ss for it:e day.
?!. I I- remncii depart'.: tm - ;
i :i .. vl.t the PurlititMon to ('.'.
ar -"::. v.', r. he i; looking after
h.i-ii.c.-s i.i i I .ice and on
. 'r Infants and Children
"vt 'Ur : oi Over 30 Years
I'll i iZ i- d .;.'. jl-Jj.,
Coutcs 3!cck.
lies. 3T3 PII02IE OlTic 537
Dfi. ii. C. LEOPOLD
.VI" t .. I -I: i .-.-I TI'.KATK!)
. .- '..-! ! nd r;;i.s-s i-'itted
i.riL.t C.'.l'.a Answerej After Kc-n
!: i i::ria by Appointment.
his farm south of there.
.Misses Merna Wolfe and P.einice
Ault, were visiting In Plattsniouih
I:.. I ::.: un'.ay from tnier home at
-Cslar Creek. co!:;i:ig to take their
: r-ecia I instruction in music.
I 'ici'.ry Mcooner came up inis
I morning from Murray, via the Mis
souri Pacilic. and took tiie Lr.rlir.1;
t"i: f r Cedar Creek, where he is
conducting the Duff elevator.
Fred Heverage and wife from
!i'.r;h'.'.ov! of Murray were in the
city this afternoon for a short time
on their way to Omaha where they
wt re booking afte- some bu-ine.
!i-;;iy Lil.ewise was a isitor in
Pk'tt-moutii last Saturday, coming
from his home t Cedar Creek to
1 ok a'ter .--.Mm business for t lie
d-.-.y. :::.d returned In me in the af
ternoon. Frank Coodnnn of near IJock
j P.lulT-. was a luisiness visitor in
this city this morning, driving up
with his cur to do some franing and
t' t'?t"tid to rome matters at the
county seat.
Phillip Spansder fr;m near Weep-
iii:' water was a visitor ;n tins
: city kt Saturday wliere he has
j sc. bi!ir.ej to look after for the
j afternoon, and returned to his home
i in the evening.
I Oiear Yardley who has been con
: f-:i: : with t?ie iuflue:;.a at liis home
nr'.ir Louisville for several ditys
;p:.-:. v;s able to br ilowr. to this
1 r : v l.'-i Sat urdr. v :::! looking a.f
; r.T soi:;e business.
! Mr--. P.arcbl Koop. who has b".'ii
i"-iiii:g in t ! 1 1 city for M.uue days1
, al. a guest at the h'mie. of lo r
siter. Mrs. Will Krecklow. return-
Jed la- t Saturday afterneen to her j
and had to leave I commissioners,
ear overnight, but was able to ; matter of the road work at the
get in this morning.
Mrs. Phillip Tritsch of Percival.
Iowt, was a visitor in this city for
the day, a guest at ti e home of her
mother Mrs. J. P. Keil. stopping tn
her way from Cedar Creek, where
she v.a.-- visiting at the home of "l- r
sister Mrs. M. .1. Schroeder. on her
way to tier home in low si.
W. II. Sutton, who has been
making his home in the city for
some months past, has accepted a
position on a the other side of
My ird. and departed t day for his
work, hut remembered to drop into
the Journal ottiee. and tmve the
paper make him daily visits.
In K::iney who has been in the
nrt'iwest for the past few liioutl s.
returned home last eveinn?
M'Tiiam. where he has lien wur!;
ing on a farm, or ranch for s:nn"
tini(, he says that the weather ha
been s-omewhat cold, but not much
different than what p.-cajis hn .
Corporiil William V. Suow a;o
tion of country where he is overseer.
IM. Richards, road supervisor,
from near South Rend, and repre
senting a portion of that preeiiict.
was in th' city tins mornwig. com
ing to look after some business re
garding the road:-, in his precinct,
before the board of county com
I ii issioners:.
