The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 28, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    PA2E TE1E
pi AiTSMOtrrn semi vtzixxt
T i Himurn i iiih in i nil iii 'in i'iu i i n nil ii linn r t iniiimirin iimum
iJGvjuvLEZ?. 22, 1312.
Mrs. L. L. Ccon received a tele
gram Monday morning stating that
her sister, Mrs. F. M. Holliday had
died at her home in Pittsburg, Pa.,
cn Nov. 17, after a short illness.
From present indications it would
seem as though there is going to he
a good deal of building this season
in and around Elmwood and many
are making plans to that end now.
Mr. and Mrs. Aug Feters and
children who arrived here from Wa
dena, Minn., some time ago left this
week for Denver, Colorado, where
they will visit for several days.
Roger Reeve, who has been living
on the Ed Gust in farm, known as
the Ronnefeldt farm, will move to
the farm of his sister, Mrs. Wright
Gonzales and will farm this place
in the future.
F. W. I.orenz went to Council
Rluffs on Monday to meet his daugh
ter, Mrs. Guy Clements, and little
child who were on their return home.
Her husband has been transferred
came from this place to Nebraska a
good many years ago.
Leon vRoettger was up from Peru
Tuesday for a few hours. lie has al
ready received hi.? release from his
service to Uncle Sam and has been
appointed athkstic coacli of the State
Normal at. Peru. This is an impor
tant position and draws a good sal
ary. Leon is well fitted for the job
and will make good in every way.
j n i S"
Will Vansoyoc is recovering
from an attack of the Flu.
John Albert and sou living east
cf Louisville, are recovering from an
attack of the Flu.
Dr. E. If. Wcrthman has sold his
farm in South Dakota at a satisfac
tory profit after holding it several
Ellis Benedict and RJward Rarr
left last week for a pleasure trip to
St. Joseph, where they will visit
Mr. and Mrr. Henry Worthman
and little daughter were down from
Lincoln over Sunday visiting at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. E. IL Worth -man.
better known, as Joe Bauers, at the
heme of his relatives in Ohio last
week. Joe was formerly a well
known character in Louisville and
the news of hi.i death was received
here with regret by his large circle
cf fri-nda.
"I r' p-C - r5. f i '.-
f it
J C 2 p
Mrs. Joe Malcolm, from Colorado,
is visiting at the home of her
. u?. u Khter. -urs. i.nancs iian.
j Miss I mo Heebner reopened hor ; .-;
j school Monday afier having a four : Hi
. . . i t-,.2
i weens vacation. If..,!
Miller .fc (J ruber have ordered :i
1 f-':
now concrete block machine f.r the
manufacture of cement blocks.
I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Philpot are
j rejoicing over a nacy girt waicli ar-j
, rived at th'ir ln::u Monday morn-;''
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatnck
t f
... -V sr-.
' 3
It is reported that Eli Rogenrief
has purchased the Emil Oberle prop
erty. r.lrs. Edna Crabtree left on Friday
for a visit with relatives at Sioux
City, Iowa.
Jiev. j. i. fioriiiiuii, '.win niuicu tfus J rjuuy iii'jroing lor ;-anit k'.i
Lincoln a few weeks ago, is quit j0scn!i, Mo., to p';:ul Thanksgiving , r
: :ick with the Flu. ! ith their Mill, Guy, and family. r"sj
Dr. Longacrc reports the hiith of' Cut Hansen tojk a truck load of
a daughter on November 8 to Mr. ' furniture to Lincoln one day lust
and Mrs. Rert Dopp.
Among the new Flu rases are
Irvin Stall and family, the Latrom
family, Fretl and Howard Spahnle.
Mrs. David Xicewilder of Pcnn-i-yivania
tpent several days cf thi
week at the home of M. L. Hursh.
a v is
i'-'v :r''!-fTif.-
7"A:s j'ecrr, c people everywhere, may truly celebrate
ar i ... ' S ?
vf-".k i'ir Will i'hili.ot. who;---family
will ro.-nJe there j.r tiie remainder
of t!i winter.
