The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 02, 1919, Image 1
I Nebraika Stat Kiittri ca.1 Society ' - ' -. . r .'r HID 3 M VOL. XXXVI. PLATTSMOUTII. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2. 1919. No. 58. Journal. THE BUSINESS GIRLS' CLOD IS ilrii A ikU MR. AND 11113. E. H. WESCOTT EXTEND HOSPITALITY OF IICME TO THE CLUU i BUOYED A JOLLY SGOB TiME Guessing- r.u.I Other Amuse ments Participated In Miss Chalcupka Wins Pr:z3 s-'ri--' n.i'! ' : i i n - t : I.a-r . I'.i:- i !).-' Cir:.-. :.l..-t (Jeiir;htfiil 'Viiful l;t :.: in' Wt-sf"' t. Liberty c iu! .- pent : v-;,:ni.' at t he I: .Mr. and Mrs. i:. 11. A ir. n '. rn ; he 1 om-. :. V ;;f. K-rVi d. l:.v JimI: i l- if k I. ;r:s rat ht-re l v. Lich t i;!!.- !',:,. ii. (in !'.i! j't: t t h iiik kat ::ty :' th- ni')-t :ii- ions t 1 . t of c-i i:?:- :i. other u-i A::-:- iun:!i a:id v uvf a'de salad. e. ;;::d do:::-htr.i:.-: .3 to :?: k 'he ir".: a.'vrns; :iJo" vd :,:e:n v. kica Mi s Sof;h:a ChaloupVa was Ai:.:..-- of the !ir-t r.r: while Mi ( e"il Schiappncj!'--: was ::o-i;.-h :r ri.- "Uru-t" The r.exr ;ki... oi; th : or tu at- prii:-. j pro.crar.i was 'Ttu: lecture hy First numher was a ?di ;s Jo-ephi'ie !Lys. "Ilow doth the IJtibv Ilee'.'" Scioid nen:- h- r w a a ih-hatv Let w een Lillian j Adairs am! Ruth Honiin on "Why! X.iili 1 5 ; t 1 1 ti'e Ark." T::ir.l t!um her "Dance of the Af'.siji'i : o i" ',,y Miss Kdna I'eters.Jii and Cvvil Schi-; a.pacas.e. Tlie lot-rth number waj r. duet hy Mis Chaloupk and Edith J.djhcnn. a-cempanhv! hy Mary iiot- ( h-Tintr'on th- ukelele and the' fift ii rai.;ihr-r a dcLtion on the r.fis yurr-:.C' I.edtev.ay. ::::mi:er was a solo. "Hoan- 1 :.. h tii't.l K-k-k-r'.y" hy Misses Ksj. and .M".ri.aret I'-uttery and the se.-enth !;t:rilic-r a piano selection. "America."' hy Ciiarlotte Morse. The i-;i T:i a: d ' : hiding iii:n:her of "Stun's" w as a i!e! fcotween Yera I'rop;,t and I'dildre l Y'-rl:. on tlie suhjeet of "Why ihe I'.ear w.i.t nwr the :,!r.,n tain." This af.orde.i tp. -ir's much !l!i;il'I;lU:t. i i At th0 cone! lsioti rf "t'.jnts"' con si l.-ra'tde tinm ".as: spen: at the pian-i with. .Mrs. ("iristine Coushlin pre Filitip. The Kirks accon pan :' 1 h'-r v.ith their l.eautifui soprano and alio voices whenever she struck a ractime or a jizzy tune. At ahoiit 10 o'clock the girls de parted for their homes, a. surii: their hostess, Mrs. Wescott, that they had had a c-rand time, and wi hincr ore another a Happy Nw Year. ! HOLD ANNUAL ?IEETING CTTVTI A V ,;. ,ir Fi em ' ,i.'..lay' Iaily. At the Christian church f Sunday morrdner meetinT wa i,.! ! th-ir annual election c.t which time of the juventie memners oi tne nun was selected tlie officers of the! day school present. church for the coming- year. Tlie I church has hecn in f-'cni! .mditimi and has made pro re-s th? past ; year, under the leadership, of Rev. j pri -i ng no :na!l part of the enter-f sfpa,iy vorkmen we know, stickin.; A. .1. Dargett. ami sint e his de- j tai! m-nt. Tiiere were also same ex-J tl, ,,-, jnh through thick and thin. pTi'turc f:r the ;ot:ti where 1; a e-j client r.-adings i-mJ tin; youngsters (-3v jn j,n.j ,ply ,,. .,, ju. j, very rented a position in fi e I'hil'ips onji.-yi d a rumbcr of sanies, wliich ! 