3 .THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1918. rLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL r.:;n r. TlrtTlT-PH TT T1TTITTirW S53S5EZ&&JAXBg& ZE33EKJ3M3 12?!iH y 7 .0 Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers Economy Sm Is Wealth Ip tl Economy and banking go Jffi&$2 hand in hand, IrllA The bank is the goal of the man who economizes. Jj& 4 This country is waking up to the value of economy. It throws back the charge that it is a spendthrift nation. You cannot economize un less you bank your surplus. Sea us about ycur bar.hing. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits arc Protected by the Str.te Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BAMSC All buiiness transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. Mr-;. Krnest Kichter has been quite so k fur the past few days. .'Ir.-. W:n. Ma sie has been on the t-irk ii;-t l"r the pat few days. Mrs. O. A. P.'vis i 1 1 I .Mrs. Vance Pitman wire Piattstnouth visitors on .inlay of this week. Thus. Til-.m v:is tookinir p.os. iii-on was looking alter 1 1 i matter:- of business in the coun ty s.v.t last Fat unlay. Kit .-ale Pure bred Duroc-Jerscy boar-, i rice won't hurt you. Also two Shorthorn bulls. Searl S. Davis, W. A. Scott lias been down with an attack of the Flu for the past few 'as. The n. any friends hope to moi! e "Scott ies" smiling face upon the s-'reets a -a i!.. .Mr. an 1 .Mr:-, Louie Puis have been ufl'ering with an attack of the Flu for the pat few days. Their con dition was not considered serious and ti.-jy are getting along very nicely at tli is time. .Miss IIorte:ue Shepherd.son ' and M i.-s !io-'j McDermotr came down from Om ika Saturday evening and I . lit Hi:i"..!.y r.t t!ie lioine of Miss Shepl.ei.Noij's sisier. Mrs. (Hen Val !i ry and family, in J-Ziiilit Mile Groie pnvinct. w. Hi at AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONAELE SATISFACTION OR 110 PAY! IICVERSB ALL CAIXS Telephone 1511 Ijlurray Exa range AUTOMOBILE Gloves and Mittens! Just the thing for keeping your hands warm and adding comfort to your drive. Black leather gauntlet lined $3.75 Mititary, one finger warm lined, gauntlet mit tens 3.50 Leather, one finger mittens, heavily lined, gaunt let 3.25 Men's Lamb Lined Buck Mittens, take up wrist strap 3.65 Men's Genuine Horse Hide clastic wriit mittens, 1.25 Men's Horse Hide Chopper Mitts 1.00 Hiatt MURRAY, A Mrs. Wm. Hendricks has been on the sick list for the past few days. Wm. Countryman has been numb ered with the sick for tiie past few days. Mrs. Will Countryman has been numbered with the sick for the past week. For S.?le -Parrel Plymouth Ilock cockerels. and $2.00 each. Mrs. W. O. Troop. Murray phone. Walter Sans and family. Mrs. Jos. Sans and family. Ted Harrows and family took dinner last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Doedeker. James Delcderrier has been suf fering for the pat few days with an attack, of the Flu. At last reports lie was setting along very nicely, and will soon be restored to his former health. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Klioden are rejoicing this week over the arrival of a bouncing bal'v bov at their J home on Saturday. Nov. 2'ld. Stcr j ling says he is the handsomest lad in the. community because the neigh j bors all say that he looks just like his dad. Mrs. Ted Harrows departed las Sat urday for South . Dakota, where she will make a few days visit with her daughter. Miss Jessie, who is teach ing the present term of school up there. We are informed that Miss Jessie likes that part of the country cry well and that she is meeting with excellent success in her school work in that state. FOR SALE Kighteen head of Duroe shoats. Will weigh about DM) pounds K. L. KNISS. Murray, Neb. . Twit NEBRASKA Fur Sale 15a r red Rock Cockerels, $l.r.O each. Mrs. C. F. DeJuug. Mrs. Fred Lutz has been nuniber- ed v ith the sick for the past few days. James and Will Crown made an auto trip to Omaha Tuesday after noon. tJjis llollenberg was looking after son;'? matters of business in the