I ?.5r.. (":. 1). Ketn'-r, who experi-
enced i
left rdde and limbs about two weeks
ti::ce, i
;Trr;KC ol paralysis to i-vr : w i
not much improved at thisir;g
1 - i -. r - 1 1 "X r l t. A
from a camp in Indiana to Camp! ot 'v,dU'
; received an honorable medical dis
charge from the army and has re-
! turned home. His cider brother,
iFlovd, is still in France.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Diers. cf
"Tooflo ATn rvla n l vVrri li o will be
stationed for awhile. j
A baby girl was born on Tuesday
to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hill. Roth
mother and babe are doing nicely
and of course Grover has a broad ; Gresham, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
smile that is indicative cf the fact j Diers, of Lincoln, formerly of Ulysses,
that he is the happiest "daddy" in j arrived Sunday for a few days' visit
the world. The proud parents have j vith their brother, W. F. Diers ur.d
the congratulations of their many family.
friends. We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Uhley left on'jKau, wife of Cashier W. J. Rau. of
Wednesday for St. Joseph, Mo., after ; the Mauley State Rank, who wa-
several weeks' stay here and at Alvo. : taken down with the Flu is now
Mr. Uhley, who had been sick for a considered out of danger and will,wee-;c ar;er tnc state board removed
in the service. Up to tiie hour cf
going to press the editor has receiv
ed r.o word from his son and there
fore has been unable to mail him a
reia-jj.ii rural crrner on route one mr
several years past, sold his "jitney"
to Ernest Kropp list Monday
will continue to s rve the p
id t
R. R. Trimble and family of To- ! writing. It ii thought, however, shf
neka. Kansas, arrived in Eagle on : u I' ?omew!.at.
, , , ... s,
Mondav night for a visit of a week t Oliie Allis, who has Leon the faith-:' "i
.... . . , , I . . . . - ! J; tii
There have been ten Christmas
boxes mailed from Eagle to the boys ' Ernest, who has ; 'n substituting, ti
! i
" !
i r.-M
School opened last Monday after a 1 1'i.ion PaciHc for 'a1 if ornia, to re- ' LV
five weeks' vacation on account cf main until late .next, sprinsr. Tliey t:S
the Fiu. The malady has never been . bad not decided in what part of f'-j!
A Nciion'c word niuct no longer be a scrap of paper.
Might ccuid not overcome right.
Gcvernrmni of the people, by the people, for the people shall not per
ish from the earth.
on his route.
V. P. Sheldon and family depart
ed Wednesday afternoon for Omahi! ,
nere ti?at :iiiu t';ey jett over tnc
toe are devoutly thankful that the fortunes
of a if arid ivar have preserved our little com
munity made more secure the Hoes and
happiness of our people, aad taught us anew
ihc.t SERVICE is the rreat pirrpoce of life.
as serious in Eagle as it seems to California they vouhl stop.
have been at other points, but it
was deemed wife to take every pre
caution and the beard waited a full
number of weeks at the home of his -oon be able to be out again.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Uhley. j Carl Larson has moved his fam
with influenza is much improved and ;ly from Weeping Water back to
able to go to his work again. ; their old home in the southeast
A. M. Waltz left on Thursday for ' part of town and their daughter,
Ridgeville, 111., his old home, where Creda. has started to school. Mr.
he will visit for several months. He Larson and son, Lloyd, have not ar
has a brother and three sisters at rived yet but will be here in the
this plaoe and will enjoy his visit near future.
with them for it has been some time Word has been received in Louis
since he has seen them. Mr. Waltz viile of the death of Frank Rauers,
the ban.
Last Saturday the board of health
children will attend school there
and the family will not. return to
Nohawka until the close of the
rcnool vear.
The influenza has again mode its r
ppoarance, tins tine in the heme oi ;
announced thvt smallpox had made . R. R. Stone, and Mr. Stcne and the i
i '
its in Eagle. Elmer Ocdf-Uwo little girle. Verio and Catherine;
chlager was the first case reported, have been attacked. They are all ! -R'-i
and the same day John Hartfool: ding nicely as none have contracted
was reported to be atillcted in the it in a violent form. Out at Jim
. ame manner. The Oclschlager cas-e ' (' i ;pt ll's where James R-ake and
is raid to be very light, but John's wife have been v.-orking this fall,
nose indicates that he is having it 'they were quite :ick with the dis-
f .
Qxr store closes at 7:45 tonight.
t,r-jr.-'iZ.7t,ts..f.:7-'.-L. iA
1 r::li
ni family were down f.Qf
jC " i
to aitenu 11.1
t- ri
si cf Harold Ilitchman, courin
i-iro, and later Mr. Chappell came
! ;'ov.-n with it also. ITis case has ben
j';;ii!o sc-rious requiring a nurse.
