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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1918)
PAGE TOVJL PLATTSMOLTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. XOIfCAY, LLCEXBZZ V). 1915. ! UTTLZ PI7CHZ2S TO ! ALIUS 5 CAiT KO LOXGE2 1 THE WELL GJUI. I ULL ITL32ASKa Cbe plattsmoulb journal It'BLlSiHZD AT PLATTSMOUTH, 5IBHASZA K.-f'J l ro'.o?.' Jo a. '.tun-.'.. '.'., ;'. n'.n.C-c.' fXiAlJ -tt:r R. A. BATES, Publihcr tie r!;:? j . ,; i , kit?nm Las rrt';rr.rd i U5'jn I:j ';-rri:,y. The :rrr:i t 'e3irl v. , ?L J;r ii. .; ' fcjrrtL'i'r lar.-i tb? iiiv.r't flight r.r. t fc!- ' tht thr .jf,.i pupil's- -rr .a-ji'h v. lM-'.v ' yS d i i s a' . & . c . . . . o?'.:&l vote, i- ii k - SUBSCRIPTION PEICZ $2.00 PES YEAE IK ADVANCE -- xii v 1 g ift!? for of xcr-igr. t: r. to the Con-'lvj'io;. v. It vai rea' Don I o-J V. It ? .j' v. is. j. r , ! 7 f !i V. ?- -::-e v -; . I' .:.'-J Wj 1','af n.'.oo'h for y--;fs. "f.'.c M ;oi ,o;sl ' . i ; ' ; a-. If- . ;j J.'i V. i.f.i fj.'jrj, ;n It, i- yi, at, yr 'ill' V' i ,; f, r.nj rr,k -. Htt,',ir,: ').' I .. ''J J.-:'l vr-:if. r ,).:': i r '! ! i If hi.-: - ;-.r J.ilf l.;ir-j ! f.l.'J-. r,.. '- I". 'AT-. !.;', j!:1'. ' 1 1 .' t. ' r : I i' . ' ii i f'! 1' v. r - ' ! f ! - t -, j - j,...- 1.;' s- J J 1. ' -j' f - ,f f f i i . . - : M v . t ;. 'j -- -. !. .;, '!.:' : '.i r. f :i i. j ii ir. f . ' -. I ).;'!, !.'.'). v. .: rJ. -i t, it i- : ;.f.'J ;'i-fjt i . f ( .'i ':,-.!' r I !.- ;ir t r ' ! f i ) f ' , i- - r f f. r ' i j ' r j, ,f J'Ja:f .'!. j - :o: -- ill" ;. i',t t' v, s,t, 'f f ; i,r .. j ! J ' .. ' I,' .t t 1,1.1 ' t !:' t.- !l , ;.'.!.: if. : a' .- f.j'f i . ' . . ' !:,' i, it U.r . :. ).:; V '.-,.: ,. ,' , ' ,.l '. t.' -. '!).- t,,tti..iH t,.if ),:t 5 )i- :i r - ',' r'i. a.-. j. r r,r;' r In fhr- ti-i' ';;,::(. v.i- I'.i- fi.r ! . i :, I f -1 i J. I.'.r- I, ;i.-- r,f i' r;i.a i ' "f'y. t'r !-;.f:'l r u ij,' r,.i-r all ,.,,r.i 'J J:i- i.'. if. iifi.r- for ' hi i-t !... ;ir,'l l, I,r.J t;. iiM-rry ' f, r !-l,f ,i 1 1- ' hri.tfwa.-. 1, Iftt'li'l''! ., rli',ra'r- !!, Vlllr-fi'Jr- iafita '!.!';- aii'l I,) -. It lll'lr (-. ari ivr il it I I i fur-. - - :n: ;' i..ii'ir '. -i '',u' fi-ar of ii.'- " i 't i ' ili i: j-l' t-f.-.ji a I aifilii ri'.fi" ti tj'if -iiarr-'l Ij y ii:ui. f-raiil: y, t!.- I'm ,.! nf a fio i!' ir- I'j ! In- fir- a l.'-a;'if r(f ,'a I louh. I i'!; iii;-. I.v 11i- rr jiorl r.f lilS !:- Ill' ii'l.!, v. l-hr.-i lii'ir-ly t j ! Ill'- j'.iin-in i,r ii. fifi'l'.li 1 -. JililiMli,' fn j'lvr- l'r;.l 'I'lif Wll:fl Vr- a li;-T 'l..llHll ili. in ,.. i v ri liim In I'.iflw. All III.- r.tlur l!lr- III tlir- .-i-( Will i-r-li'l li.i ii'l -onir y li-') k'-'l rlr r-jal I'.t aii'i r ll fl'fal r-fli'-inlraiM-r-.1. If i In- I i v I . .t, v. hl' li ill ! imI f! r f a t ii la t lufin afi'l flir- Ii r f . ;o; I Tr-Ili1 lili'l f r I l!l 1 1 ifi IimIIi . n n 'ar'llni' I In- n a-r- nr-;;tla-ti'iii- "If lin y ar- Kin I," naH ii' v.; ian r, "lli' V wi'l nlllv l' In. it. ili- 'Iii 1 1 - v i a ml ; If lli'-v iit-iililii- llnv v.ill 'I l aw.