The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 09, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MOIfDAT. DZCZjZZZ?. S. 1913.
Jo Holders' of Second
Liberty Loan Bonds'
Your next coupons will be payable
November 15lh. We shall be glad to
cash them for you free of charge any
time it is convenient to you.
Ask us about our plan for the free safekeeping of
your Liberty Bonds.
The Bank of Cass County
Plattsrnouth, Nebraska
Capital and Surplus, $80,000
Your Personal Bank.
U '
The corap!eJe Fc.ic r'iJ
Fovvcr I-'vr.t
Ask u for elemor.-tration in your
own homo. ee for yourself. No
Tel. D. 50'.3 Omaha, Neb.
i ? " ' Y t
"1 i 3m
Miss Xe'.lie ."c-lv returned from
Imperial. Xebr.. on Saturday where
she is teaching schorl. Schools are J
closed until Jan. 1st. on account of j
the Flu.
A fine baby boy was bcrn to Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Flelsohmar. on Sun
day Dee. 1. 13!. The parents have,
the congratr.'.at ions cf their friends
en account of this t-ve::t.
:.!;--s Clara Fisher cf Indimola.
Iowa, arrivt
en ia;t Friday to visit i
her parent1-, ilr. and Mrr. Henry
Miller. She expects tb remain here
all winter to help care for her moth
er. Miss Bettie Ikiiley returned last
week from Meadow drove. Xebr.,
where she is teaching school, the
s-chools being closed until
cn account of the Flu.
Jan. 1st. j
Lloyd Eidenmilk-r has purchased
the stoek and farm equipment cf
Rosier Reeve and will fnrm TA (iu:-
tin's farm north of town. Lloyd
will move to the farm hut irtenuj j
to run the blacksmith shop this
Herman Flei-chman and Henry I
Fleischman were- Omaha passengers j
cn Thursday. Herman went up to j
have his eves looked afler by a I
specialist which were left weak af
ter his sirkner-s of the Flu.
Frank Stee and Tom Cromwell
have rr.adj a deal whereby the for
mer gets land in Perkins county
and the latter pets Frank's land
Agents for
Trucks and Ghvelend Trsslors
Let us demonstrate to vol.
Wo also Repair AH Makes of Cars!
as, reese arsd Sis
Welding; and Batteries Charged!
Auto Accessories! Kawheye Tires!
Telephone 324 . Rssidence 229
. , ..'.mw , ,.1
here. It is reported that Wm. Senf
will farm the land acquired by Mr.
The little pirl of Mr. and Mrs. j family of Alvo accompanied by Mrs.
Rube was scratched by a cat one ' ('natulan's father, Henry Ingwerson
day last week that presumably was ! cf Sioux City. !a.. autoed down Wcd
mad and every pr-aution is being i nesday to visit a few hours at the
taken to prevent any symptom uo-
v?lubi:ig in the child so she is be
ing given the Pasteur treatment and
it is thought that ii will prove ef
fective. On Monday evening at the session
of the village board it was decided
jito keep the ban on until January 1.1
1019. on account of the Flu epi- , There were two victims of the dis-de-mi-;.
The ministers had made a j rase brought in to Alvo for burial
request for church services but this j however, one of whim was Fred
request could r.ot he granted by the Kear younger brother of Melvin
board on account of conditions and J
r.o doubt it was the best thing to
do. So there are to be no public
gatherings until after January 1.
1019. and then provided all goes
Mrs. Dean Fwitzer and Mrs. John
Swindle arrived last Wednesday
night from Wyoming to visit home
folks until after the holidays.
Mr- W. T. Foster and little child
of St. Xavicr. Mont., arrived Satur
day morning fjr a visit with her pa
rents. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Armstrong
Pnd oilier relatives.
The August Glauhitz sale Tue
Cav was larireiv attended. Auction
eer Dunn reports celling alfalfa hay j
at ii. l.U'J per IL'll u; n:e 11:13
being the highest priced hay he ev
er sold.
