The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 30, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Get busy with a botuo of
Dr. King's New Discovery
at once
Cou;li3, cc.Ms ar.J broac!;.-1 attscta
i.'icy are all UkIy to result in danger
ous ifivTr.iaths unless checked in tir.c.
And how quickly Dr.
lung's Kcw Discovery helps to do the
chcclir-g v.crk! InSaaied, irritated ere soothed, the mu.cov.3
phlrm loosened frcJy, nd quiet,
tCitf :l clerp fellows.
All Jru Utsluvc it. Soli cincs 1ZC0
Concti-satlon Emacipcition
..3 more
rTibar.irr-inT breath, when ycj use as a
ir. Kifr's New I-ife Piils.
They s'tcm-itic2 the sFte uad keep
If. 3
Somewhere :n France. Nov. '22 1I)1S
To the Editor of The Journal:
I hope you won't be shocked when
joiireoeiv e this letter, for not
Laving, lived in I'lattsinotuh for sev
eral jcirs ;' rhaps you will not ie-
ill jist who I am. However. I am
taking the privihge of writing you
of sonic of my experiences and pleasure--
: hue I h it the State.-.
Our trip across, although very
I. w;,s a splendid experience of
i M.i.iTi'iis curiosities. We were on
Ki:li. I; l oaf, which to our esti
at i'rst sigh was entirely
. ru ill to cro-s the big pond,
i! .vr. owing to fair weather we
.:;ieii in Liverpool safely. After
.avlug :l.e loat we walked about
squares (which in the States
..- ordiuiry Id -ci-st to a rest camp.
iv. tay at !h r st camp vis
v-ry . ir. for -n the following
'? !:: ve were entrained on an
: ii-;, !i . i : i 1 . which in eompa-i-
cur fa-i t-e.n-- ir. the States.
Id r;:.:ni you f' an ark. This
::.; L:erpe .i took in the
1 r' ' i. rt a of t .';t day. arriving
. r ha:. : ;! sundown. p.
I i'in- you .:) idea of the
,t!. . the s-.:t r days in Kn.;-
. r.
.; 'T..l i':ys were spent here.
i ;.' : ;g!t -seeing, as you know
. :r;o.!s the Yankees are. On
it Southampton we were put
..! ;.:. anei.-M side-wheeler.
... r: -.; u ' to the shores of
'." ,i
;:: 1:.: i th.- i.o-ior of riding
: : . r Vul!iuan. These box
r . r ry i : : l r 1 1 1 from those
-!-. i:ca. They are of ten tons
;..) '. i !ol.! forty homines
:':!,( chavi . ; (v.hich in French
;' ti or c-iaht horses ) .
.!! i:?:aei;ie u- i.akini; this oar
1 '!
t'-r ? I r. e !
They fed tis
tor the sctn
i itilul. At our
billeted in the
'..i a e r. atid
v .i very
.i i i"ti w e were
!:! l'! villaue thai
ev.-r iiiiaui'ie exi.-tel.
. stayed for several weeks
o.:r full quota of trucks
tuces: tv equipment. W'e
eti tt'li to ieave here
T j ;:rrive ;ti J h e front in
lint ii;4 American
! iron t!i"ii oil we have
eo ever : ince.
j".;t e t r- mi la: t ha.-:
h: .i: ;.: up ar.d I have
ii.: l v i i : : i t s for some
ot i piint.; of these vil
t.ortiy rats and cooties,
!ie. latter are the most
: . i: reminds me
i.i:t'-t:i and in
cf l!. .'ii.i re:-!
We wish to extend
Ut our customers and friends the
compliments of the ieas-on and to
one and all we hope the year to
come may bring peace, prospeiity
and happiness.
E. G. Dovey i
spections we bav very frequently,
a little poem written by a brother-;
in-arms will explain the only cure;
I have found.
Sleek little, sly little slippery louse
That in my shirt has set up house.