0;r.fdent as well. Certainly no one university at F:::d. Oklalioma, he.rpi,.,i to the interest and spirit of js ,.lf,r(. deservin.c? of this brief rcs l as been succeeded by th" Rev. T.. the entertainment. pitP frnm labor than he, but we'll v.". fk-ott. who Iip.-t done excellent ; w rk duriog- his ? hurt -tay here, and excellent ; t lie er iidi! ion of the church promise: mucii progr. sa in the year lo o-no. i Tin f.dlowinir olncers were ele.-.ted R.i..rd of Fillers Thomas Wiles V.". It. Rryan. F F. Rain. II. C. h-o pedd. Hoard of Deacons R. A. McLT- wain. Oiiver C. Hudson. A. M. Sand er?. Eli.-ba M. Godwin. C. F- Whita- f i.i... I tf.l.n V Stirider I ti, n. ....... Hoard of Deaconesses Mrs. Jonn It. Stine, Mrs. Inz Srenner, Mrs. C. V.. Whitaker. Mrs. !!. C. Leopold, Mrs. A. L. Connors. Member of Hoard of Trustees "W. R. Hryan. OVItt THE TOP TWICE BE ORE WAS W(?UNDED ,1,e Metn0flt't Sunday school with- from there to Yalparaiso at the end and western Nebraska and are said,,pcn Mrs. Margaret Mauzy. a form ' . out raisin? a single session of the'of his two months' course at the Ne-' to be headed east. Northwestern ; c-r nurse in Omaha, who shot Dr. G. rvnm Vnn.l.iv'!' Pal! v. I Louis Rofhman, of whom we ported last week an having received a wound In the foot, had bee n over :i-.- i.p twice befo-v ll" wound was receive. 1. anil how the victorious Y:i:.ks. of whom lit- v;is o:i. put the lilies on the run. Louis- is ju-t the, l.iu.i of a r;l blooded Yank who' would !!! t he sprinting quality in-. -" ' IV-ochi .' There were ut- of t wo million sucli Yanks in a nee and an oven larger niiiinici' i on this i.i'' ju-f lying for the op-' -o! unity to l:-! aero:--;. FUNERAL OF H. L. VESTAL HELD HERE THIS MORNING KI - i tires trom Elmwood. ie funerai of the late II. I.. Yes- . i'o rfi d at the home of his j :h . r. Mr :. W. :. Talnieier. at j v iiiit! was h-M frfnt the Mis- Kir..' !: ! th:s ( ' !' ! rut-ire p.::-r iMiper station hero t ;.irv;n'r fiillinviT!" tti. :rriv:il e train f.nni ll.iit plate. Rev. S. W. I.o:;;tcri'. pastor of the .Metho-fi:.-.t idiu-'c-.! at l.lm wo.n!. accompan ied the frirr.ds with the remains and 1 "Id a. s".or: si rvi:'c at tlie cemetery, th" reuiar service huvir.pc tieon held ' the Meth.'dist church in Khnwo'iil j 'kiiy ,,;'ri:n!):i. The remains . re ; c'-o'r.i an: -d hy Mr. iiinl Mrs-. .'. 1-;. IV.Iri'etT. and daughter. Dor-:-: Mr. a:-.d Mrs. Willis Ilahhitt and hihlr.-:!. (.: Cu'.ar IZapids. Mrs. I'.ah :' M r- l".sl:r"er are daughters ' . -l'. a- i i.:.m. HENRY G. S0ENNICH5EN WRITES FROI-I HONOLU: In an In:?rc-stiiv- Letter to Home ro'ks K? Tells cf Life in the Island; Across the Sea ,,,.,-. fcr .: !H-. ;-"u ti'mry So.'tii.'ch.sen. '-.itioned at 1 lonolul!-'. ret tir.:,' aion;- tine and w e o t-- ii- dwells a' .-(r: len'it'.i on the in:- cliniate they are enjoyini there. 0,t;XHlilar.ho. w,! at t -n ,; . . ;) (.,ipr.:,,u from ,mo of ... . :.. ..:. . an in- the nev.ip.ipers inert, t n viucu prices in rroeer'. s are ip-oted. The prices are a hit hi",hr,r than those prevailing in PI.--.tti :.-;i:!tl: s.s w ill he noted from the f.ut that -o,i oltizs are iiuoted at 51. en, second class eirt;; at SM cents. a"d LT'-i'ti he j ns at two cents per p.u:v!. Ci ok? mit bananas are very c!.