The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 19, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Frm Monday's Dally.
Frank Vallery from Murray was
in the city this afternoon looking
after some business for a short
Fred Prohaska, who has been
visiting with his parents here, for
the past few days, F. Prohaska, and
wife departed last Saturday for his
home in Wahoo.
Charles Allen who has been at
work near Norfolk, where he was
picking corn, for the past two
months, returned home this morn
ing. Dee Slirader of Omaha, and 11. II.
, Shrader of near Rock llluffs. at
who-e place Dee is visiting were in
the city last Saturday eveinng. for
a short time.
':rl Johnson who is loca(ed a
Ft. Crook in the balloon school was
a visitor in this city yesterday, a
guet cf his brother. A. K. Johnson
and family and returned to his sta
tion last evening.
Edward Kanka. who was muster
ed out of the service a few days
since and who has Veen making his
home here for (he present, was a
pas.-er.ger to Omaha this afternoon,
where he is looking, after . some
business for the day.
Samuel C. Windham
yes'erday afternoon for Omaha,
where he enters the employ of the
American Telephone and Telegraph
Company and will work in and cut
of Omaha. Mr. Windham is well
verged in the telephone practice,
and is well qualified for the posi
tion. Harry Thomas is out again and
was abtc to get down town one day
la.-t week, while all the remainder
of the family were able to he up
hut one of the girls, who has just
. . . ' . . 1 - -i ,t-i,l, li r, I. H. ""t 1 1 i T1
af well as could be expected.!
Poth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are up
and around, but not feeling very
I.: rt evening Howard P.Mi;:?,
v.' : bus I'frn at the state uni-rr?ity
v. here h- h:is !een in the army s-cr-vvc receiving instruction in
. ..1. i- J .i 1 rmirA f rf enrrfrn Iti lio
'r.;.v referred to hi heme near
-r 1 :,,.;.-o;,-.- i.
: .... wl- ,
.... .,o.;. there bHr.g as rapid.".
i- can he demobilized.
Word was receivoi! of th.e death
or" iMrl.Iip Volk. at Ib.opdale. III.,
Ah-re be died at an advanced age.
r;-t y.itnr.Iay. Hid wife is a sister
or U-i!.;nie- M. L. Frcidrich. and
.." i Trit-eh f this ciy. Qn ac
rount f tirknivji it was net pos
rild1 f. r any t-r ttr f;?nilie here
Alio :re related to them to be in
attendance at the funeral.
C.r.y Crook who arrived in thll
ro'intrv from Knsland. where h
w,r. in tbe armv some two weeks
. arnveu at tamp IJoUge ;a"
f-.turdav evrninc and will -.virli the
th.:: -;.nd who were acnt from X,.-j
York, for the middle wet wiil be
Tittered out as rapidly as arrange-J
merits can be made for it. It is
..,.-, it V-.T1 ,,..,- .li,-- '
he ran return home.
ti Turstlii y'n Daily.
Il'iiry Me:--;nger wa- a visitor in
-i- --'. ..
------ -
Poullry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry to be dc
livered at poultry car near Burling
ton Freight Depot, Plattsmouth.
Jfebr., on Friday, Dec. 20th. One
day only, for which we will pay ra
Hens per lb. 19c
Springs per lb. 10c
Old Roosters per lb. 15c
Ducks, full feathered. per lb. 18c
Cecsc. fall feathered per lb. 17c
WiH be on hand rain or shine and
take care of all Poultry offered foi
sale. Don't tie poultry.
Yours very truly.
gyec'al Atteatloa to at -.
Eye Tested and Glasses Fitted
Night Call Answered After Eoan
and Sundays by Appointment.
8:30 a. m. to .12:001:30 o. in- t 6:31
Block Platrsmoutli. Neb
p k 20
Omaha this morning, where he is
looking after some business for a
short time.
Miss Jessie Todd of Union is
viitins in the city with Miss Lydia
Todd, one of the teachers of the
city schools.
Henry Specht of LaPIatte was a
yh-itor in this city this afternoon,
coming over for a few hours to look
after some business here.
Frank Hull of south of the city
was a passenger to Omaha this af
ternoon wheer he had ome business
to look after for a few hours.
