The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 25, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Th. E..T;ric Light and
" Power Plaxst
A con.sUu.' Iiclji to the busy house
wife. Savesiime. work any worry.
D. 5093 Omaha. Neb.
Front Friday's Daily.
J. M. Jordan. of near Cedar Creek
m a visitor in this city this morn
ing coming to see about some busi
Dan here for the day.
Mrs. It. W. ( lenient departed last
evening for Chicago, where she will
risll for some time with her daugh
ter Miss Harriett, who is employ
ed there as a nurse.
Dick ( hrisv. isser of near N'e-hawka,-
was a visitor in this city
this morning and departed for On:u-
on th ! afternoon train where he
is looking after some business for
eh- afteriu n.
Wcnry Moore, wife and son from
Louisville were in the ttty last
PTt Ding, driving in with their car.
to look after some business in the
city, and returned home again
the afternoon.
in i
Corporal Alb rt Godwin, who is
visiting here from Camp Funston.
I visitor iu Omaha for a short
time and returned home this morn-is-
g. He was spending a short time
v, :ti i is brother Ralph ami wife at
( ln;;li:i
John Feckinan of near Mauley 1
was a visitor m me city tnis morn- i
bag. coming down on the Ti'.rling-
t and looking after some busi-
ness here and also going to Murray
wit. -r- be will vast! with nis ratner j
T 1 1 . . C . ' . . I . . .
George Brlnklow, who was a from near Weeping Water, in Cent
rist tor in Omaha, and with Mrs. j er precinct, were in the city for a
Btinklow who Is at the St. J(seph few hours yesterday, driving UP
hospital, reports bis wife very sick. fr,,n, u.jr home t look after some
but with 'the entertainment
l"p.s that she may have a turn
the better at an early date,
many friends hope also that
may aoon be better.
of l
Joseph Seagraves departed
morning for Fast Moline,
where he Will visit for a week with
friends and relatives. Joseph has
Just made arrangements for the
tag of the marines, and will not
be abb- to depart for about a week
yol and i going to visit before he
'1 depart for his training.
Harry Beal and wife departed
bust evening for Chicago, where
they will spend a few days and will
visit with Clarence Heal who i- in
the Great Lakes training school,
and will see the sights while there.
Clarence as yet does not know what
to happen in the future as to his
movements in the service. Harry
and wife will visit him there, and
will also either friends, before
returning to take up their work
Mrs. M. G. Stays who has been
Visiting at the home of her father
near Hrainurd. returned home last
Henry Snoke of near Kagle was
a visitor in this city tdoay coming
OTCT to look after some business at
the court hooee.
Mrs. Sam Dean departed this af
'rrioon for LaPlatte, this afternoon
ntter Turning at tnis city wun
nriends for a few days.
J A Hought v. from near N-
l'- wk.i as a visitor in this city
re terdaj afternoon coming to look
after some trading in the city.
Join Bpangtsr and family from
Bear Louisville were in the city this
morning coming here to look after
some business for a short time. v
John Kaffenbcrger, from near
Cedar Creek, was in the city last
Friday, and called at the Journal
office to renew his subscription for
anotlier year.
Fred Majors, wife and two child-n-t
. re in the city yesterday from
their boats southeast of Murray,
and were doing some trading with
tite city merchants.
Thomas Cromwell wts a visitor
iu this city coming to look after
vp" 'i t-iitlin In lll,rtiir of U nmet
Bysa Te.sti-d and Glasses Fitted i
Sight Colls Answered After Houn
and Sundays by Appointment.
8.39 a. m. to 12.00 1:30 v m. to 6:31 !
fumm ass rlatismouLL. iScb
A few good usee: Fords for sale.
T. H. Pollock. Oarage. 28-tf
some land deals truui his home at
' North Platte, and was in consulta
tion with George M. Hild of this
i city.
j John Swartz and wife of Mem
phis, arrived this morning, coming
to attend the funeral of Grandma
; Maria Gapen. which occurred this
! afternoon at the home of her son
. Oscar Gapen.