You live in Kory revelry
And never cease your deviltry
Until my nails couch an attack
Around the region of my back.
Hut you can't always hide or fly
Deyond the region of my eye.
For neither fold nor sheltering seam
t'an save you frotu a bath of
steam !
The branch of service that I am
in is a motor truck train and al
though I haven't had the experience
of going "over the top" I have been
under German shell fire many
This has given me the oppor
tunity of seeing the splendid work
of the doughboys, and of all the
sights I saw in the Argon ne forests
and along the Mouse has more than
convinced me that Sherman was
Will not try to relate any of my
have to be here and live them to
appreciate what an honor it is
be a representative of our
great !
1 am sorry this is so late reach -
ing you. but owing to military re- !
strictions it was impossible to write '
,i.. ' i,itt-i,! tn von no until
Wishing voti and the readers of
vour popular paper a Merry
mas and a happy New Year. 1 am
r. '.-pec' : fully yours.
t'ompany D. lOSth
gatle. Anurican
Li. tcoln. Ghristmas Day, 1!US.
To the superinteiulents. staff and
i!iiiityi's in general of the vari
ous state institutions with winch
I have to do. Greeting:
Oa this day of glad da vs. when all
the civilised world stands uncovered
in the- presence of a sweet memory
that carries far back to the birth
of a iittle child in a lowl manger
- when h.-arts are attune with the
prorp-.ets so bright that al titae-i
or.e alir.ot forgets the sable nighs
of th- past - permit me. a worker
among you. to thank you most kind
ly fur your splendid cooperation
during the year that has Mown. Nor
can I let the old year die without
saying to you, collectively and in
dividually, that if a single act of
mine has grieved you. I am sorry,
and I trust that as the days of the, year, so soo n!o be gien birth,
come and go, we may each be an aid
to the other in bringing about those
things that will redound to the
credit of all cf us. and at the same
time meet the full approval of those
whom we serve --- the citizens of
the grandest stale of the union of
itate--- Nebraska. Sincerely yours,
t'r.iiii Tlo.rsila v'. Dallv.
Last Tuerday evening on the V
lr.ted train, Earnest Iliittcry and
Will Newman, seam;.!! in training
at ( amp Siim. at the Naval Train
ing Station, at San Francisco, ar
rived here, having a ten day fi:r
iauuh. in which to visit their rela
tives and friends. They started for
home on Saturday evening, and ar
rived here on Tuesday. making
thrr" d)-. -; for the trip. Tiiey found
'iiD'v II the way aero--; the coun
try. Th"V will :;;end tiie time with
friends here, and will return to
their t ra'n iiiu in : w.d; or so. Tlicv
! -l vi
no idea a.; io whtn they will
the school.
& Son
jl was so tired that it was a hotel out a couple of the boys on a scout
Makes Most Interesting Story of the to m The next day we located ing trip thi safternoon and they are
Way Over and Doings ill the seme pretty fair buildings, as it was going to try to buy some chickens,
Eattle Line. 'a Gtrman camp, and we stayed lure apples, etc., but I doubt if they can
I until Saturday, October 2t. moving et anything as the people here are
urai'i :';.rw: d. and litis time in a short of food. I was lucky today as
r.rricourt. France. Nov. '22, 1 ! 1 S. t woods near Gucsnes. staying here I yot in on some prune pie. I have
Dear Dad: 'Now that the war is ulltil October :il. when the Argo?:ne a good stand-in with the cooks, so
over and the censorship is lifted. I .ieuse drive started. In this cann we generally try to get some fruit
am going to start in and tell you j ve were shelled quite often, and and have a little extra on the bill
about my trip since leavine New j ,lUM1 were killed by shell. We of fare. We are only about three
York. W'e came over on the steam- j started out in the reserve of this kilometers from the Kelgian line
shin P.altic. an English passenger j ,;rjVe and move out on November which is less than two miles. I un-
(,,'ltiat. and landed in Liverpool on
J"1 l" at ,u-
We stayed ti i
boat that night
nd unloaded
next morning, then we Te
i . .i : 1 .....l.t .i l i.-
1 l.i-!.rl I r 'I I tltl I in l .lit .t.i.
