THUESEAY. DICZIuEEE 5. 1918. PL 11T3MOUTJ1 SEMI -WELT LI JOURNAL. r i i iii. i TTTTriaiwfvwiTi-i1rr i hi iiiii ii ii 'in Come Ob Boys the gang's all here the whistle has blown and we are read' for you with a new supply of BasEcet Ball Fixin's Shirts Navy and White Hose Navy and White Knee Pads best quality Trousers padded to make the floor feel soft Many other accessories to help "play the game' 'ffla.?:-vzs" f rnm south of this city, grin? to R; Omaha, where they were called ' to M'look &fter seme business maturs. t, for the day. I t L. Q. Ilogue of Louisville was a j j "'Visitor in this city this morniii?, ft fj coming for treatment -for an injury y i w hich rereccived some time since N'by an accident in which li is should- A - . - 1 tj'C-r was iraciuitu. Here's hopin' ycu threw a goal. mm - i I Trlin Pz-iliii firrivnrl in t Ti ?3 r-ifv this afternoon from Omaha, after lia'wng visited in tin; south fc t re past few months. lie spent a good deal of the fall and late summer at I ! Louisville, Ky., ami din of the time at St. Louis. Mr. Ravraond Todd. who was fr laiiea io unianu w i.ere ne -a as 1 ;.:- 11 j rd in a hospital a few days for treatment, of on- of hi.-, b-r'-, . hich had become affected lriv. the and had to have an on" I k.r fcj: rer formed ther:ou. n Ji. the removal of a port ton to? : 8! I- t ' v. hi II E J Wescott's EVERYBODY'S STORE" Sons . s:i:t:i'g port '.on Of c! (:.' fr. A. E. Todd the father went up 1 h :s. morning to i.--' St-, ot the Lone..--. his son. 4! a: n t. pttt,ta?t wniTr.-r.!;r;. URSDAY! THURSDAY! Beginning the Metropolitan Millinery Clearance Entirely Different Sale Presenting at tremendous reductions the most alluring, most beautiful, strickly new millinery the women of this vicinity have ever been privileged to bu)'.-. The one and only clearaway of the season beginnin Thursday, December 5th, offers entirely unheard-of values. Our Entire Collodion of k TVVO TS"?rT l Tailored, Gage and Fish Hats " 4 'f . A Pcrtion cf ITava! Force Vriies to STTtr i TV"" ft! Will i an Grp.r?ft. t;1 end Willian LOGAL EWS jury which he received years since J From TuesJay's Dsily From Wednesday's Dally. Henry Theirolf was a visiter in this city this morning from his home near Cedar Creek. Julius Hilflicker from near Ced ar Creek was looking after some business in the city this afternocn. Wm. Rice from near Murray was a visitor in this city this morning where he is looking after some busi ness for the day. i J. L. Thompson who is tLe hriJge man at Oreapolis, at the Pollock Auto bridge was a visitor in the city this afternoon. Watson Long from west of My nard was a visitor in this city thi: afternoon called here to lcok after some business for the day. Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water was a visitor in the city this afternoon, coming to look after some business at the court house. Attorney II. II. LefTler of Ea?:o was a visitor in our city fcr a few hours yesterday afternoon nnd re turned to his home in the Mrs. J. M. Jordan and daughter of near Cedar Creek who were visiting with friends in Plattsmcuth for yesterday returned home last even ing. Miss Gertrude Meisinger was a visitor in this city yesterday for a few hours and in the afternoon re turned to her h)me near Cedar Creek. William Wol forth was a visitor in this city this morning from his home west of Mynnrd, and was do ing some shopping with the mer chants. Albert Johnson of Louisville was a visitor in this city for a few hours yesterday and last evening returned to hi3 home cn the la.3 Burlington train. Will Wehrbein and wife from west of Murray were in the city this morning