Frank Oliver, from Zanesville.
j Wisconsin, who has been here visit
ing with relatives and friends for
jthe past few days, was In the city
last Saturday, and paid the Journal
' office a brief call.
J. W- Tulene, departed this
morning for Cedar Creek, where he
goes to attend a sale which is be
ing made to dispose of some prop
erty by John True, who will not
farm for the coming year.
Mrs. Charles Countryman. who
has been visiting at Louisville with
her brother WW Oliver and family,
came down this morning and is
visiting at the home of her parents
W. A. Oliver and wife of this city.
J. J. Meisinger of Cedar Creek
arrived in the city this morning to
see about his residence here which
he is having put in first class condi
tion, and will in a short time move
from his present home near Cedar
Creek, to occupy this beaut iful
home which he has here.
T. J. Isner departed yesterday for
Lush, Wyoming, where he will ex
pect to spend the winter, as titer'
is plenty of carpenter work at that
place. Kecent discoveries of oil at
that place has made business boon
there, and the carpenter and build
ing Inula im is very rushed, with
th 3 possibilities of good money in
the trade.
Henry J. Schroeder. who has
been so sick at Cedar Creek, with
the pneumonia, is reported as hav
ing had a favorable night last
night and that his condition is
Rhnwint some improvement cms
morning. Mr. Schroeder ha been
ry skk ui ,his clianir0 for the
..... , .. .i.mmsMHm mm ho hail-
VCUCI IU vwuwi - -----
. fh niuch pieasnre by his many
... . o . ....... boBM
iiftirv e line imiu ou m -m.
business matters at the court hopse.
While here Mr. Kehne sr.. called
the Journal office to renew his
paper for another year, and pay us
a social call. He has been one of
the Journal's valued ret Jew for
many years.
G-orge Mulligan who b a ranch
er In Wyoming, has just been a
the live "stock market at South
Omaha, where he disposed of some
2P, worth of live stock, and
dropped down to Piatt smooth to
visit with Lis friend Martin Nel
son ami this morning, after baring
visited here for a short time depart
ed for Kmerson. Iowa. Where he will
i ; with Gideon Hover, and then
go to Hot Springs. Arkansas, for the
From Sji t n I 'la Vs liiil-.
Uenry Heehner of Cedar Creek
who has been in Murray for the
past week went to Cedar Creek last
George Lloyd of near Nehawka
was looking after some business for
the morning, having driven up this
W. K. Krec.klow of Louisville WSS
a visitor in this city last evening
for a short time on his way home
from Omaha.
D. A. Young of near .Murrny WSS
a visitor iu this city this morning
coming to look after some business
for the day. '
J. If. Jordan from Bear Cttllom
was a visitor in the city this morn
ing, coming to look after some busi
ness lor the day.
Sherman Cole from southeast of
Bfysard was a visitor iu the city
:lii.s morning for a short. time
looking after some business.
J. W. Lowther arrived in the city
last evening from a trip to Wayne,
where he has been for some time
past, and will visit here for some
time with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Charles Rentier was a visitor
this morning frr Manley where
they will visit for over Sunday
with friends, going to Omaha,
where they change cars for Man
ley. Solomon Baldwin who has been
making his home near I'nion for
the past few years hut who lived in
this neighborhood before was in
his city today looking after some
Mr.-, ifarry Hinton who lias been
visiting in this city for the past few
days a guest af the home of her
parent W. A. Oliver and wife, re
turned to her home at Louisville
last evening.
C. L. Dietz and wife who a few
days ago departed for Los Angeles,
have written to a number of the
employes of the lumber yard of the
Burlington, over which Mr. Dietz,
it. manager, t filing of the nice trip
they are having, being then at Salt
Lake City. They will spjnd some
time in the west.
Mrs. George E. Sayles, who has
been visiting in this city and vicin
ity, the guest of her children Mr.
George It. Sayles, and Mrs. W. II.
Seyhert, departed last eveuing for
her home at Cedar Creek.
Wm. MeCarver and wife ami Mrs.
Tierce Gillespie who have been
visiting with friends at Pacific
Junction. Iowa, for the past few
days, returned to their heme iu
Louisville this afternoon.