Mrs. Wm. Dunn returned home
Friday night frcm Lexington, Mo.
She was accompanied home by her
? on Robert who had recovered from
the fu but as the school was closed
for the rest cf the yenr he came fur
a visit and to recuperate,
Rev. K. L. Hodson was taken to
the Methodist hospital in Omaha
Wednesday mcrning for treatment
for a hernia that had given him a
great deal of trouble for about '24
hours and had become serious
was accompanied by Mrs.
J. V. Snerry went to Lincoln
Monday evening to consult a spec
ialist as he is suffering greatly with
toncch trouble. He was accom
panied by Al Wiedeburg. Mr.
Sperry has not gained in health
since returning from Montana and
Mrs. Sperry is in very poor health
we are sorry to say.
Webb Russell came home from
Plattsmouth Saturday night on ac
count of not feeling well. By Sun
day he had developed a genuine case
o' flu and on Monday his mother
was taken down .'with the disease and
lias been quite sick. Mcrritt Rus
sell who is at the S. A. T. C. train-
' ii:g school at Lincoln was wired to
come home to look after them,
b The local board of health reports
gj that the influenza situation is im
Ci proving in town at least. Yesterday
y and the day before but two new
p cases were reported for the two
9 days. Those in town who have been
most seriously sick are Webb Russell
33 and Frank Russell. In the country
q Harold Wiles son of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Wiles and members of the
j John Uourke family have been the
critical cases.
p I Wm. Coatman one of our retired
I; farmers who has been doing his bit
r in time of the country's shortage in
farm help has been husking corn for
jr. Andrew Olson and In twenty-four
and three-fourths days he cribbed
cue thousand five hundred fifty
jV three bushels of corn for which he
Si' received Se Tier bushel making prac-
t!caIl3. 5.oo per day. This is a
pretty good record for a man the
age of Mr. Coatman as he was 60
ears old last August.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coatman
. Mrs. It. II. and the Wm. Coatman
homes. In conversation with Roy
v.e learned that the roads are much
J muddier, indicating the recent snow
to have been heavier down this way
than around Alvo. In speaking of
the flu. Roy said there had been a
few cases and no deaths at Alvo.
Kear. who died at Grant. Nebr..
where he been
Tom Cromwell.
working for
9m 9f Jji
2f Z 9
Mrs;. Dan Wilson has been on the
sick list for the last week.
It is reported that Myrtle end Roy
I hm sock have Small Pox.
Miss Janet Adams who is attend
ing University spent Sunday in
Fag'.e with home folkc.
Miss Phoebe S:v:ice spent Sunday
with iter sister who is teaching in
the Public School here.
Eh Bagenrief hs moved his
household eods to the place he re-,
cently purchased cf Emil Oberly.
A. F. A.kcrman came from Cali
fornia this morning and visited at
the home of his brother-in-law, H.
K. Fran t z.
Among the new cases of flu here
are. 'Buddie Longacre. Art Trumbla
and Margaret Bloomenkamn r.nd
Mrs. Rloomenkamp. and Mrs. Art.
Trumble. It is reported that 'Bud
die" is in a very critical condition.
E. M. Blair of University Place
was in Eagle the latter part of last
looking after matters connect
ed with the new bank for which he
and Messrs. Cooper and Knight re
cently r-ceived a charter.
H. K. Frantz, who recently sold
his interest in the bank cf Eagle lias
made a deal whereby he buys back
the interests he sold and also buys
additional stock so that he now owm
the controlling interest in the bank.
About midnight Sunday our fore
man. Marion Armstrong received a
message that his sister was serious
ly ill out near Hays Center, and left
on the morning train for that place.
She had suffered a stroke ul paraly
sis and was not expected to survive.
C. M. Seybert has been unable to
attend to his dray business this,
week, owinjr to an attack of the
Herman Stohlman and family
have been cn the sick list with the
flu, but are improving now and
Hermarj is able to ccrne to town as
he had it in a very light form.
