The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 28, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Thursday, November 28, 1918.
0)e f!attsmoutb journal
Entered at I'ostoffice, I'lattsmouth, Neb., as Becond-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
I hope he lives a thousand years,
Vih un-imperkil duties,
I lioi-i" lie lives a thousand years
And s--ponds it picking coolies!
V 11 we'll be happy.
When our boys come
What is to become of the Uel
tian hare?
Truth to till- the kai.-cr's head
was all that it was cracked up to
Germans have had their
d.ime an
? Ttnu- tli. m n ;t nav Hip
f!rnany is iia'vv to be threatened
with a very severe punishment
Tii'- i-i over and what a inat
riviontul sera in b!e there is troing to
be i r t-oM'er bos who have
harm. I t. d"k.
.i tl t-I t f line's life iT is bet
t r ! ! the inipc Mitent n:-!iiory
f a lliun-.iiiil pb aiir;'ble t rans-; couple of installments on that in-.rtr-i"!is
than to r ;.:ret one virtue. . dcinnity if she had kept the money
:o: Bernstorff stiuandered here in Amer-
"Marriage was a surprise to her lean.
friT'd-," say a boadline in one of? :o:
the vv.-:t rn a '".bar! L'es. Is a won- The kaiser has sixty castles, and
i'i r ii:-ire v !ii"rs aren't Imrsewhip-j no home. Il has more than a
i.'.siuuatiir; tiling'.; j
1:ke M:at.
V.'hiie the fighting is believed to
'r. the armies are not denio
!'!;.!. aiid the 4-minute men must
ef'T tb.e hunt off atid
trer t stretch it to ten mm
utc:- AIii:"ver thej- cho-e.
Ir was liioi-'f.nes. wasn't it, who
vent about with a lantern looking
for an honest nan? And it would
lil-ely l.Hve made him sore if you hail
iiid to Ii tin : "A lantern Diogones?
And not a n:irror, Diogones!'
While we fully appreciated the
t:. ri.s if the professional food
d, it is the man behind
the meat counter with his thumb
"i the scales and hU eye on the
v. ho teaches us tnol of our
b ins in meat saving.
If any of lh- peac:- d'-Ieatrs fear
Injustices may be done tJermany
in the final negotiations, they may
be t :l en on ;t brief four to the ie-va.-'iite-I
re;-:ii:i-. ef Prance hiii! Bel---i':'
. It is i. 1 i-vM that one biok
t!ri"!-ii Lens will clear their vi
sion. :o: uitli empty stomachs
ilnn'l think rightly;
in fact, they
d.n't think at all," :-ays
Shepherd in the Red Cri
?i':f. We. ;ir'- convinced f
trt'Mi of this v, hen u- recall
t : i : t : of the world's "be.,t" pr.-etry
v. rittcn by attthcra at the point
i i starvation.
No .v the ex-Kai r f.iyg be did
no' C-e from bis people but that ho
t;d want to "ernbiras them by
bis pri .- i:c"." Il--; rh;ht; he uh
l .!rra-.-(( them by bis presence just,
ubi.iii lon nougli to get his people
in ti e (;;!. ! t bole" any nation
ev r fmmi itself in, and from all
if ;i,rt.s they don't seem to be mourn
ing I.i Id
G'i r,! Ohio. City cf ToifefJn.
lsi a. j County, es.
1'rar k T. makns oath that he
fa 3t.r.!cr parlctr of tho firm of t J.
Crer.e- ; C -.. doing In tho City
cf Toledo, County and gtate aforesaid,
to ! that Mid V.rrn w.;i pay th'j sum of
(j.tZ Ji'J.NiJUtI) DOLLARS for each
ani f;vcry ease Catanh that cannot be
f ,iv-1 bvfi euau of i!ALL'ti CATARRH
:ji;l:ci:;k. frank j. ciieney.
fwrrn tj If-ri rr.c ar.d autDcribed In
:r.y r . o, V.'s f.ih .y ci December,
A. : A. V,'. CLEASON.
"i! "fotary Public
Citt'rh ?.:-JJ'nc la taken ln
! rr r by aa; t-rts. ta--,Jtr. ths iilcod on
e M-j 5 ifacf i ct iio Hyisttrn. Send
f ; j :-,Tiiyio',ia in. f".
