The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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X ET--m -M .5.t
t n mH-tr''
Children Cry for Fte teller's
am our own
A-W eek!
Uncle Sam, the Big Boss, and the man we are all working for advises spreading
your Ymas trading over the remaining period of two months
and avoid the usual congestion in all lines.
w i vw
I 4
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use fcr over thirty years, has borne the signature of
mmrf - and has been made under his per-
0- sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience agairst Experiment.
r What is C ASTORIA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
Leen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
"Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation cf Food; giving healthy and natural deep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
genuine CASTOR i A always
lEears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Aiwayc
Fr.m Saturday's Pally.
Agnes Catherine Lowther, was
horn December IS. 1S53. at Carpent
er. Ohio. Died Oct. 2S, 19 IS, at the
home of her son Jesse Lowther at
Coleridge, Xefo.
Deceased had been failing in
health the past ten years, due to a
stroke of paralysis. June 2G, 191S
she suffered a second stroke of
paralysis from which she suffered
almost constantly until God .reliev
ed her pain and called her to her
reward. The funeral services were
held at 2:00 o'clock P. M. Thursday,
Oct. 31, at the residence of Jesse
Lowther, and the remains were con
veyed to the Coleridge cemetery
where she was laid to rest. The
funeral services being conducted by
Rev. Handel Collier of the 51. E.
Church of Coleridge.
5Irs. Lowther, whose maiden
name was Mark first opened her
eyes to the light of day in Meigs
county, Ohio. She grew to young
womanhood amid the familiar scene
of the old home where she was unit
ed in marriage in 1S75 to John V.
Lowther of that place. To this
union was born five children, all of
whom with the father survive to
mourn the loss of the loved one.
The children are Jesse and A. J.
Lowther of Coleridge. Neb., A. S.
Lowther of Wayne, Neb., 5Irs. Irma
Brown of Valentine, Neb., and 5Irs.
J. A. Root of Murray. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowther resided in
5Ieigs County, Ohio, until 1S99 vhn
they moved to Cass county. Neb.,
where they resided until the spring
of 19 IS, when they removed to
Wayne, Neb. , Mrs. Lcwther was a
kind wife and a loving mother, for
whom all her friends and neighbors
had great respect and love, and her
life since girlhood has been consist
ent with the teachings of the Chris-
i tian church of which she became a
member in early life.
Kioni Saturday's lnily.
Mrs. Herman' Spies has received a
card announcing t lie arrival of their
son Sergeant B. J. Spit'3 over seas,
he being with, and a member of
Wire Co. 109 Signal J'.attalion. It is
with much pleasure the rela
tives of this Plattsmouth young
American, hear that lie has landed
safelv over seas.
I wish to announce to the public
that on Nov. the ninth, I will sell at
the barn in Pacific Junction, Iowa,
100 head of Big Type Poland, in
cluding 11 fall yearlings that far
rowed litters this fall, 17 head far
rowed last of February, 17 head
farrow in May. and the balance o!
the 100 h?:ul will be from this fall
litter. In dispersing my herd of big
type Polands, I rm giving the
raisers an opportunity to secure
breeding seed that would be hard to
equal in this part of Iowa.
I am offering sows that have been
tried, and proven worthy of a place
in the best herd.
They are the large kind that pro
duce the big type, and if you don't
want to raise the big kind, don't
buy these hogs.
You will be able to buy hogs at
this sale that would not be offered
for sale if I wasn't dispersing my
' sale. Write for mailing list. Yours
for better swine.
J. It. HODGES., Iowa.
3 tE35ZZXZZ3&3SB3P
What is your size?
What weight do you prefer?
What style?
Like long sleeves or short?
Prefer knee or full length?
What color?
Every one of these underwear questions to yor
kntirk satisfaction with
Carter's EnTt
For "0 years and more m.derwear of proven mer
it. Come in. See how good they look. Wear
them and feel their , oodness. Let us answer
vour underwear questions for YOU, today.
Necessity of Case Prevents Giving
Commands in New Army to Men
Who Have Deserved Promotion on
Other Side.
Washington. When the war first be
gan the Cermans believed that the
United States would force an open
highway between Germany and this
country because of the necessity for
certain supplies and materials which
ve had been obtaining from Germany.
The most Important of these were
dyes and p..tash. Hut the Germans
made a mistake there as they have
In. other calculations. It has recently
been shown that nearly .?." M h U has
been invested In plants and factories
for manufacturing dyes, and that we
are now about as well off as before
the war began.