- I n-ilr:if fin fri'u 'lrri.K5." -, ami If v. rli- .rn:ti v. (Ill .t Irraiv 1 1 1 1 r 1 . Hi' I it-i ma us will ! f n ' In li:.ilftti Patirjiu Villa; fiii'l If v.r i-in !. Iffy in .i y fnliow 11m- -xainil'' 'f !;! lifiiaiui llollv.i-n. iiinl liar it In to hrras. !r-ili, wlial ;t uorl'l! State of Ohio. City of Tole.J'), L.UC&S Ccuntr, as. Frar.Jc J. Cheney makes orith that Ii ! seRior partner of tho firm f V. J. Chsney & C., doir.s buineM In the City of Toledo. County ati l Hdttt aforcmild. ar.3 that sa'd flini wilt j y th um of O.'.'E HCNimUD IxJl.LAl'il for each every cs-j of Catarrh tl'at ennnot l-i cur-i Vytheuise ct HAI.lS CATAIHtll HKDicis'iZ. nu.NK J. ( iIi:m;y. Sirora to befor ma nnrl pubs. rilt-l in rsy tr'.-sence. ih'.- Cth t ly of I --erii;r, A. D. Ziii. A. W. GI.KAHO.V. '&r-in .iui:y I'uhlle. flail's Cattrh ;rcrf!Mr"? Ii tnkon in tTsai'r ar.J acsa tl: .-ol; thi- I'lonl on tr.e it jcoj? ?urfi-'3 (: the atum. Si.n4 J'.r te?lr"trial". fr f cin::r.' ." en., Triu,iD. o. P'!'! by al' orue'sr. "yi. tLa-I' rr--J :;!. -r mr.iiMpatton. l-.t Tie J.r.-.' t.;; - a Je. ;a "'i '!'.-, v. j ' i ' he !.. ;;. -. to v. ry;.'j.r .l-a'.' v.- ;.o'Ju"d 1.1;, o f.--.;(( j j l iA. ! 'i I fy!: .'' Tj-. Jy r r-'j t .'.r'r l!f , ' I 'j i-' t -., ' U.ti Ir'iif. iifi-'.u.v t:r-'j r.f j i !.;.; I.:-.-. 1 1 v. j - 'f.!- 'I' 'I ' :. V art- :t .',: I I't ; i ly.fl nf.'J -j;, ' ;.rr-r- a? f:,' : ii''- ry a' 4r1 t-iX'Y !:.. IK a h'. .T i , j Ji-'H ' .'l- f.vMi !k ju-i ' !!.'-.! 'i ; f jl '''.'.j-. f i - Ji'f.'r- ,f.. - :-. t r . i a:,' I .',' ,r C'J ar vi. rir -,r ry r- 't.itti ',J l. ' f: j'V .' f v. K.-i-,!- airr;j!y . J. fl'-fi' r 'I. Tii- y.rnit -'' i,,;( 4 r. r j 1 V f. rj, , ', f,i, y;ir, i I . ;i fj '..,! :. r i J It '-r:. -. t.'.r- Y.riii-:i,',v- rj', ijt ff :i'' ry; ;f v. i ' i i . J.ay '.'.'ly j'. v. ; 111'-- ; i.: i,r it. V.'ljjli- a ..j.'.fy s.',r fi.ay i' o'ir liifi if y i nf- j o' ufi 1: l'j :i li, rJrr.j, ;t v al'iif:," hot fr'A !) yjur fa'- ar."l th-:i rim in tl. Vkifi'l'iV ai!! vlay nt.til lh- "--.:y.i I, ovr-r. 'i' n l'r l.iti;' in Iim r jiort m that H.'-ll-. taiil.-., ratjii'.ii' afirl air frtati'- : i f- ,rr v. '! fr'ifn th' f'riifi Iilliofi4 vM-r i-p'-nf for tl: fnaiMlfarf iff - ,! tj,- Ihlfir-. liiJ' tin- I'f.lfi'l Hfatr.i ha'l to hoirov. lhr-in h'fl fli'-V A' rr- fir-r-cil. 'J h'- li'-ii'fifi iif a iif-ttiir j;rrjar ''Ifi'- i IirrjTain Ix-'-ri ij'-fiiifi- lfatr rjiirin', fh'- ,,i:.f lAi '-ar. Tin- Htfi r 'li -tr 'ar'l r,f t 1 1 r Vat liifi-. of .roniifii-t army im-n ha-i ln-'-n hru;'lif Iif, fin- to many cal h'-arts in I'll .i! ;ili'l riti(-r roiliill'-i all rvr Hi' I'lill''! : a . If llimlr iilmr;: IiimI'. tin- lar k nf frllrlii voliifitarll v f-.low ati'I hr-ivv vrirl-., p'-rliairi II will 1m1j linn lo ifna; liic Hi" Vanl.H ar.