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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1919)
ITONDAY, JA1JTIAEY C. 1919. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WXEKLY JOURNAL. PAdE THHEE 'The mortgage that never comes due" You pay no commission. I Capital $250,000.00 THE Lincoln Joint Stock Lan d Bank Of LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Organized and operated under the provisions of the Federal Farm Loan j-ct. For Farm Loans See CHAS. C. PARMELE, Representative Plattsmouth, Nebraska CHAS. WITTSTRUCK 'ES Is TELLS OF LIFE IN THE PHILIP PINES, AND HOW THEY HAVE THE SPANISH INFLUENZA. HE LIKES. ARMY, LIFE FINE Is Eighteen Years Old And Has Ben In the Army For Over Eleven Months. Med. Dept. Ft. Mills. Corregidor, P. I., Nov. 15. Dear Folks At Home: I received your kind and ever welcome letter yesterday and was sure glad to hear from you and that you were well. I am well now and hope this letter reaches you the same. I ana glad that Francis and the baby are well and got to ccme to see you. I wculd have liked to have seen her and the baby awfully well hut you know how it is. we can not get a furlough over here to go any place. Of course we get to go to Manila as often as we want to and our money lasts. I have nearly all of my money invested in the Fourth Liberty Loan. I took out three fifty dollar ones and I have my 510,000 insurance to pay on every month. And then I only draw $10.50 gold every month after ev erything is taken out. I got the Plattsmouth paper today and sure thank Lilley and Heine for sending it to me. I 6ure have been sick for some time. I had the flu. I only lost about 8 or 10 lbs. in about one week but otherwise I am O. K. now. I had a fever of 104 3-10 for three or four days. They would cot give mo anything to eat but coffee or cocoa for five or six days. There is lots of people down with it over here. I don't know whether you can have it twice or not. 1 see in the Plattsmouth paper where it is caused some times from kissing. Lord I would never look any white person in the face if 1 ever kissed one of these natives, that is how much I think of the Little Brown Sisters. Ha. Ha. I'll eend you ai clipping? I wrote to Mr. C. E..Wescott the other day and told him about what a good time I had in Manila the 2Sth cf October, that was my birthday. I was 18 years old. ro 1 fur" did have to celebrate. I sure had rome swell A Few in i HOME WK Sweet Cider 70c Gal. Ev ipcrated Corn, 15c package Black Walnuts, $2.00 per bushel Onions, 5c per pound Large Can Pineapple, 35 and 40c Large Jar Mustard, 10c . H ATT time to. I can say I did not have to register and then wait for Uncle Sam to call for me. 1 knew he need ed me. so I didn't wait for him to ask. I "will soon be sworn in 11 months. You know I enlisted last November 17th, but my papers got mixed up and I wasn't sworn in till Jan. 11, 1918. I like army life fine and am trying to enjoy mj'self as best I can. I guess I am a short timer in there Philippine Islands as the boys say. I had a quarrel with a fellow the other day atout storying cn my age when I got Irto the army and I asked him if he had' register ed ind he said. yes. Well I told him I didn't have to register and wit until I had to etalist or be l-pfted end he sure did get hot. I asked him how many Liberty Bonds he had taken out and, he told me to go to H . I told him I was very near there, I was ia the Philip pines and I had three Liberty Bonds. He was going to slap my face then and I told him that I wouldn't if I was him. Say, Lilley said Harrison's wife's brother was in the Islands. Find rut where he, is stationed and I will look him up. His name is Leland O. Bennett. Find cut and then rush that letter? There is one place over here that there is not enough of the well people to bury the dead. They ciied from the flu. We haven't lost any soldiers jet. but there is not enough doc tors to take care cf the soldiers and natives too and they are so far away from the hospitals, tbey can't get the proper attention. Well I will have to ring off for this