Messrs. George Dovey, Roy Wain
seott and Ludwig Wallas, all arriv
ed this afternocsi from Belleme,
Where they are in the government
school and will spend the Sunday
at their respective harass,
Henry Sanders who has been at
Cedar Creek for the past few days
returned home this morning and re
ports his son-in-law Henry Albert
as making good improvement at
this time, and is able to sit up for
a portion of the time.
Last evening Charles Country
men, who has been visiting here
for some time, a guest at the boms
Bf Mr?. Countrymen's parents YV. A.
Oliver and wife departed for his
home at Lewellen. being in a hurry
to get back to the farm to look af
ter the stock.
Wm. lleier of Ifttrdock, who has
been at Camp Funston for a num
ber of months, arrived In the city
last evening and is spending a few
days with his friend (s here. lie
will return to Camp Funston in a
few days, but expects the camp to
be demobiised In the near future.
Will A. Oliver and wile and their
daughter Mrs. Charles Countrymen
of Luellen, who has been visiting
here and at Louisville for some
time past will depart on the evening
train tomorrow, Sunday evening for
the west, going t-'i Luellen. the home
of Charles Count -y:ne:i and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver wiil remain
there Tor some time, and visit with
their daughter and family.
Henry anil Fred Gaebel both liv
ing near Louisville were in the city
this morning looking after some
legal matters at the ofhee of the
county attorney, and returned to
their home during the afternoon.
They are sntis of Mr. Charles Oabel
whom it will be remembered. WSS
engaged in raising fine BOga for
over twenty year-, ami had many
sales of lint
bred ho:
t imp.
A letter from John I'olicek. a
short time since tells of his arrival
at England, but not in time for his
having an opportunity to get to the
battle front in France before the
cessation of hostilities. QQg brother
Prank who is tnking Radio and who
is at Harvard University, at Cam
bridge, Mass.. writes thai ha does
not ktiow how long he will be" con
tinued in the service, when the de
mobilization begins.
from Saturday Daily.
That everybody may be prepared
for the event, and that all the need
ful tilings may be on hand for the
proper celebration of the event,
thlfl notice goes on' to the people in
time to allow the procuring of the
needed goods for the day. Also
thai the business nun themselves
and their help may have an oppor
tunity to properly observe the day
do they do this:
"We the undersigned merchants
will close our places of ba IhfSS sill
day Thanksgiving day, Nov. 28tB,
B. A. Wnrl.
K. P. Lutz.
C. E. Weseetl ft Son .
Philip Tlonrolf.
H. M. Soe.nnichsen.
F. Forrman.
J. W. Orabill.
U U. Eeeuberger.
Roy W. Knorr.
Fetsers Shoe Str-.
K. g. Dpyey & Son.
Bestor & Swatek.
B. A. McElwain.
A. G. Bach & Co.
Lorens Brothers.
Kroehler Brothers.
S. S. Chase.
Ladies Toggery.
Hatt & Son.
Avard & McLean.
M. L. Jo iiu son.
Qeb. Conas. who lids 1. i.
ing here for the
past few
spending his furlough with his
brother Sam. departed this after
noon for bis station at Camp Funs
ton. and as he was hoarding the
train said. I will soon be back.
Remainder of Family Now Seeming
ly Well Except the Mother,
Who Is Sick.
From Thursday Daily.
As recorded yesterday, PasJ Har
ris, aged fourteen years of age.
Was the second death in the fam
ily of Frank Harris of tins city from
the ravages of Spanish Influenza,
and this morning, reports tell of
the passing of little Helen, who was
not quite a year of age. This makes
thrtee of the family in less than a
week. The remainder of the fam
ily are now veil, with the excep
tion of the mother who has bad
the malady, and has not as yet
mifficientlv gained her strength, to
have her accustomed health. The
children were all brought to some
rooms which was procured, and
fittted by some of the ladies of the
City, where they are being cared
for. Snd are apparenilv in g tod
health. Mr. Harris and wife are
very grateful for the kindness
shown to them by the friends and
citizens of this place, and so ex
press them el ve-;. The funeral ser
Vices from the Strsishl undertak
ing rooms, and the InterBsenl will
be made st Oak Hill cemetery. The
etvice will be in Qharge or Ilev.
