The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 30, 1918, Image 1

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No. 57,
Made Her House Ready, With the
Utmost Carefulness, Every
thing In Order.
From Thursday's D:i!v.
Of all days for such a departure
from thi.s life, when everybody else
was en joy ins themselves with the
eternal gratitude to the gracious
anil loving Father for the Messina-;
of peace. Christmas with its happi
ness on all Fides, the little oner,
dancing with glee, and every heme
rejoicing becau-o of the
ing of friends and loved ones, thn
one home, that of Mrs. Minnie John
did not present enough cheerfulness,
to claim her presence longer, and
after having carefully put the house
in order, with everything to the
minutest partical. in absolutely per
fect condition, this lady with the
joy gone out of lift-, took by her own
hand, a dose of carbolic acid, which
in a short time ended her existence.
Mrs. James M. John.-on. formerly
Mrs. James C. Tipton, and whose
maiden name was Mis: Minnie Mil
ler, was about sixty years of age.
Her first husband Jame? Tipton,
viPVrod a stroke cf paralysis, some
thing over three years since, from
which hi died. They lived at the
bridge house, at the Pollock Auto
TJridge. and after the death. Mr.
James Johns, went to assist in the
work, there, they being thrown to
gether, were shortly afterwards
Mr. and Mrs. Johns lived in this
city for some time. Mr. Johns'
health not being good, in fact, he
being very sick, he was taken to
Omaha by his daughter Mrs. Roy
Durdiek. where she could care for
him. Since that time Mrs. Job in
has been making her home alone in
the house, which was formerly the
home of Mr. and Sirs. Patrick Tevau,
owned by F. G. EgenLcrger. on
west .Main street, near the corner
of Eighth. During the afternoon
Mrs. .Johns had visited the neigh
bors, and had ktr nearest neighbor.
Mrs. Win. Weber return heme with
her. and during the conversation
with -her, made it plain that she
was living very unhappily, weeping
a good deal, said that rhe was sure
she would not live long, and that desire was that Funeral Direct
or J. P. Sattlcr would conduct the
funeral, and that the services be
conducted by Rev. II. G. McCluskey
of the Presbyterian church. She
also had Mrs. Frank Schelio cf Oma
ha, who is a daughter of Mrs. Web
er, and a stenographer, take a let
ter to her brother Mr. Theodore
Miller, who lives at North Loup,
and which Mrs. Scheile transcribed
and was mailed. When the folks
were gone the lady took carbolic
acid, and died in about an hour and
a half. She pounded on the wind
ow, and attracted the attention of
Mr. Frank Scheile at the home of
Wr. Weber, and when he entered
ilia linns found the lady nearly
gone, lie called the folks from the
Weber home. They tried to find
out what she wanted, when it was
made known to that she desired Dr.
T. P. Livingston. He could not be
g'.tten. and after telephoning suc
ceeded in getting Dr. J. S. Livings
ton, who arrived in a few minutes,
but the spirit had flown, the lady
having died just before he arrived.
The authorities were notified and
Mr. A. G. Cole who is acting as
coroner in this portion of the boun
ty, who hod the remains removed to
the undertaking rooms of John P.
Battler, where they are at this time,
and where they are prepared for
burial. A bottle of carbolic acid,
a spoon, and a glass of water, were
on the side board, near the bed. Mrs.
Johns had evidently taken the pois
on, immediately after Mrs. Weber
bad gone home. The county attor
ney as coroner, took the poison, and
a pocket book, which was on a sew
ing machine near the bed, in which
was about nine dollars and the fol
lowing note, which had been writ
ten by Mrs. Johns.
"Mr. Johns, and the Rurdicks is
to blame for this. Th?v drove uie
!o i,. MINNIE."
It is claimed that Mrs. Johns has
"cniderable money, but there was
only the amount stated in the pock
etbook, and a cheek book of the
First National Panic, but the Rank
says there is nothing on deposit.