time, so good-bye. Answer soon. Your loving son. PVT. CHARLEY WITTSTRUCK. STARTING EVEN IN THE RACE. from Friday' Di1y On New Years, starting neck and neck, a little boy who will make his home with Otto Findar and wife and who will take delight in calling Mr. and Mrs. Finder father and mother ; in the j-ears to come, arrived at the (aforementioned home to take up his ' residence. We hope and trust the young man will be a great blessing to his proud parents and that he will live to become a man who will fight for the principles of right and jus-, tice. While the parents are proud of the young man now, we would that the day may come when they may be doubly proud of their son, i for having contributed to the wel fare of the race. Misses Marie and Clare Bookmey- er who are teaching in Omaha, in the city schools, came nome last evening and are visiting with their mother for over Sunday. Specials! & SON CHRISTIAN MINISTER WRITES MEMBERS SOME SUGGESTIONS REGARDING CHURCH ATTENDANCE. AND FAITHFUL ALLEGIANCE. PUBLISHED FRIDAY BECAUSE Country ilembers Failed To Receive Them In Time In Saturday Publication. Frpm Friday's Pally. We have been asked to give cur notes on Friday fo that the country folk can get them before Sunday. and wishing always' to please, here ' they come on Friday to invite you in plenty of time to get ready come to church Sunday. And, by the way, won't you, country breth ren, try to get into the morning service? We know a farmer's work and it is cold, but we want to get acquainted, and hope this fetling is mutual. We would like to see you in every service, but while it is so j cold and dark and the roads are so ' rough, we are just going to rejoice and do our best for you if you will attend the Morning Bible School ! and Preaching Service. Everybody come next Sunday and get started with the first lesrrn cf the New Year. Kind cor.rteie, qualified teachers, who are interest- ' ed in you. .Lesson subject. "Phar aoh Oppresses Israel." During 191S we excuse ourselves, (doubt whether we justified ourselv es cn the sight of God from church rtttfr?an'e and bn"li fln'ln''i,)l ir- ! port, on Rfprnt cf the wir tt' i mTv call''. There will be calls for money both in the church and out. but lif ter the shaking up of cur nz3nciil troubles for the lxrt twelve, we have learned hew to give liber ally. Peace has seeminlv come, though . - , ! at a great cost 01 money ana kimj ui life, and we should all put forth better efforts aloutr all church lines, so that our religious temperature will be brought up to the same de gree as our patriotic temperature. He who rermin a "TiM vl" will scon die cf muscular paraly'' cf the rrt brought cn by a "Erm tracted wallet." .Iop!en up in that a'cne i safely, 1 some think we reel a new church. I and new arrangement?, adjustment. . etc, for the twentieth century, but j we are inclined to think the church j apes the ways of the world so much, that she become like :he ! world so like the world that pfTle who can not see the fine disting uishing features of thecloc. cu see but little difference, and wend- er why we have two agencies ro similar. T. E. Sonirtv. Miss Esther Godwin is the presi dent elect of the C. F. Society. She is a young lady cf marked ability. plenty cf 7.enl and ambition, and i would sacrifice much to lead the so ciety into a broader field cf activ ity. Let all join the movement and help her. The B'e chcl. The Bible School hos a good j leader in the perron of Luke Wiles. J but remember pews were made to sit in. not to "talk to." Do you get it? Why, of course. You couldn't miss it. On time. too. Special music by members of chorus Sunday evening. We are going to promi?e you that the house will be warm :.nd com fortable, but of course we shall have to lock to some one else to make it so. See! How easy to promise when someone else carries the load! ! We do not need a new church or a new religion for the twentieth . century, but give the church of the first century a rr.rno. nml rn hrri- ,' est support In the twentieth cen tury. i-; th rryor -f ' God unto salvation. Is