looking after seme busi ness for the morning and visiting with friends. John S. Hall was a pa-enper to Omaha where he is receiving treat ment from Dr. lYniance, for an in- which has left an injury to his back. C. E. Heebner was a passenger to his home ut N'ehawka yesterday af ternoon, &oing via Louisville and Vfrj:;ig Water, after the closing of th session of the board cf couLty commissioners. Mrs. Samuel Long of South Bend who is visiting in this city at the home of O. M. S', departed this morning for lieu Oak where she v.ill visit for a short time at the home of a nephew. George Lloyd was a visitor in this city from his home at Xchawka, and was accompanied by his wife, they coming to look after some business for the day. and are visit ing with friends here. Mrs. Fred Spangler and daughter IIpzf-1. from i-outh of the city were passengers to Omaha this morning where they are Iroking after some business matters and olo will vi.-it with friends for a short time. Guy Crook of Falls City was a visiter in this city yezterday coming to lock after ucnie matters before the board of county conini'ss'rncrs, where he ir, looking after some mat ters regard'r.g the ccur.ty bridge.?. Business at the court house call- ! "d by Mr. W. I The following letter w; On vett 5 I-'.-C-JV- froM hi;; ed Judge J. W. Brobst to this cityl'-dd pal and frie:v! C. L. I', this morning from his home in ' now working with the Aero Naval Louisville. ' i - qua lion located in French vaf.:"rx: John Lower of near Pacific June- I '. 1 U .vid Blllici'.i: 1! ! I i tiGii was a visitor in this citv ves .erday afternoon and departed la"t ! I a?-t wnii evening for his home. ,; -ending you on' The Modern Woodman are plac ing a new coat of tar and gravel on the roof of their hall at tin- cor:;' ; cf Sixth and Pearl streets. Jacob KeicLart of Louisville -a business visitor in this ci'y for ti:e day. coming down nr. the morn ing train and returning thi. after noon. jncppii Wegener, who liver, near Cedar Creek was a visitor in Piatt:- mouth 1 1: is afternoon where he i:; loc-king after some business f.,r thr afternoon. Henry Snnke w he) has been in the city attending the meeting ef ti-e i;oard of county cemmbi-ior-ers. -parted for his home at Eagle th!: :.f lernooi). ('. E. HciLner of Xihawkn, was a visitor in this city today, oora'.r.g as a member of the board of coun ty commissioners, which i3 hr.ldirg j "i-id a t this i around hrf ; re ! ! nerrs r. nd m: th" :y rl ovf r i!: i '.i in: - i :-, I'"-P' r"1 i:f: GflGE A With the one exception of Fur Hats every hat in our stock at $3.00, $5.00 and 7.50. All Trimmed Hats Hand-made and hand-blocked of the following ma terials: Beavers, Velours, Lyons Velvet, Panne Velvet and Hatter's h. All Icaclino: colors. Formerly oriccd up to $19, Thursday at $3, $5 and $7.50. Included in this sale are celc-brateri Gage Hats at $7.50 that always sell at from $ 10.CC to $12.0. Hatter's Plush and Black Banded Gage Sailors in eight different ae illustration in this advertisement. Cne of the Gars Hats n t'-is sale at S7.CO shape to or 1, : : -tarting bark I myself I am rot r a:i; : acl: yet. I want to e I, not.' that I am here. 1 have cnly been off tl-e station ttvic" j I l ave been he re, so you s--ee 1 In v. ; not been around v.-ry ir.uch. I em going to Bordeaux, the Trst obauee :I pet. that is rather a large city. Xnt knowing a v.-i,rd of French, a ; fellow cannot eiij ;y limsU' rw -h when he dcci go .oi:t. Every: h:i:g .t man soes renMads him of "C- thirg old fashioner.' and it (i-:;-ir-?y i 5 .ld (o, v. h'-n th.