J -J LJ UJl tTifZj
' , j :
jpfV:--r4rk,,iil .V,
ilJlX LlllLD
i 7 IT HkH ,f- ... i WRii vi ,. i i r (
U N I O iNi
of Mrs. Pilling and Mr. Iliiciiman. t
; Xic:: llalmis received word from
: h.t ; hrot hrr in California that his
I eldest daughter had died c i in:hieiii::i
linely. The entire family had b-en ;
i r ick but were better. I
In .-t;iie of the bad ruin:: weather
! Saturday afternoon, "Hans Johnson's
: sale v. as well attended and the cows
Isold high. The llol.-tein cows sold
: i'rr an even -200.00 each, another
. Anna Raucr Kft
iooii fr-r II::rL:ngton,
. vi:! friends.
- C , -r.r-jr.i I 1,
b.i ; ar.f.3" a:ter
Nehraska, for
vt. Ed Lcaili
are all 1 a i e
r i i i
TA i. -"
l. ; I ij
1 uJl ill
m ii:tavaii
V.'." .'" 'iS
Ccpyrirht 131?
' I I.T
ifITH the ending of the terrible struggle and
J and days of strife that have darkened the world for four long years, every
heart overflows with sincere thankfulness.
Humanity's greatest crusade has been success
fully waged and gloriously won. The world has been delivered from the menace of
the forces of evil and darkness and will engage in giving thanks with the same fervor
as did the Pilgrims who dedicated this day to their deliverance and birth of Freedom.
And what a feeling of pride comes to Americans
here at home when we review the daring deeds of sacrifice and service, of our brave
boys who offered their all that justice and peace might be restored to all the world.
Let us give thanks that victory is ours that
sacrifices have not been in vain that our nation has been blessed with valorous sons
and for the boys over there, let us offer a prayer that 'ere another Thanksgiving
dawns they will be safely home.
We remain open until 7:45 this evening closed all day tomorrow.
t.c'T"'' J.cae'i.
irai dai-ahtvr, '.iarrh
. ic:. ii is cf the Flu.
t-hovmaii Austin wrs in town on
Tu.-r day far the fm.t ti;a. since his
recent alt: i;f the Flu.
Dr. i'.'.rritt. o"r only lo;-a; phy
;.iclai. i:ai; been confined to his bed
this v."e:k. 'out his condition is net
"rial- -.
A iew veil has been dug near the plant which solves the water
probk-u thai has been causing sc.:-.
::;;.:h :;rief lately.
Mrs. Olson, cf Omaha,, who had
hern vi:iti::g at the .T. II. Ri;hr:an:i
'.:oiao several days, returned heme on
last Saturday.
Mr?. W. I'. Taylor and her two
children, of Manning, Iowa, arrive:!
Sunday morning for a visit with
relat ives V.nd friends.
Miss Clemer.tiae Roddy returned
!o Nebraska City Monday to resume
hor school work, as the Flu has pre-
brought ?Hi2.""
v. iv:; ieur
r,.i'0 to ?1C0.00.
?. ::-:; lUuh Hi.chmi
;ki h(a.e by the (h
.-.her. L'.r:dd, returt
itsday lncrniug. whe-;-y,'d
clerking in a di
v-r-'-iand Mi-..-. Eut'i
ard another
'. r." hold from
M Why n t have your money criming six per
I e-.:iz p. i-amium on gilt-ede luortga"- seeuritv
available after one yi-ar thr.aiL h the Ara-r-
icau S n-uiity Co., ui: thirty days not ic
Assets Over $1,000,000
; American Security Co., Fis. Agts.
Omaha Nebraska
G UraPJSTESD ! E. P. LUTZ. Agent, Plat-mouth
her VO
ed to Vallcy
' sd:C 14 eu;-
uj store. We
T '
e 1'xarii
j(r!y an employee of the Journal prior
ho hi; er.Ii tment in the army la.n
i-t addition to the Ions li.-t 'June.
; a h'.-it, p;rt and present, mmn.
Ciar. ncvi ilohe'cn, linotype
v-- i
Don't Invite a Ccld or the Grip.
;i r i.i.r. v.hter,
: : , i ..;::!. 112 i.t '.'S-.-iiiy:. Nc-ij-ha.
buTforin from appendicitis,
o h ft at once to take care of hor.
.ri? h:s teio'ain: ?chol i:i
is at the ho:ne
i 11 V . I ' 1
operator on l!'t' Jeutrnal who is nov
f . . i. ; . I , r . T ...) l;. I,.,. rx 1
lu L --' 1,1 rtUU1"'" If you feci "nui'ca up." bleated,
Mr. !cohe,o.i, his wife and young son i hnion languid or have slck head.
;'u"n VV1!U tlie nii'lady ailtl!ach-. sour stomach, coated tongue.