still His rec- '. ognized apency for reoperation. In the language of the little bry. his father, mother and sister, too, we J hepe to make the sermons SundayJ both morning and evening "Some KTmrns" for the welfare of ' the church. Morning subje-t: "The Let Ccn rorndments" and in the evening we will tell you about "When the White Man end the Dbd: W?n Met in the Desct." Don't be compelled to have another tell you whaf hap pened when they met. come and hear for yourself. MINISTER, -j Quick Core for Croup, - Watch for the first symptom. hoarseness and give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at once. It is prompt and effectual. Now is the time to Jotii the Wn, Stamp Lirait Clnb. See Cha C 'faxmele for particulars. DON'T LET A COLD keep youAt hop I Dr. Hin'3 Kdw Discovery clrncst never fcils to bzia qtiicli relief Snail dos:3 once ia cr).. zziC that tiroat-icarir. lur-splittir.j cc-ugl'-cooa qu:et3 down. Another dose- .a.a Let Lath before jumping into bed, a Esod sleep, and bad; to norcxJ ia lis morning. ' . Dr. lun3 New Discovery "3 veli snoxn. l or City years it's berri r:!i3vlr.g coths, co'ds and brcrchiJ Cttacks. Tor fifty years it has been sold by drugg!3t3 everywhere. . A rcliabb remedy that you youi self or any rnmbarof yourfami!ycr.R take safely. TrairTThose Stubborn Bowels Help nature take hz course, t.t with a violent, l.bit-fcrmiog purga tive, but with gentle b'.-t cei ia;.i :n J ratural-la:at:ve, Dr. I-Img's l-'cw Lif? Fills. Tor.ic in action, it stlmu'ates the laxbavtl.clibydrue;tevl-rs. LITTLE HARD ON WATER PIPL3 r'rom Friday's raily Thi3 morning with the govern ment thermometer at the IJurling ton station registering twenty be low rero. and everybody humping like they were going to a fire, it made a ftllow think-"What have I done with ray summer's wages." Of course we uo not exnct the ice bill to be lower because ti;e thermomet er nor do we think that the plumb er will give a special discount, be cause of the increased business, but they should both be satisfied. TERASEED 3S.0r0 BUSHELS t)F WHEAT The Fall 'Campaign Was One Of Much Enstlinar. In Collecting All Grains. -""-m Frlily's Taily. t'.r-r-trf. Toirrlf who has been in the west for some tiir p3-t. vl-o-" he nas been conducting a thrashing outfit, returned hcr a lw .-'nee, having just completed his f::?!"s work. He war pretty weli latisfied with the work, as beie tl.e wheat he thrashed a large c.nount of oats, and ryle. v.hich aided to the volume c t'he business. A VERY BUSY ST0TLH JUST NOW. m Fr'!nv' fia i! r .Tuft helving out Srnta Claus, and -.rl ins: over-time a! that, is that . . . .... . . last night rome tirne after the lir-i:r ot miuniirrtt. ne rnr.'ie a visit : T..e home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius I'itz, v. here out of a bundle which Le c: rried, he selected one of the pret tiest little girl babies . ens would e-re to take, end made a present of it to" the fond father nnd mother. Some time ego he had made a visit to this happy household and'left at that time another little gftl. The parents were lo well pleased and af- f"-rdd Fuch rice home for tie little one, that His St0rh.5-h.ip thought it only the proper thing that he bring another little cne for company to the fir?t. The parents are surely tickled almost to death. 1:3 IrlEETETG WITH THE COJIiuIT: '"roin FiUay'p Dally, This morning Attorney C A. Kawls deraried for Omi-ha, where h? is meeting with a cemmittee cf the Y. M. C. A., who are taking up fhe matter cf work fer the organiza tion, for the solution cf the "After War Problems." At a meeting of the r.rtional organization, which was held in the east a few weeks since, a plan was outlined, for this wrrk, and the de'e gttes who were in attendance from the west, held a meeting which embraced a large number of people from this ttate in Omaha on Leecm ! er ISth. At that time Dean Ring er, called a meeting for special work, and said he would name the rcrccnol l3ter. Mr. Ilawls received a notification that he h3d been se lected as a member of that commit tee, and gees today to meet with them. 7 ATT APPROVES WTLSOIT'S TEE? New York. .Dec. 31. Approval cf President Wilson's ' trip to Europe and of his plans for a League of '-T'H-r! wa? erpre-Ped by William Howard Taft in an address today under the auspices cf the Brooklyn Institute of Art? and Sciences He r s?erted thrt the President had more influence with the common j people of England and the other: Allies "than their own princes," and attributed this to his enunciation of the principles for which the United States entered the war and to U-eOW 5S the'tllDe.tO Leaeue of Tsations proposal. 