- i'ri:!i r-'O'jie huiid a beui e it wiil r-ta-t ! ' for li and ti: o? August Carlson of Louisville jvas a session today a visiter in this city yesterday look ing after some business at the co-art house and also was transacting some business with the merchants of the ciiy. returning to his home in the evr-mng. The Nebraska State JiuMd'r.g and Loan Association of Fremont, lias brought an action for foreclosure of raortgage, against F.. J. McAn drev.s and Eadie M. MeAndrew?. his v.-ife, for a piece of property in Weeping Water against whieii they have loaned money. George Schantz, of Jc-nning, La., arrived in the city night before last and is visiting at the home of his parents in this city, Mr. and Mr?. George Schauta sr. Mr. Schautz, v ho everyone knows, will visit here for, some time with his many friends. He is engaged in the blacksmith and machine business in the south, and is enjoying a gcod business. The town in which he lives is one about the some size of Piattsmouth. Wm. Wagener of near Lciti'jvilie, was a visitor in this -ity this it irn ir.g coming to look after some busi :i t.; matter;; at the court house and also in the city. Mr. E. H. St-hv.bP.n" departed ia.-t night for I.aui'-vIPe where be re trained over nil ht teaching tb juvenile band of that city, and re turned home th:; morning. Martin Zaar cf near .ut h Be.. was, a visitor in this city th:.; rno: ing. coniiTig to lack ::ft r some busi ness in the ci'y ei'l alvo to attend to some matters at t'.ie county s at. rare. I have not seen :jny wealthy people yet. I ir.iain have tilings fixed "nice enough. ".:ave some fine chateaus ar here, but Iiave r.o seen the-m y aave been working steady for past two months. Only had Sundavr- of- i!i that 1 1 j- I te t h ;. tin;. :. T th" t wo e v- i a . th.e Journal where you were -.trk-j ing in Oreapolis on the big silo. ' What have yen been d:ing :;!! '":!- ' r-or. What is the pre:-p?'e s . the war. Did the new draft ; catch you. Will Bill. T wi.-' i would write and let ir.e know ! going on around there, j CAUTlE L. PITMAN. ! F. S. X. Air Station. Pan iliac. I France. 1 i ; e Ijiw y "'.! . l... t J. J. !eisin-i-r Cedar Creek. mm mmmm is-1 n. . x .- . e . i . v x i e ' : '' -ZM,-- a visitor in this, ciiy this morn ing, coming t !( oi: after feme re pairs on his home here, preparatory to moving to 1 1 1 1 - city next week to make his home. August Xrecklow, road overseer for Center precinct, was a visitor in the city thh; morning coming to meet with the board cf count v com- ALBERT W. VALLZHY EETIEH. phssk n-rs and to :fter other bui-iiness in the city. From M'ii'1;i j fail v. Henry Snoke of near Eagle wa-. in the city this morning after some matters at the seat. Ir T Tritcfl, From- JJ.-'r.'tay'f" le(iy. Albert W. Vallcry who b- at th ! Great Lake--, where he has bo en as !a member of tha Nary trainin;--- tion there, and whore be was tareu some nearly three' months since with the Flu. Mr. Vallcry after kaving been sick for some wi.h the Flu. was taken with pneumonia, nnil after that be had a of ia small blood ves;el in tlu brain. wheih made b";s ee-idition bad fa the extreme. He has held to life tbouirht Paring looking I when it was absolutely there was v.o hope. count v ! that !the past month, he has been mak- I nn i . - t i n ii f bmic' it who has ' lJT?en i "- "---o- - He now grcat:y visiting at Cedar Creek at the home j very slow, of relatives for over return- ! "lmciatet. e. IF YOU PUT YOUR MONEY REGULARLY IN OUR BANK DUR ING THE PAST YEAR, YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO BE THANK FUL FOR. YOU KNOW IT. IF YOU DID NOT SANK YOUR MONEY, START TODAY AND BY A YEAR FROM NOW YOU CAN HAVE A REAL TH ANKSGIVIKG. OUR