- Hill afd r him with liaoiits ami in.iili I in trJ n t. H- win making tr;r l.. r.'.villlv ami i at lfartorily In lor: tin .irinil !' was i-1 ii ! . : o : Ami linl'-'-rl. tin- Miiulf! Tr wiis a r.iiat fiif fj k. UV knr-w !'-frirr-haiiil thai II wmilrl n, v. hen w klifw what larll'-rt hinl Hi'- inatt'-r in harK''. Thr-y nr'Vi-r w-i'- know n to full al anything tlx-y ntnlirlook. 'Ii r 1 .1 nia-t w;ik a tm-rry lini' ami ii in lo IIm-m- lit'lii-H Mi'oil h-hH tli' lill v- iiw our unilr-d IhanUs for tin-IiIC-mI ChrlHinai; t rli hi a I ion tv-r In Ih'- history of 1'l;it f sinoul h. May thr-y injoy u inosl il'ii-;int ami lla'.j.y r'vv v.r. H I In- wish of 1 1: Jonriiiil. :o: Th' old jcar will I null In- non ami lliff now oih- rcvi-ahil. Ac- you ruin;; lo liv ll fli rrtil ly in I If I Ii than you have In I!IS? .'-vv f.,o lutl'itis iirn now in onlir am! you hiivo lint a frw iliiH lo luakr' up your mlfi'l. Von ran lnj a lnllrr man or woinan, hoy or Kill, ami you know It. Tli-h w hy not Mart I ho isi'W y-ar iIkIiI. ami lu-i-p In ilif ji.ilh of rlht, ami flo rl.hl alvtiyi and you cannot lnd hut In hi-tlcr iiMii and wmni'ii. Make a K.ood n-- solvo, and rntlcU lo It. ami you will ! Ilvo a happir-r WUt In JJtl'i. Try It and Kfc. "A V.'h.'e 'l.i.vt:.h..," v. r- Pro;,. ..' ..- d; -.. ira:i.:? to cla-vo and je-ia- 02 ue. .'.r-cO'o Of ?.r- T f . ii t i: :: 7. C;!'i:i't a:.'J o-jio.'.'t ".r: i:;'o ? fc j.'at. Arid th'.'j Ar.'ri'rt J. J. M' r.'j ! 'a! 'rrTort was j:vo l fo '.-.'i.or. -Mri'iM' tl.jr :-.'J h::.cT .:.- y-oj!'l .'rv- V.'.iV):.'. Ar.'i f;.'-n fi..- -.o- rlay, th- f '-t'.hr-fs fhroi'h f . - - !,!;'; f at t ho r it'f.t II.'-f i '!.'- f !' ' ' Af.'il'i I'll 'li' -.v.r-i-j, 1 j ; Uri'.-h fr'.f; ! -A I. 'J t).'. t : fi ';. vi'i:.',l 'iif i.T' .O'i-.r' 'I. Ii . :o-.v t h" i.Iii--. : -i - i iifii;'"-:';' )a.H a;'a.:i '..oi ;;.:. 'J I 'o ha ' h o t- i ; . . :,ry t v r. : r, ;' f rr-vio i - i v '-. i; thr-trj an'J to a;,;-.r with ;.if;'i- a 'ii! hla:. k Lav- l.'-i.o r; !!'-'! u; :i:-iii'i (,;,' f.r- -a:;,' '.- if-0 r -. I Ml tl.'- v. ri?-r, v. l.o forr.i-riy v,-i-rr. j, ii.;? trai. ! 1. oro a.iMj Af,iir!i-4 af- .OA- tr;.i.'.;' to .''-'1 th- '.';;:.ifi l'- .ii-. to liii'-- t i . ;.- f if ;t taki.oi.' l.-ir ii- : :i '. , -' t '.: v. j Jfcf.'l T; A li'--. th--.- t;.. ..,' ',.; projiHa.';'l.f ."-.f- fJiii;-' i;t !y f'-a'i-an- ,tt'i---I y 'livi'i'd ar.-i r.i i -t ir.f-vl'ahiy i-plif af 1 1. - j a o:. fr-r'-r.' I'r-- i'. '.'i!-';fj, th- i:r- i-iiyir.'j'. hai ti,u.- lo K'jro;a- t -' fh-;.r- t(;- Kfit'-ji''- IfiW-r-i.iili- pi.i.'if.rt) ij phiV, v. hlf-.'s ; .' ro'Jfi'l S'iiff;!' af.'JO.'ii: f I. '!!.