THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 191S. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE FOUR. 'Che plattsmoutb "Journal TUBUSIIED SEJII-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at I'ostoff ice, riattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PATER SATANAS. One by one he's beckoning His darlings to their reckoning Teem) of tho German wife, And Ferdinand of fragrant life, Kaisers Karl and Rill sans Shame, And good old Sultain Wliat's-IIis-Name. -:o: How about that turkey? :o: Thanks-giving will foon be here. :o: Du-s the r.oche really believe we are to be so easily fooled? :o: Hope is the bill of fare from's feast donated to Lazarus. :o: Germany wants peace, or, more poetically speaking, respite and nepenthe. :o: These tidal waves conies so often to the party in power. And perhaps there is a c;nio for them. :o: The mind can weave it?elf warm ly in the o;h:i of its own thoughts, and dwell a hermit anywhere. :o: How much money was sent into Nebraska by German propagandists to elect Norris? Don't all speak at once. :o: it looks like a mild winter. as HK'st of the blankets on the Fords ore unusually light for this time of the year. :o: Why is it that none of Those Song Writers has yet produced any thing containing the line, ".My Little I'oiki Fal?" -:o:- It may be all very well to admit Germany to iiieuib'Tship in a League of Nations . . . but a Germany in vhich the Ilolien.ollerns ami junk tr pan us have ceased to be the dom inant factors. Tin.- kai-er s ems to think lie i safer with "his" army than in Her 1 in. Knowing what we do about the preearious situation of the army, we judge Ucrlin mu.t be a fairly ri-ky place to be in. :o: The race in .Michigan appears to b" finishing as tnot races do in v. li:'li a Ford is a runner. It ran away from it:; opponent on the little hills early in the eou-e. but on th Trial :-iraightaway, superior horse- power assert eil it:-eif. :o: People quickly tire of the most woTid.-rful iihts. A chink of ice sitting out on the front sidewalk the-o ii ivs doesn't attract a second glaio e. Augu. t a crowd would have gathered around to watch it the tntire ten minutes it lasted. to; After all the chocking of the in fluenza i pidrniic is largely a mat ter of individual care. It is im possible to prevent absolutely the spread of the disease. Tor there are always "carriers" of an epidemic; persons infected with the germs, but who are themselves immune. Hut if there is universal observance of the rubs suggested by health au thorities both in public places and in homes where the disease exists, there is every reason to believe that the epidemic will be reduced to a minimum. tte of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas County. 83. , Franic J. Cheney makes oath that ne I senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & O.. io(ngr business in the City cf Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that sa'.J firm will pay the sum of nvR I'U.N'DIIED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be riirxi hv the use of HALL 3 CATARRH MEDICINE! FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before rno and subscribed in ,ny presence, this th day of December. a Notary Public. iV-tv-i CattTh Ji2!cine is taken ln trA'!y au icrj the Blood on te";uc'a S-irfarrs ct the System. Send Xr 'frCHKlhTi CO.. Toledo. O. fils"F-:.y i'i:i3 xor coaijpatioa. PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The mills of the gods will soon be clogged with Prussian junkers. :o: : Henry Ford no doubt feels like raying: "Darn tho politics, any way!" :o: Cheese barred from free lunches? Hut where is the free lunch still ex tant? :o: . Xorwegian insurance companies consider the Austrian emperor a bad risk; and Austria does, too. :o: Doesn't the kaiser know that the foremost rule in the game he start ed out to play is that the loser pays? :o: It is now time to bend our ener gies toward a pork roast from which we expect our Thanksgiving to come. :o: It's an event bet, now, which the reniianing 43-year-olds will receive first the peace news, or their ques tionnaires. :o: We will have something to feel thankful for, if the "flu" will only let loose by the time Thanksgiving day rolls around. :o: This won't be the first republican congress that Champ Clark served in. He has been a member of that body for many years. :o: The Jews want a billion to rehab ilitate Palestine. Well they can afford it and they are always liberal and ready gives to good causes. :o: Does the merger of the telephone companies mean that hereafter we must wait twice as long as we have been waiting before wc can get the number we desire? :o: When .i young man sits in the parlor talking nonsense to his best girl that's capital. -But when he has to stay in of evenings after they're married that's