The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 02, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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- - '-
Children Cry for Fleieherfs
ilie Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in us3 for over thirty years, has borne the signature cf
" and has beea made under his per
j 'f'?iA sonal supervision fince its infancy.
Vi Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and 44 Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience agairst Experiment.
What is CASTOR E A
Castnria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
T-ropr, and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Jlorphine aor other narcotic substance. Its
cpe is is praararuee. For more than thirty years it has
beca in constant use for the relief of Constipation, flatulency
Triad Cclis and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
thercfrcm, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowe's, aids
ib.2 assimilation of Food; giving healthy and E&unal sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tbe Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
la Use For 0ver 30 Years
The Kind Ycu Have Always Sought
Kdward Krivanck. who ha: been
1 spend in?? tl.e Christina holidays sit
the home of his mother Mrs. Ko:-j
r-.m T,..-i;.vs i,,i,v. iKrivanfk. departed ill's ni'cr.i.n
Vrs. Kdwanl Lowis. of Hellevue. for lijs ho,e at Meadow Crove.
v.-as a visitor in this city this after- ' lrr(" is in farming,
i. . ,!. coming to look after some bust- j John Thierolf has accepted a po-iif-?
for the day. : : ition with the DurliiiRton as a
llcrrv Sp.d.t of Lal'Iatte. was ! wnl ki ;au !n ,1,e crow of bri,l"e car
in The citv between .rains tooluv Peters vorkins at the pres-
!... ; iti- aficr trading with the ' t time on ;i bridge which the com-Pl.m-i:it.ut!i
merchants.. is constructed at Orea-
V;.Itr liramlt departed last even- '. ;,oli:
I:.- !.r !..:isvil'o. where he enters! ' Kkhey was a visitor in this
the .!';.:;. :.uiit of the Lincoln TeIo-ti?y yesterday from Omaha, and af-
praph ae-.l Telephone company.
ter having spent the day with his
A. J. SthaeiTcr, from sontii of Ce
llar (': el:, was a visitor -in the city
y. 'i-i.!:iy af'tertoon. having come to
tf.nv after -tor-ie matters of business
h re. j
.'.1. I. 'b'Teii! s, of Klmwood was a
vjsisi.r ii: t'-; city thi.; moruiiij?. com-'
ir.:", . it!: the re::iains of II. L. Ves
ta". ,'lr. lei. nuts i.; the funeral di
rector at 1 win wood.
I'red I'rol.aska. of Wahoo. who
ha.: lii'ci vl'-itinu in this city for
the j;t lew day:;, a jjtiest at the
homo e hi: father, K. I'rohaska. de
parted lasi evening fur his home. V.'. Wall of Lni'Iatte v.a
a visitor in this ci'y for a short
time this uMeriH'on where he is
looking after .ome business and re
turned home on the afternoon train.
Mrs. M. Ford, of Cedar Creek was
a vi.itor in Omaha this morning, and
returning Mopped at I'lattsniout !i to
look ai'tf-r sfjiue matters for a few
hours l; fore rtturning to her home'
at Cedar Creek.
I brother. H. J. Kichey, departed for
Louisville, where lie was looking af
, ter soi ie matters and visited over
. n'jjht . . .
r?jv; !vi'a I'r ,twt wlio l:as been
visiting here for' some time past
the home of her parents It.
veek as a guest of her parents. Rev.
and Mrs. L. V. Scott, of the Chris
tian church, departed last evening to
resume her studies at Cotner univer
sity, at Bethany. Miss Erva was ac
companied as far as Oreapolis by her
father who went along to assist in
making the transfer as she had con
siderable baggage.
Prr.pir ;:i:d wife, departed today tor
1: r work -t Pipulca. Oklahoma,
where Fhe is the a;-i:tar.t cashier in
the bank at that place.
From Monday's Dar.y.
Mrs. William Schmidtman was a
passenger to Uellevuo this after
noon, where she was spending the
afternoon with friends.
A. H. Fornoff of near Cedar Creek
was a visitor in this city this morn
ing, coming to look after some busi
ness for the morning.
Jacob Reichart of Louisville was
a visitor in this city this morning
coming down to look after some
business at the court bouse.
Last Saturday afternoon Miss ller
mia Windham departed for Lincoln,
where she is visiting at the home of
her brother. Wade W. Windham.