Secretary Lane recently made this
important announcement: "The United
States does not need German potash."
The secretary of the Interior then
went on to explain that the kaiser"
benst that nil countries will have to
depend upon Germany for potash after
the war is an idle and false state
ment. Nearly a quarter of .a million
tons of potash came from Germany
each year before the war. but when
the United States found herself cm
ofl she went to work and looked up
the potash fields, and It is now found
that we will have an ample supply not
only during the war but after the
war. And so not only was Germany
fooled into believing that America
could not yet along without her while
the war was going on. but she will
find that America will tret along with
out her after the war. This war is go
ing to be a very costly thin? for the
German people. They ought to be able
to take an account, of slock and see
what the 1 lohenrtoll'-rns have ' cost
them in prestige and prosperity.
There is a tremendous lot of disap
pointment among the friends of sol
diets who have already gone "ovei
then-" because the latter have not been
considered for appointment as olli
cers in the new armies that are now
being raised. Naturally we wou!dall
like to .see the men who have done
uch good service in beating back tht
Huns, and who have made good, get
the commissions and official positions
iu the new army. liy the same token
it would seem that the men who have
devoted their lives to tiie military serv
ice ought to be prefererd over those
who went in when the country was
called to arms. But solid fact inter
veues to prevent rewarding either tin
army officers who have been titling
themselves from boyhood for just such
a crisis, or the. men who were lirst to
volunteer, or were first drafted ami
have gone over ami become mightj
good soldiers.
The necessity of the case forces the
raising of an army ami officering It
from available men. At the begin
ning the regular army otlicers could
not all be taken from their regiments
and commands. Nor is it possible t
take the soldiers who have by splen
did service v on the right to have a eoin
mission and bring them hack here and
make them ollicers in the new arm
that Is being raised. In a country like
this where we did. not keep a large
standing army we must work with 4he?
material at Land and as we raise new
armies we must cr.'afe ollicers foi
them. If the army were fighting hen
at home it would not be such a task
to transfer soldiers who have earned
promotion und make them officers in
the new army, but we cannot brin.2
them back from Unmet and then send
them hack again to that country. The
men who are organizing the present
rrniy must do the best they can.
Telephone 53 and 54.
Mrs. Warren, wife of Senator War
ren of Wyoming, would like to know
the newspaper man to whom she is in
debted for a fine trip to the sc coast.
She says that for two weeks slit read
nearly every day in the papers about
what she was doing on the boardwalk
at Atlantic City while sojourning nt
one of the very fashionable hotels of
that delightful resort. "All the time
that this was taking place," said Mrs.
Warren, "I was out in Wyoming ridin?
horses on the ranch, and in other ways
enjoying myself. What I would like
would be to get those splendid gowns
in which I appeared on the board
walk and nt the hops. I shall miss
them very much."
It was a historic occasion when Pres
ident Wilson drew the first number In
the eighteen-to-forty-five draft lottery
Many high officials were on hand, as
well as photographers and moving pic
ture camera men. But no one would
have thought so, looking over the scene
an hour later. Porters were removing
the chairs that had been occupied by
the government officials, and the high
est remaining official In sight was an
army officer calling out the numbers
as they were drawn. from the bowl.
That is one thing about Washington.
So many historic functions here that
people h-ivo the time and desire to be
present at only the r.iost important
part of the proceedings.
Race Issue In Congress Practically Is
Abandoned Now Bill to Extend Ag
riculture May Not Become Law for
Some Months.
Washington. It has not needed r.n
real announcement, official or other
wise, to adjourn politics so far as wir
legislation Is concerned. One of the
very best features of the participation
of the United States in this great war
Is the fact that there has not been a
single partisan vote ast on any war
question. That is to say, while tin r
hits been .a difference of opinion hi
regard to a number of measures that
have been presented for the prosecu
tion of the mar, these differences of
opinion were not . based upon pM; t
lines in any manner whatever. U.oth
IJepublieans and Democrats voted foi
the war declaration; Joth voted
against it. Democrats aud Republic
ans voted for the corn -ription bill, ami
Democrats and Ilepublicans voted
against it. And so it has been with
all ef the Important war meaisiircs
that have been presented. There ha
not been a vote upon party lines on
any measure siffectlng .the war.