Hoy McCoy of Ponca. Oklahoma,
arrived in this city this afternoon.
coming to visit with his jh?ter Mrs.
Julia South ana or tins city.
Louis Crabtrec of Mynard was a
visitor in this city this morning
from his home, and was looking af- y
ter some business for a few hours.
K. H. Schuhloff had some business
at Louisville to look after last evening.-
and took the afternoon train
on the IJurlington for that place.
('. L. Jean from Mynard who has
;been sick for the past two weeks, i .
again out, ana was aDie 10 ut m
4ovn this morning, and was look
ing after some business.'
Mrs. K. II. Pontias. who has been
visiting in Omaha returned home
last eveninir. coins there via the
Missouri Pacific from their home In
Mvnarj, and returning on the Bur
Alvarado Nickels of near Murray 1as nad Jier -fiarf, cf work and re
was a visitor in this city this morn- fpCn?.i)iijty.
ing coming up to look after some M of (;p Vcrhnlc
business, anu was
home by Miss Marie Yagner, who
lives neighbor.
Thillip Hild and wife and John Vcrhule v,lis culled to the country.
Hild who have been visiting in this on accouut 0f nie influenza, being
city and were in attendance at thciat tYc noIlie cf i,er daughter, and
funeral of Harry Horn, eolith of mory,jn:r went (o the home of
Cedar Creek departed last evening
for their home at Peoria, 111.
J. iSnndle who has been ws.t-
this-city for some time past,
. a guest at the home of Frank Sivey.
(departed last evening for Cedar
' Creek. whee he is visiting at the
home of his friend Ira Bates.
I Miss Jennie Rhrader and brother
H. H. Shrader were visiting in this
cltv for a while (his morning corn-
o look after some business for
.the day and to do
! coming from their home, east
' returned from the army, having
been mustered out from Camp Funs-
ton, wes a passenger to Omaha,
where he has xomc business to look
8fter and will vi-it friends at Coun
cil Bluffs as well.
Albert Caster and wife departed
this morning for Omaha. where
they are visiting with Joseph Mason
who io at the St. Joseph hospital.
where ,:e has hn treat
nient for an injury whicii ne naa
'sustained in one of his legs.
! a t . rt.iii: t . . , f . " , . r Tim-Ac
-irs. i uin.p r union ..cj.,,,
Center. Nebraska, who has been I
visiting in this city for some days
'past called here on account of the
death cf Harry Horn, who was the
I son of Henry Horn, and whose fun-
erai uciurrcu jcsitnidi, iu'.uiihii i-
ner nome in inc wesc ycsieruay ai
ternoon. . . . . ,
George Mapcs and wife who have J
been visiting in thi? city for fone
time past, ccming to fee Mrs. Mapes
mother and other relatives return
ed to their home at Rosalie, where
they have been farming during the
p?st two years. Charles Mapes, a
ron of Mr. and Mrs. George Manes
being the superintendent of the city
schools at Rosalie.
Mrs. 1 1. J. Schroeder of Cedar
Creek who was in the city yester
day returned to her home last
evening, and reports that her hus
band who has been so sick for so
long is a lift Is better, and improv
ing, ail but the abveess on hi.s face
which is accusing fo much trouble.
and who has had to be operated on,
and will necessitate another opera
tion before it can be hoped that he
will recover. He expected to go to
a hospital in Omaha in a few days.
Frum V-rtn',!'liir fxi!v.
Geo. M. Hild was called to Oma
ha this morning where he wa
looking after tome business for the
Lieut. Ralph Larson, who has
been visiting in Louisville for the
past few days returned home this
George Park of near Murray was
a visitor in thi city this morning
coming up on the Missouri Pacific
to look after some business.
George Fornoff from near Cedar
Creek was a visitor in the city this
morning, coming down on the train
to look after some business.
Attorney C. E. Tefft, of Weeping
Water, was a visitor in the city to
day, coming to look after some legal
matters at the court house.
Frank Vallery was a visitor in the
city this afternoon, coming up from
his home in Murray for the transac
tion of some business matters.
