The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 14, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
THURSDAY, NOVOIlIKll 1J. PAGE TWO. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. WILSON ANNOUNCES EilY YIELDS UNCONDITIONALLY Germany Must Give Up Alsace-Lorraine and Invaded Territory Everywhere. Rhine Bank, Most of Navy and Strongholds As Guarantees; Soldiers Will Have To Lay Down Arms. Washington. 1). r.. Nov. 11. S.uiiini; tf the armistice with CJer n:.i ii v was proda inieil today hy rri.u-nt Viloii. who also announc , J i s terms at a joint session of trunirres. Tin- t.rins h.raM th- nil f the lietatpe th.-y take (ruin Cerniany t he pov.yr to renew it. Just before lie went to th- rap the president in a prorlainat ion :iMreei! to his fellow -count ryno n . i ; i : "The armistice v;is -i.:nl this i: ...ruins. Kv. ry hiir-r fr which V...-ri-a foiisht ha been accotii It will now be our fort-r.'i.itt- l.ity t. a--M. by example, by . r. friendly -o'liisel a:ul by nia T . T ai-1. in the establishment of j h tin -CTaey throughout the Wilson's Coins? Vindicated. Stripped of its mal".ou poer. ::;;rtarv autocracy, its masters r. t. -f. :.lll'ls before the A. r'.i'-' f ju-tice. having Mih i,, i . -r :n of surrender which :-,.!.: b!v wi'.I he record d in history !.. !.-: ira-: if atol complete : t.i. :i..'ir"! "'it to a defeated foe. i 'i: i-- th- full text of the d.. !'-- !:.eaMres the Putted at..! the allied v-ovt rnmetits .tv. ink en To uuaranTe- that (l-T-i ..:'- aec-pTntue sh:;ll not be a -rap !' p:per :c.d To i::-ure the de :;, . ..- ;i e ii'iiiiary ca-te whieh -;.i;!d ! retly 5Ui! of i: -inh' , ... 1i T-;'", e;u e ! tl'.e r!.i . !;e.. l it--:.!. V. ; It en!i-Ii:d- i h;u :f of :! with ". :. r! ( '.uiu.-il ,r. a ti i.i i i t rat ion .ieel ir-ci that if h!- course "'. M-'t ' ri!;-- : '. if what t!.'' hup . .i , .. iii.,re than an uncoti ;':,. :';! .--.rrend-r. it n.iuht brins :t r-v..! !tt ii.ii in (c-rinany. Tun: tc Humanity's Task. i'.-Lr.'iiiu Today to (In- Hnhenzol--. rii .! ty. !? rh::ei and exiled. t. ;.".." revtdiit if.n sweopins c -T: !r." :.'!.'. '):' Term.- of the : ! :i. i - e. :he-- r!ici:ils felt their ii-;i i:-.- :.ii;ily Piltiiled. Having ii:":-d 'i:.- yi.'.e of . inili- T.-r!-!:l T:i: the ;,.(.;!--. (." t!: re ii - tr.i ' ri.fir. the a'.Iie-- m-v. tun; to! Ta.-k '' h.'in;; v aad n:ercy. to j I-;.;-! i:n :r .v..imi and iecd the! 1. IPITV. i!ie;. nwhib- To U,'lide tlielll to a . .'.: ;:: i!;:' family of nations f: ::i v.liiri: h'V can take a part in n that another sucli l.r.'iO d iys of blood and horror reed never ' eo';;-- tcr iin. j '"v u-uatioi! r.-na ra ' ion and resti- ;- a rv Tiie :;.::(.' f ;e ariiM- Mice. V":at Gnnr..v Must Do. j If. r :ir-' tiie pri:ifi;al things! ." ii M- !.. t powerless be- : : tiie v;e'o:-j-allied armie?. i ! i i.a v 'i' tor !.-r : i i if.ed :-..t! 1 ion of Alsace- i i ! o-r-tia . l;.-'.u'.;i:-.!. Lnxer.i'eurg. j it a : (1 ! : " ma n ::: witlir-ut furth-; r sj r-i; i: or harm to itihabi-; ::ts. I Then . . : pa T ion by American and ; allied t r ops of ali the count r;e-.- on j the we-t bank of the Khine. Then, further creation of a ;;e-,j-tr;:l i. lie in a strip territory on the east bank of IH ine thirTy kilometers about twenty Tr.i's wide extending ftoiu Holland hrilf v ,iv down to the Sv. i- border and twenty kilometers wide for the re ii.iinder. Must Yield Strongholds. Meanwhile, as : zuarantv of m.od faith, the occupation by American i and allied troops of M yence. fib-j Ir.nx :i?ifl "nlo"iie the crossings of the Ithine. i'!l a thir-!: Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 28. Banker's Automombile Ins. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Gentlemen: On Sept. 28th, I had the misfortune to damage a Dodge car owned by L. L. McCarty, of this place. Your adjuster, after investigating the acci dent E'ave me a check covering the damage to Mr. Mc Carty 's automobile. I hold your policy No. A. N. 229, on my automobile covering fire, public liabilty and pro perty damage. Ycurs truly, JOHN W. CRABILL, Ask our agent, Mrs. L. V. Egenberger, in regard to our complete coverage policy and special farm car rates, covering vour car anyw here in the United States. BANKER'S AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO., Lincoln, Nebraska. ty kilometer radius about the bridge heads. On the eastern front all Cennan troops ft" to l,' withdrawn from territory which before the war be longed to Kussia. Kumania or Turkey. Then the Cermaii war machine must disarm. The principal por tions of its navy nmst be hatub'd over: arms, munitions and engines of war numbered by t lie thousands are to be taken from the army. American ami allied prisoners are to be at onre r'pa t rial ed . without reciprocal action by the as.-ociated .u'ovenimeiits and th thousands of wretched civilians draused off into slavery ir..m the invaded territories are to be returned. Must Make Reparation. Tiie provision for compf nsat ins the i.cupied territories for the havoc v.touuIjt by the invaders is contained in a simple sentence -reparation for damnse done. As :-. s'tn to restoring the map lines, the treaties of I'.rest-I.itovsk. which laid Hu--ia pron-. and of P.otharest. whieh plundered Ku mania. .nil-' be aba ndon'd. .Money, securities. precious metals and other ;i!M:ibb-s !,,!.,! from th.e in vaded countries must b. returned in trust 'o the allies until the con clusion of pe;ic In the wot tin railways of Alsace-Lorraine, tiie valuable stores of iron and coal. nll the rtores and supplie- in Ib'luium with arms and at i-iaeiei'.t- tuns he hand'-d over. In the ast. the I Mack sea ports mu-t be evacuated. the warships taken by Cermany from th.e Rus sians must be surrendered; in the Haltic. fors and defenses burring the wav at the Tateat must be delivered and there must be free ac cess to the s-ea for the allies. Eiock&de Will Stay. '!"!;: allien '!.niaue is to remain uii' hr. ni,eii. Meanw hile. Ortnan merchant shins are to be delivered for missions of inercv in carrying food to the starvins; allied ship-I-ii.u lieiu by the fienaans i to he r !tT. ! w itiii i!! any obligation to restore to Ceriiiany her ships now in the ha 'ads of tiie associated gov- eriii.iei.i s. Cermany the neinrals tl;v are is to notify free to trade goVerilllient s with the arso:-ia'ed r. ' In i;- Mob--t a i io:i . In wor b iron i.-. tiutiteuing and at h r borders the civilized world waits while (lern.any reforms her- ,-lf from w iMiin. ()n- provision of ih" armistice, which wa-- soppieinentary to the text a- tirst drawn by the supreme i.r fonncil and therefore does not appear in the text as President Wil son delixered it. was inserted tifter the Cerman revolutionists took pos-f-e.-'siop of the Ciermnti fleet. It provides that if the fleet is not delivered ;s specified in the agree ment, the assoriaTe'I governments may occupy the Helgoland fortress lis an advanced bae to secure pos session of it. President's Address. The president spoke as follows: "Cent Iemen of the congress: In the.-c anxious times of rapid and st u peiifions chang" it will in some deg?-. i;g!;:ri'd my sense of respon sibility to perform in person the duty of communicating to you some of the larger circumstances of the situation with v. Inch it is necessary to d "a!. "Tiie tbrmau auihmities who have at the invitation :j( the supreme war council been in communication Mil: Marshal Koch, have accepted wid signed the terms of armistice which he was authorized and in-j struct ed to communicate to them. I (The president at this point stated I the terms of the armistice, which appear above.) Ends War, Says President. Concluding the terms of the armi stice, the president continued: "The war thus comes to an end; for. having accepted these terms of armistice, ii will be impossible for the Cerman command to renew it. "It is not now possible to assess the consequences of this great con summation. We know only that this tragical war. whose consuming