P. J. rilL'NiJi f- CO., Toledo. O.
T-M tv ri-:z-:-ets. 75c.
ii:: F4ir-...y i'tila tor constipation.
Doubt is the sacred sickness.
But hasn't Germany
food for reflection'.
plenty of
Is Plattsmouth lagging in the
United War Work? We hope not.
Why worry? Tomorrow will soon
bo the yesterday you have forgot -
Mo.t of us would be thankful if
we could afford ; turkey for Thanks
Iogic is all very well as a weap
on against your opponents: but
don't try to live it by yourself.
If you are no bigger fool than
you look you ought, to bo able to
find plenty to be thankful for next
Thursday Thanksgiving day.
It appears to us that the cud of
the war will bring back to a lot of
people who had just about made up
Iheir minds never to buy an auto
iierniany oulu ea.sitv pay a
hundred uniforms, and no disguise
has fifty titles, and no uood
name. He has six sons, and no
comfort in bis ae.
Some people, who arc up-to-date
on politics are this early eager to
priphet-y that Secretary McAdoo is
resiiininsr for the prupose of getting
ready to succeed President Wilson.
Maybe so, but we doubt it.
The merchants of Plattsmouth
are preparing to give their clerks
a day off on Thanksgiving by keep
ing closed the entire day. If you
want any supplies for Thanksgiving
dinner secure them the day before.
The U-boat crews who surrender
ed to the British were described as
sullen. Still, men who drive craft
designed especially for the murder
of women and children could hard
ly be expected to put on a Santa
Clans appearance.
The I'nited Press president who
sent out the lirst armistice report
which was condemned as premature
insists his information was official.
and hints that the armistice may
have been signed twice. Well, it
might as well be that way. It was
very widely celebrated twice. Be
sides, there is no danger of ovcr
cclberating news of that kind.
"(iermany fears the spread of JJol-
shivism" says a report. We recall
that this doctrine of "international
ism" wu:i introduced by (Germany rt
the beginning of the war, when a
confirmee of. Socialists from all na
tion:; was called at Switzerland by
"Cerman agents" to formulate this
doctrine, which discourages national
ism and patriotism for one's country,
fostering (particularly at this time)
a spirit, of revolution and anarchy.
Germany thus thought to breed dis
content and opposition between the
various governments of her enemies
and the Socialists class so that the
latter would refuse to support war;
at fl'.e batne time she was using the
war conversely to cement the classes
within her empire by the ties of pa
triotism end the exigencies of the oc
casion. Now it looks as if she has
let loose greater forces than she was
able to control and this doctrine of
the Bolshivlki is spreading over
Germany and Europe so rapidly that
the reaction threatens to be disas
trous to her interests. It serves her
Clemenceau's straight declaration
that the Germans must be fed well
deserving the character of "tiger
in strife, if you will, but also en
dowed with the traditions of the
native land of chivalry. Ameri
cans share the belief that Clemen-
ceau voices for the French. They
feel that it rested properly with a
representative of France, the most
close antagonist of Germany and
the greatest sufferer among the
conquerors, to bespeak mercy.
Now that Clemenceau and
through him France have said it.
we all feel that this is the right of
it. Let us crown arms with mercy.
Since honor is but a wisdom deep-
I er than the casual eye can measure
I the Frenchman's fine forgetfulness
I of revenee ma v constitute one of
I those unconscious strokes of the up-
rlght mind to wnich Macchiavelli
cannot attain. If anything can
crack the brass front of Prussian
clamnablenet-s, the example of a de
cent world at this juncture ought
to do it. Nothing must do despair
,i w o hmo,i7nri
V V WW U11V C 1111 UC"l tl V V - v & i
many and must not despair of get-
ting it. A kindly sarcastic fate
has made it possible to appeal to
the starvers of Belgium through
one of their strongest instincts, that
of the stomach.
By all means feed them then, not
only for mercy's sake, but in the
I.ope that some contagion of other
ways may enter them with the food.
It is recorded that of the 14.S40
members of Cambridge University
serving in the war, 2,382 have been
killed, 3,154 wounded and 2,871 are
missing or prisoners a total cas
ualty list of 8.407. This small item
out of England's total serves well
to bring home to us the frightful
price the British have paid in their
serv'ee in defense or tne world s
civilization. Their total casualty
list is over a million.
