o THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 191S, PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE THREE i in iiia imam mhUu .1 saitsmouin Carae ! J. E. MASON, Proprietor Agents for 9 ESI Trucks and Cfevefaml TrecforsgES THE CAR FOR SERVICE! Let us demonstrate to ycu. We also Repair All Makes cf Cars! Gas, Greese and Oils Welding and Batteries Charged! Auto Accessories! !awkeye Tires! -GIVE US A CALL-, Telephone 394 Rssidence 22i OFGASS m n stria 000NTY He Was Weak and All 'Eun Down ' "I thought my kidneys might be the cause of my rundown condition and waknws," writes V. H. Frear, C.l Myrtle Ave.. Albany, X. Y., 4Vo I took Foley Kidney Pills, and they did tlie work. I cheerfully reeom ment them. You can use mv name PERSHING PRAISES AM ERICAN RED CROSS Washington. 1. ('.. Dec 17. Work of t he - American lied Cross for the soldiers t.f t lie American Expedition ary forces is commended hy General Perilling in a statement i suited from 1: is headquarters in France and Plattsmouth. Xebr. Dec. 2, 101S. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, Julius A. Pitz, C. E. liechner, and Henry Snoke, County Commissioners; Frank J. Lihershal. County Clerk. Minutes of previous sessions read and approved, when the following i business was transacted in regular j form : I On motion room rental of all j rooms used for primary and e:ieri:l I elections was fixed at $t'i.O( per ! ward or precinct. Application of Julius A. Pit?, j Guardian of Waldemar Heck, an in j competent person for leave to keep ' said Waldemar Beck, in said Ooun i ty Hospital was approved hy the Hoard. j James Robertson, Clerk of the . District Court filed his appointment j of Marguerite Porter as Deputy in i his office and same was approved by j the Hoard. I The 1'ollowins? "Mothers' pensions 'were renewed bv the County Court: Airs. Martha A. Haddon. Louis- i W ville Vt'lir . for $"0.00 P"r mon'h. P. I Mrs. Marv Thompson, Louisville, Xebr.. for $$.00 per month. Mrs. Esther M. Heneger. Weeping Water. Xebr.. for $20.00 per month. Mrs. Ethel Hoctel. of Plattsmouth for $25.00 per month. Mrs. Olive Hamilton, of Louis ville. Xebr.. for $1."..00 per month. All were approved by the Hoard. Count v .Tudtre. Allen J. Beeson. filed an order with the touniyj Precinct, . W. E. Hand. Do. 1 election Salt Creek Pet.. C. H. Campbell. Do. 1 elec tion So. Bend Pet., Platts. Turn Verein, Do. 1 election 2nd Ward Platts mouth, Edw. Kelly, Do. 1 election Center Precinct, Avoca Town Hall Co., Do. 1 election Avoca Precinct.- Aug. Hach, Do. 1 electoin Platts. f.th Ward. J. H. Martin M. I) , Salary L'rd quarter Co. Phys. Dist. Xo. , Mrs. Ida Schlieske, Care cf Dependent children for Dec. : COMMISSIONER KOAD Fl'XD. Muenehau fi Sack. Auto hire Commr. Dist. Xo. P f. Fred McGrady, P.lacksmith work Dist. Xo. li, Ciias. Frohlich. Road work Dist. Xo. :;. 2.". Gallion Iron Works Mfg. Co., (trader Repairs Com. Dist. Xo. 1 BRIDGE FIT XI).' 1 1. A. Funke, Bridge Ma terial. Grebe ti- Almy. Do John Murtv, Do. DRAGGING KIT XD. R. V. Hrunell. Dragging District Xo. It!. J. W. Ruhga. Do. Xo. 14. Chas. Frohlich. Do. Xo. HI, "S. Jordan. Do. No. (. A. White. Do, Xo. i Brockman, Do. Xo. t.r.. 12.00 iI.OO C.OO 'LOO COO fi.no G.00 r.:.r,o 20.00 'i0 Si Appropriate m im1 il i ill J Christmas Gifts! a y ?, V. ,' . v LM PIECE of Jewelry makes the most appropriate Christmas Gift you can select. ' No alone because Jewelry is pleasing to look at, but because it is lasting. A piece of good Jewelry vill last a life time, and that is the kind we carry. There is a big satisfaction in giving gifts that are sure of a warm welcome and hearty appreciation. li Chas. H. F. J. W V. I). J. H. Omaha Lincoln Denver Higlnvav Avn., Drag. Dist. Xo. T. ?U0 Re Will M. Hoover. -Dragging District Xo. li, God by. Do. Xo. C, Plvmale. Do. Xo. 14, Baker, Do. Xo. Harris, Do. Xo. 4, Foreman. Do. Xo. (,r.oo v s.sr 1,4 153.20 s.:jo fe 11.10 12.T.0 ?! If PiPf 12.7;. M g g V I 21.73 $ .