- ' I v ti 1' P'..l i'ii'l fr'i-h i riiiiiuy. If th'- l.ifi'h r-.Ttr ii payifi at !h- t'-fitiOfl j! IIHJ-' h- pliifi to rlolI'-'-f fnlii'I that thi' '-i i'Ti:ian ' oplfrrt ii f It y. rr;:if: v i:jij -f ; i fool ijllih ' A iii'-ri'-an . tjr-r-fnafiy inn f flatf',- t!i" A rn-ri'-:s r vanity, i-', t,n tii- A iii'-rifa fi i.r-f-i and ftiitV" ' Arii' rif ati h l.f-v- 1, -'ah li'-f'iff;'- tn- world arhi'rr h htaii'lin;; lii;l wi-i-ii Jr-r;ii.ifiy iiiul j j -f if-. lO-rhaps ii f la: s i-o rUlid r-yi-d to hiiV'f' hr-i-fi lififr- dt-r-i yi-d h.V t hr- ,. Ir-fir hf-rH hi i-impl" r -iifutU to '"' 'If rr-lvr-d Jij'aln Hut it M-'ff!S proh ahlf th'-y vill '-vi-nt ually l-aru fha' whiitrv-r 'livi ion f h r may h' amon;.' Mi" Alli,w. th'-ri- I n - n - oo on" j.fiitif at I'-a-if. Afid th:it poin: foiif-riiH what 1h lo In- ihim- ' tl-riiii ii y. 'rh- kinl-r;'arf '-m-rs wil' liml lhr Alli'-d uiiiinluiity on that point oil" of th" InoH pitififill rl'Tiir.f -s-trationx they h.-iv y t. '-x ptrirnri-d K. f. .Star. :o: - -- No a hiif k to Im-iii'-m. : o : Ih-in th" m-w y-iir rij;hl. : o : - Mayor S-Ii m-ldi-r nnidr- a ..-pl'-mli'l San l,t Cliiirf. Th" kids r.ot whiit llii'y w.intirl a Whil" ", l i.Hmii-;. :o: A in'i our hys wr-r'- ;;oin: lo I-'ra ii"'-. N'oxv lh".v arc inniiii hriinr-. In the year a v.natr r Ihinr has iilipp'-md Ihiin w 1 1 1 -;t r 1 1 ' ' r-ould i-oinr- to pass, a yi-;ir nv.n. Th" war I; oir. ami plorlouviy over. Th" hlack cloud th;it I lirrat'-m il our friM iloni iiml our civilization a v-ar iiKo lias horn ilj.-p"lhd hy lh" sun hhlfio of firarr- p'-iicf; on "arlh. Kood will In nun. It. i.-i not tho thii" to dwell it pf n our l.arnlirap-1; it', ii Unit' to jilory in our iidviinl iiyA. W'o'll hiivr- () roim-dy lh" III III! l"ofl i.OIJI" till)", tO h" hlll'l', hilt Wl-'vr J'.ot h'l liilifh Mi look llpfill that Jh lovely ami lino that it dtivr- away lh" i ii,illl,ruh. and (ill. n with i hor-r. That Hu rt' h;uc h r :i illi-.iippolntni 'nls ami hitter norrow i hoyond I ho run of yrai H I:. Iruo. Whilr llto Krojtt majority of tho liojH wlii wenl In France lire :oin Iiik hoiii", tiomo of I In in an' not (online homo. Hut Hint hutow i crowned wilh a ;;lory thai removes tin hi I ii? ol' dfiilh and robs Hie Kravo of lis victory, when we oon liidor Hie caiiKO In which (hoy fell. ar?r r-.i j-.-ri y 'I ;'.-'. so:;, ar.'i 'arr:- J hy :f (j ';.' VOfr-'j a ? 1 r r ; i l r ' .'., apj.rovr.'l t h '-:..' . 1 1.'.' i :. ' ': '.. l : ' ' r f.o-:, !;k!y f?.a- 2o f vo'f-d h;i'' :. ) ::. '-:if ;or: ?. I V.?.':; !.';.- :;.ark'-'i. ll i it too i. -. r. J fro.'i; :.; .a ,:.'. y ' ; .' r. of ! i. : - .-, r '-;'h-r had hir'h jr. A:;.' a .'. - ,o-. r.,i- h.;.' 'o r' . :. ) r ; i n ' i r - tv- f' l!. ;rii!;;v f ,r,-, , l iii !.v- a vo:'" ; : o.;r :.'r ':' i'.:-. - r-o r-. f.r ' !," v.-; I.'-,- 'if :.''hra-i a:.- ;:i i.-V.:. . ;';.. f ri. for h - ;. :;i-.' f In. . .'or w : f h t h ii'j:;'.r riisf--i-i ar. i --.; ;' i-i ;'!; JiV.' !y tiia' f .'