BANK IS A SAFE PLACE FOR YOUR MONEY. YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 1-2'PER CENT INTEREST ON SAV INGS ACCOUNT OR H PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME CERTIFICATE. Farmers State Bank PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA ed home this morning. George W. Wall was a visitor in this city this morning coming from . bis home at LaPIatte to I -ok after some business for the morning. Will S. Jean was a passenger thie. morning to Omaha where he is look ing after some business for the day at the live stock market on the south side. Wm. Mutchelott of this city who has been working at Bellevue, was a visitor at his home over Sunday aud'returned to his work this morn ing. At the heme of Myron Wiles west of Mynard the family is r.ick Mr. Wiles and wife both having been confined to their home with the flu. Robert B. yindham who has been visiting at Lincoln and where he was a guest at the home of his son Wade W. Windham, for the past few days, returneel home last evening. Wm. Otterstein from' west cf Mynard and bis daughter Miss Pauline were passengers to Omaha this afternoon, where they were looking after some business mat ters. Walter Beyers, John Smitu and WiP Sberra Were all passenr. rs tinned id weakened by the con- illnoss, but the right kind of ST.irit and grit and a good co:i FtiUition tei back him, he bid- fair to recover. Word from his bedside received today sa3s that lie is able to sav one or two words now. Ijfhtsnr.a Gets Old and Yccng "Grip" and "Flu" coughs should not be nealectcd. Profit by the exper ience of thousands like Mrs. Mary Kibv. "."::;, rrincotr.n Ave., Spokane, Washington, who writes: "Our. Ht j tie boy found relief in wontlerful i-oleys Honey a net tar. it rureiy cured me. I am 75 years old; had a very bad cough from la grippe." Sold everywhere. 1 a Xc b::hv ('.). i). Mi i ir e No a fOV j'.e-ei : -tock of Chi aire::. Ha'.- ?1. !'.",. values up to 5 .".00. ;-:. No e.rh tinges. Con.c early and bi ndit by first choice. -,l. -r e,;h. Heir.' be- .7 IT TIT TT t: v 1 'irLi V(iai- ! Y0UIJG MAN DIES IN VEST. . Vi av i.bat e'.C.C -2 1.1 1 111 irir.e, 1 ;" T! .'.ly s I ai:y . C:ie.-t-r P. Dri -'g-. v. h i - in the j Xaval Trainir.g Stat;.;n at Sin Fran- r-y-'jc, !k:s srrt th follow in1; nieau. , oi" the T":ia::ks.:iving dinner, wiiich : was served to the boys at ti e F. S. ' ''.w ! Tr;-. 'iiir g Stati r. there-: Ti;-rc arj at t' e Xe val Treir.'n .ti i;:: ;' i.i:' b'rjir'-i o, . i:ir. young men fn::a (l is city, th.ey 1" lug: I'.rcarl Rain- :-. 1 ).!" -".-t Pv. y Albert Miller. Earre:t F.uttcry, ( A. Marsdiall jr. f Jer-.O Mi reary. Will Newman. Di vi Pat:-: 1(! Tb .1 e f 'i ics: er ii P: liientl he-r. v."vi.h i and t'r.rv fed to .-hat they i r h e;i r ' content: y)i " x -T," Grape Fruit Pot a ire a la limine Eailish Celery Sweet Pickle! F-ir-nr Cured n. .a Waldef Sjlad l My. A ; r iir!ey .vas J.eard the v rit of bahoas cirpi.-. stied out by Paul i 'a viced:. wh'.-iVi.y he desired to gain hi-, libtrty, f;o.a the county j.iil wh.ere he bad been sentenced to er'.e out a i.'ir.tence of :i::ty elays , for the second infraction cf the. jro : hibitory act, which makes it an of i i'e:u;e against the peace and dignity I of the state, fcr one to transport in ; t:.x;eatie:i !i;;t:ora. On hU .second oifense Judae A. J. P.eeon lias giv ' ' ::: I'.im a sentence of sixty elays :.'id ';'::::.: tkic through b'; attorney W. 11. Lovely, of Omaha, he was seek ! ;-. ,- his liberty. I A .5 there is new pending in the '!ren:j erurt a like bearing taken u; fro a seoue other y unity, and that this was the second offense in it hi.; cevant y, beside;" t?;e oil'enses : ebewberv1, the writ w?