- Jfg t U c7 5 : . 34.40 T a wlienever you wih." They stop al! made public timight at lied Cross rheumatic aches. Sold everywhere. j 1 eadquarti rs in connection-with the Christmas membership campaign. In expressing for the troops overseas :.r preciat ion of the services rendered ! the lied Cross. General Pershing said: ! "Two the millions of women who ;t' in the service: to the millions of m m. rich and poor alike throughout ti;- eu irtry w "no have sacrificed and t'-on i the millions oi' children of our schools who are doing their port, it should be mate clear that the relief and comfort contributed by li'ei-i ; hrouch the .American Red Cross to the men in the service is: e:--' Can't look well, eat well, or feel well with impure blood. Kesip thf blood pure with Hurdle"; Hhiod Hir ters. Eat simply. take exercise, ktep clean, and go.d l.valth is pretty sure to loi'ow. fl.l'. bottle. Subscribe for the Journal. I AIYJ OFFERING A Few Specials for Immediate Safe! Clerk directing the Board of Conn- : E. I tv Commissioners to pay Mrs. Mar tha Franke. of Cedar Creek. Xebr. the sum of $20.00 per month for the care and support of her four dependent children for a period, of -ix months. Same approved by the Board. The following claims were audit ed and allowed by the Board: GENERAL FPXD. Omaha Printing Co.. Ballot boxes. $ 17.32 Ct;d3hv Packing Co., So. p to to Court House. Opal Fitzgerald. Salary for Xovember. Dr. C. H. Uos. Quarantine service. Fred Pat ter.-'c m. Ol'ice work J. H. McMaken. Freight and dr;ya'-;;. C. H. Lewis. Hauling rub bish from Court House. Gottherd Rhode. Shovtiing snow at 'o;irt House Frank J. Liberhal. Salary, fees, and expense for Xov.. Omaha Printing Co.. Sup plies to County. 1 3 cans of good Pumpkin for 30c 3 cans cf good Kraut for 3c '.' cans e.f good Hominy for 30c .'Leans e;f good Apricot Butter for n7c 3 cans e.f Van Camp's pork and hears die 3 cans of Van Camps SpahettiC3c 3 cans good corn 5 0c Van Camps Catsup, nr bottle20e Premium Blend Coifee, 3 1 1)3. $1.00 Bulk Ce-coa, per lb "Zc Walter Baker's Cocoa :. lb. can J2c California Sardines, per can 10c Grape Xuts.per package l"c Shseaded Wheat Biscuits, per package l."c Puffed Rice or Wheat, per pkg l.'c "anned Salmon, pr can 20c Macaroni, per pkg 10c Prepared Mu-tard, per n? 40c 10 bars Pearl White soap for;rc Scotts Bluff Potatoes by th3 pet'-k, bushel e.r in lots. Get my price. Xew California Walnuts. Xo. 1, at per lb. jr.c Xew Turagona Almonds, at per lb. If.c Xew Brazils, at pei lb 10c Dried Scf.tch Cren Peas, 3 lbs.r,0c Get in while s:toek is compl'-te. Buy Your Mun-ing wear of me. Farley. Salary for ! CANI70T "RLUFF" TEXAS MAYOR I I C. G. Fricke. Coal to County I Hor,ton. Ttxas. Dec. 17. "The ' Jail. r' ii.,., ...;n . i i..v,..i Geo. L. . Nr.'-., J.y Ljirleson. declared Mayor Amer- vr;tz Haffhe. F-e of farm i::rn ( f Houston today in announc- j mar hinery at Co. Farm.