h'aiit u on trains ;
I'mally landing in
w i sere
we stayeit lor a rest
training, leaving lure
and hiking to S-eitii-
a little
amp' on. w m re we were loa-u u on
a boat and left at ! p.
across t lie i
English channel and landed at La
Ha vre. France at f-: ! a. m. We
Dri-'hiketi about three miles and stayed
over night at a rest camp. The next
j day we pounded through La Havre
ami on to the railroad station ami
v.e;e loade.l into compartment
coa.h"s and on the t wenty-.-ixt h day
of :he month v. e landed a Lefol La
Grande, slaying overnight and tlun
hiking to Grand the next morning.
We spent a month in Grand, train
ing every day. The band played
concerts in AlianviHo and at Hiarch
envilie. small villagts and about
two miles aptuM. We stayed until
August tMrd and then we moved
in trucks to Frondes, ttaying tlure
iv.ii il.ivs, and then hiking to An-
soi'.vilie ami relieved ih-' Ei'
second Division and took over
lit v-
Tog! seel or. We l st about ."U0 I.-' n
on tiie h-vet th of At:g;ist in a lig
gas a.ltack and it is claimed that the
Germans, shot over l.'oo gas sh lis
in:o a small area. Most of our nu n
just came baek within ihe last few
weeks, having been in the hospital
died and some are still in the hos
pitals. We had plenty of excite
ment while in this sector a-- t
(?;ri.;a:i aeroplanes tame' over reg
ularly on bombing exuetiit ions and
after our observation baloons. They
burned up three of our baloons in
one day. They generally came over
'the l.aloou: at a great height and
love do,-, n. tiring phosphorous bul
let; from a machine gun at the
bal!oo:i. causing it to cath on lire
and burn up. We stayed on this
front and went over tiie top on the
morning of Septouber 12 in the big
St. Mihiel drive which straightened
out the salient. We linally located
in Leny. which was about one and
o:i half kilos fro.. i the front line.
Ogr regiment had advanced this far
:!' l as holding the line.
Ifi g'mcTital headquarters was --!
tablishcd at l!t nv and if was sniv a
it was shelb-d all t h
time and before we left most of the1 cleaning- up the town and get-
buildi'igs wn-e lorn up by si"di .jr;. jting new equipment hero and expect
Wo moved to the woods near En-:' move Sunday to Germany to oc
vozin for a few davs' rest on S i,- I cujiy duri ng t lie artnist it e. I thought
tember 22 and moved back again to
Deny on September '2'J. I didn't like
ihny very well as I had to keep too
close to the dugout, and believe nm.
I- consider myself mighty lucky as
men were killed by shells every
day. We couldn't have any lires in
the daytime and no tratlic was al
lowed; everything was brought up
after dark. We were relieved on
Ihe eighth of Oetober by the Thirty- '"no good thing. I will be home some
Kee-eourt. stayed there until Oclo-' 1 '"' Unit's some satisfaction,
seventh Division and we moved to D i- s'""e a relief to have it quiet
ber and then we moved to the ;i:'d no more of the fear of shells. I Woods, staying over nie'it "in still top sergeant of the company
and moving the next morning a few hut I piny with the band as they
kilo.s forward and camping on a have been . giving concerts here
hill near Appionville. It was very every day.
disagreeable lure, as it rained al-' .YM. this b- ;:n exceptionally long
must every day and the mud was a h'tlc-r Rir me to write, so I guess I'll
foot d'-ep and sleeping- on damp a " il "finis."
ground in a little two by four tent l,;st regards to till my friends and
is not very pleasant. On Sept em- '-'U them I'll celebrate the Fourth
ber 20 wo moved forward about four in l latts. Wishing you all a merry
kilometers ami located overnight on hrii.t mas ami a happy "New Year,
a hill and in a shed that was shot vith love to all,
full of holes. I tried to find a dryi
spot for a bed and in the morning' Sapogne. France, Nov. 27, 1'JlS.