:. i.; r'au-:-- a ca:-e cf the entire 1am-
i i vi vi at cr.e
time. It is '
had breath or other conditions caus-
uncle Will
e;-c report?
;.!r... v..
v r. t an op
;a' hc;iia
r '.ion ed i. -.
:I i!:or:-oi: a
of her
Lya-an, r t Gerinc'. Lat
wore that she was iia-
. . i . . : T . . . . . : 1 T .
i:j;i'.;e'u au i i;iuu ' lil Crth"rtic
cat acratn, bui tne uoctor rrT-Pr it is a. s-entle
una breather-
i .
'. Cihcr ii'a v. '.'.
ration at the F,t.
in dnnlia t arur
:e t ; i r a a 1 o u r 3 1 i c e! y .
d .-oa, Gayie, drovn up
and report hir .'jetting
on ?a i; i'actcrily, which will be
d new:-; to her many friends here
ho " ill hop? for her rpcedy re-
i'.y h'.inr
h.oncd I-i
icon he a
.".i-es noi rcaihe any results for a
;.u."a';cr of d;ys to coaie.
.-erreata ICItacr Webb, of the Uni.
cf Nebrar-ka carr,p at Lin
( ;in va;; abN.: to ?.el a few, days fur
lo::;;h frcui his duties there and ar
rived ibis laorninn; to operate one of
the linotype:: in the Journal office Mr. Ilohe. an shall liave io far
recovered as to pcrttiit taking up his
work a'iain. Mr. Webb was forrn-
j ed by slowed up digestion, a Foley
Tablet will give prompt
relier. it is a gentle, whoiesom?.
thoroughly cleansing phj'fic that
leaves no bad after-effects. Sold
eve ry where.
. Farmers, mechanic.0, railroaders,
laborers, rely on J)r. Thomas' Fcb e
tic Oil. Fine for cuts, burns, bruis
er. Should be kept in every home.
0e and COc.
Suljscribs for the Journal.
venied her teaching for the past five
weeks. ! c -"ivory and kope she wi'l return
Word from Simon Gruber, who ' home soon and enjoy better health,
is now stationed at Camp Sheridan, I :,rr. t. L. Bailey moved here last
Alabama, informs us that he has v.-eek from Valley Junction, Iowa.
bringing a car of implements and
Cne Guernsey and Ilokstein
been promoted to the rank cf ser-
geant. Anotnc-r union toy who 1:; rene
making good in the army. j .-.nvii. -Mr. Bailey is the man who
The quota of Liberty pjecinct for i bought Hans Johnson's place jus-f
the War Work fund was over $2,700. ;(.-t oT town and was also the buyer
Cp to date only $1, has been ;,f ii;r-e I'okuein cows at Mr. John
paid into the treasury, which ahow-x -on's cal?. Mr. Daiioy is going into
that there are still some Americans the milk bu?iness and knows a good
who have the welfare of cur boys at cow when he sees it. i
heart, yet there are others who have George Met calf, who has been at
neglected. to attend to this at eno'iiu' Strte Io;-pital in Lincoln for a
and are awaiting the eleventh hour ;--?mVo-r of weeks', was brought home
to do their bit. Surely such a cause Tuesday as it v.-as deemed best for
as this deserves the earnest support i,0(h him and his mother that he be
of everyone sox let us all pay the at home. A number of citizens and
share allotted to us and put Liberty
the relative's succeeded in getting
precinct over the top and thus erase nie authorities to parole him and it
the names from the slacker list be- V. Moved that if George is not
fore it is made .public. bothered by others he will not be a"
!l other to anybody. Undoubtedly his!
trouble in the past has been brought;
; i 011 uy me 111 aciviseu teasing ana
;. taunts lie has been subjected to. 1
is hoped that he will be given a fair.
. chance to make good in his parole. I
'hie has been parcjed by William P.
Mrs. L. A. Hay returned to Omaha Sitzman. who stands sponsor for
Wednesday morning after a short tir.i. Rev. W. F. Hawkins went to j
visit at home. She reports her son, Lincoln to bring him home
John, getting along nicely at the
hospital. 1 It::r.d-IIcITr.r;;. war maps for tzie j
Charley Hitchman and family and 4 Journal oSics.
J. E. rJASON, Proprietor
Agonts for
V. V
'A Ck tiQ
iic!:s mi Qh eland Tractors 2
Let us dorrsenstrate to you. '
We aSso Repair AH IVSakes of Cars!
as9 reese and Oils
IVcI dins and Satierics Charged!
Auto Accessories! Hawkeye Tires!
Telephone 394 . Residence 229