.-r ' ii'! hr;v- ! '-:. 'r i ';om- or.fjo- -'i'.ii oo .- part if --or.'.-- for;.-.-rjy .'rr:r. i;ah!: fo-n-"-. to t -, H j- pv-o i f rt ! ;f- w . ;t-l, X'U.', v- . o it yr-:-: x'r-r.f , tl ir.o:a::f a-f:o;;. j part If-, pat io.-i in tl.o- frarif !.;-. A' .- :i y ra'f- i' ri-niov-r. th' - ii. fro: i j .... .... I P .rrir.pitt ion ui.Tii Ji,-- ran roar rra r-: .of o pa--: t l.'r oi-'r;' r ';;,- '- ' '.i. ; ;.a f ,o :i - . of ;-. - k a t'i' iMily I'r -:. :o: 4 GOOD WILL TO MEN." Th r- '- or fou r ': r. n;: f 1.'- v a r a o f '-r.' si, h r rl . ' :j p!i r:: - .- II ' t r-'i 111 '! v t o i"- I'-!: " f-f '.'.rii. "i.i -. k 1 1 -.';r!d i;if" for t,;o' r;i' P',r. if ; i'. t il.:'- a hy IT' t 'I'I:! '.',i-ot.. 1:;-. i j o-1 1 f'taaf"'! t iiOi: -a f. '1 r,! witt.i-r wiiirh Lis hf'.-offj" f'in.!li;;r Fr'-n' h f:i'- i to iii! A in'-rifi'. n -. and .'.-rr- iii'- '.or'l- of 'Jr-ii'-r.-il i ' r -1 j i t i h" pl;if:-fl a wr'-ath "fi t h 'ofah ,t I.'ifayi f (-. All oratir;M v. ;. j i ..;,' ii 'l, loj' h" only said: "Infay - J tf'-; wo hav- romo." '.'h n th ' i'-r::..ii) i had -ma -hod t ii rou ;.' ;i thf l;riti h ;-nd I f'-iic'i lim . until thoy" within t h i rt y-n i : fnih-s f I'iirjy, and one of their loi. rfti' i' u n. i wan id ready -h liiin: Hio city, tji-neral Fo'di i'.id: "They shall no' p.i -: ," and h" k"p: iiU word. Uu' if all such phraro-. th" r i: that .ill probably live th" loii;i-f w -iMirn-il'-u (iri:.t i-ai'l: "!. ' '; -la vi- pi are." That i lh" d- il': rf tho whole wr.rld now, and they hope that th" rhivrt of iiiilitary autr, . rat', iif" r-tl'l' d for vr r. Th" who!': world rr pi ills :tt this '!;ri-trn ": lini", Willi it rroiti-r lit i 1 1 than evr hi I'orr', Hi" word: "1'l.are r.!i earl'l and mood will to ni'-n ." I! i J phliiH" 11. at has been r p' atr d al this f-cason or th" year for nearly twenty c nt uri'-s. 1 -.-- will sooi In: declared, hut th" other and mo-i important pari of Hi" phrase, ";;o id will." .Hill rr iiiniin to b" reali.r-d. World Herald. :o: Hid you hiiiu; up your .Hocking? Seerel ary l);iiiids nays in his an niial report that America will mel i l.irr.rT iiiivy under the League ,( Nations. And at th' s;imo lini" th" heaKtio f Nations is lieiiitf iirK-d is a iiK'ans to the end of armament, reduction. :o: When tlr-rniany bo;an th'- w'iir shf: expected to pay her war expens es from i nil ' iti nil ion of Hie conquer ed count ric- Shu linds liow evir thiit ; he lias tint only h'-r own e penses, but tho Allies al-:o pih'd up Iif.r. :o:- Th" v.rkoiiio acennhd President Wilson in Franco, and Himland is tho' fcreatost ever siccordcl t n"V American. II is now in order for the sarcaHIc now.spn pers rif tin? east and a lew in I lie west to et in t h ; i r work against I'rosident Wilson. H"t they won't be able t accomplish anything. Wilton is the ureutost man in the world today and. th" peoplo in all countries are acclaliu- f.