Clyde Kennedy who has been at
Weeping Water for the past few
days, returned h'st eveninsr and is
working on the reports of the local
board. lie mak-'s the fourth who
are now with the hoard, and it l
the intention to elose the work o
the board up as soon as possible,
' . C 1 1 cconer was, a visitor in
pl.itistiiouth for the day. coming t
from i sit with the board of county com
wife w ho at rived in th'
visit in
with his
fit e i ;
-is; i r
Monda y
Mrs. W. A. OrOloway and family,
departed Sunday evening for their
home at Cameron. Mo., accompan
ied by Charlie (i:i i!o-. ::y. who will
viut in that vicinity for a few day.:,
then return to his work at Avoca.
; bono
...or.. III.'i
l k i n f
in Louiville.
. ! M:',ry KgTIlblTger. w!'o i:!
' t'-a!iing just this side of Cedar
I Creek was a vis'lor at I.oiiu i' or over
i Sunday, and returned to her schorl
! this morning going via Cedar Creek
: on the Burlington train.
A letter from Mr. Leonard J.
Meisiimer. who is at Camp Mead,
Maryland, Mays the soldiers there
5a s icined
vv f-tK
she will
From Tiicm1;v's i;ntv.
Joiin Tigmr from wot of Muirr-y
was a vi.-itor in ll.e city this after
noon, and was looking after some
matters of business f r a few hours.
Ii. F. Kropy of near N"e;;avk.i.
was a visitor in this city this morn
ing having some m-it'trs lo i(e!;
ler at toe ol.K e ol t lie county jr. :.
Ceorge Reyn-dds of near 'io.ek
Rluffs. was a pa.-senger to So.'.;!;
Rend last evening wh.-re he is look
ing after some business for the dr.y,
Walter Sans d' near Rock Bluffs
has some matters to looks alter at
Omaha for the day and departed
for tbre on the early train tl-is
morning. n
M. H. Stcll and son Herbert fn-ni
between Xchawka and Weeping
Water were in the city thi; r; :ug
coming to look after some oritur;
at the coun.y court.
Lloyd da pen was in the city this
morning from his home rear Mur
ray and was looking alter Mime bu i-
ness for the morning, returning to
hi- hoiiie ihi--. afternoon.
Mrs. j. M. McMalu-n who harf been
'.i---iting for somo with
friends ;r Wymore. returned be
th'M afteriioon ;;lir having hail a
very nice time while away.
Attorney II. C. Lett ler of S:ii!i:
f!'. :id. v. a- a visitor in this city y--terday,
looking after .'-ome business
f ir the day. in the court house, and
returned home last evening.
C. K. Tent of Weeping Water w;. .-.
a visitor in this city to-lay, eomi.ig
on the '.iriy train this morning and
had ;.!(! 'u-ine'-s matters in tiie
county court during the morning.
Henry Creamer and family of
near Murray were in the ciiv this
morning looking alter some bu--i-ness
lor a : hori time. ;uid doing trading with 1 lu city no r-
ha n Is.
L. .1. ."dayleld of Louisville was a
i-itor in the city for the day. rc::i-
j ing lo io'ik eft or : ono luisitii's ,tt
I'litin, and af o iuiving
in i. ; isners. who are in : e. s:. i
tnc dav. and to wind un the .-:t:!
n;ss !t the old hoard for the year
and gel ready for the new one. a::
for the reception of the newly elect
ed c.'llieors.
Ki-"'M Wi'd nesd:i s J : i J I V .
Louis and Phillip Porno.1
Ct;iar ei-: w re It !hig :i!',r
siiiie bnsiiu-.-s ia the city for ti:
Will S. Rice ef n'.ar Muii.i.v v.a.
a visitor in 1 'hit t - inout h this morn
ing coming to look after some bu i
ness for the da. v.
Ro err Met hary ot mar .. op
ing Water v.a? a visitor in this city
thi.s morning alter ;omc
business for a lew hours.
Phillip Sehaohe;- was in this
morning with his car from west
-(Murray, looking after some l;r. i
- ! ness. having driv ui in wish his r:;:
Will S. Jean departed this morn
itig for South Omaha, where ho i
looking after some matters ;:i the
live stock market of that hustlin
. . . .