labor. :o:- Uavaria aspires to be tjie modern antithesis of Benjamin Franklin. Ba varia has just informed Berlin that if the empire doesn't surrender to gether, it will surrender separately. :o: Who cares whether the Kaiser or the Iteichsfag and Federal Council arc to have the right to declare war hereafter? What we need to do is to fix it so that no German Govern ment or faction can possibly declare war at all for a century or so to come. :o: In 1S4S, when James K. Polk was President, the German government asked the United States for an ex perienced American naval officer of suitable rank to take oemmand of the German navy. The Cabinet was unanimously in favor of granting the request, but Mr. Polk refused it. It looks now as if the project had merely been postponed. :o: The ties that bind come pretty severe on brothers who have never been separated for any great length of time. While not born in Platts mouth Cliff and Hilt Wescott virt ually lived here all their lives. They have been associated in business to gether for over twenty-five years and Wescott Brothes' clothing emporium is a household word throughout Cass and adjoining counties. The going of Cliff to France is the first time the two brothers have oeen separated, and it was a sad parting when Cliff took bis departure last Friday. They had made up their minds some time ago that one of them should go, and Cliff went. They are both good business men, and business at the Old Reliable will not in the least suffer at their parting, no matter how long, the other brother may be absent. ROOSEVELT AND THE . NEW CONGRESS It has pleased Mr. Roosevelt to adopt a form of partisanship which is Prussian through and through to the extreme of Junkerism. . While autocracy in Europe has been crum bling he has been posing in America as one anointed with the holy oils of divine right. In his attitude to ward the government of the United States and its conduct of the war he has been studiously insulting and malicious. He has belittled triumphs which have won the homage of ev ery free nation and carried terror to the heart of the enemy. From the beginning of the war to the present hour of victory he has had no word of commendation for anybody but himself, no praise but his own brag gart self-praise, no appreciation ex cept for the easily moved throngs which have applauded his contemp tible and all but seditious words. The new congress will have to deal with the questions of peace and re construction. No doubt it will be assailed on all sides by the forces of reaction and greed, of which Mr. Roosevelt is the advance agent. No doubt, with a presidential election coming before the end of its term. the disposition to play politics will be pronounced. But whatever its nominal political complexion may be, we believe that its actual ruling majority will be made up of demo crats and republicans who are first of all Americans, and that on every great issue involving the rights and security of the people, that majority, co-operating with the president, will be as much inclined to sink parti sanship as the brave soldiers and sailors who under his leadership have helped mightily in conquering a. just and glorious peace. New York World. :o: FOCH. We do not know what the Judg ments of military critics will be when they have carefully studied and sifted the evidence, but to a layman it looks as if Foch were not merely a great general but one of the greatest generals of all record ed history ... as great a general as Napoleon or Caesar of Hannibal or Alexander. The armies of which he took supreme command in France last spring were inferior in num ber to the enemy. They were beat en and in retreat. He organized the western front in the face of a flush ed and triumphant foe that had pressed almost to ultimate victory, and found time to co-ordinate the battle in France with the operations against the Bulgarians, the Turks and the Austrians in a scheme the magnitude of which has never been equalled before in this planet's wars at least. By the time American re cruitment had given him an equality of forces in France he had already passed to the offensive, using not only the men he had, but assigning the men who were to come to their places in the vast plan of battlp. An ordinary general, even with Ameri can numbers assuring him equality, and the superiority, in numbers, might conceivably have managed his resources less deftly and surely; but the essential genius of Foch's achievement lies in the fact that he found a way to make all the great pushing weight of his new recruits felt even while they were on ship board and in the training camps; his blows increased in force and rapid ity as new unit Increasing num bers were ready for batle; he flung all the momentum of the forces that were to be here tomorrow into to day's action. When he turned