The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 07, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1918. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. I?.E 5. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People Are You Prosperous? Are you riding on a pros perity wave? If you are, lay aside some of your prof its now. Deposit your surplus cash in bank. There have been thousands of new bank accounts opened in the oast six months. Are you one of the new de positors? See us toaay about your banking. We'll be only too glad to explain our methods. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK Alex Khoden arrived home from Kirksville. Mo., one day last week, and is feeling as weel as could be ex pected at this time W. II. Puis and family were in riattsmouth Monday afternoon, to inet-t Mrs. Puis who was returning home from Omaha. XV. II. Puis and family, Alf. Gan : iik r and family and Fritz Lutz and family spent -the day last Sunday at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil ip Ilild. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Gansemer were in Omaha Monday and while there Ixmpht their first shipment of goods for the opening of the new general store. These good will be conveyed to Murray over the truck route. Mr. Gansemer expects to lay in a com plete new line by the opening date for the new store arrangement in Murray. The Ked Cros societies of this community served dinner at the Presbyterian church on election day. We cSn vouch for the excellent qual ity of dinner served for we took din ner with the ladies, and we have no ln'Miancy in stating that It was one of the finest dinners that we have rnjoved for some time, and they were deserving of all the patronage they received, and more to. W. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. HATES SEASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! IlKVERSK Telephone 1511 ALL CALLS Murray Exo "range COFFEE' You have read in the papers of the advance on coffee, in which some grades are up four, five and ten cents per pound. We offer subject to stock on hand, the following: Regular 30c Peaberry, per pound 27c Fancy Blend, worth at least 5c per lb. more 25c " 35c grade 30c Large Grain Marogippe, sold by others at 30c . 23c Golden Sun Coffc, one pound package 35c Make your saving while we have a slock on old prices. matt MURRAY, of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers m For Sale Barred Plymouth Hock cockerels, $1.50 and $2.00 each. Mrs. W. O. Troop, Murray phone. Rex Young came in from Grant. Nebraska, the first of the week, at which place he bought a car load of dairy cattle. Mrs. Sans and family moved inteo their new home last Saturday, and are now quite comfortably settled in the new quarters. This is one of the finest residence properties in this community. The Murray Schools opened for school on Monday morning of this week, after being closed for some time on account of the Spanish flu. It is hoped that the disease will con tinue to grow less in this commun ity. Roy Cline arrived in Murray Tues day morning for a few days visit with home folks, coming up from Camp Fuuston, where he is now sta tioned in the arm. He had just re covered from a very serious seige of the flu. from which he suffered for the past three weeks. The flu was followed by anattack of pneumonia in a very severe form. He looks rathed peeked from the result of the disease, but is gaining very rapidly at this time. He reports at the Camp for duty on next Monday. Ted Harrows completed the deal this week whereby Mr. L. IJ. Hiatt becomes the owner of his residence property in Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt will move into their new home sometime next week, at which time Mr. and Mrs. Barrows will take up their residence in the property own ed by Mr. Barrows parents for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Barrows have not made up their minds just what they will do in the future, but the many friends will be pleased to learn that Mur-av will be their home lor a time at least. . Tutt, NEBRASKA Lard for sale Oldham Stock Farm. Miss Clara Young was home ovtr Sunday, for the first time in the past three weeks. Earl Terryberry has been quite sick for the past few days with a throat trouble. - Mrs. Will Countryman who has been quite sick for some time, is im proving at this time. Minford &. Creamer shipped a car load of stock to the South Omaha market Tuesday evening. School has begun again in Murray, but the next number of Lyceum course will be postponed on account of the flu. The Missionery Society will be en tertained at the Oldham home by Mrs. Long and the Oldhanis at their next meeting. Mrs. L. H. Puis and children were visiting with Mrs. Puis parents Mr. and Mrs. Hild, in Plattsmouth Satur day evening and Sunday. The Alamo farm lighting plant was installed in the new farm home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Hild this week. The plant was put in by the Puis Murray agency. ('has. Chriswisscr and family, from near Nehawka, were in Murray Tues day of this week enroute home from Plattsmouth, where Mr. Chriswisser is receiving medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Young arrived homo from their extended visit up in North Dakota last week. They report a very pleasant trip and a most enjoyable