The war has also taken toll at
home. The British Medical Journal
records that of 2,000,000 men ex
amined only 3B per cent, were In
good physical condition. Too little
food, too much work, lack of com
fort and amusement and the strain
of the war brought this degenera
tion about. It will take j-ears of
peace to repair thp damage. Let us
never forget the debt the world
owes to Great Britain.
Very Enthusiastic Gathering of the
Red Cross Branch at Home
of Mrs. Spangler
A short time ago the Social Work
ers of this city held a very enthusi
astic meeting at the home of Mrs.
Fred Spangler, at which time reports
were made by the committees hav
ing in hand the soliciting of the
funds and donations to meet their
annual apportionment of one hun
dred dollars. Arrangements were
made for the success of the dinner,
which was to be given on Thanks
giving day to the Lewiston church,
and also report received from thc
committee, which showed the follow
ing contributions:
Mrs. F. Dunbar, vase 3.00
Mrs. F. Dunbar, bath towel 1.00
J. M. Roberts, cash
Mr. Stander
Fred Wagner
Miss Olive Jones
Mrs'. T. E. Pa no el e
It. F. Patterson
T. M. Patterson
II. N. Dovey
II. A. Schneider
Mrs. C. II. Fuller
Mrs. Charles Cook .
Mrs. John Sheldon
Miss Bernice Newell .
ifl U f'Ol 1 1 1 nt f f hA rv r rf I 1 2 trt rv-
uemic or Spanish Influenza, the Sun-,
dav school visitation ,tv boa ,D, !
. "-"
postponed until Sunday, December
8th, at which time it in hoped tho
disease will have been abated.
Murdock, Neb.
Mayor Hyland.of New York has
Invited Alarshal Foch to visit thatio
city. But, of course, if the marshal
ever reaches Chicago the invitation
will have to come from some unoffi
cial source.
You'll find Sloan's Liniment
coftens the severe
rheumatic ache
Put it on freely. Don't xuh it !n.
Just let it penetrate naturally. What a
sense of soothing relief soon follows!
External aches, stiffness, soreness,
cramped muscles, strained sinews,
back "cricks" those ailments can't
fight off the relieving qualities of
Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient,
economical. Ask any druggist fcr iu
Two 1918 Ford touring cars, run
like new and look like new. One 1914
Ford and a Mitchell Six. Price right
on all of these.
Murray, Neb.
""I ianu no nonsense ironi me
I nr : 1 1 . i j i
""' Ul America aner uus
war'" Kaicl Mr' IIohenzoIlern' ,ale of
Berlin, only two short years ago
And now ,his y Hohenzollcr.i
ls thrown out u,on thc charity of
the world.
After all, since sixteen or seven
teen important positions are soon to
be left vacant by a single stroke of
the JIcAdoo pen, doesn't it look as
though Congress were somewhat Jus
tified in worrying about the condi
tion of the country during the presi-
I dent s absence?
That Terrible Backache.
Mrs. G. Hyde, Homestead, Mich..
writes: "I had that terrible back
ache and tired out feeling, scarcely
able to do my work, but find by us
ing Foley Kidney Pills that I soon
fee'. like a new person." Foley Kid
ney Pills help the kidneys throw
out poisons that cause backache,
rheumatic pains and aching joint.
Sold everywhere.
Gei the Genuine
and Avoid
Every Cake
The undersigned will sell at Pub
lic Auction at his farm two miles
r. t m aB. av m
m w vur an' a
lf-iiJiflVa Economy
smith nnrl a nnarter milp we5t of! . ....
souiii ana a miic west, Ui -pendiiiff in said court in which
Cedar Creek; four miles east, a half jrnrpv stn(!pr. wnR tiait,tlfr ad
mile north and a quarter mile west ; icrcn n stotler. Sarah irc.v, i:den
of Louisville; ten miles west, a halfjIrev (jeorp:e stotler, Nettie stotler,
mile north and a quarter mile west! Wal(er stotler. Kila Wayant. riar-
oi nattsmoutn, commencing at iu
o'clock on
the following described property:
Horses - Cattle - Hogs
One bay team, seven years old.
weight 2900; one sorrel team, five
y?ars old, weight 2100; one bay
team six years old, weight 2200; one
black horse five years old, weight
Twenty-one head of cattle. Four
fresh, six fresh soon.