J. Prince who has been visiting
X .
at the heme of hi3 daughter at her
home near Crete, returned to his
home in this city last evening.
Dr. Bacon of Pacific Junction is
reported as being sick with the in
fluenza and physicians have to be
called from other towns to look -after
the practice th.-re. a portion is
being done from this city.
Win. Kennedy was; a passenger
this morning to Omahi. where l:e in
visiting his sister Miss Nora Ken
nedy, who is convalescing at (he
Emanuel hospital, where slut lias
been receiving treatment for pneu
monia. Mrs. JerryMcIIugh who lias bc;i
vifiting in this city for the prist
few days. and while here, 'the
guest at the home of Mrs. Thorna?
Walling, departed 1'cr her home at
Murdock. this afternoon going, via
While doing j-onie fili.r.g on the
road south of this city, where a
new bridge had been placed, a val
uable mule belonging to Arthur
Troop was injured by being cut with
the edge of the scraper which wa?
eing vised for the purpose of filling
the approach (o the bridge.
W. T. Smith v. ho hns h?nr. clown
for the past few days with the fin.
is again able to he up but not able
to be out r.r able to do any work as
yet. Mrs. Smith who hr.s been ear
ing for her during the ill
ness, and caring for (lie work at
the Coates block at (he same time.
nrn .,0ttin5r in fairlv
. rood shaoe at this time, and are
iall able to oet around again. Mrs.
Mr an,j Mrs H
K. Wiles to nurse
;tne fdkg
Last e,euhv, Mrs Jorry ylvWlU
of Murlock. who has been at Oma-
,,a Where s-e was attending at the
)easide of Miss Mary McIIugh. ejme
down (o this city for a short visit
with Mrs. Thomas Walling. Mtes
Mary Mcilush is reported ;:s get
ting along in nice condition at (his
-time having made wonderful im-
. provoment durin
the pa it 1W
i days
E. Welsch who hrs been here f
some time, visiting jit the hem
his uncle, A. (.. iiach and getting
the auto delivery in the best coiu'i
Hon herCj departed (his morning for
his heme at Omaha, where he is en
gaged with the lelco Lighting
people, in their auto ignition dc
nartment. Mr. Welsch drove Jus car
up. which he had down with him,
on his vit here.
Mrs. A. L. Jones who h:s been
sick for tome time past with tin
influenza, and who has recir.i-rv.'
sullicicntly to be up, had a relap;e,
which pJf.r.'H. bcr in a cvr.diti' ::.
worse than in the former occasion.
The case was so serious that a few
days since s-he was not expected to
recover, but .Monday during tbe
night, her condition changed for the
oeiter, and snc is reported now as
being in a more favorable condi
tion and showing good improve
Virgil C. Hubbell of Council
i Itlufi's. Iowa, was in the city hist
evening, remaining oVer night, and
returning to n is Home this isujrn-
ing. Mr. Hubbell had come to
Plattsniouth to visit a friend he had
net recn for years, and who some
time rince had died. James Y.
Thomas and wife. He did not suc
ceed in finding them and returned
to his home this morning. Mr.
Hubbell was a resident of thi? city
in the later seventies, but has not
been here for many years before
and was not aware of the death of
his former friend.
Krritn Mon.layV I.miiy.
Yesterday morning Leland s.
Rriggs, who has been at the i'?r
due University at LaFayette, Tn.i..
returned heme being nni':t?r:i r.-nt
of the service. At (he tit::v e
coming of the end of the .v.,r. he
with the claes from Perdue T:!ij
ver.ity, were to have gone ooc for
the operation of the trucK-; nn'
tanks, which are tjsed In the 'vyv.
Mr. Rriggs had been uppoi'ir:.!
Matter, which has a ranking: as
Sergeant Major, an such he h,-d
charge of the Government's poitirn
of the celebration of the signing of
the Armistice at tho cloro ol :is
tilities. He has not as yet
eluded what he will engage in, be
ing content to be at home again,
and that the war is over.