flames swept from one nation to an other until ;.ll the world was on fire, is at an end and that it was the privilege of our own people to enter it at its most critical juncture in Mich fashion and in such force as to contribute in a way of which we are all deeply proud to the great :-',:!:. We know, too, that the object of the war is attained; the object upon which all free men had set their hearts-, and attained with a sweep ing completeness, which even now we do not realize. Armed imperial ism, such as the men conceived who were but yesterday the masters of Germany, is at an end. its illicit ambition engulfed in black disaster. Ii DERI PRETTY WEDDING SUNDAY KISS ANNA E. SABATKA. OF THIS CITY WEBS JOSEPH HREACES OF KAY. MONTANA. A try pretty wedding l one oi the fair daughters !' thi- city Mirs Anna K. Sabatka. at 'he i)o! ifo' ary Bohemian t "at Indie church in this city, to Mr. Joseph Hrba.ek of Kav. Montana. Tiie bride Mis Anna K. Saba'ka. was born and grew to w.niKinhooil in tins citv. an! is the accomplished daughter of Mr ami Mrs. t-ratiK j-ai-afka sr.. anu ill's a host of friends in this citv. Mi s S:'.b:Mka who lias been fi r ihe past ten tears Ml '!!!! ! ye of ti .- 'i. '.. Smith factory, has by her faithful work and abilitv as a seamstress. and a business lu.m.iuer became t!; foreman, or superint ndeiit of t! factory at tiii point, and under h r supei inteiidency the branch is now prospering. Mrs. 'Iraback will con tinue to work with the M. K. :M.ii:h people until spring, at which time she and husband with a small daugh ter oi -Mr. lirt;;c K. will go to t:ie:r farm m-ar Kay. Montana. wh.-r. they will farm. Tin :r.)oni Mr. Jo.- llrb has a farm of half t-ection near Kay. Montana, but is at tiie present em ployed with the i'.uilington in their j hop.-- here where he will continue to work during the winter. After the ceremony the friends re paired to the home of the parents of the bride where a sumpt uous wed ding dinr.i-r was served, at which there was uily the immediate rela tives, they being the sisters of the bride, and Joseph Urosda. of this city and Charles Skripsky and fa mi 1 ;es. ARE VISITING IN THE WEST. Pt "in '! ! -'iia v s T'tiily. Mesdames K. M. (lodwin. Henry Steinhauer departed morning for Kenesaw. where go to visit at the home of Mr Mrs. John Hchurgar and family. and this they a tui Mrs. Schurgar. being a daughter of Mrs. K. M. Codwin, formerly Mbs Mollie (Jodwin. Thev will visit for a few- days and are ;roing because ( the little blue eved grand daughter which has just came to make her home with Mrs. Schurgar. and which Crandmot her Codwin had not seen before. DIED AT OMAHA HOSPITAL. Kiotll Tues.lnvs li.iilv. Yesterday Mr. Robert Lazelle, who lias been making his home at the Masonic Home for the past near ly hve years, was taken to the Knianuel Hospital, where he under went an operation, with the hope of restoring his health, but from which he never recovered dying late in the night. Superintendent of the Home went to Omaha this afternoon and return ed with the remains, which will be interred at the cemetery west of th? city. Mr. Robert Gazelle was 7 1 years of age and come to the Masonic Home some five years Hgo from Curt is, in the western port Ton of the state and had made hi.s home there since. Itching piles provoke profanity. but profanity won't remove them. Doan's Ointment is recommended for itching:, bleeding or protruding piles. 60c at any drug store. ! Dick Schlicher cf 0:naha w:.3 '. looking after some business in Plattsmouth this morning. Get the Genuine end Avoid Waste Economy in Every Cake PLATTSMOUTH CELEBRATES TRE VICTORY BEGINS WITH THE RINGING OF SELLS SOUNDING OF THE WHISTLES AND PARADES. WOR PROCUIBS I HOLIDAY All Business Houses To Close Abso-lutclj- Tight From Two P. SI. to Midnight. We all knew it was coming. It like the decrees of fate, could not deferred, it had to Collie. The citizens of Plattsmouth had made preparations during yesterday, and at the intersection of Sixth a: ! Main s'reits. was placed the old !ite ! -'. 