and stood and struck back at the Ger mans the plan on which he struck already took into account the Amer icans whom he might employ in the near future. New York Evening Sun. ;o: Full of Cold: Had the Grip. Many will be pleased to read how Lewis -Newman, 506 Northrand St., Charleston, W. Va., was restored to health. He writes: "I was down sick and nothing would do me any good. I was full of cold. Had the grip until I got two 50c bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar. It is the best remedy for grip andi colds I ever used. Sold everywhere. WHEN NEURALGIA ATTACKS NERVES Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and ' relieves pain A little, applied without rubbing will Penetrate immediately and rest and oothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment 19 very effective In allaying external pains, strains, bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore muscles, lumba go, neuritis, sciatica, rheumatic twinges Keep a big bottle always on hand tnr f-irrdlir TV... I I DIES IN THE SOUTH WAS FORMERLY A CITIZEN OF THIS COUNTY, AND SOME FORTY-TWO YEARS OLD. From Wednesday's Pally. News was received here Monday of the death of Robert Fattersoa of Sweeney, Texas, where he has been engaged in the banking busi ness for some time past, from pneu monia, super-induced by Spanish In fluenza. Mr. Fattcrson was hern in this county a few miles south of this city forty-two years ago, and was the son of Silas Patterson, and a nephew of Fred Fatterson, of this city, and was second cousins, of T. M. Patterson, It. F. Patterson and Mrs. T. H. Pollock. For some time he was engaged with his father in the mercantile business at South Pend, and later went to San Fran cisco, where he was engaged in the banking business. His father, Silas Patterson, hav ing became interested in some lands in Texas, Robert Patterson closed out his interests in San Francisco, and went to Texas, where he has lived since. He was taken with the Flu, and which later turned in to pneumonia, resulting in his death Sunday. He was unmarried. The remains have been snippet? to Lin coln for interment, the funeral oc curring at that place today. j T. M. Patterson president of the Farmers State Bank and R. F. Pat terson, cashier of the Bank of Cass j 'ounty, departed this morning for j Lincoln to be int attendance at the j funeral this afternoon. THE GALLS CANCELLED OTHER MATTER IN fORCE WHILE THE CALLS FOR DEPART URE TO CAMPS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED FILL BLANKS. rom "Wednesday's Daily There are many people who are wondering ahout their question naires, and would like to know what they are to do ahout them. This is leature of the bureau work of the vernment, anil it will be contin ued. The calls are cancelled, but the questionnaires, are to be per- cted, fill them out just the same as if the war was not over. This is required, and you must fill them out just as before. The board is still working and will continue un- 1 the work is all done. The gov ernment wants to know just where she stands in ability to care for the liberties of the world. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. The regular teachers' examination will be held Saturday November IGth, 191S, at the following points in the County: iouisyille. Weeping Water, Elm wood and IMattsmouth. ALPHA C. PETERSON. d&w County Superintendent. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS T1IIF,. Cut. out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foloy & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid ney Pills and Foley Catlnrtic Tab lets. Sold everywhere. For earache, toothache, pains, burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid remedy for emergencies. Do not let that dollar ruel. uncle Sam can use it. Invest it ;n a Liberty Bond. RDBER PATTERSON NOTICE OF ADMINIS TRATOR'S SALE In the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. In tho Matter of the Estate of William A. Edmisten, Deceased. Notice ig hereby given that, in pursuance of an order of the Hon orable James T. Begley, judge o the I District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, made on the 7th day of September, ID 18, for the .sale of the real estate hereinafter describ ed, there will be sold at public ven due to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Bank of Un ion, in the Village of Union, in said County, on the 7th day of December, 19 IS, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., the following described real estate, to wlt: the KVa of the NE1', of Sec. 29, Twp. 10, Rge. 11. and 10 acres along tho west side of the NV!i of the NWVi of Sec. 2S, Ywp. 10, Rge. 14, all in Cass county, Nebraska; also Lots 2 and o, in Block .1, in the viflage of Union, Cass county, Ne braska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 4th day of November, 191S. DAN LYNN, Administrator of the Estate of Wil liam A. Edmisten, deceased. ('HAS. D. GRAVES, A. 1j. TIDD. Attorneys. 