I vsork up all wet. as it was raining Well, wo are on our way lo Ger
all night. Oh. I tell you it's a great many. We left Ihiricourt on the
life, but people in the Stales w here j f wcnty-fourl h at S a. m. and hiked
it's comfortabl; never realize vIntj'o Steuay, arriving there at 1 p. m.
we have to go through here. At the jit w::r-: abaut a 17 kilometer hike,
present time I'm sleeping on a sittlojWe stayed there overnight, leaving
straw and it's the best bed I've had j the m ' xt morning. Stinay. is quite
in month.-. je l'Tge etv with several factories.
And the other day I took a bath hotel-' and huge buildings. D. is
I with ihe aid of a bucket and a
sponge the first bath in four
v.erd.s. No wonder the fellows get
lousy! .Most of the fellows com-
plain of 'having cooties, but as yet
I haven't had the pleasure. Dut to
.e:o on with the story: W'e moved
ihc uext morning to a woods about
one and one-half Uilou west of Ho-
nute,ne; here we located in a ganu-
ine camp. I'd found a good old log
house w ith a stove and some wire
bunks, had a good lire and got my
t-iothes dry and was thinking how
lucky 1 was landing a comfortable
place and how I'd enjoy .sleeping,
when at !) p. m. that evening we re-
ceived orders to move
back. So we
I started out and tramped in the mud
through woods until '2 a. in., and
ihr.t night I slept in an open sited,
,:r. - !. and believe me. there was sure
j, lent v of excitement, as it seemed
ti,at ariiliery was
ill! g
t ho
V. t o ,
a wa v
every w hero
a ion,.
ight 'ti
loeaicd t!ia
a i
t .i
a !'.t!
dead Germans and American,
horse- were Iving all. around.
:aefl again the morn i n -
it was the same from then on. dead
in A merice ns. horses, am.uu-
nitioi!. tii-j !.uie:. every w in r".
W;' slaved in the wood- again over
night. I happened to lind a cor
fcriaMe dugout with a :t-ve but
was c.lled at J a. n, to move again
as the next morning our regiment
ahead again and lhat nighl we
took over the lines. So we mov-d
stayed in Faille . W'e were !) lie;
all along this trip and had plenty
of -xcit ement . The next evening
we moved to Leauehur and : tayed
there until November S. On No
veii:! r 1. when we ot into !5eau
claii.i. I had (barge of a ration
carrying detail of about leO men.
ami we earrb'd rations to the men
holding the line i:i a s'rip of woods
about four kilouu-ters northeast of
iteauLeu. The Gore: tn had blown
theju;, ;l ;.;,d h.ol blocked the
roads !- cutting down largo trees
aero. ; ti;e roads, so the only way t ho j
food (ouid bo gotten up was by be-
ing carried, so we carried up corned !
beef, hardtaol. -Mid jam. (.-:!'-. and
MUar. Tins is all we liad eo oat;'"" 'l"-"" w,..:,.v,. ....... ... ....
from November I until November f. i u tol1 ,,v to receive the German
.s v.-v- eouldti t buiid tires in lhe;':,,t ,"" il !la1 b i e u previously ar
daytime. if we were lucky enoug ii j r:! ni;i ',l ,h:U ,he" sluniM surrender,
to iind a Mm ,' at night we eou'.d ; 'A hu h ,lll'-v ,U'1- Tlu'v wt're ,our-!n-e
:ome hot eoifee. On November j 1 ron irst-class ships (eight battle
S the raptain and rnvself moved tolf,,iI'-s :u"1 six hattle cruisers), eight
Ltinovillo and along this trip i
w hen
I bad mv narrow e-ca.e. lv -
i .
in a dif-h for about half an hour
v. lr!
t ae siu i
with, mud all over wo. e j'ast got
to stav in Luueville for a few- mfn-
i utes and w i i
ordered back to Dean-
lieu. I didn't regret tin's move as
jit wa". mightv ho' in the town. It
was i-helled continually, and I was
might y glad to go back where the
shells were not coming so thick.