- wiil begin legal pro- , Harry .ion:---n. county a a ii. c v iif.,'.,-ep. iiixiarv anu iiiii:ie i o;i; pit :iy i iiei eil.-ii ng lis. raien ) i.r cent. u:'.;!er authorization ivg1 the -.eedings fit: to Ire,ent tho le.cal r cent, T'o; tia .te- Gencr.al Burleson. The city council previously had rfuscl t:;e company permission to increas" rates when a special order authorizing the increase was sought tele i and ft Henry u! ins Julius C. D. Mileage. Snoke. Do A. ;'itz. Po A. P:'z, Auto hire Quintou. Boarding ( ( ; ( i H'i" ..I, I I J It ill I lull 11, H'MiaiH ( ie enforcement of the increase prob- ! ( !dy will be entered, the mayor said. d obtained from Burleson. CARD OP THAITES. W" do-ire to etenI our sincere thanks to those who so kindly as sisted eluring the sickness and death of ougi bvl ived daughter and sister, France's Kus!iinky, and 'for the be.i;,t il'lil j'l.'.'.vors. , FRAXK KFSX1XSKV, AXD FAMILY. :o: Don't use harsh physics. The re- i act ion w eakens t he bowe ls, leads to j chronic constipation. Get Doan's i Regulcts. They cperate easily. 30c I at all stores. P. L.U b' i Bex paper from 25c to $5.00 at I the Journal offjee. ass: G tlQlCl 4 V ers of oecond Liberty Loan Bonds. Your next coupons will be payable November 15th. We shall be glad to cash them for you free of charge any time it is convenient to you. Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of your Liberty Bonds. The Bank of Gass County, Plattsmouth, Nebraska Capital and Surplus, $80,000 Your Personal Bank. prisoners .tune j;us 1). Quintan, Do. July D. (.'uiti'o i, ! ). August,- D. Quinton.'Do. S;pf D. Quintnn. I) . O 't D. Qninton. Do. Xov I). Qu'.nto.u, Jailer fees for Xov. If IS. C. I). Quin'on. Salary for Mrs. Josephine Havir. Care rt Dependent children ier Dec. Mrs. Edith Duckworth. Do. Mrs. Mollie Hann. Do .Mrs. Earl C. Hyde. Do Mrs. Lillian B. Baker. Do Mrs. C.ira B. Tower. Do Mrs. Lnretta Price. Dn Mrs. CMora Al'.-n. T)o. Mrs. Ethel BoeU 1. Do. f.:r Xov.. - A. G. Cole. Salary and ex pense, X'v,. II. Sievers. Salary and laun- dy for Xov.. AiTha C. Peterson. Salary and expense Xov J. P. Sat tier. Repair work, C. E. Hnrtford. Fuel at Court House. Al'en J. Bee-on, Cotirt Costs Mothers' peiision case:, Mrs. Martha A. Haddon. Care of Dependent child ren for Xov.. Mrs. Martha A. Hnddcn, Do. for Dec. Mrs. Marv Thcmp.oTr Do. M". Ether M. Hene-gel Do. Mrs. Elbe! Boetel. Do Mr:-. Martha Frjfnke, Do. ?.7rs. Olive Hamilton, Do Wm. F. Evers, Work at Court Hcuse. John Kopia, Mdse. to Mrs. Buriam. C. d. Fricke. Coal to Mrs. Warden. . Fuller. Mdse. Mrs C. 11.2 r.o.oo 2.00 .;.7'i 2.27 .r,o l.o :. :o:t.sr. (.T..C'.' Ti. sr. ro.oo 1.0.1 2.3." ' 1 !0 :; 'i '. T.2.00 if., nr. 2 4 fa 2-i.r.o ?.'(" ;. Brunkow. Do. Xo. C ROAD Fl'XD. Wm. Broth w.U. Load work Road Dist. Xo. Hi. Wm. Richards. Do. Xo. Walter livers. Do. Xo. 27. H. A. Meisinger. Do. Xo. L Will M. Hoover. Do. Xo. 3. W. S. Jordan. Do. Xo. G Giobe & Almv. Lumber Do. Xo. 4. F. W. Holka. Bond work. j Road Dist. Xo. r.. I Johnson Hdw. Impl. Co.. Hardware Do. Xo. 14. B. F. llyir.ale. Road work Road Di-.t. Xo. 1 4. James J jhnson. Blacksmith Work. Road Dist. Xo. 2. A. O. Ault. Material Road Dist. Xo. 2. J J. c. Latrom, Xails for Do. ! Xo. i;. ' John Adams. Material for Do. Xo. 10, WateT.ian Lbr. Coal Co., 21. IO.oO Do. Xo. 1, i s.oo 1 1 S.00 t!2.40 2s.o0 4S.0O G7.4n fl.Of! C2...0 21.10 74.50 .00 :;.so l.so fr 4C..1 0 6 1.4 r. 4 11 2..o 0 0 S3 i r.oo 2.1. 00 s.oo 21.00 in. oo 7.-..0.) 2(-.0 0 1 O.OO 20.00 101.40 K'.:.0'! 