Miss Rachel Stander came home
from Ashland where she is teach-
j ing, to spend Thanksgiving with
jthe home folks. She. was accom
panied b3' Miss Tommy Jean Brown,
of Ashland.
CMty Clerk Frank Ross says he
has a sure preventive of the Flu.
He eats onions three times a day.
The worst feature of it is that he in-
sists on other members of the fam-
ily doing likewise. j
Miss Ruth Fitzgerald arrived
heme the latter part of last week
from an extended visit with rela- ,
tives in New York. She reports a j
fine trip and a splendid time, but
says she is more than pleased to he
j &t home again.
Roy Steinkamp is recovering from j
a hard attack of the flu. He came !
home from Iowa, with a severe co
which developed into the fiu an
for a time his life was despaired of
but he is now out of danger.
George Schoeman returned to bin
home in Plattsmouth Friday after
a two weeks visit among his child
ren living in this vicinity. He was
accompanied home by his daughter,
Mrs. Ida McCoull who returned to
Louisville Saturday on the Schuy
ler. Mrs. II. T. Wilson left Wednes
day for New Orleans, La., to spend
the winter. She will visit her
brother in that vicinity and she was
accompanied by her father, Ge-orga
Woods. Mr. Wilson will join his
wife later on.
Mrs. J. A. Nelson is in the M. E.
horpital in Omaha, where j.he un
derwent a serious operation lar t
week. She is getting along very
well and her many I,oui:;viiIe
friends hope for her speedy return
Among those who had a birthday
in November was our old friend,
Theodore Heim. The passing years
deal very kindly with Mr. Heim and
his S8th birthds on Saturday, No
vember 9, found him in the best of
spirits and enjoying his t:sual good
Sam Edgerton is able to be out
again after receiving a knockout
blow from a windless while assist
ing in removing the sand boats from
the river at the Lyman Sand com
pany works last week. The crank
of the windless slipped- from
;s i
hand and struck him on the side of
the face fracturing a bone in h;s
jaw. One of his eyes was aho in-
jured. He is petting along nio'ly
and the Courier hopes that no ser
ious results mav follow.
London, Dec. Z. David
George, the prime minister, tonicht
in the elc-ctioa campaign, gave a
restatement, of his policy. In it he
declares that the men responsible
for the Avar cannot escape because
their heads were crowned, but that
they must be tried by an interna
tional court. Mr. Lloyd George
so declared himself in favor cf the
expulsion and exclusion of all enemy
aliens. '
To Abolish Conscription.
Dundee, Dec. f. The Erith-li re
presentatives at the peace confer
ence will demand general and abso-
lute abolition e)f
throughout Furope. '
"Winston Spencer Churchill made j
this announcement in a speech here
Agree Upon Plans. j
Faris, Dec. 5. There is complete !
agreement between the allies cn all j
questions, particularly that concern
ing the former German emperor, de
clared Premier Clemenceau cn his
return from London last night. He
expresred deep satisfaction over thel,
imnortant results ebtained
at the !
Col. E. M. House of the American
peace delegation, who has been rep
resenting President Wilson is con
ferences here, now is fully conver
sant with the decisions taken by the
supreme war council at ts meeting
at London, which he unable to at
tend on account of illness.
Will Scrutinize Documents.
Copenhagen. Dec. C. The Berlin
government has ordered a search
flio Tr5vntf flroiimpnt? r.f the
former emperor for matter relating , - 7.
, , , .. bakery. A market v.ill he helc
to the outbreak of the war. '
, cn Saturday and lunch will be scrv-
Demand 94.000,000 !:s .
Amsterdam. Dec. 5. The Dus- n1 Sa.irdav
seldorf Xochrichten, a copy ofj' . , ..
, . , , , . Fo" seme time past the laaies of
which ha.s been received here, says . ,
, . , . . the tiiuld liave ijeen busv sewir.