4-5wks. i Tin-: iiisTiiii T i'u irr u- -nil. IIMMV ! CSS, MOIIIt !SK A. 'i:nl..s I'unru-lo. Plaintiff, vs. liieol. r. l';ilt. r: Miiry l-;lt-r: . l Olson, first rc:il name unknown; Mrs. it. I', olson. first r-al name un known: witf of o. I. Olson; J. N. Kinur: first ral name unknown: Mrs. .7. N. Kin;?, first real name unknown, wif of .1. X. Kins: W. F. Kinslow. first real name unknown; (Mnrenee A. Atkinson: Krnest i. Siiallenha rff er: Texas Rio (iranile Company, a -orptration. and Fred Watrner, I )efentlants. IM' of Ulicji(loi for A )xiiiiliiiriil ttf Kcrriirr. To the defendants. .1. X. Kinvr, first real name unknown; Mrs. J. N. Kinpr, first real name unknown, wife of J. Kins: o. 1. Olson, first real name unknown: Mrs. O. 1. Olson, first real nuie unknown, wife of it. I. Olson; W. F. Kinslow. first real name un known; and the Texas Kio .!rande Company: Von ii re herehy liotifieil that .laeoh 1. Falter and wife M.iry Falter, defendants in the above entitled cause, upon ans wer duly filed in said cause have made application for the appointment of .lames KoPcrtson, Clerk of the District Court as receiver to take eharso of the rents ami income from tho build-hiS-s and property described as lots eleven (11) and twelve (12). in block twenty-seven -), in the City of I 'la 1 1 smou t !i. I'nsH county, Nebraska; that I:. F. Patterson and .1. M. Roberts are proposed as sureties for said pro posed receivel-, and that tjeorse K. Ji.ivcy and Vrank Sehlater arc propos iti as sureties for said applicants; that said application for tin; appointment of said receiver will be presented to the .Itidse of the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the State of Nebraska, in the District Court Room iri the court house in the City of I'l-ittsmoiii h. Cass County, Nebraska, on the day of December, FJ1S, at : o'clock A. M. Dated tin's a 1st day of October, A. 1 .. 191". Of all of which you will take due notice. .iacoi: c fait;:i: and MARY FALTER, ll-l-lw Defendants. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE. Notice is herehy Riven that pur suant to an order of sale issued to rue hy the District Court of Cass County, Xehra.ska, on the 4th day cf November 1'JlS. In an action pending in said court in "which Carey L. Stotler, was plaintiff and Loren 15. Stotler. Sarah Irey, Eden Irey, Course Stotler, Nellie Stotler, Walter Stotler, Ella Wayant, Clar ence Wayant, Mabel Speakman, Harry Speakman, Mary Pope, Joseph Pope, David Stotler, if livinR, if de ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal representatives and all other persons interested in his estate; J. F. CliiRoy, as admin istrator of the estate- of William Stotler, deceased, are defendants, I will on the 9th day of December 13 IS, at one o'clock in the afternoon of :;aid day at the South front door cf the Court House in Plattsmoutb. Cass County, Nebraska, ofTer for sab at public vendue to the lushest bid der the followiiiR described real estate situated in Cass County, State of Nebraska, to wit: The East thirty-five (".D acres of the Northea-st Quarter of the South cast Quarter of Section nineteen (lit) Township ten (10) Pause fourteen (14) East fith P. M. Cass County, Nebraska. The terms of said sale bein?; Five Hundred ($500) Dollars on the day of sale, and the balance of the pur chase price on the day said sale is confirmed by tho District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. 0 Said sale will remain open for one hours. CHARLES E. MARTIN, C. A. RAWLS, Referee. Attorney. 4-G0t I, KG A Ij OTICn. Aotlre 1n Aon-Itmii!cii llrfeiiilHiits, tliHr llrlrM. LrKnlri-N, llPTlnn, I'it honnl IepreMt-fiHiM Hint nil I'er wotiN liilen-fctcil In their l:nlae, or . .their SnrcMMori: To tho unkr.own Tieirp, devisees, los ottes, personal representatives and all other persona Interested in the t-state of Cjeorse K. Ilardins. deceased; Wil liam 1L Trice, Wm. M. Price, Albert Kellev, executors of the last will and te.stair.ent of fJeorse K. JlardinS, de ceased, if livins. if deceased, the un known heirs, devisees, lesatees. per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of eacli of them respectively or their succes sors. Yon and each of yon are hereby no tified that William F. Scliliefert, as I plaintiff, on the 21st day of Septem- ' 1Q10 tilcl y,la TwMtlor In th I")!S y vi ivv . - LJ ... - Chiidvesi Cry The Eind You Have Always iu iur over wirty years, nas borne the signature of ana -AAsj sonal 'WWfrf'Vi Allow Tin On A r Aaroirra. i,, i U ' v.v UVbVllV JUU AIM All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants an;! Children Experience agairst Experiment. r What is CASTOR I A CcGtori-i is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its pe is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, T7ind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimi'ation of Food; giving healthy and natural deep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. mmE CASTOR I A always JBears the n Use For IT JGT The Kind You Have Always Bought triet Court of Cass County, Nebraska, win-rein you and each of you arc do l' ndants. t lie object and pravo' of w hii 'a petition are that you and eacli of yon, and all persons claiming by, I'iroush or under you adversely to plaintiff, be adjudsed to have no inter est, risht. estate or lien in or to: Th North weft Quarter of Section Seventeen (17), Township Eleven (11) K.