14 3.03 0.00 10.00 20. 0C 20.00 s.oo 20.00 21.00 20.00 1.1.00 1.0 3 .1.0 0 1 ) I. J D. Bueklev, 10.00 Mrs. "Dora Denson, Care of Dependent children for Dec..- 20.00 .Airs. Ellen Davis, Do. 20.00 J. W .Crabill, Care cf Tower Clock for one year, 40.00 Ilatt & Son, Mdse. to Jos. Lambert. 20.31 A. O. U. W. Lodge Xo. S, Room for 2 elections, Platts. 3rd ward. 21.0 Louisville Village, Do. Louisville, 12.00 C. V. Vallery, Do. Platts. Precinct, 12.00 Xehawka Auditorium Co.. Do. Xehawka Precinct. 12.00 Platts. Lodgo Xo. 7, I. O. O. P.. Do. 1 election Platts. 4th ward. 0.CO W. B. Banning Mgr., Do. 1 elceti n Liberty Precinct. COO Hmry Hm1. Jr., Do. 2 elec tions Eight Mile Grove Lumber fer J:)in Murtey. Liimber Do. Xo. 10. John Murtey, Do. Xo. 0 On motion the Board adjourned to meet. Tuesday, December 3. l'il'. FRAXK J. LIBERSHAL. County Clerk. Mat tsmout h, Xebr. Dec. 3. It) IT,. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, with all members preset!, when the following business was transacted in regular form: The Bo. id of I. T. Rover, Read Overseer Road District Xo. 13, ap proved by the Board. Resignatiem ef James W. Brebst. Justice o the Peace, Louisvile. Pre cinct received and accepted by the Board. Tlse fedlowing claims were audit ed and allowed by the P.oard: GEXERAL Fl'XD. M,rs. Susie Frwin. Care of "Derendent chidren for Dec, Mrs'. Lucy B. Lyle, Do Xebr. Inst. Feeble Minded Youths, Clothing for Cass Co. Inmates. Xebr. Light Co.. Gas and electricity to Co.. Mike Tritscli. Pestal sup plies, R. I). McDonald, Mdse. Mrs. Mudd, Oct. and Xov., Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co.. Rent and Tolls. 2 Kroeher Bros., Mdse. to Court House, St. infield Book Shop, Flag to Court Housr. Ilestor Air Swatek. Cartridge. Geo. II. Olive. Room for election Weeping Water, 2nd ward, Waterman Lbr. c Coal Co., Lumber to Court House. R. B. LcffJcr, Damages to fence Xo. Line Sec. 32-11-12. sr0.00 cut to II. M. Soenr.ichsen, Mdse. Warden. $10. Collins, $1, Hart. $10, Co. $1.73, D. C. Morgan. Stamps to County Supt.. Mrs. Clara Matrke. Care of Dependent children for Xov., J. H. Tarns, Harvest heLp at farm. Schlueter & Sons. Tea and Coffee to Co. Farm, L. F. Terryberry, Auto livery, John Bauer & Son. Labor at County Jail, Kroehler Bros., Mdse. to Co. Jail, Platts. Steam Laundry, Laundry to Jail, Plattsmouth Garage, Auto hire to sheriff, J. H. Tarns, Salary for Xov. Wm. Holly, Mdse. to paup ers. Mrs. Fannie Dill, Care De pnedent children, Dec, John Kopia, Mdse. to boun ty Farm. i ' BRIDGE FUXD. T. E. Hathaway, Bridge work, ' A. F. Sturm. Bridge matl Monarch Engr. Co., Bridge work West Rock Bluff,l 31 oi Victor Records y 0 a 0 JEWELER AND OPTICIAN 3C U ZD Joe Vickers. Do. Xo. 10, .Joe Stall. Do. Xo. 10 Ihrry Marolf. Do. Xo. 0 E. F. Huribut. Do. Xo. H Wm. Wehrbein. Do. Xo. 10. John M. Meisinger, Do. Xo. 1 . Fritz Haffke. Do. Xo. 1 John P. Meisinger. Do. Xo. 1. F. W. Xolting. Do. Xo. 1.2 C. F. Vailerv. Supt. Do. Xo. 1, Aug. Erecklow, Do. Xo. s Capital Bridge ('., Culverts Dist. Xo. 13 1 a. 00 1.1. 1.0 14 3.97 27.37 1 1 i! . 7 4 20.3 3 0 0.7S 133.70 1 2.30 0 0.30 0.00 1.3 0 30. 'on Do. 1 )o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. I )o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Xo. Do. Xo. Do. Xo. Do. Xo. Do. Xo. j. - i , 10. Do. I. Do. Do. Do. Do. Dc. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. I o. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. X ". Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. j, . ., ROAD FCXI). A. B. CMne, Blacksmith work. Road Dist. Xo. Xels Stigard. Coal i ;r grad ing Road Dist. Xo. 14 R. B. Lender. Road work. Road Dist. Xo. 13. T. F. Hathawav. Do. Xo. 11. E. F. Hurlhvt. D'. Xo. ",.. A. A. WaUinue r. Do. Xo. IT.. W. J. Althou.e. Do. Xo. 0. Wm. Wyers. Do. Xo. 10 B-no M 0'.'iu'h;'u. Do. Xo. lti. I. T. Rover. Do. Xo. 12. Avgusi Kreeklov, Do. Xo. S. C. F. Vallery. Do. Xo. Fritz Haffke. Da. Xo. 1 F. W. Xolting. Do. Xo. l. Kroehler Bros.. Mdse. Do. Xo. 1, Xo further business t!;' Beard in metie.n adjo'tt'iel to meet Tues day. January 7. 1319. FRAXK J. LIBERSHAL. Count v Clerk. 13.30 0.0 0 3 1.30 1.S0 l ii.r.o 3.23 io. ::o 3.0!i 0.3 3 .1 o . o o 3.0 3 1 30.20 1 10.00 1 A sg 70. SO 20'J.OO ll'O.SO 133. -;o 70. SO 2 0 0.00 1)3.0 0 130.00 7 0.. SO 2O4.O0 D4..M) 70. SO 7 0. SO 70. So 7 0. SO 123.00 27 2.00 7 0 . S 0 1 3.;e .. . i .1.3 0 3 3.01- 1 2-Of r.o.se 20.7." 2 4.no 22. on 03.23 3 '',.3 0 1 li.1'3 10.00 3.00 7.1'0 EAVID IIANXINS0N C01IEITI0U GEAVx 2G.73 13.0 0 20.00 33.(10 27.4 3 10. SO 2. SO 3.20 17.00 100.00 " 13.00 .21.49 COO "reel Tuesday's Laity. Mrs. Be:i Hankinson, w!:o has l.'een at Omaha for the past few days at the bedside of her son David, v. ho is in a hospital at that place-, where he has undergone three oneratinos. The condition was serious last Saturday, and the r.hysicians at the hospital thought it best to call the young man's rr. other and she was taken to Oma ha, via r.uto. Mr. Hankinson who bar beer staying at Crookston, was also call ed and is at the hospital now with the. young man. Mrs. Hankinscri coming home last evening. Ar."thcr and third operation,, was performed, as It was thought, that there was but litlle hope for his recovery, and when performed, brought forth an ounce of pus. Since this the young man's condition has been some what improved, but his condition is still very bael. While tror friend and physicians have very little hope of his recovery, it would be plead ing news to know cf his getting well again. BROTHS?. SEVERELY W0UNDEE Monarch Engr. Co.. Do... Capital Bridge Co., Cul verts, Avoca, Do. Do. Weeping Water, Do. Do. Do. DRAGGING" FUXD. R. B. Leffler. Draggist Dis trict No. 13. j R. B. Leffler, Do. No. 9, Fin"i Tuesday's P.'t'ly. The many friends cf .Mrs. Ii. W. Whitacre, who formerly taught in the city schorls here, and who is now teaching at -Nebraska City, and who was formerly Miss Bute, will he pleased to know that the message, which, she received caying that her brother was dead, is cor- j j 0 fi0 j rected, by a letter from the young 23S.ooman himself, in which he says that 272.00 j he was severely wounded, .and that j he had lot one of his feet. He was in" a hospital, and was very weak, but was recovering very slowly. 432.20 4.30 1.30 The young man Joy Bute was from Hastings before going to the service. The parents now make tloir heme at Trenton, where Mrs. Whitacre departed last Saturday ni'-'ht to comfort them in their ser-row. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Prf'in Mn!'.l;i!'s Daily. Pauline Oldham to J. II. Hallstrom lots 1 6c 2. pt. 3 i 4 Blk. 104. City of Plattsmouth $1,500.00 Mary J. Johnson to Peter Sehreedei lot J. blk. IS. city W. D.$2,000 C. S. Smith to Farmer'; Fnion Association Lot 2. blk. 12. Mur dock V. 1). $730.00 R. I). C'lymer to R. E. Clymer lots 300. 307. pt. 30S Greenwood, W. 1). - $2,700.00 J. M. Jackman to H. S. Jack-man Lot 7. Loiisville W. D.