... . . . i
French armistice commission p.t Spa,
. . . .
has presented a note to the German
, . , , t. ;
commission, demanding for the first
x. . ' T ... , x ,
month for the British troops of oc- i
cupation 40,000,000 marks and for j
the French troops 54,000,000 mark
We can get them out for ycu in
eieht days. We iruarantee satisfac-
ties or we not keep your money.
"Ppm - mher -k-p can m?ke ver ri". I
ture, rain or shine. Always cpen, Mrs. Flc jd Kuhnty and little
night CT day. Sunday sittings by; daughter came ever this afternoon
appointment. " 'from their home at Pacific Junction
GERIST & GHRIST, and is visiting at the home of her
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. parents Taul Bajack and wife cf
Coates Block. . this city.
"SIM Fill?
biierman warns Lo-.ver
lot to Elect Political
Enciy Socaker Party Peace
Is Eally Rumpled.
"Washington, Dec. .". Senator
Sherman cf Illinois tcs;vd a Le-rab
amour his reputiiicun cone;'. cue-- m
eoitgrer.s today uy opemy U!Ku.riiig
war upo'i his old-time polit ic-a!
juy, Represent at i ve Jam: s it. Manr
of Illinois, republican leader cf the
The riir.o's senator launched hi
eRn:;v'j with a speech on the floor
ot the i-jnate, warning the st-natorr
if they sanctioned the eti;ii of
."dr. Mann to the speakership of the
house ti.ev must '-M.ect to ";:o i lit f
the ditch" in the campaign of IT'20
His attack had a disastrous e-ffee
upon the effcrts cf rprhlicans to
preserve harmony in the organiza
tion of the next house. Although
not entirelv unexpected, it create!
a f-ejisatini in bofh wings cf th
eatdtol and fet some of tl;o har-
j:-.e.:iy workers to casting about for
com promise candidate.
Senator Sherman's speech todav
is attributed to Mr. Mann's ttate
mer.t ct J iiecaav. in which he ce-
crii J su' h measures as the Sherma:
and liodenburg re-ob:! ien s e!:re:-tin'.
the vice president to assume the
functions of chief executive in th?
absence of President "Wilson. It
now develops that President Wil-o:
was not the game Senator Shermar.
and Representative Tteidcnburr: wer
after at all Senator Sherman said'to
I q:v tl'.ht it was moretv a t a 1 1 to tra"
Irir. ?.Fann into shov:ng hostility to
v. ;ird liirn.
Abusive in Criticism.
".t the other end of the capitol,"
said Senator Sherm:.n, rmong thu
who are impatient to mount the SQat
of power, there nre interviews nov
antivinnting the time when he shal'
j rule. The edicts are issued fron
Itm"!1 to time, one appearing m yes-
j terday's morn in!? pres. raying th
i nothing should be said to interfere
j with the president's m!-ston abroad
'The gentleman stems to be irapat
; int. He delivered his prenouncia
I mento, liis ukrse is mad? and pub
; li.hcd 1 rfor? he has even mounte."
the throne ef power.
lie i- muci
rmrc- powerf
he is ar. home
i:i V."a hlngton tha
I'noTi revcr:;! ocea
siens he has brrn seised witti ar
ur.apper.sabie de?:re to have the dele
g:t( - from his own s'ate in a na
ti:'ir'l ce'ivent ion. He rever ever
noed under the v.-ir and c-ot a dele
: iute in l:is life, and he never will
I take no instructions from this self
i constituted mouthpiece cf the re
' publican party as hailing from Illi
. r.ois, even if he does presume to b"
! a republican delivering orders to al!
- t o whom he may
ve cess. I am
meiit ionincr no names, as it woiilJ
be a breach ef the parliamentary
rules to do so."
This statement war. c.reeted wit!
laughter by those on the, floor an
! in the calleries and the vice presi
uent warned visitors.
"But I have not accept d lead
; ership except when I exported the
i .--' ; ,i , 4 tin ......1 ....
happily I liave never lie-en disap
1 pointed," Senator Shcrrr.nn rortimee;
Ibi possesses no element of. leader
ship in the west and none in hi'
own stat- outside of Ilv.le Park ii
! Chicago."