Phillip Horn was a visitor in this
city this morning, from his home
near Cedar Creek and was looking
after some business for the day.
A. J. Keiser and Grant I lacker. -berg
and wife were in from west of
Mynsru looking after some trading
at the store of the merchants thin
F. W. Campbell was a visiter i:i
this city this morning from his
home ea:t of Murray and was trans
acting some business with the mer
chants. MU-s G ret la Ilackcnberg from near
Cullom was a visitor in the city
this morning coming to spend tl.e
day with her sister Miss Cressie
I lackenberg.
Miss Villa Gapen.' who is teaching
in the schools at Friend, was a visi
tor at the home of her parents, in
Murray over the Holiday vacation,
and last evening returned to resume
her work.
T. M. Christ of the Chri.-t and
Christ Studio, was a passenger to
Omaha, where he is looking after
some business for the day, in line
with the business which the lirm is
engaged here.
Marquis I5rash .of Kockport. Mo.,
who has In 011 vi-iting at the home
cf Herr.ian Waintrouh. and family,
for a s-hort time departed la'. even
ing for his home. Mr. Hrash w ;:s
the brother of the late Mrs. Wai::
troub. Andrew Stohlmau. of Louisville,
was a business visitor in this city on
last Saturday, and after having' com
pleted tie matters claiming his at
tention, he returned to his home in
the evening.
j Mrs. Fred Kbinger, of Plainview ,
j who has been visiting in this city
'for some time past, spending the
! Christ m-'s holidays at tiie home of
i her mother Mrs. Lmma Weidman.
, weeks before he was discharged. He
j will visit here for a short time with
i friends and relatives before return
i ing to his work at Waterloo.
in Monday's Iailv.
11.. : , .....1
i 1 L'S ll.e n ui iz uvn aim i.ijih.-i
1 Webb has been mustered out of the
service and returns to the Journal
WERE family, and will aist in the mak
ing of the paper again. Mr. Webb
was an excellent man, and we loath
. ; to let him go, when the country
1 called, he answered, and we were
! conditions as they were lain. He
j r.iade as good and efficient a man in
The Casket Was Open Tor the View- the service of his country, as lure,
ing Of Remains Baring' UlC 'and after the signing of the armis
Morning. tice. returned to take up his work
there. .We surely welcome him. as
j we know his many friends in this
From Tur.-oiiy's I 'any. , city do also.
At the late home which she loved .
! so well, and at which she presided two PTTTTTT?'F.'Kr TyrATl
to make happy the members of her
family, as well as friends. The fun- , i,im Monday's Dn!!'-.
eral of Mrs. John K. Schutz was- I f. H. Carroll, of this place, receiv
held this afternoon, attended only ed t ho sad news from Pierce, Colo.,
by a very few friends, it being pri- that his daughter tVera) Mrs. Can,
vate. The services were conducted had died there of the Flu. She
by Rev. L. W. Scott, pastor of the leaves a husband and family of small
Christian Church of which Mrs. 'children. She was born and raised
Schutz was a member. Many were Jn K!mwood and married in Kansas,
the tokens of the love and friend- ! a few days later be received word
ship, of her many friends in the that his son. Leonard had also died
shape of flowers, which better told j with Flu. Leonard was born in
of the donors feel in that they could pln.ttmouih and raised in Elmwood.
have been otherwise expressed The t the time of his death he lived at
remains with loving hands were i',.xford. Kansas. He leaves a wife
tenderly laid at rest in Oak Hill am five children. Just a few days
cemetery there to remain until t lie ; nis death ii0 attended the
Angel at the resurrection morn shall !f,i:icrili f hjs sister, Vera, at Pierce,
sound the trumpet calling forth from Colorado. Klin wood Leader-Echo.
the graces those who sleep in the j
quiet churchyard. I GOES TO WINNER, SOUTH
In the death of Mrs. John K. j EAI'IOTA AFTER VISIT HERE
Schut7. the husband has suffered a;
nattsmoimi barage!
J. E. MASOr, Proprretcr
Agonts for
& r,.
ui!im r at r O S i- rt ? fMrr 5 Tnlftl
Let us demonstrate to you.
We also Repair All Makes of Cars!
(PSk m- A m
w w
rese aaio
Weldins and Batteries Charged!
Auto Accessories! Hawkcye Tires!