Coroner Cole immediately corre
sponded with her brother Mr. Theo
dore Miller of North Loup, via tele
phone, telling him of the occurrence,
he saying he would arrive here on
the Rurlington this evening.
Mr. Johns her husband was com
municated with at Omaha, and thi;
Morning Mr. Roy Rurdick and wife
arrived to look after the unfortu
nate lady. There will be no coron
er's inquiry into the eai:?e of death.
a it is assured as to what caused
it. No arrangements for the fun
eral will be made until the arrival
of the brother of the unfortunate
. Mr. Johns was unable to come on
account of ill health.
After a Lon" Time the Matter Of
the Policy Carried By Eddie C.
Ripple Is Lccc.ted.
From Friday's Daily.
When Eddie C. Ripple was killed
in action in France, he had sent
the papers regarding his insurance.
to this country to his father, and
they were lort in the mails at sea.
P.y taking the matter up with the
other side, duplicate -papers was
rent to Washington from the Paris
office of the War Insurance risk de
portment, and the records made
there, and the insurance will be be
gin being paid, and will be receiv
ed in a short time, dating from the
time when Mr. Eddie C. Ripple lost
his life.
ffrnm Frl'lav's Dailv.
The telephone girls of the Platts
niouth Exchange of the L. T. & T.
Co. surely enjoyed a real pleasant
Christmas this year, through the
kindness of a number of the appre
ciative patrons of the company and
the chief operator. On Monday
night the entire operating force met
at the rest room of the company's
office, where they enjoyed a nice
line of refreshments and good things
to eat, games and social conversa
tion. Dr. Leopold presented the
girls with two fine boxes of candy
and Stanfield's Rook Shop remem
bered them with Christmas greeting
cards, and Mrs. C. L. Merger sCnt
them a fine four-layer cake on
which was marked "To the L. T. &
T. Hello Girls." These little acts!
of kindness and appreciation surely
made a more pleasant Christmas for
the girls at the telephone exchange
and will long be remembered by
From Thursday's Daily.
L. C. Sharp, the proprietor of the
Western Machine and Foundry Com
pany, of this city, is very popular
wfth his employes as well as with
the public generally, and while he
is progressive, in his methods, not
alone for his own business but any
business which for the benefit of
the community, he can be depended
upon to do his full quota. He has
expressed his approbation for the
way in which the employes of the
above named institution had rend
ered service, by presenting each of
them a substantial Christmas pres
ent, the relative value of which is
measured by the length of time
they have been in his service.
Telegraphic reports that quinine
injected into the blood stream will
prevent influenza are not surpris
ing. At least one Nebraska City
physician has used quinine in his
treatment of influenza for several
week and out of several hundred
patients so treated be ha3 not yet
had a case of pneumonia. Teople
who have taken quinine in the hope
of warding off the "flu" have eith
er found the disease "hit" them
lightly or they have escaped it en
tirely. Nebraska City Press.
The Christmas Carols Were Sang,
And Santa Claus Treated
Little Ones.
Frnm Thursday's Dailv.
The good work of the committee
which had in hand the Christinas
exercises, brought forth good re
sults in that all those of the city
were able where nothing prevented
them from getting out, had an op
portunity to enjoy the Christmas
cheer which was prevalent in the
air. While every one sought seme
protected spot, if there were any.
thev greeted each other with Merry
Christmas and good wishes, while
the songs were sung, the crowds
conversed, and admired the beaut i-
ful tree which the deft hands of
the committee had decorated. With
the red. white and blue lights, the
tree with its dark green foliage,
presents a very imposing sight, and
while the National Ensign of the
Republic floated from the topmost
Lough. While it looked pretty from
any aspect, distance lent enchant
ment to the view.
After the program, which was
greatly enjoyed, was over. J. W.