It has only been when an election
takes place; that partisan polities
comes to the front, when there is a;i
effort to elect either a Republican oi
a Democrat to fill a vacancy in ::
doubtful state for the senate or ::
doubtful district for the house. In
stead ef an attempt to inject politics
into the war, there has been an a:
tempt to inject the war into politics.
That has occurred iu nearly eer
ek'ction that has been held and frieni
of both party candidates have attempt
ed to prove that they are the slmon
pure war party. Urom what has ban
penod in elections already held, tie
chances are that the war issues wi!i
not affect politics one way or tl.
other, but Republicans will vote tm
Republican ticket and Democrats v.ii;
vote the Democratic ticket, and what
ever may be the result of the coiidnj
elections cannot have any bearing
upon the war one way or the other.
The race issue becomes mo:e and
more feeble each time it is brought
forward. Strange to say, it was th
Republicans who took the lead in
abandoning the race issue. During th;
fourteen years in which they were ir
control ef both houses of congress and
the presidency they never attempted
to pass a force bill or any other kind
of a measure which would inurt
black voting In Southern states. On
the other hand the Southern Demo
crats have kept the race issue going P
some extent, the last time by propos
ing an amendment to the woman suf
frage amendment to limit the exten
sion of the franchise to white wouien
only. This amendment received 1"
votes, 20 of them bting cast by sena
tors from Southern states, one by a
Northern Democrat from Montana and
the other by a Northern Republican
from Idaho. Perhaps this statement
is not wholly correct, because the vote
was to table the amendment instead
of being direct, and in all probability
Senator Borah voted "no" because he
has always insisted that votes should
be taken on the main proposition
rather than voting to lay on the table,
which is not a direct vote. I'ive sena
tors from Southern states voted to
table the race amendment. They were
all earnest suffrage votes and that
may account for them. No one evei
had the slightest idea that there was
any possibility of making a distinc
tion in a constitutional amendment
between white and black people in the
matter of the voting privilege.
House bill 11943 is having a most
Interesting history. Introduce!! four
or five months ago as an emergency
war measure, it has been knocking
about in the senate and house over
since. This Is the bill which is in
tended to stimulate agriculture and
appropriates about $12.00),MR) for that
purpose. It has had very "hard sled
ding," to use a Northtrn expression,
and the end is not yet in sight. It
has been severely criticized as a
rather useless measure and 1ms had
several important amendments at
tached to It, the most important belns
the one which makes the country
bone tlry after the 1st of June next
year. Then It is also the bill which
carries an antireut-profiteering propo
sition for the District of Columbia,
over which there has been a contro
versy for six or seven months. And
now there is a possibility that the
house will be without a quorum until
after the ejections. So it is quite like
ly that this "emergency" measure will
still drag along for two months mere
before it is finally passed.
For nearly three months Senator
I'orah has been persistent in one
thing, and finally his persistence has
been rewarded. "He has betn trving
to have printed the report of the fed
eral trails commission which so se
verely criticised the meat packers. He
has been thv.nrted time a.'ter time, but
linaiiy be got un.-ni :o:i-; consent to
liiive the report rinid.
A glance in oar east window may help you
We are offering you two cases of
men's hose, bought i. early two years
ajo, to h retailed at Hoc and 4 0c at
the exceedingly low price cf
25c AND 30c.
In srrey, white, black, blue and Palm
Reaoh. Hette-r buy V-m by the dozen
pa irs.
We can no longer buy a tie to retail
at ."Oc and 7Tc that will stand the
tvtt. We have them by t lie dozens
not rdiown before, and placed them
in three groups
35c, 50c iUD 75c.
They make excellent gifts, and it
will pay you to look them over.
S-H-I-R-T-S-! '
Bay Him a Shirt Up lo this time there has been very little advancement in re
tail prices on dress shirts. This will not be the case in the very near future
prices for Spiing are exorbitant. Our heavy early buying enables us to offer you
neat pin and broad stripes in seasonable colors, in madras, percales and silks
$1.25 to $7.75
Don't just buy one buy a year's supply!
For Register cf Deeds.
A. J. Snyder, candidate ror re
election, on democratic ballot for
the office of Register of Deeds. Your
support solicited, and any favors ex
tended me will be thankfully re
ceived. A. J. SNYDER.
Fcr Float Representative.