Telephone 394 Rssidcnce 22H
IN Till: DISTIIKT ( OI IIT M'lIIt TFT 1 ' O "1
In tie matter ..f t) leat lot, of i V If Q ii 111 I H I
j!ti!T Sn.ik.-, iidminiftrator. for license jLiVJUllt U hJ IJ U U 1 IJL1 U
i : i i: i : r s?rnr c rsr-:
Xhiv. on this fitli day of November,
. I i. i:l, mis en uso ;Miie on Tor ik'.u - i
i:.:r u'oi tl.e piAitior,, eii.lcr oath of
1'i-t.i-y SiioK.-, mi m in iyi rr t or of the -s- j
t::'.f t't l.fixn het h Sunnier, ileeensetl,
I myinjr for liceiise to the follow-
i ?i it (li-sfiil til rciil estate of said Klizn
1 i'i Simmer, jh'ioased : I,ot: Kour 4,
I"ie I.",!, anil Six (lii. in Block Twenty
I'iTlee (L':;i of tie ViMasc of ICairle.
Cass Comity, Ne'raska. or a sufTh-ient
,'inK'iii'l t!:f'iif to liiiiif; Hie sum of
I si::.I. ce. the payment of oN-l.fs al-
I op.--.
which nothing can repair, as j f'fm Mom!as Daily
well as the deprivation of the little
daughter of the tender care which
the mother alone can give. The par
ents. A. L. Todd and wife, who had
with tender solicitude watched the
child grow into a maiden, and the
maiden bloom into womanhood, and
who have lavished all their love up
on her are especially hard hit by
her demise. Also the loss is keenly
felt by the sister. Mrs. E. J. Mei
singtr, and brother, Chester Todd.
This morning
A. Ko::" who has been at
burg. Iowa, f ir some time pJst, I
where he a vi;it;ng wi'h friend ; j
aim i;.Aii;g eiter ! no :u.-:e;iss. re
turned here this morning and lias i
1 Lim- ; departed this morning f;r her home I
in the north.
August O.ssenkopji. of Broken I'.ow,
seme ii.atter.; to look after, and will
::rcba")lv engage in work here.
who is visiting tit hi old home at
Louisville, was a visitor in this city
!o:i !a.-t Siterday. returning to that in the evening. -Mr. Ossenkop
M.irtln yt'-vens of'lalH, is likes the we-t fine and will
r'.orte l as being very -!cl:, having i return to hi- home there.
DR. 11. G. LEOPOLD!"'''"
.frc'nl ilc-nlin in lllrir ftf Unmri
AVL'Th tkeatkd
Lye Teste J arid Classes Fittf.i
Night Calls Answere3 After Eoaii
ar.d Sundays by Appointramt.
t:Zi k. n- to 12-on 1:: 0 m. t.- 5:3f
piatt3moui,. Neb
fir.t been taken wib. tiie influenza,
ptid biter- turning ino pneumonia,
wine.; has b.ep: hitu i nhis be 1 for
jthe p-.'f fourteen day-s. It is also
reported that there are a number of
ca of sickness in that vicinity.
Mi s "'larn Krebio. of Spenctr.
who l.a been visiting in the city
I spending her holiday vacutioi.
Ii'in:? f her gram. mot her
.f.. .. a. i
j .Mrs. liot-e irivoneK. ueparieo uns
morning for her home where she
, will take up her work agait. as a
teacher in the public schools there
' nr.d wa accompanied as far. as 1
j Omaha with her grandmother.
, Vi:s Krva Sco't. who has been
vititing in this city for the past
On account of the urgent need in
many rases. w!ieririt had been im
possible to get a nurse to care for
Influenza cases, it has been found
necessary to employ a visiting nurse,
to care for the cases which could
not be supplied otherwise. . The
mayor has in conjunction with the
lied Crofs secured The services of
Mrs. Julius ITnll of this city who is
an able and efficient nurse, and un
derstands quite thoroughly the care
cf cases of this kind as well as all
oilier kind.-. It was desired before
to have had one, 3ut until now one
could not be gotten. Where the
cases are urgent those needing will
please call Mrs. Frank Dunbar.