Holmes, called the crowd. which
was composed of youngsters mostly,
to the stand which had been erected
in the street, and told that the air
plane, which was coming with
Santa Claus has broken a propeller
blade near LaPlatte and there the
workmen were then making the re
pairs. But a few moments later a
wireless message came, saying, send
a truck, we cannot get the airplane
repaired. This was done and in a
moment the bell which had been
erected for the celebration of the
signing of the peace protocal.
sounded telling of the truck passing
down the street, anil the heavily
loaded vehicle shot down the street,
with Santa Claus. standing in the
rear of the van. After explaining
the cause of the delay, he with his
assistants distributed the presents,
which caused joy in the hearts of
more than thousands of the little
folks in the city. Notwithstanding
the cold, the snow in which they
tramped, and the biting winds, ev
erybody was wearing a smile, for
indeed had they all been hiessed.
and. beyond measure. for peace,
which promises to be for a long
time has come to the earth. The
little ones were happy because
Christmas with its cheer, its better
feelings, and its treat was here. The
older ones were contented. and
happy, because of the bow of prom
ise of peace and good things for the
future as well as the fullness of the
blessings now.
This city is to be thankful to the
enterprising spirits of the commit
tee, who did such valiant work, in
making the tree possible. The
chairman J. W. Holmes, who super
intended the whole affair, and the
other committees. Miss Bernice
Newell, and those who prepared the
To the ones who so neatly decor
ated the tree, to those who furnish
ed the truck for the carrying of the
treats to the place, to Mrs. Mae
Morgan and Miss Larson and the
others who had charge of the sing
ing, as well as to Santa Claus him
self for his coming personally with
his kindly offices.
From Thursday's Daily.
Yesterday at the home of Mrs.
A. B. Swartout. was held a family
reunion of the Despian family here
in Plattsmouth, which consisted of
Mrs." A. B. Swartout, who was
hostess, C. C. Despain and wife, A.
D. Despain and Mrs. Stella Persing
er and family, who is the daughter
cf Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Despain. This
is the fifty-fourth anniversary of
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Des
pain, which was first celebrated in
Mills county, Iowa, on Christmas
day. The day was spent with much
joy by the crowd who met around
the board, and congratulations ex
changed, for the return of many
more. Mr. and Mrs. Despain are
the parents of Mrs. Siella Persinger
of this city. Pert Despain of Hol
yoke, and Donald Despain of Chica
go, the two latter not being able
to be in attendance.
From T!n;rsil:iv s Daily.
Tuesday evening Con Gillespie,
who has been at the Emanuel hos
pital for some time past where he
underwent an operation and was
receiving treatment cf Hernia, re
turned home and is feeling pretty
good, though not as strong yet as
formerly, but gaining. Here's to you
Con. we hope you soon may be your
old self again.
Graduate of University of Nebraska
and Former House Physician
At Clarkson Hospital.
mm T!.ursd:y's Daily.
Dr. R. P. Westover. son cf Dis
trict JuJge William II. Westover. of
the Sixteenth Judicial District of
Nebraska, and well known to many
Plattsmouth people. has located
here, lie has s'-cured offices in the
Coates Block and is prepared to
practice medicine and surgery. He
is a graduate of the University of
Nebraska, having received the de
grees of Bachelor of Science and
doctor of medicine, and for the
past year has been House Physician
at Clarkson Hospital in Omaha. Dr.
Westover comes to Plattsmouth well
qualified to practice medicine, hav
ing personally attended all cases
which have been admitted to Clark
son Hospital fcr the past year.
Dr. Westover is the fourth son of
Judge and Mrs. Westover. engaged
in the military service of the United
States during the present war: the
others being First Lieutenant B. G.
Westover. Aviatior Section. in
France for the past fourteen
months: First Lieutenant J. L.
Westover. U. S. Infantry, and W. H.
Westover, First Class Musician U.
S. Navv. Dr. Westover is the tirst
to be discharged, having been re
leased from the Medical Reserve
Corps shortly after the signing of
the Armistice.