Lame; t Miih;tn. anil w ile cam
up from their home at Murray 1 1 1 i;
morning and departed for Omaha
where thev went to look alter soi::
business for the day.
.Mrs. Harvev Hargcr of near ( u:-
loni was a visitor in this city
terday. and after having spent tin
dav with friends, returned to he:
home in the afternoon.
Kelly Rhoden was a visitor in tl
city for a short time this mormnc
coming from his home at Murray on
the oar iv tram to look after some
business for a short time.
Attorney John I ..' Web-tor t
Omaha, arrived in the city tl.i
morning and is looking after some
business in the district court, r.rgu
ing a motion in the Povey Rstate
Mr--. John I'arkening or near
Cedar Creek w a a visitor ia tliis
city this morning, coming to look
after some business. and visited
with her parents Mr. and Airs. M.
Jlild for the day.
John Hadralia, of Mandau. So.
Hal;., from which place he wen I in
to the service was mustered out of
the s'-rvice at Camp Dodge J few
days since, and arrived in this, city
this morning. He is viiiting here
for a short time before departing
for his home.
! !lo
i n '.
ol'-eo of Ih
:'. !' Pip M'.-s--.
Charles I-;. .Wye; of Louisville
'its a vi iior in thi; city morn
ing, e -'iiing l'i see at'out soine mat
!'; in the eoort house, and aNo
having" business to attend to
in the city.
Joseph Hanson frmu ne;ir .Mur
doch was a visitor in tho -jtv this
morning, coming to look after some
bin iness for the day. and having
:;ome mailers to Iocdk after at the
court house.
August Krecklow of Alii n ley v, as.
i tiii: Disiiui t mi iir or
Tin: cc: ! s;, m:im:.
!i t!i.- iiiMltii nr 1 1 r CSii.-i I'd iv iiIi ii
't' liiiirv 1 ;i 1 M li.i . c.leiilalic ilieoin-
NoTil'l d-' SAT.C
Notii o is I, . I'd..-. (iiM'ii i:i pin -su.iiii-..
o ;iti iinli'i- . f .l;ini'-s- 'I". I'.eg-!.-.
.l-pl.ue of tin- !;sllit Ciuiil
C s '"iiiil-, N e I I a - 1; :( , .MMili' oil tin
Mli !;i- "I' ! : in I. r r.liS. for lli
s:ile of llv ri.-.l -1 ; t 1 n-i'-i nil It ! d--s.i;l..-.j
lli.-r.. will I- soi.l (lie
Sontl, I'onl it...i nf tin- Court )li";o
in 1 'l.-i 1 1 sni'ni 1 1 , ( -s ennui -, . ,
lunsl.a. on lli- Jlst d,i- of .I.iihmit
l''i:i. ; l. (.'l l.ll k i . f. saiil dav
:.t -. omIo.. lo (.. lilt) i-l
for i:sli lli- I'ollowi.ig ilosiri !. 1 1 ;i 1
s!.-tt. lo v. it:
Lot 4 in tl- Nnr Ii iv. st
CJiiarter it tiie Sou: e -1 "a r : : : al
so lad live Ijl i;, th" Sniitl.wi-.-;
iu.-irti v of tli- Si, it !, est (j:i:ivt' r.
a'l in S-'ition n i n ecu f T f Town
ship twelve CJ.M t:;iivo- fouit-on ill)
C'as I'o'.iniy, N-lna-l:a.
S:i:.l xa'- to
N;pi - ih I I mM'.,. -' -v.yWs
..1 K?:?W,i-W:. ,fs : :', '.H;.P,;!..'---'''V- x-
rt V 5i?l - J ii &w $wx -tf'w'i-mipi
i : m $m ii msM- - . Mmm
jilt. iiMWvi d ! '-i o!' t,l:j: !;' . -i-.jj' ) '
Mi : ' ifb-i: ( :: (' . tit 01: i 'U'.K j' 'p i ' ibw P I x Jy i
,i!1!iir 4ifim0 cS ( V- J
mi : h I s iih ii?; !i i : vlln?