visit among relatives and friends. Gus and Ben Mohr, from down near Avoca, sold their Perkins coun ty land the past week, through the Frank Yallery agency, of Murray. They are buying more land in that part of the country. The Lewiston list is still growing since last week. John Hobscheidt donates one lamb. Otto Welzmuller one duck, Mrs. Nick Friedrich one pair of pure bred Rhode Island Red chickens, Mrs. Kennedy a pair of pair of pure bred White Leghorns. Mrs. Harry Creamer two pure bred R. I. cockrels, Mr. T. J. Tilson ore half dozen hand made sweeping brooms. Geo. Shrader one pair of pure bred Indian Runner ducks. Who will be the next with a cow, horse, automobile or a Ford? W. G. Boedeker is in receipt of a letter from Capt. Gil more, somewhere in France, in which he states that, the army life is sure a busy one, in fact that work is the middle name for all tl'.e physicians and surgeons right now. He says that he is en joying the life, and the busy part of it is what he like-;. The trip over the big pond was one full of excite ment and adventure, and as the doc tor describes it "just like driving a fliver. expecting to receive a punct ure at most any moment, but "nary a one came". He was troubled with the usual sea-sickness at all, and of of coudsc this made, the trip one of real pleasure. There was another change made in the future for the Murray Hard wars and Implement Co. and the general merchandise firm of Puis &. Gansemer the past week. In this change in the management of the two firms, Mr. Ted Barrows, who has been a member of the hardwars firm retires altogether, and the hardware business will be conducted in the fu ture by Mr. L. H. Puis alone, and Mr. Gensemer, who has been asso ciated with Mr. Puis in the general merchandise store for the past few years, assumes full charge and own ership of the general merchandise line, and both lines will be carried in the large store building, the same being separated into two storerooms with the harwars in the west side and the general merchandise in th east side. Mr. Puis has purchased the interest of Mr. Gansemer iu the building. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks for the sympathy and kind ness shown us by our neighbors end friends during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Sarah Smith, and especially do we thank thoae who contributed flowers, the choir, and those who prepared' the church. The Family. PUBLIC SALE There will be a public sale held at the Will Ilonian farm home west of Murray, on the Anderson Davis place, at Maple Grove, on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 9th. at which time Mr. Horaan will offer for sale his household goods, some chickens and a number of cords of wood. Bear in mind that the sale will start at one o'clock in the afternoon. 1 If try of the readers of the Journal knov- of any social event or item of interest In this vicinity, and will mail same to this office, it will ap pear umier this heading. We want all newsiiemb Koitoii 11. R. Nickels was a Plattsmouth visitor Monday afternoon. Mrs. George Park was a Platts mouth visitor last Saturday. George Park and wife are listed among the sick this week. JIavs Etta M. Nickels was calling on Union merchants last Saturday. L. Puis was looking after some business matters in Omaha Monday. A. 1). Crunk and wife were tran sacting business in Plattsmouth on Monday. John Hobscheidt trucked a load of sheep to -the South Omaha mar ket Monday. John Hendricks and family were Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday afternoon. Walter Sans had a car load of sheep on the South Omaha market Wednesday of this week. Miss Etta Nickels was in Platts mouth Monday afternoon, concern ing the Red Cross dinner at Lewis ton. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cross and wife are rejoicing this week over the arrival of a new baby girl at their home, on Nov. 1. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Troop, who have deen down with the flu for the past few days are all able to be up and around again and are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hild have been suffering for the past week with an attack of the flu, but are getting along very nicely at this time, and will so-n be able to be up and a rati ml. Dr. Jake Brendcl, who has been down with the flu for the past ten days, is again able to be up and around to look after his practice, which has been keeping him busy for Ihe past few days. Judge Claiborne and wife, of Om aha, were in Murray last Sunday, and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt. They were ac companied by their neice. Miss" Cath erine Claiborne, of Washington. We regret that we failed to men tion the arrival of a new baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lien Speck, on October 17. We know that Ben is just as happy as though we had not overlooked the little man's arrival. There is still quite a number of flu cases in this community, but all are getting along very nicely at this time, and are recovering very rap idly. The most serious cases are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ruby and family, where they have two trained nures looking after all mem bers of the family, who are suffer ing with the disease. Frank Yallery, the rustling real estate man. has been busy this week