-ur-e Kleveii (11),. Cass County, Ne- s kit. r any part or portion thereof, and that the plafnti.T. William F. Sclilie fert. together with his prrantnrs be ad jmlcred to have been in the adverse posses;;i.ii of said laud for more than ten years ast past, and that the leRal tit'e thereto has become fully vested in William F. Schfiefert. notwi' thstand-ic-or tho claims of you and each of you, or anyone claiming by, through or un !! you. and that the Mile to said land bo forever ouieted in the said William I'. Scliliefert, a.-: against you and each of you, and that each and all of said defendants named, ami tiiose whose names: are unknown and net stated, be forever barred from claiming- or assertinrr any risht, title, interest or estate in and to taid real estate, or any part thereof, and for such other ami further relief as to the court may .- em just and equitable You and cadi of you are further lotilicd you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the I'.ml day of I i. e. inber, IfMS. WM.I.IAM F. SOU L.I KFE TIT, :. a. i:a!vls, riaintifr. Attorney. 10-11-4W. i.i:;i, AoTin-:. to i:irit.i:i con way ouhm AMI WIKM KL.MA OLDHAM: LAH'N.Y CoNN-;lLY; JOHN J. OLl ) HAM AMI win: Kosi-: olmiam; .ikssik n. snyii:k and ursBAXD hi;ni:y snyuki:: am maky l. ckar:, di-:- I'KNI lANTS. You will take notice that on the 2 1th day of October Jals. Kay Oldham, plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the District Court of Cass County. Ne braska, against you ami Cnzza .T. Bak er, i'auline Oldham. Kllison j. Oldham n ml wife Maud Oldham: .Tames W. Oldham ami wife Ktt'io Oldham; Vera 11. Oldham, pollv Younpr and husband Homer Yoiiiih:, the object and prayer of which ari- to partition between plaintiff yourselves and the above nam ed defendants, the following described real estate, to wit: The West half of tho Northwest Quarter of Section thirty (oOi; the West 'half of tho Southwest Quarter I' l l S i hdtte.jJ2?UiSM. i The man with moiey savm and puibng -A m THE BEST BOOK YOUR BOY CAN HAVE IS A BANK BOOK THERE'S LOTS OF KNOWLEDGE TO BE GAINED BY THE POS SESSION OF MONEY. YOU SHOULD TEACH YOUR BOY THE BEST LESSON HE WILL EVER LEARN "THAT HIS MONEY IS HIS BEST FRIEND" AND TEACH HIM TO PUT IT SAFE IN THE BANK. SOME DAY THE BANKER CAN ADVISE HIM HOW TO IN VEST IT AND HE WILL BE A RICH MAN. " " WE ADD 31-2 PER CENT INTERESTS ON SAVING3J:AC COUNTS AND u PER CENT ON TIME CERTIFICATES. COME TO OUR BANK. JTammers ' State IBank THE NEW BANK, OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FROM 7:002TO 9:00 for Fletcher's D Bought,' and which has been nas beeu made under his per- supervision since its infancy. Signature of Over 30 Years of Section thirty (")); and Lot two (!') In the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section nineteen l!i) all in Township eleven HI) Kancre fourteen (11) Cass County, Nebraska. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the Jfitli dav of lecember 1!1fc. FAY OLHHAM. C. A. PAWLS. riaintlff. Attorney. 2S-4wks. :o: I.KGAI. OTlCK. The State of Nebraska. Cass County, ss. In the County Court. In the Matter of the L'state of John Micin. Deceased. On reading and liling the petition of Mary Micin praying that Administra tion of said Estate may he granted to John M. Meisinger as Administrator. . Ordered. That November 19th. A. D. 1!1S, at Ten o'clock A. M. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may . appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and fhow cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that no tice of the pendency of said petition ami the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the riattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed In said County, for three successive weeks, prior to said dav of bearing. Dated this 1'lst dav of October. A. D. IfllS. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) County Judge. FOR SALE. Full blood White Leghord, single comb roosters, at $1.25 each. Frank Dill, Murray Neb. .ead the Journal Ads It Pays. :o: W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. .J. Est of Riley Hotel. I Coates Elock, Second Floor. neoarv -WVl .I Bank