coiin- i ty seat Monday of this week. j Miss Knler returned home to An-J burn last week, alter having com pleted her school work in Murray. Morton Parilett and family are moving this week into the Presbyter ian parsonage, where they will make their home for the future. Lee IJrown shipped down a load of feeders from South Omaha last Friday that v ill be placed in his lots for the winter feeding. Little John C.ilmore celebrated his fourth birthday anniversary Monday afternoon of this week, and in honor of the occasion Mrs. C.ilmore invited in a number of his little p!amates to assist John with his good time. The little folks were treated to -an ex eh-nt luncheon prepared by Mr.- (.!o!:;:ore, and they all enjoyed the usual good time of little folks of this a;;e on a birthday celebration. W. C. Hrown arrive! in Murray last Sunday from !i is home up in C;i':: 'd:. and will make a week's visit with his mother. Mrs. W. A. Pdown, and other relatives and friends at the old home He is the sat; T,1 "Hi'lie". with the smile on his face, and says that he has been enjoying the best of health in the north and has been doing well from a busino--..; standpoint as well as enjoying life. He reports ( rops good in Canada 11: past seas":!, and of course le.isiners has been good. He is still had!in-r automobiles and tractors, and this line of h-.u-iness has been except loy ally good. The Alt". Canemer and W. H. Pul -lore roou.s ate liegitiniii'-: t( look as though the days for their completion not far o:T. Tiie painters have al most completed their work, and the new thriving :i t!u- dry goods store .;re l;-ing placed in this week by Theo. P.imton. When these are chim rlefd Mr. (l.m.-oiirr will lose, no time in tr.m.-ferring the dry goods, to th.c eat room, and then the west room will hi.- in rdine.-.s for the hard ware store of ir. Puis. Here will he two very line .-tore rooms in the very r.e:T future. Miss Kpier. who has bi s. u tacliing the grammar department of tiie Mur ray School.; this term, handed in her resignation a few days ago, which war- accepted by the board last week and. the vi'.caMty made by said resig nation has h.'.'ti blleil by Miss (I race Hailcv. of Alvo, who entered upon the duties of her new position on Monday of this week. Miss Hailey tomes to Murray most highly recom mended for her excellent school ! 1 work in t lie past, and will no doubt give the 1 es t of satisfaction to the board ami patrons of the Murray' Schools. Farms arti Giiy Prcuetfy! i 40 acres 2 1-2 mile; south of J Plat tsmout b ; s acre ; of alfalfa; balance being fented. '') acres bottom h nd, four mil-."; northwest of Platt-unouth, adjoin ing Orea p'dis ; ! aues prairie ba r. 1 cuts twice a yiar; balance farm j During (h- lasi. two weeks it lias '4'"'- J !ia ppeiied iti some cities and towns M acres, one mile cast. 1 U mil-.;;,,,. ,,, r.ti!,.,j states and Canada north t.f .Murray: i acres in j .i.u. ,,. customers could not get wheat, balance good pasture, fair : Triior s American Klixir of Hitter j lnU'tovcments, 1. inning water, and :-Miir fruit. Dandy hom. Ill acres :; :i miles ;ast of Murray; 2.") aires of alfalfa; 1 acres of tim othy; J i) acres ol pasture; 11 acres 1 .1 I. ....I. I .. I . . . .. 1 r 1 o. 1 ir mmi. iMMine go.,(l iarm.wm, , , ;lh( to ,,t a ncw sutDiv., land; two small orchards, two wells; two sets 01 improvements, tan give reasonable prices and terms on ab-jve laud, or r.;:ght co:;s:dcr some trade, f ime seven-room 110u.se in .Murray, jy hjy Nebraska, in good vhape. with good'o;ip,rs well and ouibuildin; good lots. contains two I Three houses in Plattsmouth for, ;.rn Klixir cleans the intestines, j rent. lho!r diee-rinn !iul fortlfips tbf pn.ia acres, one mile southeast of Plattsmouth, lays well, new hve-rooni bungalow, close to P. & M. shops. Can give good terms, and might con sider sn:e trade. Also see me for bargains in Chase, Perkins and Keith county wheat and ranch lands. FRANK VALLERY, Murray, Neb. Iftnyof the reari'rs of th Journal ktior- of any vvb.l fveiit, or iu-cn of interest in th'.s vicinity, ami