1. guilde.l on the outside, and a painted upon it to represent the famous Liberty Hell, ami from it were ran streamers of fhig-- to th.e four corner buildings. This with other preparations were made for he evening which eery one seetu- ! to know was goir.g to happen be fore Morning, and when th" l:rs flah came, operator John Maylield called and noiiid the citizens, ar.d at ':i'o a. ri. the hell began to peal fourth the glad tidings that The "Armistice had been signed by Cer i:iany" at midnight. Following the ringing of the !'l! was th.e ringing of the Presbyterian bIl. then the bell at St. Paul's ''"vangelical church :.t:d at I': to the Ihirliugton shops whistle in concert with the switch i'i: L:ine began their portion of the rejoicing. At 1:V a par.; !" was started headed by Mayor Schneider with a flag w at. ii.g. and followed by Frank Foreman, the Sixth Street grocer, with another large one. The re porter happen d to he in the parade, bvt Hans Siev. :s called him away to .s.-i.-t in ringing the bell in the "oi:rt house clock. This afforded a good view of the columns of peopb as they were augmented, every mo menT as tin y marcln-d v. and d;wn the streets with the hand playine. firing of guns. ! waivin- of flags, a- weil as sine. in g patriot !c sontr-. and shout i:ig t!;emsdves hoarse, and all for th.e cause of joy for the sav ing of the world. fs;r civilization and humanity. About four thirty Mayor Schneid er proclaimed that this city shall have a holiday from 2:0(1 p. m. un til midnight and tint all business rhall suspend. The facts were that the celebration ha already began and tin-re was no stopping it. and as we are writing this item it is -till in progress. Cap' air. Ha wis of the Home Cuards was called upon tor an aedress. wuich he mad" ex pressing th.e feelings of the people in this cessation of the war and victorv for the liberty of the world. rs. Frank Cohclman was the first lady t ' get out. and sh- was accorded the honor of hoisting the flag at the intersection of Sixth and Main, while the men gave three rousing cheers as old glorv unfurled her stripes to the views of the as sembled crowd. While the celebra tion was not to begin until two clock this afternoon, during all the morning there were marchings of the crowds which grew in volume, and before noon numbered thousands of citizens of the city and neighbor ing country. There was no time af ter the beginning of the parade that there was nothing going on. The psrade was mej .at the llur- lington ttation by the passenger train going east at ten o'clock, the engineer of which blew the whistle, with the switch engine joining in with the crowd of enthusiastic citi zens, who snouted like the shout when tiie walls of Jericho fell down. After the passage of the train the parade went to the Burlington shops, and returning to the city kept the celebration and as we go to press are as enthusiastic as at the beginning and with much more momentum. . At the court house a large flag which has been in the district court room was displayed over the south entrance, while new and brighter flags were displayed over each door, 'and the beautiful silk flacs. of the Grand Army of th Republic, and the Woman's Rplief Corps. were posted one at one end and the oth- er at the other end of the big can non em the lawn. They indeed made an elegant appearance. Flags and hunting were in evidence all over the city. HAVE A BEAUTIFUL SERVICE FLAG Fiem Monday's Hatty. The St. Paul's K vange! ical church have on display on the south side of the church building a service flag which contains seventeen stars, each represent ir.g a member who has gone to the service, and one of them a gold star, representing one who has paid in full his devotion to country. This one is August Hesse, who died at a hospital in the south. The gold star, with the sixteen oth ers surrounding it makes a beauti ful design, and with the Red Silk, for the border, and