-i'. hetr.;; offered at ?1.2", per h"i::r-h. i'.ut of course that is Iic.i.e f the ?'at:ana. Henry is very vi 11 pha-ed with life in the army. !:' !: a!i o- ii -r r iea u ' o s rearer i df blooded Amer- 1. y that h" il'.M ' - ii in se" service in France It ; Is rather : o'.lemat ical just when he j location etc n T-eeil finl nerm it t eil to'ed "(Iraves return to civil life. i HELE SUNTAY SCHOOL CIIRI3T:-L3 FESTIVAL; ir.l.:r Fortitin of St. Luke's Episco 7al Chvtrch Celebrated Annual Holiday Occasion. :.n Tn''-ii.iy Tl:-i junior n.iity. portion of St. Luke's Kr'seopa! clinrcn u:.uay w.-n ju nem ( i . .1 i.i i its annual Sunday school Christmas i 'Festival at the auditorium of the! ' public library a few evenings siince, j at which inert ntu- .1 oiie in...."- . The even in? was made up of a 'varied program to suit the occasion. t he .?ngin.-T of Chrisl mas carols com- T., practice has been to hold practice has been to hold theJ-e festivals each vear and thev afford the younger members of the Sunday school an opportunity to Ihav" a jolly time, and one which , they may Iohb remember. This an-1 for h" works is fortunate in nual practice is also good for the in-!,-,.,,,! in i)aving- such a dependable terest and enthusiasm it arouses in;lli;111 in llis employ. Sundav school work and its oriftina-' itor, whoever he or she be, is to- be' i complimented for the establishment f the custom. A RECORD TO BE PROUD OF Miss Gladys Hall, the accomplish - ed daughter of Julius M. Hall and wife of this city, 's proud of her record of fourteen years' service at school. Thii we consider as being re-;iai anove tie ordinary, ana is in fact record that she and her many fi lends can well h pleased w ith. NOTIFIED OF BURIAL PLAGE i EDWARD C. RIPPLE SR. RECEIV ES NOTIFICATION OF I.OCA ! TION OF SON'S GRAVE. iGHJSPUSIS WRITES TO FATHER Sayi.'m- Resting Place Eeing- Care fullv Carccf Fcr And :Ia:Kcd So Well Known. j 1 I r -ii T-i i'.Ijiv's r::lv. This niorninn Mtiward V Khple Winord of tile Kd'li- C. in whih has 1 eev. i' : i y . o: .!! v' a s d i i v- Uelsf-a- I sr.. rec, i.(i a O'tter irmu K. Ki'hh. who is -i:: company :n which hi-- s. n Kii'.-p!-' jr.. w-i.s a sei'iirr. he t.'dls ef tlo- -:"re which taken to preserve tio- id.' j I he exact spot . where ! i ; laid to rest ed a letter Tiiey ;! from "irav. lion Fervice" of jiedit iona ry r rce, roivsrafeil t'.io in!' d in the letter, 'hat after tk- t'.u lie .i:K-ric:in i u w h i' h i 11 7 rmati.n co:i:a:n- i:n.t an ;.-i:ra:i.' st of the vn r 'h remains of hun:. 'l and and 'o the th." S'ddier:'' V.' ! i l i'l' e- re! urr.ed to A -.ueriea. friends and !:( ':,. t'-, where thev departed. The followin:. was th hf tr received i-y Mr. Hipp!.--: Movomh r ilth. !'! v V.'infurd Ik Uohh. Chaplain li'.Sth. Inf.. A. !'. i Mr. J-h'. ward C. Hi; pie sr.. I'lutsmc-uth. N'ehr.. ?dr. Dear Mr. Kipple: As chaplain of Hie h'.Mh writius von with d-.tipe-t yyntpatliy roncerninsr the desth of your son. N'o douiit you have re ceived "Government Nd! ift'-a' i"ii" loner l-.efore now. Your son Kdward C. llinvh Jr.. serial No. D'lS.M Co. I. TiSf' Inf.. was instantly killed hy ep.env- lire w!;ile advancinir witli his platoon on July 2-th and was huried hy u: ni'ir th." place of hi e k: :l :ap on t ; HIS SON theiiloth. h'r:iv No. I. .A. 1. en-Tardenois a'"Uf one and f-nc half kilo u-ter: Tiii south ar.d or." w -t ot