will mail saoip to this oCire. ir will a: Ier under this lu aciirv:. We want U newbiu-xsKniTOH John Farris and family were -'in Omaha Monday of t li is week. The Murray Home Guards will meet for drill a'gain on next Sunday afternoon, at 2:00. All members are urgently requested to be present and ai.u tal.e part in the drill. He on time. Word lia-e been receive! here from JMmuiid Kniss stating that he is just recovering from a seige of the I mumps. He is now located at Me- UK'hen. X. J., and is in the ordinance ami n'aintainance school. CHARLES COUNTRYMAN HERE. Cottnto man and family, of Charlv Iewe'.h-n, Nebraska, were in this , vicinity for a few day.s last week vis iiting amoni; relativts a;id friends at fie ,M l'.ome. They were also in :'iattc::;outli for a brief visit with Mrs. Countryman's parents, .Mr. and j Mr. Oliver. They returned to their , home the latter part of last week, ! -v,r- Cur nt rymau is well pleased with x h:lt I,:,rt ol" tlu tate, but at the lime enjoys a visit with folk 1 ' home occasionally. 1 Christian Church Regular services next Lord's day. A good attendance is desired. Let u; keep the good work ioing. 10 a. in., Sunday school. "On Timers." 11 a. 111., morning worship, subject 'Knock' and 7:;'0 p. m. evening worship. Subjtri 'i'hi'iiksgivir.g Sermon." A cordial invitation to one and all. C. K. HAN.N'AN, Pastor. FOR SALE. Full blood White Leghor.i, single comb roosters, at $1.25 each. Frank Dill, Murray Xcb. BOARS FOR SALE. Duroe -Jersey for service, at boars, old enough 1 reasonable prices. i Oldham Stock Farm. rvrriTO Qinv" ATrTwr CONTRIBUTION TO CAUSE Aiding CJstressroT-CeiiiifrynKn lo Meet Burdens of New Gov ernment by Giving;. The mericans of Czecho-Slovva'c i:r)i:e!i'ian parentage, are all ox- f.'Tted 1--S ti :..uch know 11 an! urged to contribute not an one dollar each, and as re as uiey can, to w tiat is ; . .... s 1 11 a u isgi v 1 ng tillering, the i.nui'.y to !;e used in the payment cf taxes of the new- Czccho-Slovuk re-i public, which lias just been organiz- ' ed. The Czecho-Slovaks have been under the heel of (lermau oppression far many years and now that the op portunity :' liberation is at hand it Ivliiiuvi"' every ancestor of the na tion with tru- blood running in his veins to do ns much as he can for this new cause of libertv. The pen- pie there are financially weakened ' after four vears of warfare and on rrevMve taxes. Just now with world ' peace a reality, what better can we f I'tohc m.ian parentage do than show jour fellow-countrymen that the new republic tluy are founding is uestin- d to live. AH A ;u. ri'i, n-- of P.ohemian paren- . re rtiiueteu to come lorwaru ; nor- and assist the republic, whose p"op!e have leen subjected to such t i-u ifering in getting their new (country started. DON'T TAKE AI.IISS! 1 at their !rtiggists. 1 lie unusual iu.ar.d for thN excellent remedy .!i!f! nrnied biublv efficient in the , . .. - , , . , I dr.ys of Spanish lnfiuenzH exhausted 1 all stock on hand, and the druggists V ,lli;.Ki,. Pr(,-.h Our bhnr.torv h!tJc!,;'sl" " ': a ,,r(SS suit f(,r 21.S0. a o iitblf'd the production, but in spite cf it. in conieouence of the great hian.I during influenza, we are harfl- to keep up with the rush of Hverybody should always provide for such eventuality and " lM,fisib,e h:ince for some of US to keen a supply at home. Triners Amtr,set out. 1 - 1 tire system against morbific germs. At all drugstores. SI. 10. Triner's Liriment is excellent for rheuma tism, neuralgia, lumbago, sprains, oin. 3." cents and G5 cents at drug stores; by mail 15 and 75 cents. Joseph Triner Company, 1333-134. S. Ashland avenue, Chicago, 111. Journal Want-Adi Fay I WRITES FROM FRANCE Says When a little Hard Luck Hits the Boys Occasionally They Just, Try and Smile. Somewhere in France," Oct. 2:;, 191S. My Dear Mother and All: How are you and all the rest at home? I am tine and dandy and t enjoying life as much as possible. If Ave have a little hard luck once i in a while we just try and "smile, lift ciuui. . c boys who ar, so they iJiu-t talked to some of the ave en over here a year are also readv to return to the states as soon as we complete our job. So;fs vou fee I am not alone. I have re- 1 jeeived but one letter from you I far. Hut have received a number of 1 them from Sis. Haven't heard from j Harry's for rome time. It sure does ; teem iueer to walk around the camp j here and pass a Frenchman and you ' want to spak to him but you don't j know what to say or how to say it. j .... o..r0li miit .. j,it I)f French i and by the time I return no doubt! 