St. Mary's Guild will meet wit'
Miss Mabel White on North Gth St.
next Tuesday afternoon at two-thirty.
C!iristr.3s Sltop.
St. Mary's Guild will hold thelt
annual Ch.ristmas Shop on Friday
and Saturday Dor. 13 and 14, in the
! . . ... 1 . . - ; , .1 1,.. M. IT., rv
end preparing dainty and practical
t. . .. , , . , . "
articles ruitabl for Christmas g;ftr
. , . , t , ' . A
These will be found at the Christ-
mas Shop where all i-re welcome to
. .
erne and buy
Mrs. G. V. Olson is reported ac
being sick this morning, and had to
take to her bed. Her son Walter,
who has been sick with the influ
enza, for the past week or more is
reported as just getting over the.
Aliens to Get Instructions in Citi
zenship, History and Other
The department of labor has just nn
Certaken its first venture r.s a publish-
er of text books. A large edition of pnys.cians 01 c:muiern lexas.
these volumes for the use of citizen- , was recently received at the Tanlac
ship rl.i-ses conducted by the bureiiu office and gives indisputable evi
of m.turalizaiioii has come off the ; dence as to the value of Tanlac a? a
prevs, and several other editions ere ! rercn.-trupticn tonic for persons who
Hkelv to b nee-arr before the de- j
nnin-.l for the publications is exhaust-
ed. With the text bonk the government
has printed a teacher's manual in or
der to -.s&ist instruetors.
The eitiz'. iisliip classes are now grn
eraiiy und'-r way, public se!:ools be
ing uii'iz'-d for the purpose1 of Ameri
canizing the aliens'. Th- process is
very thorough, for beg-nning with ere-y
conver.-ational methods of ttf.ching
l-Jiigllsh. th- fortiiru-'rs are soon in
trodueed to the study f reading and
Chiee a fair knowledge of Englisli
'as been obtsdn-d. instruction begins ' with in the past month about four
;u Lioro- advanced studies, prominent I teen hundred cas, and have never
among which is the history of the j hoen able to get sufficient Tanlac to
United States. Th" s-.ri.clure of ihv?
nation's &ovrnra nt is treated in de
tail, in order that the candidate for
citizenship may gain :is cle;'.r an idea
as pos-iiMo tif the nature of the Insti
tutions anions which he has e-lected
to dwell.
In connection with his study of
academic subject1;, the alien is taught
i g-e:.t deal that makes his life fn
r-!-rien more pleasant for crumple,
how to puar! hi health and that of
Ids ehi'-lren; how he can f-pend his
.ne.pcv i:nt iidvr.Tilagt ous'y for the
house';:(dd biitTgtt; how to j.rev'it ac-
iden!s and how to treat injuries or
leal with em rg-m ies.
Tiie text book sm.i manual nt no
no lose sight of the fact that the
average alien comes from a country
vhxe customs differ widely from
;.os In ceiTinnon use liere, and the
ffe-i j-; made both to explain the
''i'yt -rll 7Cz Yvt''-'' '' ' yfii
S? V.''"yl-,''
i '. .5
J TV..
i-!,'s .'fl
During his inspection of a convoy of
ambulances in Hyde Park, prior to
their departure te France, Monsieur
Paul Ciiiiibon. the French ambassador,
is shown here as he slopped for a chat
with Mrs. Assheton Bennett who was
-.i warded the Croix de Guerre for serv
ices at ChaJons-sur-Mtirne. These
women drivers have been awarded
many medals for distinguished serv
ice under lire1.
Both Were to Be Brides and Had
the Same Name.
Lieut. Charles YV Moore, chaplain
at Great Lakes, was sedated at his
desk the other day when a sailor, Har
old Hi?frins, entered, announced he
was going to get married, and said
he wanted the chaplain to tie the
""With pleasure," said the chaplain.