Twenty-six head of hogs. One fine
Chester White stock hog.
Two farm wagons, one new bob
sled, one spring wagon, one new top
buggy, one road cart, one Keystone
disc, one Rock Island riding lister,
one lit. Joe walking lister, one Bad-
ger riding cultivator, one Jno. Deere
two-row. one new McCormick mow-
er, one Deering binder, one Emerson
gang plow, one lG-inch walking
nlow. one Monitor nross drill, one
corn elevator, one hand corn shel-
ir ,, ..n
ler. nnp tinrso rllnnnr nt.n ru:nllmi
engine, one power washing machine. '
one pump jack, one incubator, one ,
new hay rack with truck, one Can
ton 2-row stalk cutter, one Jenny
Lind walking cultivator, one new
-section Moline harrow, one new
primrose cream senarator. two sots
'uni names, une new ouggy nar-
work harness, one new buggy bar
ness, one single harness, two sets of
.. . . .
jiy iiiab, tiny iL'ui t)i biat ;urii criw
and many other articles not listed.
Terms of Sale
AH sums of $20 and under cash.
On sums over $20 a credit of six
months will be given, purchaser giv
ing bankable note bearing eight per
cent Interest from date. No property
be removed from premises until
settled for. Lunch will be served at
W. It. Young, Auctioneer.
H. A. Schneider, Clerk.
In the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
William A. Edmisten, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that, in
pursuance of an order of the Hon
orable James T. Begley, judge of the
District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, made on the 7th day
of September, 191S, for the sale of
the real estate hereinafter describ
ed, there will be sold at public ven
due to the highest bidder for cash
at the front door of the Bank of Un
ion, in the Village of Union, in paid
County, on the 7th day of December,
1918, at 11:00 o'clock A. M.. the
following described real estate, to-
wit: the E14 of the N E I of Sec.
0 Tun 1 fi Do 14 ...i.l in
along the west side of the NW't of J
the NW'i of Sec. 2S, Ywp. 10, Rge.
14, all in Cass county, Nebraska;
also Lots 2 and 3, in Block 3, in the
village of Union, Cass county, Ne
braska. Said sale will remain open
one hour.
Dated this 4th day of November,
Administrator of the Estate of Wil
liam A. Edmisten. deceased.
Attorneys. 4-5wks.
iv tih: nivrHHT roru'r or tiik
COl .NT V 111' l'S NKHIMMiA.
Ch.oles . Parmote, Plaintiff,
Janili I Falter: Marv Falter: . P.
tls"n. first real name unknown", "Mrs.
. P. Olson, first real nann: un
known: wift- of i). p. Olson; ,T. N.
Kin: first real name unknown: Mrs.
.f. N. Kinr, first real nnme unknown,
wife of .1. N. Kinx; V. F. Kinslow,
first real name unknown: Clarence
A. Atkinson: Krnest i.
er: Tfxas Kin lira tide Company, a
corporation, and Fred Watrner.
Mi-r of A p'plicnl ion for Appointment
of ItecHver.
To the defendants. J. X. Ki;iir, fir:t
real name unknown: Mrs. J. N". Kintr.
first real name unknown, wife of J.
N. Kin: O. P. Olson, first real name
unknown: Mrs. O. P. Olson, first real
name unknown, wifi- of O. P. Olson:
W. F. Kinslow. first real name un
known: and the Texas Fio Grande
You are hereby notified that .Taeob p.
Falter and wife Mary Falter, defendants
in the above entitb-d cause, upon ans
wer 4 1 1 1 1 ' fileil in said cause 1 ave made
application for the, Mppointmr-nt of
.lames Pobfrtson. Clerk of the District
Court as receiver to t.-ike charire of
the rents and income from the buibl
inn and property described as lots
eleven till and twelve (12), In block
twe nty-seven -7), in tho City of
i laiiii i. .;tM cotiniy, .c nr;i s k ;i ;
that I. F. Patterson anil .1. 2d. liobt-rts
are proposed as sureties lor saM .ri-
nosed reiver, and that ueornre J-..