For the present Dr. Westover and
wife will make their home with
Mrs. Westover's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. James Robertson.
The influenza epidemic has dem
onstrated the necessity of another
physician in this city and surround
ing country and we predict a suc
cessful career for him.
We join with the many friends
of Dr. Westover in bidding him
welcome to our city and assure him
that he will find the citizens of
Plattsmouth hospitable and pleas
ing to deal with.
From Thursday's Dnilv.
This afternoon Mrs. F. R. Guth
mann departed for Murdock, where
she goes to see her grandson Frank
Guthmann jr.. a son of Henry
Guthmann of that place who in his
play with the other boys of his
town had the misfortune to frac
ture one of his arms. The fracture
was reduced, and the young man is
getting along as well as could be
expected, but is causing some pain.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday Sheriff Quintcn was
down to Nehawka and brought the
booze which has been caught, and
which was found by the boys out
hunting, to this city and had the
same stored in the county jail. The
people had gotten the car before
the officers were aware of it and
got out of the county, and as they
were not caught with the goods, it
was considered as well to not go
against a losing game.
Has Made Her Home With Daugh
ter And Family Here For Past
Fifteen Years.
From Friday's Daily.
Mrs. Katherine Worzel, better
known as "Grandmother" who has
made her home during her resi
dence in America, at the borne of
her daughter Mrs. Adolph Wesch
sr.. of this city, after a two days ill
ness with pneumonia passed away
last night, at the advanced age of
S., years.
The aged lady was bom in Ger
many December 12th. 18o5, and liv
ed in that country until about six
teen years ago, when she came here
with her daughter to make her
home. Mrs. Worzel lost her hus
band a few years before coming to
this country to live. Grandmother
was a great worker, seemingly could
not be satisfied unless she was do
ing something for somebody, and
her thus blessed al wth whom she
ha dlived. Her health has been
good until this sickness, which was
of but a few days. The funeral will
be held at the St. Paul's Evangel
ical church in which she was a con
sistent member on Saturday after
non at three o'clock. She leaves to
mourn her demise, her daughter
Mrs .Adolph Wesch and family here.
The funeral services will be con
ducted by the Rev. J. IT. Steger.
The Last Sad Rites Said Over the
Remains Of George W. Horn
Of Plainview.
From Friday's Dailv
Last evening the remains of
George W. Horn, who a few days
since passed away at his home near
Plainview, arrived here, and were
kept in state at the undertaking
parlors of Funeral Director J. P.
Sattler, during the morning, the
funeral being held at the church
scuth of Cedar Creek at one thirty
this afternoon. A large concourse
of friends assembled to pay their
last sad token of love and honor to
this young man. who has been call
ed in the full bloom of active man
hood. This the second sen which
has been called, makes the sorrow
deep, for the parents of the young
men, whom the epidemic has tak
en, and the sympathy of a large
number of friends go out to the be
reaved relatives, to the paretns; and
the wife of the late George W. Horn
in this their sad hour.
Some More Flu Cases, Some Have
Recovered. We Are Ex
pecting This.
From Fridiy'a Daily.
The epidemic is here and has
been, there have been many cases,
and in many instances, there have
been families all down at the same
The epidemic has gone through
the whole family, and made it im
possible for one person to assist an
other. We cited the matter a short
time since, where a number of fam
ilies all down and only one to as
sist them. We surely are in need
of an emergency hospital if not one
for service all the time. A person
who does not maintain a home but
boards with another family, said to
the reporter this morning, "Now
suppose I was taken with the flu, I
would have to go to Omaha to some
hospital, as I would not sacrifice
the home where I am boarding, and
put them in danger of all getting it.
So I would have to go to some other
city, as there is no place here." This
is a question which private invest
ment should show a profit, and
where some one with the ready cap
itol, which they do not know where
to place, should take up and do a
good deed, as well as make, a good
profit. Should there he no one who
S 6
desires to do this an association
could solve tire problem, or the city
and if not that, the county, for iu
many places there are county hos
pitals, while there are others be
sides. Everything which we locate
in this city and make it a success,
helps this town and your property,
and makes a better town in which
to live.