-r! bv t inj? I ho fact. o Xi Mi & Mi These Young Men are Celebrating Their Return to KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES. ti HERE are tliousands proud to wear Uncle has been won they are dressing in the right clothes to meet the opportunities of the great times that are coming. These men will find that our stocks of suits and overcoats are large and varied If you want good clothes you will get them here not excuses. $20.00, $22.50 $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 IP "33 DUBIOUS DELAY. Or;r- wonders if there i- :,' b-s: e p.-di' :ioy fhaii i'l-'-n'iity i'i the rdan to keep more than a million American t-oldier- posted in JI.:rop :.trl if the task of pr at tran'-oort problems is ts f.:ll of lu-r:'. as -retary Daniels professes. The w ar is ovor Favo for count -ln? Hi" chips. Th' ferman army is in it sad state of unrepair, and tho German navy is in the hands of Ike alii":', teetering between '! 1-s'd u ; .ion and drowning. Contrary to the reulatioiis of a popular war rhapso, wo rio not want "a piece of tho Kbine." Then what's th" delay? Is Secretary Daniels misinformed when ho talks of transport defi ciency? Th" Ki'eat mass of the army was transported to France in the period br t ween lato March and Oc tober. Daniels savs it will r quire a year or two to return tho men sent abroad in a few months. Dis cursive, as habitually, and avoiding any informative processes, tho t-a c relary" fails to explain that ships are daily fcoinf? eastward with car ,ms and rolnrnin:-? westward empty; and yet there is no room for sold iers! Ami tho delay is rosily; for a transport service is necessary to provision the million or more how cheaply some things may bo had. As for Hie names brought out in the- testimony of Mr. Uielaski, not one. but. many arc; American. Fort unately not all of those he mentions net d bo supposed to have had rela tions with the German secret ai?- nts. Indeed, in connection with .uen like Albert llnshnell Hart ami a few others any idea of coopera tion with the German cause seems ridiculous. The mere fact that the fori it?n betrayers had a man on their lists means nothing. There exists more tangible evidence in all cases where the suspicion sticks. The Allies have discovered plans Hie (Jertnaius had made for a prodig ious air rai'I on Pnrls. some time last summer, in which thirty-five planes were to have dropped incen diary bombs on the city, and when .... -r , -i x ' r j i i -i 'ss at i. j r 3 iiul ' M Ti iTiw a! tiff' like them all over the country. Sam's uniform when the call crowds collected thirty-fire more were to have followed, bombing the , . . , ueipje-is people. nils fiaia tvtni, , . 