Influenza Gets 0!d and Your
"JJrip" and "Flu" r.,t-::a sho.ib;
not be neglected. Profit by the exper
ience of thousands Iika Mrs. M?ry
Kteby. Cr-L'H Princeton Ave . Spolc-j :.-.,
Washington, who writer,: ' Our lit
tle boy found relief in wonderful
Knlpv's TfrktiPV ami Tur Tf ..I
cured me. I am 75 years old; had a
very bad cou?h from la grippe." Sold
l Good .Will; Giyen New Impetus
"W'ashiiifitrn. Dee. Ki
Genera ;
ersuins cabled the War depart
-nt u.'.-ay mat practically com
p:eto reports of de:ith in
.... .
nion tae expcdiiKnary forces
i...uld recch tl:e department by Do- i
comber 20, and of severely wounded
by December 27.
General Pershinpr mid that the
number of unrcporte dcnsualtics in
pi-ores.7 of verification at the central
recordn office of the expeditionary
forces December 14, was 40400.
hey were divided as follows:
Milled in actior.. Z'J'J; died of
wounds, 27". ; died of di-ea.-e, S33;
eciden tally killed, r.l ; severely
vonnflert in action, .-.0,371. These
included all "suspense case, under
investi-aticn," the ;;ener:il Raid.
.Wildcat Division Hit Hard.
Total casualties to November 2-1.
in the Thirtieth (Wilricut) division-
(North Carolina, South Carolina and
Tennessee national guard), were
given as 7,G 2:;. The casualties were
clarified as follow:-: Killed in ?.c-
tion, 1,1 6 S; died of wounds, 2R1;
died of disease, 15; died of other
cause j, 5; s-everelv wounded, 1.181;
wninded, decree undetermined, S05;
rlip-hfly woun-ifd. .1,973; ini??infr
or captured, 193.
Few P;.ljcnticn?.
n-ier.l rershinp: reported that
the number of duplicated casualties
rNovehmer 27 would not operate to'
reduPO the rot, for the entire ex.
m-ditionnrv fw Mvon t hi, nm-
raary of that date, as additiona
A statement of Dodge Brothers
war activities is due the owners
of their cars.
Dodge Brothers refrained, during
the progress of the war, from any
reference to the performance of
the car in Government service.
It seems proper now, however,
to disclose the facts, because they
are unusual facts intensifying
that good will which owners of
Dodge Brothers Cars have always
Dodge Brothers car was the only
one of its class approved and
adopted by the War Department.
In a separate Ordnance Works,
built especially for the purpose,
costing millions of dollars and
employing thousands of their
skilled motor workmen, Dodge
Brothers undertook an important
duty designated by the War
Without the aid of their great
motor organization, Dodge
Brothers could not have fulfilled
the heavy obligation which they
were asked to assume by the
Ordnance Department. ,
The other service required of
Dodge Brothers motor works, by
the Government, was to continue
3 a a
(Casualties reported more than off-
; sot the duplicates.
Tesred fcr Thirtieth.
The report today from the Ameri
can commander was In reply to spe
cific questions ci!)'fM by the V;ir
department. In asking regarding
, ; tho casualties in the Thirtieth, divi
sion, the department, s-aid there had
l)ecn jp.ueh apprehension here
about the losses of this unit which
i helped the British army break the
famous Ilindenbnrir line.
i'roiu M-mp1.i in:iv- j
Five of cur yr.Min.-: mnsiciano of !
itlii.- eiiy. n':i peop'" of good ability
j i;ivp entered into t!.e forniity of an
institution which has been needed
. . . . ...
l-ere lor s-onie, t.iat or an ex-
, , ' ....
. , ., , ,
t ion ir-j iw irx: mmu'i i . ki ulu, iiK
lfhif tsTiKiUth Ja--..- Orchestra, and is
composed of lUIlus Altman, whowil!
operate on the violin, Gien Mend
chhall wh9 vill care for that por
tirm fo the music which. proceed"
from the trap drum, lienor Seybert
will nreside at tlie piano. Jack
Dcdjjo'.vay jr., will look after the
coronet, while Cyril Kalina will
look after tho interests of the clari
net. Great for "Tlu" and "Grip" Cough:
"I had an awful coid that left mo
with u dreadful cough," says Mrs. M.