the while field with the blue stars presents a very nice flag. WILL NOT RAISE CHICKENS. I'leei Tiii-S'lnv's I)ailv. A few days since most of this year's crop of chickens which Peter Herold and wife raised were ap propriated by some one who likes chicken, better than they feared the punishment for the infraction of the law. and have stolen the fries. Mr. Herold says he has had enough of raising chickens for some one else to eat. Still the stealers cf chick ens had better beware or they will get some shot to ens. ;o with the chick- MISS CLARA BULL OIES OF PNEUMONIA WAS TEACHING SCHOOL AT TIME TAKEN WITH SPANISH FLU. ONLY DAUGHTER. :!..!ri v's In!l". Miss Clara Hummel!. the only daughter of Mr. Jacob Kummell. of :.ear Heaver City, and a very ue- 'omplished young lady. has just recently died of pneumonia, result ing from Spanish Influenza, which lie was taken with while she was ni.a.gcd teaching school, near Heav .r City. Miss Clara was much near r the citv. where she was teaching 'han at her home and was hurried to the hospital at Reaver City where she was given treatment, but was not able to overcome the dis ease. This is the third of their children which has been lost recent ly. A son was burned so he died ome two or three years since and another son young man having died The loss of this daughter is a severe blow to this couple. Mrs. Rummell is a cousin to Mrs. C. L. Herger of this city and Jacob Hummel!. ; brother of Fdward and Will Hum mell and son of Grandma Runiniell west of the city. CHANGE IN PICTURE BUSINESS l-"roi-k Tnes.tav's Pailv. Roy Smith who has had the pic ture business in this city for tome time, has a short time since dispos ed of the studio. in the Coates Rloek, and has accepted a position with the Hast man Kodak company it Lincoln, and departed a few days since for that place. He has dis posed of the business to Christ and Christ, who have taken charge of the business. Mr. Christ having come from their former home at Ft Dodge, Iowa, and is now in charge of the business. HOLD MINISTERIAL MEETING. From Tiies.biv's Jaily. The ministers of this city met this morning at the Hotel Wagner. where they re-organized and elected officers, the selection of the chair man of the association falling on Rev. Wilbur Leete. and the Secre taryship falling to Rev. H. C. Mc Cluskey. Rev. A. V. Hunter also being in attendance. Rev. J. H. Steger being indisposed and could not attend the meeting. A resolu tion was passed, making 11:00 a. m. Monday morning of each week the date and the Hotel Riley, the place of their meetings. That Terrible Backache. Mrs. G. Hyde, Homestead, Mich., writes: "1 had that terrible back ache and tired out feeling, scarcely able to do my work, but find by us ing Foley .Kidney Pills that I soon feel like a new person." Foley Kid ney Pills help the kidneys throw out poisons that cause backache. rheumatic pains and aching joints. Sold everywhere. Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are due to impure blood. Burdock Hlood Hitters as a cleansing blood tonic, is well recommended". $1.25 at nil stores. George Stones and wife who have been visiting at Omaha returned home last evening. -Public Entire Cleanup Sale of Luther Hall's Per sonal Property, at his home, on Friday, Nov. 229 1 9 NEAR UNION, NEBRASKA consisting of 175 Head of Cattle 32 two-year-old Herford's 100 Head of Yearlinc Hereford's 4 Head of Shorthorn Yearlings A few Milk Cows 15 Head of Good Horses and Mules 30 Head of Hogs General Line of almost new Farm Machinery. N')Ti-i: t n in i:i :i t i:sr ii:- I'i:.l .NTS. AI.Sii T. Ni i. i;ii DKNT 1 iKKKXI .NTS TIIKIl: I'.v- K.Miw'N iiKiiis. i i-:vir,!-:i-:s. i.i;;. tkks. i'i:i;si i.v !. i:i:i'i:i;si;NT.- TIVKS .XIi Al.l. oTMKl: I'KKSHXS i.Ti:i:i:sTi:i i ix tiikik kstatks. To te ore liavis. it' livn,. it .1, the unknown ln-irs, devisees, legatee.--, personal represent a 1 1 ws aa.t all persons :iil.eite.l ;ri 1 is estate; Charles "ut, if :iv;riK. if ie, . a.-e.i. t! unknown heirs, il.