Serrry. grave is w ell in.;,-' -: hearincr nar.u an.' eu wi'li ros . . org-an:';'.' l-ui. A complete rer-eru ci . is on toe !n tne ci.;'" Registration Servi. ". A. r-- 1 I : is tene r a i 1 understood ihat all American soldier:; buried 'n France v-ill t; 1 S. at the cio-e t the war. You are no doubt very proud of Fdward and you nave every reason to be. Although h" made the su- preme sacrifice he made it j greatest cause and. I shall i his jus.t reward by Him we for the rerei -e all love i ... nd trud. Sincerely. AV. V.. RORR. Chap. lf.Sth Inf TAKES A SHORT VACATION .-m Tuesday's Daily. Yesterday C. K. Rest or commenced , upon a weeK s vacation t nun ins la- bors Mr. Restor is one of th.e most vaJ;er our old straw hat that he will laconic restless before the end nf n, -...u im.i wi, in. unr.. ..t v.nrk for ever tbn v.-itb SlU.i, frsisfent workers. Mr. Gonler. SERGEANT GEORGE A. AEAMS RETURNS HOME i From Monday's Dull v. Saturday afternon Sergeant Geo. I A. Adams, who was discharged at' : Valparaiso. Indiana last Thursday, 'arrived home af.'er having been ah - 'sent since June. Sergeant Adams went from Western to Lincoln and , brnska. university state farm he was i , transfored to the Indiana school as j an in.'.tructor in auto mechanics. He has been expected home for Ihe last month, hut was onlv given his dis charge last Thursday. S reant Atli'iiis will visit lure a sluir' time before deriding jut ! what he will do. Mrs. Adams lu j ! ii making h'i 1; Mie- hi re durin . h-r !' i:: be. i;d'. :;h.-'-u(c, and was cm i : pb.y. d in tli'' abstract oilier of Tims. '.'ai!iiiL-'. Trior in his entry into thej service last .J u n il'c Adams family j L at .-stern. . n ! tln-v went a fn-r tl.'ir mar: 'iaye, she laini; li--si Ali::f Rennit. a fornir 1'Iat t.-mou; it nirl. PLATTSMOUTII :,IAN EE! AIN3 POSITION ! :: .").!.:' v - !.:.; It is ple;..-an; news for the fit i -7.i r.s ; i'iatn.e'.ifl:' to know on-- of her sous has i;e, n re( oy.iiied 1:1 1 1 apiioii: t i.:e::t to tin- podtion of 1 hi uk of t;.e s' : litical p: who h:- i..ur:in!--. t.v the evcutiv e v. IS c: ty. Mr. .1 hee.l the 1 a t 1 i f: II. ::nk i : i:i : ' - ' I. n i: . 1 ! v xami.n-r. at the e i el vie. reccu- o : of re.-tdved th r.t ii:!n!s -l ;.iVer:i. ir-' C.v, rnor-eh-," M :::;'. in t he prese,-, : e:!:i"- a r.::i t v. ri; y, :. nd o:i and elhieinix Kile. r.u-'i not i; h.s- ami i r. '.i.etr.t er of the ;. parr e s ,i h:i.J ::c::: :i-' f; h ' hat !te I-oli in t t : n 1 l. tii bin r 2L R ISf n J riSi' $?ik ' STcUili KILirF.Y LEE 7E5TAL DIES AT IIOIIE OF HIS Ur-GHTER I-IRS. EL PAL'LETER AT EU-IWDOD I-1 urn M.i.da s- ';i l .'. Hiilery Fee Y.-.-tal. of ! 1 irn:cr:v a hour th here i. -iv till city, i-e.minm lieic years ao. r.nd living numhi-r of year:-, pav-ed a iiv at t he hcnie meter at 1! of his (!:!".- of I II'-.; .( :i.u o'cl' f k. r .Airs. Kd. I S.iti.rd.iy iig '.o'ving a .-:ro' ocjirr-'d k el paralysis, v -ein. ::;:. I ! L. Ye tal : ev. :: y v.v-- of ; Yir-iinia. The eity about i::ic ! 1 s neariy even' y -born m in tlii: a ar.d wife ii..-.: en years :: Mill ty. A de in llieks. dyin is al.-n I ii ri Mr. Ye,-:,; ;. irs. W. . i was buried ii west of this o Mrs. William the past year .-liii cemetery, ni'iurn hi- los er aho v. i in Oa b-ave- ineier of Flt-iwood. and Airs. Wild--IVibtdtt of Cedar Rapids. Tkev v.e'-e l.