"Edith Steele," replied the sailor
as the chaplain made -a note of it.
A few moments later Noel B. Les
ter, cnether bluejacket, entered the
chaplain's office.
"I wont to get married," said lie.
"Will you marry us?"
"With pleasure," said the chaplain.
Whafs the girl's name?"
"Edith Steele," replied the second
sailor without the flicker of an eye
lash. . !
The chaplain looked startled. There!
were two Edith Ftee-les. One now
is Mrs. Lester and the other Mrs.
Sharks in Western Waters.
Great schools of sharks, some of
them 15 feet long, have Invaded the
waters of the Washington coast, cU
Cape Flattery and Grays Harbor, ac
cording to captains of fishing schoon
ers arriving nt Seattle. The sharks
art' declared to be destroying a largo
uuuiLer of lislu
-L; v;iV' . ,: :'.:"Su1
s .rirV ;';;" "U
- v V-,. - ' ' ' '.V -...',
-"-v :S,j "
"v;.'v o k ' -A 4 'i
The following letter from Dr. J.
. Sandlin one of the most premi
are recupterating frcm the after ef-
! f r.f? a nf S?n.TTiti)i Tn flun7a. l!h let
; . ' ...
ter follow.?:
Humble, TeTas. ?.ov. 5,
1 9 1 &.
"Dear Sir:
Just a few lines in reference to
Tanlac. I have found your prepara
tion to be a wonderful reconstruc
tive tonic, and in my opinion it hes
no equal in its line. I have found it.
to be the best tonic to be had tf
build up my patients who have had
Spanish Influenza. I have treated
supply our people.
"Yours very truly,
(Signed) DR. J. W. SANDLINV
Dr. Sandlin not only enjoys a very
lsrge practice as a physician, but
he is also a man of wide influence
and ranks as a leading, citizen of the
enterprising little city of Humble,
As a practicing, physician of six
teen years' experience Dr. Sandlin
was quick to recognize the superior
tonic properties of Tanlac over oth
er remedies and unhest itat ingly and
: voluntarily gave i aniar ins uiiquau-
1 fied indorsement."
"Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
G. Fricke & Co., in Alvo by Alvo
. p,
; Dnlt, Cr f 5n Avoca y O. E. Copes.
in South Bend by E. Sturzenesper.
in Greenwood by E. I Smith, in
in Elmwood by L. A. Tyson, in Mur
doch by II. V. McDonald and in
Eagle, hy V. W. Iiloomenkamp."
il ! Paris. Dec. o. A terrorist revolu-
i tinn under the leadership or Dr.
I.iebkneeht, the radical socialist,
will break out in Perlin Friday ev
ening, according to advices receiv
ed by the Zurich correspondent of
tLe Journal. .Lielknecht. the report
says, has 1 HO. 000 men well armed.
The population of Berlin, according
to reports, is at the mercy of gangs
cf marauders and there appears to
Le no authority there.
A. V.". Dawson and wife were pas
sengers to Omaha this afternoon,
where they will visit with friend
for the afternoon.
i'er Infants and Children
in Us tr or Over 30 Years
Always bears
p-o"nI .Attention to Dlrir of Wo me
Eyes Tested and Classes Fitted
Sight Calls Answerei After Hours
and Sundays by Appointment.
:30 a. m. to 12:00 1:30 p. m. to t:Zt
?l7 Plattsmouth, Neb
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry to be de
livered at poultry car near Burling
ton Freight Depot, Plattsmouth,
Nebr., on Thursday, Dec. 12th. Cne
day only, for which we will pay in
cash :
rr ' 'S3 - --rt-
Kens per lb. 19c
Springs per lb. 10c
Old Roosters per lb. 15c
Ducks, full feathered, per lb. 18c
Geese, fall feathered, per lb. 16c
Beef Hides per lb. 153
No. 1 Horse Hides, each $G.C0
Will be on hand rain or shine and
take care of all Poultry offered for
sale. Dcn't tie poultry.
Yours very truly,