'i':?lr mwmismMtfm"-r-'-
SAY, you'll have a streak of smnkeluck l!r lV:
put pep-in-yotrr-umokctmotor, a;3 rihl, it ycv." .
rin-in with a sure-joy "1:3 jimmy pipe and nail :onic
Prince Albert for packing!
Just between ourselves, you
never will wire-up to high-spot-cmoL:c-joy
until you can call a pipe
by its first nsmc, then, to hit the
peai-cf-'.ensure you land square
on that tvo-f;sted-man-toLacco,
Prince Albert !
Well, sir, you'll bo so 3ll-fired
happy you'll want to get a photo
graph cf yourself breezing up the
ril:e with your smokethrottle wide
cpen ! Talk about smokc-t pori !
Quality maLes Prince Albert so
r.ppraiir.f; cM alonp: th -'".ttk-
7icn who rv ve
smoke a pipe end ir:en who
smeked pipes for ycr.r3 vll t?r:-lv
to the delight it hands o:ti ! -". :.
.Ccin't brio or perch IJ;tii ;.t
cut out by cur exclusive ::.Tcn' jd
process !
Right now whl!o th'i f.oin : "
Coed yo.i j;et out j our o-d ! -7:
pipe cr buy a new cr.rj crd l:r 1
on -sotno F. A. for v,-hii ci'sycuv
particular r' !
Copj-riRti' 151
Ij K. J. Kcvnulds
Yoa buv Prinr A!f-crl everywhere tntaerrt it m!J. Terr rrd .' . r.
tidy re J tint, handsim pound air! tnlr oartd t'.n iiu'r..durttin i
Cftof clasty, practieut wmrtd erymtat gasm fantidrtr with mnort-a
moistencr top thut keep tht Lobucco in suci perfect ci.r.diiio.. .
U. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Wi-stcrs-Salcrr:, N. C
K1.1111 W't d ni-.-t1..! y's I'iiilv.
KIwoi d H. Chapcil. who h;is !.::;
recently hcen mustered out if the
service ;it Camp Futiston. returned
here, and found tl:e folks all sick
with the iniluenz:'., and after stay-
t!i.j iiiiicr le fi'ivril ujion persons
I i '1 1 . vi-v t d in said i-st:it. lv eaiisin?
tl' .-aim- t" In- pti !! islied iirn-t', e;iph k 1'i fii-.n- suiiessivo wfi-lis iti il:t?
j I'l.i i 1 sni'int ii .Imiinal ii nev spa per pi.i
liislnd end print'-d in said i-minlv of
1 ' is- .ia m i;s t. i!i:i ;i.t: v.
-v. .:s 1. 1 ilic iMstrut c.-ai-t.
until thev were all wcdl, cle-
A. J. Schaffer wa.s it husiness
visitor in the city this ir.ornini;
from his home out hof Cedar Creek.
East or Hiley Hotel.
Coates Klock,
Second Flcor.
parted this afternoon for Lincoln,
where he was before. in
law practice, and will there take
up his work ;:s;iin. -Mrs. Chappcll. j
nee Mra Strum r. ho is not yet i
itron- after havinir the influ- SEESS3233E
en.a. will remain here for the pres
ent until Mr. Chappel shall have
.uottcn thi hits airanjred to eo to
keeping house at Lincoln.
Good doilies
-and. notliins else Iiiis been our
logan for the past thirty-nine jears.
during that time we have provid
i.i:c;i. Mini 1:,
T tiii: i:i:i!ti:s xi iii:n:-
ni all Ti!i:ii I i : i ; S' i.s iN i i:;:
i:sti:d in tiii: kstati: k rrirr-
in c:. i-:f:i:t;. 1 i; i:asi:i . ni tm
tiii: ci:i:t 'rn o:s ai iii:ii:s .vi
all iitiii:!: ri:r.s ins ixtkiikst-i
i:i tn Tin: kstatk !' i'm.m;i,i:s
i 1:1: il 1 i : i-:asi-:i .