-oth at the bed.-i.'.v- and m i ;. it er i n g to their talker at tlie Deie of his departure. The funeral c-ut'-ye will arrive here from Flmwoo.l o:i tlie earlv train tomorrow morning and the lmrial will be ::t Oak Hill cemi -Lee, a-- h" i-' fa- terv. wh'-re Ftu'.y calb d will remains of t he v. ifi years. rest be.-ide of his vm; the . !ger i ! E E CIIAPPELL HOME 1 FROr.I THE SERVICE t From Monday's Dane. 'and a brother Chester Todd to F. 15. Chappcll arrived home last liu,urn brr death, besides a host of Saturday eveninr; from Camp Fun- . frionds. v.lio extend their sympathy ston. wh.ere he had been for many.,,, !r. husband and daughter whose months past. Mr. Chappell will re-j -r:;.s so severe. main at home for the present". j The funeral will be held from the lie has. been expecting that he irlt0 home, and will be private. It would be discharged for the past i v,-jl ho conducted by the Rev. L. V. month., and on receiving it hastened Scott, minister of the Christian home io meet his w ife, w ho has been , Church of which Mrs. Rchutz was a making- her home here during- h is I mem her. at one o'clock tomorrow stay at th.e camp. j Tuesday afternoon, the burial will Mr. Chappell will rest up a bit for hp at the Oak TTill cemetery. The tk present during which time he casket will be open for the viewing will decide what he wil turn his at-, of the remains, from ten until noon tentiou 1o. Mr. Chappell is a very , tomorrow- at the home. 'capable young- man and an attorney- iat-law. having- given up his practice i to answer the call of his country to; i service. COLD WAVE ARRIVES ON TIME. j J rrnm Tuesday's Pally. The cold wave scheduled to reacn Nebraska last night arrived on time. j Temperature uround the zero point ' is predicted for tonight. Snow storms are reported raging in South Dakota trains were reported stalled in thejFeh Spear during the celebration of drifts in South Dakota last night. j with the wind blowing a th" .snow drifting badly. gale and I F sr rm. w n a i ? k 3 Z 5 . J " ' . . ' MxulL A liiUU-il okx, WAS LliU.JVlNU. i rrr ifsirinfji ARiri r s i mi irrn Ltri I UriD;i i J iiiiU UAUUil I tfl Was Taken With Influenza On Chiistmiis Lay. Was Never Ccn 'icleied L'ar.erously 111. ii 1 1 hh ha til a:: .e;"' carle uldei:iy to t ;ie h- tr.- ;f John F. Scku':-:. yt st.-r-' h'-n the wife and mother of a -year-old (l:-uu::'tir was sum ed :'r--i:i tnis. world. Mrs. i: -d ie-en taken -, ;th the in . :: "::!'' u; ' s la'. and had en alove; vr r- well. She had . ;'. her hu-hand and daughter, th-- p.ahtdy and was taken lf h'ir. The husband was 'ake-', and i'.as ao'.ten well, th.e dat::ii' . r who i four yea r.s of .. as t !-, n trie1:--!:, and wa- es :rv ;!. :'or ..:: time. at::', cnus- IM'U i; r tMic'.i ci,nce-n. She h- i ::e wit h much wa- i'v a-ed a? ! r!il-nt . n- 'r-i;:'- Schutz . wlii.M- temp. .! :wed two de- if-ree, of fever, sank rapidly from ;(.v n (i.c,oe. ..,n.51 jn.t ,;,..(1re nine. t mperat nr.- show'nt;- 2. ;d iced a stiait; n the heart. . 