-, tlcnie-el, by Judge Degley. and the n-an allowed ! to continue '.lis sentence in the county Earl Lamp!; ear, Aged Twenty Years Hies At Jordan, Montana, A Fev Days Ago. Frf'm Tik s(;i j--s It.iil-. Word has just luen received from Jordan, Montana, of the death of Earl Laniphear, of that place. :on of Melvin Laraphear and wif, all formerly living here. Earl Lam phear was born in Plattsmouth and resided here until be was fourteen years of age, just six years a,'o when, the family removed to the v est, win re they hz ' made their bene The young man was making his home on the farm of Alva Oiborn, who ia the son-in-law of W. T. Smith cf this city at the time cf'bis death. Mr. Earl Lamphear who died in November 25th, was a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. George Lamphear of this city, and is well known by the young people with whom he asso ciated before leaving here. Vow Heart r !er Pre-;::::; Ob-let Orcvcy Mahcd Fete tecs T, irKov cn-rherry Suk- ! Cut T!iis Out It is Worth Honey Paired Corn I Southern Sweats i DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this Hearts cf Lettuce French Dressing Cream Cheese Toasted Crackers lee Cream Vine Cche Cisars Coffee Tain Sept Kim Aveake KigLta j slip, enclose with 5 cents to Foley & jCo.. 2S:tr, Sheffield Ave., Chicago, II : lir.ois, writing your name and ad I 'lre-s clearly. You will receive in (return a tric.l package containing j Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for I coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid- rey Pills ami Foley Cathartic Tab- J. V.. Peek, Coraopolis; Pa., writes -lets. .Sold everywhere. "I suffered terrible pain, unable to lie down at night. Tried three differ- j TJUECC JERSEY E0AH3 FOR SALE cnt doctors. Three weeks ago began Miking Foley Kidney Pills; improve ment in my condition is really won derful." Fse Folev Kidnev PiHs for bk rheumatism. dder trouble, backaclu Sold everywhere. Stationery at ths Journal cf?Toe.. I have a fev,- excellent registered J and immune Duroc Jersey boars for : sale. This stock is excellent and I can recommend it as being immune and ready fr service. Phillip Sch aeffer, 2031, Weeping Water, Nebraska. dltsw. Flags at the Journal Office. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use ForOver30 Years Always brars the DR. H. G. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ppc'al Attr-ntlon to Dlrrnn of tVomri ACUTE. DISEASES TKEATED Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted Eight Calls Answerei After Houri and Sundays by Appointment. i.ZO a. m. to 12:00 1:30 .p. m. to 5:2f WJ1 PlattsmouUi. Neb i j; s i I ? i s A b S 3 - A s V.'hen baby suffers v.'ith crotin, apply and give Pr. Thomas Eclectic Oil at once. Safe for children. A little goes a long way. COc and GOc. At ail drug stores. -I V7. A. EOSEHTSOU, Lawyer. . Eust of Riley Hotel. Coates Clock, Second Floor. m ; ' V ft ' -'' il J ! Y i p f 3 I r f K underwear and Nile Wear! Sut ply your underwear needs .vim-. You can be fitted in Yassar regardless ef jour shape cr size. Vassar not emlj- com bines lit and workmanship, but the line is rnsde in the different weights necessary to warmth and comiort eif men er.garcdin-verj' eceu)aticn. Vassar Unions $2.25 to $3.00 Cotton Yasser Unions $4.00, $5.00, $6.CC Wool F'aar.,d Gowns and raja ma are bard to get. ;ivc them in a complete run of sizes. nijrht now we Gowns $1.75 and $2.00 Pajamas $2.50 A few boys good weight Flannel Gowns $1.25 Hid Good Warm Underwear. Good Warm Nitewear. A com bination to beat the "Flu." ) ) ) ) v