-vis.-t s, ley;, tees, per sonal representatives aiei all eTi.. r persons n t -rest .! in lis e-Uiile; A'ei. -l am le. if li vim;, ir" .-a sc-l. ti e unknown heirs, devisees. !-i:attes. i sotial repi es.-nta t i es an.'. all o.ii.r persons i n t resteii in lis estate; . 'iirtist us Kians. Kemper i"i;:ns. I .; -vina Wolfe; Kiiimu Cross; .lo.-epl. Sai.s ami Susie Sans. You anil ea Ii of vnu are herehv noti fied that on the Ith day of (ietePer 1!1S. a petition was filed in the l'is triet c'oiirt of i'hss County. Xeluaska. in whieli Flora I-'. Sans .was "plat lit i tf. and you. together with others were de fendants. The olijeet and prayer of whieh pe tition is to quiet the title in the plain tiff and her grantee to the follow in if deseri lied real estate to wit: The Kast half of the Northwest (Juarter: also tiie West half of the Northeast ijuarter: also t!;e N'ortheast e.Hiarter of the Southwest ejiiarteiT al so the Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter: aN.. the Kast half el the Northeast Quarter of the Smith west Quarter: all in f"e.tioti seven'eeti i 1 T l Tow ns h i it e I e ve.i Mil iit't)i Kanre fourteen I 1 4 i Kast ith I'. M. Cass e'ounty. X. l.raska. You are re.'iii ed to answer said l.etiti.m on or liefole the 1 t. I 1 1 ilav of 1 leeem Per ISlV C. A. KAWKS. Attorney. ri.or.A i". saxs. Plaintiff, js-iwks'. m:;i, Noiici:. In tl I'ounty Court of the Con ti t y of Cass, Nel.raska. In the matter ot the estate of P.urton C. Kerr, deceased. .Now on tins 4tli day ot ictoH'T HUS. this cause came n for lie;, rin;; upon the petition of sa ra h Kliza h jven. iia,nm nun a.iMUM.s!,.. ine esiaie in i.ui uni . im'ii, ' ois liense.l with, and that the names of his heirs le determined and establish ed hy an order of this court, and that an order he entered Larrinir all claims: on considertit ion whereof; .'T IS iKI iKKKi ) unit a hearing on said petition he had upon the '."th day of November ltilS at ten o'clock A. M. at the Court House, County .ludnt's Office, Plattsmout h. Nehr.. and that notice thereof he (riven to all persons interested liv mi I-1 ish i n ir this order in the Plattsmouth .lournal. a semi- weeklv newsnaner in irenctal in ula- tiori in Pass County, Nebraska. lot three successive weeks prior to th date of liearing. ltv the Court. -LI.KX J. HKKSOX. County Judye i.i:;ai. mitick. NOTICK TO NON-K KS1 1 i-:NT l'i : KIOXHAXT. HIS 11 KIRS. I.K A TI". KS, DKVISKKS. PKKSOXAK K I PI :'.N 1 -AT1VKS. ANP Aid. PKKSONS 1NTKK- i:STi:P IN HIS KSTATK, Oil Ills- SI C- CIOSSOUS. To ". I leinilier.cer. first real name unknown, if liviny. if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, leyatees, per sonal representatives, and all other persons interested in nis esiaie. You and each ot ymi are nercny notified that on the 1Mb day of )( toh -r lit IS. there was a petition IiP'd in the ldstrict Court of Cuss Count. v. Nebras ka, in whieh Joseph W'a rya was plain tiff, and 1-:. V. Ileimheryer. first real name unknown, if liviny. if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, leyat-.s, nersonal representatives and all othM- persons interest-1 m his estate, to yether with others, were defendants. Ihe object ami prayer m wnicu i'ii- tiotl is to ijuiei ine line in iu- plain tiff Joseph YVarsra. to l.ots ti ve i p si .x ... ?.'. ... and eiyht 3 in Hlock thirtv seven C5T1 in Yonny I lay's Ad dition to the Citv of Plattsmouth. (Vi-a Countv. TsenrasK.'i. because said tdaintiff has had 1 1..- j Dns.-r.iAcn & mach, The largest and best equipped dental offices in" Omaha. Kxperts 5 in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICKS. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized after using. U iTHIRD for treatment, and no monev to be paid nnti I cared. Write for book on Recta I Diseases, with na mes and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Sulldlnff OMAHA, NEBRASKA 8eJe!- a.tual. i'"ii. notorious. ei!u-ie. ,,n.l adverse possession t I i !'-.. !'