'l can taik it. I think "Old Kaiser ( llill" is just about ready to cash in, : and if he eouol only f:ee w hat l ncle i .Sam has in store for him later on. I think he would turn up his toes right now. Anyhow we have got; him on the run and as they say he'vj is taking tno steps where he used to y take en". The only thing we don't; (lic about it over here is that we. j are helping to win the war for the! ; '" bjrmans" back in the 'when we return there ' more "Germany'' for .tell tli" whole world. Well, mother, 1 think we have moved around about all we will now for a while as-we .nr.- planning on. being here for sever:-! we. ks yet. Then no doubt I will be able to write you oftener. We , sure nave seen 101s 01 ermaii jris-j . onero since we landed and they all 1 seem to like it here better than ith- y did back in their own country, t Well, mother, I must close and , w rite to John. Best regards and ioe to one- and all. I am. as ever ymir loving son. Private Forest If. I " i ! ghman. Co. M, 21st Engineers. A. ;!-:. F.. France. P. S. As for (he French maidens, 1 take the American girls for mine every time. l , CYRILL JANDA WRITES OF BAD LUCK EXPERIENCED; Rig Stcjjn on Return Trip and Sever al Tien Washed Overboard Lost His Clothing. C S. S. Rochester, Novembe rlO. ID IS. Dear Parents: We just arrived at port this morn : ing. We are now at Norfolk, Va., 1 . . . wijl leave tomorrow morning ' , lor New ork, We are coaling ship , . -. . , luu.ij aim k: rti u qUiu iu irnii on ni; ht. We will take on about 2,200 tons. i The weather here is awfully hot ;at present. We had a little rain this , morning, but it didn't amount to nnich. We sure had a bad trip this j t i ni c. Awfully sold and rain and snow all the way over and back. We i landed in France this time but only st a veil a few hours. We had some hard luck on our way back. One night when we went to bed it was sure nice and at 10 o'clock we were in one of the biggest storms we have had yet. Six of us went out to drop some hatches and two of the men were washed over board, while myself and one of the others were washed up on the tur ret. The one with me had his left arm broken. I got both my knees skinned but they are all ri'sht now. I was never so scared in all my life, asr 1 was that night. Wx did not hnd the two who were washed over board. We also lost one of our big Mnoke ?t ar ks at llltio. I went below and the worst of it was I lost all of my clothes except what I had on inc. TiM-re vns about $1.",0 wort'.. Just a few days before I bough C an over coat for $22. There were about six teen of us lost our clothes. Several of the o facers lost their clothes abo. I borrowed enough clothes to wear until we came to port and this after . :m '.u I S orrowed $40' from the pay- 'master and went to Norfolk and ihii- I 1 1 couple of hat, two suits of undcr- de-!wt'3r' "n pair of booU 8,1,1 u rjiin coa' 1 aIU J'ot olnK to u" an' ! n.fire than I really have to because if I,cacp is deelared. there might be a 11 seems as though we can't make ,riP across any more unless we have a lot of bad luck. This trip two men were drowned and three died from the Spanish flu. I got a letter from brother Torn today and they are all well. Well, I'll have to quit for this time and go ahead with coaling the ship. With lots of love, I remain, as ever, your son. CYRILL JANDA. W Hi SUCCESSOR TO- -MURRAY - Hardware an? implement , m H P A COMPLETE LINE OF Hardware, Stoves, Paints and Farming Implements! Wc Will Try to Serve You in Both Service and Quality! t.vf -.r..:T'v-rr.i.