Robert Ksstern, of near Tabor, la.,
pastor of the church with which
Mr. Harris and family affiliate.
rrmn Tlraradeyfl Dail
Last evening Albert Godwin re
turned hrne from Camp Fnnstoe
on a furiough for several days, and
hoped by the time thai the fur
bttlgh over that he v. ill have been
disnii.-ed from the service. There
are several being SSaJ away from
the camp daily 5ajbj bur with the
many thousands there will re
iiiire some time to demobilize all.
From Thursday's l;oly.
At the home ol Frank S, Sheldon
Bear Murray the entire household is
down with the flu. and as well Mr,
thirriron Sheldon. Harrison and J.
I Low are caring for them. They
are all showing scute improvement.
This makes a lar$e number to look
after, when there is no one to do
the cooking or bouse work either.
From Bsiurdayfc Daily.
Charles Tilrn. the driver of the
TBxtt car. and owner of the ser
vice, is at home sick with what ap
peared to resemble the Influenza,
and while he is thus incapacitated.
Harry Forbes is looking after the
business and is driving the car for
him. Harry is a capable young
mau. and will look after the busi
ness in good shnpe while Mr. Tilton
is sick. I is hoped that Mr. Tilton
will soon be able to return to his
Kiom SHt inliiy's t'ailv.
Mrs. J. 1 Cleveland. departed
this afternoon for her home in
Omaha, after bavlng been here for
seme time nursing her mother, Mrs.
Ge.o. Bheemmxi and her two broth
ers Lonis and Henry Likewise, all
of whom have had the Flu. Mrs.
Shoeman and son Louis, have made
good progress, while Henry Like
wise, has not atade the progres-.
that was desired, but al this time
b showing slight Improvement,
though still very sick. Mrs. ( Art
'rissnian. nee IfiSI Frances Like
wise, is also assisting in the car
ing for the sick folks. Henry Like
wise, has also had the double pneu
monia .which has made his case the
more obstinate to treat.
Washington, Nov.. 2. Nebraska
potash producers arc trying to in
duce Secretary Lane, in charge of
mineral production to join with
theni in a request to the War hoard
not to permit importation of Ger
man potash until the peace treaty
is signed. The contention is that
a state of war exists and until such
time. The secretary will give his
answer in a few days.
The Overcoat with
a Purpose
That purpose is to keep you
warm; clothe you in the most comfortable
and stylish fashion at the minimum of cost.
A good coat to make friends with
notice the wide shapely collar; notice the
deep slash pockets; see the length which
insures you warmth in the winter wmas.
Made single and double breasted
$20 to $40
Seeded for Saturday Men's Turtle Neck
Sweaters 95c.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
i"i ;m Saturday Daily.
What is known a, the afonntaia
Whites, and who resides in the
mountain districts of Kentucky, are
in a bad condition, they have been
the object of assistance of many of
the churches, and have been receiv
ing much assistance from the
Woman's Auxiliaries of the EtpisCO
pal churches of the land. This
church has been one which has con
tributed to their help, heretofore,
and are again making an effort in
that direction this year. This is a
case for all who are interested in
home missions, to exercise their im
pulses. There will be a box of need
ed things generally In the siiape of
wearing apparel, clothing for all
whether it be children, men or
women, made tip at the home of
Mrs. James Donnelly on next Tues
day for shipment. All who have
rtomirthing which you can spare, get
You may haw thought there wa;
more wear in the article yet, but
you can give it, do not wait until
it is entirely worn out. if you do it
will probably be of no use to them.
You had jusi as well give some
thing worth the while as not. Re
member you do not have to be a
member of any particular church,
or organization, to get in on this, or
you do not have to belong to any
church as to that, for your deed will
be all and your gift received, and
will do tin- same good anyway.
Washington. Nov. 22. Congress
today started on a ten-day vacation
its first complete suspension .since
the session which adjourned yes
terday line die began December ::.