Jiovey and Frank Selilater ate propos
ed as sureties fur said applicants: that
said application for the appointment
of said receiver will be presented to
the .Indo of the tn'striet Court of the
Second Judicial Iiistrict of the State of
Nebraska. In the District Court llooin
in the court bouse in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
on tho ICtli day of JJccein ber, ll'IS. at
o'clock A. M.
Dated this 31st day of October, A.
D.. 191 S.
of all of which you will tako due
j.con p. F.Trr:r; and
il-t-t- Jnfendants.
Notice is hereby Riven that pur
suant to an order of sale issued to
me bv tlie District Court of Cass
, ,
County. Ncbra-ska, on the 4th day
i nf November tt, an -eHroi
ence Wavant, Mabel Speaknian,
. I
Harry bpeakman, Mary Pope, Joseph I
Pope. David Stotler. if living, if do-
ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representnt ives
and all other persons interested in
his estate; J. V. Clugey, as admin
istrator of the estate of William
Stotler, deceased, are defendants, I
will on the ftth day of December
19 IS, at one o'clock in the afternoon
of said day at the South front door I
cf the Court House in Flat tsmouth. ocbuk in the forenoon of each .day
to receive and examine hii claims
Cass Courty, Nebraska, offer for sale niraiust .-aid instate, with a view to
... , . , . , . , -i their adjust m. 'til. and allowance. The
at public vendue to the highest bid- ljm iniltr..i for the presentation ol
der the following described real -'aims against said Fstnte is .ti""
months Ironi the :'1st eav r.t Deeem-
estatc situated in Cass County, State A. D. Pi, and the time limited
of Nebraska, to wit:
The Kast thirty-five (:;.") acres of
the Northeast Quarter of the South-
cast Quarter of Section nineteen (19)
Township ten (10) Range fourteen
(14) East Cth P. M. Cass County,
The terms of said sale being Five
nuncirca ll u"
, i r. x . ... I t. .1...,
of aalc. and the balance of the pur-
chase price on the day .atd salfj is
Lliasu Ii ie.
confirmed by the District Court of
Ca, Cou" ty. Nebraska.
OaiU eiUU will i.'iiiiiiii t'l'cn oi.-
C. A. KAWLS, . Referee.
Attorney. 4-oOt
MMdo in Ceriuany" War ruin
,.. ,, ,
desolation, cruelly, bcust.ility
thank you, after this we want noth
ing more, with the "Made in Ger
many" label.
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates Elock,
Second Flcor.
sms Hip um ill a 1
Net Contents 15PiuiJ Prar $ p ? U U M l M
tu0 ) j For Infanta end Children.
?r - r
. : t i r
v. ; i- - u- I
! s i ml!;: iiicl ocd ty KttU-
i Thereby I'romotin Dicbton
1 and RcstCort
' neither Opm.Morphiiic nor
' J,:npTJn ?d
! y. '.i SnrM
i. enr.'.'.-Sil-'iS
I Vh"I"fu!Romcdy&r
Gonslipalio.i and Diarrhoea.
: aiullcvrislcssa:a
j facsimile 5 reof i
5-1 .
'3 5'
f o: : c 3-
; -
j.i:;vi. Mtrn i;
In the c-iimty Court
a . :
on n-
ty. 1. 1 aska.
Stati- of ,'el.!-aska, Cas County, ss.
To iliriiard ii. 'lsriswisser, .Xndn'W
P. i'l,ri.-w i' - er. r'!;n !.,' M . : rls wi: - r
;nd l;;iy Ciu is w 1 sse r and all luivmis
.interested in the estate id' F.iinett
C fi ris wisst - r, deceased.
'I P'-.-.diutr the P.-titiori "T ?.t:ut!i.