1 i v phyr.iciun had been caK- . was ;,t the hot-it at ihe time r;a -sinsr avav of th.e good Ti e Tiuo of iliath is said to ed an t 01 t h- kl-lv. cau-eii li die undue work i:u heart on account of of t h tern; erature. the breaking of the pc-se.l nt . tr.e fal'. it h." rapid at the lime ot ' fi'ver. Mhs Saphronia Reltcn was horn I it Cm-, ne.aut. Ohir. and was nast twenty-eight years of age. and came to this city to live some .welve or "ifi-it' years ago. When a small child, the black ilyptheria claimed her fa'her am! sister, while she and mother were very sick al.-o with the i-'-ti-e. Mrs. IVUer, sub.-euuent ly wps united in marriatre with Mr. A. j T.. Todd. th-y moving- to this citv. . Mi-s Pelton was united in marriage t; Mr. John F. Schutz. on March l.".th. I.fll. th.e Rev. W. T. RatclifT of the Christian church ofliciating". From the union th -re were two ; children born, th? eldest a son. who j died in infancy about six years ago. (The other the little daugh'er. who now is bereft of her mother. Mrs. Scbutz was a most atneahl- w .man. and has friends, wherever -.die is known, her ambition was to make heme the oca re m rdace on earth, winch, she has eon", and ti e calling" cf this good woman. will break one of the idea! homes, which is ihe mainstay of this country. Mrs. seiiutz leaves nesiucs ner iiu-nanu and daughter r mother Mrs. A. L. 'odd. sister Mrs. E. .1. Meisinsrer. , FORMER OMAHA NURSE GIVEN LIFE SENTENCE MrF. Margaret Mauzy Convicted of Murder in Lancaster County Remained Defiant. From Monthly's Pally. Imprisonment for life is the sen- tence which was imposed by Judge j shepherd of the Lancaster county j district court Saturday afternoon '.the si-rninc of the araiistice last j month in a rooming house in Lin coin, to which she had enticed him W7i ten DM I L hhXXr I EO HOME' i.' w wi u a fake call over the telephone t some one was sick. ! th; Mrs. Mauzy and Dr. Spear liail ;heen husinss partners and there had hecn some controversy het ween them over husinesK matters. She called him to the house and meet ins him at the head of the stairs fired four ;Lots from a revolver into his hody. from the effects of wnich he (lied few hours later at a Lincoln , hospita 1. During the trial Mrs. Mauzy was i very defiant to.vard County Attorney j i I'eterson. since appointed assistant 'I. S. district attorney. . and in a ! t,a1, !!!( ,!t tlie to"rt nilt stated l was because slie knew some t hint's against the county attorney :ii;d his nil lift of ilntv It is nil- ders-ood th'v'v the case' w ill he an - jieah 1 to the supreme court. EURIEC LAST SATURDAY AFTERNOON WEST OF CITY Last Sad Rites Said over Remains of Mrs. Katherine Worzl Was Pioneer Citizen. rr m Menl;i y V 1 K: il v .ast Sati.rday afternon from the I'aul's Fvangelical church was St. hehl the funeral of tlie late Mrs. KatnVrine Worzel. mother of Mrs. Adolph Wescher, who died a few days since of pneumonia. Mrs. Wor zel was born in Germany December 1 J. 1.S40 and came to this country about fifteen years ago. Grandma Worircl has made her home with her daughter during her stay in this country, and lias been a blessing- and a benediction to all with whom sh" has been acquainted. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Robert Kinsendorf. who is the minis- ter of the Lutheran church west of this city, as the Rev. J. H. Steger is sick. The remains were interred in the cemeterv west of the city. NOW HAS A FINE QUARTET. From M'm.iriy s i.a..y Ar'nre I'tinrs.