41' 1 FAESI FOE SALE. A finely improved 1 CO acre farm for sale, possession given, March 1st, 1918. One mile north of ?Tur- ' rav. Epoulre of Lloyd , fJapen, J Murray, Neb. . 29-4wksd&w LIVELY GAME mm m LAST EVENING AT THE GYII AT THE HIGH SCHOOL. AN INTER ESTING TIME WAS HAD. FORMER H, S. FU?,'L3 PLAYEO Ai Are Trinined By the Present Kjh School Squad Who Are a Fast Eancli. Frnra at:irt!a-'5 rnily. A very interesting game was play ed last evening at the high school to a large number of young people, who were greatly interested in the results. The first number on the program was the contest between the. Senior and Junior girls, iu which they put up a pretty' good, at:d which was woti by the girls of the Junior ("ass. Just what the exact ret alt was, we do not know, but they -v. ere running ''-t big nnialifrs, and were consid ered of sufficient size to be worthy rf goii:g down into history as worthy of note. Then followed the Freshman and Sophomore game, which was ro mnrkble for the fart that the score was in the free silver ratio, , six teen to one, or thirty-two' to .two, the Scpohomore's the larger num ber. .Then came the event 'of the even ing. The team which the high school ----! rf ne seme players, and are composed cf Harley Cecil. Koscce TM1 Jcrn Settler. TMH Martin and Jorcph McCarthy. They are some 7 1? vers sure, and feeling they rhculd try some of the former bas ket bail experts, they challenged rrfjA of the Alumni, .or former "trdr i;t, and succeeding in round ing up a bunch of " unsuspecting youths for the event. They being Albert Janda. June Marshall, Fred Soeck. Lawrence Sprecher and Les lie Xfi!. oil good players but per brps a littl out of .raetice. A o result the Hi"h school team mi pa in.o trie usn e v i,j .-ti a 1 - j vr.n victory. Superintendent G. i:. PaV.'olf i,ate reports show that the dis ".. looted a-, the referee, and his c!e- tus?e ia breaking out anew in its c-iens'-were Fai.i to hrve been f3ir, , vorbt forni from practically one end and just in all the cses. vrhen the frey was cr.eed and the aeccunts frhtn, it "was found the younger f"T., the hi eh tcheol;, hac t'.e tealp.s rf the okler ones dang ,nrr froiJ the'r belts, liad 31 c.-ore? to their credit, " l:ile the men -f the wcrld. hid only 10. CJir-ES OF HEARING nut yc:lrr '-a P;-t!lin fer Srftle L.riil e. A--iint. Tn tl! Court ff Ca county. N. )rnl.a. ' St.-: te of NV-tiraska. Cnss r.entv. rs: To the tlc-?rs i'ini '.! T.f:s.ns intf-r- "-trit 1i the estate if I'd win Metealf. dceeas'eri: Tin reailinK the iitition of X. II t f i.r ftavins- a fin:il settlement and '''uranop r'f Hf- aeco'int filed in this "i-i't vn the ,"i'th day of I x'cember. l'!. nnd for fi!idinr of iieirshi and i' : r;' t i"o of i-stsit-: H Is l v ordered thft you and all rrMins intf-ipstd in snid matter may, -lid t'n. a i -ar nt tlie County Coai t to ' l-ld in nTit t'T -a1d 'onptv on ti e Hi ,!i,v. of .Jjinucry. A . 1 . nt ten '-i!ii.'-k e.. r-i.. to Fi ow eaiisv If nnv II itc t-f. why the prayer cf-Use jM'ti-ifin-r sboiilii not lo urantcd. and that it;. o of the itidi:iiey of said T.etition r.od fin lier.riti'- tlicrfcf e pi von to all ix-vsc. ns inifiTstOit in paid niatler ly i.v 1 1 shtnir a ccv of this order in the ! la t o mo'.n li Journal. a. pemi-weeUlv or w';-'k j,rW- to sfid ' a- of "ti.