$300.00 G. T. Hastings, et al to Mary E. F. NOTICE TO THE MEMBERS OF MYNARD BRANCH Blk 6, C. D. $1 Hastings to A. L. And S & I. Block 0, Lynn'r. Hasting:, lots S & !, Lynn's add. to Union Q Mary E. F. erson lot: add. to Union. W. D $SO0.O0 Amelia E. Brandt to J. V. Brandt HV. SE4 29-10-1 3 W. D.$1.00 From Tuesday's Dally. The buttons for the membership of the Mynard Red Cross branch, have been received by the officers, and as there has not been meetings of the branch being held, at this time, arrangements have been made for the members to come and pay their subscription, and receive the buttons and window flags. The dis tribution of the buttons have been so arranged that it will be conven ient for the members to get them, as they have scattered them over the territory. J'his will be lor the home chapter as well as the Na tional American Red Cross. Get the buttons and pay your subscrip tion at the nearest place. They will be found with Mesdtmes Guy Kels er, E. H. Pontias. Charh'S Barnard, A. W. Leonard. G. H. Will and at the store of W. T. Richardson. Get (.lie the first opportunity, as thi:. needs to be cared lor this week. GLEN ELLIOTT HEARD IR0M. A letter l.T-t Saturday from Gleu Elliott, who i in France and w-Mo his not been heard from since in September, told of his b"ing well and feeiing fine. This is good news to the many friends of this excel lent young man. and some with joy, to the home especially, where ap prehension began to abide because of the long time since then he was heard from before. J0IIIT SE AG RAVES HAS DROPSY. '"rom Monday's Pa II v. John S"a graves who lives south of the city, end who has been sitk it his home for the past two weeks and was reported as having the luhas the Dropsy instead of the rlu. Mr. Seagraves is kept to his home and canned get out at this time. It is hoped he will be able to he out in a short time. For any pain. ;ruise, apply Dr Oil the burn, scald or Thomas' Eclectic hnueliold remedy. Two sizes 30c and 00c at all drug stores. INFANT DIES WITH FLU T6DAY. From Monday's Daily. At the home of Frank Chavel. v.heie the entire family are conlined with the Influenza, and where they have been sick for some time, came the death messenger this morning and took thir little daughter, and infant of but a few months, little Cleo Mae. The funeral will be held from the home at two o'clock cn tomorrow, and the tuirial 'maue at Oak Hill Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Chavel have both been down w:th the malady, but are getting along now, both able to be up J.ist at this time. Another chill is also down with the disease, liui report ed : getting along pretty fair. Ilev. I . W. Scott of the Christian thu vh will codnuct the services .1? tie nine l al. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing. Doan's Ointment is fine for skin itching. All druggists sell it. 00c a box. A. J. Seamans of Omaha was in this city this morning coming to lock over the tax list at the office of the county treasurer, with a view of purchasing some delinquent numbers on the tax list. 'The mortgage that never comes due" You pay no commission. Capital $250,000.00 THE Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank Of LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Organized and operated under the provisions of the Federal Farm Loan Act. For Farm Loans See CHAS. C. PARMELE, Representative Plattsmouth, Nebraska f. .