. and e.iv I'areel and portion thereof tor inoe than ten years last past prior to the eonini. to-, iriei: t of said .-olion and l"i eipiitahie You and a ii of veil a i . fuilh.-r notili.-d that von ale 1. nulled lo ah. -wer aid p. titioii 'ii or I . t i ; . M'.:, da v th-- 1 i'l h da v of I n e.r I " T -f is K I ' 1 1 i:. ; v. C. A. MAU LS. l".i,.iM ;. Attorney. s, - pv k.-. (lit: IMsTItM I Oi It I o ss ( II! M l . l ltl! . la liiatt.-'.-:i 1 K i k ;m.i i .1 M nta ! ' r l iir ll.arOm l-iiiiitii I or iile .l Ural Kstiilt li un rtl in n. Now on tli's in- d. of X 1 1 1 1 i , . I i.. lIMs. this cause .alio- ,ei t..r hearini; on tin petition of Ali..- Johu--oti. ! ;:a r.iia!. of the pel son and estate of Heiny K i :. Part . ln.rita'U ine.eii-I'.-tent. praii.u for- lic-tis.- t s.-il lie fol low i m;- il.-scri e"d i.a! I . . -. 1 1 ; hot M'tnhor t'oi.r t i, in 11. Nurl h west. .':;aite of t'e S-eitliw.-st ieia'!.r: also hot ii e . .'. I 1 a the Sol.t ,W e.. iiia t li-r of t'e ;, w. .-t .1 1 ..i i i . r, ali :n Section Xinetei-ti i 1 : i in Tou u s! i. Tw l'e I J . i hi ii - ' !'.; i I i!li in s i'..u-t.v. XePra.-lia. cimi I a : n : ir t v i . - a : .1 s i .. -1 , Vl. ! riel'etiis a. li s. more of !e.-s. . - .'filii'!. i--' S'llVe. of .-.1!, ;.. s. fi'i th- pi.i p. s. of n..i i ii ; a ! ii i : l: th. .i id j ''e:: teni. j ' h : ' OloO. ! . I ; -1 1 i hi!'.. I e e r 1 1 a I i i ' , a a pe - i Ihe covt of tiis .i o, ! i n . e.'i n U s I 1 t I . i. 'It pe I SO II., I ; ' n i :u n I a i . i said ward. I it is tiikkki-i ii:i: m:i i- i ; i:i that jail persons .ntei est. .! in Ihe estate .1 'said i-: : l;m 1 .a r i . inentallv in- n.iii'l. lit, appear I. . fore at ,lh. MStllc! I elllt roolll HI the court l.oli-e I in I la ' I sinoiit a. i ass oiintv. .N.'hni-- k;l. en the '.Mil ! 11 V of I leee 1 1 1 I .e r. A P. i i ., v . , (... :.,,ni of lnpie o'clock a ni of s;.;d da v. t" show cause why a li.e)...-.. si O'lot Lot I e e.:.nte.i l.t e:.!.! ,,.,p.,,, u, ..p ,p,.y. ,,.- ril.ed , ,.J, m,m,v I : , . .. , l .;, i i . y . m ,., t , m, 1, as iv (t. I1,.,.,.fiS.l ,. v ) mi i a 1 a i ii - a lice. n is rtirr! 1 1:1: m:i .1:1: i:i . that uoti'c to all persons inter. -sled in the istale of lli'in y K i k 1 1 1 a I r v , m e u I a I i v incompetent. Lii.ii l- p n hi i s h i n i; a . opy of this oid. r for at h-aM thic-:-l! eessive Weeks ill the I ' a f I s III o I ! I I .lniii mil, a s.nii-w. ki new spa p. r prinled and in iM ie ail ir. illation in ('ass ('oentv. N hiaska. prio.' to aid dat" of hearini;. i in witnkss wii i:i: i:i n-' i ha.- . heieunjo iNov. tnhei in hand th is Lhid da of . I i.. P'l. ll-l-::w .IAMKS T. 1 :i a : I.I : Y. i.f the istrict (.'ouit. mitk i: ni en i -:' oits Slate of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. In I lie i on n I i nurl. In the Matter or the Kslate of William K. I'l.V, I eceased : To the Creditors of Said K.-!nlc: on are hereby notili.-d lli.u I will sit it the County Court room in th. City of I 'hit tsmo'it h, in said oiitii. on the P'tli day of N'ociii her. l:i, .. i ii eclo.k A. M.. and on the :.''M h d.n of February 1H1!', at 1" o'clock A M. to receive and eamine all . laim-; ayainst said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowanei-. The time limited for tin- presentation of .hums ayainst said .stale is three mouths from the t!Uh day of November. A. I'.. ISIS, and the time limited for pavim-nt of debts is one year from said Pub lav of November, 1'ilV Witness my hand and seal of said Count v Court, this 1Mb day of ict fi ler. P" In. AI.KKN J. PKKSiiN. S".i h Cow nt J ml - e P.v riorenc.' White, Clerk. M-.':;w Now is the time to join the War Stamp Limit Club. See Chas. C. -r-. i . r . ravmeie ltr parucuiaja. the dentists FLOOR, PAXT0.1 BLOCK, OMAHA , FEstuia-Pay When'Cured A mild system of treatment that cures Piles, Fistula and other Rectal Diseases lo a short time, without a severe sur gical operation. No CSlertrform. Ether or other general anasthetic. iied. A cure fiuaranteed in every cas arcented