Several commit lees, however, will
work during ad journtnent OS legis
lation to le presented when the new
congress convenes December 2.
Mrs. Vincent Ptacofc, departed
this afternoon for Omaha, where
she goes to spend the week end with
her daughter Mrs. Joseph Dorfler.
and husband.
Flmer llallstrom and Miss Lo
retta Propst were passengers to
Omaha Thitf afternoon where they
are visiting with friends for the
G. H. Peterson 'the draftsman at
the Western Machine and Foundry
Company departed this afternoon
for his home in Omaha, Where he
will spend Sunday with the folks.
Miss Helen Roberts was a pas
senger to Omaha this afternoon,
where she is spending the after
noon with friends.
Yitualixat ions of some BBttSUal
eharacter types are a feature of the
big Clune cinema drama, "The Eyes
of the World." coming to the Tar
mcle, starting next Thursday. Har
old Bell Wright's novel, on which
the photo production is founded, is
rich in types, and the utmost care
has been used in the recrerition of
these for the screen.
It has been asserted that there is
not a hackneyed character iu '"The
Eyes of the "World." and the story
is both, idyllic and melodramatic,
but its melodrama is of the finest
Particularly in the drav. iug ot
Sybil, the mountain girl; Id Grange,
the novelist; Taine. the physic; I
wreck of a misspent life, and Henry
Marsten, the convict, has the auth
or shown his unusual powers of
characterization. The burncd-out
roue, Taine. contrasts strongly with
the ingeniuos young artist. Aaron
King, ambitious for fame, but who
is on the point of debasing his tal
ents tor the easy way to success
and becomes the shining mark for a
designing woman.
Then there is Conrad LeGraUJ .
the Cynical story-writer, who con
fesses that he 'haunts the intellec
tual slaughter-pens" for material
lor his "successful" stories, but iti
whose heart stUl burns many of the
kindly sentiments of his earlier
days. Again, there is James Etatt
lidge. the bull-necked art critic.
Plattsmouth Garage!
J. E. MASON, Proprietor
Agents for
Reo Ccxrs,
SM Trucks and Cleveland Tractors
Let us demonstrate to you.
We also Repair All Makes of Cars!
Gas, Greese and Oils
Welding and Batteries Charged!
Auto Accessories! Hawkeye Tires!
Telephone 394 Rssidence 229
' &
"horn, bred and reared In an at
mosphere that does not to crate pit
rity of thought," who covets th"
sweet, young girl of the t m BBtSfttS
Whose character typified their beau
ty, purity and .strength.
Besides, there are John Willanl.
the convict, who alayi an M-iportant
part in the story, after his escape
to 'he WsndeeinR life of 'he hills;
Bfyrs WUlafd, a pitiable hit of
flotsam on the sea of humanity,
and Brian Oakley, the fore t ranker,
a hardy, rugged and lean speci
BieS oi manhood.
A QStaini touch is added iu t In
picturing of Yec Kee. fhe keen, de
voted Chinese servant, who adds
many a light and humorous touch
to the pictures.
Joe Ilawksworth who has lirn
working at Rock Island, in the
erntiKTit an-c-nal. arrived in this
city this afternoon and will visit for
a short tints with his grandmother
Mrs. D. Hawksworth.
Mrs. Joseph Droege went to Oma
ha, having rtceived a me-sage to
meet Mr. Drocge's aunt, Itfrs, ll r
inan Stillc. who lives near Fairfax.
S. D.. v ho will pay her a visit, for
a few days. They returned home
last night on No. 14.
Mrs. F. F. Buttery was a visitor
in Omaha this afternoon v. here .be
is spending the afternoon with
Mrs. Andrew Kroehler v :-s a pa
sender to Omaha thi.; i fM-moon.
where she is riSittXig v. ita friends
for the day.
Mrs. L. C. Spreacher departed thi
afternoon for OllUhd. There Bfee i
spending the afternoon, and will
return this evening with her hus
band who is working at. Omaha.
Mrs Dr. Westowr of Omaha, ar
rived in thi. city this afternoon,
coming to spend the week end with
her parents Mr. and Mrs James M.