I am a candidate fcr the office of
Float Representative from Cass and
Otoe county, on the democratic bal
lot. IIaing served one term in the
legislature I believe I am in a good
position to care for the voters inter
ests ia the coming session. Your
support is solicited and will be ap
preciated. L. G. TODD.
date for the office of State Senator
on the Democratic ticket, I take this
method of announcing my candidacy
to those voters w hom "I will be un
able to meet personally before the
election. In soliciting your support
I assure you that your best inter
ests will always be looked after in
the case that I am your choice at
the November election.
Dunbar, Neb.
The nomination for county clerk,
having been given me, and being po
busy with the work of the office and
the additional work caused by the
Local Board, 1 will not have time
to leave the office during the cam
paign, and hereby announce my
candidacy, for the position of coun
ty clerk. Thanking those, who so
kindly supported me for the nomi
nation, and for what, they may do
at the election and assuring all that
I appreciate their support, I am
Democratic Candidate for Co. Clerk.
For Co:mty Commissioner.
I wirh to announce myself as
candidate on the Democratic ticket
for the position of countji commis
sioner for the third commissioner
district cf Cass county, and to as
sure all if elected. I shall at all
times, look after the best interests
of all portions cf the county. Thank
ing all who may in any way con
tribute to my election, and assuring
all that I appreciate what is done. I
Hike Tritsch for County Treasurer,
j Mike Tritsch should be reelected
i county treasurer because he has
made one of the most competent
officials the county has erer had. AID
anyone has to do is to look over his
books and see the manner in which
he keeps his accounts with the tax
payers. Competency is what 'the
taxpayers want. Mike Tritsch gives
t lie right kind of service.
From Saturday's Daily.
Dr. E. II. Worthman of Louisville
who has been confined to his home
at Louisville, is so he is out again,
and while feeling rather weak from
the ravages of the disease is on the
mend, and hopes in a short time to
be able to be about his business
again. Other than this case, the
Spanish Influenza, has been of a
very mild character in Louisville.
From Saturday's llally.
Rev. Wilbif S. Leete, pastor of
the St. Luke's church, 'received a
letter this morning from Sergeant
Don Arries, who is in France, and
who says among other things that
he had recently seen his brother
Byron Arries and that he had re
covered from his wound. He said
that they all fee! like General
Pershing, that they would be home.
at Berlin or h by Christmas. It
is looked more .strongly, that the
game would be over by that time.
9 f JLSVfi
For Representative.
I take this method of informfng
the voters of " Cass county, Nebr.,
that I am a candidate for the office
of Representative on the Re
publican ballot. In soliciting your
support I wish to assure you that
any favors extended ine will be
greatly appreciated.
jr i -r m :m sit r
Ford Rep
For County Commissioner.
Realizing that I will be unable to
meet all the voters of Ca-s county
before election, I take this method
of announcing my candidacy for the
office of County Commissioner, on
the democratic ballot. In soliciting
yqur support I want to assure you
that I will look after the duties of
the office to the best of my ability,
and that I will be commissioner for
the whole of Cass County.
For County Commissioner.
Having received the nomination
on the Republican ballot for the of
fice of County Commissioner, Sec
ond Commissioner District. I hereby
solicit the support of the voters at
th2 coming November election. Your
support and any favor3 extended me
will be greatly appreciated. ,
Having received the nomination
for the office of County Sheriff on the
Democratic ballot, I "hereby announce
my candidacy, and solicit the support
of all voters of said county. If en
trusted to my care the duties of the
office will be performed to the he?t
cf my ability.
It is important when your Ford car requires tun
ing up or repairing that you place it with an authorized
Ford 'dealer. Then, you are sure of having repairs
and replacements made with genuine Ford-made ma
terials by men who know all about Ford cars and who
ask only the fixed, standard, Ford factory prices .for
labor and parts. There will be no more new Fords
till after the war, so Ford owners should see to it that
their Ford is kept in smooth running condition.
We have bot a car load of new Ford bodies and
can make over your old Ford into a 1918 cars and it
will be just as good as new.
We keep a full line of Auto supplies, lubricating
oils and sell Red Crown gasoline at 26 cents per gallon.
Our garage is steam heated and fire proof. Stor
age rates reasonable. Open day and night.
We solicit repairs and storage of all cars without
regard to make. A few good overhauled and guar
anteed Ford Touring cars for sale. Also one 1918
Ford Roadster; one 1918 Ford Coupe and one 1918
Ford Sedan.
To avoid frozen radiators, use a good anti-freeze
or drain your radiators.
Storage batterties repaired and recharged.
The undersigned being a candi-
Authorized Ford Dealer, Plattsmouth Tel. No. 1.