plume number (;:, and she will see
that the mire is notified. Do not
call Mrs. Hall, as she will probably
be somewhere r.l Iter duties as the
visiting nurse, hut call Mrs. Dun
bar, who will see that your place is
visited as .soon as possihle. It is
expected to organize a class of such
nurses, in order that there may be
more efficient work done.
lowed nTi.inst said estate, and allow
ances and eosts of ai'rn inistt i t ion. for
Leland S. IJriggS, ; i he reason that there is not a suffi-
, : M'i -ul amount ot personal propertv in
who was musttred out of the sorvice j ,, f. plss.,s,:ilin of' s;lill Henry Snoke.
some two weeks ago, as a truck mas- ' administrator. I'longlng to said es-
... Itfte. to iav said debts, allowances an'l
ter in the S. A. T. C. unit at Purdue V-sts.
I'niversity. West Lafayette, Indiana,
ar.'l who came here to visit briefly
with relatives, departed for Winner,
South Dakota. where he-made his
homo prior to the time of his en
listment in the army last June. He
went up to look after some business
matters which called him there at
this time and may decide to remain
in Winner for the present, although
at the time of his departure he was
not certain that he would do so.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before mo at chambers In the City of
Phittsmontl, in said county, on the 14th
i:ay of January, A. I . 1M1!. at the hour
oi' ten o'clock a. in., to show cause, if
any there he, why a licence should not
he started to said Henry Snoke. ad
,:i i ii I - li ii t or. to sell si) much of the
above described real estate of said
ieeeier,r as shall be necessary to pay
said debts and expenses.
It is further ordered that a copy of
tin-' order be served upon all poisons
iiiU -rested in said estate by caur-in?
tin same to be published once, each
week for four successive weeks in lite l smou t Ii Journal a newspaper pi.i
iishod and printed in maid count v of
j s- j a m i ;s. t. n i : ; l k v.
;-4nl: Judge of the District Court.
i.i;;i, MiTK K,
Holiday Greetings
oad of Mew Bsiick
and Other Cars!
Mrs. tl. II. Meisinger and d.iiigh
ter. tr. George V. Horn, wlto is
vising at tbe home of her mother,
io-ar Cedar Creek were visiting in
the -ity for the day. .the uets at
the Inime of their son and brother
Jehu J. Meisinger of this city.
Kobt. Poisall was discharged from
I he service last Friday and came to
Ilavelock and Lincoln yesterday
morning, where lie is visiting tem
porarily. He will arrive home to
morrow, coming to stay ami rest lor Thu morning State Agent Wilson
a short time before going to Work m cme from the Cnvornnr- nf
aSain. j fice. and is the special agent for the
.Mrs. John M. Mayiield and little i apprehension of the blockade run
daugbter. Mis.; Krnfa, departed last i ners, was in the city, and was very
S:itur lav afternon for S'nerdian, V.'v-! much interested in getting recom-
oniing. wliere they will visit at t he ! inundations signed for the 'pardon
home of Orville Ames and. wife forcing of Paul Pavilich who was con-
isoir.c .time. Mrs. Ames is a sister of, victed in the county court the sec-
Mr. Mayiield who died a few weeks f'"l time, the iast time receceived
ago. ! a sentence of sixty days, in the
('. A. Spacht, who has been visit
ing in tiiis city for the pai few
tlays i'apping to sec some of his
friends here on his return from his
home at Alliance, to Municipal pier.
Chicago, deprrle;! hist evening for
the east, returning to hi.; ta:i:.n in
t he navy work.
Lieut. Harding, who has b ; n
visiting in Iha city for tlie pa-t
week, as guest, at tbe home of Mrs. j
county jail.
j It is understood that one of the
! officers has signed the recommenda
tion, but others connected with his
conviction would not sign the &ame.
James J. Samson i here on a
visit, at the homo of his Mster, Mrs.
Harding's father, Geo. E. Dovey, d:;- Edward W. TJeius. as well as other
parted far his station at Camp
Funston yesterday afternoon, going
via Omaha. Lieut. Harding bus
been spending the Christmas holi
days here with Mr. Harding.
relatives here. Mr. Samson has
been making his home at Waterloo,
Iowa, and frcm there he enlisted in
the service and was sent to Camp
Pike, Arkansas, where he after re
maining for a while was sent to
Camp Merritt, New Jersey, for go-
In ti e listii.t Court ol" the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
Charles C. I'armele, Plaintiff
- vs-
.laeob ! 1'alter: Mary Falter: O.