-a' In witness whereof, i have hereunto rt rov I:nd anil the f-ee.l of said t'oott this soth (!:u- of T'creinber. a. . lsis. jM.LKN' J. BKlvSoX Heat County Jvdx". AlSiead i Tl at is the advice of the War Industries Board. Maybe 3 0U have hoped that another 3 ear would realized ' Those hopes can Us a realit Building Restrictions Have Been Removed On j AU farm and ranch buildings All rchoo's, churches, Jiospitals and public buildings costing not more than $25,000.00. All new homes costing not more than $10,000.00 Ms t --hAlftl,Tll1t , V: J Llli? oini'ui'urA 1 W&mm !-'?i..N! r " . .n't-l'iiil i.' iarKelit Sal! end revcrishness ana , I nrstiitin f.iercfrofi"211 J rac Simile Snaturt , :tT"-? : - -1 w ; INFLUENZA STILL CLAIMING VICTIMS BY THE THOUSANDS Epidemic Ereaking Out Anew from One End of the Country to the Other of Late. Warning to the country that the Influenza epidemic is by no means creed, and that, all possible precau tions asMinst the disease should be , i,t. 4,,.-, i, by tin Wash- ' l .1 iir II II l- -j J L. L cu i.: iivu r:ibiic health authorities cf the country to the other. Already thert have b-?en over T.00,000 deaths from the disease and one prominent "i-alth ofieial predicts that there r.ill possibly le 750,000 deaths in his country next year from Influ enza and the ailments which follow it. The disease has been very baf 3ing to the medical profession and health authorities frankly admit that ordinary preventative measures such as wearing of masks and closing pub lic places seem of little avail. Persons who are weak and run down, and who have not the strength to throw, off the Influenza germ, are the earliest victims. Those -who catch colds easily or who are suffer ing frcm catarrhal troubles are also e?.rly victims, as the inflamed mucus membrane linings of the nose and throat are au open door to the germs. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, nothing will build you up and fortify your system against attack like Tanlac, which contains the most powerful tonic properties known to science. This j statement is easily proven by the j facti that tnis celebrated medicine is ; i now having the greatest sale of any rystem tonic in the history of medi Y-' H (-.crrrJlncsstfldfesLCtfiSi I : neither Op!an.Morphiiicn i - 1 - th 'Your Plans: I t II platt. Let US help 1 11 fl I . w" I V;J, a X Z? & K Ic' Jik'- nr.. :li r?:i Children. aHi That Genuine G?toria Virtinmin uijiiiauuirj In Use For Over Thirty Years TMC CWTU CO. 0 CITT rrym, cine. It has been accomplishing re markable results during the present epidemic and hundreds of thousands who have used it are enjoying the best of health. One prominent phy sician in Texas frankly stated that he hadfound Tanlac to be the finest tonic to be had for building up his patients who had had Influenza. Actual experience has shown that the best way to keep from taking In fluenza i3 to keep the system in good shape as It is a well known fact that the po'wers of resistance of the human system can be so perfected that it can throw ofT almost any in fection, not even excepting Spanish Influenza, which is one of the most contagious diseases known. Tanlac increases your strength and weight and creates a good, healthy appetite for nourishing food. It keeps you physically fit and makes you strong, vigorous and well, and in this way fortifies you against deadly dis ease germs. In conection with the Tanlac treatment, be sure tf keep the bowels open by taking Tanlac Laxative Tablets. Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by the Alvo Drug bo., in Avoca by O. E. Copes, in South Bend by E. Sturze negger, in Greenwood by E. F. Smith, in Weeping Water by Meier Drug Co., in Elm wood by L. A. Tyson, in Murdock by II. V. McDonald, in' Louisville by Blake's Pharmacy, in Eagle by F. W. Bloomenkamp, and in Union by E. W. Keedy. (2tw Chamberlain's Tablets. When you are troubled with in digestion or constipation, take Chamberlain's Tablets. They strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions natural ly. Indigestion is usually accom panied by constipation and is ag gravated by it. Chamberlain's Tab lets cause a gentle moveaient of the bowel3. relieving the constipated condition. . I , Tonmal Want-Ads Pa"' see your plans of a new home ' " t VOU GO it. r A mV" rv e 1 mm