--'j's.iT-': HFSlCEBffi CREEK K!lrE Mrs. Sayles was a i'lattsuiouth vis itor his? Friday. S. J. Kennies was an Omaha visitor ! la.st Wedue.-dav. November 12th. The flu has attacked about every lamilv in Cedar Creek but two. ' Mrs. Walter Hessenllow and baby were in Omaha h.st Wednesday. The Cedar (.'reek school has been closed for the past three weeks on account of the flu. :.!r. and .Mrs. s. J . Keun.es were Louisville visitors u last Thursday. They drove up in their car. There, was quite a nice crowd at the John True sale which was held in Cedar Creek on Thursday. Novem ber 21st. Henry Ir.heldier, of Moorelicld, Ne braska, has been visiting at the home of Chris Ciaurr and other old friends for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Dice, of Wayne, Nebraska, send an announcement of the birth of a nne baby girl to them on last Sunday, November 10th. The pretty little bungalow of John Decchler has just been completed and now ready to move into. It is sure a fine looking little home. A. O. Au't and Robert Stivers are back on duty at the store and post office after being confined to their bed for more than a week with the influenza. Mrs. Louis F. Ilennings has been in Cedar Crerk for the last week as sist ing in the care of her parents ! and family w ho have been confined to their bed with the Spanish influ jenza, but ara all doing nicely at the pic-ciit tune. Mrs. Philip Tritsch of Iowa is here helping take care of her sister and husband and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schroeder, who are in bed with the tin. Mr. Schroeder has been very low but at the present time is re ported better. WERE ALL RIGHT NOVEMBER -1 Mrs. James Terryberry has just re ceived a letter from her brother, Martin Lohnc;, who is in France, to the effect that he is all right and enjoying life nicely. He and his en tire company were all right at the It is with pleasure and appreciation that wc thank our customers and friends for the pat ronage the- are giving us at the present time, as wc are unable to give them the service they are entitled to. But we expect in the near future to be located so we can be of better service to them than ever before. thatch this space in the future. A j.rrea THE 'SERVICE STORE, Co. 1 t the letter and in the truck FROM NEHAWKA u . N rris from NehawK.i, ,v. in the ity for a few hours .t Siturday. and v hi! h-r - t::lb-d :i i .i.Kimal f)l'ii:e to rinew his ' sciiiiion for anot.her year. Mr, uTis has been one of our value 1 ;.ders for m; 11 y years, and we are a-.' .'s nb ;,'-ed t(j see him. ! . u ! su t ( , t,-, 'Hi j j I M-jri. ability mo! character , t !: f ic'ers by which the business .man choo.se'.; help. If your rompcti- or:: for a p.'.sitiu are bosi'mss- traiivd, in an Accredited Commercial .School, what chance have you of 'securing' the position? The bu-iness-j 'traint I buy or girl can write betltr, :-pe!l better, compose : letter IxttiT, and tall: better than oi. As a mat -Iter of SKLF-PKOTKCT10N you must ' be trained in business. Send for free ' citalor: of the Grand Island Pie i- ms College. Grand Island. N'ebras 1 i:a over thirty years experience in ! ! training young people for Govern ment, Funking, and Doziness Posi tions. FOR SALE. Lanquet six-hob' range, practi cally new, a No oil heater, new. Mrs. L. D. Hiatt. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THi?.. On' out this .-lip. enclose with fir, to Fub-y & Co., 2 S " Siiefii Id Ave., ''hb- ;. II!., writing vour name arid add re. .; clearly You will receive in return a trial package containing Fob;.'.; Honey and Tar Compound. for feu:'li:. eoiS.; and croup, Foley Kid ney rills and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. Sold everywhere. Patriotic crcpo paper decorath.r.s .t t'.p Jvii'nal i-frier-. nfflCHESTER S PILLS -P St 15 BY D!?LGQ!3TS LEkV:,7.L J-'-'" v Imilrtl LyrlruiriS'tf 'T. it IT-; 4 K.r..i, lii,,..(l llimnilV t ST ' S Pill in Hr4 n ;j ti.- . . 9L" "-" 1 "n . s. r-i .tn i!,i 1 v; H -Kt 7'il.e 1 o olKr Hut r .our v C .if" n.V!.N; ru m iMi.i.-. i 1;.-. sansemer r.lurray, Neb. 1