We stayed in Deauclair until the
armistice was declared and then we
j moveit lorwari! to l.eaunlau I- arm,
about seven kilometers from Lune-
villo. Here we stayed for a couple
''' d:iys and then moved btick hero
to Daricoiirf. Wo have been drill-
that wo wore going back sooti. but
it don't look that way now, as I ex
pect v. e w ill be about the last to
leave. Wo are in the Third army
with the Firs), Second. Third.
Fourth. Fjfih. Twenty-sixth. Thirty-second.
Forty-second, Eighty
t'inth and Ninetieth Divisions which
on, prise the tinny of occupation, so
i twill be "hike" from now on. lint
entirely abandoned, just a few civil-
h'.ns left, and is occupied by soldiers,
We left at StoO a. in. and hiked
attain about IS kilometers and ar-
rived at fapognc nt 2:30 p. m. and
we are resting here at the present
time and expect to t;o on the latter
part of the week. This is not a very
la rue village and juut a few civilians
are left here. We had a welcome
.-ervice in the village church last
night and the padre told us his ex-
perience:; w ith the (Jermans. lie said
that the people here were from the
north and were brought here from
captured towns by the Germans. He
told many sad stories about the bar-
barons treatment by the Germans.
We expect to celebrate Thanks-
giving tomorrow, but there won't be
any turkey and cranberries. I sent
der-,tand t hat we are going on into
Germane and oecupv some large
occupy some
town until peace is signed; then we
v ill he sent home. I'm sure anxious
! i baek. and I know now that
i: w::'t be long. With love to all,
I'ri.K.vs l':iilv
j .i. ". Hotter of the Northern Wyo
ming Oil Co. force, received the fol
lowing letter last week from his son,
i w ho is on the F. S. S. Texas:
I . S. S. Texas. Nov. 2 2, ID IS.
J J ' er Father: I a:u writing you
itl.i letter t b-t you know that the
(censorship rules are abolished so I
'can tell you a lot of news.
; We left New York January :i0.
ir.nd arrived at the Orkney Islands,
m-rth of Seoiland .on February 11
an.! for
laid there a couple of months
chased around in the North Sea
the Germans a few times, then
came down to Kosvth Hay, Scotland,
whore we now are.
Wo went out with the Kritish
lb et at 4 a. m. Thursday and gen-
j t hev
cruisers and fifty destroyers;
i"" ;;,M' s.,i i euuei eu sunma-
' rines. Wo came back running
j ;tlot:gside of their line of hips at
I about a.U'M vards distance when we
I got into the Firth of Forth wo then
1 1 '" ,n :i,)0,lt 1 -v;ir,,s- 11,1,1
we got a very good view of the cap
tured ships.
They were pretty good ships, be
lieve me. and I bet they hated to
give them up. Of course it was only
about half their battleships but we
got the best ships of the whole
bunch. Now about our fleet. The
l.ritish Grand Fleet has about eight
squadrons of dreadnaughts and
three squadrone of battle cruisers.
There are five ships in our squadron
the Vow York (the flagship!, Texas.
Arkansas. Wyoming and Florida. I
could tell you the names of the l!rit
i.;ii ships but it would take up too
much space. The Queen Elizabeth
is the flagship of the fleet. Admiral
Keatty is the Kritish Admiral and
High Senior.!.
The fleet has been reviewed twice
by the king and queen of England.