I'. Olson, tirst real name unknown;
Mrs. I i. 1 ONoh. first real name
unknown, wife of O. V. Olson: .1.
X. Kins', first real name unknown:
Mrs. .1. X. Kiiir. first real name
unknown, wife of .1. X. Kintr; W.
l- Winslow. first real name un
known ; 'I a feme A. Atkinson: Kr-n.-st
1. Shellenbarnr; Texas Kio
lirande ("ompanv, a Corporation,
and Kred Warner.
Iiefendan ts.
o(ice of iilt
To the defendants, o. 1. Olson, first
real name unknown: Mrs. O. 1". Olson,
lirst real name unknown, wife of O.
I. Olson: .1 X. Kin--, first real name
unknown: Mrs. J. X. Kinsr. first real
name unknown. wif- of J. X. Kinp:
Texas Kio CJrande Company, u Corpo
ra t ion :
Von and each of you are hereby noti
fied that the plaintiff has filed his
amended petition in the above entitled
action in .the ldstriet Court of Cass
'..Ti.iv. Nebraska, to foreclose a mort
gage given hv Jacob I Falter and
wile, Marv Falter, to Charles F. Pavis.
'ssiiined bv said Charles F. 1 avis to
Leonard W. Selielhel and assigned by l.eiinard ". Si heibel to the plain
t i IT. which said mortgage is dated
August "S, 1!1.'!, and was recorded in
the office of the Kegister of 1 eeds of
i - count v. Nebraska, On August
111 13, at 10:01 a. n,., in book :!! of
nil. i i ga--" s. at page r17 thereof, con
veying lots 11 ami 1J in block 21 in
tin; City of 1'lattsmouth. Cass county,
Nebraska. to secure one promissory
note for the sum of $1 ."..000.00 dated
August !. 191::. and becoming due Ja una ry 1:1!
Seoiember 1. ISIS, with interest at H I o'clm k A. M.
per cent per annum from September 1
mi:!, nnnuallv as evidenced by five in
terest notes ' therewith of even dat
a. id wlrcli principal note draws inter
est at 10 tier cent per annum after due
until paid and that the interest not.
of SOiiii (hi t hereon, due epteinner i
1'ils. with interest at 10 per cent after
maturity has not been paid, and that
said principal note and said interest
note ure long past itue ami by the
terms ol said mortgage. the whole
amount is due and payable: that th
taxs for the year 1 1 1 7 in the sum of
S:0.7r. became delinquent on the 1st
.h:- of .'lav. l'.l'. and remain unpaid
and that the plaintif! asks judgment sanl priin-l ai note ;ii! imeii-.-M
note ami s.iid mortgage and to fore
close the equity of redemption against
a'l the nartics therein.
You and each ot you are refuirei to
niswer said petition on or betore jion
a v. the 1 ot h ilav of February. !1t. or
default against you and each ot you
will be duly entered therein.
Hated this -.'tli day of .December,
I'.) IS.
ciiaki.k.s c. r.ii:jii.i.i;,
W. A. Kobertson,
ilis Attorney. (il.JO-UW
Cured at a Cost cf 25 Cents.
"Eight, years ago when we first
moved to Matlocn. I was a great
sufferer from indigestion and con
stipation," writes Mrs. Robert Alli
son, Matloon, ill. l naa irequent
b?adaches and dizzy spells. and
there was a feeling like a heavy
weight pressing on my stomach and
chest all the time. I felt miserable.
ing overseas. Here be remained for
A finely improved ICO acre farm 1 some time, when finally the orders j Kvery morsel of food distressed me.
for sale, po-ssession given. March came for sailing, and he with many j I could not rest at night and felt
1st, 1918. One mile north-of Mur- 'others departed from port, and had I tired and worn out all the time,
ray. Enquire of Lloyd Gapen, been out about 24 hours, when a ! One bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets
Murray. Nob. 29-4wksd&w wireless called the ship back as an ' cured me and I have felt like a
armistice had been signed. A short different person."
time later Mr. Samson was sent to'
Camp Dodge, to he mustered out. . You tell 'em we keen fU kinrJs nf
lietiry lwn:id departed, this pi ri'
ing for Omaha, where he is looking
after some b.isincss today.