4 however, wa.s postponed, owing to a death in one of the royal provincial I, .t, i,.un. , Jinn nobility went into mourning. IJefore the mourning period was ov er tho war had ended. :o: If all the President's European visits are to be returned in this country, won't we need a new Cabi net department a Secretary of En tertainment? And maybe thereby wr hhall find the solution of that problem about Presidents. disppsing of ex- - The fact that Turkey is nation ally bankrupt is lamentable. Were it not for the added fact that Ger many is her principal creditor the incident would be actually sad. - 1 . h m 4 .rm A . , ..... -- - - - - " I.r IAS, (HIMV. in i.,e mailer m i ne ;i ion ii,) i ion m Tlerirv .MKiKe, administrator, for license '. i-al estate. ,i.i,i-.i. it .--iiFfc i .ii i-j. Now-, on this 23th day of November, ... .iii.- ...i..-- ...m .'ii i . i ii.fti it;: iiioii tiie petition, under oa t n nt llei;!-.- Snoke, administrator of the es tate' of l-'.l jfi Let h Sumner, deeeased. I myitis for license to sell the follow-. i; deseiil.ed real estate of said I'.lia- l.'l'i S;::::nf r. d'-cf.-ised : Lots Four 4, l-ie and Six ('".). in IMock Twenty lii-. i j:: i of the- 'illacre of lOaRlc. favs r'oiinty. Ne!irask;i. or a. siifTli.-ient imonnt thereof to briiifr tho Hum of ? t.-::.iiu. I," the payment of debts al lowcil ayainst said estate, iinil allow- : li'-es and costs of adin inist I a I ion for i.i" reason that there is not a sufl I- i i- ni aiiioiini o i personal properly in the possession of said llwirv Snoko. 'iniiiiislialor. iioiriniciiicr lo said rs- I - I . . I,. ...... ...-.1.1 ..llni.-n..n.. .....1 ... ... I'rt. iini u in.--, aii.fnail. , '.-I tl(-il ,sts. I If Is I heretor" ordered that all per- Fu:i 1 1 1 1 i i i i'i iti rii'i I'MJiit; HiM't'ar i before me t chambers ft. the fiti- f i i iniv i . l, .-.itiwA .... r.-. i....-ii.. Plattsmoiith in said county, ori the Htlilncw and untried. I-JV tf In li llu l-l' Ik 1IIIO .. 11.. I of 't. ri o f io k'a." m.. to' show- cause, if any there be. why a license should not I.e. started to said Menry .Snoke, ad tn i n I.-Irsi t or. lo sell so much of the above described real estute of said dci-eoer, t its shall be necessary to pay said dents and expenses. It is further ordered that a ropy or this order le served upon all persons i. i. ... i i. i.i . . . .... ....... u, I" ,,0" ,,;.., ,u veek for four successive weeks in tho 1 in .louriiai a. new sjia pi-i poo-i. i I. shed and printed in said county of I J.V.MI.S. I. Hl-.itl.l-. . I 5-twks Judsc of the District Court. mitici:. V.....l...l i.i'i t l-ltl III. ri.i'i. Iviwl hv I the county t in k of Cass county on or iM jnre noon January 1st, l'J.'J, tor rur- nishliitr the foilowirnr Hooks. Hanks ami siationery lor said county during the year or I'.iiii: CLASS , IfUUKS 1-s uu ire Chattel Mortgage Kecoru i . . I .. a.? knt.,1 I I ' I" .... I Tax Lists Kecoids Willi labs yeariSlJ a tviuuey reuieuy P.i is i printed head) 1-S Millie nied. Deed Kecord (printed p;iK-e). 