Will J. Newton South Of This City
After Week's Illness With
From Thursday's Daflv
Tuesday evening Will J. Newton,
living just south of this city, after
having had the Influenza for a
week, and which turned into bron
chial pneumonia, died at his home
south of the city. Mr. Newton was
about forty years of age and had
two children. He and wife had
come from Omaha some years since
and farmed south of this citv. The
remains were taken to Omaha for
burial yesterday, where the rela
tives of both Mr. Newton and wife
reside. The funeral occurred yes
terday evening.
From Thursday's Daily.
Wm. Fritchman who but a few
days since returned from Grant,
Nebraska, received yesterday from
Omaha, word of the departing from
this life, of his brother Leslie
Fritchman. who had died with pneu
monia, and has two children, he be
ing about 35 years of age. The
funeral will occur from the home
Friday, Mr. Fritchman going from
this city, to attend the last sad rites.
The funeral is being deferred on
account of awaiting for the arrival
of Mr. Carl Fritchman, who is being
mustered out of the service and has
arrived in this country from France.
rem Thursday's Daily.
John Wichman arrived home yes
terday from Camp Funston, where
he has been just recently, having
been mustered out of the service
there the first of the week. John
Wickman enlisted in the service.
some time since and was located at
the Presidio, at San Francisco, for
a number of months and later trans
ferred to Camp Baler, where he has
remained, until a short since,
when he was sent to Camp Funston
for discharge. John is a fine young
man. as well as a fine soldier, and
we are sure he will make good any
1 red sow and three pigs and one
that weighs about 75 pounds. Stray
ed from my home. U. L. Barnard.
Read the Journal Ads It Pays
New Year's
A , -
HE others of this bank wish its pat
rons and friends a prosperous and
happy evr Year.
We appeciate the business entrusted to
us during the past year. To promise a
continuance of the best possible service
we know how to give is one way of show
ing our appreciation.
In making your financial plans for 191'
consider this bank at your service. We
are here to serve you cheerfully, prompt
ly, efliciently.
First National Bank
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
The Wheels Passing Over Two Fing
ers Of the Left Hand, Crush
ing Them Badly.
From Thursday's Dally.
Harry Beal. who is a switchman
in the local yards of the Burlington,
sustained an injury at six thirty
this morning, in which two of his
fingers of the left hand, were very
badly mashed. Mr. Beal who lias
been working from four in the af
ternoon until midnight, was doub
ling for a fellow workman, and
when he was endeavoring to stop a
car, and was applying the brake,
when the car which was on. struck
another one, with such force that
Mr. Beal was thrown to (he ground,
at the side of the ear. the car, by
its recoil, moving, and catching his
last two fingers on his left hand,
crushing them badly, splitting them
open. He was taken to "the physi
cian, for the company. and the
member was dressed, having In text
as much as possible, the finpers,
with the hopes, that they may be
able to save the fingers, which is
not known at this tin;e whether it
Is possible or not.
From Thursday' Dally
To those who have not had an
opportunity to pay their subscrip
tions to Red Cross during the pres
ent drive, an opportunity is offered,
to do so during the remainder of
the year, at the Plattsmouth State
Bank, where Miss Verna Hatt will
receive it and issue a membership,
and button. There will be issued
as soon as all the subscriptions are
in a full report of the drive, includ
ing the number of members and the
amount of the receipts. However
those in charge wish to express
their thanks for the promptness,
with which the members have met
the roll call, and for the individual
who have interested themselves in
the matter of caring for the Roll
Smith Hide Co.. Square,
St. Joseph, Mo., are paying H'c lb.
for No. 1, salt cured hides. Horse
hides $5.00 to $7.00 each. Write
for free snipping tags and fur
price. 4-tf
: i