The his! time was the day before
we took over the German ships. We
were tilso reviewed by the king and
queen of Ilelgium at the same time
as first reviewed by King George.
We went to Norway to convoy
duty in April and sighted several
subs which we promptly fired on.
We have sighted subs nearly every
time wo were out because we were
not far from the German Naval
Well, dad, I guess I will close and
tell you the rest when I get back.
Your loving son,
V. S. S. Texas.
For Croup.
"Gham'ici Iain's Cough iicmedy is
splendid for croup," w riles Mrs.
Edward Hassctt, Frankfort, N. Y.
"My children have bpen quickiy re
lieved of attacks oT thi;; dreadful
complaint by its u:to." This" remedy
ccntains no opium or other narcotic,
nd may be given to a chili as con
fidently as to an adult.
Now is the Urn to join tV. W.-t Limit Club. See Cans C
jpanuele for particulars
t": Ktt Corneals loFl'iuUM
is T
''-a n i'it ji "
.If -I V
1 - . nnf
i 5 J zy.4,
' t i"l .... , M: c- n ni 1 5,VA its cf !
)Z : Itr.V tec-v.:w.v.n- . . i
.'".v.: KM ' . ...... "KnTn-i-osUitni
" ' i..' i a"" . .
:??. ' ' : r .-c ,-r,d nrst.Coriai
i?m !' te:i;her(Vi.r
' t Jrj.trStfJ
' hiirm if!
i ConilipnUondDUrrtoca.
; and Fcvcriahnc
! rcsuitinti tliprefrcrajiijn ,
i Ym Simile Sicnaturc-cf
texx- '- Ur?l
v..i t-Jt) oi Wrapper.
in Tin: iieiin i- cm nr oe
thi; ) i or . i:iiic
ii th.- ni-tttei- of tin- t u:i ;o i:i ns! . i
f Henry Liki-n lai- mentally im oiu
petellt. NcTin: ok sai.'.:.
N'otjc- is in.iel'V givtii t!;at in ;ei:
suunee in an m l-r of .laiin s '1". Il' g-:.-.',
.lnUge of the listll"'i "'oiiit of
Cass c'oiinty. N'-l'i a --'lea . .na-ie on tin
!Oli !.. v ol I .-.- en. .'i- til' tii-
.ale of lit- rial isteli- 1 x- n- i i a f 1 1 r !-ei-l-il.ed
liiO'i- will ( ti..-
.s.eitli lion! (lin)i- of tie- Conn J!o,"
in Clattsmoiitl!. e'ass Count v. N--'.naska.
on tlo- 1'lst i!.!- i.f .!:.!i::arv
:il one nV'mli I'. M. i'f sai.l iay
at pill-He -lnIile lo tiie lilg!:-t I-.
for easli t';e following il.-i-i i ! 1 it a!
s t a t ,. to wit:
Lot lour .It ia lie Nm'tliWrM
Cii:.!l.r of the Shut ':v. i-st .T-arti-:: al
so I. i-t tie l'ii in the Sot; tli w. -st
IJ'.Uil III' of the Sea;liet I.' . ia 1 t r .
ail in Seetjon niiieteeu (10) Town
ship twelve t 1 ;.' i Kange l'o.irtei-:i til)
l';iss .'iiintv. NehiasKa.
Saiil sale to remain open one hoar.
Hated this l'itli -lav of Hei -i !:; 1 ie r
1!ls. AI.ICi: J( li..- N.
I ea id ia li of the estate ,if llenrv
Kikenhal y, men tatty i p.-on; pet mi t.
i.i:;i, Minn:.
T. the .'i;i:i'iToi;s anh !ii:n:s
AM' ALL iTlli:i: I'KKScNS ixti:i:-
t:sri:i t thi: lstati: i:l!:t
n c. k ':i:i:, i !-: and t
thi: ci: i:hit i:s am hi:i;;s .n
.M.i. uTiii:;: ei-:i;so.s ixtmih-t-i:i
tx thi: estate if chai:.::s
keki:. i ti;ci ;.si:i .