Veil air li'iel' tmtiiieil t! at mi tin
1 t ! 1 .lav r I ( tin Iior ll'ls. Saraii
t:i iza ''it li Ki-rr. Iil'il her p.Miiiini in
tin' c'i'iiiitv 'ni;it l" C'ass Onuiily, N--lnasUa;
tin- nhjei l and prai r nf
whii-li ;i m fur the j mi u- ef said
enmity in li ;i lime and plai o of ln :ir-
in-' tin- a I li-:ra t ions ef t!:f pi-titimi.
ami ti dfti'i-mine wln all tin- lu-irs "t"
Ilnit'in . Kerr, an-, and who all tin
hiiis of I'l-aiU's Kerr. are. and to tirel
that l.olli Hurton '. Ktir ami 'hails
Krrr, nid inti-stal" in c'ass ciinn.
Ne'er., and to enier its niiler Latrine
l elainis- a;.-amst the estate o!" I'.ia-I.iii
Kerr, ami a-;ai'ist the state ol
"'liarles Nei. ami said petition al-
Truiiiir that .Merril S. Kerr, rem- ini.-r-
niari icd Willi Lottie Kerr, who re-
ides in llou.steii. Texas; Aliee Kerr.
now inter-itia rri-il with Lav I-.. An-
Iri'ws. i-ts'diiiir in ! 'hi t tsinon I h. Ne
braska : 1 :i ixa heth Kerr. !'ov inhT-
lieiriMd with .latlles K'sl;e. re-Hlinij
it C Jleiiwi'od. Iowa: and .lulia M. Kerr.
ine.le. eshliti-T in I 'I a 1 1 smoii t h. Ne
irasha. Iniietlier with your pelition
r. eontitiite the oalv heiis al l.-v
f Uiirion '. Kerr, ami that the p.-ti-innrr
Sarah Lliat'elh Kerr, is lie-
llv l.ei'- al law of the deceased
"ha'-les Kerr.
Vii are fiirl'ur noljiieil that a
arin it upon the a ! h a t ions and
iraver ol said petition will he hail al
of! -i-e ef t'-e iV'intv .Tmlue. in the
nrt llonse al I'la 1 1 snio'i I h. r'a:
'until v. N'ehrasKa. o?i tlif ""ml day of
anuarv 1!M''. at the hour of L-'i
h k A ..!. and :iH oh.i.-ct ions to
aid petition liin.-i he on hie on or I
me said time, or the maver thereof
will he allowed and deeree entered
curd i nirl v.
l.v the C'nnrf.
alli:n j
wks. .Ian. .'K County Jmle
d the people of Plattsmouth and vicinity
vith the best values in clothing which
ed tl
vvim nic ucji vaiues in ciotninr
could be secured in a broad market
for the past two years this market
has been a very trying one to follow, re
quiring the closest study upon the part of
a merchant who wished to correctly in
form and serve his patrons.
-we are not advertising any Cut,
Price Sales or Stock Reducing Sales fo7
January, as this cannot be clone consist
ently with market conditions as they exist
today, and will, in our opinion, exist for
some time to come.
ever, we are rLirw :
and are finding in our Suit and'Overcoat
racks ends of lines upon which we will bc
willing to sacrifice. "
i .a ! n.'i'" in : email "
Hated this l'ith d.iv 't
! LMs. ai k'i: .). iiins'
a Visitor in the COUllly scat ioth; v, i c ; wa rdian f the e-Lif -r Jlei.ry
I-:; ken ha ry, im-iiiady i i mn il en i.
cciiiiin in this iiiorniim and nuetins
with the larcl of county commis
sioners, to see a'oout some husiness
matters touching the road in hi;
I'hillip Alhert. and wife of nearilazv
i tiii: insTiin t 1 in n r
ok j a cm i . m;iii:.