1-8 uuire ined. Deed Record (loose leaf). WMW They were proud to wear came and now that victory ti l- 'i!i:r- me,. Mortgage IiecorJ , rrinte pagf-i. p .i V.t-or iio'.,e i:-x me.. M'jrtsat-e Iseorr'? loose If-af). Ji-k ,,,jire .;(fn-ra! Index to Leed3 h.s o'-ire r;r,era! index to Mortgap s i- re '-if -1. Ii''jlji4te J- Co. ' pr:ntoi pajei. All reeorrJs to be extra to.jr..! of X.. 1 kinen Ledger .apcr, V.r-n Wes ton s Ir?er Pa par or 'tit;n0's Ledger paper. CLASS K STATION KRV. Han.',"--. No. j, p.r pros.--. Penholders. No. i"27s. per dozen" Writing KO.iii A mold V, per rjuart Kra. ors. No. 101. Kaher s- wr Hn,i.n I Kstahrook'-- No. f'ts pens-, per sro j,,r. i i ir j.nveiopes, .no. 10 1-4 I )iick. per 1'0. IKstat.rf.ok'f No. 79 pns, per gro Congress Ti" Knvelopef, No I'i 1-4 thick, w-r ifirt '" Co.isrffs Tie Lnvelopes No jn-- thiik per l'.'.j. ' " Mus.iiase. Carter's Arabian i.t ouart on'w. T;e Lnvelopes, No. 10-1, thick pel t - -t. I'l-nison's Notarial Seal No. CI, per Jfti Congress Tie Knvelopes. No. 10, Z-i. f-nr Ifllivirff r.Aw. .1 Penholders. No. 1 frown r- r..,. .... - 1 - " -o. 1,1)1 pens, per trro.--s. vunies tie i.nveiooes. No. to ..t thick, 100. Pencils, velvet. imt floyen I:Ul'lox Uan,!s aSf?"'tcfJ, No. 100. per Kei rit Inir Fluid, per ri'iait. waiHip onis must he tnnrb. ... ..,,.!, "i fii'j'iifs in i hp estimate, j no commissioner. reservn tin ri-ni ...... I . . ..... ----- ...v..0.v I .1 . " ".' ' C . , "I" li f II' I I I l... rt,l.n...j ... . . . KVerk ,V.i im-T ked" Vr . ' J, "U 7 " li.ooKs. liiaflKS anil Stal nnirv I Hidders must tile e-ood udh' sufii, ;n I bond for tlie fuiilifni ..rr,..-r., . iineir eon i ra ct. I lUds will be opened the firH meetln- i ' iiii manual . FHNK J. LFniiKSHAL.. .. County Clerc. DON'T BE MISLED iiattsmouth riti7Pn: Shmilrl Read l tt J mi J miu Xieeu AI11S 1UV1CC. IrI,l . . . . I rviuii"y iiuuoiu is uiiiii'iuus ctuu often fatal. : A 4 i . 1 eA pel I meni, will! t,ouieiniUjJ lTs tested kidney remedy. necin with bnan's Kidnev Pills Used in kidney troubles 50 years. Recommended here and every where. A Plattsmoiith citizen's - state- went forms convincing proof it's local testimnnv it ran be , . investigated l-Vlwurd Afartin T.ioel.iniwl 1 4110 . " " ' . ine hi., says: "Whenever my kiu- neys get out-of fix or act irregularly -j hnT nf TV-i n o TVidnotr l i 1 f sz re neves ine irouDie. uccasionany my M,ar.i, Kfarta nohinrr hut it ronntro-i - " only a lew doses or IJoau s Kidney t:iic i i;,,. ma ' '" - Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't J.t. , 1- l.tJ 1.. get. Doau's Kidney IMlIs the sam that Mr. Martin had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ti ti ti ti ti & ti ti ti ti ti ti & ti & tf ti ti ti ti & ti ti ti i