To thi: ciikiito;:s and iii:ii:s
on ;. Ki:i:i;. okckaskd. ami to
thi: ci;i:i iitoks ani m:it:s am
all otiikh i'kiisoxs ixtkkkst-i-:i
in thi: kstati: of hai;u:h
KKiii:, nKt'i:.SKn.
You are hereby notified that on tl.e
10th day of llceemher li'lS, Sarah
Kli.aheth Kerr, filed her petition in
the County Court of Cass Count. , Ne
braska; the object and prayer of
which are for the judgo of said
county to fix a time and place of hear
ing the allegations of the petition,
end to dftermine who all the heirs i t
IJurton C. Kerr, are. and who all the
heirs of Charles Kerr, are, and to find
that both Burton C. Kerr and Charles
Kerr, died intestate in Cass County,
Neb,-., and to enter its order barring
all claims against the estate of lnrton
C. Kerr, and against the estate of
Charles Kerr, anil paid petition al
leging that Merrit S. Kerr, now inter
married with Lottie Kerr, who re
sides in Houston. Texas; Alice Kerr,
now inter-married with Ilav i:. An
drews, residing in 1'lattsmouth, Ne
braska: Klis-.abcth Kerr, row inter
married with James l;ilul, residing
at Ulenwood, Iowa; and Julia M. Kerr,
single, residing in 1'lattsmouth. Ne
braska, together with your petition
er, constitute the only heirs at law
of Hurton C. Kerr, ami that the peti
tioner Sarah Klizaneth Kerr, is the
onlv heir at law of the deceased
Charles Kerr.
You are further notified that a
bearing upon the allegations and
prayer of said petition win be bail at
the office of the Countv Judge, in the
Court House at l'lat'tsminith, C.t-s
County. Nebraska, on the L'i'n.l .lav ,.t
at the hour of ' ten
and all objections I..
sai.i petition must be on file on or be
fore said time, or the praye,- thereof
will be allowed and decree entered
15y the Court.
-3-3ks. Jan. ZO. County Jude.
5 lbs. loose oat meal
2 ils. Jap rice for
3 lbs. Honduros rice for
0 lb. crock hominy
: lbs. Green Scotch peas
3 lb:;. California prunes.
California Dried pears, per lb 20c
California Dried peaches, per lb. 20c
2 lb. Drown beans 25c
3 lb. baking soda 25c
5 lbs. bulk laundry ttarch 25c
G boxen of matches for 39c
1 quart prepared mustard 40c
0 lbs. premium blend coffee $1.09
1 lb. peanut butter, per jar 33c
Lemons, per doz 40c
Oranges, per doz., large size 70c
3 lbs. sweet potatoes 5c
Good potatoes, by the sack at
per bushel $1.-10
Tin: iMvniiiT cot i: r of
thi: ( fii .Mi ;f s. ,m:ih:.
In the jn-itter of the ( 1 ua id i.'i n 1 1 i p
of Henry Eikcntary, mcntallv incom
petent. NOT I CI : OF S. !,K.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of .lames T. l'.eg
ley. Judge of the lostlict Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, made on the
fith day of 1 , ciin b-r litis, for the
sale of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed there will be sop at the
South front door of the Court lloiie
in 1'lattsmouth, Cass Countv. Ne
braska, on the 1'lst dev of jaiuiarv
1 f 1 : at one o'clock 1'. M. or said ilav
r.t public vendue to the MgJ -t bidder
for cash the following described real
t stale, to w it:
Lot tour CI) In tie Ni-thuer
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; al
so Lot live (.".) in the Southwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
alt in Section nineteen (13l Town
ship twelve (11 Kange fourteen (111
Cass County. Nebraska.
Said sale to remain open one hour
Dated this K;th dav of I e. ember
191R- , ALlCi: JOHNSON.
Ouardu-n of the estate of Henry
Kikenbaty, mentally iitompctcnt."
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Cough Remedy at once.. It is prompt
and effectual.
How. is the lime to Jolii the Wat
Stamp Limit Club. See Chas. C.
Carrnele . for particulars
Journal Want-Ads Payt
To Holders of Second
Liberty Loan Bonds
Your next coupons will be payable
Novsmber 15th. We shall be glad to
cash them for you free of charge any
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and remained there for a number of stationery at the Journal.
The Bank of Cass County,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Dank.