Veu are h. . hy notified that on. the
l.'th dav of Heiemher l!'ls. Sarah
i:iiz;( het h K-rr. tiled In r petition ia
the County Court of Cass County. Xe
luaska: the oh.ieet and pra er o'
wl.ieh are for the .indue of said
"HiiitV to tiv a time and place .f hear
intr tin- alletrations .if tle peiiii..n.
and to determine who all the inirs ot
I'.iirton C. Kerr, are, ami who all i;,e
l' irs i.f Charles Kerr, are, and to lind
that both lturton '. Kerr and Cliaries
Kerr, died intestate in Cass C.uni.
Xel.r.. and to etit.-r its order liarriTii,
all elaims against the estate of Curton
C Kerr, and auainst the estate ..;'
Charles Kerr, and said petition al
leiiifc that Merrit S. Kerr, now iiiter-
Join 0uR5lCllf
Clob imm
AMD HAVE ;0? mm
10-CENT CLUB PAYS $127.50
- : ' : r.- a Children.
Hr Over
; !.!.u:i..l with l.oltie l'e;r. win. i -.-
..!i s i-i 1 1 .n: 'l .hi. 't'.-a.-: .Nile. Kerr,
i now i nt. r-ma ri i.i I with Ka I :. Aa
' orew. lis 'lie; in .' 'la 1 1 - :m 'i t !i. N. -i
bi to ka : Kliaiieih Kerr, now inl-i -j
lnarrieil -v. it i i James Ki-'i.. 1. re.-;: !iii -T
: at Clii nwood. luM'ii: ami Juli a M. ii-n.
i s:i;u!e. Ilsi'!!! 11 i '! a t ! .-' 1 .1 o 1 1 I ! . . Ne
: l.raska. to.-i!., i- .. !(:, .iur I.Ii'.'i
i er, eotisl it'lte tie i l'ii-.: at I.i -a-
j ef Kerlon C. K i r. aa.l that the ! " 1 1 -j
tieiier i:.r,:.l!" I!; Kelt, i:- tie
! only ! ni' ;. t la.w of t '. .I.-.-.. .
' Ci a r 1 1 s Ki'i i .
t Von a :e fart!.. : ted iti.-. t i.a t a
hearing up'-n the a '. o-ga t an. I
i piawr of .-. id pet it eei will ! laid at
I ti.e offiee "f the Counts- .liid--'-. in tie
j Court H olive ;.t I Mat I - IlimM ii. I I:--
o::i.;.. Ne : a a ka . on the L'l'i'd d.i.v o '
I .latiuarv 1 :'!!. at the in"ir of t. a
1 n', ..r!; A . M . aid a ' I eh a- 1 :!. -
i said petition im:.-l 1 n Pie on or I . -
! few .-aid lime, or l! e i.nia'r I'
will le allowed and ihejee entered
a i i iH 'l i n ! '.
I Ilv I In- '.hi. f.
i.i.i;x a. t;7:t:s :,
2 ",-'-'.W ks. Jan.
County Jwlg'e.
Fcw Escape.
Tliet'e are few ie-deod. uh.o escape
having at least on" oiiii dnrinu 1 1
: winter mouths, ;tnd they are fort-
jir.'.ate who nave hut one and get
i through with it quickly and v. ith-
; out any serious consequence:.-. Take
; Chamberlain':; Cough Keruedv and
observe the direct ions with each
bottle, and you are likely to le one
of the fortunate ones. The. worth
i and merit of this remedy has been
j fully proven. There are many
j families who have always used it
for years when troubled with a
cough or cold, and with the very
best results.
You tell 'em we keep all kiius of
stationery at the Journal.
State Bank
if J'
A ' fis as t
f ,w In
lift i lllllll
T..c cm-iui r;o"-N. mw om c:r.