-n, ivlifi Js ; ; . ''"veii of home and home environments, i; a happy man just now, as the god dess of good fortune, has had the St rk leave the dearest little baby girl at his home, and of which the father and mother are very proud. This makes the fourth one which has come, and makes a very tine quartet, which furnish music for the good home. When you notice the peculiarly pleasant smile flitting around the lips of Mr. Petersen, you will know what is the cause. LI. S. KERR AND FAMILY RETURN TO TEXAS HOME From Monday's Pail v. Last Saturday Merritt Kerr, wife and children, who have been visiting here for some time past, be ing guests of Mr. Kerr's mother. Mrs. S F Kerr, denarted for their home at Houston, Texas, where they will take up their work again. Mr. Kerr is employed in the general offices of the Southern Pacific at Houston. hy I "1 A of Deposit is a Good Investment! JVlu 'ONKY deposited in a Certificate of h'posit account draws int rest from the day you This bank accepts deposits in any amount and pays interest at the rate of 4'r for either six months or longer. It would be hard to find a better place for your idle funds. Your money is always available and at the same time earning in terest for you. If you have any idle money we suggest yon secure one of our certificates of dejiosft. First National Bank PI&.t.smouh, Nebraska. "--1 RECEIVES A LETTER FROM HER BROTHER FORMER PLATTSMOUTH EOY WRITES SISTER A LETTER THANKSGIVING DAY ARTHUR SAMPSON IN FRANCE ! Serving with American Expedition- arv Forces Overseas Glad" Peace is at Hand. !'::-) Ti"-i!flV- Daily. Mrs. F. W. In ins. living south f t tiki-- city, received a b-tter from her brother. Arthur Sampson, written on Thanksgiving day from the battle front in France, where he is serin with the American Kxpedit ionary fori es. Written soil)" three weeks afiir the cessation of hostilities, the Utter is filled with inter-ting ! -scriptiv matter and bespeaks of th" hopes entertained by 'lie bos of an early return to the good old F. S. A. Th.e l'-fter follows: November D . 1 It 1 S. Dear Sister and All: Thi- is Thanksgiving day a: will write you a little l'ttep. have a little? time to scratch a d !. w lines. This leaves nt" feeling the fine t. ! I am O K and trust this may find you the same, as well all of the. folks at home. We are near the St. Mihiel battle field and are putting in most of i ir time drilling, which we all like fine. 11a! Ha! wftubl tell jou where we ure but think it best wait until I get home, when 1 will tell you all the news and there i surely a lot. I have some good news to fell you, I cm assure you. I do not know ex actly when I will get back, but I am ready for that ride over th.e big pond rgain any tini" now. and a- soon a.s ;li" authorities arc ready to sa the word I will be on n.y way. I wrote th.e folks last evening, tell ing them all the news. Do not look for a letter from me too often, as it is hard for me to write, and "spec, ialiy when 1 do not get much mail myself. Tell all the old friends hi ilo i!r me, and that I am still alive and veil. I will close for thi tin:". As i ever your brother, ARTHl'R SAMPSON. Mrs. C. F. Calutfelter. of Omaha. i arrived in the city this morning and i is visiting at the home of her friends, Mrs. Julia South and Mrs. c. P Richards for the day. secure your certificate.