E. Smith, Denton, La. "Dough t Fol
ey's Honey and Tar of our druggist
and it cured rnc completely. This
grand remedy should be in every
household at this time when influen
za, grip, coughs, , and colds are so
prevalent. Contains no opiates. Sold
r t
I ' .4
East of Hi.ey Hotel.
' Coate3 Elock,
Second Floor. j'
t t
to furnish their cars as they were
They were furnished, not in
hundreds, but in thousands both
for the training camps here, and
for service in Belgium, France
and Italy.
The record of those thousands of
camp and army cars is one in
which any owner may feel the
utmost pride and satisfaction.
Their performance justified the
compliment implied in their
selection by the Government.
The great works in which nearly
three hundred thousand of their
cars have been produced in the
past four years furnished a vast
store-house of human energy
and equipment for the ordnance
Naturally, it will take time to
adjust the motor works to its full
accustomed activity.
Gradually Dodge Brothers will
resume the grateful task of con
tinuing to deserve the good will
of America and indeed of the
whole world.
Dodge Brothers consider good will
their most valuable possession.
They will never knowingly do
anything to lessen it.
t t'J-n-
Mrs. Simcn Lewis, Nee Armstrong
Dies At Hayes Center Last
From Moinlay-;- Daily.
From the Exchanges we note tho
death of a former Plattsmouth lady,
Miss Armstrong, a member of a
family who lived in tiiis city for
some time, in the early years of
this city's life, and later married
Mr. Simon Lewis who war. at that
time an engineer of the Durilngton
running out of this city. They
moved from here yars ago, and
were living at Hayes Center at the
time of the death. The remains
was brought" to Lincoln for burial.
Mrs. Lewis was a sister of Marion
A. Armstrong. , -who has many time.
worked in this city for the various
papers being r. printer. He depart
ed for the bedside of his sister, and
was not rble to reach her home be
fore the death angel called. He re
turred to his work last week after
having attended tho burial of his
sister at Wyuka cemetery at Lin
From Ttiosdny's Daily.
Yesterday a call came from Bur
lington. Iowa, telling of the pass
ing of Frank Kucpper, of that city,
at the advanced age of some eighty
Drsi Mach & Machy The Pentlst
-t-1 . It
fnr tffmt 7T . : J
ouu ii.ia'Gma's ci mr-rc laac pra.rii.isni :c"pie
year?, he being- the h.u-:i)and of the
.sister of Mr. Colun-hus Xeif ol thi.
city. Mr. and Mrs. Xch departed
at on t!io late !:-.-ri!:!.-;-
ton train for Hurling ton to
attendance at the funeral
cecurs this afternoon.
i. m
vvhi- !i
From Monday's Da it v.
Yt-stcrday Mrs. Ui.berl Troop de
parted for Farnam, where t--he was
called by the death of a sou Fr;mk
Dalton. of her ristor Mrs. l:ia DalU 'i
who is a tis.ler of Mrs. Troop, .nol
lives r.t Farnham. Mrs. Troop
hastened to tho home of lier sister,
in order to give what comfort and
aid she could to her sister and fam
ily in their loss.
Cut This Out It is Worth I
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out thi.i
Cog. 2S35 ShefHeld Ave, Cliicago, Il
linois, writing yoi:r name an! ad
dre:.s clearly. You will receive in
return a trial -package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
coughs, colds and croup, FoK-y Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. Sold everywhere.
Charles Wixron, who ha bftcn
visiting -with relative" at Liiic.-i'n.
during the pat week, returned
home this morning:
. 1 1 . 1 rr s- 1 "t
i nc largesi ana Desr. equippea acntai ouices in VJmana. j-j
Expeits in charcc of all work. Lady attendant. Mod- j
erate Prices. Porcelain Mings just like locllu In. hu-
rnents carefully sterilized after ujinc. N
Fistsila Pay Wfi8nCured
A mild eystem of trestm!Dt thct ciirrs Vir:3. Firlula ar.d
gicai oper'atioa. Ko Cfclorcfcnn. ettnr o.- d'nzr gcarrc!
"..:.".V r; r-" ,A."!'V ' --
wno cvc t2ci r.6i ra.-n? nt!v ixrzn. 1