CP risw issi r praviniT n final settle
ni.-ut and a!otva:iee of hi" aeeounl
tib-d in thi--; Court on lie da'
of X'-xeiicOt!- I'i I s. iii'.l fr .1 i.-t ribu-
tlill .-Mid aSM :r !i 1.1' U I d es : ; I e. It IS i
hereby ordered t' at ' f ii a-:'l ail per
sons interested in said mailer t ;: v. I
and do, appear at the County Court
to be !. Jd in and for said Coimtv. on i
I t lie ',jth i.!- of .Voetn
l;i t i t tuck .. :.!., to
! A. I '.. P'js.
iiovv, if
pra ye ? cf tli'
Lirv thr-re b'. wnv tl
petitioner should j,ot be granted, eed
that notice cf the p-t'denc" of said
petition and the hiaiinc thereof he
driven to :iU persons interested in
.-aid mailer by publishing a cop;-
this order in the Plattsmouth .loin nn!
a semi-weekly newspaper printed ii
sa:d county, for one -week prior t
said dav of liea rin".
In Witness V. h. reof. I have here
unto set my hand and the siiil i.f
-i-d Court, this lth dav of Novem
ber A. i. 13ts.
Scab A L.I.I "X .1. p.i:i:s )N.
ColllltV .IlH'ef
ly Floreiie-. Wlute. Clerk.
siii:iki"-s sai.i:.
l!v xirtue Of an Order of Sale is
sued by .taints l:oherton. Clerk of
the "District Court within and for
I'ass county. Nebraska, and t m--direct'
d, I will on the IMh day of
December, A. i . 1 J 1 s at lo:'n o'elock
A. M. of said dav at l ie South Door
of the Court House in said county
- ei" at public auction to the inches!
I bidder for cash the follow hit; l"'"r-i'-
ty t..-wit: i,.ns i, j. and z in k i.
I m Pleasant Hill Addition to t'.e ity
)lf pialtsm .uth. m Cass v.
braska. The same beini; u-vicd upon
"J.,"" V'V Vf ,f.0,;u(:
formerly v. ire of n . v c t -
m.'-nt V-f sa!d"c.''.urt recovered be "tiT."
ituuT Zu saCf 'iitu
s,tl,',1" . .
Nov. It. A. D
ti v ".. ... 4.- "N.",. 1 ...... 1-
. r ., .,;, '' ' ov,
At torney.
I. lit; I. MlTICK
Tin- State of Nebraska. Cass County,
s-s. In the County Court.
In the .Matter of the Fstnte of John
Mtciri. I'eceascd.
To the Creditors of Said Kstate:
You are hereby notiti. d. That I will
sit at th" County Court I loom i"
Plattsmouth in said County, on the
t .1.,.. .o T iiin,. i ,1 lini' 1 'I 1 v 'in. I on
,"h,, ,;,V f Marrli, imit, at ten
for navrnent of debts fs One tear irom
said I'lsl dav of Dei-ember 1'MS.
WITN I ."-'.- mv hand and the seal of
said County Court, this l!Uh day of
November, ISIS.
ALLL'N J. llKi;-'OX.
;3dHk3 . County Judge.
' 'IIH: IMsrtUlT l 'I ItT ffF
i in vrv, m:h ask a.
In the milter of the ! u a rd ia nslup ot
Henry Kikctilm I t ."", Mentally Incom
I' tent.
r-.-r ;i;?r.;u g."!-- Kor se
Now on thi: L'nd .lay of November,
. D.. int.'.;. iIits '.'iuse cam" on for
hea ri lis; on t he Vet it iun of Alice John
son, guardian of the person and estate
cf llenrv Kikcn ;h rry. mentally tncom
t.etesil. j.ratintr for license to sell the.
Irdlov.-iiii- described real es-tate to-wil.
Lot number four (I), hi the Northwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter;
P OSi. . iii - mr.-f.,-yt -rr7i"r
fj The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts
i in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES.
Porcelain fillings just like tooth.
after using.
for tniatnirnt, and no money to he paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with name!
and testimonials of mora than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured.
DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Sea Oulldlns OMAHA, NEBRASKA
Mothers Knov That
Oenuins Oastoria
Bears the
or Over
Thirty Years
-A 12
i M '"' '.! ii P9I 5JK ft 1
is n CV V
n'so t.ot live CI in the Southwest
(..;.;! iter of I he Southwest CJuarter,
a 'I i:i Seetidu Nimit'-n (lit) in Town
ship Twelve tj-.'), Kamre Fourteen
till in Cass County, Nebraska, con
taiuine; twelve and seventy-five
I a !,' vt hs acres, more or less, ac
ei. ,-dmLT to the survey of said lots,
for the purpose of maintaining the said
Henry t-akeji by rry, mentally incompe
letil. and l hi" cost of this proceeding,
there not beintr suffiebiit personal
;o; . io maintain si id ward. .
is ti i i:i;i;ioi:i: oi:di;pkd that
all pf-r.-.ns interested in the estute of
s.-id lieury i;il;enba rry. tnentallv in-
-oi in tent, appear before me at the
District Court room in the court lio-.iso
In Plattsmouth. Cass County. Nebras
ka, en the t h day of Iecember. A. D.,
;''e-.. a l the hour of jn :(.) o'clock a. ni.
f said ilny, to show cause why a
license should not be granted to raid
: ea i ii i.-i n to sell the above described
real estate of said Henry Ki ken harry,
mentally Incompetent, or so much ax
may be nt-ssary for his maintain-
II urn.
it is rniTUKi: oi:di:i:i:d, that
notbe to all persons interested in tho
estate of Henry. Ki ken iia rry, mentally
i ni eiii tent, he Klven by publiPhlnK a
cony of this order for at least three
sueeessi ve weeks in the Plattsmouth
Jetii, a semi-wee kl.v newspaper
printed ami in general circulation in
i'ass County, Nebraska, prior to said
date of iKalintr.
I . rc-iiii'n s t mv hand this "nd day of
November, A. I .. PUS.
Jl-11-Jw JAM Ksj T. liKCLFY,
Jtuh;e of the District Court.
i.i:;i. aotice.
ofice to Noii-Mrhiileiit DrfeiitlmilM,
their IlcirN, l,-KR(i-i', Dim !((, IVr
Kouitl 1 1 cprescn tn t It unit nil I"-r-hoiiM
I iilert'i tnl in iheir Itnte, or
. . t Ii ei r Mi e-Hi rw :
To the unkr.own Tieirs, devisees, leg
attis, jiersonal representatives and all
other persons interested in the estate
of tlcorge IO. Harding:, deceased; Yil II. Price, W'm. M. Price, Albert
Keiley, executors of the last will and
testament of tleorse M. Harding', de
ceased, if livinK', if deceased, the un
known heirs, devisees, lepatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested In the estate of each
of them respectively or their succes
sors. Yon and each of yon are hereby no
tified that William V. Schliefert. as
plaintiff, on the 21st day of Septem
ber. 191S, filed his petition in tho Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
wherein you and each of you are de
ft mlanis. the object and prayer of
which petition are that you and each
of ton. and nil persons claiming by,
throut;h or under you adversely to
plaintiff, be adjudged to have no inter
est, right, estate or lien in or to:
Th1? Northwest Qua iter of Section
Seventeen 17), Township Kleven fll)
llansrp Kleven (11), Cass County, Ne
braska. Or ant part or portion thereof, and
that the plaintiff, William V. Schlie
fert, together with his grantors- be ad
judged -to hate been in the adverse
pnssessi-n of said land for more than
ten tears last past, and that the legal
tit'e thereto has become fully vested
in William V. Schliefert, notwithstand
ing the claims of you and each of you,
or anyone claiming by, through or un
der you. and that the title to said land
I be forever quieted in the said William
I-, sciiiietert, a.s against you ana earn
of you, and that each and nil of said
defenttantH named, and thoie wlioss
nattier art; unknown and net stated,
be forever barred from claiming or
asserting any right, title, interest or
estate in and to said real estate, or
any part thereof, and for euch other
anil further relief as to the court may
seem just and equitable
You and each of you are further
notified you are required to answer
said petition on or before Monday, the
-.'nd day of December, 1918.
C. A. IIAWLS, Flaintiff.
Attorney. 10-14-4W.
If you want to help win the war
u a Liberty Bond and do It today.
Instruments carefully sterilized
A J. a
FisiuJa Pay When Cured
A mOd system of treatment that cures Piles. Fistula nnd
other Rectal Diseases iu a short time, without a severe sur
fcieal operation. No Clilorolcnn. Fther or other geserst
anasthetic usmL AcurecuaMnteedin every can ftrvmfrl