in looking after "swaps" of all kinds among which was the trading of the Kaufniann property in Plattsmouth to an Iowa man for some Perkins county land. This property belonged to Mr. Shinn, who becomes the own er of three quarters in Perkins coun ty, by trading in some other pro perty. THE GAS MASK DRIVE Apologies to Kipling. By Robert Uonsum "What makes you save your olive stones?" the Thoughtless Waster cried. "The Government has asked for for them," the Patriot replied. "I den't see what it wants of them," the Thoughtless Waster cried. "It wants the carbon that they make," the I'atriot replied. "80 we're gathering up' the cherry pits, the peach stones aud the shell Of walnuts and Brazil nuts and of hickory nuts as well, And the youngsters hunt for buttter- nuts in every dale and dell. To furnish the materials for carbon. "What do they want the carbon for? the Thoughtless Waster cried. "To manufacture gas-masks,' the Patriot replied. "And a carbon respirator in a gas mask over there Will save our boys from gas attacks. Come on and do your share! "We dare not waste one single stone let's give them, all they ask! It takes two hundred peach pits to equip a single mask. And they've given you and me and every bo- j' else the task Of furnishing materials for carbon Mrs. Carl Dalton and Miss Mattie Larson were passengers to Omaha this afternoon, where they are visit ing at the schools of thnt place for the afternoon. Stationery at the Journal ofice. CHRISTMAS PARCEL FOR EACH FIGHTER GOVERNMENT HOPES THAT EV ERY SOLDI gR AND SAILOR WILL RECEIVE ONE SOX. NO MORE WILL BE CARRIED No Opposition Shown to Cortrr.u'no the Calder Daylight-Savins Law Senate Now Complains d te House as Extravagant. By ARTHUR W. DUNN Washington. The g-.ivc raiment, through its authorized representatives, has expressed the hope Out every soldier and sailor will receive n Christ mas parcel. For that reason prelim inary steps have been taken to secure for each of the soldiers and sailors something from home at C--:?;mv.s. In order that everybody may be served, the precaution has been taken ihnt only one parcel of a standard size and weight shall be sent. For the army the size is "! by 4 by 0 inches, nor. to ex ceed three pounds in weight, while sailors may be sent boxes 7re!shi:.-r .Iff pounds or less. Only one pdfefige of that character can be received fcv each soldier and sailor, and t-o It Is impor tant that the friends of each id- to It that no attempt is made at duplication, but rather that men who might not get anything shall be cared for. We are all very proud of our soldiers and sailors who ore fighting across the water and it is expected that their relatives in this country will take c:uc of thin in the matter of a Christina? box.' It is to be feared that some ol these fighting men will be neglected, but in all probability there will be many duplicate packages sent and It may be that the authorities will take it upon themselves to see that neg lected men are supplied out of the sur plus. There is not the least doubt in the world that these Christmas boxes w ill !e highly appreciated by our .sol diers and sailors. Additional information concerning the shipment of such packages can be obtained sit any post office in the country-Turning the clock ahead seems tc have worked very satisfactorily, foi there is not the slightest opposition tr making the Calder law a permanent fixture, or at least until after the close I 01 tne war. ine iaiuer law as 11 stands now provides that during the sunnnT months, or until October 27 thxdock should be set ahead fine hour. Now come the men who are dealing with war industries, and particularl.v the conservation of everything that will help win the war, and say that the law should be continued in order tc save daylight in the winter as well nf in the summer. Senator Calder has not been long in the senate, but he seems to have gained quite a wide rep utation by introducing the bill and pushing it through, which has made this vital change in the affairs of the country. The time was when the senate wn? called the extravagant body, and there were bitter complaints in the bouse ol representatives over the manner in which appropriations were increased That policy seems to have been re versed, particularly upon anything like an agricultural appropriation bill. Sen ator Kenyon of Iowa was one of the conferees upon the emergency appro priation bill, but he would not sign the conference report because the house w ould not agree to .have a number ol items left out of the bill. On this sub ject Senator Kenyon "said : "The first provision, where the item of $105,00C for production of beef cattle was stricken out, has come back in the bill and where these few economies crept - J in the senate and some of us had hoped that we might hold them in confer ence, practically all are eliminated, and the appropriations come back, cottage cheese and all, which item was re stored after many tears shed by the conferees over the cottage cheese situ ation. It simply illustrates that it is impossible to cut dow n appropriations." Naturally considerable Indignation was aroused on the part of Minnesota and North Dakota men when Congress man Stafford of Wisconsin asserted that the Red River of the North was not a navigable stream. They were in sulted, for the navigation of that