Tn I'.- mailer ol" I ! ai-plieation of
l'.-nrv Sao;.,., a dm i ri Is t ra t 'M , for lii-fiuc
t,i t:.!l real rst.itp.
cd:iii:i: to shun' cArsi:.
N'.i'.'-. .01 this r!.'th day of N'ovcrnhT.
A t . 1 this cans., came on f-r hear-
i: 1:1111:1 ti - petition, under oatli of
l(er:ty Spoke, a d m i v. is t r tor of the es
tate of Kli.a het h S'Oiiiier. deceased.
I: ravine; for 1i i-nse to .sell tin follow-
,r.i. horn- l'r,.s oesi-i 1 1.. .1 i . .1 . . .-1... .
I 1 1 ' 1 .1 . a m 1 i 1 . 1 111 1 , 1 i-v 1 " i'i.
! Tiirec 1 f the 'i!iat;c of Laicic.
; C'ass Count v. Ni-'easka. or a s 11 iTicicii t
j amount tteicnf f hi Incr tlif sum of
;$U:::.'i'i. In' the paii)ent of d.-ht al
I lowed au;.in-t said estate, and ailow
i i.!i'r-t :ir:d ost of adniinisiidttun, for
!:-o reason that there is not 11 suhi-
. ' ci nt amount of trcrsonal property in
I he possession of said Henrv Snokc,
If vnit are hloatcil. languid or aipninistrator. lu'lnnsini; to said c-s-
i; le. to pay aid m l ts. allowances aim
d it'j
s a good time for Vnn I 1
m on some absolutely first class merchan
dise guaranteed bv us. and .nt
..-K " i-nte City
i 'J 1 1 ni 11.
-if you have delayed y
Vr tl r ..... 1.
overcoat purchases, 1 anu
C. E. Wescotfs Sons
1 ;-1 mn. w
To Ward Oil Illness.
have "the hlues," headache;;.
L-xpcrts tn charge cf all v,ork I a A ""5n ah,. fc
iiw,. g orcciairi li inv I t., .;"-jnoa.
:arcfully sterilized after u, l00th"
ments ca
Cedar Creek arrived in the? city 'his I nalnitation. hiliouriiess. had hreatii. It is il ereiore ordered that all per-
,,,..V.,;.,.r .,... ... - . .u I .... .,- sons interested in said estate appear
""" .iii-i u.-,ain .ii ii'.(.;;us, CO I pa l ion or 111(1 ISOSlioil , you i,,.r lrlo at
home of .Mrs. Alhert's parents Mr. I will ieel hotter in the mornins if 1
armers Mate
vholesome Iaxa-
1M.. I I ... A . . . ....1 ., .
mm iiviiii oaiiut'is. a mi a i.sii you taKe a
at the home of Mr. Alhert's parent to:.-ij;ht. This i
i John Alhert aud wife.
John S. Livingston, who makes without inconvenience, griping
iis home near Greenwood was a nausea. Sold everywhere.
iat;ih is in the City of
itlsmnntli ia said countv, on the lit!:
of .laiiuiu v. A. . I'M!', al the hour
Foley Cathartlf: Tahlef. nr :m . . i .ek a. m.. t show cause, if
a!iv t!:erc no, vi:v a, license snoniu ii"i
lio t'nf 1"i In said Henrv SuoliC. Il'h
of ti-e
nf said
i.. !(:, I as shall ! nei'cssaiy to pay
aid del I: cr."! ex'-Ciises.
It is" lurtlier ordered that a copy of
tivo and cleansing n'tivsic that acts o'o-i';""- .' ,s" '
- ..?,..! ilAvct-iheil trrnl 4"it;itr-
or ,i
for treataient and no money to be paid ulSrSfc
or.d tJnionial cf more than 1000 prominent people who hjff lUZZ0
DR. E. n. TARRY 240 Bee But mi. J ' nZ?-" tarn
""Ci -'"""CO. i