stream, which runs north and finally through various channels reaches the Arctic sea, is bound up in the history of the Northwest and Its development. For many years steamboat navigation on the Red River of the North was the only rival of the famous Red river enrts in the way of transportation fa cilities between the headwaters of the Mississippi and Hudson bay. It 13 not surprising that Stafford should occa sionally make mistakes, for be Is so frequently in evidence during the pro ceedings iu the house. The several flare-ups iu regard to the condition of our airplanes subsided as do all such things, while those in charge have corrected the mistakes of the past and are doing great work In makiug the air service a success along with other war achievements. The pre diction is now made that America will soon be first in aviation. If that hap-' pens nobody will care very much what j the Hughes report wiU bring forth or what the senate reported Bom aU weeks ago. W. IHI. PUL SUCCESSOR TO- MURRAY Hardware and A COMPLETE LINE OF Hardware, Stoves, Paints and Farming Implements! We Will Try to Serve You in Doth Service and Quality! "4- MINUTE 1N--4" UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN. Cooperation is the Keynote. The seven different, organizations now united in this one campaign, all of which are under the direc tion of the Fosdick commissions, have been working together in har mony and complete cooperation since their organization and approval by the War and Navy Departments. In those camps or cunt on men Is where the Young Men's Christian Association huts were the first to be erected, these huts have been opened for the other organizations to use as necessity arose. In many of the Y. M. C. A. huts masses were held by Catholic priests from the churches of neighboring cities or by the chaplains connected with var ious regiments as soon as the build ings were opened and ready for use. In the same way these same huts have been used by the Jewish Wel fare workers aTd services have been conducted by the rabbi's of the neigh boring cities on Fridays, or at any time when request has been made. Similarly the American Library Association has made use of the buildings of both the Young Men's Christian Association and the Knights of Columbus, placing there the books which had been donated to the Library Association for cir culation among the enlisted men. This plan enabled the Library Asso ciation to get its work well under way before the library buildings were constructed. After the con Alf Gansemer GENERAL MERCHANDISE I have bought the Dry Goods and Gro cery and Boot and Shoe stock of Puis &. Gansemer store, and in the near future the same will be moved into the cast half of the storeroom. I have bought a complete line that will be offered to you just as soon as they arrive. We thank all the old patrons of this store and by kind courteous treatment in the fu ture hope to rcceiva a continuance of our pleasant business relations. ALF GANSERflER, THE SERVICE STORE, Dro- IVJach & IVIacIi, The Deintists It J I p I I fT?. . in I I I I f O 1 C A mild U I I I I I J other Recta I Diseases in short time, without a sevr re sur- g U U V fiical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general anesthetic oed. A core guaranteed in every case accepted for treatment, and no money to be paid onti 1 cared. Write for honk on Recta HKsesaes. with names and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have heen permanently cured. at DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bao CulHIn- OP1A!!A, NEBRASKA Implement Co. iriTgBET'ib',ui ffiua struction of Ihe library buildings the Knights of Columbus, Jewish Welfare and Young Men's Christian Association buildings have all been used as branch libraries lo inereaM, the facilities afforded to the meu for good reading. Where hast ess Ihmim-:- hae not been in operation the buildings open ed by other organizations have aside a room for the u- of v.o!nti relatives and visitors to the soldier i to use until such hostess houe uuM be opened by the Yiiunv Women's ( 'hrist ian Associat ion. These instances are only a few of the many illustrations which could be given of the complete co operation a pd sympathetic work of all the organizations one with the ot her. Mrs. W. 15. Rgcnbcrger departed this afternoon for Lexint'lon, wlieie she is visiting at the homo of her parents A. H. Rinker and family f"r a few days. Superintendent of the city school G. E. DeWolf, who was a vi.-ilor in Omaha for the past few days re turned home this afternoon. Mesdames C. S. Forbes and daur li ter Fred Wynn, were passengers to Omaha this afternoon, where they are spending the day with friends. XV. A. Hare-lay and wife d .-parted thi smorning for SI. Joseph, where they will visit for some time at the home of their ton Karl I'arday be fore Mr. Barclay takes tip hi,-; woik as Chief of Police. Mrs. Sam G. Smith departed tl:i afternoon for Omaha, where die is visiting at the south side with her relatives and friends. Murray, Neb. The largest and best equipped dental ofiices in Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instru ments carefully sterilized after using. THIRD FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA ems !TiciiIs Pav VJhonPifrorl UJ II Hull UUIbU system of treatment that curts Piles. Fistula and